How to choose the right floor plinth. How to choose the right skirting board for the floor. Colored contrasting floor frames

When arranging floors with laminated products, any home craftsman is faced with the problem of which skirting board to choose for laminate flooring. The beauty and practicality of the mounted flooring depends on a competent answer to this question.

The plinth, as many people know, is a special bar. It is installed at the junction of the floor and walls in the room in order to hide the gap between the indicated surfaces. Such planks perform a decorative function and, in addition, they protect the walls from dirt during cleaning.

Plinth for laminate

Modern manufacturers offer us a huge selection of all kinds of skirting boards. These products are primarily divided into different types depending on the material of their manufacture. Strips to hide the gap are:

  • wooden;
  • polyurethane, plastic and foam;
  • from MDF;
  • ceramic;
  • veneered;
  • aluminum.

Laminate flooring is ideally combined with wooden skirting boards. Veneered strips and MDF products are suitable for the coating we are interested in. If you want to save on repair work you can install on laminate and plastic baseboards. But experts in the field modern design do not recommend doing this. In their opinion, plastic products do not go well with laminated boards.

If you want to flooring looked attractive and performed its practical tasks, buy solid wood skirting boards for laminate floors or cheaper ones - from MDF (wood fiber) or veneered. In this case, you will be able to create really harmonious interior. Solid wood planks are highly durable and completely eco-friendly. For expensive species repair such products are ideal.

But here it is worth noting that the installation of wooden skirting boards is associated with certain difficulties. An inexperienced home craftsman is unlikely to be able to independently install such planks in rooms with rounded walls and in rooms with non-standard geometry; natural wood does not bend well. Products from the array, among other things, have a high cost. For this reason, more affordable veneered skirting boards are often used instead. The inner layers of such products are usually made of inexpensive wood, and valuable species go exclusively to their upper part.

Wooden plinth

Veneered planks are easier to mount with your own hands, and they external characteristics not much different from the properties of skirting boards made of natural wood.

If you want to spend the minimum amount of money and still get a beautiful laminate floor, you need to choose products for hiding gaps made from wood fibers using a vacuum pressing technique. MDF skirting boards are inexpensive and have good performance. A special paper, painted in one shade or another, is glued to the surface of such planks. From above it is covered with a mixture based on melamine. The latter guarantees enough reliable protection products from mechanical damage.

MDF skirting boards are often called laminated. The technology of their production is identical to the methods by which the laminate itself is made. And one more nuance. Planks made of wood fibers are afraid of water. When using them, give this feature of the material increased importance, otherwise the skirting boards will not last long.

AT recent times when carrying out budgetary home repairs, polyvinyl chloride strips are increasingly used, in which the presence of a cable channel is initially provided (you can hide electrical wiring and other wires in it). Not everyone likes PVC skirting boards. The unnaturalness of their appearance is immediately noticeable. But on the other hand, such products are resistant to mechanical damage, they are not afraid of water. And most importantly - the installation of PVC strips is as simple as possible.

We think that you have already understood how to choose a plinth for a laminate, given the material of manufacture of the products considered in the article. Now let's deal with the color of the slats.

Skirting board installation

When choosing the right shade of skirting boards, follow these tips:

  1. The color of the planks must not be dissonant with the overall interior design of the entire room, as well as directly with the shade of the laminated boards.
  2. A visual increase in the size of the room can be achieved by using skirting boards and laminate of the same color.
  3. It is undesirable to purchase planks that are darker (or lighter) than the color of the laminate flooring by more than one tone.
  4. Light strips (respectively, the laminate itself) are relevant for those decoration options when you want to make your room as light and filled with pleasant emotions as possible. In this case, it is worth considering an important detail. Light products are easily soiled. Get ready for the fact that you will have to wash them quite often and thoroughly.
  5. Planks and are selected taking into account the characteristics of the operation of these premises. Products with light shades in such cases are used extremely rarely.
  6. Original interiors allow the use of dark strips for light laminate and vice versa. But in this case, you need to correctly design the interior. Sometimes the desire to make it original leads to not the best results.

Choose the right skirting board for laminate flooring, take into account our advice, as well as its manufacturers, and then you will be able to create a truly impeccable interior anywhere in your home!

The choice of wall and floor finishes is often difficult decision, doubts arise both in the question of the practicality of the material, and in stylistic accents. Often, only after long family discussions, a long-awaited design project arises. In addition to large objects and key decisions - the choice of color palette, the degree of illumination of the room, individual zones, style and places for furniture, less important, but noticeable interior elements are also needed. In the course of their planning, you will definitely encounter the problem of how to choose a plinth. It can be designed both for the floor and for the ceiling, of course, the floor is more in demand, as it is more of a necessity than a decor.

The importance of making the right choice

Plinth has been known for construction for a long time. The word itself most likely comes from the Latin word for “tile”. This element was originally more of a decoration. On the this moment the plinth performs the function of protecting and strengthening the junction of the wall and floor, a decorative and decorative role, and also perfectly hides the cables that need to be routed around the room. Its size should be in harmony with the wall area, and its material and color should be combined with the interior.

You need to choose a plinth at the final stage of repair or construction. During the work, new details always appear, the color of the wallpaper can play in a completely different way in the light, the door after varnishing can become darker, and the floor will suddenly visually expand the space. If you purchase skirting boards in advance, there is a risk that in the finished interior, the color of the skirting board a tone darker or lighter would be preferable. Since no preparatory work this element does not require, it is quite possible to go to the store after finishing work on the installation of walls and floors, with a photo of the room or samples of materials. Keep in mind that if you look at a sample of a baseboard before varnishing or waxing, it will be slightly darker in the case of wood afterwards.

Dimensions and color

The size of the skirting board is measured in centimeters in height. The higher the ceiling and the larger the room, the more noticeable the plinth should be, which means you can safely take a massive model. If the room is small, it is better to run a skirting board along the edge of the floor with a very thin tape, which will help visual magnification overall height walls. However, everything is individual and a difference of 1-2 cm in the samples should not confuse you, the main thing is that the skirting board is of high quality and matches the style of the rest of the room.

You should think about how to choose the color of the plinth in advance. For a wooden floor, it is better to choose a tone or darker one. This will make a harmonious transition to the wall. Such a decision is especially relevant if you are developing the project yourself, it is impossible to make a mistake here, you just need to take a plank from the floor to the store as a sample. A bolder option is a plinth that turns into door slopes. it nice solution, which will revive the classic and support the modern interior. The lines should blend smoothly into door slopes and maintain the same thickness.

If the interior combines bright and contrasting colors, you can highlight the floor line with the help of a plinth. The color should not be combined with either the wall, or the floor, or the door. It can be a shade of a central lamp, a sofa or a shelving unit, paintings or photo frames. Such an interior ready-made can be safely called designer, because the concept is unified and everything is thought out to the smallest detail. There are no restrictions on color, of course, more often people choose basic ones, classic colors- black, white, beige, brown, but you can experiment.

Types of skirting boards

When thinking about which skirting board to choose, remember what requirements your room has. For a floor that is delicate, only skirting boards with wall fasteners are suitable. If you have semi-circular wall curves, you will need a flexible plinth. When it comes to the bathroom, there are no other alternatives than tiles.

There are models of skirting boards with a place for cable laying, which is also relevant in office space and in apartments. There are many materials for skirting boards, they are first of all sorted by price, as always, natural wood costs the most.

Wood plinth

These products are made from solid wood. They can be easily mounted and removed, filed and adjusted to fit. required size. The properties of natural wood allow such a plinth to please the eye for a long time. Wood, even after varnishing or special impregnation, still does not like moisture. This means that you should refrain from such a plinth in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. There are models that are more affordable, which is due to gluing inside the canvas, because it is not made from a single array, but from individual fragments. It is unlikely that this detail will somehow affect the operation and external data of the plinth model. The most expensive wood specimens are those made to order. They may include special bends, small areas for decorating corners. Painstaking work on the implementation of calculations makes itself felt and is reflected in the price.

The wood used for skirting boards is the same as for doors. It would be wise to buy a skirting board from the same company or workshop where you ordered the floor or doors. The leaders among the materials are pine, linden and oak. They are durable and strong. decorative trees, ash, walnut and other species are used less frequently and rather on individual projects.

The most budgetary model is the base of wood, most often it is pine or spruce, and veneer. This thin film is a cut from wood of more expensive species, such as cherries, pears. decorative material can be anything. Such a plinth allows you to choose the exact shade for the door or floor, but do not spend money on an array.


This material is quite often used both in the manufacture of furniture and in construction. It consists of pressed and glued wood. The technology provides good moisture resistance and color consistency. Such modern material is quite universal, and its economical component manifests itself only next to the array valuable breed. It is good to combine such a plinth with linoleum, carpet. MDF gives room for creativity, allowing you to perform various reliefs, playing with light and shadows. When making a custom-made skirting board, you can play with the floral motif of the wallpaper or the geometry of the lamps.


Plastic has long been the cheapest and available material. Here the question of how to choose the color of the plinth is most acute, because PVC has no shade restrictions. For a floor covered with laminate or linoleum - this is the most good option. Plastic is quite simply mounted using self-tapping screws and fasteners, if necessary, it can be removed. It is cheap and, if desired, it can be replaced with a new one in a couple of years. But there is also a downside - PVC is not considered an environmentally friendly material, it is not very durable and breaks easily, and the plugs that attach one section to another do not always merge with the baseboard in shade. In any case, plastic is comfortable material, which can be washed, fixed and changed if necessary.

Ceramics for bathroom and kitchen

Tile - the best solution for zone with high humidity. It can be easily washed with both water and by special means without fear of damaging the surface. The choice is getting richer every year, and even the basic collections of manufacturers allow you to creatively and originally design a sanitary room. For finishing joints, it is also better to use tiles here, but specially created for this. In each collection, in addition to the main slabs of square and rectangular shape there are elements for decor and borders for the formation of a ceramic plinth. It is these elements that are best used, matching them in color with the rest of the tile.

Plinth for office and state institutions

You always want to put a piece of your soul into a living space in order to see a special, aesthetic world around you every day. When it comes to walk-through, warehouse, office premises, functionality is most often in the first place. In this case, the requirements for the plinth are minimal - small size, secure fastening, the possibility of safe cable laying. In all respects, a plinth made of aluminum is suitable for such premises. It is resistant to moisture and overheating, is not afraid of temperature changes. The mount is also metal, it allows you to easily remove and hang back individual skirting board segments. The aluminum forms a rectangular channel through which the wires can be passed. Outwardly, such a plinth is quite modern, it can even be used in an apartment with an abundance of metal in furniture or decoration. This model is contraindicated in classic interiors, rooms with wooden floors.

Polyurethane for special projects

There is another modern material that allows you to work wonders and is not afraid of aggressive external environment is polyurethane. His specifications very stable, its solid state is the result chemical reaction. Polyurethane can also act as a flexible skirting board. It is subjected to coloring, which can be made at the request of the customer. Skirting boards made of this material can be used both on the floor and near the ceiling. Their main design role is imitation of stucco. This material is perfect for antique style, it will decorate columns and sections of walls covered with tiles.

Now, knowing how to choose a floor skirting board, you can go to the store and place an order with confidence. If you intend to choose material from a photo via the Internet, please note that any camera can give a color error when taking a photo, it is better to touch the material live first. If you choose wood, inquire about its origin, if it is a veneered plinth, check the quality of the sealing of the top decorative layer. To understand exactly how many meters of plinth you need, you should measure at home. Please note that at the corners and joints you will have to shorten the plinth yourself. Save from calculations and additional work during installation, only a skirting board that is completely custom-made and designed specifically for your apartment or house can.

If you don’t have enough money for an array, limit yourself to veneer, if you are doing temporary repairs and will soon be moving, choose MDF. When purchasing plastic, do not forget to pick up plugs to match. It is better if there are more of them than necessary, then you can replace this part as needed. An aluminum skirting board is more of a necessity. It will firmly fix all the wires, protecting them from damage. Always opt for large hardware stores, even if you need a little material. There is always a wide choice and experienced consultants who will talk about the properties of a particular product and its benefits.

Plinth is a small but very important part of the interior, which can greatly affect the visual perception of a large or small room. How to choose the right plinth?

There are three main criteria:

What material is the plinth made of?

The material from which the plinth is made is chosen based on the material of the coating.

  • For a wooden floor, whether it is a massive or parquet board, block parquet or laminate High Quality better suitable wooden plinth from the array.
  • For a floor with a ceramic tile cladding, it is better to choose a ceramic plinth.
  • Medium quality laminate flooring, linoleum and carpeting allow the use of MDF skirting boards or PVC plastic skirting boards. In such cases, skirting boards with an insert for carpet or linoleum are also suitable to provide good combination plinth with floor.

Skirting board size

The size, or rather the width of the skirting board, can affect the visual perception of the room.

  • A wide plinth from 70mm, which is attached to the wall, is suitable for spacious rooms with perfectly flat floors and walls.
  • Narrow skirting less than 45mm. suitable for small or too narrow spaces.
  • The average width from 45mm to 70mm is suitable for medium-sized rooms.

Skirting board color

The color of the skirting board can be matched to the color of the floor, doors, walls, architraves and even the color of the furniture. There is no single rule, but the basic principles are known.

  • Under the color of the floor. It is relevant in cases where they want to make it less noticeable and visually expand the room.
  • Under the color of the walls. This selection option is suitable for rooms with low ceilings and is ideal smooth walls. In this case better fit plinth for painting from MDF. Such a plinth helps to visually increase the height of the walls and is not suitable for small rooms.
  • Under the color of the doorway trims. This is the most practical way give the interior a look of completeness. The color of the floor and walls can then contrast with the color of the baseboard.
  • Under the color of the furniture. The most impractical option, since when replacing furniture, you will have to change the baseboard.

Another important point, this is a quality floor screed. If the screed is not even, then the floor covering will not lie as it should. And accordingly, after the floor covering (finish), the plinth will not fall in the same way. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of work starting from draft and then finishing work will make you happy.

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Faced with such a problem as choosing a color, everyone cannot solve it because they do not know all the rules and options. To make sure that your interior decoration full and beautifully used ceiling and floor coverings are visible. They help to hide the corners of the connection of the wall and ceiling, walls and ground, as well as hide all errors and violations.

Flash plates are installed on the last turn, when the room is ready and completely finished. The base should harmoniously fit into the interior of your apartment.

Steelworkers now produce knitted edges in various shapes, sizes, materials and colors. Therefore, to choose a base, now there is no problem, both are painted and imitated rocks and wood.

Everyone chooses a decorative plate according to their taste, depending on the role they play in the interior.

It can be chosen as the color of the floor and ceiling, under the wall, furniture or curtains. Side panel it can only be a full element at the end, or it can be distinguished by its brightness and unusualness. It plays a big role in your interior and changes it without reception.

How to choose the color of the base: get a harmonious interior

Skirting boards are currently supplied from various materials, made of wood, plastic, MDF.

Select a sheet metal plate under the floor covering

You can choose the base on the floor in several ways, depending on what you want.

If you want if the floor doesn't shrink or blend into the floor, choose a tone-on-tone color with a floor cap. On the contrary, they buy knitting strips a few tons darker, so they create a contrast with the ground.

It looks very unusual and bright, and the apartment will be original, because many are afraid to deviate from the established standards.

Choose a pedestal under the tone of the door

Nowadays, you often choose the color cords of the doors and make them in one color scheme, regardless of the floor and walls. It looks very unusual and very nice, especially if you have doors and wood edges.

They can be lighter than the whole tone of the room, for example white, or vice versa, they will be darker from the floor and walls.

If your door is not wooden, but, for example, a glass, then it is better to take a plastic base so that it looks harmonious.

Choose a pedestal under the tone of the walls

Nowadays, many people use it to decorate a room in monochrome or paint.

In this case, you can use the crossbar in tons of walls, buy them ready-made or for painting, and paint them the same shade as the walls. If you take ready-made wicker boards, then take a background with you so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

Or you can do it easily, and when you choose a wallpaper for a room, go straight to it and choose a scene.

Choose footer color

As already mentioned, the sheets may not match the floor, walls or doors and have a special role inside.

This is best done if you are the owner large area With high ceilings and, otherwise, in a small room, such panels simply emphasize them small area and visually reduce them. On the ceiling and floor, you can choose a light knit board in one color and compare them with the color of the furniture or curtains and all the textile linings in the room.

Also, if you have parquet flooring, a mosaic pedestal that includes multiple colors will look very original.

We choose the edges of the ceiling

Most often, a white base is used, because it perfectly reveals the ceiling and matches all shades. Even with a white surface, the room is lighter.

They also opt for sliding tiles to tone the walls, but this is best done in the bedroom as it gives some intimacy to the room. Many choose knitting on the floor and ceiling in one ton, which also looks very beautiful and original.

The subfloor appears to be a fully functional piece that allows floors to be washed without damaging walls or protecting cracks while fixing flooring and walls. But this is only at first glance.

In fact, a well-chosen attic can have a profound effect on the inside - provide it with strength or, on the other hand, lighten it up, add depth and intrigue. Experts pay great attention to floor panel panels. And there are some secrets that are easy for amateurs to practice.

Combine the base pedestal...

This is one of the most obvious and simple solutions.

This will allow you to perfectly integrate the door into the salon if it is in a contrasting color. For example, in this photo-white door in a pretty dark interior white floor lines on the floor are supported, white ceiling and corners.

In addition, the pedal in this version makes the interior light and airy.

This would not be the case if it were a dark base.

… or floor coverings

Another solution that lies on the surface is to combine the base with the floor covering.

But this method seems simple at first glance. This rule of thumb is often chosen by those who stop for whatever reason at plastic panel(this is usually offered by flooring manufacturers such as laminate).

The compatibility issue appears when the base reaches the door.

If the colors "fight" with each other, then there is no problem! If not, and the doors have already been selected and approved, it makes sense to take new boards - the same color as you chose for the disk.

Base painted to match the walls

A wonderful solution when it is necessary to "dissolve" the boundaries of space.

But here you need to understand a little more than someone who first encountered planning and repair. For example, it will be necessary to define door frames, hole design and ceiling layers.

One ton darker

Very common and decorator lovers is the way the base is drawn.

Like the version of the skirting board in the color of the walls, it acts to blur the boundaries of space. Well, if there is the same tone, and there is a ceiling braid.

Connect the stand to the color of the window frames

A good solution, especially if the frames contradict the walls.

Base and all other plasters of the same color

You can use this technique if you have a lot of plaster in the room.

Leave it against the wall, they will set up a good schedule for the interior and fill it up, thereby freeing up empty space.

How to choose floor floor color

It is very easy to edit the defects of doors and windows. I combined them one way and now they look the same.

When there's a plate on the walls

The situation is simpler.

You simply create a single composition of color and style - the design of the wall, the disk itself and the footer. This solution gives the interior solid foundation. In this photo, the cornea of ​​the ceiling is painted the same color as the bottom slab. Such graphics show space and display its geometry.

covered platform

Good in damp rooms and in the kitchen. As a rule, it is made of the same tile with which the floor is finished.

In fact, this the right decision, but still make sure that the pedestal is similar to itself - that the tile was small in size, preferably with a small edge. In collections floor tiles there are such sets. If you only use large sized carved tiles (same as those on the ground), don't expect aesthetics and a see-through look.

Many of us are familiar with such a “state of mind” as repair. Now you have already plastered the walls, pasted wallpaper on them and laid out the floor with parquet. The final step in laying any floor covering is the installation of a skirting board, which will give the entire room a finished look and hide the joints between the walls and the floor that are unpleasant to the eye.

However, choosing the right skirting board for your interior and room design is not so easy.

How to choose floor plinth? - 7 basic rules

If it is not chosen correctly, then not only will it not be able to emphasize the advantages of your design solution and visually decorate the room, but it can work quite the opposite - spoil the excellent interior of the apartment.

It is about how and based on what to choose a color for floor plinth in the room we would like to tell you today in this short article.

How to choose skirting board color

The color solution for such a non-final touch during repair as a plinth is usually taken based on either the color of the flooring or the color of the walls.

Choice of color to match the floor

Most perfect option if you don't want to "play" with a visual change in the dimensions of your room - choose a skirting board to match the color of the floor, or a couple of shades lighter than it.

Also, do not experiment with materials - to wooden floor a wooden baseboard, or its plastic counterpart with a wood-like texture, is best suited.

This option is the most classic, because the very first skirting boards began to be laid exactly in the color of a wooden floor made of the same wood, since a floor from such a material could not be made close to the wall, because as a result of changes in humidity, it could expand and contract, which would lead to "bulging" of individual floorboards.

It was then that the joints of the floor with the walls began to be lined with a separate board, which is now known to all of us as a plinth.

If the floor in your room is already covered, then the most simple option to choose the best color will be the purchase in the store of several different shades you like, which you later attach to the floor and compare what you think will look best in your interior.

And unused skirting boards of inappropriate colors can always be returned to the store within 14 days under the law "On Consumer Rights" provided that presentation so why not take advantage of this legal loophole.

Choosing a color to match the walls

Recently standard solutions increasingly cease to suit the majority of customers, and they want to see unique design in your apartment.

In such cases, choosing the color of skirting boards often becomes a big problem.

Since the plinth is an important element of the interior, it can and should be used to express design idea and is involved in creating the general appearance of the room, however, the materials for its manufacture are usually not combined with the materials used for walls - wallpaper, decorative plaster or paint.

In the case of selecting a skirting board based on the general color of the room (and its walls in particular), the choice is usually made to match the color of the walls, or a couple of tones darker.

However, in this case, the shape of the skirting boards should also be taken into account - they should be high enough so that the room does not become visually smaller as a result of applying such a color scheme.

Of course, the choice of colors will also depend on the materials of the future plinth. For example, plastic floor skirting boards can now be purchased in absolutely any shade at the request of the customer, if you know exactly what you need, or you can choose from the most common colors that, as a rule, are suitable for most rooms.

What to look for when choosing a skirting board color

So, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of the color of your future skirting board, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • the total area of ​​the room.

    The color of the plinth can significantly visually change the size of the room - both in width and in height. If your room has a small area, then due to light-colored skirting boards, it can be visually expanded.

    An even greater effect can be obtained by designing window and door trim in the same light color as the baseboard. If the color of the floor is only a few tones darker than the color of the walls, then the light baseboard will act as an excellent space divider and visually increase it;

  • general color palette premises. Although the separation of the floor from the walls can be made quite pronounced and contrasting due to skirting boards, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not use bright colors so that the whole room after the repair looks harmonious and complete;
  • shape of the future plinth.

    The form is not the last place when choosing the color of the plinth, because it is not always just a continuation of the floor, and sometimes it protrudes significantly along the wall.

    Skirting boards of the same color but different shapes can significantly change the look of your room;

  • presence of texture. For example, for the floor from the board, you can choose skirting boards with the appropriate texture of the material, which will complement the interior and not stand out from the floor. general style design.

And you can choose for yourself the options that are optimal both in terms of materials and colors on the website, among the wide variety of which everyone can find what he needed.


Skirting board installation is finishing touch under repair. The plinth performs not only a decorative function, but also closes the not always beautiful joint between the floor and the wall. It is important to choose the right color for this element so that it harmonizes with the floor and emphasizes the overall design of the room. Let's figure out how to choose a skirting board for the floor.

When choosing, they are repelled by the color of the floor, door or walls. Interesting design solution can be obtained by choosing a skirting board that contrasts with the color of the floor and walls. But in order for such a solution to look harmonious and beautiful, you need to have a taste.

If the plinth is selected according to the texture and color of the wall decoration, then it is purchased after the completion of the fine finish. This will allow you to take into account the resulting shade of the wall and choose the perfect tone. As a rule, the plinth is chosen after the repair of the walls and floor is completed.

When laying parquet or other wood flooring it is best to immediately choose or order a skirting board for the floor from the same manufacturer. This will allow you to get an element from the same type of wood and the same tone as the main floor.

Plinth puts a logical point in the decoration of the floor and walls

Most hard choice based on the color and texture of the doors. In this case, the plinth is designed to emphasize not only the floor, but also the door frame.

Which material is better

The material of the skirting board must match the material of the floor covering:

  • Solid wood skirting boards are perfect for wood flooring or high-quality laminate flooring.
  • For a cheaper laminate, a plinth covered with veneer or made of MDF is suitable.
  • Products from MDF or PVC can frame the floor from any material except wood and tiles. Some models have special inserts. By mounting a strip of linoleum or carpet into this insert, you will get an element that does not differ from the color of the floor.
  • Under ceramic tile fit only plastic or special ceramic plinth.


When determining right size skirting boards are based on:

  • the height of the ceilings in the room;
  • the volume of the room;
  • floor and wall color.

AT large rooms it is highly undesirable to install thin skirting boards. They will violate the geometry of the room, and disfigure the design of the room. More suitable for this case will be wide models, and their fastening should be carried out exclusively to the wall. In such rooms, models of white or contrasting colors look good.

For small room with low ceilings, it is better to take a model of the same tone as the walls. Visually, the surface of the wall will continue, as it were, and the entire room will visually stretch in height.

For standard room usually take models with a height of 4.5 cm to 7 cm.

Color matching

As a rule, the plinth is selected in the same tone as the flooring. This approach is win-win. The plinth of the same color with the floor or walls does not stand out in any way, a merging surface is obtained. Sometimes designers suggest using 1-2 tones lighter or darker than the main coat.

Modern designers quite often pick up the plinth to match the color of the walls. This approach looks great on plastered or painted walls, but is not suitable if wallpaper with a pattern is pasted. The selection of skirting boards for the door is appropriate only if they are made of natural wood. The tone in this case is chosen identical with the platbands. In addition, make sure that the thickness of these elements is the same.

Sometimes designers take a skirting board in the same color as the furniture in the room or match it to some interior detail, such as a picture on the wall.

In very rare cases, skirting boards are chosen to match the color of furniture or interior details.

More recently, white skirting boards have been used. They look very interesting, but require taking into account the combination of the color of the floor, walls and furniture. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve the optimal solution with the help of special design programs. You can “play” with colors in them and achieve the best solution.

White plinth

A bold enough decision is to choose a plinth in a contrasting shade. It is also better to make such a selection on a computer first.

Should be taken into account! For a natural wood floor, it is better to choose a wooden plinth, taking it to match the floor or a little darker. Other options for such floors, as a rule, look ugly.

Types of skirting boards for the floor by material

Modern construction stores They offer skirting boards in different colours, sizes, shapes and materials. If desired, you can order a curvilinear sample repeating the bend of any surface. Models with a cable channel are in demand. Today, such products are produced not only from plastic, but also from wood. Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of skirting boards made of different materials.


Plastic plinth is used for carpet, laminate and linoleum. As an exception, it can be used for ceramic tiles. Even though this is not eco-friendly material, it is popular due to the rich palette of colors, practicality, ease of care and low price. Such specimens do not rot, are not afraid of water and dirt.

Additional fittings are produced for plastic skirting boards: connecting elements and plugs. Unfortunately, the shade of these elements may not always match the color of the base material.

The plastic baseboards have channels for cable laying.

Fastening is carried out to the wall with self-tapping screws. For the convenience of consumers, models of various thicknesses, shapes, as well as having channels for the cable are produced.

The price fluctuates around $1. Additionally, you should consider the price of fittings.


Such models make them solid wood. Their main advantage is ease of fastening, naturalness and environmental friendliness. Such an element is fastened with self-tapping screws, cutting off the required size with a hacksaw for wood or a jigsaw. If necessary, such a model can be easily repaired or dismantled.

Wooden plinth

The disadvantage is the sensitivity to humidity. They should not be used in utility rooms with high humidity.

Most often made from pine wood. The cost of such a model for one running meter depends on the quality of the wood used:

  • from $0.7 in budget models;
  • 5 - 3 $ in higher quality options.

Oak and linden are more expensive types of wood, and the plinth of them will cost more:

  • from linden from $2.5;
  • from oak 5 - $ 8 and more.

These three types of wood I use most often. Other types of wood are used less frequently. For connoisseurs of sophistication, they produce products made of ebony and mahogany, acacia, dusia, merbau and other non-traditional wood species for construction.

At the time of buying wooden plinth you need to look at the characteristics of wood, for example, its class. Even models made from rare wood, but low class, will have a low price. This is explained by the presence a large number knots, marriage or manufacturing e from a solid array, but by gluing along the canvas.

A wooden plinth, like a plastic one, can follow the contours of the elements of the apartment, but such a model will have to be ordered individually and the price in this case can reach $ 50 per linear meter.

Such a plinth will have to be made according to an individual project.

When choosing a plinth, it should be borne in mind that it will have to be varnished and in the future it will become several tones darker than the original color. Find out with maximum certainty what will be a little wetting it with clean water.


Such models are a subspecies of wood, but they are not made from solid wood. For the base, as a rule, pine is used, and the top is covered with a thin veneer of more expensive wood. Such models have many shades, which greatly facilitates the choice.

The price of such products is in the range of $ 4.5 - $ 5.5.

Veneered plinth also refers to wooden


MDF plinth is used if the walls are covered with the same material. Such products are relatively resistant to water and dirt, do not fade in the sun. They are fixed with special clips on staples or on liquid nails to the wall. Mounting on brackets makes it possible, if necessary, to dismantle the plinth and reuse it.

The price fluctuates from 2 to 3 $.

Plinth from MDF


It's perfect the new kind plinth, which is used directly for edging the floor covered with tiles. It is often sold as a set. Buying this kit, you get a perfect suitable friend other materials. If you buy separately, you can choose to match the main material or a slightly different shade.

Ceramic plinth - the perfect frame for floor tiles

Another use for this skirting board is to frame between a tiled wall and a bathroom. This is a beautiful and aesthetic edging solution above the bathtub.

The price ranges from $4 to $5 per linear meter.


Such material is not very suitable for the floor and is used for ceilings. May have different shape and relief. It is easy to cut, glued with special glue.

The price is from 0.3 to 4 $ per linear meter, depending on the complexity of the surface.

Styrofoam skirting successfully used for ceilings but not suitable for floors


It's more of a decorative element. Elements are produced with a wide variety of shapes and appearance. It may, for example, resemble stucco.

Products are not afraid of water and pathogenic organisms, are lightweight, durable, and are not difficult to install. Polyurethane skirting board can be dyed if necessary. Attached with glue.

Polyurethane skirting board

The big disadvantage of this material is the price. It ranges from $18 to $22 per linear meter.


Such products are produced from anodized aluminum, which gives them durability and greater strength. They are not afraid of water detergents and aggressive environments. All models have a cable channel, which is convenient and in demand by modern consumers.

Aluminum plinth

Installed in in public places(hospitals, enterprises, railway stations), as well as in household premises of the residential sector. Floor metal plinth is widely used for high-tech style rooms. There is a special accessory for this model. Fastening is carried out with dowels to the wall.

The price for such models is from $ 5 per linear meter.

We have covered different types of floor skirting boards. We hope that our review will help you decide which skirting board to choose for the floor in your home.

Reading 5 min.

So, you have decided on the style of the interior of the future room, perhaps you have already painted the rooms or pasted wallpaper? Then the matter remained small - you need to choose the color of the floor.

It is important that the selected shade of horizontal coatings fit into the palette rules. There should be a harmony of color combinations. It is also important to consider the dimensions of the room so as not to disturb the balance of space.

Floor color selection criteria

  1. Estimate ceiling height and decide if you can afford dark colors on the floor.
    If the ceilings are low and the rooms are small, then the total area of ​​the room will be squeezed by the dark floor. In this case, you should choose a floor covering of a light shade - white, light gray, golden, sunny.
  2. Analyze and select the color of floors and walls in a single harmony.
    It is important not to make mistakes with the selection, not to mix everything together and not spoil the picture of the decoration.
    Negative examples:
    • bright orange-gold and blue;
    • purple and light green;
    • blue and pink;
  3. Decide what color to choose a plinth.
    It should frame the floor and not break the design. If the room is small, then the contrasting option will create an imaginary frame and visually reduce the space. The color of the plinth can be wood or plastic, marble or granite - for every taste!

How to choose a skirting board color

Ideally, the plinth is selected under the floor covering. And the textured pattern is also best combined if it is in the same direction.

  • For example, for a wooden floor, it is best to choose wood look or its PVC counterpart.
  • Plastic is suitable for the carpet, and it is more interesting to choose contrasting shades - not tone on tone, but as a highlighting frame.
  • Under tile is definitely the best way to use ceramic variant from the same collection as the tile itself. Color is an alternative to frieze.
  • Self-leveling floor allows you to vary the choice, which depends on the chosen design.

Let's talk about the most common floor colors

White floor in the interior

White color is associated with lightness, spaciousness and purity. With such a floor, the room will be visually larger and wider. The feeling of spaciousness will dominate. But there will be more coldness. Perfectly match with the white floor. Very good in the style of minimalism, art deco, constructivism, hi-tech, Indian and, of course, in everyone's favorite eclecticism.

Under what is the skirting board selected in the case of a white coating? Focus on any components:

Since the floor itself is absolutely non-binding, the plinth can become just an element of decor and a link.

gray tone

Elegant, discreet, languidly soothing gray. It is now so fashionable that it can be found in any collections. finishing materials, be it furniture upholstery, window frames or a stretch ceiling.

Gray color is in perfect harmony with:

  • white,
  • black,
  • red,
  • pink,
  • turquoise,
  • lilac.

A bit of bright yellow also looks great against a large gray background - a small fluffy sunny rug on a smooth floor will look great. Skirting in this case, it is best to choose exactly the same tone.

Beige, yellow, golden, brown colors

This is a classic of the genre, especially if wood-style flooring is chosen. Absolutely any interior style in general is suitable for this floor. There is no escape from the classics, natural shades are combined with everything, so that a vicious circle of the rule of permissiveness is obtained.

For such a floor, it is best to select a plinth in the same tone, only slightly change the intensity of the color - it can be darker or lighter.

Orange, red

This is a bit reminiscent of the Soviet style - when the floors were painted with orange, red, burgundy enamel. However, too large differences in effect are given by differently selected materials and methods of flooring. It's hard to give advice here.

It is important to understand only one clear rule- if you have a controversial color, then do not forget about the compatibility palette. Warm with warm, cold with cold and acceptable combinations between them. To do this, get the necessary compatibility cards and study in detail what you like the most from what is allowed.

How to choose a skirting board color for a non-standard creative floor?

Expert advice!

Do not forget about the possibility of returning the goods to the store within 14 days. Be sure to attach the planks to the floor at home and finished walls step back and take a look. Go to bed, and in the morning look at a fresh head again. Very often the result does not live up to expectations, you need to have time to change!

Black, chocolate, wenge

Highly fashion trends. Minimalism, hi-tech, Egyptian, offer a lot of options for interiors with black or extremely dark floors. It should be laid in rooms where you do not have to sleep or rest - it is too tiring and loads the psyche. But it is beautiful in dance halls, cafes, in the office or on the balcony. English style to take your favorite shades from it to equip your favorite room.

Do you always follow fashion in every area of ​​life? Read what modern designers offer to add zest to an apartment or house.

We offer a few more photos of different color combinations.
