What is a rough finish of an apartment - why is it needed and what kind of work does it involve? What does a rough finish include and why is it better than a fine finish?

The final finishing of the apartment in the new building is completed and the developer invites you to receive the keys - this is a long-awaited moment for every equity holder, however, in order for the joy of receiving a long-awaited apartment not to fade, it must be preceded by two stages:

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  • checking the finishing of the apartment;
  • signing documents on the acceptance of the apartment.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of accepting an apartment in more detail so that later you do not have to eliminate defects at your own expense.

Difference between fine and rough finish

When buying a home in the ad, we often see the phrase fine finish. However, not everyone knows what a fine finish of an apartment is, and how it differs from a rough finish. In the primary market, an apartment is usually sold with a rough finish. In this case, the simplest and cheapest materials are used in the apartment, and it is rented out with “bare” walls, floor and ceiling. Of course, it is impossible to live in such an apartment, it is necessary to make cosmetic repairs. Apartments and houses with a fine finish are much more expensive. When finishing, all plastering and puttying works, as well as other works that will allow immediately after acceptance to start furniture, move into the room and operate it for its intended purpose, were completed.
However, the definition of “fine” finishing is just a common term in everyday life, while only the provisions recorded in the documents have legal force. Therefore, before acceptance, it is necessary to figure out what is included in the final finishing of an apartment in a new building. Certain standards regulated by law that define the concept of fine finishing do not currently exist. In this matter, the parties, as a rule, are guided by the customs of business transactions, as well as generally accepted concepts in construction. As a rule, a shareholder who accepts an apartment with a rough finish has the right to expect to receive a bare box, but at the same time, the apartment must be equipped with the necessary communications and interior partitions, namely, the following work must be performed:

  • wall plastering;
  • floor screed;
  • laying of the heating system;
  • sewer line;
  • hot and cold water supply;
  • electrical wiring without connecting electrical appliances;
  • summing up the telephone, radio and television cable;
  • installation of windows and doors.

The fine finish should contain everything that the rough finish provides, and in addition to this:

  • the floor must be covered (laminate, linoleum, etc.);
  • the walls must also be coated (wallpaper, tile or paint), under the coating the walls must be plastered
  • in addition to electrical wiring, switches and sockets must be installed according to the project;
  • the kitchen must be equipped with an electric or gas stove, which must be installed and connected;
  • windows, interior doors must be either made of a material that does not require painting (plastic) or painted;
  • if the building is an apartment building, the elevator must function and, accordingly, be put into operation.

Given the absence of regulatory requirements regarding the list of works that should include fine finishing, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the project documentation and the equity agreement concluded between the debtor and the developer, which should reflect a complete list of all finishing work and materials. It is possible to demand the fulfillment of obligations from the developer only if they were fixed by the contract; an oral promise regarding the characteristics of household and plumbing appliances, window doors and finishing works cannot be taken into account.

Features of acceptance of an apartment with a fine finish

Works on fine finishing of the premises are one of the most time-consuming and costly. If you hurry with the acceptance of the apartment, without fixing all the possible shortcomings and hastily signing the act of acceptance of the apartment, you will have to eliminate them at your own expense. Law No. 214 FZ tells how to accept an apartment from a developer with a fine finish. It provides for a special acceptance procedure, which has several stages:


The shareholder is notified of the need to accept the apartment by mail notification. The terms and procedure for notification should also be fixed in the contract. If the approximate time has come, and the developer does not send an invitation for inspection, you must contact the construction company yourself and demand to schedule an inspection of the apartment.

Debtor's advice! If the developer ignores the interest holder's appeals or unreasonably postpones the inspection period, it is necessary to go to court and demand the termination of the contract and the return of the money paid.

Inspection of the apartment

Before starting the inspection, familiarize yourself with the documents for putting the house into operation, which should be ready with the developer by the time the apartment is inspected. It is better to inform the developer about your intention to study the documents in writing in advance, so as not to disrupt or postpone the inspection procedure. To participate in this procedure should:

Debtor's advice! It is in your interest to invite an expert in the field of construction for inspection, who will point out violations and monitor compliance with construction norms and standards.

Fixing construction defects

A detailed description of the state in which the apartment should be rented must contain a contract, it should be taken with you for inspection. During the check you should:

  • inspect the apartment for cracks in the walls, ceiling and floors;
  • check the operation of ventilation with a piece of paper or fire;
  • check the operation of windows and doors, the operation of fittings, the absence of cracks and damage to double-glazed windows;
  • evaluate the quality of pasting wallpaper, flooring.
  • check the operation of plumbing and electrical appliances;
  • compare the actual layout of the apartment with the technical documentation, it is advisable to double-check the area of ​​the apartment.

All defects should be recorded in your notebook in order to later transfer them to the appropriate documents.

Elimination of defects

If defects were found, the shareholder has the right to demand from the developer:

  • eliminate defects within a reasonable time;
  • reduce the price of the contract by the amount necessary to eliminate them;
  • demand to invite third parties to eliminate defects at the expense of the developer;

The shareholder can choose any type of requirements at his own discretion.

Re-inspection of the apartment

After the defects are eliminated by the developer, the interest holder will be invited for inspection again. The procedure in this case will be as described above.

Signing the act of acceptance of the apartment

Only after the quality of the apartment and the fine finish satisfies the shareholder can you agree to accept the apartment, sign the appropriate acceptance certificate and register the ownership of the apartment.

Documentation of the apartment acceptance procedure

A document that reflects the shortcomings of the accepted apartment is called an inspection sheet or a defective statement - the developer must issue such a paper when accepting the apartment. The more detailed that document is drawn up, the more chances the shareholder will have, in the event of a conflict situation, to defend his rights in court. The defective act should indicate:

  • sequence number of the record;
  • clause of the contract providing for requirements for the condition of the apartment at the time of delivery;
  • a detailed description of the admitted construction defect;

The act is drawn up in the presence of all participants in the inspection and signed by them. If for any reason one of the parties refuses to sign, this is recorded in the act, after which it is sent to the party by mail with notification.

Important. Not to sign the act of acceptance of the apartment until all the defects found are eliminated is the right of the shareholder. If the developer does not eliminate them within the agreed timeframe, he will be obliged to reduce the cost of the apartment by the amount that the upcoming repairs will cost.

So, if the housing does not meet the quality requirements, the equity holder has two options:

  1. Do not sign the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment until the developer eliminates all the shortcomings.
  2. Sign the act, additionally drawing up an appendix to it, indicating the acceptance of an apartment with defects, in which all the shortcomings made by the developer should be reflected in detail.

In both cases, the shareholder will have the right to recover moral and material damage from the customer in court.

Protection of the rights of equity holders

Having reflected all the shortcomings in the defective act, you should keep one copy with you, and hand the second to the developer, if he refuses to accept it against signature, send it by mail with a return receipt. After that, the developer will have 45 days to eliminate all the shortcomings indicated in the defective act, or to compensate for the cost of elimination if the shareholder has eliminated them at his own expense.

If the interest holder refuses to accept the apartment and the developer agrees to such a refusal, then the money back period will also be 45 days.

Important. In accordance with Law No. 214-FZ, which regulates equity participation in construction, a 5-year guarantee for an apartment also applies to interior decoration. This issue must be spelled out in the contract. Houses that are not covered by this law have a 2-year warranty period. However, very often, developers do not specify warranty periods at all in the contract. Therefore, when concluding a contract, you should pay attention to the presence of such a clause.

If the construction defect turned out to be hidden and was discovered only during the operation of the apartment, after the act was signed, in accordance with Law No. The developer is obliged to eliminate defects at his own expense or compensate the costs to the shareholder who eliminated them independently.

If, after your appeal, the developer will be inactive, you can safely go to court. For those who decide to take this step, here are a few tips:

  1. Before going to court, collect as much evidence as possible that indicates the unwillingness of the developer to correct defects in the work and, accordingly, properly execute the contract.
  2. Submit all claims to the developer in writing and keep the correspondence.
  3. Invite expert builders to inspect the apartment;
  4. Record any defects in as much detail as possible.

It makes no sense to apply to the court without having previously prepared for this process, as judicial practice shows, most often the judge dismisses the claim if the plaintiff's claims are not supported by a convincing evidence base.

Builder's responsibility

When concluding an agreement providing for participation in shared construction, you should be aware that the developer, assuming the fulfillment of obligations for the implementation of construction, is liable in accordance with the law and the agreement. In case of violation by the developer of its obligations under the contract, the interest holder may use the following measures of civil law enforcement against the developer:

  • Terminate the contract (Article 9 of Law No. 214-FZ), as a result of which the developer will be obliged to return the money to the equity holder with interest, taking into account the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. The contract will be considered terminated from the moment when the appropriate notice of the unilateral refusal to execute the contract is sent to the developer.
  • Collect a penalty (Article 6 of Law No. 214-FZ). In addition to the requirements of the law, a contract may provide for a penalty. In this case, the contract can only increase the penalty provided for by law. If the terms of the contract reduce it, they are illegal and can be challenged in court.
  • Collect damages. Such a right to a shareholder is granted by several regulatory legal acts at once: the Civil Code (Article 15), Law No. 214-FZ (Article 10), Law No. 2300-1 (Article 28). Under the losses of the shareholder is understood, for example, the cost of renting housing for the period the developer eliminates construction defects. The shareholder may claim losses simultaneously with the recovery of a penalty.
  • Compensate for non-pecuniary damage (Law No. 2300 -1 article 15). Its size is determined in each case individually. The nature and extent of moral and physical suffering are subject to proof by the shareholder.
  • Compensate for legal costs (Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure) All costs incurred by the equity holder in connection with the appeal to the court, subject to the satisfaction of the claim, can be recovered from the developer.

In addition, there is an opportunity to bring an unscrupulous developer to administrative and criminal liability. State supervision in the field of shared construction is authorized to be carried out by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, since this area of ​​legal relations is subject to legislation on the protection of consumer rights, and executive authorities.

Having understood the rules for accepting an apartment and having studied the rights guaranteed by law, you can definitely become the owner of quality housing and nothing will overshadow your joy from a housewarming party. And in the event of a dispute with the developer, you will have the opportunity to legally demand compensation for future material costs, as well as moral damage caused by the actions of the developer.

Thinking about buying a home in the primary market, you come across the fact that they are selling apartments with repairs of varying degrees of readiness. The most common is the rough finish of the apartment. What is it, what kind of work does this concept include and what will you get as a result - read in the article.

Different types of apartment renovation

  • Under finishing or without repair.
  • Under clean finish.
  • With prefinishing white finish.
  • Fully finished by the builder.

It is these definitions that are in ads offering living space in new buildings or in construction contracts. At the same time, the price per square meter differs significantly depending on the level of finish. To understand the difference, let's understand how different types of repairs differ from the developer.

For finishing

This is a completely unfinished option. You only receive a box. The walls themselves are external and those that limit your apartment stand and nothing more. There may also be piers that enclose the bathroom and kitchen. The rest of the space without partitions. If the walls are cast concrete, there is bare concrete. Bare floor slabs overhead, uneven concrete slab underfoot. Here is what you will get. The only thing is that windows can be installed, and even then not always. Depends on the project, so this point should be clarified with the developer.

There is also no communication. There are connection points to them: sewerage outlet, water supply, electrical input to the apartment, and most often without a shield. Just start the phase on the machine. There is no plumbing/sewerage in the apartment. You must do all this yourself. The exception is the heating system. In many new buildings, the builder does the wiring, although there may be exceptions. That is, the apartment without finishing - without any repair.

For finishing

They differ from the previous version in that there are usually already some partitions (a typical layout or the position of the partitions was agreed with you at the stage of signing the contract), the walls and ceiling are plastered, and a screed is poured on the floor. Electricity can be routed (specify), but other engineering systems are still only marked as entry points.

It is not worth hoping that the plastered surfaces will be even. The quality of work is usually below average. You will also need a ceiling. You just need (possibly) a smaller layer of material. And so, you will find a complete list of works, which includes the rough finish of the apartment, and then the finishing.

With pre-finishing

This is an apartment that is ready for finishing work. The electrics are divorced, the walls are leveled, an even screed is poured on the floor, the ceiling is plastered. You just have to lay the finishing materials and the substrate under them (where necessary). Without finishing there is a bathroom, bathroom, toilet. In these rooms, the repair will still be yours.

It should be understood that “aligned walls” must comply with SNiP (building codes and regulations), and it allows deviations of the following order:

  • on walls up to 15 mm per square meter,
  • up to 10 mm on the floor and ceiling.

So, even if the builders have met the standards (it happens far from always), not all finishing materials can be laid on such “smooth” surfaces. In favor of this type of repair of a new building, one thing can be said: the house will actively sit down for another 3-5 years, so the appearance of cracks is a completely natural decision. For this reason, it is not worth using expensive finishing materials right away, and relatively flat surfaces will go under the temporary option.

Fully refurbished by builder

A full range of works was carried out, up to the installation of finishing materials, interior and exterior doors, and the installation of plumbing. All you need is to furnish the apartment with furniture and you can live.

This option seems tempting - no need to suffer in search of builders-finishers. And it is. But the quality of repairs from the developer rarely satisfies anyone. Often the entire finish is removed and redone. Moreover, it is often necessary to putty the walls (100% for painting), pour a leveling screed.

What does the rough finish of the apartment include

What exactly is included in the concept of "rough repair" each firm and team determines for itself. Of the options listed above, two stages fit this concept: under finishing and with pre-finishing. As you can see, the degree of readiness of the premises is completely different. And how to figure it out? Request a list of works to be carried out.

Draft repairs in a new building - there is no exact definition of the list of works

Some exhibit a list of possible works with a price per square meter. In this case, everything is simple: you yourself determine what work and to what extent they will do it for you - this is the best option. If there is no list of works, ask him to voice it or ask for a list of works that are planned to be done.

Civilized repair implies the mandatory conclusion of a contract for repair and finishing work. This will minimize your risks in case of dishonest actions of the contractor.

Please note: when signing the contract, all work must be specified. And the more precise the definition (with tolerances), the less problems you will have during acceptance.

Main types of work

As already mentioned, the rough finish of an apartment is understood by each construction company in its own way, but usually they offer the following list of works:

This list of works on the rough finishing of an apartment is the basic one for most organizations that offer repairs without finishing.

Comments on electrical

A few notes about electrical wiring. Before performing work, a plan should be drawn up, which indicates the number of sockets and connection points for lighting fixtures in each room, the cross-section of wires, the ratings of machines, RCDs () for each of the branches are calculated. You need to clarify who will do this work.

Electricity is the most important part

If the contractor will develop the wiring diagram, you should first familiarize yourself with the project. Moreover, it would be useful to show a specialist or try to delve into all the subtleties yourself. If everything is fine with the project, you will have to control everything up to the cable brand and its specific parameters. Namely, it will be necessary to compare it with the design. Often there are large discrepancies (jambs of manufacturers, but you need to track them). It is difficult to redo the electrician, because the wires are hidden under the plaster and it is very problematic to change them even if they are laid in corrugated pipes. That is why, this is one of the most important stages that the rough finish of the apartment provides for and it must be controlled very responsibly.

About wall plastering and floor leveling

Before drawing up a contract for a rough finish of an apartment, check how smooth the walls and floor will be. It is desirable to achieve specific figures that should be fixed in the contract. Of course, no one will do it “under the egg”, but it is realistic to achieve that the differences are no more than 5 mm per square meter.

What exactly and to what extent you will be plastered - that's what you need to find out

Also check whether the processing of slopes is included in the wall plastering. Often this part of the work is put on the list of additional works, so you will have to pay extra for it.

Additional work

In most cases, if you see fit, the following types of work can be added to the main list of works:

You may be offered other types of work. It all depends on the specific company. Maybe they have special specialists who will offer their types of work.

Who is better to entrust the repair

If the rough finish of the apartment will not be done by you personally, you have to choose from two options:

  • pay for an apartment without repair, and hire a team or a repair office for a rough repair;
  • order an apartment immediately with a rough finish.

By all accounts, the first option is preferable. Finding an office that does good repairs in new buildings is not easy, but possible. A customer who rents apartments with a satisfactory rough renovation is almost a fairy tale. Everything is explainable.

Repair offices recruit specific specialists for certain types of work. They are engaged only in this, this is their bread, their reputation, therefore, self-respecting organizations monitor the quality of work. For the developer, the main thing is the construction process itself and the emphasis is on the construction of the box and not on finishing. Finishing work is a side income, far from being so attractive (in terms of money) and few people are seriously concerned about their quality. In any case, this is the situation in our country.

Perhaps somewhere there are developers who keep highly qualified finishers. But for this, they must constantly have new facilities in operation, so that these specialists are constantly busy, otherwise it is unprofitable. If you were lucky enough to find such a customer, you saw (not only in the photo) and felt a couple of finished apartments, the rough finish of the apartment can be entrusted to them without question. Otherwise, look for a company that deals with decoration.

What to look for when accepting work

The rough finish of the apartment in the new building is over, you need to accept the work. But you need to know what to look for, how and what to check. To help you, the contract that you signed with the developer or repair company. There should be a list of work to be done. You will need to check:

If there are comments, you need to make a list of them, get it signed by a representative of the company. In theory, your comments should be eliminated.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the advantages of rough finishing of an apartment in a new building
  • What are the main stages of rough finishing of an apartment in a new building
  • How much does a rough finish of an apartment in a new building cost?
  • How to accept the rough finish of an apartment in a new building

Now many people in Moscow are buying apartments in houses under construction. Despite the financial benefits of such a purchase, you need to understand that this apartment will most likely be handed over to the buyer only with a rough finish. It is the rough finish that makes this housing cheaper than a renovated apartment. In order for the purchase of an apartment to become a holiday for you, and not an unpleasant surprise, you should figure out what the rough finish of an apartment in a new building is, what is included in this concept and how much repairs will cost. All this in our article.

What is the difference between rough and fine finishing of an apartment in a new building

Looking after an apartment for purchase, in various ads you can often find the phrase “fine finish”, however, not everyone is familiar with the differences between this type of repair and the rough finish of an apartment in a new building. The real estate market most often provides options for apartments in new buildings with a rough finish, which implies “bare walls, floors and ceilings”, and when carrying out primary repairs, the simplest and most inexpensive building materials are used. Of course, such an apartment is not suitable for living in principle, therefore, to create even the slightest comfort, it is necessary to carry out cosmetic repairs.

It is important to understand that buying an apartment in a new building with a rough finish can be much cheaper than an apartment with primary cosmetic repairs, which involves the presence of plastering, puttying and other types of work, which allows you to immediately furnish new housing with furniture and live in it.

However, it is important to know that the phrase "fine finish" has no legal force, but is simply a common term in everyday life. Only those provisions that are fixed in the relevant documents can have legal force. Therefore, before accepting an apartment, you should carefully read the documentation and understand what the fine finishing of an apartment in a new building implies and what this concept includes in a particular case.

From the point of view of legislation, there are no standards that define the concept of finishing an apartment in a new building. Most often, within the framework of this issue, the parties are simply guided by the customs of business, as well as generally accepted concepts in construction. A shareholder who accepts an apartment with a rough finish in a new building must be prepared for the usual “bare box”, equipped only with interior partitions and having the necessary communications. What is included in this type of finish? It:

  • plastered walls;
  • screed floors;
  • the presence of a laid heating system;
  • sewer connection;
  • supplied hot and cold water supply;
  • the presence of electrical wiring without connecting electrical appliances;
  • the presence of a cable for connecting a telephone, radio and TV;
  • installed windows and front door.

If we talk about the final finishing of an apartment in a new building, then certain types of work must be additionally performed:

  • the presence of flooring (linoleum, laminate, parquet, and so on);
  • the presence of wall coverings (paint, tiles, wallpaper);
  • availability of installed sockets and switches (in accordance with the project of the developer);
  • the presence of an electric or gas stove in the kitchen (the device must already be connected);
  • the presence of windows and interior doors that do not require additional work (for example, painting);
  • the presence of a working elevator, if the apartment with a fine finish is located in a multi-storey building.

Considering the fact that there are no regulatory requirements for the list of works within the framework of fine finishing, one should be guided by the project documentation and the equity participation agreement that was concluded with the developer. The developer is obliged to reflect the full list of all finishing works and materials in these documents. At the same time, a person who purchases an apartment in a new building has the right to demand the fulfillment of obligations from the developer only if there is an agreement, since verbal promises regarding the characteristics of finishing work have no legal force.

What is the rough finish of an apartment in a new building

The rough finish of an apartment in a new building today has become widespread in the real estate and construction market, so there is a familiar list of characteristics that are included in this concept. Most often, as mentioned above, the rough finish of an apartment in a new building is a set of minimal finishing works.

The walls in an apartment with such a finish are rather roughly plastered. Despite the relatively smooth surface, they require finishing with putty before applying a decorative coating.

The floor is filled with a screed, which makes it possible to carry out work on the installation of flooring (laminate, linoleum, and so on).

The apartment has doors and windows. At the same time, window openings are most often decorated with plastic windows, but doors are cheap plywood structures that should be replaced.

The rough finish of an apartment in a new building assumes the presence of all communications (electricity, water supply and sanitation), as well as heating devices (batteries). In this case, most often there are no electrical appliances, and cables (for example, telephone and television) require independent wiring around the apartment.

What are the advantages of rough finishing of an apartment in a new building

The rough finish of an apartment in a new building will be especially convenient for those who want to postpone the purchase of building materials for the final finishing of housing and payment for work on them.

Despite the fact that the phrase "rough finish" does not sound very attractive to the apartment buyer, it has its own pros:

  1. The ability to buy building materials for finishing at any convenient time (that is, repairs can be postponed).
  2. The possibility of performing and paying for finishing work later, when the amount necessary for this is accumulated.
  3. The opportunity to assess the decency and professionalism of the rough work performers, in order to continue cooperation later on for a final repair.

The main stages of rough finishing of an apartment in a new building

Stage 1. Planning

Firstly, the owner of an apartment with a rough finish must think over the layout, that is, determine where the interior partitions, niches and doors between the rooms should be placed. Sometimes it becomes necessary to demolish some walls. The rough finish of an apartment in a new building, although it makes it possible not to be limited in fantasies, however, there is one significant “but”: all your actions will have to be coordinated with the BTI. At the same time, you need to understand that no one will allow you to dismantle the load-bearing wall, and the kitchen and bathroom must remain in their places without fail.

Usually, concrete and brick partitions are dismantled with a sledgehammer or with a puncher. This type of work, of course, is very noisy, dusty and heavy. If it is required to build a new wall, then it is assembled from drywall, brick or foam blocks. It is easiest to work with drywall, however, such structures are not particularly stable, and it will not work to fix any heavy objects on them (for example, a bookcase).

Stage 2. Floor installation

The second stage of work within the framework of the rough finish of an apartment in a new building involves the installation of the floor. Most often, on the floor slab, which is both the ceiling for the lower and the floor for the upper apartment, there are significant differences (up to 100 mm). They can be found with the usual building level. To even out all the defects, it is necessary to fill the floor screed. If the differences are up to 50 mm, then you can work with bulk (self-leveling) floors, which allow you to quickly get the desired effect in the form of a smooth horizontal surface. To do this, a dry mixture diluted in water must be applied to a clean primed base with a layer of 5–50 mm. Then spread it on the floor and roll it with spiked rollers to remove air bubbles. This screed cures in about 24 hours, but it may take one to two weeks for final drying, depending on its thickness and initial conditions.

If there are significant differences on the base, it is worth leveling the floor with a cement-sand screed. To prepare the solution, the dry mixture must be diluted in water and kneaded. It is better to choose materials that contain plasticizers. This will reduce the chance of surface cracking after drying. Before applying the solution, all cracks in the floor should be repaired and dust should be removed. Further, along the highest point of the floor, beacons are built from steel profiles, for this they are installed along the room at a distance of 0.5–1 m from each other. Then, using the aluminum rule, they align with these beacons. Drying of such a screed lasts quite a long time - from three to four weeks. The result is a perfectly even surface that is ready for the application of the finishing material.

Sand-cement screed will cost more than self-leveling floors. When creating a screed, you need to take into account that the floors in all rooms should turn out to be the same level, regardless of the finishing material of the coating (laminate, parquet, linoleum, and so on). Another important point is to provide waterproofing in the bathroom and toilet. This step will eliminate the bay even in the event of a pipe break.

Stage 3. Connecting electricity

Before you start leveling the walls in an apartment with a rough finish, you need to lay out the electrical wiring in accordance with the plan for placing equipment and lighting fixtures. To do this, the wires of the desired section must be hidden in special plastic pipes or insulating boxes and laid in strobes previously cut into the walls. Next, these channels need to be plastered. Partially, communications can be hidden behind the sheathing (inside plasterboard partitions, behind a suspended or stretch ceiling).

Most often, all sockets are installed at a height of 0.5–0.8 m, and switches - at a level of 1.5 m.

The wires must be laid out exclusively vertically and horizontally, and all the places where they pass are marked in a special wiring plan, which will come in handy if it is necessary to replace communications or carry out repairs to the walls (to prevent accidental damage to the wire).

For ease of use, it is better to divide the wiring during installation into groups, making a separate “network” for lighting and various household appliances such as an electric stove and an air conditioner.

Before proceeding with the alignment of the walls, as part of the rough finish of an apartment in a new building, certain plumbing work is carried out (piping in the kitchen and bathrooms). Those communications that come from the riser are also hidden in wall strobes behind the sheathing.

Stage 4. Alignment of the walls

After wiring the communication, it's time to start leveling the walls.

If the differences are less than 50 mm, plaster can be used. For more precise alignment, special profiles (guide beacons) are attached to the walls, which are installed at the same level. A pre-prepared solution with a spatula is applied between the beacons and leveled with a rule. When performing work on the rough finish of an apartment in a new building, you need to take into account the fact that the house can sit down, so alignment should be combined with reinforcement with a special exhaust mesh that will protect the surface from cracking.

Gypsum and cement plaster is sold as a powder in bags weighing 25-30 kg. Internal work is often carried out using white gypsum mortars, and gray cement mortars are used for work in wet rooms.

After applying the solution, it is allowed to dry for a week, then the remaining irregularities are eliminated with putty, which is sold in the form of not only a powder, but also a ready-to-use paste. The composition is applied using a special wide spatula, and then the surface is treated (grinded). The leveled wall is ready for finishing (paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster).

If the degree of curvature of the walls is large and the difference is more than 50 mm, then the plaster will not work. In this case, you should use the dry method - wall cladding with drywall sheets, plywood or OSB boards. The first method is the most popular due to the ease of obtaining a flat surface. First of all, it is necessary to build a frame on the wall using profiles, and drywall sheets are already attached to it with self-tapping screws. After that, the joints should be treated with putty on the reinforcing tape, and at the end the surface should be sanded.

Behind the sheathing is placed not only electrical wiring, but also heat-insulating materials that allow you to insulate the room and isolate it from unnecessary sounds.

In preparation for finishing work, cheap radiators and windows installed by the developer are usually replaced.

Stage 5. Leveling the ceiling

The final stage of work is the alignment of the ceiling surface. The technology is similar to working with wall coverings - you can use the wet and dry method. When choosing a wet leveling method, the surface is freed from dust, and then primed. The plaster, first of all, is applied to the recesses, and then over the entire surface (the layer is 10-20 mm). You need to level the mass with a wide spatula. After the first layer dries, you need to apply another, thinner one. It also needs to be aligned.

If the base is hidden with a stretch ceiling or a multi-level ceiling structure is created, the ceiling slab is usually not leveled. The ceiling of the plasterboard is assembled on a metal profile, the joints between the sheets are reinforced and puttied. A significant disadvantage of this method is the “eating up” of space (about 150 mm) due to the frame and cladding, which makes it unacceptable for rooms with low ceilings.

If it is decided to make a stretch ceiling, then the distance from the ceiling plate should be no more than 50 mm. Therefore, from the point of view of saving space, it is better to choose this method. In addition, the canvas, unlike drywall structures, does not require replacement in case of flooding by neighbors.

To date, there are a large number of proposals from various manufacturers and installers of stretch ceilings. The coating can be both film and fabric, with and without a pattern, and so on. The installation takes only a few hours.

If you are going to work with the rough finish of an apartment in a new building, then you should prepare for spending and be patient. You can save on design, finishing materials, furniture, but you definitely don’t need to save on rough work, since the overall beauty of the entire repair and its durability depend on their quality performance. Do not skimp on the services of professionals.

How much does a rough finish of an apartment in a new building cost: approximate calculations

It should be understood that absolutely any work costs money, including the rough finish of an apartment in a new building. The price for this type of work starts from 2500 rubles per m 2 on the floor. Here are illustrative examples of calculating the cost of work in an apartment:

  • One-room apartment (44 m 2) - from 95 thousand rubles.
  • Two-room apartment (62 m 2) - from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Three-room apartment (85 m 2) - from 190 thousand rubles.
  • Studio apartment (32 m 2) - from 72 thousand rubles.

The terms of rough finishing of an apartment in a turnkey new building depend on the list and types of work, as well as on the area of ​​​​the premises itself. For example, it will take about one or one and a half months to finish a standard one-room apartment of 44 m 2.

Despite the wide range of prices for work in different companies, you should choose a contractor, guided not by the affordability of the price, but by the quality of work that can be viewed in the portfolio of the repair company.

Useful tips for repairing an apartment with a rough finish in a new building

  1. If you want to save on repairs, do it yourself by asking friends for help.
  2. If you decide to use the services of workers, hire them in a company with a good reputation (from workers who work without a contract, you can not ask anything later).
  3. Feel free to seek help and advice from experts and friends when in doubt. Do not spare money even for paid consultations.
  4. Be wary of excessive savings, because cheap materials can be of poor quality and harm the entire repair, spoiling the big picture.
  5. Follow the correct sequence of work.
  6. Try not to stretch the repair work for a long time, as the effect of novelty is lost with a long repair.

How to accept an apartment in a new building

Even if you "bought bare walls", there are certain types of work that needs to be done. What exactly?

  1. An entrance door must be installed. Of course, the door will not be expensive and very good, but for the time of rough finishing of an apartment in a new building, it is quite a door. Then it should be replaced with something more solid and safe.
  2. If the project provides, then the apartment should have mounted windows and frames on loggias and balconies. Most often, metal-plastic products are installed in apartments. Good developers care about their reputation and seek to cooperate with large manufacturers that withstand tough competition and keep the brand. In addition, it is important to know that the quality of the finished product is influenced more by the production process and competent installation, and not by the country of production. During the acceptance of the apartment, it is mandatory to check the quality of the installed structures. It is also important to know that if the owners have a desire to replace windows, then this procedure will require mandatory approval. In project documentation for a house, a visual solution for the facade is always indicated, which also includes windows of a certain design (number of sashes and window division proportions). Violation of these rules will result in penalties.
  3. Most apartment buildings in Russia are equipped with a central heating system. Therefore, in a rented apartment there should already be batteries and all the necessary communications. Pipes are most often used from steel, and thermal appliances are steel convectors or cast iron batteries. It is forbidden to change the heat supply scheme without agreement. When an apartment is accepted, the radiators should be carefully inspected for their integrity. After the house is put into operation, special organizations without fail check the heating system and test it with an increased pressure of 16 bar. If any malfunctions in the heating system are discovered later, they are corrected at the expense of the owners of the apartment.

Often modern apartments are equipped with individual heating systems. This has significant advantages, because the owners themselves plan heating, set the temperature, and so on. In addition, you can put additional radiators and even heat the balcony. It also allows significant savings due to the cheapness of gas. As a rule, the developer company is engaged in the installation of the boiler and carries out all the necessary procedures as part of the rough finish of the apartment in the new building. Of course, the installed boiler will not be expensive and elite, but the owners of everything will be able to change it for a better one. However, the replacement procedure must be properly framed.

  1. Even in the absence of a rough finish of an apartment in a new building, a drainage system must be designed there and water must be supplied. To do this, special sealed individual metering devices must be installed on the risers through which water passes. Further wiring is already carried out as part of the rough finish of the apartment in the new building. It is worth noting that in large apartments there may be more than one location of water and sewer risers. In addition, each outlet must be equipped with sealed individual metering devices (meters).
  2. The electric meter and the main circuit breaker are installed in the access collective electricity metering boards, a cable is laid from them to the apartment and a shield with another circuit breaker is already installed in it. This simple approach has a number of advantages: the owners themselves can plan the future wiring scheme at their discretion. However, during the acceptance of an apartment, it is imperative to inquire about what allocated power, from the point of view of developers, the apartment is “worthy”. Any modern person uses appliances that require electricity (refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, air conditioner, and so on). The builder does not always take this fact into account. In this case, there is only one rule: the more allocated power, the better.
  3. For a modern apartment, you cannot agree to the allocated power with a single-phase connection of less than 10 kW, and with a three-phase connection (if electric stoves are used in the kitchen) less than 16 kW.
  4. Any apartment in modern houses should be equipped with an exhaust ventilation system. To do this, large ventilation shafts are laid in the house, which “permeate” the entire house from the ground floor to the exit to the roof. Each apartment has ventilation openings that connect to the shaft. Where should the so-called "hood" be located? First, it's a bathroom. Secondly, the kitchen. If the apartment has individual heating (its own gas boiler), then there should also be an air vent next to it. In addition, when accepting an apartment, you should check not only the presence of ventilation grilles, but also the draft in them. To do this, bring a lit match or lighter flame. With good traction, it will be “sucked” into the grate. Or you can take a paper sheet and attach it to the grate, it should “stick” to its surface. If, after checking, you are not convinced of the good operation of the ventilation system, it can be considered unusable. If the thrust works in the opposite direction, this is an apartment completely unsuitable for living. These shortcomings must be eliminated at the expense of the developer company.

The process of accepting housing is quite serious. Do not rush to sign documents without first studying them (especially pay attention to the fine print). Construction companies have highly qualified lawyers on their staff who know exactly the price of the owner's signature in the acceptance certificate. Corrections in the apartment at the expense of the developer are almost impossible after the future owner has signed the documents. Therefore, if possible, it is better to invite a specialist builder to accept the apartment. Well, if it is a relative or close friend. If not, you should hire an independent specialist. Defects in apartments in new buildings are common, they should be written on the inspection sheet, then they will be eliminated within two months.

Another significant plus of inviting a specialist is his ability to reasonably present the shortcomings of the apartment in such a way that the developer cannot “brush” them off. Each defect found and its reflection in a special sheet must necessarily be based on regulatory documentation, namely SNiPs (building codes and rules).

Cooperate with the company "My Repair" - it is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Rough finishing is the preparation of floors, walls, ceiling of an apartment for their final finishing. Those who have not come across the definition of what a rough finish is should visit a new building. It will immediately become clear what types of work are needed to prepare the premises for the final stage. In fact, this is an apartment with a minimum amount of work, the purpose of which is to put the housing into operation. Because the rough finish will be more economical when you start it from scratch.

Rough finishing in a new building is an important event, without which
the apartment cannot be rented out. There is no specific list
measures that the developer must perform in order for this to be called ready
draft repair. There are mandatory works and those that the developer can
perform additionally. Consider why a rough finish is needed, its purpose.

Electrical installation, heating, water supply, installation of door and window blocks are also included in the concept of rough finishing of an apartment.

What applies here

It is impossible to clearly distinguish what exactly refers to the rough finish. Each construction company determines the amount of work independently. But there are major works that need to be completed. What are they:

  • primary wiring;
  • minimally aligned walls and ceiling;
  • entrance door insert;
  • window openings are glazed;
  • the floor is leveled with a screed;
  • minimal communication.

Sometimes the builders under the rough work provide for all the dirty, dusty work. In other cases, only floor tracing, the presence of load-bearing structures. It is important to carefully read the contract, check what exactly is included in the dirty work. You can ask for a photo of the apartment with a rough finish and see how the room will look before delivery.

The construction company can also include the following meanings in this concept of rough finish:

  • glazing of the loggia / balcony;
  • leveling walls with plaster;
  • warm floor;
  • connection of meters;
  • waterproofing floors in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet;
  • thermal insulation of external walls.

What will not be

Before handing over, the house may not have plumbing, interior doors, division into rooms. Will not:

  • wall coverings - paint or wallpaper;
  • floor covering;
  • the ceiling will not be whitewashed.

Apartments with this type of finish are sold cheaper. You can immediately make repairs that you like.
Builders usually perform floor screed of not the best quality. Quite often it has to be redone. Walls and ceilings may not be level enough to allow wallpaper to be applied. Sometimes the developer just leaves the brickwork inside the rooms. Often you have to finish something, fix and redo it. All this is usually offset by the price of the apartment.
Disadvantages and advantages of rough finish
If the rough finish is carried out by the developer, then you need to be prepared for serious shortcomings. It can be:

  • cracks under window sills, above doorways;
  • voids under plaster;
  • dirty windows, radiators, pipes - difficult to clean at any stage.

Such shortcomings and shortcomings are easier to fix at this stage than in the area ready for occupancy.

As advantages it is worth noting:

  • cheaper cost compared to finished objects;
  • you can zone and decorate the room at your discretion;
  • You can do your own repairs.

What to Consider

Looking for an apartment with a rough finish comes across repairs of varying degrees of completeness and quality. Some errors and shortcomings can be ignored. Others it is important to notice and not to buy a similar apartment.

Critical Violations:

  • cracks in the floor screed;
  • cracks in load-bearing and internal walls;
  • serious curvature of the walls;
  • large differences in floor height;
  • wiring is not divorced;
  • no water supply or heating.

With such problems, you can only buy at a discount:

  • windows of poor quality or poorly installed;
  • the front door is missing, crooked, damaged;
  • rusty batteries;
  • plumbing or sewerage of poor quality, pipes will have to be changed.

You need to look at the documentation, the project, check the availability of all the actions and works scheduled there. If a floor screed is prescribed in the contract, it should be. Entrance doors must be installed. In their absence, demand the installation of everything necessary in the apartment.

What work needs to be done before moving in

In many cases, the preparation of the walls is carried out by plastering them. A qualitative result is the application of plaster on beacons. Visible irregularities are eliminated with putty. Such planes are suitable for painting, wallpapering, tiling.

  1. In bathrooms and toilets, plasterboard sheets are used instead of plaster. This saves time, but takes up useful space. If necessary, interroom partitions are installed. They are made from plasterboard, foam blocks or bricks.
  2. Getting to the design of the upper part of the rooms you need to imagine its design. In this case, it matters whether a stretch or suspended ceiling will be made. In other cases, it is leveled. Close up cracks, tile joints. The surface is primed, plastered, then leveled with putty and cleaned. For suspended ceilings, drywall sheets are used. For tension, leave everything in its original form.
  3. Be sure to prime the surfaces of walls and ceilings. The layer applied by roller or spray gives additional good adhesion. In addition, it has protective antibacterial properties.
  4. Depending on the type of flooring, the preparation of the base is carried out. With a large difference in height, a screed is laid. It is made from dry building mixes. If the difference is small, then self-leveling mixtures are used. At the junction of rooms where different materials are laid, you need to monitor the level of the floor. The screed for rooms with parquet and linoleum will be of different thicknesses. It is necessary that the screed has stood for at least a month. It is during this period that it gains the required strength.
  5. In the case of a floor heating device, they install cables and pipes. First, thermal insulation is laid, then cables and pipelines. Then fill with self-leveling mixtures.
  6. At the preparatory stage, you also need to redo the heating system. It is advisable to replace the installed radiators with new ones. Plumbing fixtures are not installed, but pipes for supplying hot and cold water are laid to their connection points.
  7. Wiring is performed without connecting household appliances, light sources. If the electrical wiring is hidden, strobes are pierced for it or laid under the GKL.
    The more thoroughly the rough preparation is carried out, the better the final finish will be.