Is it possible to paint ordinary wallpaper with any paint? What kind of paint can paint the wallpaper for painting: we change the design of the room at minimal cost How to paint the wallpaper in the apartment with your own hands

Wallpapering a room is not so difficult, but time-consuming. It is necessary to remove the old coating, put the wall in order - in general, it will take at least three days, or even a week, but I want to get it done quickly. There is a way out! It will take much less time to repair if you cover the walls with paint directly on the paper. How to paint old wallpaper yourself? This will be discussed in our article.

What can be dyed?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint and repaint the wallpaper depends on what exactly the walls are pasted over. You can change the color of the walls in this way if they have:

  • paper;
  • interlining;
  • silk plaster.

Important! There are special wallpapers for painting - there are no problems with them, they are intended for this. Non-woven fabric is beautifully painted, while you can paint both the wallpaper itself and the wall under them. Silk plaster can be removed, and with the help of a different dye and various additives, a new color and texture can be obtained, and then the walls can be covered with it again. Many people like this repaint.

There are coatings that can be painted in the usual way doesn't make sense:

  • textile panels;
  • glass wall papers.

In these cases, other technologies are used.

Important! As regards coverage for vinyl backing, then painting them is more difficult than gluing. The easiest way to apply paint on paper.

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper if it is torn?

A very important question: when exactly does it make sense to paint paper wallpapers? paper is enough cheap material, however, it has a number of unpleasant properties:

  • fade;
  • covered with spots that are poorly rubbed;
  • breaks;
  • if the repair is not done very well, it is separated from the walls without your participation.

If the wallpaper is holding up well, but has faded, it can be repainted. As well as in the case when stains appeared on the wall - greasy, from a felt-tip pen, etc.

Important! Do not be afraid that they will appear on the new coating, you will still prime the wall.

Torn wallpapers can also be covered with paint, but it all depends on how serious the damage is. If it's just scratches, cuts, or small scraps left behind, you can safely go to the store for paint. But if the coating was poorly glued and leaves on its own, it is easier and cheaper to replace it.

What will you need?

Having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to paint ordinary wallpaper paint, think about what you need for this:

  • actual paint;
  • priming;
  • masking tape;
  • roller;
  • narrow and wide brushes;
  • several meters of polyethylene film.

Primer, masking tape, film:

  • The primer will provide better adhesion of the paint to the surface. In addition, paper tends to absorb moisture, and water, in turn, dissolves the glue. So without a water-repellent primer, all your work will go down the drain - freshly painted sheets will perfectly separate from the wall.
  • Masking tape is needed to protect the baseboard and other parts that should not be dripped. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Take care not to stain floors and furniture that cannot be moved out. They need to be closed plastic wrap(for example, for greenhouses).

Brushes and rollers

Why brushes different widths? Very simple - you will have to paint over both the corners and places near sockets or switches. In a word, you can’t do it with just a wide brush or roller.

You can find on sale several types of rollers with different length pile. Which one to choose to paint old wallpaper depends on the quality of the coating on the walls:

  • if they are smooth, the pile should be short;
  • if textured - long.

How to paint paper wallpaper?

It is very important to choose the right paint. The first rule to be followed is that it must be for interior decoration rooms, not facades.

Important! Not to be used in a room oil paints- of course, once the premises were decorated exclusively with them, but simply because there were no others.

Surface quality

Now you can see paints on the shelves that give different types surfaces:

  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss;
  • satin;
  • matte;
  • semi-matt.

Important! Which option to choose depends on the purpose of the room, lighting and size:

  • For a large living room or bedroom with large windows matte walls are more suitable.
  • It is better to paint a small kitchenette with glossy paint - it will appear larger and lighter.

Performance characteristics

When choosing a finishing material to paint old wallpapers, you need to focus on its other coloring qualities:

  • Light resistance. If the paint burns out badly, you will have to do it pretty soon new renovation. So try to choose one that does not change color too quickly when exposed to sunlight.
  • Resistance to mechanical impact. The less sensitive the coating will be to mechanical influences, all the better. In principle, all interior paints give a durable surface that is quite difficult to scratch, but still do not forget to clarify this issue with a consultant.
  • Transparency. Pay Special attention for characteristics such as transparency. The paint that has already covered the walls should not show through the new layer, otherwise you risk getting the walls not at all the shade you want.
  • Environmental friendliness. Finishing materials that make out interior spaces apartments or houses, should not allocate harmful substances. It is desirable that they do not react with the environment at all.
  • Moisture resistance. Moisture resistance is important so that surfaces can be washed without severe consequences for them.
  • Drying time. The time of complete drying depends on how quickly you can make repairs.

Types of paints

Paints that can be used to paint paper wallpapers come in different bases:

  • alkyd;
  • one;
  • latex.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compounds adhere well to paper and form protective film, which allows you to wash the walls with any detergents. The undoubted advantages include the fact that the composition always contains antifungal additives and antiseptics.

However, they have several very significant disadvantages that make such paint more suitable for glass wallpaper than for paper:

  • walls do not "breathe";
  • the texture of the wallpaper is lost;
  • serve only about five years;
  • contain toxic substances;
  • are burning.

Important! Alkyd dyes are used mainly for non-residential premises, where, moreover, there is little risk of fire.

Water-based and latex-based paints

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper water-based paint? It is possible and even necessary, if you have already decided to take up this activity. The water emulsion, in addition to the low price, has a lot of useful properties:

  • does not smell;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not contain harmful substances, respectively - does not emit them when the coating is destroyed;
  • not sensitive to mechanical stress;
  • passes air;
  • does not react with the environment.

Important! Since water-based paints allow air to pass through, the fungus does not settle on paper. Surfaces finished with such material are easy to clean, and it is usually not necessary to use aggressive detergents.

Types of water-based paints

Water-based paints are of two types:

  • acrylic on a latex basis;
  • water based acrylic.

Both are suitable for finishing residential premises.


Latex compounds do not allow the paper to get wet and fall off the walls. You can wash them with any detergent. You can paint both smooth and textured surfaces, and the texture is preserved.

Acrylic paints based on latex - the most popular type finishing materials. They perfectly protect the paper coating from mechanical influences, excellently retain relief.


Quite a few positive properties and for water-based acrylic paints:

  • do not smell;
  • dry very quickly;
  • pass air;
  • during the work does not form smudges.

What to give preference?

When choosing one or another composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface:

  • Water-based acrylic paints are more suitable for non-woven surfaces.
  • For paper, it is better to choose latex.

Important! An important condition for the popularity of these paints is low price. They do not contain expensive solvents, which makes such materials accessible to most.

In addition, the choice of such paints in stores is quite wide, and if you wish, you can order any suitable shade, or even make it yourself, taking a white emulsion and the appropriate color scheme. This allows you to get original color solutions.

Preparing the wall

Before you paint ordinary wallpaper, you need to tidy up the wall. The procedure is quite common, and perhaps even easier than preparing for sticking new wallpaper:

  1. First of all, remove all the furniture that can be removed from the room.
  2. Move the one that remains away from the walls, cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Remove dust from wallpaper with any in a suitable way, best of all - with a vacuum cleaner, but you can also use a soft cloth.
  4. If possible, get rid of stains - they, of course, will go under the paint, but it is better if the surface is as uniform as possible.
  5. Tape the baseboard masking tape- You can get by with a wide adhesive tape, but this is not very convenient.
  6. If somewhere pieces of wallpaper have moved away from the walls, glue them or remove them.
  7. If it does not stick very evenly, sand the place with fine sandpaper.

Important! You need to remove not only dust, but also cobwebs, if any.


After the walls are prepared, you need to apply the primer. This is a fairly simple procedure, familiar to anyone who has ever done repairs. Ingredients may vary.

For painting paper wallpapers, for example, PVA-based primer is suitable. Water-based paint lays down on it just perfectly. The most important thing is to let the wall dry completely. In this case, starting work a little later than planned is much more useful than rushing. You need to wait at least a day.

Important! When applying the primer, the room must be completely closed, it is impossible to ventilate the room until the composition is completely dry.

Cooking paint

Each jar comes with instructions, and it is best to read them carefully. But there are a few general considerations to keep in mind:

  1. The paint must be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. It is best not to add color yourself, but to ask a consultant in a hardware store to do this.

Applying paint

Well, everything is ready, you can proceed to final stage- directly painting old wallpaper.

Important! If you don't have much experience with painting, try painting the wall sections where the cabinets and sofa will be first - once you have everything in place, these pieces will not be noticeable, and you can practice.

But it's better to follow this order:

  1. Start painting from the top, with large horizontal strokes going in the same direction.
  2. Apply the paint evenly, without gaps, in an even layer.
  3. After the entire surface is painted, paint over the corners, areas adjacent to the plinth - it is more convenient to do this with a thin brush.
  4. Wait 3-4 hours.
  5. Apply another layer.

Important! To check how you coped with your task, carefully inspect the wall by holding a bright lamp to it. If the surface is even, without streaks, drops and places where the old coating shows through, everything is in order. If there are defects, paint over them or apply another layer.

Convinced that painting old wallpaper is not only possible, but sometimes very profitable? But remember that painting wallpaper with a pattern is not so easy. Start updating the design of the room you need, because now you know how easy and high-quality it is to do it!

The repair option with wallpaper for painting is suitable for creative people who cannot look at walls of the same color for a long time. The advantage of this method of finishing is that it is enough to buy new paint and cover the surface.

What is paintable wallpaper?

This type differs from traditional external wall coverings in a voluminous coarse-fibered or embossed structure. Sweeping drawings, as a rule, are absent. This pattern makes it possible to show imagination and experiment with how to paint wallpaper for painting. Photos with examples can be found in various design magazines and in this article.

The advantage of such wallpaper can be called the fact that each next layer is cheaper compared to the cost of buying a new roll material and gluing it.

Many buyers are interested in how to paint wallpaper for painting, if they have already been applied specific color. Experts say that this material is designed for 5-15 layers of coating. When changing wallpaper, it is enough to simply dismantle the old ones by removing them from the wall.

Types of wallpaper for painting

1. Fiberglass. This type of material is very strong and durable. It is made from quartz threads, which include sand, dolomite, lime and soda. The surface of such wallpaper imitates various textures. This feature allows them to visually align the walls, making the interior more comfortable.

2. Paper. During production, such wallpapers are impregnated with a water-repellent composition, which retains its properties even after several stains. Despite this, washing the walls is not recommended. This material also has a relief structure. Great for both walls and ceilings.

3. Non-woven. Such material is obtained from a dense fiber, which is pressed during production. The textured surface is created by applying foamed vinyl through a stencil. It is easy to glue such material, it allows you to hide small irregularities in the walls.

The choice of paint for wallpaper

Many buyers are sure that it does not matter what and how to paint the wallpaper for painting. This is not true. Depending on the type of wallpaper purchased, it is immediately desirable to choose suitable paint. It can be water-dispersion, water-based or latex. That is, these are coatings in which only water acts as a solvent, and not a chemically active composition. Otherwise, the latter will begin to penetrate the wallpaper and destroy their structure.

Before you paint the wallpaper for painting, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the color of the coating. Ready-made formulations do not always fully satisfy customers. Therefore, special coloring pigments are sold in stores that can bring the paint to the desired shade. It is important to understand that the same color will look different in different lighting.

Types of paints for wallpaper

1. Water dispersion. The composition of this paint includes polymer acrylic. Therefore, it can also be called acrylic in another way. A feature of water-dispersion paint is its high drying speed on wallpaper, which makes the application process fast. The finished layer of such a coating has water-repellent properties. The paint can only be removed with a special solvent. Water dispersion paint is suitable for fiberglass and paper wallpapers.

2. Water emulsion. In a liquid state, in properties and texture, it resembles water-dispersed paint, but behaves completely differently on wallpaper. Such a coating is characterized by the fact that after drying it can be easily washed off with water. This is because the water-based paint contains PVA, which is a binder. After the end of the polymerization process (or drying), the solvent still cannot resist dissolution by water. Water-based paint is best used in dry rooms.

3. Latex. This paint forms an excellent elastic coating on the wallpaper, resistant to mechanical stress and moisture. Latex paint looks glossy. The degree of characteristic gloss is of varying degrees, this indicator is noted on the package. The bigger it is, the better wallpaper will resist water penetration. Coating with latex paint makes them washable. Therefore, they are often used in kitchens and corridors. The latex type of coating is desirable to use in rooms on the sunny side, as it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and, therefore, to fading. It is also suitable for non-woven wallpaper.

Types of painting using wallpaper

1. Wallpaper is first glued to the walls, and after drying, covered with paint of the desired color.

2. Roll material paint with inside and only after that they are glued to the walls.

3. Only the wall is covered with bright paint. Then wallpaper is glued on it. Translucent through them, the paint looks matte.

Preparatory work

1. Glue masking tape all skirting boards, platbands, window sills adjacent to the walls.

2. Cover the entire floor area with thick paper or polyethylene. The latter is sold in construction stores. Temporary flooring must be securely fixed to the floor with adhesive tape to avoid injury. If it is not possible to take out all the furniture, then you need to take care in advance how to paint the wallpaper for painting in the interior. That is, to close everything from dust and drops.

3. All workers must wear long sleeves and gloves.

How to paint paintable wallpaper

Before you start covering the wallpaper with paint, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Woolen or velor roller. It must be borne in mind that it is these materials that will not leave air bubbles and stains on the wall. Habitual foam can ruin the picture.
  • Tassels. They should only be used in hard-to-reach places.
  • Spray. It provides the most uniform and smooth wall coverage.
  • Tray for paint. It is necessary to pour a small amount of the composition into it and evenly distribute it over the roller.

Wallpaper coloring technology

If several surfaces in the room require coating, then you must first decide how to paint the wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, and only then take up the walls. Working with a roller at a height requires some skill. If it is cullet, then they must first be primed. All other types this material after gluing, you only need to dry for two to three days.

The ceiling is painted with a roller. Do not collect too much liquid on it, otherwise it begins to drain, falling into everything around. In hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to cover everything with a thin brush. The paint must be immediately diluted based on the entire ceiling, since it will be very difficult to get the same tone again if necessary.

Wall painting starts from top to bottom. Depending on the saturation of the color, you can go through the same places several times, and then proceed to the next section.

Many designers choose to paint walls in multiple colors. This move helps to separate the zones of the room from each other. The owners of the apartment themselves can do this if they decide in advance how to paint the wallpaper for painting in two colors. Each next section in this case, it will be processed after the previous one has completely dried. You can create a clear border between colors with a wide spatula.

As already mentioned, you can change the color of such walls more than ten times. Before painting the wallpaper for painting again, dust, dirt and grease stains must be removed from the old layer.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in changing the color of the walls on your own.

Despite the advantages of paper products, it is undesirable to use them as a basis for further staining, as they may simply not survive the application of paint and all your efforts will be in vain.

Note! If the paper wallpaper is already on the wall and you do not want to re-paste it, then as an exception you can paint it. First you need to apply a special acrylic primer, which will reduce the likelihood of swelling and deformation of the paper.

Interlining and vinyl

Non-woven wallpaper is made from cellulose, which is modified with polyester fibers, which significantly increases their strength and moisture resistance. Vinyl products are made on a non-woven basis - a layer of PVC is applied on the non-woven fabric, which performs a protective and decorative function. Both options perfectly tolerate staining (in some cases, repeated) and can be used as wallpaper for painting.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is made from fiberglass - they are environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable and have great strength potential. This product is produced exclusively for further staining and is the best option for multiple paint applications. The only drawback of this product is the high price.

Paint selection

When choosing which paint to paint the wallpaper for painting, it is best to give preference to water-dispersion compositions. optimally suited for this purpose - they are quite elastic, do not contain aggressive solvents and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Water-based paints are less durable and more susceptible to high humidity, but their use is also quite appropriate. Oil paints and enamels are not suitable for this purpose, due to the presence of aggressive solvents, a strong odor and low elasticity.

Paint application

  • Before painting wallpaper for painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface. They must be dry and clean, free of oil stains and other contaminants. If any, the surface must be degreased with a damp sponge and a mild detergent. After that, the cleaning agent must be removed and the surface dried;

Note! Wet cleaning is carried out only on wallpapers that are washable or already painted with a moisture-resistant composition; for other analogues, wet cleaning is contraindicated.

  • Dye is added to the paint - colorant pastes can be added directly to the paint container, and the dry pigment is pre-diluted with water. Water-based and water-dispersion formulations, if necessary, are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions, until the required consistency is reached;

Note! The paint must be tinted once in sufficient quantity, since the same shade will be obtained during the next kneading without professional equipment almost impossible.

  • For application, you can use a roller, brush or spray gun - the latter option is more priority, since spraying paint does not wear out the wallpaper, as is the case with mechanical application. However, the use of an airbrush requires skills to work with it;
  • If you prefer mechanical application of paint, then the best option would be to use a roller - only corners and hard-to-reach areas are painted over with a brush. It is best to purchase rollers with natural pile or velor - they completely paint over even embossed wallpaper and do not leave air bubbles;

Note! The use of a foam roller is appropriate if there is a deep embossed pattern on the surface - with its help you can carry out surface staining without affecting inner part wallpaper.

Of the variety of types of wall decoration, the most popular is wallpapering with their subsequent painting. Previously, this method was not in demand, but for last years many new technologies have been invented, innovative coloring compositions and coloring methods have been developed.

In order to paint the wallpaper, you will need a small painting arsenal:

  • Paint rollers. They are foam rubber and fleecy. Painted with foam rollers smooth surfaces, and fleecy - corrugated. Both of these types of painting tools allow you to achieve excellent results.
  • Paint brushes. This tool is needed in order to paint over hard-to-reach places which cannot be penetrated with a roller. It can be corners or a line along the baguette. It is very important to learn how to choose high-quality brushes. It will not be very good if, during operation, the bristles begin to fall out and stick to the surface of the wallpaper smeared with paint. Therefore, before buying a brush, you need to slightly pull it by the pile, and if it remains in your fingers, do not buy, but continue searching.

  • Cuvette. It looks like a bath in which there is a recess for the dye and a ribbed surface for impregnating the roller with paint by rolling. It is necessary to impregnate the roller with paint with special care and as evenly as possible, it depends on how the painted wallpaper will look.

Paint for painting wallpaper

To paint the wallpaper, you will need special paints that have a certain composition and properties. They are impact resistant sunlight and difficult to resist, and some varieties withstand washing with weakly alkaline solutions.

Modern dyes for wallpaper are able to create a high-quality coating on all types of wallpaper, from paper and non-woven to glass. Moreover, their structure is preserved in its original form.

For painting wallpapers, all dyes that have an acrylic or water-based base are suitable. All other types of paints this case should not be applied.

Dyes for wallpaper are of two types:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

The choice depends on individual preferences, but if you combine them, you can get very interesting solutions.

Before you start painting the wallpaper, you need to make sure that their surface is free of dust, greasy spots and other contaminants. If necessary, the shade of the dye can be adjusted or changed using the color scheme.

Wallpaper painting methods

There are several staining methods that allow you to work with various types wallpaper and achieve specific effects:

  • The first method is suitable for all types of wallpaper for painting. They are glued and dried for two days. Next, take any of the dyes having water base and apply evenly over the entire area of ​​the wallpaper with a fleecy roller. At the same time, the length of its pile should exceed the depth of the structure of the wallpaper pattern. Then the paint will evenly fall on the lower level of the canvas, and on its convex part. This method is the simplest, fastest and most versatile.

  • The second method is also applicable for any kind of wallpaper. After drying, the dye is reapplied to the surface painted in the first way, but the velor roller is now used. Due to this, the paint does not reach the lower level of the canvas and remains only on its convex parts. Due to this, the upper and lower layers of the surface of the wallpaper have a different shade. Using this method, you can combine not only paint different colors, but also different quality such as matte and glossy. It turns out a very interesting effect.
  • The third way is suitable for painting vinyl wallpaper non-woven base. This method is rather complicated and requires a lot of labor and time. Its essence is as follows: the paint is applied to the wallpaper by the first method and, without waiting for it to dry, is erased with a piece of textile from the surface of the relief. In this case, the wallpaper gets a non-uniform color.

  • The fourth method is also for vinyl wallpaper. The paint is applied to their wrong side, even before sticking to the wall. It is absorbed into the non-woven base and sets off the convex surface of the canvas. The dye can be either a water-based paint or a water-soluble color. Before you start gluing, you need to dry the paint well. Wallpaper glue must be tested in advance by sticking a test piece of wallpaper. If too thick a layer of dye is applied to them, then the adhesive for non-woven wallpaper may not hold them. In this case, you will have to use glue for vinyl wallpaper. You also need to consider that the newly applied paint is several tones darker than the dried one.

  • The fifth method applies to all types of wallpaper. The dye is applied to the wall and wallpaper is glued on top. In this case, the glue dissolves a certain amount of paint, after which it is absorbed into the base, tinting it. But when using this method, it is never possible to accurately predict how evenly the paint will saturate the base. The wall can take her in different places in different quantities, and then the wallpaper will be covered with spots, which may have to be painted over.

Painting wallpaper on the ceiling

To finish the ceiling, use the same types of wallpaper and dyes as for the walls. The painting process itself ceiling wallpaper similar to wall painting, although it still has some of its own characteristics:

  • A roller must be used to apply the paint. Using a brush seriously complicates the work;
  • because paint can drip from the roller, then it is necessary to protect the floors and furniture in the room from getting it;
  • for the same reason, skin, eyes, scalp should be carefully hidden under protective clothing;

  • be sure to use a tray and carefully soak the roller with paint;
  • cover the ceiling with several even layers of dye, drying each of them thoroughly;
  • it is necessary to carefully consider the consistency of the paint, adjusting it, if necessary, with the help of a solvent. So it will be easier for you to avoid the appearance of drops hanging from the ceiling or a clogged relief.

By following the simple tips above, you can easily cope with such a task as painting wallpaper. You can see photos illustrating this process on this page.

The ability to paint wallpaper for painting correctly will allow you to create unusual and stylish designs with your own hands without tangible financial losses. As a rule, wallpaper for painting is more expensive than usual, and many people buy it. And given choice justified, because you can change the interior in a very short time by simply repainting the walls in one or more colors. And you can do this up to 10 times, which means that you can forget about new wallpapers for many years.

And so, let's consider in more detail which ones are painted for painting. We note right away that not all wallpapers are used for painting. Cheap paper canvases will simply soften and lose their aesthetics and attractiveness. Perhaps they will begin to bubble and peel off in some places. And no matter how much paint you put on them, they will still look ugly.

Therefore, when buying wallpaper for painting, do not save. When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to vinyl or non-woven. This option wallpaper has a beautiful embossed surface that you can easily repaint.

Wallpaper for painting must be painted, even despite their original beautiful white color.

Painting will protect their surface and increase the service life. As an alternative to vinyl wallpaper, you can also use. They look very nice, and a huge assortment will allow you to choose the desired pattern.

For painting wallpaper with your own hands, experts do not recommend using oil paints. It is also forbidden to use coloring compositions diluted with a solvent, since these substances will cause irreparable harm to the wallpaper.

Wallpaper made of paper and glass is better to paint latex paints, because they are not as aggressive. paper wallpaper can also be dyed with water-based coloring compositions.

Non-woven wallpaper paint acrylic paints. And to improve performance characteristics coatings on their surface after painting. Although in this case it will be impossible to re-paint the wallpaper.

Painting vinyl wallpaper is carried out in the same way as non-woven - with acrylic paints. Moreover, you can use both glossy and matte compositions. The second option will ideally hide all the defects on the walls. Several layers of coating will smooth out the textured surface.

What kind of roller is used when painting wallpaper?

For high-quality self-painting of the surface, you should choose the right roller. It should absorb all the paint well, and at the same time it should not drain and splatter.

There are two main types of rollers:

  • with nozzle up to 10 cm;
  • with nozzle up to 25 cm.

With the help of short nozzles paint hard-to-reach places. Long nozzles allow you to apply a uniform, even layer with slight transitions.

The clutch should be fur with a small pile.

It perfectly absorbs the paint and distributes it evenly with a light pressure on the roller. For better wetting of the roller, it is better to pour the paint into the bath. Excess paint should flow back into the bath.

How to paint wallpaper for painting with your own hands?

The basic rule is that all paint and varnish mixtures must be applied to a clean and dry surface. And be sure to wait until the wallpaper is completely dry. And only after that proceed to painting. As a rule, the interval between gluing and painting is about 24 hours.

All wallpaper to be painted originally comes white color. And for their painting, you can choose any tone that interests you. If you need to repaint dark wallpaper, apply neutral paint first, and only then paint in the desired color.

Let's consider step by step the whole process of painting wallpaper with your own hands:

Painting wallpaper with water-based paint also requires certain conditions. Pre-paint needs to be given a certain shade.

This can be done in two ways:

For creating original interior, it is necessary to paint the wallpaper in two colors. You can combine both close shades and contrasting ones. Gradient staining is also common - this is smooth transition between similar shades.

To highlight the border between colors, use ordinary construction tapes, borders and moldings, as well as other separators.

Types of wallpaper painting

To paint the wallpaper, you should decide what final effect you want to achieve. Classic style implies clear boundaries between shades, and creative interiors can be created using arbitrary painting.

Below we will consider popular species use of paints on wallpaper:

Wallpaper for painting in the interior will give you complete freedom for creativity. With the help of them you will be able to realize your brightest design ideas. In addition, you can paint the wallpaper with your own hands and make it truly original.
