How to paint a crib white. How to paint a newborn's crib: choosing a safe finish for restoring an old wooden bed. How to quickly remove old varnish from the surface of the crib

How to paint a bed so that you get good result? To do this, it is necessary to take seriously not only the preparatory and painting work but also to the selection of the necessary materials. Even a small mistake made during the painting process can be fatal.

To neatly and beautifully paint the bed, you need to stock up:

brush or cloth for cleaning dust, polyethylene, gloves, scraper, spatula, sandpaper(shallow), grinding base or bar, masking tape, a construction mixer, a paint tray, a brush, a roller, paint of the required shade, a special varnish for wood, an alkyd primer, putty or grout, special means to clean the cover.


1. Before painting the bed, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface. Often, this takes more time than the painting itself, but nevertheless, work at this stage should not be neglected. A layer of paint will not hide defects on the surface of the bed, so they must be eliminated without fail. Where does preparatory work begin?

  • wipe the surface with sandpaper;
  • the dust formed during grinding must be carefully removed with a dry, clean cloth;
  • if the bed has already been painted, the old coating should be removed using a hard bristled brush or scraper and washed thoroughly with a special detergent;
  • a degreasing compound, an antiseptic, a layer of primer paint are applied to the cleaned base, after it dries, cracks, irregularities are primed, if necessary, the entire surface. To obtain best result, it is better to apply putty in two layers, especially since when it dries, it shrinks;
  • when the surface dries well, it is necessary to sand it with sandpaper and remove the resulting dust.

In every house there is furniture , which is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, no matter what she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in front of everyone. In addition to the main purpose of furniture should be a pleasant sight, and it can serve as a decoration of the room.

Metamorphosis in White color- This is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it does not happen that a favorite subject furniture for a long time remained as if it had been brought from the store. After time, any thing loses its former attractiveness, grows old. Needs regular maintenance and refurbishment furniture . A chipboard cabinet has turned into junk, this cannot be an excuse to take it to a landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. At good care old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern.

Yes, and the budget will not suffer, since the expenses will be negligible if you were buying a new cabinet.

The one who decided to paint furniture on my own, probably wondered how to do it right. Interior items made of chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wooden ones. It takes a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will require less primer than wood.

So how do you paint your closet? ? What paint to apply? Best Option will use alkyd or acrylic paint on water based. It has many advantages - it has a juicy shade, odorless, which has great importance, when you work indoors, it is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind when you apply layers. Also suitable regular paint on wood or aerosol.

There is a wide variety of acrylic paints with a metallic or mother-of-pearl effect.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture the effect of antiquity. She will look great. The plane needs to be painted in several layers, first let each layer dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help to fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the wardrobe different colors, for example, a light base and multi-colored details. For the desired color white paint add tone. When decorating a children's room, use all the fiction. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint to a small area furniture , so you will understand what color paint will be needed, what will be its brightness.

Each manufacturer produces an appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up necessary materials: adhesive tape construction; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper different grits to remove the previous layer of paint; degreaser; primer; putty (automotive is quite suitable); solvent or white spirit - will remove the remnants of the old paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber.

Materials and tools for work.

Of the tools you will need: stationery and carpentry knives; building hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush - it’s better not to save on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that the villi do not remain on the surface; roller; putty knife; screwdrivers; hammer; nails; drill.

From the furniture you need to remove the fittings, remove the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Close up the cracks

The appearance of cracks on objects furniture from chipboard, as a rule, moisture ingress contributes, they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors, without sticking to them, slamming doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work, you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, PVA glue.

We fill the syringe with PVA glue, put on the needle. We fill the entire gap of the crack with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared, and tighten it. Excess glue is removed with a napkin. We leave for a day or two. After the time has passed, we continue the restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks with putty.

We apply the mixture on the plane with a spatula in two layers. The first layer is distributed equally evenly on the surface. We are waiting for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Remove before painting old layer paints. We will do it with sandpaper after wiping the surface with a cloth or sponge. Sand in circular motions. First we clean sandpaper coarse grain. We carry out the work carefully, removing the old coating . Be careful not to rub off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush, the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may clog into the surface or cracks. This may affect the paintwork.

We are cleaning again, but already sandpaper fine granularity. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the premises.

This is necessary so that in the future dirt does not get on the surface to be painted.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a cloth.

Primer - the main character

The primer is an important part in the process of furniture restoration, with its help you will paint the cabinet with high quality. Also, it will contribute to the rapid drying of the paint, because it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. A positive point is that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you chose acrylic paint for painting, then you need to take an acrylic-based primer.

Coloring will be very good quality, because the elements of materials for painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual, find out how long the primer should dry, since only a dry surface needs to be painted.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave for the time indicated in the memo.

The technology of applying paint and varnish on furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting.There must be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the selected color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint lays down evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually, to achieve the desired effect.

If using multiple colors, use masking tape on the edges so that the colors do not mix. It takes a certain time for the furniture to dry completely - about 2-3 days. After we cover the surface with a transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we collect the elements of the cabinet.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, in particular, formaldehyde. If there are children at home and it is of great importance to you that Decoration Materials were odorless, apply water-based acrylic varnishes.

After painting, your furniture will not only change appearance, it will become a highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dusty coating is not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating , it would be ideal to apply oil varnish PF-283.

The lining will become strong and sound, will last a very long time.

Want to cover was tinted, use alkyd varnish with toning, especially since color palette quite varied. To add gloss, use yacht varnish, the furniture will look just perfect.

Good for protection as well decorative finishes surfaces made of wood is yacht lacquer.

Of course, the preparation of furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, the proper effect may not be, but coating applied to furniture will quickly fall off. Everything must be done according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not difficult, as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in the house.

How to artistically paint a closet and make a gradation of colors

Painting is widespread at the present time. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate on their own. Many people approach this process in different ways - they use original style or decorated with copies of famous paintings.

You can give uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, whether it be a chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe, table, chair, armchair, change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing, the furniture will play in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it will not be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination.For creative work worth applying acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. Flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted with craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the closet has many drawers, better fit gradation. You are transitioning between shades of the same color, or you can use different colors. For example, you make a phased transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. In order for the transition to be without sharp boundaries, a colored pigment should be added to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or whatever you like.

Particularly original gradation will look in the children's room.

Now there are many ways of alternating colors, all of them deserve sufficient attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: We give new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:

When creating a bed with your own hands, you need to take care not only of its reliability, but also of its appearance. That is why you need to think about how to properly decorate it. For this purpose, you can use fabric for sheathing, paint and other decorative elements. Most often, the surface is simply painted with a special paint. This is due to the fact that the product will not only look original, but also protected from impacts. high humidity and insects. Consider the main features of painting a bed with your own hands, what tools and materials to choose, technology and stages of work.

What you need to work

In order for the staining process to go smoothly and quickly, it is very important to prepare tools and materials in advance. So, you will need sandpaper, a roller, brushes. It is also important to get the right shade of paint. Best to use water-based paint or acrylic. They are perfect for any tree. One more important stuff for painting - this is a primer and varnish. Next, let's take a closer look at staining technologies.

Bed coloring steps

To paint the bed with your own hands, you need to follow and take into account the following features of the process, the steps:

  • You need a quality surface finish. The tree should not have various defects (irregularities, burrs). Only in this case, the coloring will be uniform. Please note that for this purpose it is best to use sandpaper of low hardness. This will allow high-quality and thorough surface treatment;
  • Before painting, it is desirable to treat the surface of the bed frame with a primer. It will make adhesion to the surface better, while the paint will last much longer. This must be taken into account during work;
  • Painting. For quality and uniform painting it is best to use a roller and a thin brush. The first tool will allow you to paint large surfaces without special effort. The brush will help to process the corners with accuracy and precision. It is better to paint the bed frame in several layers. This will make the surface beautiful and uniform;
  • After the paint has completely dried, it is recommended to varnish the product. He will create additional protection. In this case, the tree will not deteriorate from high humidity and temperature changes.

Why paint a crib? Each family has its own answer to this question. Someone’s kid chewed it with their teeth, someone is trying to create a bright mood in the nursery, or wants to restore inherited furniture. Only one thing is embarrassing - the danger of paint and varnish coatings for the health of the baby. We are solving this issue today, because there are non-toxic paints for updating the interior. Subject to the staining technology, they will help restore the bed in a few days.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, you need to prepare everything you need in advance, including a crib. If it is not new, then the bed for the child can be updated by painting

How do manufacturers paint beds?

Manufacturers of children's furniture usually use oil paints. They improve the appearance of the crib, give it a velvety even tone, protect the wood from damage and dirt. The added antiseptic components prevent mold and wood decay.

The water-based varnishes used in the production do not have a pungent odor, are pleasant to the touch, and allow you to admire the pattern. natural wood. They are afraid of chemicals detergents Therefore, it is enough to wipe them daily with a damp cloth. It is important that the coating does not contain dangerous lead and formaldehyde (this is indicated in the quality certificates).

How to paint a crib at home?

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It makes sense to paint a crib for a baby if it is not new, because at the time of purchase you can buy furniture for almost any nursery colors. For work, it is important to choose non-toxic paints, observe safety precautions. It is undesirable that future mom updated the coverage. It is necessary to attract close people to this.

For children's furniture, it is necessary to carefully choose the paint, as it must comply with all safety parameters and not include hazardous compounds.

How to paint a baby bed? When choosing materials, it is important to focus not only on the desired shade, but also on complete safety for newborns (see also:). They should not contain toxic solvents, toxic oxides, volatile chemical compounds, salts of heavy metals and other harmful impurities. These requirements are met by the following types of paints:

  1. Acrylic water based. Wear-resistant, easy to use, do not collapse from constant cleaning. However, their cost is quite high.
  2. Nitro paints. Forms a durable fireproof coating. They dry quickly, do not have a pronounced smell, and have a low price for painting 1 sq.m.
  3. Water emulsion. Non-toxic, cover furniture easily and densely, have no smell, can close cracks 1-2 mm deep, last up to 5 years.
  4. Wax oils. Create a flawless coating thanks to a high-quality composition. The oils soak into the wood, and the wax creates an outer water-repellent coating. The only drawback is the high cost.

If parents decide to paint the crib on their own, it is important to understand that it is not always possible to achieve the desired color. In addition, the baby may develop a habit of chewing on the sides, which negatively affects health when using paintwork materials. When selecting paint, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the certificates of conformity with the conclusions issued by state supervisory authorities.

Is it possible to varnish the crib at home?

The most popular color that parents prefer to paint children's furniture is cream, brown, pink, blue. However, many of them only want to emphasize the natural texture of wood and protect it from damage. negative factors environment. Non-toxic acrylic varnishes are suitable for this. They are transparent, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chips and damage, and do not have a strong odor. Nitro-varnishes and water-based coatings are not suitable for children's furniture. The first are toxic, the second are impractical, because they are destroyed by the liquid.

applied to the surface of the crib acrylic lacquer emphasizes the structure of the tree and gives it a classic natural look

Acrylic composition can cover furniture final stage. Previously, its surface is painted, sanded (sanded with sandpaper No. 80,100) and covered with a water-based stain. In the first case, the furniture will take on a more well-groomed appearance. In the second option, the stain will darken the wood in several layers, and the varnish will emphasize its pattern.

How to quickly remove old varnish from the surface of the crib?

Removing old varnish from furniture will not work quickly. Skills and tools required (Bulgarian, grinder machine, a round nozzle on a drill in the form of a grinding wheel, a special wash). Craftsmen recommend using the Dufa Abbeizer wash. However, the product has a smell, it does not behave equally well on all surfaces.

Masters do not advise, without special need, to wash off the existing varnish with wooden surface. You have to walk through old surface sandpaper, apply stain (to darken the wood) or paint. After drying, a fresh coating can be applied.

Stages of painting a crib

Before you paint the bed, you need to prepare the materials and surfaces of the furniture. You will need paint, a roller (a small flat and a large round brush), a sponge and a rag. There are aerosol coatings that are applied by spraying, but their use leads to an increase in material consumption. During painting work, you should adhere to the plan:

  • disassemble furniture into elements;
  • clean off the old paint (if it is not planned to cover the existing composition) using a spatula, grinder, brush, chemical wash;
  • remove dust, process resinous knots (if any);
  • putty flaws, chips and cracks;
  • sand the surfaces with sandpaper and remove dust with a rag;
  • if painting on the sides is planned, the surface should be primed after grinding;
  • using a roller or brush, apply a thin layer of paint, carefully covering the ends and the wrong side;
  • after the first layer has dried, apply the next, leave until completely dry.

Coloring is carried out in several layers after complete drying of each

It is correct to paint the bed not with one dense layer, but with two or three thin ones. Carry out the procedure 3 weeks before the start of operation of the furniture. This will allow timely elimination of coating defects and completely weather the most subtle smell of paint. If, after staining, the coating began to bubble and lag behind, the work is redone: the surface is cleaned with sandpaper, degreased and painted. The final drying time takes up to 8 hours.

Often the bed is inherited by the baby from older brothers, sisters, friends and relatives. It does not always have a look that suits the parents, and you have to deal with restoration. The following activities will allow you to update the appearance of a sleeping place in a short time:

  1. Checking the possibility of restoration of the coating. It is important to determine if the old coating contains lead. If this is the case, then the paint has already eaten into the wood, and it is impossible to clean it off. From such a bed should be abandoned.
  2. Safety assessment. Infant bed instructions are subject to change. Furniture that was safe 10-15 years ago may not meet modern requirements. Pay attention to the distance between the sides of the crib. It should not be so large that the baby can stick his head through.
  3. Preparing for a new color. Worth removing traces old paint, clean from dust, sand, make sure there are no burrs, sharp corners.
  4. Painting. Masters recommend choosing Tikkurila, Dulux, Bright, PF-115, Symphony Winner paints. Tikkurila Miranol, Enamel Poli-R, Krasivo (Kvill) brands are suitable for painting white. Alpina, Tikkurila Euro Pesto, Enamel Aerosol coatings are well painted in brown. Not recommended to use alkyd enamels red and yellow flowers from manufacturers Kudo, LA-060 Element, PF-115 Lacra because they contain lead.
  5. Choice bedding. The mattress and linen should be new, similar in size to the bed, so that the baby is comfortable.
  6. Strength test. It is important to make sure that the model is ready for long-term operation. For this, mechanisms and loops that can harm the child are being checked. The frame of the crib can be wrapped in a protective cover that the baby can chew on without harm to himself.

Note to crafty parents: how to make a baby's crib unique?

Various decorations in the form of pillows, pads on the sides of the crib will give not only a unique look, but also create additional protection for the baby

give sleeping place baby designer gloss with your own hands can be done in a few days. This inspires parents who love to work on their own to improve the interior of the apartment and house. In this case, it is better to view photos of interiors in children's rooms and act in this way:
(we recommend reading:)

  • think over the author's design of the bed (pattern, decor);
  • choose color pick desired paint(acrylic, latex);
  • calculate the cost of work and proceed to execution;
  • make decor from fabric: patchwork quilt, crib sides, canopy and more (we recommend reading:);
  • add wheels, do ventilation holes in the bottom of the bed;
  • decorate bed linen with applications, stripes according to the style of the nursery.

Parents should be aware that sometimes you can do without paintwork. In this case, the crib should be sanded and left in its natural form. Often, when restoring a baby crib, craftsmen use special wax-oils, which allows them to preserve the natural shade of wood. However, if you want to express the uniqueness of the children's room with the help of certain color, only staining with safe materials will help.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology
