How to update walls painted with water-based paint. How to paint walls with water-based paint. Advantages and disadvantages of water-based paint

One of the ways to decorate the premises is to paint with water-based compositions. Why is this option good? Walls painted with water-based emulsion are combined with interiors of any type. And with the hi-tech and minimalism that are popular today, there are almost no options - the walls should only be smooth, without a pattern. This can be achieved by painting or pasting with plain wallpaper. The second plus is that you can choose any color, and by choosing the appropriate type of paint, you can get a matte or semi-matte surface. The third positive point is that painting walls with water-based paint is a simple process. You can do everything with your own hands.

What water emulsion to choose for walls

Under the name of water-based paints, there are compositions with different properties - some can only be used indoors, and even then they are quickly erased and faded, others paint the outer walls and they do not lose their appearance for years. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a composition for specific tasks and goals.

The basis of water-based paints is water, in which there are polymer or mineral particles. When drying after painting, water evaporates, and polymers and minerals form a film on the surface. The properties of this film are determined by the type of polymer, therefore, when choosing, the composition of the water-based paint is of key importance. And they are:

Having decided on the composition, you need to choose a manufacturer. There is no news here - it is better to pay a little more, but get high-quality paint than repaint everything again in a few months. When choosing, pay attention not only to the price and volume, but also to such an indicator as consumption. It is indicated in grams per square meter and sometimes differs significantly. And often expensive paints have a much lower consumption.

Characteristics of water-based wall paints

NameApplicationSpecial propertiesConsumptionPrice for 1 literPainting price per square meter
Tikkurila Euro-7 AConcrete, wood, brick, fiberglass (wallpaper), plasterLatex water-repellent paint based on acrylic8–10 m²/kg292 rub/l29.2 - 36.6 RUB/m²
Optimum (Leningrad colors)Concrete, drywall, wood, brick, plasterWaterproof vapor permeable6 - 8 m²/kg42 rub/l5.25-7 RUB/m²
Dulux Diamond Matt BWConcrete, brick, fiberglass (wallpaper), plasterIncreased wear resistance, stains are easily washed off12-17 m²/kg801 rub/l41-66 rub/m²
Dufa Superweiss RD4Concrete, fiberglass (wallpaper)White acrylic moisture resistant paint6.5 m²/kg252 rub/l38.7 rub/m²

Preparing walls for painting

Painting walls with water-based paint requires a flat surface. It can be special wallpaper for painting or a puttied and primed wall. At the same time, it is impossible to paint over oil paint or whitewash with a water-based emulsion. Previously applied coatings must be completely removed - before plastering, then repair defects, primed, and only after that you can paint.

Removing old paint

The method of removing the old layer of whitewash and water-based paint is somewhat similar. First, “dry”, with a spatula, they clean off everything that happens. To quickly remove the old water-based emulsion from the walls, the surface is moistened with hot water. Just take a roller, dip it in hot water and roll it several times. Leave for 3-5 minutes, then repeat the procedure. Usually, after the second portion of hot water, the coating swells up and is easy to clean off with a spatula. Some particularly difficult areas need to be moistened again.

With the removal of whitewash from the walls, the situation is similar, but the water is used cold and more may be required - lime has a high hygroscopicity. But when wet, it cleans up well. Another feature - after everything has been removed, it is necessary to soak the surface well with a solution of soda. This neutralizes the remaining lime in the pores. After drying, it is already possible to prime and putty.

The most difficult process is removing oil paint from the walls. It is inefficient to heat the walls with a building hair dryer - they heat up very slowly. There are also chemical compositions - washes. But firstly, they are toxic, secondly, they are expensive, and thirdly, they remove one layer well, and everything lying below has to be smeared again. In general - not the best way for this situation.

Most often, mechanical methods are used to remove old oil paint from walls. A brush made of metal wire is put on a drill or grinder. By turning it on at low speeds, they clean off the paint. The method is not bad, but it turns out a lot of dust, which is not good. As it turned out, it is much more efficient to use a drill with a crown for drilling sockets. Oil paint flies off in pieces, there is almost no dust, the process goes quickly.

Sealing defects and putty

In the case of water emulsions, one cannot rely on the fact that the paint will hide the flaws of the walls. Quite the contrary - emphasize. Unless you use silicone emulsion, but even with this paint we advise you to cover a small piece and see if the result suits you. If not, you'll have to putty.

First of all, grooves and cracks are closed. First, the angle of the spatula widens the cracks, removing anything that might fall off. Then they are covered with a primer (dip the brush into the composition and moisten well) and after it dries putty is applied, leveling it with the plane of the wall.

If a significant piece of plaster has fallen off, it is better to restore it with a cement-sand mortar. The resulting hole is moistened with water, but it is also better to go through a suitable primer (based on cement), fill it with mortar, level it flush with the wall. The matter is complicated by the fact that further work can be carried out only after the solution has dried, it becomes light gray. But do not try to dry it forcibly - it will crumble and crumble.

When all defects are repaired, the remaining irregularities are smoothed out by puttying the entire surface. The walls are primed first. It is easier to do this with a roller, pouring the composition into the tray.

Putty is sold in bags, it is primary and finishing. Primary is used if a layer of more than 5 mm is required to level the walls. If the wall is relatively flat, small irregularities can be smoothed out with a finishing compound (layer no more than 5 mm).

It is most convenient to close the putty in a plastic container. Usually this is a bucket of 10-15 liters. First, pour water - according to the recommendations on the package, then pour the composition and mix thoroughly. For mixing, use a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle. Particular attention is paid to the bottom and walls - there often remains a dry powder.

For further work, you will need two spatulas - one wide, the second - the usual small or medium size. They work like this:

  • Putty is taken with a small spatula and laid with a roller along the large blade.
  • A large spatula is pressed with a blade against the wall, carried out in one of the directions, maintaining the same degree of pressure. In this case, the composition is distributed along the wall, filling the irregularities. The thickness of the applied layer depends on the degree of pressure: the harder you press, the thinner the putty layer remains on the wall.
  • If stripes, recesses or other defects have formed, this place is again carried out with a spatula, correcting the defect.
  • All these actions are repeated until all the walls are aligned.

The putty is left to dry for about a day (depending on the thickness of the layer, temperature and humidity). Then they take sandpaper or a special mesh, attach it to a grater (a construction tool is a platform with a handle). The remaining strips are leveled with this platform, achieving a flat surface.

Usually, after the first leveling layer, there are still imperfections. Close them up with a finishing type of putty. In it, the components are ground more finely, the composition of the batch is more plastic, it is applied in a thinner layer. The sequence of actions is the same.

To understand whether you have aligned the walls well, you need to highlight them from the side. Such lighting will reveal all the irregularities. They are usually leveled with a grater with a stretched fine mesh. If this is not done, the laid layer of paint will reveal the flaws.


The primer is selected depending on the base of the paint. Acrylic primer goes under the acrylic base, silicate primer under the silicate base, etc. As a rule, it is sold in canisters of different capacities in the same stores where water-based emulsions are. Apply with a roller.

Why is it necessary to prime the walls for painting with a water-based emulsion? Firstly, so that the paint holds better, does not crack or blister. Secondly, to reduce paint consumption. The primer slightly closes the pores, reducing the absorbency of the surface.

Painting walls with water-based paint: technology and rules

The base color of water-based paint is white, but many companies allow you to get any shade from the RAL palette, which is a little more than 200 options. For this, a coloring pigment is added to the composition. You can order tinting in special machines, you can buy color separately and add it yourself.

When tinting a water-based emulsion with your own hands, you determine the color “by eye”, but the machine has programs according to which it measures the required amount of colorants. In any case, at one time it is necessary to tint the entire amount of paint necessary for the walls, and even with a small margin - to paint over stains or scratches. You won’t be able to repeat the same color yourself exactly, and the machines give out slightly different shades.

When self-tinting, the paint is first diluted with purified water to the desired consistency (usually it is thick). Then they take a clean wooden stick or a clean nozzle on a drill, begin to stir the paint in a bucket (drill at the lowest speed). Having opened the color, pour the color in a thin stream. Having received the desired shade, mix for another 2-3 minutes, then leave the water emulsion, wait until the foam settles.

Roller for water emulsion

Water-based paint can be applied with rollers of several types:

  • Foam. There are in any store, they cost a little, but they absorb too much paint, which can cause microscopic bubbles to appear on the surface of the wall. The surface will therefore be uneven and rough. The situation is better with high-density foam rubber, but they are more difficult to find.
  • Velor. This type of roller is not so widespread, you need to look in specialized stores. When using them, the paint lays down evenly, but velor is a very dense material and it has little winding. Because of this, in the process of work, you will have to dip it in paint too often.
  • Fleecy. Painting walls with water-based paint with fleecy rollers is the best choice. The length of the pile can be different, depending on it, the paint layer is thinner or thinner. For painting evenly puttied walls, the length of the pile is unimportant, but it is better not to take too shaggy ones - there may be splashes. There are fleecy rollers made of natural fur or felt, they last a long time, but are expensive. Artificial materials are cheaper, but wear out faster. For water-based paints, polyamide pile is best suited.

For water-based paint of wallpaper with a soft relief, it is better to use fleecy rollers made of polyamide fiber or natural fur. The length of the pile in this case is 6-14 mm.

Water emulsion application technology

Before painting, on the baseboards (if not removed), platbands, window sills, masking tape is glued along the edge. If it is necessary to mark the boundaries of painting on the wall, they are also marked with masking tape - a line is drawn, adhesive tape is glued along it. If the ceilings are already painted, it does not hurt to stick tape on the ceiling as well. So you are guaranteed not to stain it. Please note that the adhesive tape is removed immediately after this area has been painted over. If the paint on the adhesive tape hardens, then it is unrealistic to tear it off without damaging the wall.

The paint ready for application (diluted and tinted to the desired color) is poured into the paint tray. To be able to paint the wall up to the ceiling, a long handle is attached to the roller. Usually it is a plastic pipe or a wooden thin well-crafted handle (it is thinner for a rake and it is more convenient to hold it).

Painting starts from one of the corners. The corner itself is passed with a brush, painting about 5 cm on the wall. With a brush, paint over the corner under the ceiling (if you paint to the very top). Next, they take a roller, dip it in paint, squeeze it against the platform and, starting from the top, roll the paint down. Moving the roller up and down, paint over a continuous strip of paint, going 5-8 cm onto the already painted surface. This way you can avoid the appearance of borders formed during the application of paint.

Water-based emulsions on the wall "grab" in 10-15 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to act quickly, without smoke breaks and breaks. If the border of the strip dries, it will then be visible. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain a high rate of painting.

Paint over the second corner when one roller width remains before it. If you immediately paint the second adjoining wall, you can paint over it with a brush.

It is recommended to apply three layers of water-based emulsion on putty walls. After each, you need to wait until the paint dries. The exact exposure time between applying layers is indicated on the bank and is usually 2-4 hours. If water-based paint is applied to wallpaper, one layer is enough.

Note! When buying and tinting - three times more paint is required on the puttied surface of the walls than on the wallpapered surface.

Finishing the interior of apartments or suburban areas is not a simple construction process. It requires a special approach and attention. Today, people often try to do repairs on their own in order to save money, and sometimes in order to learn something new and try their hand. This fact is especially relevant for homeowners who are engaged in painting residential premises. In construction and decoration, water-based paint is most often used. With a relatively affordable price, their quality is compared with high-quality oil paints. Water-based paints are a very popular, promising and high-quality repair material. This article describes in detail all the pros and cons, specifications, types of water-based paint.

Advantages and disadvantages of water-based paint

Water-based paint has a number of significant advantages.

First, it dries pretty quickly. Sometimes it only takes a couple of hours to dry.

Secondly, the paint is absolutely harmless and completely safe for the environment and human health. During painting work, there is no need to urgently leave the premises.

Thirdly, the paint does not have a sharp specific smell, which generally persists for 2-3 weeks after finishing work is completed.

Fourthly, the composition of the paint can be given almost any color, while adding special pigments. Building stores usually sell a colorless tone, and a catalog with pigments is offered for it. The consumer can choose the shade he likes and on the spot the specialist will give the water-based paint the desired shade.

Fifth, the process of applying the paint is quite simple, and the paint tools are easy to clean after use.

The disadvantages of water-based paint are much less than the advantages. The main disadvantage is that the dyeing process can only be carried out at a temperature of + 5 ° C.

Technical characteristics of water-based paint

Before you buy a water-based paint, you need to pay attention to its technical characteristics, which include:

  • Compound;
  • Consumption;
  • Viscosity;
  • Specific gravity;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Best before date.

The composition of the paint includes: latex, filler, thickener and antiseptic.

Consumption of water-based paint - for 1 layer is approximately 150-200 ml / m2. The required number of coats depends on the absorbency of the substrate.

Viscosity is an indicator that determines the degree of dilution of the coloring mixture with water. Viscosity is measured with a viscometer and should be about 40-45 s. when using a coloring brush, 20-25 when applied with a paint sprayer.

The specific gravity is about 1.35 kg/l.

Drying time directly depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, it can vary from 2 to 24 hours. The optimum temperature when painting a room with water-based paint is + 20 ° C, and humidity - 65%.

Types of water-based paints

Today, depending on the polymer that is part of the paint, there are four main types of water-based paints, namely:

  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • silicate;
  • Mineral.

Acrylic water-based paints

This type of paint is currently the most common. Acrylic resins serve as the main component in the composition of the paint, and therefore the water-based paint received its name.

Very often latex is added to the composition. Such a combination of components allows acrylic water-based paints to actively resist water. This suggests that the painted coating can be washed with water without problems, without fear that the paint will become unusable or even washed off. Manufacturers in the characteristics of the paint very often indicate that it can withstand up to five thousand washes with water. A double coat of this latex-filled acrylic paint can mask surface cracks up to 1mm thick. Acrylic water-based paint, the price of which depends on many factors, fits very well on the surface of wood, glass, concrete, brick, plaster, concrete, as well as on metal that has been primed in advance.

A striking example of such a coloring agent is water-based paint VAC. It does not have a specific, unpleasant smell, it is safe, dries quickly, and working with paint is very easy.

Silicone water-based paints

In silicone paints, by analogy with acrylic, silicone resins are present in the composition.

Such paint, despite the rather high cost, is perfect for all mineral coatings and can easily paint over cracks up to 2 mm wide. Silicone water-based paints belong to the class of a vapor-permeable coating. This quality allows the paint to be used on damp, as well as moisture-prone surfaces. With such paint, you can forget about the fungus for a long time.

Silicate water-based paints

Silicate water-based paint is a mixture of an aqueous solution, liquid glass and colored pigments.

This type of water-based paint has excellent vapor and air permeability and good weather resistance. Silicate paint can last at least 20 years.

But, it is worth noting that if the environment in which the coating is located is more humid than the painted material itself, then it is better not to use this type of water-based paint.

Mineral water-based paints

The composition of mineral water-based paints contains slaked lime or cement. They are used for any surfaces when painting ceilings and walls. However, their main purpose is painting work with concrete or brick surfaces. The disadvantage of these types of water-based paints is considered to be a short service life.

Water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is obtained by rubbing pigments on a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. The advantage of such paints is that they are diluted with water and can be used even indoors, while maintaining good working conditions. Their films are sufficiently high strength, resistant to moisture, fats and mineral oils, and they are also lightfast.

Painting with water-based paint

There are some nuances in painting a room with water-based paint.

Before use, the paint must be thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous mass. If the instructions indicate that the paint can be diluted with water, then it is better to do this, so the paint will lie more evenly on the surface. If there is a desire to give the interior as many bright colors as possible, then this is not a problem at all. To do this, you need to buy a color for water-based paint. This handy thing helps to make color out of ordinary white paint, while selecting the desired shade by mixing.

Initially, it is better to dilute the paint in some kind of small bowl, apply it to cardboard and let it dry. Only then can you determine whether the shade is suitable or not. It is worth noting that the paint has a slightly different shade than the dried coating.

The painting surface must be flat and prepared for painting. Before applying the mixture, the wall or ceiling must be puttied and primed with a primer.

At the expense of choosing a color for the room, there are certain rules. If the windows of the room face south, then cold shades will be ideal: purple, blue, green, blue. If the windows face north, then it is better to choose warm colors: crimson, yellow, red, pink, orange. When choosing shades, there should be no problems, since the colors of water-based paint are very diverse, thanks to which each consumer will be able to satisfy all his wishes regarding the shade of the surface of his room.

Painting walls with water-based paint

Before starting work, you need to free the room as much as possible, plaster all the irregularities, putty and thoroughly rinse the walls if necessary. Do not forget about a respirator, goggles and gloves.

When painting putty walls, it is best to apply three coats of paint, with the first being a primer. When painting walls with wallpaper, two coats will suffice.

You need to paint in stages and in parallel stripes, and you need to move from the window to the opposite end of the room.

For maximum quality of painting surfaces, it is recommended to use special equipment. One of the most popular devices for facilitating the staining process is the spray gun.

The spray gun for water-based paint is a great helper that will help to paint any surface without gaps and sagging. They are very productive and have a large area of ​​simultaneous coverage of the surface.

In order to paint the walls with water-based paint with a brush, you need to take a wide brush with a size of 100-125 mm. And immerse it in paint for a third of the bristles. After that, you need to press the brush against the wall of the container in order to get rid of excess paint. You need to start applying the paint from top to bottom with short horizontal and vertical movements.

Applying water-based paint with a roller is the fastest way to paint the surface, but in this case more layers are needed than with brush paint, since the roller sets up the paint in a thinner layer. The tray needs to be filled about a third with paint, then lower the roller into the paint mixture and roll it over the entire surface several times. This will distribute the paint evenly throughout the roller. After that, you can start painting. The roller along the wall must be carried out in different directions, while evenly pressing on it. Everything must be done carefully and slowly, otherwise the paint may splatter.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint

The most important thing here is the application of a uniform layer on the surface of the ceiling, for this the entire roller must be covered with the same layer of paint. In order to achieve a uniform distribution of the paint, you need to dip the roller into the paint, then roll it out on the surface of the tray or on a specially prepared material, such as linoleum. This process can be repeated several times if necessary for a perfect distribution. If you skip this process and immediately proceed to painting the ceiling, then due to the uneven layer, after drying, stains may appear on the ceiling, which cannot be removed in the future.

Apply water-based paint for the ceiling in parallel stripes that overlap each other by about 2-3 centimeters. The duration of applying one layer will be about 30 minutes. To achieve a perfectly painted ceiling, you need to apply 2-3 layers of paint and the thinner the layer, the more uniform the surface will be after drying.

In painting the ceiling, the direction of painting the coating is of great importance. The last layer should be located towards the light source. This can hide possible inhomogeneities in the coating structure. After painting the entire ceiling, you can move on to painting those places where the roller did not get it, namely the joints and corners. To do this, you can use a brush and carefully apply a small layer of water-based paint on an unpainted coating.

How to remove water-based paint

The most unstable to moisture is water-based paint for walls and ceilings based on PVA (polyvinyl acetate). To remove this type of paint, all you need is a sponge with soapy water.

In order to wash off acrylic water-based paint, which is resistant to water and soap solutions, you need to use mechanical means - a spatula or an angle grinder disk.

Another effective method of mechanical removal with a spatula is the preliminary pasting of the area to be cleaned with newspapers. To prepare the glue, you need to cook starch in the consistency of sour cream or buy ordinary wallpaper paste. After the glue dries, the paper with paint will be easier to remove.

Also, the paint can be cleaned with a chisel. This is a tedious process, but the paint can be removed very well without making too much noise.

Water-based paint can also be removed with a building hair dryer, annealing area by area with old paint. In this case, you can gradually help with a spatula. This method is suitable for cleaning acrylic water-based paint.

You can also use a chemical based cleaner. After it is applied to the area to be cleaned, it will begin to soak into the paint and gradually destroy it.

Painting walls with water-based paint remains one of the simplest and most affordable types of finishes. The variety of colors and excellent results allow it to maintain its popularity. The application technology is very simple, you can handle it yourself without the involvement of specialists. At the same time, the finished surface fits perfectly into any design, creating a modern interior.

Comparing water-based paint with other types of finishes, the following advantages can be distinguished:
  • it will take about 2 hours to dry;
  • contains only safe, non-toxic components;
  • does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • you can get any color or shade.

The main components of the paint include latex, filler, thickener and antiseptic. It can be applied with a roller, brush or spray gun. For do-it-yourself work, the viscosity of the composition should be no more than 45 s, and when using an airbrush - 25 s. Material consumption is on average up to 200 ml per m2. When choosing it in the store, you also need to pay attention to the expiration date, storage conditions. If the paint is frozen, then the structure is broken, it cannot be used.

Types of water-based paint

Despite the name “water-based paint” traditionally used by everyone, there are several types of this material. The main component by which the paint is divided into separate types is a polymer - acrylic, silicone, silicate, mineral. It affects the convenience of working with the composition, its performance characteristics.

Acrylic paint is made from acrylic resin. The latex included in it improves the hiding power of the composition, smoothes out the slightest cracks. Acrylic paint is recommended for painting surfaces exposed to water. It fits perfectly on plaster, wood, brick, glass, suitable for painting walls and ceilings. A double coat of acrylic paint can repair fairly large damage.

Using silicone resins, a silicone compound is obtained. Its purchase will be expensive, but the result will make up for the costs a hundredfold. Even one layer of it is able to eliminate cracks up to 2 mm wide. The coating has vapor permeability, does not become infected with a fungus. It can be washed without fear of spoiling.

Silicate paint is obtained from a mixture of water, pigments and liquid glass.

It creates a vapor and breathable layer, evenly applied to the base. It is distinguished by increased resistance to weathering, durability. But in damp rooms it is better not to use it.

Mineral paint is recommended for work on concrete or cement surfaces. It contains cement or slaked lime, which significantly improve its water resistance. The material is suitable for painting ceilings and walls. The disadvantages of the composition include its fragility.

Color selection

An interesting fact: when talking about a water emulsion, they always emphasize its ability to transform a room, fit into any design. The base color of the composition is white. By adding a pigment of one or more shades, the composition is given the desired shade. You can do it yourself or use a computer selection.

For tinting, you need to use a color designed for water-based emulsion. It is produced from acrylic dispersion in three formats: powder, emulsion, paste. Liquid color is considered the most convenient to use. It mixes well with the base composition, creates a homogeneous mass. The finished paint fits well on any surface - plaster, brick, wood. Advantages of ready-made colors:

  • allow you to get shades that are not on sale;
  • have high resistance to fading;
  • easy to use by hand.

The variety of possible shades is amazing. But it should be noted that it is almost impossible to repeat the desired color combination on your own. Therefore, when doing repairs with your own hands, it is better to immediately dilute the right amount of paint. When wet and dry, the shade is slightly different. The coating will look different in different lighting, applied to a different base. Therefore, before painting the entire wall, it is better to try on an inconspicuous area. Of course, a slight variation in shade will not spoil the design of the room, but in large areas it can be noticeable.

How to mix color with paint?

When painting with your own hands, you need to properly dilute the color scheme. This should be done shortly before use. The maximum amount of color should not exceed 30 ml per 1 liter, that is, no more than 3%. A large amount of pigment can affect the quality of the paint. In order not to make a mistake with the shade, you can use this method:

  • prepare 3-4 clean small containers of a known volume;
  • pour paint into each and add a different number of drops of color;
  • apply a strip of each type to the surface;
  • choose the result you like.

Then you need to recalculate the amount of paint and drops for the desired volume. After that, you can proceed to breeding. You will need a clean container, into which no more than 20% of paint is poured. The calculated volume of color is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The finished mixture is gradually poured into the main container with paint.

Surface preparation

Before painting, the base must be freed from layers of old finishes - paint, wallpaper, whitewash. The easiest way to remove the whitewash, it is simply washed off with water. The wallpaper can be pre-wetted slightly, and then gently pry with a spatula and remove. Harder to remove old paint. It is not soaked with water, it will have to be scraped off or a special wash should be used. The surface should then be inspected for damage, mold or rust. If necessary, stains should be treated with copper sulphate.

The next step is alignment. Even small bumps or cracks under a layer of paint will take on an ugly look, spoiling the most expensive design. Therefore, they need to get rid of. Putty works great with this. Depending on the condition of the surface, only finishing or starting and finishing putties are used.

First, the surface is primed and left to dry. The starting putty contains a coarse-grained filler, so it effectively eliminates fairly large cracks and pits. The dried layer of putty is treated with a coarse-grained sandpaper. As a result, traces of a spatula and irregularities are eliminated. The coating is again covered with soil.

The finish putty is very fine in structure. It is applied in a thin layer, allowed to dry and rubbed with a fine sandpaper. To check the quality of work, use the light from the lamp. It is directed at an angle to the wall, revealing the slightest deviations. The result of the performed manipulations is an ideal surface on which the paint will lie in an even layer.

To protect parts of the walls or ceiling that will not be painted, stick a strip of masking tape on them. The same strip can be glued along the floor. At the end of the work, it is easily removed, and the surface under it remains clean. If you need to close a large area, then you can use a strip of polyethylene, securing it with tape.

Foundation Stage

For work you will need:

  • regular brush for painting corners and joints;
  • narrow brush for correcting hard-to-reach places;
  • roller with a long pile;
  • special bath with a ribbed surface area.

In order for the result to please with its beauty and accuracy, it is necessary to take into account several nuances. Painting should start from the corner located on the opposite side from the entrance to the room. First, take a wide brush, moisten it in paint, wring it out slightly. A strip of 3-5 cm is made around the perimeter of the room. This will help make the joints and corners neat.

For further work, use a roller. Staining is carried out in three stages:

  • apply the first strip parallel to the rays of light falling from the window, continue staining in the same direction;
  • then make movements in a perpendicular direction;
  • the third strip is always directed to the window, and so the staining is completed.

Each stage is performed after the previous one has dried. On average, it takes up to 12 hours. In order for the paint to be evenly distributed over the roller, they are carried out several times along the corrugated part of the bath. Roller movements on the surface can be straight or zigzag. The next strip is applied with a slight overlap on the previous one. Having finished painting, it is necessary to protect the room from drafts, direct rays of the sun. Drying should not be artificially accelerated.

How to make Venetian plaster with regular paint?

The most expensive types of finishes include Venetian plaster. It is distinguished by a complex execution technology, but the result is incomparable with anything. This design looks elegant, unusual and expensive. Using ordinary water-based paint, acrylic varnish, roller, sponge, brush and sandpaper, you can imitate a "Venetian" at an affordable price.

First, a strip by strip is covered with a layer of water-based emulsion on a previously leveled base - fiberboard, drywall, plastered brick or any other smooth surface. When the water emulsion dries, proceed to the creation of a "marble" pattern. It is preliminary recommended to work out strokes on a piece of cardboard.

To give the acrylic mixture the desired shade, color is added to it. Its color must match the color of the marble. For application, use a sponge, making light stamping movements. On a fresh acrylic base, you can make "cracks" with a solid rod. After the varnish has dried, the pattern is passed over with a soft brush, slightly shading the borders. Then they change the color of the varnish and apply it again to the base.

The finished coating must be given time to dry, then it is sanded with light movements. The resulting dust is not brushed off, but covered with a colorless varnish. Such actions are performed twice. This creates the inherent depth and brilliance of marble.

To know how to properly use water-based paint for walls, you should familiarize yourself not only with the application technology, but also with the procedure for preparing the surfaces to be decorated - all this in this article.

Or water-dispersion paint is a water-based finishing coating with the addition of polymers that form the properties of the material. Differences from other paints in the form of easy and fast application, a variety of shades, various degrees of stability make it universal for interior and exterior work.

Water-based paint for walls: characteristics

Technical characteristics of the paint: composition, consumption, viscosity, drying time - vary depending on the intended use.

By correctly comparing the desired parameters of hiding power, finishing gloss or haze, coating strength, you can choose a paint that is suitable for all points.

Water emulsion has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other paints:

  • drying time from 2 hours;
  • no specific odor;
  • environmental friendliness (safety for humans and the environment);
  • the ability to choose the desired shades;
  • easy cleaning of instruments and skin swabs

Painting with a water-based emulsion should only be carried out at temperatures above 5 °.


are distinguished by the main polymer in the composition:

  1. Acrylic. Acrylic resins make the paint durable and suitable even for exterior finishing work. It is used for wooden, glass, brick, concrete, plastered and even primed metal surfaces. Acrylic water-dispersion compositions often contain an additional component - latex, which increases the water-repellent properties of the painted surface. A double layer is able to tighten microcracks on the wall (1 mm).
  2. Silicone. Silicone resins are a reliable base for wet room paints. Silicone is an elastic material. Able to paint cracks of greater width. The antiseptic present in the composition fights the formation of fungus and mold. The composition is suitable for bathrooms, kitchens, including for painting ceilings with protection against moisture, steam, temperature extremes.
  3. silicate. Paint based on liquid glass is more often used for facade decoration due to increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena. The durability of the silicate coating reaches 20 years. The peculiarity of the coating is transparency, so it is rarely used in the interior due to low hiding power and a small range of shades. The presence in the composition of mica, talc, silicon makes it impossible to tint, so the choice of color is limited.
  4. Mineral. Suitable for painting concrete, brick, cement surfaces. The paint is designed to perform the function of water and ultraviolet protection, it requires regular updating of the layer. The fragility of the coating makes mineral water emulsion a rarely chosen, but cheap option not for cosmetic repairs.

TOP-5 rating of popular water-based paints: which one is better



pros Minuses
Tikkurila Finland · Optimum combination of the price and quality.

· Modern production technologies.

· Constant expansion of the assortment with novelties for different surfaces.

Unpretentiousness in everyday life (vapor permeability, dirt-repellent properties, etc.).


The need for professional tinting.

The need to combine with other finishing materials of the same brand.

Ceresit Russia · High adhesion (adhesion to the surface).

· Resistant to direct sunlight.

Uniformity of painting and tinting.

· High cost with double application required on any surface.
Dulux Great Britain · Environmentally friendly, making the paint an ideal option for bedrooms and children's rooms.

· Constant modernization of technologies, confirmed by international exhibitions and competitions.

The durability of the coating.

· High price.

Many nuances of application, which requires the involvement of a professional in painting.

Caparol Germany · A network of factories around the world.

· Affordable price.

· High resistance to washing, attrition.

· High covering power (one layer is enough).

Complete drying takes several days.
Dufa Germany Extensive range of shades and textures.

· High quality compositions.

· Weak covering power and durability of a covering.

The absence of a snow-white shade in the palette (often chosen for the ceiling).


Occurs in three layers: the first is a primer, the next two are paintwork.

Painting is carried out in strips overlapping each other at the junction in the style of writing the letter “W”.

It is better to start work in the light of day in the direction from the window in the opposite direction.

How to prepare a wall for painting

The preliminary stage includes plastering the irregularities of the wall, then applying a layer of putty. After the materials have dried, the walls are washed with soapy water and a primer layer is applied.

Popular Technologies

There are three main technologies for painting walls:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray gun.

Painting with a brush is an energy-intensive process with a less than ideal result. The brush applies paint unevenly and leaves streaks. However, you cannot do without a brush when processing areas in the corners, at the joints with the ceiling, around window frames. To do this, you need to choose a brush with a width of 10-15 cm, immerse it in a liquid for a third of the bristles, use a mesh to get rid of excess on the brush.

Roller painting is a quick method that requires care in distributing the paint first on the roller itself, then on the wall to avoid streaks and splashes. To do this, use a special tray with a container for water emulsion and a place for rolling.

Gives a high-quality layer without streaks, gaps, smudges, color differences. The device is characterized by a large simultaneous coverage of the wall area, which speeds up the painting process.

How to paint over old paint

It is possible to update the interior without bothering to wash off the old coating only if the old paint does not peel off. For a new water-based coating, it is necessary to clean the wall with sandpaper, apply a primer coat, then proceed to painting.

If the old paint is covered with cracks, chips, exfoliating places, then for better adhesion of the new coating it must be removed. The water-dispersion coating can be washed off with a special solvent, or mechanically using a spatula, chisel, grinder, building hair dryer, etc.

How to apply on different surfaces

You can paint with a water-dispersion emulsion wallpaper, textured plaster, plasterboard structures, old oil paint finishes. Each of these cases requires an individual solution.

You can paint wallpapers specially marked “for painting”!

Others can behave unpredictably under the coloring composition - get wet, change the degree of smoothness of the surface, peel off the wall, absorb paint unevenly, creating stains.

Drywall walls are becoming more popular due to the variety of shapes created and the smooth surface.

This simplifies the process of pasting wallpaper, however, for painting it is necessary to carry out a series of manipulations.

It is possible when applied to a layer of finishing putty. The putty layer here can be minimal, since it is designed not to level, but to create a uniform surface without seams and putty at the joints to obtain a uniform color already in one layer of paint.

Do not apply a water-based emulsion on whitewashed surfaces - it is better to wash off the whitewash beforehand. Chalk or lime compounds will begin to crack and flake under the paint, forcing the walls to be repainted once a year.

How to choose colors

The selection of a color scheme for a room often relies on the warmth / coldness of the room. When the windows face south, the room is visually cooled by shades of blue, purple, green. If the room is located on the north side, then warm shades of yellow, red, brown are better suited.

Wall surface type

A water-based coating is used for wooden, concrete, brick surfaces. Apply to walls, ceiling, plaster and plasterboard finishes. Regardless of the type of surface, an important factor in achieving a perfect result is thorough mixing of the emulsion. In addition, you should pay attention to the recommendations in the instructions for the paint: for example, if a water-based emulsion requires dilution with water, then it is better not to neglect this manipulation for even coverage.

Number of colors

The standard layout for the room comes out of three shades. A variety of modern colors allows you to choose the range of colors of the desired brightness or pastel, as well as visually modify the feeling of space in the room. So, light colors expand the space, dark colors narrow it. This technique can be used in combination to visually raise the height of the room when choosing dark walls and a light ceiling.

Degree of processing

The degree of pre-treatment determines the subsequent adhesion of the paint and the wall. With insufficient processing, the water emulsion keeps worse.

If the absorbency of the wall surface is not calculated correctly, painting may require more materials.

How to paint without streaks

It is better to paint the wall in 2 or 3 thin coats than in 1 thick, streak-forming coat. In addition, a new layer of paint is best applied on top of the completely dried previous one.

Applying the emulsion in thin layers helps to avoid streaks!

White water emulsion

White water-dispersion paint is usually mixed with a special thinner-conditioner. This additive gives additional drying time so that the joints of the painted areas can be covered without overlap marks.

Colored wall paint

A tinted primer helps to avoid streaks on the color coating and make it saturated - in the color of the paint or a suitable shade. Also, a colored primer allows you to achieve the desired color with fewer layers.

The first step on the way to a smooth paint surface is the choice of tools (rollers, brushes, sheet pans, paint nets to remove excess paint). It is not difficult to distribute the composition over a roller or brush, the main thing is to act smoothly, slowly: roll the roller several times on a flat surface, pick up only the required amount of paint on the brush.

An important point when applying the final layer of paint is taking into account the direction of the light rays. The coincidence of the planes of incidence of light and painting of the finishing layer allows you to hide the heterogeneity of both the structure of the wall and the painted surface.

Thus, the paint has a number of advantages in the form of environmental friendliness, ease of application, a wide color palette and a large selection of types of paints for different surfaces.

Useful video

Painting walls with water-based paint opens up a huge selection of surface textures, colors and unusual ornaments for the performer. The use of different tools and a variety of coloring options make it possible to create unique and original elements in the design.

Varieties of water-based paints

Types and palette of paint and varnish coatings.

For decoration, oil paints are used less and less because of their fragility, vapor impermeability, toxicity and other not very beneficial properties.

Water-based paint has a number of main advantages:

  1. non-toxic and does not have an unpleasant odor (no need to leave the room);
  2. dries quickly;
  3. ease of application;
  4. wide range of colors - you can give any color by adding special pigments to the base color.

Water emulsions are polymer dyes based on a water emulsion, which contain various targeted additives that increase hydrophobicity, elasticity, strength, adhesion and other properties. Depending on the type of additives used, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • mineral - used for painting ceilings and concrete, which are subjected to constant moisture. Enamel contains cement and quicklime. The demand for them has decreased significantly, due to the appearance of "water emulsion" with better characteristics.
  • Acrylic - most high-quality and expensive composition. To increase elasticity, the composition contains latex additives. It has almost no flaws - the enamel fits perfectly on foam and aerated concrete, glass, brick, stone, concrete, primed metal, plaster and wood. Not afraid of water and wear-resistant. Manufacturers guarantee 8000 washes.
  • Silicone – “saturated” with silicone resins. This composition makes it possible to use silicone enamels. It fills all the irregularities (up to 2 mm). After drying, a strong film appears, which has t water repellency.
  • silicate - an emulsion of liquid glass with multi-colored pigments. It has good weather resistance, vapor permeability and long service life. Often used for painting concrete, brick and plaster. The silicate composition is undesirable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Shade combination

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Having dealt with the views, you can proceed to consider ideas on how to make an original design.

Raise visually the ceiling allows the application vertical stripes. The color scheme is formed in different ways: it is possible, the alternation of close scales or a contrasting combination. Painting is done to the full height or half, when the second part b is monophonic. Application steps:

  • first, using a laser level, marking is performed;
  • one color is applied;
  • after drying, the separation lines are closed with adhesive tape;
  • painting with a different color;
  • masking tape is removed.

horizontal stripes. This approach allows expand space. When it is planned to apply stripes, then this must be done on one part. As a rule, they use the decoration method in the form of one accent horizontal strip, where children's drawings, photos or paintings are later placed.

The lower part is processed with darker colors, the upper one with light ones. A non-standard approach can help prevent association with the hospital: the selection of actual colors, site relocation demarcation from the center is much lower or higher.

Treatment of the main zone with a bright color, and others with a calmer color scheme. As a rule, attention is focused on what is opposite the doorway.

Color inserts. There are several options - after creating the main background, a square or rectangle is marked, its painting is done in a darker color. The contours of the lines are formed by molding or other types of decorative strips. As a rule, decor items are placed on this site - paintings, watches, photos or sconces. Solutions look good when a wall with a niche or ledge made in two colors water emulsion.

An unusual design will help create several more painting options:

  • Apply several horizontal stripes of various colors, which are intertwined randomly with each other.
  • In one area, make a vertical gradient or paint four walls with a water-based emulsion with slight shades.
  • Decoration of the accent part with identical rhombuses.

Attention: When choosing shades, you need to focus on combining only cold or warm colors.


Texture can be created with a rag.

If there is Creative skills, you can create your own drawing. If there are no artistic talents, then stencils can come to the rescue, which you can buy ready-made or do it yourself. There are simple stencils in which one color scheme is involved or combined, in which case the processing is performed using several shades.

Before you paint the stencil, you need to fix it, there is a sticky base in the finished product, the homemade stencil is fixed with tape.

Creating a texture using a water emulsion and tools

Painting with a textured pattern can be of two types: due to the peculiar application of a water-based emulsion directly or using special devices.

The easiest trick is to create splashes:

  • first you need to apply the background;
  • after the base layer has completely dried, an emulsion of a lighter or darker shade is collected on a brush or brush, splashes are obtained when hitting a stick;
  • for even distribution, it is best to first practice on a separate part;
  • the simultaneous combination of several shades of splashes looks original.

As we can see, the application of texture with paint can be done using completely different devices.

Coloring with a texture roller does not require great professional skills. If there is no ready-made fixture, then the usual one can be easily converted into a textured one. Why is it necessary to wrap it with a film and cut it in a chaotic mess.

During the application of the texture with the help of an emulsion, all defects are successfully masked, this is the main advantage of this method. Disadvantages - the high cost of the material and the complexity of cleaning.

Manufacturers to choose from represent several varieties of invoices:

  • Granite water emulsion contains bubbles of acrylic paint. While working from a spray bottle, the bubbles burst and spread, creating an imitation of granite.
  • Nacre. The surface is like silk. Viewing angle and lighting affect color perception. Using it will contribute to the visual increase in space.
  • Velvet, thanks to special particles, creates the effect of soft velor.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for unusual decorative design. Choose the way you like, practice on a small surface and go for it. Creation of original design is in your hands.

Photo gallery

How to paint a wall

Choice of tools: brushes and rollers

Basic kit for painting vertical surfaces.

The quality of staining greatly depends on the choice of tools. The most commonly used rollers and brushes. The roller can ensure the even distribution of the emulsion. Brushes should be used in areas such as edges and seams. The sponge is used to create decorative effects.

  • For uneven and textured surfaces, it is best to choose fleecy sheepskin options.
  • Roller with removable coats suitable for large areas. The main rule for choosing a fur coat: the smoother the wall, the shorter the pile should be on the roller.
  • Do not use a device with a foamy structure. Air bubbles may form, which later burst and leave depressions.
  • Painting the upper part of the wall must be done with a tool on an elongated handle.
  • For painting corners and edges, it is better to use brushes with a size of 150 and 50 mm.
  • For work, it is better to choose a nylon polyester brush. Regular bristles absorb the composition and change shape, while nylon repels it and does not deform.
  • A quality brush has a cone-shaped, thick, long bristle. The bristles of this brush, after bending, easily restore their shape.

For work, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • capacity;
  • special ribbed pallet;
  • ruler;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • masking tape.


Preparatory activities are an important part of the work. The composition is applied in a small layer, therefore the surface must be as smooth, even as possible, free from defects, chips and height differences.

Before you start, you need to carry out the following activities:

Before work, the surface must be prepared.

  • If present, remove the remains of the old coating and clean. You can use soapy water for this.
  • Let dry and inspect. It probably needs alignment or reconstruction. As a rule, one layer of plaster is enough to give smoothness. To remove depressions and cracks, it is advisable to choose gypsum, and for leveling - alabaster putties.
  • After leveling, it must be primed. This step should not be neglected, since the primer not only improves the adhesion of materials and strengthens the base, but also reduces the consumption of the composition.
  • Frees up space from foreign objects.
  • Lay the floor, seal the joints with the ceiling and adjacent walls with masking tape.
  • The water emulsion has a very thick consistency, so it needs to be diluted with water and stirred. For mixing, you can use an electric drill with a mixer nozzle or a simple stick. When the required consistency is reached, tinting can be done by adding the necessary pigment in the right proportion.
  • When the area to be painted is very large, care must be taken that one batch is sufficient for the entire area. Re-achieve the desired shade without automatic tinting pretty hard.


Let's describe the stages of work:

  • Pour a small amount of the composition into ribbed tray.
  • Dip the brush and apply to the perimeter.
  • Lower the roller into the tray and let it soak well.
  • Roll out on any clean surface (cardboard or board) to soak the pile.
  • You can start work from anywhere, but, probably, the best option- on top of the wall. With this sequence, drips and drops will not spoil the painted areas and then roll out with a roller.
  • Coloring occurs in 2-3 layers.
  • Each next layer is applied when the previous one is partially dry.

If you study the technology of work very well, then you can easily transform the interior design absolutely any room. Compliance with all the features of the painting work guarantees you a high-quality and uniform coverage.
