Abrasive method of polishing logs. Rules for polishing a log house from logs and timber. How to sand a log house with your own hands: internal grinding

Unsanded logs tend to have bark residue and darken over time when exposed to natural conditions leading to rot and loss appearance.

In order for the log house to serve for a long time and have a beautiful appearance, its external processing is performed, which includes grinding and coating. special formulations, preventing rotting and increasing fire resistance wooden structure.

Let's find out how the polishing of log cabins from a log or from a bar is performed, and also touch on the issue of it. antiseptic treatment and impregnation with flame retardants.

The cost of polishing a log house

Grinding a log house is a rather time-consuming job that requires some skills, a special tool and enough free time to complete it.

If you do not have all this, then it is better to turn to professionals who will be able to perform all the necessary operations as soon as possible. But keep in mind that their services will not be so cheap.

On average, the cost of polishing a square meter of a log house wall per pass is from 300 to 400 rubles. So you can calculate how much the labor of hired workers will cost you.

If you have the time and desire to perform the external processing of the log house yourself, then we recommend that you read the grinding recommendations given in this article. log walls with your own hands.

Logging tool

Today in stores you can find a very wide selection of a variety of construction tool, including for polishing wood. But not every tool is equally well suited for this time-consuming operation.

In order for the work to be done faster, the tool must not be too heavy and have sufficient power.

Offered for sale tape grinding machines do their job well when grinding baths from a bar and processing any flat wooden surfaces.

Some belt sanders equipped with a special bag for collecting wood dust, which greatly facilitates the work.

However, when sanding a log house, it becomes necessary to process the semi-circular surface of the log, for which belt sanders are not so good.

It is better to use a grinder with special sanding attachments in the form of a grinding disc with sandpaper glued in the form of petals.

In hard-to-reach places, you can use a chisel, and do the main work with a grinder with a grinding nozzle.

The Bulgarian for performing work on grinding the log house should not be too heavy, otherwise after the first day of work your hands will literally fall off. The power of a power tool of 850 W will be quite sufficient.

Choose a tool better than well-known companies that have long established themselves in the market - Makita, Bosh, DeWalt or domestic Interskol. Buying cheap Chinese crafts is a kind of lottery. You may come across a tool that will last more than one year, or maybe one that will fall apart in two days.

Logging technology

You can start sanding the log house only after it dries thoroughly. If you try to do sanding immediately after assembly, then wet wood will bulge and you will not be able to get a beautiful smooth surface.

For grinding, you will need a supply of nozzles with different grit sizes. For primary processing of logs with bark residues, different kind irregularities, you will need sandpaper with a coarser grain (40), and for the finishing pass - with a fine grain (80-100).

The following is the correspondence between the numbers of imported and domestic sandpaper:

FEPA grain size

GOST grain size

Average grain size, microns

Rough processing. skinning

Medium processing. Surface smoothing, removal of small irregularities.

Fine processing. Final sanding.

Very fine workmanship. Sanding before painting.

Keep in mind that you will have to change the nozzles often, as the abrasive is erased and clogged with wood dust with resin. To slightly extend the life of one nozzle, you can clean it with a metal brush with white spirit. But the performance after such resuscitation will still be significantly lower than the original one.

The speed of sanding depends on the availability of the appropriate skill, the power of the tool and the amount of resin in the wood. Average running meter logs with a diameter of 30 cm are polished in 2 minutes /

When sanding wood, very a large number of wood dust clogging the eyes, mouth and nose. Therefore, all grinding work should be carried out using protective equipment - a respirator, goggles or a special mask.

How grinding is performed is shown in the video below (click the triangle to view):

Treatment of the log house with an antiseptic and flame retardants

After the log house is polished, it should be treated with special compounds. As a rule, these are antiseptics to protect against putrefactive phenomena, a glazing antiseptic to give the log house a beautiful appearance, and flame retardants to increase the fire resistance of wood.

First, a layer of priming antiseptic is applied, after which the composition shading the wood texture - bleach or tinting antiseptic, and lastly covered with fire retardants.

Each composition can be applied with a brush or an electric spray gun.

For a primer, you can use Tikkurila's Valtti Pohjuste antiseptic. Such an antiseptic costs 2500-3000 r for 9 liters.

Also good performance protection has a domestic antiseptic Neomid 440, which penetrates deeply into the wood texture and protects the wood from biological processes.

You can emphasize the beautiful woody texture with the help of high-quality Valtti Color antiseptics from the same Tikkurila.

The consumption of glazing antiseptic is 4-5 square meters per liter for a planed surface and up to 10 square meters per liter for sanded wood.

It is available in forty different shades. There is also a colorless one. The cost of Valtti glazing antiseptic is approximately 280 rubles per liter. As an alternative, you can choose the domestic water-based Neomid Bio Color.

All compounds dissolve well with white spirit, which should be washed with brushes or a spray gun after work on applying protective compounds to the walls of the log house.

Any wood eventually loses its original appearance and darkens. In some cases, the cause of darkening and even blackening is mold bacteria, which multiply very quickly in uncured wood. But also absolutely dry wood becomes dark over time due to exposure to sunlight and moisture. That is why the wood is sanded before coating.

Sanding a log house allows you to remove the top blackened layers and prepare the wood for further processing.

Purpose of grinding

During construction wooden houses many developers want to emphasize the original beauty of the wood texture, rejecting such a finish as painting. To do this, the log house is treated with transparent or tinted products, which, along with decorative functions, also protect the wood from rain and snow. Often, the substances that make up the coating form a kind of ultraviolet barrier that protects the tree from sun exposure.

The problem with wood processing is that the log house cannot be covered with protective agents immediately. Any house, chopped from a log or timber natural humidity, must first shrink. In this case, the wood will dry out, and the humidity will be no more than 20%. Only in this case is it possible to apply various protective coatings. However, in vivo wood drying takes months and even years. During this time, the log house will definitely darken and turn gray. In this case, grinding will help, which will precede processing. protective compounds.

Does it need to be sanded

There are several types of wooden houses, which are subsequently subject to treatment with protective agents:

  • frame houses sheathed with wood materials;
  • log, from natural or rounded logs;
  • lumber, from sawn or profiled timber of natural moisture;
  • lumber, from glued profiled timber.

Frame houses are usually sheathed with dry materials that can be processed immediately. It can be sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or planed profiled boards. Often such materials are treated with protective and decorative means in advance, before they are mounted on the frame. Grinding in this case is not needed.

Natural and round logs

Houses from natural logs are made using debarked timber of natural moisture. They shrink for a very long time, and their drying takes place within 2-3 years. To reduce the drying time, log cabins from such a log are usually placed in winter, when the moisture content of the wood is the lowest. But in any case, the processing of such a log house will occur only after drying and grinding.

The rounded log is made from the usual one by processing it on special machines. According to the principle of operation, they are similar to lathes. At the same time, it is removed upper layer wood, and the log has the same diameter along its entire length. When removing the outer layer, the strongest fibers are removed. Protection of such a log from external influences is mandatory. But since the moisture content of rounded logs is high, it will also have to be dried naturally, that is, already laid in log cabins. During the drying time, the surface of the log can take on a uniform brown color, so treatment with protective compounds is possible only after polishing the rounded log.

Bar of natural moisture

The beam is obtained as a result of sawing logs at the sawmill. Drying of such logs occurs in natural conditions. In this case, the core is used for the manufacture of timber, and the layers lying closer to the outer fibers are used to obtain boards. Often, then the beam is passed through special machines, which give it a special profile. Thanks to this, it acquires grooves on the bottom surface and spikes on the top. When assembling the log house, the spikes are tightly inserted into the grooves, thereby providing the device with warm, waterproof and windproof seams.

Since an ordinary log of natural moisture is used to obtain a bar, a log house made of such material must also be dried. Due to the fact that the density of the wood of the beam, as a rule, is less than the density of the surface of the log, drying is slightly faster. However, during the drying time, the timber still manages to darken. And in this case, before processing the log house with protective equipment, it must be sanded.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is obtained from boards or their scraps. In appearance and texture, it resembles a layer cake. Such a bar is very convenient to use, since the fibers of the boards that make it up are located in different directions. The beam does not warp and does not lead when exposed to temperature and humidity.

Before gluing, the boards are usually dried and planed, as smooth surfaces stick together better. After gluing, the structure of the beam is maintained for some more time in drying chamber, and then subjected to profiling, as a result of which, as in the case described above, the product acquires grooves and spikes.

Note! After several dryings, glued laminated timber already has low moisture content, so a log house made from this material can be treated with protective agents immediately after assembly.

However, in this case, it is not always possible to do without grinding. The fact is that while the log house, rafters are being installed, the roof, windows, doors are being mounted and the outside is being processed, the surface of the beam inside the room can still change its appearance. Therefore, during the finishing work inside the house, the walls are polished from the timber. As a result, the surface becomes perfectly even, smooth and bright.

Grinding rules and techniques

The process of polishing a log house is simple. It can be done with your own hands, and with the necessary tools, even a novice carpenter can handle it.

You definitely need a grinder. Depending on which log house is to be sanded, it will be necessary to use either an angle grinder (grinder), or a belt grinder, or a vibration grinder. In addition, you will need discs and circles. Again, each type of log house and each type of grinder will require its own consumables.

Note! When choosing a grinder, you need to pay attention to its power. It should be no more than 1000 watts.

There is also a relatively new tool for sanding a log house, like a nylon brush. It allows you to better highlight the texture of the wood, leaving more wood without erasing the excess. You can use it in the same way as a grinder.

The use of grinders

For grinding a log house from a log, especially a natural one, it is better to use a grinder. As Supplies discs with wire hairs, similar to a round brush, are used. Another option is a flap wheel with pieces of sanding paper. With such discs and circles, grinding is done very quickly, but roughly. It is convenient to use them when it is necessary to remove the old worn coating. The rotational speed of the disk must be chosen small - about 8-10 thousand revolutions per minute. With the same tool, you can carry out primary grinding and log cabin.

For finer grinding, special nozzles are used, to which round discs of sanding paper are attached. The reverse side of the paper is covered with pile, and the nozzles have many nylon hooks in their design. The sanding disc is simply applied to the attachment and fastened like a velcro. Primary grinding can be done with 40-60 grit discs, finishing grinding is carried out with 80-100 grit discs. The number shows how many abrasive grains per square centimeter. Obviously, the higher this number, the finer the sanding will be and the smoother the surface.

The use of a vibratory grinder

Near the joints of logs, it is not safe to grind with a grinder, since a disk that has fallen into a joint can “bite”. Another unfavorable factor is the presence of jute or moss between the crowns. If the brush disk catches on this gasket, the grinder can easily be pulled out of your hands. In these conditions, it is better to use a vibration grinder.

If the felling of the log house was carried out with the remainder, that is, the ends of the logs protrude beyond the outer line of the log house, internal corners which are very difficult to process. In this case, the use of a vibratory grinder with a working surface in the form of an iron can help out. The sharp corner of such a machine can be reached even in the most hard-to-reach places. If this does not help, the inner corners at the intersections of the logs can be processed with a chisel.

Very often, when profiling at the corners of the long edges of the beam, a chamfer is made, that is, the corner is cut off a little. This is done in order to give the beam more interesting view and prevent rainwater flowing along the wall from flowing into the joint between the crowns. To process such a chamfer, it is also best to use a vibration grinder.

Working with a tape machine

A log cabin can be sanded with a belt grinder. In this case, it is imperative to ensure that the direction of movement of the tape coincides with the direction of the fibers of the wood of the timber. Otherwise, transverse scratches will appear on the surface, which will give the surface a not very attractive appearance.


It often happens that the wood of the log house during the drying time is affected by mold fungi. After grinding, the surface becomes smooth, but separate sections get gray or blue tint. On dry wood, it may be barely visible.

If such a surface is wetted, then black and blue spots will appear very clearly, spoiling the look of the log house. The same will happen during the application of a protective coating. To avoid this, apply special means- bleaches for wood.

These compositions contain, as a rule, chlorine-containing substances. They process the affected areas of the surface, dry, and after that the grinding is repeated. Usually one or two applications of bleach are enough to bring the wood back to its original appearance.

Security measures and means of protection

Grinding a log house is accompanied by the release of a large amount of wood dust, which can also be mixed with molds from the affected areas. Inhalation of such dust is very harmful to the human body, so work must be carried out in a respirator. Some models of grinders are equipped with special outlets for attaching them to vacuum cleaners. This is very convenient, as it allows you to immediately remove dust from the grinding site. Must be used for eye protection protective glasses.

The hands of workers must be protected with thick gloves made of rubber, tarpaulin or split leather. Knitted or woven gloves are not allowed, as during operation they can catch on the grinding wheel or belt of the grinding machine. In this case, injury is inevitable. When working with a vibratory grinder, you can use special gloves with a vibration-damping effect.

At correct execution polishing will help restore the log house to its excellent appearance, and subsequent processing will save it for many years.

When they talk about polishing a log house, they mean the material from which the building is made, however, there are some differences between polishing logs and different types timber - they should be considered later. But before deciding how best to grind a log house, it is necessary to decide at what point after its construction it is necessary to start grinding the walls.

When to grind a log house

It is better to grind dry wood - it turns out better, while working with wet wood leads to the separation of fibers and presents a certain difficulty. But this will have to wait quite a long time. Some breeds can dry up to 7 years. However, after this long period, the log house may lose its attractive appearance - a tree without protective coatings will be subject to any negative influence from the outside, it may dry out, crack, rot due to moisture.

Of course, it would be possible to cover it with paint or other protective agent, but without sanding, the applied coating will not have a strong adhesion to natural material, which means that all the misfortunes listed will still happen, only a little later.

So it turns out that grinding should be done on naturally wet, not yet dried wood, in order to cut off all the bumps and prepare the material for processing with tools that prevent premature wear.

Before sanding a log house, let's ask ourselves what other benefits sanding provides.

  • Sanding removes the pores of fungi and mold from the surface of the wood.
  • With the help of this type of work, dirt and roughness are removed from the walls.
  • In this way, you can protect the walls from direct sunlight, which is the cause of the darkening of the wood.
  • As a result of the procedure, the impregnating agents fall on the tree evenly.

Now is the time to think about how to grind the log house.

For processing logs, you need a tool that is convenient for rounded surfaces, so that you can opt for an angle grinder - an angle grinder.

For work, you will need special disk nozzles with an emery coating.

In the case of working with a bar, a belt sander is suitable. If you decide to do this yourself, use a more compact and easy option tool.

In addition, you will need a large amount of sandpaper, since not all areas can be reached with a tool.

And so, we came to the most important thing - how to grind a log house.

Grinding rules

  • For safety reasons, prepare goggles and a mask with a respirator, to avoid getting small particles of wood into the eyes and respiratory tract, use work gloves.
  • Distribute the work so that a well-treated tree is immediately covered with a protective agent.
  • First, coarse emery is used, and only at the end, emery with a finer grain.
  • Get ready for the fact that the process of work is quite lengthy.

Wood floor maintenance - sanding

Grinding refers to finishing work and is an integral part of the care wooden floors. How to sand a wooden floor is a pressing problem for many owners of this flooring.

To make the floors out tree species served for a long time and pleased with their appearance, they must be constantly kept in perfect condition: painted, coated with tinting compounds, wax or varnish, but all this will not have a result if the wood has not been sanded first. It is worth immediately finding out what is the best way to sand a tree.

The work will require some costs - no, you do not have to buy special equipment, you can rent a grinder, or you will have to invite a specialist.

But for full-fledged work, you need to acquire a tool for places that the grinding device simply cannot reach.

  • This is sandpaper of different grain sizes in large quantities.
  • Tool for simple (rough) grinding - cycle.
  • You will also need the so-called "boot" - a mini-machine for difficult areas.

Now we find out how to properly sand a wooden floor.

Floor work

  1. We start by taking out all the furniture, removing the baseboards.
  2. Check floors for protruding nails reliable fastening floorboards.
  3. We fill the equipment with coarse sandpaper (40) and go through the room diagonally.
  4. We adjust the pressure of the drum on the floor—it should be medium.
  5. It should be remembered that you need to turn the car on and off while driving.
  6. After the first pass over the area, the emery is replaced with a smaller one (100-120).
  7. At the end, we process corners and hard-to-reach areas with the help of a "boot", cycles and emery.

How to sand a wooden or parquet floor, you now know.

After the procedure, the floor must be vacuumed and you can start painting or applying varnish.

Grinding wooden frame- a rather laborious, requiring special endurance process. To do a good job, you need to have good tool and certain building skills. Many experts argue that it is impossible for a person who does not have a construction specialty to perform wall grinding work on their own. However, the presence of the Internet in our life, where you can find almost any step by step instructions this or that work, allows you to think differently. This material is no exception. Here you can find the complete technological process polishing the walls of the log house and decide for yourself whether you can do the same, only with your own hands.

Why you need to grind a log house

Many of you have probably noticed that some houses built of wood have a darkened, not quite natural appearance. All because throughout all year round, the tree has been exposed to natural influences such as: snow, rain, wind and frost.

It is because of this that the wood darkens, while losing its excellent original appearance.

Grinding the surface of the log house followed by the application of various protective layers, will help preserve the natural texture and color of the log for many years.

You can grind a log house, both made of round logs and made of glued beams. The whole process of work is almost mechanized, as it is carried out manually using various electric tools for this.

When to Sand

The opinion on whether to grind the walls of the log house immediately or wait for it to completely shrink and dry is divided. Some people think that waiting until the log house shrinks and the wood shrinks is too long, because the process is quite lengthy, depending on many external factors such as:

  • felling season;
  • log manufacturing technologies;
  • The type of wood, its density and humidity;
  • Type of insulation used between the crowns;
  • Climate data for the region.

In addition, during this period, the wood can become infected with a fungus and change its shade.

Others believe that it is impossible to hurry with this matter. The darkened color of the wood will disappear after grinding, and the fungus is easy to remove with the help of biological impregnation. All must be fully complied with the necessary conditions for efficient and high quality results.

To do this, the roof must be covered, the structure must completely shrink, but most importantly, the moisture content of the wood should not exceed 20% .

Despite the divergence of opinions, experts still recommend making their choice in favor of the second option. Premature processing and painting of damp walls can turn into big troubles for the owner.

Also, turn construction works, to wait for the log house to be ready for grinding, optional. During this period, you can engage in plumbing and electrical wiring, lay the floor, ceiling, insert windows and doors.

Necessary tool for work

The working tool must be selected based on what material the log house is built from ( chopped log, rounded log or it is a bar).

Only tools, or rather not even tools, but accessories for work, will be needed in all three cases - these are goggles and a respirator.

chopped log

For grinding the walls of a log house built from an ordinary log, you need ordinary grinder with special fittings. When purchasing a grinder, make your choice better in favor of a professional, well, or at least a semi-professional tool.

Since the walls will have to be sanded from the outside and from the inside, and these are very large areas for work, a cheap and low-quality tool will fail after the first or second wall. Moreover, wall grinding loads the tool very heavily, in view of the long-term ongoing process of work.

The power of the grinder will be sufficient 800-1100 W. Of course, you can take a more powerful one, so to speak with a margin, but this one is more than enough for grinding. A grinder with great power will be much harder to work with. This is due to the fact that it has a considerable weight and fairly large rotational speeds. One wrong move and a hole appears on the log, which is then not so easy to smooth out. You should also pay attention to:

  • Length electric cable- too short, not very convenient to use;
  • Power adjustment - in places that are inconvenient for work, for safety, you should slightly reduce the speed;
  • The place of air intake into the engine - it is desirable that the air intake be from the back of the grinder, and not from its side walls, so it will be less clogged with dust, which will increase the life of the tool.

  • A special screw-on nozzle for a grinder, on which a grinding disc is attached, can be purchased at any building supermarket. Grinding wheels are used with different grain sizes. from 40 to 60- for initial processing and from 80 to 100- for the finish line.

rounded log

Since the rounded log has a semicircular, ideal flat surface, the use of a grinder will not be appropriate. With careless movement, you can make a recess or groove on a log, greatly spoiling the appearance. The ideal way to sand a log cabin is to use an eccentric sander.

Despite the fact that its performance is much lower, the principle of operation this tool will make the surface of the log perfectly smooth. The machine uses a specially blocking element that turns it off when pressed hard, which allows a person who does not have experience in this matter to perform work.

Using an eccentric sander

The power of an eccentric sander is only 300-400 W., the number of revolutions 8,000 to 12,000 rpm. More expensive models are equipped with a special dust bag. It is very convenient for interior work.

The tool is selected according to the principle “Comfortable in the hand”, which means we take it. For primary processing, circles with graininess are used. 40-60 , for finishing 80-100 .

Glued or profiled timber

Grinding a log house whose walls are made of timber is done in two ways.

  • First way- using the well-known grinder and grinding wheels. All work on giving the timber a perfectly even and smooth shape, in comparison with round log can be produced in a much shorter time frame.

This is due to the fact that the beam has a flat surface, which is much easier to work with. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This requires practice and good skill with the tool, as any error on the wall will be clearly visible. If there is no such practice, then it is better to resort to the second option.

Polished timber

There are two standard view wooden beam:

  1. Profiled timber - is a solid log, passed through special equipment, betraying it certain form(profile);
  2. Glued laminated timber - a pre-prepared log, sawn into boards, which are then dried in special chambers to 10-14% humidity. Finished boards are tightly glued together in a pressing machine into a solid blank, from which the profile of the beam itself is then made.

Due to the fact that glued laminated timber is dried, practically does not shrink construction material, you can start grinding it immediately after the walls are erected.

With a profiled beam, everything is different, most often it is made from freshly cut wood, so you need to give the log house time to shrink and shrink, only after that start work.

  • Second way- use of a vibratory grinder. This method, though not as fast, but better. In addition, grinding wooden walls at home can be done with your own hands, without resorting to the help of an expensive team of specialists.

The machine should be purchased with a rectangular, not a round platform. It is easier to work with such a machine, a rectangular platform has a large coverage area, which will certainly affect the speed of work.

Grinding a log house with your own hands - process technology

The first thing to start with is to check all the walls of the log house for defects, such as "radial structure". What it is? Radial structure is the process of peeling the wood structure, as a result of poor-quality processing of the log in the machine.

If there are such places, the resulting cavities are filled with wood putty, which can be matched to the color of the wood. Allow time for the putty to dry completely. 10-24 hours., only then start work.

Existing wood putty colors

You can start grinding from the ends of the log house, any beginner “specialist” can cope with them, besides, the first training will help you feel a little more confident when moving to the walls.

While this will be your training ground, end sanding is not to be taken lightly. The point is that they are the most weak point log house, these places in more subject to wetting and cracking.

Advice! To minimize damage, after processing the ends with coarse-grained sandpaper, they should definitely be smoothed out with a finer one. This will help get rid of the fibrous surface and make the so-called blockage of the ends, which protects them from moisture.

Proper grinding of the ends of the log house

Working with a grinder

When grinding a beam with a grinder, it is necessary to keep the tool strictly parallel to the plane of the wall. The pressure on it should be minimal, this will avoid surface drops, making the walls perfectly even.

The grooves are ground with uniform, consistent movements, while firmly holding the tool in their hands. Care must be taken to ensure that the corners of the grooves are even and sharp, they cannot be rounded.

Grinding grooves is a rather laborious and complex process, even for specialists. Therefore, if you do not have enough experience and skills, you can purchase grinder with triangular grooving head.

Important! Remember that you must definitely give the grinder time to rest, like any electric tool, she is afraid of overheating. Otherwise, the imminent failure of your reliable assistant is a matter of time.

Working with the machine

The use of an eccentric or vibratory grinder for grinding a log house makes the work process less complicated, but longer. Special skills in the possession of the instrument are not required, it will be enough just to familiarize yourself with the instructions and make a trial test on an unnecessary board.

After that, with smooth movements, we drive the tool along the surface of the beam or log, until it is ideally smooth surface. The grooves need to be ground, holding the machine at an angle, parallel to the surface, giving their lines a clear geometric shape.


As you can see, sanding a log house is quite inexpensive, but a painstaking and requiring special care process. You should think very carefully before abandoning this venture, because the above arguments once again prove the usefulness of this procedure.

In addition, the attractive, aesthetic appearance of your building for many years should finally tip the scales in favor of the right decision.

To preserve the attractive appearance of the log house for a long time, its external processing is performed, which includes grinding and coating with antiseptic compounds that prevent decay and increase fire resistance. wooden structure. If the logs are left without polishing, then the remains of the bark will darken over time and lead to the appearance of rot and a deterioration in appearance. How to grind a log house? What are the basic rules for its processing? Which antiseptic to choose? We will answer these questions in this article.

The appearance of the frame depends on outdoor processing grinding and coating with antiseptic compounds.

How to choose the right tool?

At first glance, it seems that the process is simple and doing everything with your own hands will not be difficult. I'll have to reassure you. Study the information below and try to objectively assess your strengths. Do you have enough stock necessary tools, time, perseverance, and skills? Or maybe still the best option will entrust this work to professionals?

As you probably know that sanding a log house consists of several stages. Belt sanders do an excellent job. Today in stores they are represented in enough a wide range, but not everyone is equally well suited for this job.
In order for the process to go faster, the tool should not be too heavy and powerful enough. Well, if the model will have a dust bag.
