Do-it-yourself flat-cutter mounted cultivator for a walk-behind tractor (drawing), With Your Hands - How To Make Yourself. Do-it-yourself attachments for a walk-behind tractor The main advantages of the new tool

A flat cutter (so named because the knives enter the ground parallel (flat) and cut everything in their path) is an excellent helper in the garden and garden, it is designed for weeding both large and small plots of land. This attachment, consisting of a bracket on which two knives are located, is considered ideal for destroying weeds. Also, this device can create beds and holes, level them, and even penetrate deep enough into the soil. Basically, a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor prepares the soil for sowing crops or already processes ready-made, grown bushes.

Flat cutters are indispensable when weeding the garden

Features of motoblock flat cutters

This device has the following principle of robots:

  • first, the knives gently penetrate the soil;
  • then the walk-behind tractor begins to move, cut and thereby destroy root systems unwanted plants.

When this plant is already cut, it remains in the ground, rots there and subsequently becomes an excellent fertilizer for the soil.

A huge advantage of the motoblock flat cutter is that when working in the ground, this device does not destroy or mix the upper crust of the earth, thus not only leaving the structure of this soil, but also improving it. Another plus is that the flat cutter prepares the ground for planting plant seeds and makes the necessary holes.

In this video, we will consider a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor:

Types of flat cutters of a walk-behind tractor

There are several popular types of flat cutters. Each of them has its own characteristics and differences.

Flat cutter Maznev "PM-4"

It has the best and suitable design for cultivation and loosening of the earth. This model has modified fastenings and narrowness of the blades themselves, which can change the distance between the “mustache” of the knife fastening (this can be moved by changing the length from 10 to 20 cm) in order to be able to process different parts of the earth.

It has a small, round stalk, "heel", which helps to support optimal depth penetration of knives into the ground and a special arrangement of the angles of inclination of the device. This device easily penetrates the ground, destroys all kinds of weeds and saturates the ground with a sufficient amount of air, but it does not cope with hilling the ground.

Fokine flat cutter

This model has some significant differences from the previous representative:

  1. Firstly, it is a little weaker and cannot cope with too hard or old representatives, but still, if necessary, it is advised to work a little with a shovel on difficult areas of the earth before this.
  2. Secondly, this flat cutter is not very good in weeding large, tall and thick-skinned weeds, a hoe will help here. And still not suitable for loosening, because of the sharp edge (and should be with blunt sides) of this device.


This species is slightly different in size and function. It is characterized by a rounded working surface and a powerful sharp end. Excellent for hilling and creating beds.


It has two working surfaces (wedge-shaped and straight, this makes it look like a petal). Perfect for tasks such as weeding beds, trimming weeds and cutting grooves.


This tool is made of stainless steel (this gives the flat cutter resistance to rust, lightness and ease of sharpening), there is a large and small. Good for loosening the soil, weeding it, as well as hilling, without disturbing and damaging upper layer earth.

But where can you use Fokin's flat cutter

  1. In areas prepared in advance for these works (using a shovel, chopper, etc.).
  2. For loosening plants with a row spacing of 10 cm.
  3. Mow grass in a fairly narrow space.
  4. It copes with virgin wheatgrass, dividing it into small pieces and leaving it to rot in the soil, which will then serve as a good fertilizer.
  5. And the most important thing is that it can replace many tools (such as a chopper, a shovel, a scythe, a plow, etc.).

Single-row hiller motoblock

This nozzle is the most convenient and popular among buyers. With a simple but robust design you can spud different cultivated plants, adjust the size of the beds yourself. Also, a single-row flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor can be processed relatively small areas lands with medium soil without much difficulty, but also for weed control, soil filling necessary quantity oxygen, creating even beds, with the right parameters.

Important! This equipment has a thermally reinforced edge of the main element, which makes it more resistant to natural conditions and prolongs the life of this hiller.

Two-row hiller motoblock

This type of okuchnik differs in content (complete set), appearance, power, as well as functions. Two-row nozzle for a motor cultivator better themes, that with its help it is possible to hill large areas of soil faster and less costly, and it can also be worked with in any weather and even with heavy soil.

It helps with cleaning the area from weeds, leveling the soil or the bush itself. cultivated plant, fills the black soil with a sufficient amount of moisture and oxygen, prevents the sun's rays from damaging this plant.

Do-it-yourself flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor

In order to equip a flat cutter to your walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you will need to take a long steel plate, measure the necessary parameters, cut and sharpen, so you get a knife blade. It is advisable to use preliminary drawings in order to make a do-it-yourself flat cutter accurately and without errors.

A flat cutter is characterized by sharpening on one side so that it moves only forward. Then this blade must be attached to two bearing brackets, which are connected to the tenacity of the walk-behind tractor. It is also desirable to install limiters so that the plate moves smoothly without going far into the soil (very often they take wheels with iron bushings from a children's machine for this, the main thing is that they fit the parameters).

For easy immersion of this flat cutter into the ground, so that it does not jump out and evenly spuds the beds, it must be weighted by welding on top of some part that is suitable in terms of parameters. And so this tool ready for the walk-behind tractor.

Then you need to properly connect it to the walk-behind tractor. It is necessary for the axle of the walk-behind tractor with inside attach the bearing, and then weld a plate to it, to which a home-made flat cutter will already be connected.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, the main thing is to figure out well what’s what and work a little. And you will get an excellent assistant in the garden or in the garden, which will do the old work many times faster and more efficiently.

By itself, a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor is not a tricky thing, but it deserves attention. It can easily replace a chopper, a "fork" and sometimes even a shovel. The main thing is to take care of the instrument, and then it will be suitable for you for many more seasons.

Loads and weights for walk-behind tractors Grousers for walk-behind tractors Woodworking attachments for walk-behind tractors Branch shredders for walk-behind tractors Potato diggers for walk-behind tractors Potato planters for walk-behind tractors Mowers for walk-behind tractors Shovels and mouldboards for walk-behind tractors Pumps and pumps for walk-behind tractors Hillers for walk-behind tractors Adapters for attachments Plows for walk-behind tractors for motoblocks Couplings for motoblocks Carts and trailers for motoblocks Axle extensions for motoblocks Milling cutters for motoblocks Brushes for motoblocks"); if (arAjaxPageData.TITLE) BX.ajax.UpdatePageTitle(arAjaxPageData.TITLE); ) BX.ajax.UpdateWindowTitle(arAjaxPageData.WINDOW_TITLE || arAjaxPageData.TITLE); if (arAjaxPageData.NAV_CHAIN) BX.ajax.UpdatePageNavChain(arAjaxPageData.NAV_CHAIN); )); (function (w, d, nv, ls) ( var lwait = function (w, on, trf, dly, ma, orf, osf) (var pfx = "ctawait", sfx = "_completed";if (!w) (var ci = clearInterval, si = setInterval, st = setTimeout, cmld = function() (if (!w) ( w = true;if ((w && (w.timer))) ( ci(w .timer);w = null;)orf(w);));if (!w || !osf) (if (trf(w))(cmld();) else (if (!w) (w = (timer: si(function () (if (trf(w) || ma 0 && !!cnt && cnt.get ? cnt.get("clientId") : null;) catch (e) (console.warn("Unable to get clientId, Error: " + e.message);)ct(w, d, "script ", clId, n);), function (f) (w[o](function () (f(w[o]);))));) else (ct(w, d, "script", null , n);)); var cid = function () (try (var m1 = d.cookie.match("(?:^|;)\s_ga=([^;])");if (!(m1 && m1.length > 1)) return null;var m2 = decodeURIComponent(m1).match(/(\d+.\d+)$/);if (!(m2 && m2.length > 1)) return null;return m2) catch (err) ())(); if (cid === null && !!w.GoogleAnalyticsObject) ( if (w.GoogleAnalyticsObject == "ga_ckpr") w.ct_ga = "ga"; else w.ct_ga = w.GoogleAnalyticsObject;if (typeof Promise !== "undefined" && Promise.toString().indexOf("") !== -1) ( new Promise(function (resolve) (var db, on = function () (resolve(true)), off = function () (resolve(false)), tryls = function tryls() (try (ls && ls.length ? off() : (ls.x = 1, ls.removeItem(" x"), off());) c catch (e) (nv.cookieEnabled ? on() : off();)); w.webkitRequestFileSystem ? webkitRequestFileSystem(0, 0, off, on) : "MozAppearance" in ? (db ="test"), db.onerror = on, db.onsuccess = off) : /constructor/i.test(w.HTMLElement) ? tryls() : !w.indexedDB && (w.PointerEvent || w. MSPointerEvent) ? on() : off();)).then(function (pm) ( if (pm) (gaid(w, d, w.ct_ga, ct, 2);) else (gaid(w, d, w.ct_ga , ct, 3);)))) else (gaid(w, d, w.ct_ga, ct, 4);) ) else (ct(w, d, "script", cid, 1);))) ( window, document, navigator, localStorage); var jsControl = new JCTitleSearch2(( //"WAIT_IMAGE": "/bitrix/themes/.default/images/wait.gif", "AJAX_PAGE" : "/products/ploskorez_propolnik_dlya_motoblokov/", "CONTAINER_ID": "title-search" , "INPUT_ID": "title-search-input", "MIN_QUERY_LEN": 2 )); function jsPriceFormat(_number)( BX.Currency.setCurrencyFormat("RUB", ("CURRENCY":"RUB","LID":"ru","FORMAT_STRING":"# RUB","FULL_NAME":"RUB" ,"DEC_POINT":".","THOUSANDS_SEP":" ","DECIMALS":"0","THOUSANDS_VARIANT":"S","HIDE_ZERO":"Y","CREATED_BY":"","DATE_CREATE" :"2016-12-28 10:45:07","MODIFIED_BY":"11","TIMESTAMP_X":"2018-09-05 14:51:00")); return BX.Currency.currencyFormat(_number, "RUB", true); ) var arBasketAspro = ("BASKET":,"DELAY":,"SUBSCRIBE":,"NOT_AVAILABLE":,"COMPARE":); $(document).ready(function()( setBasketStatusBtn(); )); What is the hardest job in the country? Digging beds? Weeding? There is a tool that replaces a shovel, rake, chopper, scythe and many other tools at the same time. It not only facilitates the most labor-intensive processes, but also significantly increases productivity.
Thanks to snake_elena for the tip. For those who can't open the video in the post, here's a direct link.

Tags: Do-it-yourself flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor video drawings

A small cultivator that combines a hiller. Unit Description: ...

Fokin's flat cutter, what is it for and whether it needs to be sharpened before work | Topic author: Peter

To be honest, I bought it a long time ago. first used, then abandoned. never sharpened

Gennady   as we bought 3-4 years ago, we haven’t sharpened it yet, but we need it and it’s very convenient for weeding, loosening the soil, it’s very convenient to make furrows in the beds and so on, but in no case Denis, but with us it does not replace a shovel, soil we dig with either a shovel or a pitchfork, if you haven’t bought it yet, don’t get caught in CHINESE, you need to choose good metal, but in general it is necessary to sharpen

Ruslan universal tool Eugene: tillage, tedding, weeding, loosening, etc.
Surface tillage provides more favorable living conditions than digging.

Vladislav is a tool for lazy people and loafers, but the meaning, and the price have sunk ...

Alexander  My neighbor doesn't part with him even for a minute at the dacha, but I can't adapt to him in any way.

Andrey   type in the search engine "fokin's flat-cutter video" and you will find ways to work with it. Have a good harvest.

Vyacheslav  I don't like the flat handle. I bought it a long time ago at the exhibition and did not get used to it.

Viktor  It is very convenient to weed and loosen. I immediately make furrows in width such that they pass between the rows, but it is necessary to sharpen, like any tool. They sent me spicy, ordered from the Fokins 8Vladimir 4-13-63, Vladimir region. Good luck!

Maxim I have been using Fokin's flat cutter for 8 years - I am very satisfied. We sharpen very rarely.

Kirill has been with us since 89.
there was an early article in the "gardener" and detailed drawing. My father made and still use it, made 2 sizes, the handle is round.
basically weeding in the garden, quite convenient as dense plantings), well, loosening. , grooves for crops, it .. everything that is done by glanders
well, the rest mm. . a shovel is a shovel.

Egor  Lady flat cutter
I specially made a light hand-held flat cutter for weeding between rows in the garden for my wife. Its design is simple: a narrow chopper blade is riveted to a curved bar.

flat cutter scheme

For the cutting part of the flat cutter, I used spring steel. Motorists know that the suspension torsion bar of the ZAZ 969 model is a type-setting bar about 0.7 m long, welded from spring steel plates. The cross section of each plate is 3.5x20 mm. Moreover, the properties of spring steel are such that it can be welded by conventional electric arc welding to others. metal parts. And at the same time, this material is very durable.

First, with the help of a grinder, I cut off a blank for a blade 130 mm long, then -
a piece of metal bar for attaching a blade with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 200 mm and a piece of pipe with a diameter of 28 mm for attaching a handle. To give the bar a curved shape, I cut a groove 8 mm deep in its front part perpendicular to the plane of the bend.

I inserted the blade blank into the groove and welded it on both sides in semicircles
bar. On the one hand, I cut out a compensation groove in the handle attachment tube, on the other - a small sector for the convenience of crimping the tube along the bar when attaching the blade. Then I carefully welded everything, trying not to warp the geometry of the tool and not burn through fine details.

Clamped in a vice almost ready product and sharpened the blade with a grinder. Drilled two holes for mounting screws, painted and installed wooden handle.

plane cutter

However, when testing a new tool, the wife complained that the angle of inclination
the cutter to the soil is chosen incorrectly, and does not allow you to easily cut the roots of weeds. Therefore, I had to empirically select the optimal position of the blade. For this, the hump on the bar was bent or straightened. As a result, I achieved that the flat-cutter knife, with minimal effort, penetrates into the soil up to 3 cm and easily “leaves” it with a slight adjusting inclination of the arms and body.

Now the wife special efforts with the help of this lady's tool, it gets rid of weeds in the aisles in the garden and between the tiles of the path, and also loosens the soil in flower beds and around young shrubs.

Stanislav   It is necessary to sharpen.
The thing is comfortable
and in some places, simply irreplaceable.
I don't see anything wrong with
what you can try to make the work of a gardener easier
Ivan, who considers a flat cutter to be a tool of lazy people).
He himself does not "run" around the site, you need to work hard too)
But until you try it yourself, you will not understand)
I was skeptical for a long time.
I tried it, I like it.
My relatives, people of traditional views,
have not adapted.
So everything is individual.
Try it, you will know for sure)

Pavel)  This year I got it, I couldn’t get used to it for a long time, now it’s an indispensable thing, especially in removing weeds, honey beds. Never sharpened

Fedor   I have a flat cutter for 5 years and often have to sharpen, because the soil at the 2nd dacha I bought is clayey, not cultivated.

Oleg  The FOKINA flat cutter serves for cultivating the earth, like a chopper, it does not need to be sharpened; it must be made of self-hardening steel, the teeth of excavator buckets and railway switches are made of such steel.

Do-it-yourself flat cutter: video, photo -

For example, the flat cutter Strizh, which you can see in the photo, ... many works use a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor, as shown in the video. ... We attach a drawing of the tool and mark on the iron those places where ...

Ploskorez-weeder for walk-behind tractor buy at a bargain price...

Flat-cutter-weeder with replaceable knives for a walk-behind tractor price, characteristics, ... do-it-yourself video Potato digger for a walk-behind tractor video ...

With the advent of summer, motoblock weeders are the first of the most important tools and types of equipment that should appear in your arsenal. The most important question in this case is how to acquire or build a given piece of equipment. There are several ways in which you can start using a weeder cultivator. As already mentioned, it can be purchased at any store that sells agricultural equipment. Another option is the one in which independent construction this device.

Buy or make your own?

So, if you need a weeder for a mini tractor, then you are faced with the question of what exactly to do in order to start using this technique. It can take on a variety of shapes and sizes. So, for example, it can be a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor, which allows not only weeding, but also easy processing of a particular piece of land. You will not need to take any additional measures (for example, loosening), everything will be done by this cultivator.

As for other types of this type of tool, flat cutters can be attached to a walk-behind tractor in completely different ways, depending on which side it will be more convenient to carry out the process of weeding potatoes. They can be attached to one or another part of the mini tractor, and there are also motor or mechanical home-made weeders. The type of this miracle of technology, which can be used to process potatoes, carrots and other types of plants, can be selected depending on how you previously processed your site and what weeds grow in a particular area.

Device Features

So, one of the most important helpers that can be found on suburban area, is a walk-behind tractor. It is he who allows hilling, plowing, loosening and many other procedures related to the care of the land. Well, in the case of the implementation of such a task as weeding potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, you can not remember how you used to manually try to remove weeds, then suffering from back pain.

The result of work on the site will depend on what type of weeder for the walk-behind tractor you choose. Since ancient times, people have used a variety of weeding tools, and now their capabilities have expanded. So, using a flat cutter on a walk-behind tractor, you can quickly and easily get rid of weeds.

This became possible due to the fact that the flat cutters for the walk-behind tractor have already acquired a new structure, which helps to facilitate the work of the gardener and attach these devices to the most various types equipment: to a walk-behind tractor, a tractor, or to a conventional engine, with which weeding can be carried out with a walk-behind tractor.

Purchased or homemade?

So, which is better, buy a ready-made weeder or assemble it yourself? Of course, the answer to this question depends on what kind of weeder you intend to use in the future. So, for example, in order to make weeders for a walk-behind tractor for a long time, you will need to use drawings. The weeder cultivator can be disc or plow.

To make the first type, you need enough a large number of time and additional details.

May also require installation auxiliary equipment, while do-it-yourself weeders for a walk-behind tractor in the form of a plow can be made quite easily.

As a result, weeding with a walk-behind tractor will be easier.

Handmade construction

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to when independent creation weeder is the material from which it will be built.

In order to make the most ordinary weeder, you need to understand the production process and correctly implement all its stages. It is used in the production of such types of equipment as weeders for walk-behind tractors, tool steel.

Speaking about the shape of this piece of equipment, you need to pay attention to the fact that you don’t have to choose from a wide range, since the requirements here for high-quality and convenient work are the same: it should resemble a comb, whether it’s a walk-behind tractor or a mini tractor with a weeder.

So, if you have decided on what type of tool to create, and if you want to do everything yourself, then it's time to move on to acquiring steel. Depending on what size you intend to create a flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor, you will need tool steel 3-5 mm thick.

It all starts with the creation of a plowshare. These parts of the equipment must be hinged. In other words, the plowshare must be removable. You can make this part from a regular disk, which is used in circular saw. To do this, you need to remove the cutting part of the part. You can do this with a regular hammer and any chisel or chisel. As soon as all the excess is removed, it will be necessary to sharpen the entire processed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disk under the flat cutter for the walk-behind tractor.

In the future, you will need to make a dump. In this case, you need a pipe of a sufficiently large size. Its diameter should be at least half a meter. As for the thickness of its walls, it should be approximately equal to 0.5 cm. Next, using gas welding, a blank of a weeder blade for a mini tractor is created. And after that you need to polish it.

After the blade blank is ready, it remains to assemble the weeder body. Now you can fit the weeder on a walk-behind tractor or on other equipment. After everything is fixed, it will be possible to start processing.

Shop purchase

If you intend to buy this species tools in a store or on the market, then there will be only 2 snags - the choice and the purchase price.

So, you will need to pay attention to what is the depth of immersion of the flat cutter on the walk-behind tractor, how well it is able to cut the soil and weeds.

You also need to know what the angle of inclination of the weeder is and much more. Knowing what adjustment parameters you need, you will ensure yourself a long and convenient use of the weeder, and the quality of the work that is planned for the summer cottage will be quite high.

Summing up

Separately, you will also need to pay attention to which particular walk-behind tractor or tractor you are purchasing a weeder for. The equipment suitable for the existing technique may depend on what parts or what holes and connecting mechanisms are on the weeder.

Knowing how to choose flat cutters for a walk-behind tractor, you can not worry that you will need to look for new ways to cultivate the land every year. If you have at least some skills in working with locksmith tools and if you have them available or have the opportunity to purchase them, then it is best to start creating a weeder for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

If you don’t have everything that was listed above and you can’t buy them, then it’s better to purchase a ready-made weeder for a mini tractor.
