Do-it-yourself corner wooden wall shelf. How to make a corner shelf with your own hands? Making the shelf yourself: how to decide on the design and materials

In the interior of any room, be it a room, a kitchen or a bathroom, corner fixed ones look very harmonious. This element of furniture, with its simplicity, plays both a practical and aesthetic role. It can be used to arrange books in the living room, children's room or study, set in the kitchen to arrange kitchen utensils, jars for bulk products or cute trinkets, equip the bathroom with convenient places to place personal care products and cosmetics.

Thanks to this design, you can rationally use the space in the premises small area and also smoothen the corners. Such shelves, not being the main elements of furniture, will accentuate the interior design, effectively decorating it.

What materials are corner shelves made of?

Now in stores there is a huge assortment of various shelves, which makes it possible to perfectly match them to any interior of the room. Manufacturers offer products made from different materials, all kinds of designs, sizes and shapes. Despite this, many are not averse to making corner shelves on the wall on their own.

But in any case, you should know what materials are most suitable for the manufacture of such structures.

  • Wooden array. This natural material has always been and will be very popular for the production of furniture, including shelves.
  • and chipboard. They consist of recycled wood raw materials, to which formaldehydes are added, and are well suited for the manufacture of cabinet furniture and its accessories, both in factories and at home. Surface finished products then covered with veneer or film.
  • Metal. For the manufacture of shelves, different profiles are used, from which racks and transverse load-bearing elements are made. Various polymer coatings are used to protect against corrosion.
  • Glass. For such shelves, shock-resistant glass is used, and the supporting structures are made of metal.
  • Plastic. Corner shelves on the wall made of this material are structures in which the transverse elements and racks are made entirely of polymers.

Corner shelves for the kitchen

When designing a kitchen, such shelves are used not so much for decoration as for convenience. As a rule, they are placed above the work surface, taking into account the rules of ergonomics. How the hanged corner shelves on the wall look like, the photo will reveal in full.

They are L-shaped and can only occupy a corner or continue along the length of the wall. Often such an element, placed in the corner, is connected by hanging cabinets located on adjacent walls. For small kitchens, they are a great alternative to bulky cabinets and are used to hold certain types of food, kitchen utensils and other utensils.

They can be made from all the materials listed above, but more organically in kitchen interior the attached corner shelf on the wooden wall looks, especially if the room is decorated in such styles as classic, provence or country.

Bathroom Corner Shelves

It's no secret that most bathrooms have small size, and the issue of saving space is very acute. But in this room you should conveniently place bath accessories, shampoos and shower gels, cosmetics and perfumes, as well as all kinds of detergents for washing and cleaning.

That is why various suspended structures are simply irreplaceable here. The best option- hang corner on the wall. They look great with mirrors, look elegant and go with almost any bathroom décor. And given that the humidity in this room is always increased, then the best material for the shelves cannot be found.

Although plastic shelves will be no less appropriate here. Their design consists of a rack, which is installed in a gap between the edge of the bathtub and the ceiling, and four perforated shelves (for water drainage). For convenience, the shelves are equipped with hinged soap dishes and hooks for washcloths.

Also in the bathroom you can hang corner shelves on the metal wall. Such designs are usually made of stainless or chrome steel.

Book corner shelves

Shelves for books are present in every dwelling. On the one hand, they are very comfortable, and on the other hand, they complement the interior of the room well. The design of these structures is striking in its diversity and originality.

Corner shelves are made on the wall in the room in both classic and non-traditional versions.

But even the classics can be somewhat unusual. A wooden shelf looks impressive, the elements of which alternately adjoin either one side of the corner or the other. Planes for books have a rectangular shape, rounded at the corners, and are located at equal distances from each other.

Shelves look more monumental in the form of an open one. Usually, each side of such a cabinet is divided into compartments of different widths, in which the transverse shelves are at different distances. Such corner shelves on the wall, the photo of which is proposed below, have a shallow depth, while remaining very comfortable and roomy designs.

This type of shelves for a children's room looks interesting. They are L-shaped with the same length of the transverse elements from the angle. But their highlight lies in the fact that both books and toys can be placed on them, for which semicircular vertical compartments are provided at the ends of the shelves.

The original corner shelves on the wall in the style of minimalism are very popular now. They are made from wood. The base also has an L-shaped rather narrow shape, at the ends of which bumpers are installed as book holders.

How to make corner shelves yourself?

Since shelves are a fairly simple design, many people prefer to make their own. There are plenty of benefits to this. Firstly, you can really save money, and secondly, make it to your taste desired design, which fits perfectly into the required angle in size. Yes, and special knowledge, skills and expensive equipment is not needed here.

Corner can be made from any material, as mentioned above. And having decided on it, you just need to choose the right tools.

Glass corner shelves

If you decide to make a glass shelf, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • glass, the thickness of which is not less than 7 mm;
  • fasteners "pelican" at the rate of 2 pcs. for 1 transverse element;
  • drill;
  • glass cutter;
  • grinder with a grinding wheel;
  • building level;
  • file;
  • pliers;
  • rubber mallet;
  • polishing paste;
  • tape measure, ruler, scissors;
  • pencil (marker), cardboard for the template.

Manufacturing technology of glass shelves

The manufacturing process of such a shelf consists of several stages:

  • Open the template. It is cut out of cardboard in full size, slightly rounding the corner of the joint with the wall. This will make it possible to install the shelf more tightly against the wall in the future.
  • Glass preparation. It is cleaned of contamination using soda or detergents. Please note that for further work, the glass must be at room temperature.
  • Production of a transverse bearing element. Having covered a flat surface with a cloth, glass is placed on it. Having attached the template, the element is cut out with a glass cutter.
  • Edge sanding. They put on cloth gloves and use a file dipped in kerosene (turpentine) to clean the edges.
  • Edge grinding. To do this, use a grinder, and then polish the edge with a grinder with a felt wheel, using a polishing paste.
  • Mounting the shelf on the wall. This requires a pelican mount. First, places for self-tapping screws are marked on the wall, then holes are drilled with a drill, dowels are driven in there, after which fasteners are installed and glass shelves are fixed in them with special screws.

Wooden corner shelf

Such a shelf can also be made independently, with some carpentry skills. best material for its manufacture there will be chipboard, MDF or plywood.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • saw with fine teeth;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw and knife;
  • compass;
  • glue "Moment";
  • rails to increase rigidity.

Manufacturing technology of a wooden shelf

The corner shelf on the wooden wall is made in the following way:

  • from chipboard cut out a transverse element (shelf) - draw a circle with a compass, divide it into 4 parts and cut each with a hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • on the rail-rack mark places for each shelf and make grooves of the desired recess, for this they use a saw and a knife;
  • on each shelf, a section for drinking is marked near the corner-base, corresponding to the size of the groove; they also use a saw and a knife for this;
  • after that, the shelves are ground and checked for entry into the grooves;
  • the rail-rack is attached to the wall with glue and adhesive tape and left for 1 hour for a better setting;
  • then inserted into the grooves of the shelf without additional fixation.

Knowing all these subtleties, making corner shelves on a wooden wall is not so difficult. This job will take you several hours. A comfortable and beautiful shelf will serve you for many years.

Creating coziness and comfort in your home is a very pleasant experience. And if handmade items are used in the interior, this brings some warmth to the home environment. Fantasize, experiment, make decor with your own hands - and you will bring joy to yourself and your loved ones.

The problem of space is relevant for small and large apartments. It is very difficult to fit everything you need into the limited square meters.It is almost impossible to imagine a house, office or apartment without comfortable shelves. The element performs an aesthetic, decorative role.

Shelves help free up space and diversify the familiar interior of the room.

Shelves are used in absolutely any room and for completely different purposes. Looks great in bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms.

Consider the features and benefits of building corner shelves on your own.

Earlier craft production any furniture was considered the lot of the poor. Wealthy people preferred to purchase interior items in stores. But everything there had almost the same design, so thirty years ago the interiors in different houses were almost identical.

Today original furniture own production is a real pride.

In modern stores there are dozens various models furniture, but even among such a variety it is difficult to choose one option that can meet all the preferences of the owner of the house. In this case, there are only two options: order furniture directly from the manufacturer, or build it yourself.

Making shelves on the wall with your own hands is not at all difficult, and you can use a wide variety of materials.

The first option may seem ideal. However, not every master will be able to make furniture with high quality, inexpensively and take into account all your wishes. Finding such a specialist is not easy, and it makes no sense to search if you need a simple wall shelf.

This design element is easier to build on your own.

Self-manufacturing shelves has a lot of advantages.

We make a shelf on our own: how to decide on the design and materials?

Any wall shelf can have a different shape and design. They can be complex (with additional elements) or simple. Simple shelves can be used in the kitchen.

They are used to store condiments or kitchen utensils, so it makes no sense to come up with a complex design.

Shelves in a semicircle are very easy to make. This option is ideal if there is no time and desire to do something more complicated. Also, simple shelves can be used in apartments and houses decorated in minimalist directions.

Such styles do not welcome complex shapes and intricate designs.

Shelves with additional elements can be used in living rooms. They may consist of several sections, or have unusual shape, for example, in the form of the letter "G".

Often, such furniture occupies not only a corner, but also some part of the wall.

You can also decorate such furniture in an original way of cutting, if you have experience in this matter. Shelves placed in the corner also differ in the presence of a back wall. It may be present or replaced by a wall. If you want to keep the wall decoration, then furniture wall it's better to build.

It doesn't take much effort.

In this article, we will look at the process of building a classic-shaped corner shelf. This form is very simple and versatile. Its production will not even take two hours.

To get started, you should decide not only on the shape of the product, but also on the material.

Consider the types of materials and their advantages.

To quickly determine the raw materials, be sure to consider comparative characteristic presented in the table.

Characteristics materials
Tree Plastic Glass Metal
Aesthetics + + + +/-
Durability + + +
Ease of processing + +
Price high low high low
Moisture resistance + +/- +
High temperature resistance + + +
Strength + +/- +

After analyzing all the characteristics, you can see that it is easier and easier to create a corner shelf from wood.

In this article, we will look at detailed instructions making such furniture.


To make a shelf out of wood, you need to properly prepare the raw materials and tools. Start by preparing the tools. To build a corner shelf out of wood, you need to find:

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Regular ruler 50 cm;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Glue;
  • Drill;
  • Building level;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Shelf fixing.

Tools for making shelves.


In the role of the main raw material for creating a shelf, the most ordinary board, which was lying around on the balcony after repair, is suitable. You can also use leftovers old furniture, or purchase a board in the store. When choosing the main raw material, consider several criteria:

  • Design. The board should have a suitable color and a beautiful ornament;
  • Quality. It is better not to use rotten and old boards;
  • Integrity. Sheet for making furniture should not have scratches and potholes.

From the prepared board you need to cut blanks.

Cut pieces of plywood diagonally, clean the edges with sandpaper. Four racks can be cut from the remains of wood. They must be the same size.

Manufacturing process: step by step instructions

As you can see, the process of making a shelf does not require special costs and tools that are difficult to find at home. Almost all materials and equipment are available from any owner. In this section, we will take a closer look at how to make a corner shelf

VIDEO: Workshop on making a corner shelf.

Corner shelves in the interior - 50 photo ideas:

Long gone are the days when handicraft furniture was considered the lot of very poor people. Each apartment or house had cabinets, walls, shelves and other furniture made according to a single model. What kind of design could we talk about with this approach?

Today it is easier to choose the right furniture, but it does not always correspond to the desire of the owner or the preferences of the hostess. In addition, it often happens that exactly what is needed and cannot be found, for example, a suitable hanging shelf. In this case, there are 2 options left: to order its manufacture in the workshop, hoping that they understood you, and the product will be of good quality, or you can make shelves on the wall with your own hands, which will be a good and convenient addition to the intended design.

Types of wall shelves

Thanks to modern universal tool a home craftsman can make almost any shelf, even in an apartment, not to mention working in his workshop. However, before taking up the tool, it is important to determine the type of shelf being designed. This will help the table, which describes design features wall shelves and their scope.

wall shelf type



It is generally accepted that the classics are part of ancient culture that has come down to us. It is also called the generally accepted pattern of style. Shelves made in a classic style are easy to manufacture and uncomplicated in shape, so they are easy to make at home.

The corner shelves are triangular shape and fastened to two walls at once. Most often, this is a small structure placed in the bathroom or in a room where other types of shelves will interfere. Also, corner shelves can be external.


Hanging shelves are designed only for hanging on a flat surface and are most often above average. This arrangement allows you not to occupy the free space of the room.

floor standing

Floor shelves can not only stand on legs, but also, for greater stability, be attached to the wall, especially when they are narrow and high. Most often, these are shelves such as whatnots or vertically arranged modes.

The word modus is often used to refer to varieties of forms. For this reason, shelves with different sizes used parts began to be called modes. Sometimes it can resemble abstractionism. Different types of modes can be found in one or another style of the room.


This is not a separate section, but a collection of everything extraordinary and non-standard. You can meet shelves from old suitcases, an obsolete TV, and even water pipes. There is no limit to the imagination.

Wooden shelves on the wall

Wood is an excellent material, as a shelf made from it will turn out to be attractive, solid, ergonomic and practical. Although the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, as well as the emergence of new technologies and innovative materials on the market, have not made the use of natural wood less popular and in demand, it is still in demand among admirers of natural beauty and style.

There are plenty of advantages of furniture made from natural solid wood, and the point is not only in an attractive appearance, but also in high performance, thanks to which wood has been used for many centuries both for construction purposes and for the manufacture of original interior items. Even without much experience in carpentry, you can make a beautiful wooden shelf. If you are a beginner, then it is best to start with this versatile building material, based on soft, inexpensive woods intended for making furniture.


First of all, you need to think over the dimensions of the shelf being made and decide on the place where it will be located, only after that purchase boards. If the design will be assembled from the material at hand, then you will have to adapt to its dimensions.

Of course, you can not do without a tool. The minimum is a wood saw and a Phillips screwdriver. Of course, with such a set of tools, there is nothing to undertake the manufacture of a complex structure.

Video: the minimum set of tools for a beginner carpenter

To assemble something solid and beautiful, you will need:

Jigsaw or hand saw

It will be more convenient to work with a jigsaw, but if it is not available, then you can use a standard hacksaw for wood with a fine tooth. With this tool, blanks for the future shelf will be cut out.

Sander or a set of skins of different grain sizes

What a grinder will do in 5 minutes, you will have to spend an hour manually. With the help of this tool, the blanks are sanded, and then the entire shelf.

Electric drill

If shelves are made of chipboard, then self-tapping screws or confirmations cannot be screwed into such parts without first drilling a hole for this fastener. IN wooden details you also need to drill holes for self-tapping screws.

Screwdriver or screwdrivers

Only if the shelf is small and uncomplicated, you can painlessly tighten a few self-tapping screws or screws with a screwdriver. If there are a lot of attachment points, then it will be very difficult to do it manually. It is not recommended to use an electric drill for these purposes, since it will not be possible to control the screwing force.

In addition to the fastener itself, it is advisable to buy plugs to match the color of the shelf. It is important to know that, depending on the chosen fastener, the plugs are selected individually.

Varnish for wood

Varnishes for wood are different. Many people prefer to use alkyd varnishes with urethane group additives, as it dries quickly (up to 12 hours) and is very durable, which is important for a product that will be used frequently.

Medium size brush (40‒80 mm)

The shelf will need to be varnished. At home, this procedure can be performed with a brush. Since most wood varnishes are toxic and emit a strong odor, work must be done in a ventilated non-residential area.


With it, you can make all the corners even. If this tool is not already there, then you can check the correctness of the angles ceramic tiles. Accuracy will not be perfect, of course, but still better than nothing.

Manual frezer

To make a wooden shelf more beautiful, it will turn out with a manual milling cutter, with which you can create a variety of decorative patterns at the corners, at the ends and in the middle of the product.

After acquiring wood, it needs to be examined in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the finished shelf will look. The fact is that raw boards do not differ much from each other, but after applying the stain, dark places will appear more strongly than light places. If you can’t make sidewalls from one board, then pick up boards whose texture will be similar.

Consider the manufacture of a shelf using an example. Let's say we want a 3-cell wooden wall shelf that measures 100 cm wide and 40 cm high.

For the convenience of calculations, the depth of the product will not be calculated. The thickness of the board is 2 cm. The length of the self-tapping screws is 40–50 mm.

So, we need to cut blanks of this length from the board:

  • 50 cm - 2 pcs.
  • 96 cm - 2 pcs.
  • 26 cm - 2 pcs.

Now let's explain how we got such dimensions.

If everything is clear with sidewalls of 50 cm, then the length of the remaining parts must be calculated. For example, 2 horizontal parts are 96 cm long. There is nothing complicated here either. With a shelf width of 100 cm, subtract the thickness of the two boards used as side walls:

100-(2+2)=96 cm.

Similarly, we obtain the height of the jumpers (vertical 2 parts), with a height of the inner part of the shelf of 30 cm:

30-(2+2)=26 cm.

It goes without saying that all paired parts (in our case) must be the same size.

Assembling a wooden wall shelf

Each part must be processed with a grinder, only then it can be fastened with other parts into a single structure. Hands must be clean, because untreated wood is very easily soiled.

Let's return to our diagram, where you can see that the bottom board is slightly raised above the bottom level, which has 2 explanations: firstly, it makes the shelf more beautiful, and secondly, it protects the lower edge of the sidewalls from cracking when screwing in screws. Usually this indent is within 1 cm, but if necessary, it can be done more. For safety net in the place where the screw is screwed into lower part sidewalls must be pre-drilled with a thin drill holes. In our case, they will be at a height of 2 cm from the bottom edge of the sidewalls (1 cm indent + 1 cm to the middle of the thickness of the screwed board).

Now step by step about the assembly process.

  • Raising the bottom shelf by 1 cm, the side parts are screwed to it one by one. It is necessary to ensure that when screwing in the screws, they are located straight.
  • Turning the workpiece upside down, mark the position of future shelves. If the cell sizes are the same, then divide 96 cm by 3 (in our example, 3 cells). It will turn out 32 cm. We retreat from the sides by 32 cm and put on the board the points into which the self-tapping screws will be screwed (3 centimeters from the edge of the board). It is better not to draw a line, as it will be visible under a layer of varnish, but to put small marks on the ends of the board.
  • In this position, jumpers are screwed to the bottom of the shelf.
  • The shelf is turned over and after checking the vertical position of the jumpers, they are screwed on.
  • Now it's the turn of attaching the sidewalls to the top crossbar.
  • So that the shelf is even, and subsequently it does not warp, in the lower part, on the reverse side, you can fix the location of the parts with flat window corners. If the back wall is attached, then the corners are not needed.

  • The assembled structure is painted with a stain, after which it dries, you can proceed to varnishing.
  • The entire surface of the shelf must be cleaned of dust and dirt. After applying the first layer, you need to check if there are any villi in it. If there is, then you need to sand everything again with an abrasive skin to remove them. If the varnish is thick and does not lay down evenly, then it can be slightly diluted with a solvent recommended by the manufacturer.
  • In total, you need to apply 3 layers of varnish, with a frequency of 12 to 48 hours. This interval depends on the type of varnish used and the ambient temperature. In any case, you need to wait for it to dry. Every time check the surface for the presence of bumps and grains of sand. If something is noticed, immediately grind with an abrasive sponge until the defect is removed. Then again you need to apply varnish.
  • After the varnish has dried, it remains to fasten the hinges at the back, after which the shelf can be hung on the wall.

Making a corner wooden shelf

Corner shelves can be the most various heights, and have a different number of levels.

Video: Making a corner shelf

Consider the sequence of manufacturing a wooden corner shelf from slats 20 × 50 mm.

  • After examining the slats, you need to choose the most even ones, with a minimum number of knots - 2 frames will be made of them, 40 × 70 cm in size. For their manufacture you will need:

4 parts 70 cm long;

6 pieces of 30 cm.

  • It is preferable to glue the frame parts by clamping them with clamps.
  • Now it's time to make the shelves. They can be made:

Type-setting, gluing several rails, from which the details of the desired shape are then cut out and edged on the outside with a curly rail;

From a sheet of plywood;

From laminated chipboard. In this case, the cut must be sanded and pasted over. furniture edge or in some other way, at your discretion;

From a fragment of old furniture, if the front is even.

  • The shelves are screwed to the frames and varnished.
  • It remains to fasten the hinges and hang the finished shelf in its place.

For a corner shelf, a set of 2 hinges is best suited, as in the illustration. If you hang the shelf on a loop with a wide ear, then you can then move the shelf along the wall and put on the second loop.

Photos of wooden shelves


DIY book shelf

Despite the fact that electronic devices are replacing printed editions from a person's life, many people still carefully store books and magazines that are dear to their hearts, the storage location of which often leaves much to be desired. If this is the situation for you, then it will be useful to learn how to make bookshelves that would be functional and fit into the interior.

If you are not a specialist, then you should not immediately take on the manufacture of a complex structure. Next, we will look at the process of making a simple bookshelf from slats.

Stages of work

To work, you need a tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw or wood saw;
  • roulette;
  • construction corner.

Concerning Supplies, then you will need:

  • slats 20 × 40 cm;
  • self-tapping screws for wood 3.5 × 45 mm (based on 2 pcs. for one attachment point).

Now you can start making the shelf. First of all, you need to make "ladders" - side parts (and with a large length of the shelf, the middle ones too).

The dimensions of the shelf will depend on the size of the books on it will be stored. If the books are not large, then shelves 20 cm wide will be enough to accommodate them. The height of the cells is selected in such a way that it is convenient to take the book from the shelf. Also, the height of the cells at different levels may differ. As for the height of the shelf, this is a matter of personal preference, but it is important to consider that although this shelf will be mounted to the wall, it is not designed to be suspended, so it will stand on a solid surface.

First, the slats are prepared, which will be used as racks, and the crossbars are already attached to them, for which holes are drilled along the edges of each plank with a thin drill.

Having screwed the cross member with one self-tapping screw, you need to check its position.

Having aligned the rail, it is fixed with a second self-tapping screw.

The assembled "ladders" are laid on the floor, and after checking the correctness of the angle, they begin to be fastened with slats, which are cut off according to the length of the structure.

Then the rest of the rails are attached.

The structure rises and is attached to the wall, after which the remaining rails used as shelves are fixed.

This shelf will hold a lot of books.

The assembled shelf is designed for a large number of books, but if you need a smaller design, then you should pay attention to the video instructions and photos of the products you like.

Video: bookshelf on the wall

Shelves for flowers

You can often see when people decorate their homes with artificial flowers, but still nothing can replace the freshness of natural beautiful plant. Many owners, trying to decorate the wall, let climbing plants, hang flowerpots from the ceiling or place them on shelves of their own design. The advantage of this approach is that it is possible to make something of your own, unique and fit into the interior of the room. Depending on the type of flowers available and their quantity, a shelf is constructed.

Of course, you immediately want to make something voluminous and beautiful, which is quite natural, but first you can try your hand at making a simple but neat shelf.

Manufacturing steps

We will need a board 120 × 25 mm with a length of at least 130 cm. It will be more convenient to sand the board while it is intact.

After that, one edge must be cut so that the corner is straight, and mark every 20 cm clearly at an angle of 90 °. A building corner will help with this, but if it is not there, then you can use any solid object, the corners of which are straight, for example, ceramic tiles.

When cutting a part, you need to hold the hacksaw at an angle relative to it. If the hacksaw is held straight, it will be difficult to make a straight cut.

To make a shelf, we need 6 parts of 20 cm each.

Every detail must be cleaned from all sides with sandpaper. The canvas used should not be coarse-grained, otherwise the wood may be scratched.

Since the screws will be twisted close to the edge of the board, in order for it not to split, holes must be drilled in these places with a thin drill.

The entire assembly process consists in fastening the parts with self-tapping screws. If PVA glue is available, then the joints must first be smeared with it, and, after giving the glue a minute to set, fasten the parts. When screwing in the screws, do not use excessive force so that the board does not split. It is enough that the head of the screw is flush with the board.

Since our shelf is wall-mounted, you need to fasten the fasteners to it.

Since the height of the shelves is small, and the design is not very durable, climbing or low plants in small pots can be placed on it.

Such a product can be used not only for flowers. So that the shelf does not get dirty, it is best to open it with varnish.

Video: unusual flower shelves

original shelves

If you want to diversify your interior, then comfortable, original and beautiful shelves can be made from various materials hanging them in your office or living room. They will help to conveniently arrange a lot of things and can give the rooms a more comfortable look. You can make unusual shelves on the wall from wood, glass, plywood, fiberboard, pieces of tin, and even from water pipes.

We can say with confidence that unusual shelves are the embodiment of originality and exclusivity. However, in everything you need to know the measure and understand that when designing a product, it is often necessary to maintain the style of the existing style. But now it has become fashionable to divide the room into zones. After looking at the photos in which interesting ideas are embodied, you will take something as a basis, adding your own zest.

Photos of original shelves

TV shelf

It often happens that in small room Well, there's nowhere to put the TV. For example, a small kitchen is already crammed with furniture, it would seem, what kind of TV can we talk about. However, a shelf located in a corner or on a free wall can become a way out.

In the modern concept, when TVs began to simply be hung on the wall, a TV shelf is a shelf located under the TV, on which a DVD player can stand. In one case or another, the shelf can be made at home. We will not dwell on simple shelves that can be placed under the TV, since we have already touched on the manufacture of such shelves in the article, but we will only consider the manufacture of one on which you can put the TV.

Let's start with the simplest - a plywood corner shelf attached to the wall. In our case, it will be installed near the window, and so that the curtain does not interfere, we will make a small recess for it on the left side. The corners of the workpiece need to be sanded, then all of it (or only upper part) Paste with self-adhesive tape with a pattern of your choice.

Fasteners must be screwed to the workpiece with self-tapping screws, through which it will be attached to the wall. It is necessary to pick up self-tapping screws, the length of which will be slightly less than the thickness of the plywood sheet from which the workpiece was cut. In our case, the front fastening elements are located below, and the rear ones are on top of the workpiece, but if nothing interferes with the bottom, then they can also be installed under the shelf.

Now you need to put the shelf at the required height and mark the attachment points on the wall. The shelf is removed to the side and holes are drilled in the marked places.

We insert dowels into the holes so that they do not stick out from the wall.

Now you can attach the shelf.

The shelf must be level and the fasteners must be well clamped.

Now you can install the TV, and bring the wires down through the gap left in the corner.

Such a shelf does not need additional finishing and is immediately ready for use for its intended purpose.

In this article, we made a general overview of wall shelves and gave an example of the manufacture of simple structures. If you want to see new ideas or need help, leave a comment at the end of the article.

Shelves in the interior of a modern room perform two main functions: they become a convenient stand for books, useful items or nice trinkets, and they also help to emphasize original style. Not only the aesthetic component is important, but also the technical side, that is, the quality of the products and the way they are fixed. Let's try to figure out when it is necessary to use the traditional fastening of shelves on the wall, and when - secret or unusual.

A modern room without shelves seems unfinished: often they are the touch that puts an end to the interior design. If you look into the catalog of furniture sets, you will notice that in addition to cabinets, beds and chests of drawers, these miniature products are always present there. They are various shapes, color and size, but always correspond to the general style direction.

Two in one: bright decor and comfortable furnishings

Both visual appeal and functional qualities largely depend on strong and reliable fasteners for shelves on the wall, so this article will be more devoted to metal corners, easy-to-mount brackets, tricky invisible hooks and studs.

Inconspicuous fasteners do not detract from the design

When buying ready-made furniture sets, fittings and material for fixing are usually supplied in the kit, however, there is often a desire to make an original decor with your own hands, and then it is important to choose The right way mounts.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than hammering a couple of nails into the wall and hanging a shelf with pre-attached "ears" on them. But not everything is so simple. In addition to the most important task - to find the most suitable place - it is necessary to answer a number of questions: what nails, where exactly you need to attach the "ears", will such fasteners withstand the weight of the structure?

Beautiful metal corners"under forging"

Consider the simplest option with corners. Suppose we have an ordinary wooden shelf - a simple horizontal product without decorative elements. We select the tool and material, guided by the following list:

  • metal corner (2 or 3 pieces, depending on the length);
  • ruler, pencil, construction tape measure;
  • laser level;
  • drill and drills;
  • screws or dowels.

If the base is wooden, then ordinary nails can be used instead of self-tapping screws.

One of the options for fixing the corner


  1. We choose the most suitable place. Try to choose a site that is within reach - that is, not too high (a mistake of many amateur designers). Do not clutter up a surface that has already been decorated (for example, with paintings or photographs), it is better to choose free place. We apply the product and see if it fits well into the interior. If everything suits, we proceed to the next stage.
  2. We carefully consider the bottom of the board and try to choose places for fittings. A set of ready-made metal fasteners for shelves to the wall can be bought at the store building materials. We attach them to the bottom of the structure: we drill with a small drill small holes and fix metal elements with self-tapping screws.
  3. We make markup. Again we put the shelf to the chosen place, in the holes on the corners we make marks with a pencil, preferably in each hole.
  4. We drill holes in the base with a drill, trying to hit the marks exactly. For concrete slabs, it is better to use dowels.
  5. We put the shelf in place so that the holes on the corners and in the wall match. We twist the screws, trying to ensure that they enter evenly and smoothly. The hanging process is complete.
  6. We admire the result, arrange toys, vases, books.

Decorative fasteners are an additional decoration

Building Tricks: Hidden Fasteners

All kinds of metal corners for shelves on the wall, convenient brackets, building profile are appropriate only if they are correctly selected and fully meet the stylistic features of the room. But sometimes the technical details do not fit with the environment and you have to go for the trick - use one of the methods of secret fastening.

Decorative composition without unnecessary details

There are several generally accepted options, with the help of which invisible elements provide a tight fit and rigid fixation. Consider the three most popular:

The first way is the most popular. Hinged flat loops are attached to the back of the shelf, then the structure is suspended on pre-screwed self-tapping screws. The main thing is to accurately measure the distance between the loops, otherwise the extra holes will “give out” the technical trick and ruin the idea. To align the horizontal, we recommend using a building level.

The second way is to string the base of the product onto strong metal pins, embedded in concrete slab or brickwork. The role of the pins can be played by pieces of reinforcement or steel threaded studs of the required diameter provided for this. The heavier the product (together with potential filling), the more studs will have to be screwed into the wall. For guaranteed stability, the cross-section of fasteners for wooden shelves should not be less than 12 mm, the length depends on the conditions.

The third option is the installation of a bar with a square or rectangular section, which then acts as a base. Masking will take place if the thickness of the bar and the thickness of the shelf hung on it match perfectly. The connecting parts between the two surfaces are dowels - wooden pins. To enhance strength, before connecting the parts, they are lubricated with glue.

Wall set of three different designs

If your interior design did not include the use of additional visible elements, hidden fittings will help out.

Original ways of hanging shelves

Traditional methods are suitable for placing simple, uncomplicated structures in the interior in the form of a single horizontal board or a product resembling a glass box. However, the imagination of modern designers is so rich that it allows you to create amazing structures in the form of labyrinths, trees, flowers, snakes. Fasteners can be as unusual as shelving, although in some cases all the same secret hinges or decorative corners.

Consider several options for how you can mount shelves to the wall if an unusual project is chosen for implementation.

Non-standard interior solutions

Using a familiar object - wooden board 17-20 mm thick - you can create a design that is unique in design. Scattered on the wall geometric figures of different colors, the silhouette of a bat with spread wings, an angular tree branch, a huge spiral - stands for interior accessories can take on the most incredible incarnations.

An original composition from a multi-level shelf throughout the wall in a teenager's room

A very simple but interesting solution is to create a family tree. Shelves-branches on both sides are attached to a vertically located panel - the trunk. The design is so simple that it can be built on your own in one evening. To match the theme, individual boards are painted in natural colors. The fixing material remains invisible in both solutions.

Light and elegant composition of elements of contrasting colors can decorate the kitchen, living room or bedroom. Pay attention to fasteners: concise light corners do not spoil the overall picture, as they successfully merge with the tone of the wallpaper. The weight of the product is small, so hidden pins could also be used for installation.

Contrasting composition

If you use decorative wooden coasters, you get a more heavy picture.

Leather strap option

Sometimes the most amazing are simple solutions, and a couple of improvised details can be a great interior decoration. As a fastener for wooden shelf(usual polished board) protrudes a leather belt. The material of manufacture is not necessarily genuine leather, it can be an artificial analogue or even a wide textile tape. The main quality of suspensions is durability.

Cozy retro composition with belts

It is obvious that a horizontal board on hangers, not additionally fixed, will not be able to withstand a stack of heavy books and is not a reliable support for crystal souvenirs. Its purpose is to serve as a decorative wall element, and small souvenirs, accessories, and light objects can be placed on it.

Fasteners for belts are a pair of long screws with plastic dowels, which will be at some distance above the original decor. The procedure looks like this:

  • we paint the boards in the desired color, if it is necessary to preserve the texture, we varnish it;
  • we prepare two old identical belts (or new ones bought in a store);
  • fold the ends of each belt, trim, drill small holes at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from the edge;
  • using a drill and a hammer at a distance of 60-70 cm, we fix the dowels;
  • we fasten the ends to the dowels so that the belts in the form of loops hang down;
  • insert the board into the prepared loops, align it horizontally.

It turned out a neat beautiful decorative stand. You can complicate the composition by building one more of the same tier below or above.

Caution: fragile glass

Glass in the interior plays a special role. On the one hand, it is a reliable material that can withstand a lot of weight, on the other hand, it is a fragile material that is easy to break with one awkward movement. For shelves, specially tempered, extra strong glass is used, which is difficult to break even with a hammer. We do not recommend forming parts of the required dimensions on our own; it is better to order cutting from a glass processing service.

Decorative metal brackets for glass shelves

Here's what is surprising: transparent planes create the illusion of a free, uncluttered space, which is why glass decor is often used in rooms with a limited area. To fix the glass panels, special brackets made of metal and plastic are used with soft elastic gaskets on the inside.

Long metal spokes act as fasteners

To make the installation, we first fix the brackets: we fix the dowels, insert the screws that come with the bracket into them, not forgetting to put on the washer. We fasten the brackets, check whether they are evenly located in relation to each other. Insert a shelf. Sometimes, instead of wall holders, even more curious elements are used - thin metal cables or long pins resembling knitting needles.

Metal cables allow you to create a weightless, floating structure

Handy materials are being used

In interior design, original solutions, creative ideas, fantastic implementations of seemingly ordinary projects are always appreciated. Using the usual fasteners, but replacing the traditional horizontal with some object from the environment, you can build an unusual composition that harmoniously fits into general style.

Drywall box in a polypropylene baguette

We will need the remains of building materials, for example, trim sewer pipes large cross-section, which remained from the installation of the pipeline in the country. We fasten parts of the same length on long studs or do without fasteners at all: we tie the pipes with a bundle and install them on the floor.

Cozy shoe storage systems plastic pipes

Old accessories do not lose their relevance, moving from the category of fashion items to the category of vintage over time. It's time to remove the traveler suitcases from the mezzanine and decorate one of the free walls with them - you get a luxurious decorative composition with a touch of nostalgia.

New life old suitcases

Even from waste material you can create a masterpiece if you want. After cleaning, polishing and processing, decrepit fruit boxes easily turn into wonderful shelves that are not ashamed to decorate a nursery, hallway or bedroom.

Old boxes - retro decor

Take a look around - perhaps your eyes will find an interesting object that is bored in the corner, and your hands will turn it into an unusual wall decor. But do not forget about interesting solutions for fastening shelves to the wall: reinforced wooden brackets, forged openwork corners, barely noticeable studs, hidden pins.

Work with drywall: accurately and accurately

Driving nails into wooden logs or punching holes for dowels in concrete or brick wall, we know for sure that fasteners will not fail and will last as long as it takes. But with drywall, everything is more complicated. Comfortable, quickly erected interior partitions are not a reliable basis for hanging wall decor.

Illuminated shelves inside a plasterboard box

There are two ways to attach shelves to a drywall base. The first is designed for light, small-sized structures, the second - for heavy, weighty products.

To mount light shelf, you should perform the usual technical procedure: carefully drill holes, trying not to crumble the material, screw in the dowels, then the screws. Reliability can be increased with the help of special dowels - "umbrellas" or "butterflies".

Butterfly dowel installation scheme

Massive interior items are fixed differently. Their installation must be provided before the construction of the partition. In the places where they will be located, an additional vertical or horizontal metallic profile or wooden blocks to which self-tapping screws or bolts will be attached.

Experts insist on anchor bolts, as they consider them the most reliable for hanging heavy objects.

Interesting videos contain useful information that will definitely come in handy during repairs or landscaping.

How to hang a shelf purchased in a store with hidden loops:

One of the methods of invisible fastening is eccentrics:

Drywall work:

As you can see, the variety of fasteners gives you a great opportunity to choose shelves of all kinds of designs. Knowing the secrets of hanging wall elements, you can independently decorate the room with a new piece of furniture. If you still have complications or questions - contact professionals who know a lot about fasteners.

With all the variety existing ways interior design and modern design, it is almost impossible to imagine modern premises, which would not use shelves.

Decorative and light for storing various little things, massive for books - shelves can not only be an additional useful surface, but they can also act as decorative ornament any room or office.

There are two main ways to mount shelves:

  • traditional fastening of shelves to the wall
  • invisible or hidden fastening of shelves to the wall

Traditional fastening method different kind brackets, metal or wooden racks is popular only when fasteners, well-chosen in color, texture and material, also bring their own “flavor” to the artistic image of the room.

But often, the presence of additional decorative and technological elements is not always consistent with the overall design of the designer and the target orientation of the structures. In this case, it would be better to use the second method of fastening.

The development of modern design craft and construction industry allows not only to quickly cope with the task of hanging shelves, but also to successfully use the fastening of shelves to the wall without visible fasteners, thereby creating the illusion of floating in space.

Invisible fastening of shelves to the wall

Consider the main stages correct fastening shelves to the wall, while hiding all the fastening elements:

  1. First, you need to evaluate the strength of the wall or partition on which the shelf will be attached.

With thickness brick partition from 250 mm and concrete partitions from 100 mm thick can be safely used for hanging shelves without additional load-bearing structures.

Scheme of invisible fastening of the shelf.

1 - bracket for fastening the shelf; 2 - mounting holes; 3 - steel axle; 4 - suspension; 5 - shelf.

With a smaller brick thickness, cinder block and plasterboard walls up to 100 mm, it is possible to use invisible fastening of shelves to the wall, but such shelves are only suitable for decorative purposes.

Since they simply can not withstand additional loads.

Then you need to determine the thickness of the shelf itself.

It can be determined by placing a load of the estimated weight on it. The absence of visual deflection and deflection to the touch indicates a sufficient thickness of the board.

An exception may be cases where the choice of a thicker board is dictated general concept interior.

However, it is also necessary to take into account the features of fasteners, due to which the thickness of the board, as a rule, cannot be less than 30 mm. The thickness of the shelf must be chosen depending on the load, for example, for books - boards with a thickness of 45 to 60 mm are suitable.

The board must be dry and treated in accordance with its intended use.

Types of fastening shelves to the wall

After that, the types of fastening of the shelves to the wall are selected, depending on its purpose and the thickness of the board.

There is a huge amount fixing materials which you can masterfully hide from prying eyes Let's look at some of them:

  • The most popular at the moment is use of hidden hanging loops located on the back of the shelf.

Mounting technology using hinges:

For accurate hanging, you need to accurately measure the distance between the centers of the loops.
This distance will determine the markings on the wall for mounting holes. To ensure that the shelf hangs evenly and does not warp, it is better to use a building level, which will ensure the exact horizontal line of the shelf.
After the holes in the wall are drilled in accordance with the markup, they are filled with a cork into which the screws are screwed.
The screw should be screwed in deep enough, but the distance between its head and the wall should allow you to put on the hanging hinges of the shelf.

Comes with shelves special fasteners, intended for invisible installation. The shelf installed in this way will be securely fixed. This will create a visual impression that literally hangs in the air.

The method of installing shelves using special furniture fittings

Consider the step-by-step implementation of this installation.

It begins with the purchase of a modern shelf in a furniture supermarket or online store.

Step 1. We measure the distance between the centers of the mounting holes, directly on the product.

Step 2. After that, mark the location of the shelf on the wall. With help building level we draw a horizontal axis on which we mark the position of the mounting holes, taking into account the center-to-center distance between them.

Step 4. The next operation will be drilling a hole for attaching the brackets. They must be performed strictly perpendicular to the wall, this will ensure the angle of the shelf at 90 degrees relative to the wall. To simplify drilling, it is advisable to use a square.

Step 6. Then we fasten the brackets to the wall with self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Now we carry out the direct installation of the shelf. To do this, we put it on the steel axles of the brackets, alternately tapping with a rubber mallet on the left and right sides in the front part. The shelf will be evenly installed on the fasteners, excluding distortions.

Step 8. The final step will be to check the play and reliability of fastening. After that, we remove the remaining debris and install a flowerpot with an orchid. The installation process has been completed.

Another way of invisible fastening (metal rods)

Installation technology for fastening metal rods:

As a rule, reinforcing pins or threaded studs with a diameter of at least 10-12 mm are used.

First of all, we take our shelf and measure its length and width.

Then, using a ruler and a building level, we mark this length on the wall (not the entire distance, but a little shorter), at the location of the future location of the shelf.

We mark three thicknesses of the board on each side of the shelf and drill holes equal to the diameter of the pins, we make such holes in the shelf itself (you can use a template, since the holes in the wall and in the shelf must exactly match).

Then judge from the subsequent filling of the shelf, if there are light souvenirs there, then these two pins are enough, if there are heavier things, you can make more fasteners (even every 5 cm)

We take the required number of long rods (their length should be approximately 1/3 of the width of the shelf, but note that there should be at least 10-15 cm of the pin in the wall).

Insert the rods into the wall at half their length, check with a level that they are exactly perpendicular to the wall, the durability of the entire structure and the safety of the objects standing on it depend on this. Then fix the rods with synthetic glue or resin, wait for the glue to dry.

After that, we put a shelf on the rods (you can additionally glue the pins to the shelf by pouring glue into the holes).
One of the mounting options can be considered pre-assembly into the wall of a square bar (usually used for narrow shelves).
Mounting technology:
To do this, a square bar is attached to the wall, the side of which is equal to the thickness of the board for the future shelf.

It is fastened with dowels, nails or plastic anchors with self-tapping screws. Then, round wooden pins (pins) are driven into the holes pre-drilled according to the template into the bar, which are lubricated with glue, after which the wide part of the shelf is put on them.

In order to put the board on pins or pins, a mallet with a rubber striker is used, which is gently hit on the outer edge of the board.

By varying the height, texture, color and thickness of the shelves, you can achieve an original and unique design and create a sense of order and completeness in the design of the room.
Without limiting imagination and using all the advantages of modern construction market, you should remember about safety, carefully manufacture and check all fasteners.
In this case, the shelves, like any other element functional decor rooms will serve for a long time, remaining a reliable, useful and beautiful element of the interior.

And also you can watch the video hanging the shelf on the wall
