At what stage of repair do the floor. Apartment renovation: what is a rough finish. What about legal aspects?

The concept of " rough finish has firmly entered our lives in the last twenty years. In Soviet times, housing was rented on a turnkey basis.
What quality was the decoration of the apartments - this is the second question. Most often, housewarming had to start with repairs.
But then they got apartments for free, but now we pay our hard-earned money. Moreover, each person wants the interior of the apartment to match his own ideas.
So what's the point of paying more for finishing, if you still do repairs. That is why new buildings with a rough finish are increasingly appearing - the price of an apartment in such a house is much lower.

So, let's figure out what is included in the rough finish. It is clear that in a ready-to-live-in apartment, all surfaces load-bearing structures and partitions should be cosmetically decorated.
But in order to produce this very decoration, the surfaces must be well prepared. The concept of “rough finish” does not carry any legal justification, but only reflects generally accepted conventions.

  • The main purpose of such a finish is to eliminate the shortcomings and irregularities of the supporting structures, so the walls and ceilings must be plastered.
  • The characteristics of the rough finish of the walls are rather vague, most often we are talking about the starting layer of plaster. That is, if you then paint the wall or glue the wallpaper, you will have to prime and putty it, bringing it to perfect smoothness.
  • Only the walls in the bathrooms can remain without plaster. This is due to their specificity. The decoration of these rooms is often done by frame sheathing, when it is not necessary to level the surfaces.
  • On the walls of the toilet or bathroom, cement-bonded particle boards are often mounted for rough finishing. They are an excellent base for any kind of decorative coating: ceramic tiles and mosaics, painting and self-adhesive films.

  • A floor screed must be made, and if provided by the project, underfloor heating must be arranged under the screed. Well, lay linoleum, lay tiles on the floor, or make parquet - you will have to decide and do it yourself.
  • Concerning engineering communications: heating, sewerage and water supply systems must be installed in full. Only sanitary ware and faucets will be missing.
  • The same is true with power wiring: only leads for chandeliers, sockets and switches will be visible from the walls. You will buy and install all this at your own expense.
    The apartment should also have telephone and television cables. Radio in our time is no longer of interest to anyone.
  • No one is building houses like "Khrushchev" houses now. The improved layout of the apartments provides for spacious studio rooms.
    If you need to zone such a room, or make one big room two small ones, you can make partitions at your discretion.

  • Installation of entrance doors and windows with double-glazed windows is mandatory - interior doors are not included here.
    The glazing of a loggia or balcony can also be attributed to the rough finish, but the developer, in this case, does not perform these works. This means that you will need to start finishing the apartment with this.

Carrying out a rough finish

To the question: “What is a draft finish?” We have answered in as much detail as possible. Now it is the turn to consider how, and in what sequence, it is performed.
It is not at all necessary that you bought an apartment in a new building. Maybe you are building a house with your own hands, or decided to produce overhaul in old apartment- then our guide will help you.

Preparatory work

In case of repair, it will be possible to start plastering the walls only after the preparatory work has been done:

  • This includes the dismantling of electrical and gas equipment(lamps, switches, stoves, water heater).
  • This also applies to cleaning work. brick walls from old plaster. That is, the most time-consuming and dirty work is performed first.
    When the cleanup is done, it's your turn electro installation work.
  • To do this, you must clearly understand: what kind of ceiling design will be performed; how many and which fixtures should be installed; where and what Appliances will be located. It is clear that this is necessary in order to correctly make the wiring for sockets and outputs for lamps.
  • Device if needed concealed wiring, strobes are made on the surfaces of the supporting structures. This work is quite dusty, which is why it is done before starting the finishing work.

It is worth saying that if you are not familiar with electricity, you need to entrust the electrical part of the repair to a specialist. After all, there are also a lot of nuances here - from the correct selection of the wire cross-section to their high-quality connection.
Proper wiring will protect you from possible short circuits or fires.

Windows and doors

If it is necessary to replace window blocks, they are dismantled and new ones are immediately installed.
This can be done both before the start of the preparatory work, and after their completion:

  • There is practically no risk of staining the window sills or spoiling the plastic during wall finishing - there is a protective film on the plastic elements of the windows that can be removed after the repair is completed. And the glass will still have to be washed.
  • FROM wooden windows a little more difficult, but there is masking tape to protect them - they are glued wooden surface ram.
  • It's the same with doors. Rather, you first need to install only the door frames and close them masking tape.
    Scotch tape will protect their surface from ingress of mounting foam, as well as from gypsum plaster mortar, which will close up the slopes. And the panels are hung after finishing.

In repair, everything must be done logically. If, for example, you want to demolish an unnecessary partition, then this must be done before installing new interior doors.
Answers to the questions: “How to properly install doors, what are slopes and how to get a perfectly even angle?” - can be obtained by reading the necessary literature and watching the video. It is possible that you yourself will not do this.


After completing the preparatory work, you can begin to level the surfaces. The sequence of actions will depend on how you plan to decorate the ceiling.
If it will be painted or wallpapered, leveling must begin with it. In the case of a suspended ceiling, its surface does not need a rough finish - it can be taken as walls.


The implementation of the rough finish of the walls begins with the door and window slopes.
FROM window slopes easier, recently they are made from plastic sandwich panels. This is much faster than removing corners with gypsum mortar.

  • Plastic does not need to be painted, it does not fade in the sun and is easy to clean. That is why most people prefer this option.
    decorative corner, covering the joint between the wall and the panel, can be glued last when the fine finish is completed.
  • For decoration door slopes plastic can only be used if the walls are completely finished with it. In other cases, the slopes must be made of gypsum mortar.
    To do this, you need a template that allows you to make an even angle.


The method of leveling the walls will depend on which room is being finished and what wall decor material you plan to use.
If the hallway or kitchen is planned to be sheathed with plastic, or a lining board, then there is no need to level the walls. AT living rooms so it is not customary to finish the walls.

  • There are two acceptable ways to make walls even and smooth. First and most cheap way- it's plastering.
    Modern plaster solutions are sold dry, in 25kg bags.

  • They contain in their composition all the necessary components, you just have to dilute it with water in the right ratio. These mixtures may have a gypsum or cement binder base.
  • Solutions for cement base used in rooms with high humidity and for outdoor work. The internal surfaces of walls and ceilings are mainly plastered with gypsum compounds.
    Especially if painting will be done, because the gypsum is white.
  • Rough wall finishing can also be done by sheathing them with sheets of drywall. They are attached to a metal frame, the joints of the sheets are sealed with putty, sanded, primed - and only then are they subject to further finishing.

  • This finishing option is good for private houses, cottages, corner apartments multi-storey buildings, the walls of which often freeze through. In the inner cavity of the frame, you can put a heater, as in the photo.

  • When the walls are ready, consider that the dirtiest work is finished. Now you can do the ceiling.
    And now it can not only be mounted, but also finished clean.
  • The floor screed is done last. For this, there are also dry mixes, which, like plaster solutions, are simply diluted with water. They are also called "self-levelling".

Only after the full strength of the screed begins further decoration of the room. The more carefully and without haste the above work was performed, the better the result will be.
If you understand that you can’t do it on your own, contact the specialists, and just control the process yourself.

  • 1 Features of repair in a new building associated with shrinkage of the building
    • 1.1 What works are not recommended to be done in the first year of building operation?
    • 1.2 What repairs can be done?
  • 2 Apartment layout
  • 3 Preparatory work
  • 4 Repair procedure
    • 4.1 Electrical wiring, low current and underfloor heating
    • 4.2 Plumbing communications
    • 4.3 Screed
    • 4.4 Rough finish of ceilings and walls
    • 4.5 Replacement of batteries (if not satisfied with the option from the developer)
    • 4.6 Replacing windows with plastic ones (if you are not satisfied with the option from the developer)
    • 4.7 Installation front door
    • 4.8 Ceilings (whitewashing or painting, plasterboard or stretch)
    • 4.9 Tiled work in bathrooms, kitchen, corridor (walls and floors)
    • 4.10 Installation of interior doors
    • 4.11 Walls (wallpaper or Venetian plaster)
    • 4.12 Installation of plumbing (bath, shower, toilet, sink, taps, heated towel rails)
    • 4.13 Floors - parquet, laminate, etc.
    • 4.14 Installation door architraves, sills
    • 4.15 Installation of switches, sockets, installation of lighting fixtures
    • 4.16 Installation of the kitchen, kitchen appliances, built-in wardrobes in the hallway and rooms
    • 4.17 Delivery and arrangement of furniture

Before settling in a new building apartment, it is required to make a major or redecorating. Regardless of the allocated budget, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of apartment renovation in a new building.

Features of repair in a new building associated with shrinkage of the building

When carrying out repairs, it is necessary to take into account the terms of shrinkage of the building. There is a list of repair measures that do not depend on the shrinkage of the house and are allowed to be performed in the first years of the building's operation. Finishing will take several years.

Renovation in a new building non-standard layout before installing furniture

The drawdown of a new building does not occur quickly, but significant changes are noticeable already in the first few years. Over time, everything normalizes and the fact of subsidence is minimized.

What works are not recommended to be done in the first year of operation of the building?

Immediately upon receipt of an apartment in a new building, it is not recommended to carry out such repairs:

  • Finishing ceilings and walls. In the worst case, the seams will crack, but this will not be visible under the drywall;
  • Lay tiles in the bathroom. As an alternative, any other fine finish with a high tightness will do. If the processes were not done well, then after years of operation, mold may appear due to moisture.

Sometimes the tiled surfaces in the bathroom do not make it possible to make other stages of the repair.

If it is not possible to wait for several years of shrinkage at home, then it is better to entrust the repair to professionals, but even in this case there is no 100% guarantee that cracks will not appear on the ceiling or wall.

What repairs can be done?

Shrinkage at home does not affect the following processes:

  • Device for distributing plumbing pipes;
  • Electrical wiring;
  • Installation of warm floors and screeds;
  • Wall alignment;
  • Installation of false ceilings.

Mounting the false ceiling frame after finishing surfaces

This list is the order of repair in a new building, and it is not recommended to change it.

Any repair in a new building begins with rough and dusty work, after which they move on to pre-finishing and fine finishing of the premises. At the final stage of repair, it is better to give preference to inexpensive wallpaper and linoleum. This is an inexpensive and smart solution.

Apartment layout

The lack of a plan for a future apartment makes the process of wiring communications very difficult. Ill-conceived Finishing work without preliminary calculation of surface areas entail large financial costs. If you have the layout of the apartment on hand, then you can think over the furniture and interior design in advance.

An example of an apartment layout from a developer, with which you can draw up a budget for the purchase building materials

A conscientious developer is ready to provide such a layout upon the conclusion of a construction contract. The documentation will indicate parameters such as ceiling height and surface area of ​​the new building. This is enough to calculate required amount materials.

Preparatory work

Before starting repair work in a new building, you need to think carefully about the action plan, taking into account the layout of the apartment. With the help of graphic editors or a simple pencil and graph paper, the locations are indicated plumbing fixtures, kitchen furniture and technology. From these points will depend on the correct laying of pipes and wiring.

Warm floors should be laid only in those areas where furniture will not be installed. They are not needed under cabinets, a bathroom, a washing machine, a refrigerator and under other appliances located on the floor.

Installation of a water heated floor over the entire floor area in the apartment

An important point is the placement of lighting fixtures and equipment powered by the mains. Also, the installation locations of switches and sockets in the new building apartment are predetermined. This is necessary for wiring planning.

After such preparatory processes, you can safely proceed to the repair.

Repair procedure

Many owners of apartments in a new building do not know where to start repairs and what sequence to follow. It is almost the same as for apartments sold on the secondary market. Violating the repair sequence in a new building is highly discouraged. In the worst case, fine finishes and much more will be reworkable at significant financial cost.

Wiring, low current and underfloor heating

The installation of electrical wiring should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Not always in new buildings it is made with high quality and thoughtfully, so there is a need to make it “for yourself”. Sometimes electrical appliances may be installed, but again, their quality may be questionable. It is better to do everything yourself according to your needs. At this stage of repair in a new building, it is not recommended to consider an economy solution.

Plumbing communications

Wiring plumbing communications involves the installation of plumbing and heating pipes. The distribution of water supply and sewerage should begin from the common riser of the new building, after which the pipes are brought to the intended installation site of plumbing fixtures. If there is no self-confidence, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists.


An important stage in the repair of an apartment is the pouring of the screed. If the house is concrete, then it must be done.

Concrete is used as a solution. First, it is poured onto the subfloor, after which the surface is leveled. Most easy optionwet screed, pouring the solution can be done independently. Using this solution, you can get rid of cracks and all floor irregularities.

Rough finish of ceilings and walls

Draft repairs in a new building are the dirtiest and dustiest work, including:

  • The device of a cement-sand screed;
  • Wall alignment;
  • Ceiling alignment;
  • Installation of an entrance door.

Often, the developer levels the walls and floors, but sometimes this is not done well enough, so you have to redo or correct it yourself.

Replacement of batteries (if you are not satisfied with the option from the developer)

Replacing heating batteries in new homes is not at all a mandatory procedure, but there are times when apartment owners make such a decision. The reasons are:

  • insufficient quality of batteries;
  • the version of the heating batteries does not fit the interior of the apartment;
  • improper placement of radiators.

New aluminum multi-section heating radiators for an apartment in a new building

Any of the above reasons entails the installation of new most suitable heating radiators.

What kind of radiators to give preference? Steel batteries are a good option in all respects, except for shutter speed high pressure. Aluminum products are susceptible to corrosive changes, although they are better in terms of thermal power. Most the best option bimetal radiators. You have to pay for high quality indicators, so such devices are not cheap.

Replacing windows with plastic ones (if you are not satisfied with the option from the developer)

By installing windows in new buildings, the developer is trying to save money, so apartment owners often face terrible quality. Basically, the savings relate to the reinforcement of windows and fittings. Also not provided proper level noise and heat insulation.

If the budget allocated for repairs is limited, then you can do without replacing the structures. It is enough to carry out a simple adjustment of the windows and the replacement of sealing rubber bands. Such measures do not completely solve the problem, but you can postpone the process of installing new structures for a couple of years.

Front door installation

Experts recommend installing the front door in a new house after a rough repair, namely after installing a screed and conducting communications.

In new residential buildings, heating and water supply pipes are often brought into the apartment along the floor through the doorway under the threshold, so this fact should be taken into account. Care should be taken in advance that the pipeline does not interfere with the installation of the door and is not damaged by the tool. With this method of installation, it is important to protect the door with a film coating.

Ceilings (whitewashing or painting, plasterboard or stretch)

The choice of material for ceilings should be approached seriously, as their condition after shrinkage of the building depends on it. Based on this feature, it is recommended to consider the following options:

  • Whitewashing or painting ceilings does not require global costs. You can easily restore them appearance in case of cracks;
  • Gypsum plasterboard ceiling with "floating" installation of the frame. Cracks will not be visible, since the drywall construction is not attached to the walls;
  • Shrinkage at home is not terrible for stretch ceilings;
  • An excellent solution is to install a ceiling made of plastic or MDF panels.

Whitewashing the ceiling with a brush after completely leveling the surface

The choice of one or another option depends on the excellent preferences of the owners.

Tiled work in bathrooms, kitchen, corridor (walls and floors)

In the first year after the commissioning of the building, experts strongly do not recommend laying tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. In the worst case, due to a violation of the tightness of the seams, water can leak to the neighbors or mold can appear.

Floors can be tiled provided there is no risk of damage during other activities. It can be covered with thick cardboard for the duration of the repair, but this is unlikely to save a heavy hammer or other tool from falling.

Installation of interior doors

It is advisable to install interior doors in the apartment after the rough work and some preparatory measures have been carried out:

  • Plastering and puttying walls;
  • Subfloor device;
  • All must be completed wet processes. In the worst case, the door frame is deformed under the influence of dampness;
  • Carrying out accurate measurements;
  • Alignment of the doorway;
  • The room must be warm and dry.

You can install interior doors immediately without platbands. They are fixed after finishing.

Walls (wallpaper or Venetian plaster)

With the choice of material for covering the walls, you need to decide before carrying out repairs in the apartment. Many are interested in the question, what is better wallpaper or plaster? In fact most of apartment owners tend to decorative plaster, as this option is more durable and looks very nice.

Pasting the walls with wallpaper is not a difficult process, but despite this, the correct process technology should be followed in order to prevent the growth of mold and the appearance of other troubles.

Installation of plumbing (bath, shower, toilet, sink, faucets, heated towel rails)

It is possible to install plumbing only after distributing plumbing pipes and finishing the premises. This is one of the most milestones repair in new apartment. From correct installation toilet bowl, bathtub, sink, heated towel rail, sink and shower cabin depends on the comfort of living.

Before execution installation processes a project is drawn up, which indicates the number of consumables and the exact location of plumbing fixtures. Only a properly drawn up project and professionalism will help to avoid common mistakes.

Floors - parquet, laminate, etc.

Answering the following questions will help you decide on the choice of flooring:

  • What are the requirements regarding functionality;
  • What is the budget allocated for the purchase of material.

Parquet flooring looks very beautiful as a floor covering if it is properly looked after. It needs to be periodically sorted out, polished, protected from moisture and treated with special compounds. Laying parquet is a complex process that requires high professionalism.

A good alternative is modern laminate. You can buy an insulated version with a substrate or a simple one. It is easy to take care of such a floor, and it does not require large expenses for its installation.

Most cheap option flooring - linoleum, but the cheapness is not always justified. Wrinkles, folds and gaps in the joints appear if it is not laid correctly and without holding the shrinkage time.

Installation of door platbands, sills

Door platbands and sills are mounted after the walls have been finished. It is under these elements that some defects can be hidden. In the worst case, you will have to cover the gaps with sealant, and file the trim, which in the end will look ugly.

Fixing the door frame with pegs and mounting foam

Each type of work must be done sequentially in order to avoid such problems.

If it is necessary to make a floor without dismantling old doors, then part of the door frame is sawn off 5-10 centimeters from the floor.

Ideally, you need to mount the thresholds after installing the floor and installing the doors. If they are installed ahead of time, then they will not be on the same plane with the door. Visually, it will look like an oblique design.

Installation of switches, sockets, installation of lighting fixtures

Install switches, sockets and lighting important at the final stage of repair. Pre-conducted electrical wiring and a pre-drawn apartment plan will help you navigate the arrangement of these elements.

Installation of kitchen, kitchen appliances, built-in wardrobes in the hallway and rooms

The installation of kitchen furniture is usually carried out by craftsmen who bring it from the store. If this is a move to an apartment with existing furniture, appliances and cabinets, then these actions have to be done independently.

It is worth starting the installation of the kitchen and kitchen appliances subject to the complete completion of the repair. Again, a plan comes to the rescue with an exact indication of the location for each element.

Delivery and placement of furniture

After receiving the keys, each owner of the apartment imagines in his mind how his housing will look like in the future, therefore, it is determined in advance with its situation. Based on the chosen interior and style, furniture and household appliances are arranged.

For convenience, the largest interior items are first imported and arranged, these are sofas, armchairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, etc., after which bedside tables, chairs and tables. If necessary, you can use the design services.


When choosing an apartment in a new building, housing without finishing is most often preferred. This is due to the fact that the price of such real estate is much lower than apartments with simple repair. In addition, this is a great opportunity to perform all repair and finishing work, taking into account your own wishes, preferences and financial capabilities. Repairing an apartment in a new building from scratch has many nuances, which are detailed in this article.

Photos of interesting design solutions. The main rules and effective techniques in the design of the interior design of the kitchen, living room and hallway.

The sequence of repairs in an apartment in a new building

How to start renovation in a new building? With rough finish. These are the dirtiest jobs that are performed in all rooms at once. Then all is exported construction garbage, and the elements of the room are cleaned of dirt and dust. This stage is also called the pre-finishing of an apartment in a new building. What kind of work we will consider in more detail:

  • dismantling of windows and an entrance door with a possible expansion or reduction of openings;
  • installation of a new door and windows;

  • demolition of old and construction of new partitions, according to the project;
  • chasing holes and furrows in the walls for laying communications;
  • performing electrical wiring according to the plan with the installation of a shield, junction boxes, socket boxes into which the ends of the cables are inserted;
  • laying low-voltage wiring (telephony, Internet, TV, security systems);
  • soundproofing of the ceiling and walls;
  • laying pipelines for hot and cold water supply, connection to a sewer riser;
  • alignment of the ceiling and walls;
  • false ceiling installation;
  • puttying and priming the ceiling and walls;
  • glazing and decoration of a balcony or loggia;
  • floor preparation: insulation, soundproofing and pouring screed with a reinforcing layer;
  • bathroom and toilet finishing.

You can make repairs in a new building on your own, but it is better to entrust it to specialists, or use the services of a certain stage. Among a large number proposals of construction organizations, you can choose the most acceptable option. The price of a rough repair in a new building with material starts from 6,000 rubles. per sq. m. and depends on the nature of the work and the types of building materials.

After completing the rough work, they proceed to the final stage of repair in the new building. It consists of the following list of works:

  • wall cladding with finishing materials;
  • laying flooring;
  • installation of interior doors;
  • fixing platbands and skirting boards;
  • installation of sockets and switches;
  • connection of household appliances;
  • installation of furniture and decorative elements.

Useful advice! The final stage of work is best done after several years of operation of a residential building.

Where to start repairs in a new apartment without finishing: dismantling work

Repair from scratch in a new building begins with a complex of dismantling works. Before this stage has already been prepared new plan premises where all the necessary enclosing structures are displayed. Dismantling may be subject to existing load-bearing partitions in order to redevelop, expand or reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. Usually these are partitions between rooms. They can be installed without harm to the building.

Important! Capital load-bearing walls are not subject to demolition, the functional significance of which is displayed in the technical passport of the room.

If desired, you can dismantle a certain part of the balcony in order to be able to turn it into a loggia with stained glass windows. Often, low-quality double-glazed windows are installed in new-build apartments, which require mandatory replacement with more expensive and reliable products. This stage also includes the device or amplification doorways. In a new apartment, it may be necessary to dismantle the elements of the heating system when it becomes necessary to replace the location of the radiators.

All dismantling work can be done independently, armed with the necessary tools and means personal protection, or take the help of specialists, having studied in detail before this the question of how much repairs in a new building cost. Today, most construction organizations offer a list of services with their own prices. So, when repairing new-build apartments on a turnkey basis, the price of dismantling the wall is 300 rubles / m², windows - 500 rubles. per piece, doors - 400 rubles. per piece, radiators - 410 rubles. per piece

Installation of partitions

How do you start repairs in a new apartment with a free layout? For the formation inner space the premises are mounted interior partitions, according to the developed plan. by the most the best option in this case is to use a dry building system. These are structures that consist of a metal frame sheathed with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Compared to other options, such partitions have a small mass, which does not increase the load on the supporting structure of the building.

With help this material partitions of any configuration can be made in a short period of time. In addition, the material has good soundproofing properties. The cost of the material is 200-350 rubles. per sheet. The installation price will be 1000 rubles / m².

Useful advice! M A shrinkage gap of 35-40 mm should be left between the ceiling and the top of the partition, which is filled mounting foam.

Another equally popular option is the installation of interior partitions from gas or foam concrete blocks. The material is characterized by a high surface quality, which does not require time-consuming plastering. For rooms with high humidity, it is better to use foam concrete, which is characterized by low hygroscopicity.

To create good sound insulation, products with a thickness of at least 75 mm should be used. In addition, thicker blocks withstand well cantilever load without compromising the integrity of the structure. Thanks to the large format of the blocks, the speed of installation work is increased. The cost of products is on average 800-850 rubles / m², taking into account construction and installation works - 1500 rubles / m².

A less popular option is the construction of partitions from solid building bricks, the brand of which must be at least M100. In order for the partition to be stable, its thickness must be at least 170 mm, taking into account the plaster layer. Such a partition not only occupies a significant part of the free space, but also creates an additional load on the floor due to high density products.

This design has high strength and increased moisture resistance. However, the construction process is very laborious, requiring a significant consumption of masonry material and plaster, which affects the overall cost of the structure. The price of works together with the material starts from 1650 rubles / m².

Electric installation work

Where to start repairs in a new apartment without electrical wiring? Electrical wiring to the apartment starts from the switchboard, which can be located on the wall or in a niche. When the electrical panel is installed outside the apartment, a cable with copper conductors should be pulled from it to the shield in the apartment. Installed inside the shield circuit breakers, device protective shutdown and terminal blocks.

In new-build apartments, electrical wiring is laid in a hidden way, i.e. cables are mounted under a layer of plaster, in the floor under a screed, above a tension or false ceiling. If the partitions are made of drywall, then the wires are laid in.

Before performing electrical work, it is necessary to develop detailed plan power supply of the apartment with the designation of all connection points. On the basis of the plan, markings are applied to the walls, along which holes are made. The size of the strobe depends on the number of electrical cables and wires to be laid and on their thickness. When the holes are prepared, wires are laid in them, which are fastened with special clips. Then the grooves are covered with alabaster and plastered.

Useful advice! In all junction boxes it is recommended to leave a small margin of wires for future repairs.

Electrical work can be done independently, or use the services of specialists. The cost of electrical work during the repair of a turnkey apartment in a new building starts from 800 rubles / m². For apartments with an area of ​​40 m², the work will cost 18 thousand rubles, with an area of ​​​​70 m² - 30 thousand rubles.

Basic rules and necessary materials for electrical work

Here it is important to follow some rules:

  • at least two branches should enter each room: for lighting and sockets;
  • wiring is carried out strictly horizontally or vertically without slopes and angles;
  • all connections and branches of wires must be packed in insulating boxes;
  • switches in the rooms should be located near the front door at a height of about 1.5 m;
  • sockets are located at a height of 0.5-0.8 m;
  • the number of sockets for an ordinary apartment with average electricity consumption is 1 pc. for 6 m²;
  • for the installation of electrical wiring, stranded copper wires with the appropriate cross section in double insulation are used;
  • sockets and switches should have brass contacts, and internal parts made of ceramic.

For the installation of electrical wiring, you should purchase the following components:

  • three-core VVG cable for sockets with a cross section of 3x2.5 mm², for a lighting line - 3x1.5 mm²; for connecting powerful electrical appliances - 3x4 mm²,
  • main machine with a nominal value of 25-32 A;
  • RCD for 50 A;
  • circuit breaker with a rating of 10 A for the lighting line, or 16 A for sockets;
  • sockets with a degree of protection of at least 44;
  • illuminated switches;
  • junction boxes and terminals for connecting wires.

Installation of plumbing communications

When wondering where to start repairing an apartment in a new building without communications, you need to understand that plumbing in an apartment is installed according to a pre-planned plan, on the basis of which necessary materials and plumbing fixtures. The distribution of pipes for hot and cold water supply can be carried out hidden in pre-prepared strobes in the walls of the room. If the thickness of the partitions does not allow such installation, then the pipes can be hidden behind plastic or drywall boxes, which are lined with the same material as the walls.

Today, polypropylene products are very popular for the installation of plumbing communications. it durable material High Quality. Installation of pipelines is carried out using solder fittings. This assembly method guarantees a long service life of the product, which is able to withstand coolant temperatures up to 130 degrees. and pressure up to 12 atm.

When laying pipelines in a niche, the size of the strobe should be twice as large as the diameter of the pipes. This is due to the fact that the material of the products is characterized by a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which contributes to the bending and expansion of the pipeline under the action of high temperature coolant. The water supply system can be collector or tee. The first option is considered the most preferable. Here it is possible to install taps to shut off all plumbing fixtures.

Installation of plumbing fixtures is carried out after the completion of a rough repair. They are located in specially prepared places, near which there are fittings for connecting devices to communications. Water connection is carried out after installation of taps and other shut-off valves on the devices.

This type of work can be done by hand, or invite an experienced specialist. The average cost of repairing an apartment in a new building with materials is 50 thousand rubles.

What ceiling is better to do in a new building?

Due to the shrinkage of the house, cracks may appear on the ceilings. Therefore, you should choose the most suitable finish option, which is not afraid of such defects. How to start repairing the ceiling in a new building from scratch? The most budget option is painting or whitewashing the surface of the ceiling. This is a justified way with a perfectly flat surface. In addition, after the appearance of cracks, you can immediately restore the original appearance of the ceiling. However, if the surface has minor irregularities, they will have to be eliminated with plaster, which is a costly, time-consuming, painstaking and messy process.

A more acceptable option is to install a plasterboard structure of any configuration with a floating frame mount, so that the integrity of the surface will not be disturbed as a result of shrinkage of the building. This solution allows you to get free space between the coating and the carrier plate, which can be used to install lamps or lay communications.

Note! The disadvantage of this option is the high cost of the material. In addition, the building hinged structure will reduce the height of the walls by 10-15 cm.

The most popular option is to install a stretch ceiling using PVC sheets. This work is carried out by a specialized organization in a short time. As a result, you can get a perfectly flat ceiling of any color and texture. The cost of this design is comparable to the previous option, but the process is less laborious, dirty and faster. The main disadvantage of such a ceiling is its low strength. Furniture or a sharp object can permanently damage the integrity of the surface.

Another suitable option for a new building, the ceiling is finished with PVC or MDF panels. Such a coating is not afraid of shrinkage of the building. Among the wide range of products, you can choose products with imitation expensive breeds tree.

Wall preparation features

The walls in the room can be made of cellular concrete, reinforced concrete, brick or gas silicate. In some cases, the developer can use reinforced concrete panels with a high-quality surface for the construction of wall structures, which need only be puttied. In most cases, the walls must be leveled with plaster.

For interior spaces it is better to use gypsum-based mixtures. For rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to use cement-sand compositions, for which a reinforcing mesh is pre-mounted. To level the surface, wall plastering is carried out along the lighthouses in several layers. The layer of plaster should not be more than 5 cm. The price of the material is in the range of 250-550 rubles. per bag weighing 25 kg.

Useful advice! D To eliminate significant surface irregularities, it is advisable and less costly to use gypsum boards.

Before applying the plaster, the base should be primed. For slightly absorbent surfaces in the form of concrete, any primer is suitable. For aerated concrete walls or ceramic brick it is expedient to use special formulations. They help to reduce the absorbency of the base and prevent uneven setting of the plaster layer.

After the plaster layer has completely dried, the surface must also be primed twice using an acrylic composition.

Floor leveling and screed

Start of renovation in a new building. Where to start flooring? The floor in the new apartment is a bare monolithic slab, which must not only be leveled, but also insulated and soundproofed. To do this, you can use expanded clay, which has good heat and soundproof properties. The minimum layer thickness is 5 cm.

Before performing work, all floor openings in the area of ​​​​ventilation shafts and risers should be sealed with mounting foam or adhesive mixture. Next, a layer of expanded clay is poured. You need to start from the place with the greatest depth. This layer is filled liquid concrete which has the consistency of milk. Such a base dries for about a day. You can use another option and put a claydite-cement-sand mixture on the base.

Useful advice! Before laying expanded clay in the bathroom and the bathroom, a layer of floor waterproofing should be laid with a wall approach of up to 8-10 cm.

High-quality floor preparation is the key to a long service life of the floor covering

The next step is to level the floor. This can be done using a cement-sand screed or self-leveling floor. The first option is more budgetary. The cost of a bag of 40 kg is only 150 rubles. The consumption of the solution depends on the layer of the screed. However, this option will not give a smooth and even base. In addition, the cement-sand mixture dries completely after three to four weeks, which will stretch the course of the repair work.

A more technological option is self-leveling floors. The mixture has a fairly liquid consistency, which allows it to evenly fill the entire space and take the level of the horizon.

Useful advice! Before pouring the floor, the base should be primed twice with an acrylic primer.

The main disadvantage of self-leveling floor is its cost. A bag of 25 kg will cost about 400 rubles. In this regard, it is more expedient to use self-leveling floors when the height difference is no more than 4 cm. With a more significant difference, a cement-sand screed can be made, and a layer of self-leveling floors can be laid on top of it to obtain a more even surface at lower cost. This option is most preferable when laminate or parquet will be used as a floor covering.

Self-leveling floors dry within 5-7 hours. You can lay tiles or linoleum in 2 days, and wooden flooring- in 7 days.

There is one more modern solution. This is a laying of dry prefabricated floors. The material is represented by gypsum fiber boards up to 20 mm thick, which are laid on a layer of expanded clay or other insulating material. it fast way get flat surface suitable for finishing in a day. However, the cost of the material is 310-550 rubles. per piece

Repair in a turnkey new building with and without materials

When buying a home in a new building, the question immediately arises, where to start repairing an apartment in a new building? It depends on the degree of suitability of the apartment for occupancy. As mentioned above, it can be free-planned, with pre-finishing or fine finishing. Depending on this, construction organizations offer to perform one of the types of apartment renovation in a new building, the price of which is determined by the list of works:

  • economy;
  • base;
  • full.

The package "Economy" includes the following types of work:

  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of partitions;
  • floor screed;
  • leveling and budgetary finishing of the surface of walls and ceilings;
  • linoleum flooring;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • door installation;
  • installation of plumbing fixtures on ready-made communications.

The cost of repairing an apartment in a new building will cost an average of 3,000 rubles / m². This price does not include the cost of materials. They can be purchased independently, and can also be ordered from the contractor, who usually offers materials for reasonable prices and good quality. In this case, the price of repairs in a turnkey new building will include the cost and delivery of materials. Also here it should be borne in mind that the larger the area in the apartment, the cheaper the cost of repairs will be. square meter. So, repairs in a new building will cost an average of 155 thousand rubles,

Having decided to do a major overhaul on your own, it is necessary to take into account additional expenses for the purchase or rental of special equipment.

The "Basic" package consists of the same list of works, to which is added:

  • installation of communications for plumbing fixtures;
  • suspended ceiling device;
  • bathroom and toilet tiling;
  • installation of lighting fixtures.

The price of repairing an apartment from scratch in a new building will cost an average of 6,000 rubles / m², excluding the cost of materials. The basic repair for an additional fee can include the replacement of windows and the installation of a loggia. Thus, the complex of works in one-room apartment will cost an average of 210 thousand rubles. Repair of a two-room apartment in a new building will cost 300 thousand rubles, a three-room apartment - 370 thousand rubles.

A complete renovation involves a set of measures that can turn a bare space into a cozy residential apartment. The following activities are added to the work that is performed for the basic package:

  • creation of a design project for an apartment;
  • finishing the ceiling and walls with high-quality materials;
  • laminate flooring;
  • installation of engineering communications and plumbing of any variety and complexity.

A major overhaul of a new building apartment will cost 8,000-10,000 rubles / m², excluding the cost of materials. If the cost of work does not include a certain type of installation, it can be arranged additionally for a fee.

The price of repairs in a new building with material will depend not only on the type, scope of work and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It also takes into account the cost of specific building materials. So the price of repairs in a new building with material from the budget range will average 6,000 rubles / m². Works using more expensive materials will cost about 12,000 rubles / m². The cost of repairing an apartment in a turnkey luxury new building will cost at least 20,000 rubles / m².

Many organizations specialize in the development and implementation of exclusive design using high quality finishing materials. The price of repairs with materials for an apartment in a new building of this level will cost no less than 30,000 rubles / m².

Performing repairs in a new building without finishing requires certain knowledge and skills. The desire to save money can lead to additional costs. To obtain good result in a fairly short time, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals and order a turnkey repair of a new building with materials, the price of which will depend on personal preferences and the financial capacity of the customer.

Many today dream of living in a new building, since the peculiar layout in new houses allows you to create own design and, finally, to realize their bright ideas. This is facilitated by a vast market for the latest building materials, which help owners to cope with repairs faster and significantly reduce the cost of it. It is also important to choose the right company that quickly and highest level handle all the necessary work. A group of companies will help you to make repairs in a new building with the highest quality low prices and for short periods.

What kind of work can be carried out in a new building?

Many, even before the housewarming, are wondering where to start and in what sequence it is necessary to carry out repair work in a new building. The article will help determine the stages of repair and will be useful to those who started repairs in a new building without finishing. To begin with, consider the types of work that are allowed to be carried out in a new building. A new building, as a rule, continues to shrink for a certain period of time, and walls, ceilings and floors are often covered with cracks. This circumstance must be taken into account during the repair, which requires avoiding the use of too expensive finishing materials. So, in a new building you can:

  • install plumbing pipes;
  • conduct electrical wiring;
  • lay warm floors;
  • make a screed;
  • align walls;
  • install stretch ceilings.

Room layout

All these works are carried out after the object is handed over to the residents and only after a clear definition of the repair procedure, that is, the preparation of a work plan. By the way, the most good options repairs are always planned in advance. This also applies to renovations in new buildings. To do this, the apartment itself is examined and a plan is sketched. You can immediately mark also the places of installation of furniture and household appliances . The plan can be drawn not only on paper, but also on a computer. It is good if you know in advance where to install the toilet, bath or shower.

As for the layout of the kitchen, this issue is more complex. Of course, to solve this issue, it will be very useful to visit a couple of pages on the Internet and get acquainted with the layout of the kitchen space. It is important to know where it is more convenient to prepare food, plan work and dining area, install kitchen appliances. Next, you need decide on the situation in the hallway where there will be wardrobes and other items. Don't forget switches and sockets.

Stage 1st. Preparatory work

At this stage, a wiring diagram and piping. The location of already installed switches and sockets is checked, as well as their compliance with the plan for placing equipment and furniture. If this location is considered inconvenient, then new wiring must be laid. It is also important to check the correct installation of plumbing, its serviceability and the reliability of the waterproofing of the bathroom. At the same time, the dimensions of doorways, the quality of window blocks, the absence of voids and cracks are evaluated.

Stage 2. Finishing work

Various gaps and joints between the plates are sealed with mounting foam or gypsum plaster. It let provide reliable sound insulation and reduce heat loss. Next, proceed to the floor screed, that is, to its rough finish. Then the walls are leveled with plaster or drywall, partitions and arches are created. The presence of these elements depends on the preferences of the owners of the house. At this stage, the curvature of ceilings, walls and floors is carefully checked using a building level.

Usually, repair work is carried out according to the principle - from dirty work to more or less clean. Dirty work includes those works in which it is necessary to break a wall or dismantle a partition, and so on. This is followed by ceiling alignment, floors and walls, puttying and priming surfaces. First of all, repair work is carried out in technical rooms, that is, in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, where plumbing and sewerage issues are resolved. Only then can you move on to the living quarters. Do not forget also about the principle of "top down", that is, repairing the ceiling of the walls and only then the floor. Of course, depending on the building materials used, the sequence of work may vary.

Stage 3. Decorative works

The third stage includes the most pleasant work, which involves the selection of finishing materials. These include paints, wallpapers, tiles, floor coverings. It is necessary to correctly draw up a design project for the apartment, so that when the repair is completed, you do not start soon from the very beginning. The layout refers to each individual room, where not only the interior of the apartment is developed, but also the consumption of materials is accurately calculated, which greatly simplifies their purchase.

After the completion of the repair and cleaning of the rooms, you can start decorating the interior. Furniture is placed, appliances are connected, rooms are decorated. The walls can be beautifully covered with paintings and photographs, the windows can be curtained with curtains or blinds. At this final stage, the happy owners of the apartment will finally be able to celebrate their housewarming.
