Do-it-yourself mortar for wall plastering. How to prepare a plaster mortar Exterior plaster proportions

Despite the rapid development of the construction industry and the emergence of the latest methods of finishing buildings and structures, none of the alternative finishing methods is still able to compete with traditional wall plastering. This is due to the undoubted advantages of the method and its features, as well as the ability of the plaster to create a protective finishing layer on the surface of the treated walls, which helps to level the surface and create a decorative cover. With the help of plaster, you can pour the foundation for a building, build a wall or finish it, and eliminate existing errors - all these activities require a plaster solution. However, for each of these areas, different types of plaster are needed - in the process of finishing work, lime mortar for plaster will be required, for laying the wall - masonry mortar. And this is not all the existing varieties of plaster solutions. Building stores offer consumers to purchase a ready-made mixture for the preparation of plaster, surprising consumers with a variety of these products. In order not to doubt the quality of the solution, you can prepare it yourself, while saving a significant amount of money. To get to the bottom of the issue and get acquainted with the different types of plaster mortars and how to prepare them, read our article.

  1. Preparing a mortar for plaster: a step-by-step guide

What is plaster? Main Components

Plaster is a rough facing material, with the help of which surfaces of various purposes are leveled - walls, ceilings, foundations. Depending on the style you have chosen for finishing the surface to be treated, various components may be included in the plaster, however, regardless of the purpose of the plaster, the following components must be included in its composition:

  • A binder that increases the adhesive characteristics of the plaster and its fastening properties;
  • A filler designed to relieve internal stress between the particles of the binder components, as well as to increase the volume of the solution;
  • Water intended for soaking and mixing the components of the solution. Masters who do not have sufficient experience in this field do not have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is the difference between certain types of wall plaster mortar if they consist of the same fundamental components. In addition, there is often an opinion among amateurs that you can get started by mixing cement with sand and water. However, experts assure that it is far from being so simple and offer you the following recommendations.

Depending on the purpose of the plaster, it is customary to add the following components to its composition, each of which plays a certain role and gives the solution additional characteristics:

Lime is added in cases where it is necessary to give the solution additional viscosity. The lime used to prepare the solution can be slaked or quicklime, ground or multi-colored. It is a fragile material with a long drying time, as a result of which lime mortars are used for finishing work exclusively in dry rooms;

Gypsum or alabaster also does not have significant strength, but is characterized by a high hardening rate. It is advisable to use this material for minor finishing measures and as an additional component to lime mortar, which will increase its drying rate;

Cement is a high-strength, weather-resistant material that retains its original characteristics after contact with water. Resistance to mechanical stress is another important advantage of cement. Plaster based on cement-sand mortar is used for exterior decoration of walls of buildings, as well as surfaces located in a zone of high humidity;

Clay is another component used as an additive to plaster mortar to increase its viscosity. Such compositions are an ideal choice for plastering and laying furnaces, due to the fact that after firing, the solution, which contains clay, becomes as strong as possible;

Sand in the composition of the mortar for plaster is used as a filler, due to which the volume of the mixture increases. For solutions intended for various purposes, various types of sand are used, however, river sand is the most effective, which is sorted and sieved before being added to the solution.

The main types of mortars for plaster: proportions of ingredients

In accordance with the predominance of certain components, the following types of plaster solutions are distinguished:

  • Lime mortar for plaster, to reduce the hardening time of which, gypsum is sometimes used;
  • Cement mortar for plaster, with the preparation of which often there are no unnecessary questions;
  • Lime-cement mortar for plaster, which includes three components: lime paste, cement and sand;
  • Lime-gypsum mortar for plaster, combining optimal viscosity and setting speed;
  • Clay mortar for plaster, in which some minor components can be added to give the mixture the required qualities.

Each of these plaster solutions has its own proportions, following which you can create the optimal working mixture.

One of the most popular finishing mixes is lime mortar, which consists of slaked lime soaked in water and sand. The ratio of mass fractions of these components looks like 1: 2, less often to 5;

Cement mortar for plaster consists of cement and sand, with a ratio of mass fractions as 1: 3 (4). To prepare the solution, the resulting dry mixture is poured with water;

To prepare a cement-lime mortar, cement and sand are required, taken in a ratio of 1: 3 (4), as well as a lime suspension, which is slaked lime diluted with water to the consistency of milk;

Lime-gypsum mortar for plaster is a common lime mortar, consisting of a mixture of sand and slaked lime, as well as gypsum. The ratio of the mixture of lime and sand to gypsum is 1:0.3;

Clay mortars for plaster are most often prepared with the addition of minor ingredients such as cement, sand, gypsum or lime. The choice of one or another component depends on the subsequent use of the solution. Approximate ratios of components in clay mortars for plaster are as follows:

  • Clay and sand in a ratio of 1:2 (5), which depends on the viscosity of the clay;
  • Clay, lime and sand in a ratio of 1: 0.3: 4.

To prepare the solution, you will need to add water to the dry mixture, the volume of which depends on the required viscosity of the solution.

Important! Before you start preparing the solution, you need to make sure that you need to use this particular mixture. For the greatest reliability, it is required to evaluate the physicochemical properties of the solution and the place of their use. In case of an incorrect choice of the component composition, this may cause a decrease in the performance characteristics of the treated surface.

Thus, the choice of ingredients depends on:

  • Type of work (mortar for external plaster must be resistant to high humidity);
  • External conditions under which the operation of a building or premises is carried out. These include: temperature, humidity, the presence of aggressive external factors;
  • The material from which the surface to be plastered is made.

Varieties of plaster depending on the proportion of ingredients:

Taking into account the proportions of the fundamental components, the plaster mortar can be divided into three types:

  • A greasy solution, in which the binding component predominates. After drying, such a solution is prone to cracking;
  • Normal solution, characterized by the optimal ratio of filler and binder;
  • Lean mortar, which is characterized by a small amount of filler, and therefore, it is short-lived and fragile.

To determine the type of mortar, you only need a trowel and a little observation. Dip it in the solution and see:

  • If the solution sticks to the trowel in pieces, the solution is greasy;
  • If the trowel is only slightly dirty, the mortar is thin;
  • If the solution lay on the trowel in the form of a thin crust, the ratio of binder and filler is normal.

Important! You can reduce the fat content of a solution by adding a filler to it, while increasing the viscosity of a lean solution can be done by adding a binder.

The composition of the mortar for plaster: general requirements

What to look for when choosing the composition of the mortar for plaster? First of all, it is important to follow the following points:

  • To plaster concrete and stone facades that are under constant exposure to moisture and precipitation, experts recommend using Portland cement and Portland slag cement to prepare a plaster solution;
  • If stone and concrete facades are not constantly exposed to moisture, it is recommended to use solutions for their plastering, which are based on the use of lime and cement, as well as other lime-based binders;
  • For finishing wooden and gypsum surfaces, lime mortars are used, in which it is recommended to include alabaster to increase the rate of solidification of the mortar;
  • Solution for internal plastering of rooms with high humidity (humidity level during operation is above 60%, which is typical for kitchens, bathrooms or baths), the first layer is applied from a cement or cement-lime mortar.

Decorative characteristics of the mortar for plaster: what to look for?

Often, experts recommend paying attention to decorative solutions for plaster, which can be used both for interior decoration of the walls of a room and for finishing facades. In the process of making decorative mortars, it is recommended to use the following substances as a binder:

  • Traditional, white and colored Portland cement for interior facades and walls;
  • Gypsum and lime intended for colored plastering of indoor walls.
  • In the process of making decorative mortars, the use of marble, granite, dolomite, tuff and various fractions of limestone is widely practiced;

Important! To enhance the gloss of the plaster composition, no more than 10% crushed glass and 1% mica are added to its composition. It is also practiced to add dyes - alkali-resistant and light-resistant pigments of natural origin, such as chromium oxide, ultramarine, ocher, iron minium and other well-known substances.

How to make a mortar for plaster: preparatory measures

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a container for mixing the solution, the volume of which depends on the required amount of solution. Experts recommend giving preference to such a container, the configuration of which will provide a complete sample of the solution. In the event that the container is characterized by a complex configuration, the solution will solidify in the bottom and in the corners of the container, which will subsequently lead to difficulties in subsequent attempts to knead the solution. Experts recommend choosing containers with a large bottom of the pallet, and therefore, it is not recommended to use a bucket as a container for mixing the solution.

In addition to the container, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • A dispenser, which can be used as any container of arbitrary volume;
  • Nozzle for a drill (the so-called mixer), designed to mix the components of the solution. If you do not have a drill attachment, you can mix the mortar manually using a trowel or other handy tool;
  • Binder (clay, lime or cement);
  • Filler (sawdust or sand);
  • Water.

Preparing a mortar for plaster: a step-by-step guide

Before answering the question: “How to make a mortar for plastering walls?”, It must be answered that the preparation of the mortar is carried out in several stages, the first of which involves the preparation of a dry working mixture, and the second is the addition of water to it and the actual mixing of the mortar. There are two ways to prepare a mortar for plaster: manual and mechanized.

Manual method of preparing plaster

It involves mixing a dry binder, during which the following rules must be observed:

  • The first and most important requirement is the capacity requirement. Its bottom should be flat and clean;
  • Sand is poured into the bottom of the container in the form of a continuous layer or in the form of small piles;
  • The binder is distributed evenly over the sand layer;
  • The mixture is stirred and leveled with a rake;
  • The last two points must be repeated several times.

Important! If the mixture is not sufficiently mixed, its color will be characterized by heterogeneity and the presence of stripes, while the criterion for high-quality mixing of the composition will be its uniformity.

Mechanized way of preparing plaster

To save time and effort, a drill attachment or a so-called mixer is used to mix the solution. For a mechanized method of preparing a mortar for plaster, the consumption of which largely depends on its composition and quality characteristics, you will also need a bucket or any container that replaces it. The necessary components are poured into it in the required proportions, depending on the type of solution chosen, and using a mixer, mix it until a homogeneous consistency.

How to prepare a cement-lime mortar for three-layer plaster?

The most common practice at construction sites is the use of cement-lime mortar. They are intended for installation of external and internal three-layer plasters. In order to properly prepare such a solution, it is necessary to know the requirements for the composition and consistency of each of the three layers, as well as their other specific features.

Plastering is a process that improves the quality of the processed coating and increases consumer properties accordingly. Thanks to today's material, you will learn how to knead the mortar for plastering walls with your own hands. All proportions are given separately from the preparation technology. We will also consider a list of ready-made mixtures suitable for people with no experience in such matters. Please share your feedback in the comments.

Ready mixes for the preparation of mortar for wall plastering

No. 1. "Knauf Diamond"

Price - 340 rubles. Decorative plaster, which is a colored mixture based on cement. The filler is quartz sand. The advantages include excellent water-repellent characteristics, as well as non-susceptibility to temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation. It is used both for the facade and wall decoration inside the house. The proportions are such that for 25 kg. the mixture is supposed to be 7.5 liters. water. The prepared solution must be used within 2 hours maximum. Packaging in bags of 25 kg.

No. 2. "UNIS»

Price - 280 rubles. A great option for finishing the room inside or outside. Among the advantages, we highlight the absence of shrinkage, resistance to moisture, pressure and temperature extremes. The composition is distributed along the walls with a layer of 3 cm, while there is no need for reinforcement. You can make a solution for plastering walls with your own hands, but it makes sense to purchase this mixture. The proportions for breeding are as follows: per 10 kg. composition relies 1.6-2 liters. water. The solution must be used up within 2 hours. Packaging is carried out in 25 kg bags.

No. 3. "Prospectors"

Price - 190 rubles. Cheap composition for further dilution of the solution. It is made on the basis of cement, the final coating is strong. After spreading, the mixture does not shrink, there is no risk of cracking. As for the proportions, per 10 kg. dry composition accounts for 2.6-2.8 liters. water. After mixing, the solution must be used within 1.5-2 hours. Packed in bags of 25 kg.

No. 4. "Weber Vetonit»

Price - 360 rubles. Premium composition, cement plaster. Of the obvious advantages, it is worth highlighting the absence of shrinkage, the strength of the final coating, ease of application, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, as well as plasticity and product quality. When breeding, you should be guided by the proportions: per 10 kg. dry composition accounts for 2.5 liters. water. The solution must be applied within 3 hours, it will dry out for 2-6 days.

No. 5. "Founding Flywell T-24"

Price - 240 rubles. If you need a cement-based mortar for plastering walls, it makes no sense to do it yourself. Consider this option. Of the benefits: ease of application, resistance to moisture, frost and temperature extremes. Proportions: per 10 kg. dry mixture accounts for 3-4 liters. water. On the shelves of building supermarkets you will find weight distribution in 25 kg bags.

Self-preparation of the solution - proportions

If there are no funds to purchase a special mixture, you can make it on your own. We will give the proportions for lime and cement mortars, and below we will consider the mixing technology.

No. 1. Mortar

Before you make a lime mortar, ideal for plaster, study the proportions:

  • you will need to take lime with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

No. 2. cement mortar

Since it is possible to prepare a solution for plastering walls from cement and sand, we give the ratio. The finished composition is distributed over the walls in three layers, each of them has its own proportions:

  • 1 layer: 1 part of cement accounts for 3-4 parts of sand.
  • 2 layer: 2-3 parts of sand rely on 1 part of cement;
  • 3rd layer: 1 part of cement is combined with 1.5-2 parts of sand.

Technology of self-preparation of the solution

We figured out the ratio, we will study the technology of mixing lime and cement mortars.

No. 1. Mortar

1. The composition is prepared long before the intended plastering of the walls. Take care of it in 2-4 weeks. If lime is properly quenched, it will be stored for a long time without loss of quality.

2. Do-it-yourself mortar for plastering walls is made after preparing the appropriate dishes. You have studied the proportions, now take a non-rusty metal container, plastic containers are not used.


Quicklime is classified as a toxic component, so make sure you have a mask and gloves in advance. Take care of mucous membranes and skin to avoid burns.

3. Pour lump lime (1 part) into the basin, pour in cool water (2 parts). Stir the contents with a stick or shovel. This way you will speed up the hydration process. The duration of extinguishing can be delayed up to half an hour. Everything will depend on the composition of the lime. As soon as the release of steam decreases, knead everything again. Repeat several times.

4. When the reaction is complete, stir the thick for the last time. Cover the container and leave for 12-14 days. Over the allotted time, the mass will become plastic. In addition, all lumps will disappear.

5. If you are going to carry out work in a large volume, then you will have to dig a pit at least 1 m deep. Lime is poured into the hole. Next, it needs to be watered with a hose. As soon as the chemical reaction stops, an impressive layer of sand is poured in (in accordance with the proportions above). The pit must be covered with a shield made of wood. After 2-4 weeks, the composition can be used for its intended purpose.

The mortar for plastering walls is quite simple. It is enough to mix all the components with your own hands and wait for the specified period. If you keep the proportions, you will end up with an elastic dough.

cement mortar

To finish the facade or walls in the room, you can use cement mortar. The plaster will be applied in 3 layers. Let's consider everything in order.

Layer No. 1 - spray

1. Before preparing the cement mortar, you should know that the first layer will be a little liquid. This is necessary for plastering walls using this technology. The layer thickness should not exceed 4 mm. It will take 25 kg. cement brand M500.

2. Prepare a container of sufficient size and pour 6 buckets of sand into it (bucket volume 10 liters). Don't forget to sift it first. After that, pour in the cement and mix everything thoroughly with a shovel.

4. Finally, pour in another 10 liters. water and mix well. Next, you can apply plaster.

Layer No. 2 - ground

1. If you made a cement mortar for plastering walls and sprayed it yourself, proceed to the next step. Keep in mind that the second layer is distributed immediately after setting the first. The cement mortar must not be allowed to completely harden.

2. When preparing the soil layer, observe all proportions. When applied, its thickness should not exceed 15 mm. When performing work, it is not necessary to use a mesh for reinforcement. The second layer should be made from the mixture in structure, like a hard dough.

3. Pour into a 25 kg container. cement, keep in mind that for each bucket you need to add 15 ml. liquid soap. Next, pour 5 buckets of sand (sift in advance). Water will be enough in an amount of up to 20 liters. Mix all components in the same sequence as described. Apply.

Layer No. 3 - covering

1. To make the final layer, you need to purchase the finest sand. In addition, it must be as clean as possible. The thickness of the final layer should not exceed 3 mm.

3. If you are using a concrete mixer, the mixing process is slightly different from manual mixing. Pour about 17 liters into the container of the device. water (total will require 25 liters.). After that, fill in a bag of cement.

It is easy to understand that the solution for wall plaster is prepared quite simply. If you need large volumes, it is better to use a concrete mixer. In other cases, you will cope with the task yourself. Remember to keep all proportions.

Wall plastering is one of the most ancient and effective ways of leveling and decorating surfaces. The modern construction market offers a huge number of different solutions for plastering walls, but the purchase of dry or already diluted mixtures with water can cost a significant amount. To save money, you can prepare the plaster yourself.

Necessary tools and materials for work

The preparation of plaster mortars begins with the preparation of the following tools:

  • Mixing container (a regular plastic bucket will do).
  • Containers for dosing components.
  • Trowel for manual mixing, drill, rotary hammer with mixer attachment or concrete mixer for machine mortar preparation.

From the materials you will need:

  • Binder (clay, lime, cement).
  • Filler (sand, stone chips or flour, sawdust).
  • Water.
  • Special additives to increase plasticity, viscosity, water resistance, if necessary.

Preparation of cement plaster for rough finish

This material is most often used for rough finishing of internal and external walls of residential premises. It is durable, moisture resistant and has a long service life, but at the same time it is difficult to work with it due to its large weight. In addition, it may take up to 14 days for the cementitious compounds to completely dry and set strength. This type of plaster should be done according to the following instructions:

  1. Sand sifting. This procedure is carried out before preparing a solution for plastering walls, using a large sieve. It is necessary to identify and remove stones, lumps of clay and sand, which are unacceptable in the plaster mix.
  2. Mixing dry ingredients. It is necessary to measure 1 portion of cement grade M400 and higher and 4 portions of sand, then pour them into a common container and mix thoroughly with a hand tool, since using a drill at this stage will lead to the formation of a huge amount of dust.
  3. Adding water. The liquid must be added in small portions, constantly stirring it with a mixer. In the end, you should get a homogeneous mixture, the consistency of which will resemble thick sour cream. For machine plaster, the composition should be more liquid. Then the container is left for 10-15 minutes and mixed again.
  4. Addition of plasticizers and other special components. These substances are added at the very end in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. At the end, the solution is mixed again, after which they begin to apply.

On a note! Cement-based solutions dry for a rather long time, so you can immediately prepare a large portion of the material, which is enough for the entire wall or a significant fragment of it. It is allowed to mix the finished composition with a mixer from time to time so that it remains homogeneous.

To increase the strength of the material, lime is sometimes added to it. Such a solution is prepared in the same way as cement, but after mixing the main components, you need to take 2 servings of lime and dilute it with water in a separate container, then mix thoroughly. The result should be the so-called lime dough, which resembles ordinary batter in consistency. Then the diluted lime is added to the mixture of sand and cement, and only after that water and other components are added.

Instructions for mixing lime compositions

This material has been widely used in the past. Its main advantage is relatively low cost and high mechanical strength. The preparation of a plaster mortar of this type is as follows.

If quicklime is used, it will take a considerable amount of time to slake it. To do this, dry lime is poured into a container, after which cold water is poured into it. As a result, a violent reaction will occur, which will be accompanied by heating and splashing, so the mixture in the container should occupy no more than 40% of the volume. Wear protective clothing and goggles when pouring liquid. After completion of the reaction, the mixture is closed and left to infuse for 2 weeks.

After that, you need to grind the slaked lime so that there are no lumps left in it. To do this, use a sieve through which the material is ground. Before diluting the material with water, a small amount of sand is added to the lime container, and then mixed. Sifted sand is added to a homogeneous mixture in the amount of 3 shares per 1 share of lime dough. Pour the material in small portions, constantly stirring and adding a little water. The result should be a solution with the density of thick sour cream.

Important! Such mixtures dry out within 12-14 hours, so you need to do the plaster in such an amount that is used at a time. You also need to constantly clean the mixer nozzle after each mixing of the plaster.

Lime-gypsum materials

The manufacturing process of this material looks exactly the same as the one described above, but instead of adding 3 shares of sand, you need to make a gypsum mortar. The consistency, as always, should be like sour cream. 1 share of gypsum must be diluted with water, then add the mixture to the previously prepared lime dough. At the end, everything is thoroughly mixed with a drill with a mixer attachment. Depending on the required strength, you can add a little more water or add a small amount of sand.

Should know! Compositions with the presence of gypsum dry out very quickly, so before starting cooking, you need to divide the wall into sections of 1 square meter and prepare as much mortar as needed to process this area.

In this case, the main component is alumina. Such plaster has been used for several millennia. The preparation of the simplest solution is as follows:

  • Before making a mortar for plaster, alumina is placed in a container and water is added, and then left for 4-5 hours.
  • The prepared clay is thoroughly mixed and sand is poured into it. The proportions of the mortar for wall plastering are 1:3. It is necessary to dilute the plaster in stages, in small portions.
  • Immediately after the final mixing, the solution can be applied to the walls.

Only in such a solution can you constantly add water to maintain the required consistency. In the case of other mixtures, this is strictly prohibited.

You can also cook with the addition of the following materials:

  1. Lime paste. It is added before the sand. The ratio is as follows: for 1 share of clay you need 0.5 shares of lime and 3 sand.
  2. Cement. It is mixed with clay, while the proportions of plaster solutions are 0.2: 1, after that, mixed with 3 parts of sand.
  3. Gypsum. This material will require 0.25 shares per 1 clay. First, these components are mixed, then sand is added. Such a mixture seizes a few minutes after the preparation of the mortar is completed, and hardens in 30 minutes.

This material is used for both starting and finishing surfaces. It grabs quickly and weighs little, so working with it is not difficult. But gypsum is hydrophilic, so it cannot be used for finishing wet rooms.

There are several options for making a solution, but the first step is the same for everyone - mixing the dry ingredients. Cooking methods:

  • Mix 3 parts crushed chalk and 1 part gypsum, then add a small amount of wood glue. Add water and stir. Recall that the consistency is the same for all mixtures, despite the fact that the composition of the plaster is different.
  • 2 parts of gypsum, part of drying oil and 0.1 shares of NF-1 desiccant are mixed in containers, water is added, mixed.
  • 1 part of the usual plaster mixture, 1 part of sawdust, 4 parts of gypsum are mixed and diluted with water.

Should know! To extend the drying time, PVA glue is added to the solutions, its share can be no more than 2% of the finished mass. The composition of the mortar for plaster can be slightly changed, depending on the required quality of the coating.

Additional components

To give wall plaster solutions some properties or improve existing ones, the following substances are added to plasters:

In the composition of the plaster, you can add no more than 10% of the above materials from the total mass.

In order for the plaster to meet all the requirements, during its manufacture, the following recommendations must be followed:

They are made according to all the rules and in any case will be of better quality than cooked at home. Therefore, if the home master does not have experience and is not ready to spend a lot of time and effort on cooking, it is better not to try to save money, but immediately buy liquid or dry plasters in a hardware store.

No renovation or renovation project is complete without the use of plaster. Although its application is carried out at the very beginning of the repair, it affects the final result of all finishing work.

Incorrect mortar proportions, insufficient understanding of what affects its adhesion can significantly affect the quality of the repair performed.

Therefore, the construction team is required to know what kind of composition may be required for various walls: gypsum, brick, clay, etc.

The composition of the plaster includes several important components that contribute to adhesion, as well as giving the solution special properties. For its preparation, the following astringent elements are traditionally used:

  • Cement.

Affects the degree of strength of the plastered wall after applying the plaster, the grade of the material can affect the adhesion and degree of adhesion of the composition to the surface;

  • Clay.

It is used for the preparation of solutions necessary for plastering surfaces with a high heating coefficient. Most often, this composition is used for finishing furnaces, as well as wooden houses.

It can also be used as a plasticizer if it is necessary to reduce the amount of cement in the solution;

  • Lime.

Increases the plasticity of the solution and makes it easier to work with it. Walls plastered with this substance have antifungal properties.

Another reason that slaked lime is added to the composition of mortars is that moisture from such a surface evaporates much more slowly, as a result, it becomes much easier to work with PCS;

  • Gypsum.

This additive is used if it is necessary to speed up the drying of the applied mortar. The disadvantage of this solution is the need to quickly develop such a composition, after 10-15 minutes it hardens, and it is impossible to work with it.

In addition to binders, sand must be included in the composition of the solution. As a rule, fine-grained material is used.

Plasticizers can be added to the resulting solution to impart additional properties to PCS: resistance to high temperatures, water resistance, and an increase in thermal insulation properties.

Possible options for plaster and methods of its application: cement or lime?

All plaster solutions can be divided into several types according to their composition, as well as the method of their application.

The following types of compositions are most often used:

  • Cement.

Suitable for almost any type of surface: brickwork, floor slabs, etc. Can be applied to interior and exterior walls of a building. In most cases, in its pure form, it is used only during major repairs.

  • Clay.

Universal composition for plastering wooden houses, as well as surfaces exposed to high temperatures.

The disadvantage of such a mixture is low strength, therefore, to eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary that the top layer be covered with lime or lime-gypsum composition.

The advantage of clay is its high thermal insulation properties.

  • Lime.
  • Gypsum.

Dries quickly, has high adhesion to any surface. It is a universal solution that can be used for any walls. Most often used for plaster walls and partitions.

  • Cement-lime.

It is mainly used in the capital construction of new buildings. The use of such solutions increases the speed and quality of work several times, and also increases the strength of the walls, due to the slow evaporation of moisture from the surface, the likelihood of cracking is reduced.

Application is limited to dry rooms.

  • Lime-gypsum.

The most widely used in the plastering of wooden surfaces. To increase the drying time, various plasticizers are added to it.

It is used for finishing inside the building, exclusively in dry rooms.

  • Lime-clay.

Used to fix clay plaster. In most cases, it is not used as a separate solution.

In addition to their composition, plaster mortars can be divided according to the method of their application:

  • Simple.

In this case, only two layers are applied: primer and spray. The plane is not checked using the rule, all irregularities are eliminated with a trowel. The layer thickness is about 12 mm.

  • Improved.

Work is carried out with the help of the rule. Three layers of mortar are applied: soil, spray and coating. The latter is rubbed with a grater. Thickness is about 1.5 cm.

  • High quality.

Deviations from the vertical level are minimal. Defects in the plane of not more than a few millimeters are allowed.

Strict requirements are imposed not only on the composition of plaster solutions, but also on their application, since the final result of the work performed depends on this.

The master is also required to have a good understanding of the manufacturing process and proportions for each type of mortar.

Proportions of different types of solutions for plastering walls with your own hands

In order to perform surface plastering using a simple method, the following proportions must be observed for each type of mortar:

  • Cement.

Cement and sand are used as fillers. For the soil, the ratio is 1:3, for spraying - 1:4, for the covering layer - 1:1.

  • Clay.

Clay-sand composition. For all layers, the same ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 or 1:5 is used.

  • Lime.

The composition includes slaked lime, sand. Proportions for soil - 1:2, for spraying - 1:3, for covering 1:2.

  • Gypsum.

The same ratio for all layers.

  • Cement-lime.

The composition includes the following components: cement, lime, and sand. For each layer, the ratio will be: soil 1:1:4; spraying and coating is done in a ratio of 1: 1: 3; 1:1:2.

  • Lime-gypsum.

Used lime, gypsum sand. Ratio for primer:1:1.5:2; for spraying 1:1:2. Covering is done without the use of sand in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5;

  • Lime-clay.

Composition lime, clay, sand. The proportions of such a solution are identical for each layer 0.2:1:3-5.

In addition, in order to understand well the necessary proportions for each type of mortar used, the construction team must have all the necessary equipment and tools for its preparation.

What is needed to make a solution?

The number of tools needed depends on the total amount of work performed. Usually, for a major overhaul in an apartment, you may need:

  • Concrete mixer. If ready-made building mixes are used, a mixer can be used.
  • Capacity. For these purposes, a galvanized trough and other containers can be used.
  • Owl shovel. It is used for mixing the solution and pouring it into buckets for supply to the working team.
  • Clean buckets for water.

Some construction teams may use additional equipment.

What should be considered when preparing solutions?

Proper preparation of plaster compositions will significantly reduce material overruns and produce the required amount of mortar for the planned scope of work.

  • Cement.

The components of sand and cement are mixed in the required ratio, until a homogeneous mixture, after which water is poured. The loss of cement milk is strictly not allowed. The solution is kneaded until a homogeneous mass. Approximate one to one ratio; water for each bucket of cement used.

If the solution is mixed with a concrete mixer, water is first poured into it in the required ratio.

  • Clay.

Often requires soaking the material. In this case, a clay-sand mixture is laid out in a container and filled with water so that it covers the surface by several millimeters. Another layer is laid on top and the operation is repeated. The next day, everything is thoroughly mixed.

  • Lime.

The density of slaked lime is preliminarily determined and, if necessary, can be diluted with water to the required consistency, after which it is added to the sand-cement mortar.

  • Gypsum.

Water is taken in a ratio of approximately 0.7 liters per 1 kg of the mixture. Dry gypsum is added in a thin stream to a container filled with water and mixed with a mixer.

  • Cement-lime.

It is made in a similar way as the lime mixture. Then it is added to the finished cement mortar.

  • Lime-gypsum.

Gypsum is added to the already prepared lime mortar. Since hardening occurs within a few minutes, the batch must be done in those proportions that can be quickly worked out.

  • Lime-clay.

To begin with, a greasy clay solution is made. Then lime is added to it in the required proportions.

Self-production of solutions requires practice and a good understanding of the reactions that the binder elements that make up its composition enter into. To facilitate the work of builders, you can use ready-made building mixtures.

Methods for preparing dry ready mixes

In order to obtain a plaster mortar, you will need to mix the dry mixture with a mixer and add water. For a simple plaster using the Knauf "Start" mixture, you will need:

  • reading capacity, with a capacity of about 25 liters;
  • water. 18 liters;
  • mixture bag 30 kg.

Pour the contents of the bag into the prepared cold water, mixing it thoroughly with a mixer. It is necessary to obtain a uniform homogeneous composition. After completing the work, it is necessary to work out the mixture within half an hour.

For finishing plaster, a mixture of Knauf "Multi-Finish" is suitable. The ratio of water per kilogram of dry mixture is 0.45 liters. It is necessary to knead the solution in a manner similar to the Knauf "Start" mixture.

The construction team needs to take into account many points when deciding which mortar the room will be plastered with. But knowing the basic proportions of preparing a building mixture, you can quickly plaster any walls.

Plastering is a traditional way of leveling the walls of buildings under construction and preparing them for finishing, which is mandatory in the construction of any premises, both internal and external. In the recent past, such work was carried out in the same way using the same materials. Today we have a wide range of materials for plastering work, and finishing technologies do not stand still. To avoid errors, it is necessary to prepare a quality solution for these purposes.

Types and characteristics of plaster solutions

For plastering, a solution is made consisting of a binder component and aggregate. Clay, lime or cement can act as a binder, the choice of one of them depends on the nature of the work to be done and the place where it is carried out (inside the task or outside). Sand is traditionally added as a filler. If filler is not added to the binders, the plaster will be fragile, and the surface treated in this way will become covered with cracks. So, the following plaster solutions are distinguished:

  • cement and cement-lime - used for external facade plastering of the surface of walls and basement, subjected to constant moisture; for internal work - when working in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, kitchens, toilets;
  • lime, lime-gypsum and lime-clay - used for exterior decoration of walls that are not subject to systemic moisture, as well as for internal plastering of rooms in dry rooms;
  • clay, clay mortar with cement and clay with gypsum - they are considered quite suitable for interior plastering of premises with an air humidity level not exceeding the norm, and for exterior plastering of wall surfaces in areas with a dry climate.

How to define quality

When preparing a good quality plaster mortar, the raw materials should first be sieved through a construction sieve so that it is not necessary to filter the already prepared mortar, which in itself is more time consuming. A high-quality mixture, ready for use, must have a uniform consistency, the necessary fat content, be well fixed on the plastered surface, and not crack when it dries.

Distinguish plaster mortars of high fat content, normal fat content and lean.

You should be aware that greasy solutions have an increased content of the binder component, this leads to a high degree of cracking and shrinkage of the plastered surface. Normal solutions are characterized by a balanced content of all components. And lean plaster mixtures are characterized by an excessive content of aggregate, leading to insufficient strength of the plaster layer, although the surface does not crack or shrink.

To determine the fat content of the working solution for plaster, you can use an oar to mix its components. To do this, by mixing the components, we determine how the plaster mixture behaves:

  • sticks too much to the mixer - we got a greasy solution, filler should be added;
  • the degree of sticking is medium - we have a composition with normal fat content;
  • does not stick at all - we have a lean solution that requires the additional introduction of an astringent component.

Lime mortar

  1. Lime mortar, which includes lime paste and sand in a ratio of 1: 3, is brought to the required condition by adding water with thorough mixing of the entire composition. When ready, it should resemble the consistency of a thick, viscous dough.
  2. In order to give the plaster mortar strength, 1/10 of this volume of cement is added to a ten-liter volume of lime plaster mixture. Thus, a cement-lime mortar is obtained. The above-mentioned lime-based compositions harden slowly, which allows you to work with them for 2-2.5 days.
  3. Lime mortar with the addition of gypsum (mix 5 parts to 1 part, respectively) is more durable, and it hardens after 6 minutes, full hardening occurs after half an hour. This creates certain difficulties and requires special skills, but the plaster will be durable.
  4. Lime-clay mixture for plaster is prepared from clay and lime dough taken in a 1: 1 ratio with the addition of five parts of sand. This plaster is an order of magnitude stronger, both lime and clay.

clay based

  1. Clay mortar for plaster is prepared in a special way, after wetting the binder component and covering it with a dense cloth. The swollen clay (1 part) is mixed with sawdust (3 parts) and, adding water, bring it to the desired consistency by stirring. The disadvantages of the clay solution are its fragility and instability to high humidity.
  2. In order to make the clay mortar stronger, cement is added to it (1/10 of this volume of cement is introduced into a ten-liter volume of clay plaster mortar). In this way, a solution is obtained with the addition of cement.
  3. Clay mortar with gypsum is obtained similarly to lime-gypsum, only clay dough is taken as the main binder component.

Based on cement

Cement-based plaster mortars are mainly used for the treatment of walls that are often exposed to moisture, both indoors and outdoors.

  1. The cement mortar is prepared by mixing cement with sand in a ratio of 1:3, 1:4 (depending on the purpose of use), which are diluted with water and, actively stirring, bring to the desired condition. Use the prepared mixture for no longer than one hour. Exceeding this time of work with cement mortar leads to a decrease in its quality.
  2. Cement-lime mortar is prepared by mixing one part of Portland cement marked M400 or M500, ½ of lime paste and two parts of washed sand.

This type of solution is prepared in two ways:

  • after mixing the lime dough with sand, cement is added to the resulting mixture, after which, stirring the composition intensively, water is poured until the required consistency is obtained;
  • having made a mixture of sand and cement, mix the solution thoroughly, add milk of lime (obtained by combining 1 part of water and 1 part of lime dough).

Use of modern materials

Today, more and more often, during construction or during repair work, high-quality dry mixes for plaster are used, the basis for which is Portland cement. These mixtures, as a rule, are enriched with various polymer additives that enhance the plasticity of the solution, its adhesion to the working surface and increase the strength of the plaster. Such characteristics of the dry mix provide it with a number of advantages:

  • allow you to do without reinforcing mesh and significantly reduce the consumption of plaster;
  • make the plaster elastic, which ensures its soft response to weather changes - temperature or humidity changes lead to a change in its shape, and not to deformation;
  • allow plastered surfaces to pass air and not collapse from moisture penetration.

Building dry mixes intended for the preparation of plaster solutions were developed by technologists in laboratory conditions, which ensured the accuracy of the proportions of the incoming components, the homogeneity of the mixture and absolute readiness for use. For the average consumer, the opportunity to prepare a solution, guided by a clear instruction: "Add water and work", is worth a lot.

Modified dry mixes - the achievement of innovative technologies - allow the use of new thin-layer technologies, the preparation of a solution for plastering in the right volume as needed, which, in turn, makes it convenient to use and significantly reduces costs.

In each case, each surface requires its own type of plaster mortar. When making it, it is necessary to use high quality components, because the quality of the mortar depends on this, and ultimately the quality and durability of the treated surfaces.

Video: preparation of plaster
