How to choose an electric underfloor heating. Installation of electric underfloor heating: cable and film infrared What heating power is needed

Underfloor heating is no longer a luxury. Modern technologies offer the layman various options for underfloor heating, for every taste and every budget. Installation of a warm floor is simple and it is quite possible to do it yourself, while significantly saving on workers. The only drawback of an electric floor is the high cost of electricity bills.

If the decision to install an electric floor is made, then it remains only to choose suitable option. In this article, we will look at how to choose an electric underfloor heating for laminate and tile.

Why electric field?

  1. system electric heating floors can be installed in various rooms: in an apartment, country house or cottage.
  2. There is no need to install pipes and connect them to the central heating pipes.
  3. Installation of an electric floor is simple and quite feasible on our own. It is enough to lay the cable, according to a certain scheme, and connect it to the electrical network.
  4. You can easily maintain the desired floor temperature using various control systems.
  5. It is possible to set up an automatic timer system, for example, in a garage. Then, by the time of departure, the room will warm up, which will greatly facilitate the start of the car engine.
  6. The installation of an electric heating system does not require any permits Thus, time is saved on going to the authorities and standing in lines.
  7. There is a choice electrical system underfloor heating depending on material possibilities.
  8. Electropol perfect option for heating small spaces: balcony, loggia, bathroom.

Comfort and convenience of electric underfloor heating

  • the floor temperature is maintained within 25°C, which provides additional comfort in the bathroom or on the balcony;
  • if the living space is small (30–40 m 2), then it is possible to heat the entire room with only one type of heating;
  • professional installation and connection of the electric floor cable virtually eliminates breakage;
  • in the event of a malfunction, the floor heating electrical system is easily dismantled and the breakdown is eliminated.

Cable laying should not pass under those places where there are interior items (wardrobes, sofas or beds), heavy Appliances and plumbing. All heavy objects the interior should be located at a distance of at least 20 cm from the cable laying. It is advisable to make a laying diagram so that in the event of repair or rearrangement of furniture, the entire heating system is not damaged.

Today, the building materials market offers a huge selection various options floor heating. Which warm floor to choose so that it fits under the tile, laminate or linoleum. In addition, it was cost-effective and had low levels of electromagnetic radiation.

Varieties of electric underfloor heating

Heating mats

Heating mats are a special construction made of fiberglass, inside of which there is a cable. This type of heating is perfect for tiles. The mats are laid in a layer of glue, on which the tiles are then attached.


  • ease of installation and connection;
  • floor screed is not necessary;
  • commissioning in a short time (a few days after laying);
  • tiles heat up very quickly.


  • inability to control the heating range;
  • high material costs.

Film infrared floor

The heating element in such a system is a thin film. Most often, this type of underfloor heating is used under the laminate.


  • film laying can be performed under any top coat(tile is an exception);
  • energy savings from 20 to 30%;
  • The film can be installed not only on the floor, but also on the walls or ceiling of the room.


  • to connect and install the system, you need knowledge and experience, so you need to use the services of specialists;
  • the base on which the film is mounted must be perfectly flat, otherwise the service life of the system will be reduced by several years;
  • do not install heavy pieces of furniture, as the film will overheat and fail;

Cable heating system

Cable electric heating system is a cable with high electrical resistance in teflon insulation. Such a heating system is laid in sand-cement screed. There are two types of cables: single-core and two-core. Experts recommend using a two-core cable. It is more reliable and highlights least amount electromagnetic radiation.


  • high degree of stability and security;
  • high-quality heating, which can be used as the main one.


  • be sure to make a concrete screed;
  • screed reduces the height of the room;
  • for laying the cable and connecting the heating system, qualifications and work experience are required, so it is impossible to carry out installation on your own;
  • operation of the underfloor heating system is possible no earlier than 1–1.5 months after the concrete has hardened.

Before choosing a floor heating system, you need to remember a few nuances:

  • heating mats and film infrared heating can be used as additional heating, to create more comfortable conditions dwellings;
  • cable system is ideal as the main heating of premises of any area.


What is the best electric underfloor heating? The purpose of the main types of electric floor heating:

The feeling of even and pleasant warmth, which gives an electric floor heating, ensures comfort in the room. But this type of heating has become popular not only for this reason. Modern intelligent control systems make it possible to rationally use electricity and make this heating method cost-effective.

Types of electric floor heating

Depending on the type of heating element, electric floors come in the following varieties:

  • traditional cable;
  • innovative film;
  • rod.

Cable models can be supplied for sale in the form of a simple coil, sections, as well as mats made of a special elastic mesh. The latter version uses a thinner cable than other models.

Electric cable floor is only convection, and film and rod models work on the principle of infrared heaters.

Each of the varieties has its own styling features and restrictions on use. If you decide to equip an electric underfloor heating, choose its characteristics based on what installation method is possible in the room.

Cable electric floor

The use of cable heating has already become a classic. For the manufacture of underfloor heating, both resistive and more complex self-regulating models are used. The resistive cable can be one- or two-core, with the second option due to its design features is used for electric heating gender much more frequently.

The fact is that the consequence of the operation of the system is electromagnetic radiation, and the use of a two-core cable allows you to slightly reduce its intensity. Self-regulating models are much more complicated than a conventional heating cable. They are able to identify areas where overheating has occurred and reduce, or even completely turn off the power.

Basic rules for installing cable underfloor heating

In general, the technology for installing an electric underfloor heating is approximately the same, regardless of which particular variety is used. Using the example of laying a conventional heating cable, we will consider the main stages of this process. Features and nuances that characterize the installation process of other models will be discussed in the relevant chapters.

The arrangement of any kind of electric floors begins with the choice of a place to install a thermostat. A recess is made in the wall for the device and wires that will power the system. A conductor for connecting the sensor will also be laid in it.

After that, the floor surface is prepared. On a leveled and cleared of debris plane is laid thermal insulation material. Heating sections placed on top and secured with a mounting tape.

By the way, using a cable makes it possible to choose the distance between the elements, depending on what intensity of heating is required. For example, along the cold outer wall sections can be laid with smaller steps than in more protected parts of the room.

Important: Make sure that the heating conductors do not cross during installation!

After the laying is completed, all connections are made electrical wires. Then the internal sensor is installed. It must be placed inside the corrugated tube. This will protect the device from damage. The tube with the sensor and the connected wire is placed between the heating cable. It remains to test the system for performance. If the resistance of the sections and the sensor corresponds to the data specified in the technical data sheet, then you can start pouring the cement-sand screed.

After three days, the topcoat is laid. The warm floor is connected only after the screed has dried completely - not earlier than after 28 days. You can independently equip a warm electric floor, installation - the video of which is presented below, is not a very complicated process. The main thing is to follow the instructions given in this video. But if during the viewing process it turns out that you do not have any skills or you do not have necessary tools then use the services of a specialized company.

Heating mats - a variant of a warm floor under a tile

Warm mats are a variation of the traditional cable floor. They have the same heating element - a cable, but in the manufacture of mats, models with a smaller cross section are used. In addition, this floor is sold in ready-made– it is fixed on an elastic fiberglass mesh. Most often, mats are used to heat the floor, lined with ceramic tiles.

The underside of the mesh is usually covered with an adhesive that allows the structure to be fixed almost instantly. Therefore, the installation of an electric underfloor heating in this case dispenses with the use of mounting tape. After the heating mats are laid out and fixed, the necessary connections and system testing are carried out. Then the surface is filled with a solution for fixing ceramic tiles and lay the finish coat.

Infrared Electric Floors

Infrared floor with carbon heating rods is gradually becoming a strong competitor for other varieties of electric floor heating systems. Just enough high price limits its widespread use. This is the healthiest way to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Those who have already installed a core warm floor, the reviews about it are mostly positive.

Such a floor can be laid even under a surface cluttered with furniture, as well as calmly move it during operation. Carbon rods are not afraid of overheating because they have a self-regulating function. The carbon mat is designed for installation using a screed or glue. It is suitable for laying ceramic tiles, but it can also be used under other coatings.

To increase the efficiency of the system, a heat-reflecting film substrate is first placed on the floor surface. For reliable adhesion of glue or screed to the subfloor, special holes are made in the insulation. Laying the electric floor heating is carried out evenly over the entire surface. If necessary, the mats are cut into pieces in the places where the connecting wire is located. right size. After completion of installation and inspection work, the surface is covered with a thin layer of cement-sand screed or glue.

The easiest way to install a warm electric floor film construction. It does not require preliminary measures for the arrangement of the surface. Such a floor is laid on a heat-reflecting substrate, and the selected coating is laid on top.

Electric floor control

The system is not only connected to the power supply through the thermostat, but also controlled by it. This device monitors the level of heating of floors and air, reading the readings of internal and external sensors. Internal sensors are the main ones, they are installed when installing a warm electric floor in a screed or under a coating. Auxiliary sensors record the air temperature. They are usually located on the wall.

The simplest thermostat is able to maintain indoor certain temperature: in case of exceeding certain parameters, it simply turns off the power and allows the system to cool down. A programmable thermostat for an electric underfloor heating works according to a more complex scheme. Its use allows owners to set the desired room heating algorithm.

Some models have a set of standard programs that take into account the time of day, weekends or working days.

They will independently turn on the power before the arrival of the owners and turn it off while no one is at home. On the this moment there are already thermostats that are controlled remotely, via the Internet or mobile phone. This allows apartment owners to adjust the program if plans change.

Of course, you will have to pay several times more for a thermostat with artificial intelligence than for simple model. But the costs will pay off due to the fact that the operation of the electric floor heating will be more rational, and energy consumption will be economical.

Electric underfloor heating: main and additional heating system

It is possible to use electric underfloor heating as the main heating system only if the thermal insulation of the room is carefully carried out. But even if this condition is met, this heating method is more suitable for areas with warm winters. In more severe conditions, it will not be very effective and very costly.

To maintain a comfortable temperature level only due to the warm floor, its area should be quite large - at least two-thirds of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Accordingly, if there is a lot of furniture in the room, then the system will not perform its task to the fullest. In addition, you will need power density at least 150 watts.

Underfloor heating for balcony

The use of electric underfloor heating is relevant in bathrooms for quick heating of ceramic tiles, heating of loggias, verandas or own bath. In addition, this solution is excellent as an addition to the main radiator heating.

It is quite possible to use electric floors in apartments where it is not possible to install. Ease of installation and commercially available options make it easy to install electric underfloor heating with your own hands.

If you are still faced with the question of choosing the type of underfloor heating.

Methods for installing an electric underfloor heating

Installation options for electric underfloor heating can vary significantly:

  1. Mounting in a screed layer, after which the floor covering is laid;
  2. Laying a warm floor over a screed under a tile;
  3. Laying directly under the floor covering (film floors).

The first option is suitable for heating in living rooms, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the loggia. This implies the installation of cable underfloor heating. Under the system itself, waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid. A small layer of screed is formed on top.

If there is an insulated room one floor below, then it is possible to lay an electric underfloor heating under the tiles without an additional layer of thermal insulation and mounting in a screed. The layer of tile adhesive and the tile itself provide enough protection heating elements. However, it should be clarified in the instructions of the purchased product about the possibility of such installation.

If you need to install a warm floor under a laminate or linoleum, and there is no desire to carry out capital works associated with the replacement of the screed, then the best warm electric floor for this is film (infrared). In this case, a layer of insulation is laid in the form of foamed polyethylene with a foil surface on top of the existing screed. Next up are the electrical components. If necessary, a layer of waterproofing is added and the floor covering itself.

Types of electric underfloor heating:
1 - Cable; 2 - Cable with reinforcing mesh; 3 - Film (infrared).

Important: It is impossible to use a film underfloor heating under a tile, as well as to mount it in a screed.

What is required for work?

So, for laying the electric floor you will need the following items and materials:

  1. Underfloor heating system heating cable, alone or in combination with reinforced mesh);
  2. Connecting wires;
  3. Mounts;
  4. Regulator, temperature sensor;
  5. RCD protection system;
  6. Copper cable for grounding.

Distribution of heating elements and control units

First, a plan for installing a warm floor on paper is created. At the same time, it is taken into account that the heating wire or film should not be installed in places where massive furniture and household appliances will stand. In places where heating pipes or other heat sources pass, it is also worth providing a buffer zone without heating elements. This is due to the peculiarity of electric underfloor heating. Unlike hydraulic systems all heating elements of one circuit are heated in the same way and if there is a restriction on the output of heat in the form of furniture without legs or additional heat comes from outside, then the elements overheat and fail. Furniture in this case can also be damaged by overheating.

The result is an irregular figure inscribed in a rectangle depicting a room. And it is precisely along the contour of this figure and inside it that an electric warm floor will be laid.

Associated with this is the most big disadvantage warm floor. Rearranging furniture can significantly affect the performance of the system.

Scheme-example of laying the electrical system in the bathroom

For various premises, even if they are symbolically demarcated, it is better to form separate underfloor heating circuits with their own separate regulators and power supply. In the case of pouring the screed between them is laid on the floor surface damper tape.

When the layout has already been thought out on paper, you can transfer the markings directly to the floor.

In a convenient place on the wall, the position of the regulator for the warm floor is marked. At this point, a hole is made for the mounting box and the strobe is lowered to the floor. After preparatory work and planning, you can begin to calculate required amount materials.

Film floor heating

Material calculation

You can use ready-made tables from the manufacturer of cable underfloor heating, and according to the calculation of the heat loss of each room, the required wire laying step and its total length to the premises.

For film (infrared) systems, the calculations are even simpler: you should choose the number of elements that will cover the required area.

The calculations also include a wire for connecting the regulator and underfloor heating from the meter and from the regulator directly to the system elements.

Important: It is forbidden to use a direct connection to the socket for electric underfloor heating.

According to the calculations and the received power of all underfloor heating, it is necessary to check the general electrical input for the ability to withstand such a load. If the input is insufficient, then replace it and install suitable automatic fuses.

Surface preparation. Features of base insulation

If necessary old layer screeds are completely dismantled to the base. The entire surface is cleaned.

Next, a waterproofing layer is laid with a wall approach of about 10 cm. A damper tape is fixed to the wall around the entire perimeter of the floor. It will compensate for the thermal expansion of the floor when heated. As a result, you can cut off excess waterproofing and damper tape.

To thermal energy did not go down, it is necessary to isolate the base of the floor. Depending on the location of the room and the type of surface, as well as the target orientation of the heating system, the appropriate insulation is selected:

  • If a warm floor is an addition to the main heating system, then it is enough to use polyethylene foam with a reflective foil coating as a substrate for a warm floor (penofol).
  • For apartments with heated rooms on the floor below, sheets of expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 20 to 50 mm or other durable insulation of suitable thickness are suitable.
  • If the installation of a warm floor is carried out on a previously unheated loggia or veranda, then a more solid layer of insulation is formed up to 100 mm of expanded polystyrene or a similar layer of mineral wool.

A reinforcing mesh is laid on top of the insulation. You can do without it, since the screed layer will be thin and it is enough to add a plasticizer and microfiber to the solution. (On how to form a semi-dry screed with reinforcement synthetic fibers – ).

Mounting process

Before laying the wire, its resistance is checked and checked against the passport. A run-up of about 10% of the passport data is allowed. The installation of an electric underfloor heating can be carried out both with fixing it to the reinforcing mesh with the help of ties (without tightening it), and with the help of special fastening tapes.

In the case of mounting a warm floor in a bathroom or in a bath, it is necessary to ground the reinforcing mesh under it and connect the ground to the regulator. For this, tinned copper wire is used. Actually, this is the answer to the question, is it possible to lay an electric heated floor in a bath? Yes, only necessarily and.

Infrared warm floor is simply spread over the insulation layer. According to the technology proposed by the manufacturer, it may be necessary to fix it with special tape or for special ears on the strip.

Film floor layers when laying directly under the laminate

In places where the wire passes over the dividing line of two floor slabs, it should be hidden in a piece of corrugated pipe 10-15 cm long. This will reduce the risk of cable breakage in case of possible thermal expansion of the slabs.

The junction between the heating cable and the power wire is located at a distance of 10-15 cm from the gate so that the connecting clips are subsequently recessed into the screed.

Important: Be sure to mark the position of the junction on the apartment plan. This may be needed later in the event of a forced repair of a warm floor.

When all the elements are placed in their places, the resistance of the wire is checked again. Only if it differs slightly from the measurements made earlier, it is possible to test the heating elements by turning on the warm floor.

A corrugated pipe descends from the regulator along the gate, the other end of which is placed in the middle between the nearest strips of the heating cable. inside corrugated pipe a temperature sensor is inserted, with which you can regulate the operation of the warm floor. Once again it is worth checking that the sensor is easy to get and there will be no problems with its replacement.

About floor heating recent times are thinking more and more. This is dictated by both practical and aesthetic considerations: the absence of a radiator gives free rein to design imagination. Presented in stores big choice products for underfloor heating, they all have different characteristics and can be designed for both the main and additional heat source. The most interesting here are electric underfloor heating, the use of which is virtually unlimited.

Thermal regime in the room

In any room, whether it is an apartment or an office, there is natural air circulation. Warm air rises, and cold - falls. During the heating season, when a radiator is hanging on the wall, the air flow is directed upwards from the battery, then it wraps around the room on the ceiling and cooled air descends.

This situation is not comfortable. It turns out that it is cold on the floor, but there is nothing to breathe. This problem is most acutely felt by residents of the first floors, especially in houses without a basement. At the same time, the flow rate of the coolant can be increased, and the heating bills can be large.

Underfloor heating can change this state of affairs. Breathing will be much easier, and your feet will be warm. This is especially important if there are children in the house who love to crawl on the floor. Previously, carpets solved the problem of cold floors, but this source of dust and allergies is not suitable for everyone.

Types of warm floors

Today there is three ways of underfloor heating:

  1. water;
  2. electric;
  3. combined.

In this case, the first one works from the central or autonomous heating in the house, and the second and third - from electricity.

Pros and cons of water heating

Underfloor heating pipe - very economical option. Both plastic and copper can be used for this, but even if the cost of pipes is more expensive than cable, you will save on costs. Say what you like, but the cost of a kilowatt-hour is now high. And if you have your own boiler room, then you will save on fuel: when heating the floor, there is no need to heat the coolant to high temperatures.

There are two disadvantages of such floors. So, for their installation in apartment building coordination is required, because when you change the position of the heater, the coolant flow throughout the house changes.

But the main disadvantage is that such a system is not guaranteed to be secure. Pipes tend to burst, especially in systems central heating, where its seasonal launch is accompanied by water hammers with an increase in temperature. But it's one thing when you have a radiator that is in plain sight, and quite another - a pipe hidden under the screed. You will not only have to open the floor, but also pay for repairs to the neighbors below. Thus, the water floor will be safe in a country house.

Electric floors

Electric underfloor heating is another matter. Here you are not limited either legally or economically. Of course, there are subtleties in the calculation here, which are often neglected. But if you approach the matter wisely, you can make the electric floor both an additional source of heat and the main one. Whether it will meet your expectations depends on several factors:

  1. power consumption;
  2. thermal conductivity of the floor covering;
  3. heat capacity;
  4. efficiency of heat transfer to the interior.

Often, disappointment does not come from the product itself, but due to its improper installation and lack of ideas about what to lay under which system.

Features of heat transfer of a warm coating

Flooring in the house can be arranged in the form plank floor on logs and a pie with a screed. In the first case, the tree serves as a good heat insulator, but a poor conductor of heat. The need for floor heating in the house with wooden floors rarely occurs: they themselves are warm. Of course, you can lay pipes and cables under them, but then you will not heat the floor, but the space under it, the air. The boards may add a couple of degrees from this, but they will disappear when you simply decide to set the thermostat to zero. Thus, the installation of an electric warm floor under wooden floors is impractical.

Another thing is a cement screed. It serves as a kind of heat accumulator. Its thickness is about 5 cm, the heat capacity is high, as is the thermal conductivity. Therefore, laying the underfloor heating system in it will be a very good solution.

The best conductor of heat among floor coverings tile, worse - linoleum and laminate. If we talk about the latter, then they have a limitation on operating temperatures: overheating is dangerous because the coating will begin to break down and release harmful substances into the air.

Varieties of electrical surfaces

Attention should be paid to systems that are powered by the mains. There are several of them, and each can be described separately. Today The following types are on sale:

  1. resistive cable in a coil or in thermomats;
  2. self-adjusting carbon rods in mats;
  3. film two-component;
  4. electrofluid floors;
  5. capillary systems.

Resistive cables

They consist of nichrome insulated. Nichrome - high resistivity alloy. It is from it that the spiral in the electric stove is made.

Cables can consist of either one core or two. There is no fundamental difference between them, single core cable you will have to stretch it twice, and the two-core one at the end is locked with a special coupling. There is a slight difference in their internal arrangement. So, one core has polypropylene insulation, steel wire braid and outer insulation made of flexible plastic, and in a two-core cable, each cable has its own insulation, between which a copper drainage core is laid. All of this is wrapped with aluminum-polyethylene tape and packaged in flexible plastic.

High power cables are sold in coils, and low power cables are sold in mats, that is, they are fixed on a grid and sold in rolls.

Rod floors

They are also sold in the form of mats, and carbon plays the role of a heating element in them. This material has one useful property- its power consumption depends on the temperature environment. If the resistor will always heat up, then carbon is where it is needed. Therefore, such mats can be laid all over the floor, there will be no overheating under the furniture.

Of the advantages of rod mats, two can be noted:

  1. efficiency - they consume less electricity;
  2. parallel connection of conductors; when one rod fails, the others will continue to work.

The disadvantages include a shorter service life.

infrared films

The name is not entirely correct - all warm floors give off heat by radiation. Films differ from other types of floors in thickness, they can be laid directly under the coating. There are two types of them - carbon and bimetallic. The first ones are an analogue of the rod ones with the only difference that the carbon in them is packed in a lavsan film.

The principle of operation of the latter is interesting in that in other cases from such natural phenomenon people refuse. It is a combination of copper and aluminum. When it comes to wiring, everyone tries to connect copper and aluminum through terminals, because simple twist leads to overheating. The fact is that these metals have a different coefficient thermal expansion, and when current flows between the conductors, gaps can occur, and this leads to even more heating.

This property of metals was used only in the manufacture thermocouples for measuring devices and switches, and now copper and aluminum are enclosed in a polyurethane film, where they serve as a bimetallic heating element.

PEX pipe with cable

This system is a polyethylene pipe with a diameter of two centimeters. Antifreeze is poured into it and a heating cable wrapped in Teflon is laid. Thus, such a floor is combined. It has many advantages, of which the most important is economical consumption electricity. Also, when the electricity is turned off in a house where there is no heating, the liquid in it does not freeze.

Such floors do not overheat, so they can be mounted throughout the room without fear for the condition of the furniture and the coating under it.

Compared to classical water heating, pipe heats up evenly, so you can lay it in any way.

Capillary systems

This is a set of thin tubes with distilled water, equipped with a heating element and a pump. The control unit of this floor is the size of a book, but it looks quite aesthetically pleasing. Compared to a classic water floor, the amount of liquid in it is small: a few liters. Such a tube is closed with a self-leveling screed.

The main disadvantage of capillary floors is the limitation on the area that they can warm up. As a rule, it does not exceed 20 square meters. Another drawback is energy consumption: such systems have a power of about 2.5 kW, while the price of the kit itself is also high.

Installation of warm floors

Different types of electric floors are mounted at different depths, and it depends both on the shape of the heater and on its power. The larger the heater, the better it should be recessed.

Resistive cable floors in coils are laid under cement screed, at least 5 cm thick. The same applies to PEKS pipes. In order for such a warm floor to warm you, and not a neighbor from below, you need to lay under the screed roll insulation with a reflective coating, and lay a reinforcing mesh on it. A cable or pipe is attached to the grid. To prevent them from popping up during the pouring of the floor, they should be fixed to the grid with clamps.

Floors made in the form of mats can be covered with a thinner layer of leveling, and the films are laid directly under the coating. In the latter case, it is important that the surface on which the film is laid is even: small bumps and pits can lead to tearing of the film and its failure.

Installing underfloor heating is usually not difficult. This can be done by hand. But knowing some subtleties will not hurt you:

And, of course, if you were given a repair kit for your floor when you bought it, don't lose it. Indeed, most of the malfunctions associated with electric floors, are removable.

An electric underfloor heating is used as an additional source of heat. This scheme works well on floors of any kind and settles in homes of any material. Distinctive feature- simple installation that will appeal to an inexperienced master. It is good to mount such a floor in rooms where it is very difficult to lay a heating system. For example, a balcony or terrace. Sometimes, underfloor heating is used as the only heating method, in which case it is necessary to take into account the upcoming energy costs.

Benefits of electric floors

Electric floor heating has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is often used in an apartment or a private house.

  • Possibility of heating the whole room, as well as a separate part of it. Warm floors can be laid over the entire area of ​​​​the room, or you can install it only in a certain part. In this case, space zoning is performed.
  • Electric warm floors are convenient to use, since they are controlled by a remote control or a temperature controller is used.
  • It is possible to connect to the system smart House". In this case, the heating can be controlled remotely.
  • simple and easy installation that does not require special tools.
  • No possibility of leakage.

During installation, the floor occupies no a large number of the height of the room, and therefore it must be used where this moment will not have a negative impact

Such floors are easier to use in high-rise buildings, since the standard water heating method puts a greater load on the floors, and the electric warm floor weighs several times less.

Warm floor

But it should not be noted that such a coating also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of electric floors

These include:

  • Possibility of a short circuit - this problem can occur with any electrically heated device and a warm floor is no exception. This problem should be prevented by checking all cables before installation. floor covering.
  • Energy costs are not so much a problem as a disadvantage. When using such a scheme, an increase in costs cannot be avoided - the decision depends on what use is envisaged:
    • If electric floor heating is used as a permanent power source, then it makes sense for reliable home insulation. For example, to make high-quality thermal insulation of walls. In this case, heat losses will decrease and, as a result, heating costs will also decrease.
    • If the system is used as an additional source of heat, then it makes sense to lay the elements where there is the most movement. As a rule, the most frequent movement is carried out in the center of the room, respectively, and the heating elements must be laid in the center. Thus, fewer elements will be required, and costs will be reduced by heating a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and not all at once.

Sometimes radiation is singled out as disadvantages. But in fact, such a system is no different from another electronic device, and therefore you should not be afraid of harm from him.

Types of electric heating

On the market for electric underfloor heating, you can find several versions. Each has its own pros and cons. In order to understand which option is best suited to a particular housing, it is necessary to study each of them.

Electric underfloor heating is divided into 2 types by action:

  1. Resistive - heating in this type of heating is carried out by cables.
  2. Infrared - heating is carried out due to a special component that transfers heat to surrounding things.

Cable electric floor

The cable version is different in that it uses cables to match the quality of the heating elements. Connected to electricity, they heat up due to which the surface is heated.

Solid wires

Cables with one core are both a conductor of heat and a heating element. If the installation of electric underfloor heating occurs with such a cable, then it is important that the ends of the wire converge in one place. This is necessary to connect the system to the control unit.

Two-core wires

Two-core wires are much more convenient in terms of use. One core is needed for heating, the other closes the circuit. When using these cables, the meeting of the two ends is not necessary. Therefore, it is more often used, it is much easier to bring one end of the wire to the control unit than to mount the system so that both ends meet in one place.

heating mat

The convenience of mats is that you do not need to independently calculate the necessary power, this was all done by the manufacturer. Mats are purchased depending on the number of square meters on which it is necessary to mount the heating element.

Infrared heating types

Rod type of heating

A kind of infrared floors is a rod electric warm floor. It resembles a rope ladder with wooden or metal rungs. But a rod with a heating element is used as crossbars.

Underfloor heating is provided by this rod. And as a "rope" a polymer is used that can be cut to carry out the installation. However, the cut polymer will need to be fixed into the circuit, as it plays the role of a conductor.

Film type of heating

Electric floor heating can also have a film look. In this case, the heating of surfaces occurs due to infrared radiation. The elements responsible for heating transmit a thermal signal over short distances, heating what is next to them. These elements are made of carbon paste, and copper wires, which are enclosed in a film, are responsible for heating it. Most often used for styling film version because it is easy to install.

Film option

The film floor has a very small thickness, and therefore it can also be used where ceilings have a limited height.

Thermal sensor for electric floor

If you decide to install electric underfloor heating in the house, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this. In addition to materials such as concrete, flooring and other Construction Materials, you need to purchase the required set of underfloor heating and additional elements that will control the system.

These elements are:

  1. Temperature sensor - it shows the temperature data.
  2. Thermostat - it is necessary to set the temperature to which the element will heat up.

Both of these elements work in pairs, as soon as the temperature sensor detects the temperature to which the elements have heated up, the thermostat receives a command and turns off further heating.

Modern thermostats can be equipped with various parts that allow you to mount an electronic underfloor heating. In this option, you can set the heating and shutdown temperature, and the data can be stored once, further control will be taken over by the thermostat system.

heat sensor

In new models of the device, control can be carried out remotely by installing a SIM card. That is, in fact, the control sensor is transferred to the phone.

By means of an SMS message, you can set the time to turn on and turn on the heating, the temperature of the floor heating.

Also, you can turn off the entire system, if necessary.

Calculation of the power of underfloor heating

Before choosing a warm floor, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the system, so that it can heat the home. First you need to decide on the mode in which the heated floor from electricity will be used. If the floor will be the main source of heat, then use complex scheme calculations. If the floor is used as an additional source, then the calculations in this case are much simpler.

When using a warm floor as the main heating system, an accurate technological calculation is needed, which should take into account such points as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the number of doors and windows, and possible heat losses. At the same time, when the area is calculated, you need to pay attention to the furniture that will be placed in the room. Warm floors must be laid on those spaces that are free from furniture.

An exception to this condition is the heating rod elements. They can be laid over the entire area, as they are self-adjusting.

When calculating, it is important to correctly calculate the possible heat loss. Close attention should be paid to these data, since incorrect calculations will lead to the fact that such a system simply will not be able to cope with the heating of the room and the house will be cold. Possible heat losses are calculated using special tables. It is best to entrust these calculations to specialists. They calculate more accurately. required power systems.

If the electric floor heating will be used as an additional source of heat, then the necessary calculations can be made independently. In this calculation, it is necessary to take into account the type of floor used, resistive or infrared, the laying area, that is, the area on which the heating elements will be located and the power of the wire.

Laying rules

Before you start laying floors, you must familiarize yourself with the laying rules. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, then you can guarantee the correct and accurate operation of the entire system.

These requirements include the following:

  • Before laying, it is necessary to install a thermally insulating layer. This is necessary for all types of floors, as part of the heat energy will not go down. In this case, heat loss will be minimal, and floor heating will also occur faster. In this way, electricity costs can be reduced.
  • When placing floors, the location of furniture must be taken into account, heating elements cannot be placed under them, except for rod floors.
  • From the walls there should be indents of 5 cm. And from heating appliances(batteries) at least 10 cm.
  • When laying, it is necessary to observe the wire pitch, and also not to allow the wires to cross.
  • During installation, it is important to ensure that there are as few cuts for turns as possible. Thus, the integrity of the system is not violated. All incisions must be carefully insulated. If this rule is not observed, power is lost, and there is also the possibility of a short circuit.

  • Connections of small pieces of the floor are also undesirable, the minimum section length should be at least 50 cm. When buying a warm floor, it is better to take it with a margin.

It is imperative to install an RCD device, it will turn off the heat supply in case of problems. For example, if power is lost, the RCD will disconnect the system from electricity.

All floor installation work is best left to a professional electrician.

Also, for electric floor heating, it is better to allocate a separate line where only this system will be connected. Also, it is better to bring the system to a separate machine, in case of problems with electricity or the floor itself, you can de-energize the system with this device.

Installation of a warm electric floor

Before choosing electric underfloor heating, it is better to clarify what kind of flooring is planned to be laid and how the base for the underfloor heating will be prepared. Already depending on these data and buy a floor heating system.

There are three ways to mount the floor:

  1. Screed installation.
  2. Mounting on a screed, but fixing with tiles.
  3. Installation under flooring, but not under tiles.

If it is necessary to install an electric underfloor heating in a screed or under a tile, then you will have to choose cable systems or rod floors.

Laying the film floor is only allowed under the floor covering. Moisture damages this floor. Therefore, it is desirable to lay it in rooms, and not in sanitary facilities.

The installation itself is almost the same:

  1. A layout plan is drawn up, taking into account the location of furniture and indents. The plan is best done on graph paper with respect to scale.
  2. A layer of waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid, if necessary.
  3. The markup is transferred to the prepared base.
  4. According to the markup, the floor is laid. All places that are cut, if necessary, must be insulated. Also, the position of the temperature sensor and thermostat is determined. The latter is installed on the wall and from the place of its installation it is necessary to lower the strobe to the floor.
  5. After laying all the elements, check the resistance.
  6. A pipe is laid in the strobe, one end of which is connected to a thermostat, and the other end contains a temperature sensor. The end of the pipe with the temperature sensor is placed in the middle of the nearest heating elements.

Electric heating layer cake

Verification work

After these works have been carried out, it is necessary to check the operability of the sensor and the thermostat, once again the resistance and the system are completely de-energized, and the regulator is removed. Then, the screed is poured, the tiles or flooring are laid. Moreover, if a screed is planned, then first they wait for the concrete to dry, then they check the performance of the system again, and then they mount the floor covering.

It is worth checking how the temperature sensor is removed from the pipe, this is necessary so that later it can be replaced without problems if necessary.

Energy saving

The electric floor heating system has its pros and cons, which are described above. But, if properly designed and used, this system will only cause positive emotions. Don't be afraid big expense electricity, and, as a result, an increase in payments. At reasonable approach to use, the number of kilowatts will not increase much, and the heat in the house will be constant. This effect is achieved by using the floor only during hours when someone is at home.

Also, it will not be superfluous to think over and warming problem areas: doors, windows, balconies. Thus, it is possible to minimize heat loss, respectively, and the system itself will not work at full capacity. The effect of the work done can be seen on the heating bills.
