Instructions on how to sew sofa covers, with an explanation of all the details. Instructions for sewing a cover for upholstered furniture Cover for a sofa with an ottoman with your own hands

Furniture is the main component of the interior of the room. When choosing it, we are guided not only by the design, but also by the convenience of this item. However, holidays, children, pets can ruin the furniture, make it ugly. At such moments, you seriously think about purchasing removable covers for a chair or sofa. They can be changed and washed, they are much cheaper than a whole sofa. But often such covers cost fabulous money in the store, while the cost of such assistants is several times less than the amount declared by the seller. That is why many housewives know how to sew a sofa cover with their own hands. We will be happy to reveal their secrets especially for you.

The sofa cover is very easy to sew. To complete it, you will need a minimum of sewing tools: a sewing machine, tape measure, thread with a needle, safety pins, scissors, a piece of chalk or dry soap, and, of course, a thick fabric. The fabric for sofa covers can be any, to your taste, but it must certainly be durable and wear-resistant enough. In addition, it should be easy to wash, because you will often wash the covers.

So, once you have all the necessary tools at hand, you can begin work. First we need to measure our sofa. We measure everything - the seat, back, armrests. Important: measure the components of the sofa as if they were rectangular, regardless of their shape. After you measure everything, you need to write down the results on a piece of paper so as not to forget. Also, do not forget to add 8 cm to the measurements for the seams.

Next, we move on to working with fabric. Before you start sewing, you need to wash and dry the fabric so that it does not shrink after the next wash. After that, spread the fabric on flat surface and apply your measurements to it. You should have 6 rectangles. Mistresses are advised to start cutting from the back of the sofa. After cutting the elements, they must be attached to the sofa, with a certain detail to a certain part of the sofa. All details are laid out from the wrong side. After you lay out the elements of the future cover, they need to be fastened with pins.

Important: before sewing on a typewriter, you must sweep all parts of the cover by hand. You can do it right on the couch. After basting, you can cut off unnecessary pieces of fabric from the future cover and stitch the seams on a typewriter. In this case, one should not forget about allowances - about 2-2.5 cm.

The cover is almost ready. We try it on the sofa, looking for irregularities and flaws that can be corrected. After we have finalized the cover, we remove the basting, turn the cover right side out and put it back on the sofa to see if everything is in order. If the edges of the cover are visible from under it, they can be folded on the wrong side and sewn on a typewriter. All threads must be cut.

If you want to give a cozy and slightly romantic look to your sofa, you can decorate the cover with ruffles along the bottom edge. You simply fold the same fabric in the form of neat folds and sew them on a typewriter, remembering to make allowances and process the edges of the product.

Some wise advice for beginners:

  1. Purchase material with a margin. After taking measurements and choosing the fabric for the future cover, take the fabric with a margin of 1.5-2 meters. Even if you don't need it, you can make the same cushion covers.
  2. If you are a beginner, you should not take expensive fabric. After all, if something doesn’t work out for you, it will be very annoying to throw away expensive material. Start with cotton fabrics, and if you succeed, you can move on to more expensive materials.
  3. Even if you have been sewing for a long time and consider yourself a professional, a preliminary estimate is required.
  4. If you still messed up with the size, do not rush to carry the cover to the landfill. With the help of simple boards, you can adjust the cover to fit the sofa, if you made it too big, of course.
  5. The cover for the corner sofa is as easy to sew as for the usual one. The only caveat is to correctly calculate the amount of fabric needed. It can be obtained as follows: add the length and width of the sofa, and multiply the resulting amount by two. The resulting number will be the amount of fabric required for the corner sofa.

It remains to be said that sewing sofa covers is easy, affordable and an exciting activity. You get brand new sofas for a very, very low price. This will help refresh your interior and update the look of your furniture. Moreover, when your girlfriends find out that you yourself have created such a masterpiece, they will urgently want to learn how to do the same.

Options for making covers with patterns

Pattern of a universal cover for a sofa.

Cover pattern for a corner sofa.

A selection of video materials

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Today, self-made accessories for the home are gaining more and more popularity. Textiles look especially attractive in this design. It is not surprising that many craftswomen are wondering how to sew a sofa cover. This hand-crafted coating will bring individual chic and a special, unique charm to the interior of the room, helping to set the right tone in the design of the space.

Features of preparation for work

The advantage of self-made sofa covers is practicality. Such textiles protect furniture from:

  • claws of pets;
  • dust;
  • crumbs;
  • mud;
  • drops of your favorite drinks;
  • felt-tip pens, pens and pencils if there are children in the house.

You can order such textiles from professionals in the atelier. However, a hand-made product will turn out to be especially attractive and stylish, for which you just need to make a minimum of effort and turn on your own imagination. If there is a fear of sewing an accessory, you can use the decor. Overhead bows, voluminous ribbons and stylish sofa cushions will help divert attention from the flaws and misses of a cover created by yourself. Decorative elements will make the model non-trivial and stylish, organically fitting it into the interior style.

Material selection

Having decided to sew a universal sofa cover, you should take care of the selection of material in advance. Since the product will be tested heavy load in the area of ​​​​the seams, it is recommended to choose strong threads, since they should not be allowed to diverge. It is better to use a double seam, which will make the model more durable and practical. At the same time, you should not set a smaller step on the typewriter, since this often only spoils the fabric. A small step breaks through the material, makes it loose and does not allow it to withstand strong tension, which is especially important for products on a corner sofa.

Blue case

Many needlewomen believe that sewing a furniture cover on their own is easy way transform her. This statement is true to some extent, but first you have to take into account a lot of nuances. First of all, you should think about what fabric is best to create a product. Since it is not always possible to create an ideal option the first time, the first experiments should be abandoned immediately from expensive material. The best way to start is to choose a fabric:

  • durable;
  • not expensive;
  • with a dense texture on which you can not leave puffs.

detailed instructions

An excellent solution would be coarse calico or a high-quality tapestry. Not knowing how to sew a sofa cover, it is best to follow the instructions. First you have to calculate the material for work. On ordinary furniture about 8 meters of fabric is required. However, for an accurate calculation, you should:

  • measure the length of the furniture;
  • find out the width of the sofa;
  • fold 2 lengths and 2 widths.

So, if the width of the sofa is 180 cm and the length is 210 cm, then 7.8 meters of material are needed for sewing, where its width is 150 cm.

However, it should be borne in mind that this is a rough calculation of the fabric, and in order to obtain more accurate, correct numbers, you need to make a careful calculation. Many needlewomen know that you can get specific numbers only after creating a pattern.

The subtleties of creating a template

Without special experience, it will be quite difficult to create it. To do this, you need to thoroughly measure:

  • each plot;
  • basic quantities;
  • all details.

Sofa with a cape

Then the needlewoman must redraw them on paper, but in a reduced format. Then, taking into account the pattern of the fabric, the direction of the print and the equity line, you need to create a layout. If you plan to use a material with a geometric pattern, striped fabric, it should be borne in mind that they significantly increase consumption, since they are cut strictly in a certain vector.

Sofa covers without armrests

In this situation, it is necessary to add at least 1 more meter to the calculations obtained. Even if all the fabric is not useful, it can be used in the future to replace problematic, most worn areas. This is especially important for models without armrests. Worse, if the material was not enough. However, in such a situation, you can go for a trick and use a different material for the back of the back.

Stages of work

  1. The first stage involves taking measurements from every detail of the sofa.
  2. Next, you need to transfer all the measurements obtained to graph paper, which is created on a scale. In this case, it is necessary to remember the direction of the cut, which is professionally called the share line.
  3. The next step is to transfer all the parameters to the material, while on the wrong side it is necessary to make markings with chalk. On this stage it is extremely important to take into account allowances for hemming the edges and seams.

Cape pattern

It is also worth remembering that each sofa is a unique case. That is why there are hardly any patterns that are ideal for each model. To create a template, it is recommended to use carbon paper or ordinary newspapers. You can paste over them with adhesive tape all parts of the furniture. Such a pattern can be corrected directly on the spot with scissors. Then all the details are assembled and fixed with a stapler or tape, and the missing fragments can be increased.

If you need to create a universal cover, then it is optimal to sew an accessory on an elastic band. The pattern is made up of the details of the seat and back, cutting out a pair of rectangles with parameters 40 by 30 cm from the curved lunges. Next, points ABC and A1B1C1 are fixed, as well as vectors where the elastic bands will be sewn. On the back, you need to stitch darts from the wrong side, the width of which is 10 cm and the depth is 15 cm. Then you need to move away from the AA1 line by 18 cm: an elastic band is fixed there. Then you need to sew 4 more elastic bands with the same interval.

Then segments are fixed along the bottom edge rectangular shape with parameters 40 by 30 cm. Next, the bottom is sutured by 1 cm. The fabric is turned inside out, after which all seams are sewn. How much does it cost to create such an accessory? Inexpensive, especially when compared with ready-made sofa covers.

Learn how to sew a chair cover and update your interior

No matter how well the upholstery is preserved upholstered furniture, over the years, the same drawing gets bored. Upholstery is expensive, and we are starting to think about how to sew a chair cover in order to somehow update the interior. In fact, a cape made in accordance with all the rules of good fabric works wonders. The room becomes completely different, especially if the material contrasts with the previous upholstery in quality and texture.

Learning to sew a chair cover

  • First look around the room and think about what fabric to choose for the cape. Women know perfectly well how any branded bag can change the wardrobe - you have to urgently select everything else for it. The same thing happens with housing. Genuine leather covers will require expensive parquet and stretch ceilings, and the motley chintz in classic interior will look like a poor relative.
  • Choose a fabric that is durable and wrinkle-resistant, because the cape will be subjected to considerable loads every day. In addition, it is easier to grind dense material, it does not wrinkle so much. It is better not to take a fabric with large flowers, a cage, prints, especially for beginner needlewomen. You may simply not be able to match the pattern, and the cases will look ridiculous.
  • As for the cut. An inexperienced seamstress must first cut and sew a chair cover with their own hands from an old sheet. Don't waste your time on this. Firstly, experience and understanding of various difficult moments in the work will come, and secondly, it will not be necessary to sprinkle ashes on your head because of damaged expensive fabric.

Measuring the chair and calculating the required footage of fabric

The configuration of furniture today is very different, so the capes are actually sewn on the chair itself. Let's take a model with frills. First, we will decide where the seams of our cover will pass. The easiest way to make them is where the seams of the upholstery itself are laid, then the cape will repeat the silhouette of the chair with greater accuracy. If tailoring of covers of a radical new style is planned, we mark the seams directly on the upholstery ( soap is better). We immediately take into account the inserts for thickness, bends, alignment of the contour.

We measure all the details of the chair (back, seat, armrests, curb, pillow, if any) and write down the numbers obtained. The length of the fabric for lush frills is calculated as follows: the perimeter of the chair must be multiplied by two. In order not to get confused in the names, we write the part number, its width, length, depth.

Measurement of chair parts

When calculating the footage, it is necessary to take into account tucks and tucks, without which there is no tight fit, as well as folds, folds, frills.

For each element of the pattern, in addition to seam allowances, we add about 20 cm for overlaps and fitting the cover. Details non-standard shape we measure by putting thin strong paper on them and compressing it from all sides. You can additionally circle the folds with a pencil.

We cut the resulting tracing paper along the lines and put it in place again. Do not achieve perfect convergence, we need an approximate pattern to make a general pattern of the part. We will customize in place. After measurements, we draw patterns of all elements of the chair on graph paper and calculate the final fabric consumption.

Now we are preparing everything you need to sew a cover for a chair with your own hands:

  • A piece of inexpensive fabric for a draft cover (chintz, muslin, or, as we have said, an unnecessary sheet).
  • Thick beautiful fabric for the cover.
  • Lightning.
  • Centimeter, ruler, scissors.
  • Pencil, crayon or sharpened bar of soap for marking on the material.
  • Pins with an eye for cleaving fabric, needles, threads, cord for piping.
  • Furniture clips for attaching the cover to the chair.
  • Sewing machine.

Cutting fabric

We lay out paper patterns on the fabric most optimal way so that there is as little material waste as possible. We chop off the paper with the material and circle the patterns with chalk. If the allowance has not yet been added, add it now. Cut out the details. We iron all cut out patterns from top to bottom along the longitudinal thread.

Cutting and connecting parts of the back and armrests

  • We turn the cut out part of the outer part of the back in half, mark the middle along the longitudinal thread. We unfold, lay the pattern on the back of the chair and pin it with pins. When cutting out a chair cover with your own hands, be sure to mark the lines of future seams with a pencil. We repeat all the steps with a pattern for the inside of the back.
  • We combine and cut off both patterns on the top of the chair. We bend a supply of fabric at the upper corners and on the inner pattern, forming neat tucks. We chop them off, moderately stretching the fabric. Cut off the excess, leaving 5 cm on each side.
  • We cut out the inner pattern in the place where the back rests against the armrests, leaving small allowances (2-3 cm). We fill them in the gap between the back and armrests. At the junction of the backrest with the seat, we draw a seam line.

Pattern for the back of the chair

  • For each armrest, we cut out two patterns - external and internal. We pin the outer part of the armrest on outside, after folding the fabric in half and marking the central longitudinal thread with a pencil. The lower edges of the fabric should overlap the intended seam of the frill by 1.3 cm. We cut off the outer back and armrest patterns with the edges outward. We draw lines of seams.
  • The inner part is connected to the outer one at the place of the outer seam laid with a pencil. The inner pattern must have good stock from all sides (18-23 cm). One of its side faces inner part backrest by 18 cm, the other - on the front of the armrest. We place the lower edge of the workpiece on the seat.
  • We chop off the outer and inner parts of the armrest in front, laying the folds diverging from one point.

    This is one of the ways how to make chair covers with your own hands neatly, below we will consider the second one.

  • We lay the tucks on the outer part of the armrest, below, under the rounding. All excess fabric will go there. We carry out seams at the beginning and at the end of the tuck line, mark them on the outside of the backrest and on the inner pattern of the armrest. On the inside of the chair, lines mark the joints. Repeat all operations for the second armrest.

    Pattern for the armrest (the first option is with folds)

    Option number 2 - for wide armrests

    The voluminous front of the armrest does not always look good with the diverging folds mentioned earlier. Then we cut out a special insert for it.

    Covers for sofas, armchairs, chairs.

    We pin the inner pattern of the armrest in place, mark the seam on the front and cut off the fabric along it, leaving 2 cm for allowances.

    We cut out the insert and pin it around the perimeter of the front. Draw a seam line. We chop off the insert, the inner and outer patterns of the armrests with the edges outward.

    Pattern for the armrest (the second option is for wide armrests)

    Cutting the seat parts

    We put the seat pattern with a margin of 23 cm in place so that its bottom is on the line of the beginning of the frill. We combine the details of the back, armrests and seat. We mark the places of internal pairings of the chair with bold dots or in another way that you understand. We cut the excess fabric, fold the tucks on the front corners of the seat and cut them off. Do-it-yourself chair covers are already taking on a certain look.

    We chop off the seat part with the outer armrest pattern and outline the seam line that will connect them. We fill in the gap between the back and armrest 1.3 cm of fabric. We draw lines of seams in these places.

    seat pattern

    Open the frills of the cover

    Cut out the bottom of the cover. It consists of two parts - a smooth top and a gathered bottom. They, in turn, consist of four equal parts, one for each side of the chair. We measure the bottom of the chair along the perimeter and multiply by two - this is the width of the lower gathered part. The length of the frills should reach the floor. We pin the four upper parts around the perimeter of the chair, the four lower parts to them, immediately and evenly laying the frills. We hide all marked seams in folds.

    Pattern for frill

    Chair cover sewing

    We inscribe all the details on the front side (for example, PNP - right outer armrest, NS - outer back, etc.), mark the top of the patterns. Folds, tucks, tucks, points of intersecting seams should be clearly marked. The chipped patterns give a complete picture of how to make a chair cover. It remains to sweep the trial cape by hand, with large stitches. Sewing order:

    • First we sew all the tucks, tucks, frills.
    • Next, we sweep the elements of the armrests. All work is done from the wrong side. We turn the details out, after making small cuts in the corners.
    • Sew the seat to the armrests.
    • Sew the far edge of the seat with bottom inner back, we tack the outer side of the back to the cover.
    • We sweep together 4 parts of the hem, first the upper part, then the lower, evenly laying the assemblies.
    • Sew on upper part hem to the cover, to the top - the bottom. The zipper will be located in the side seam.
    • Turn the cover right side out. If there are sags, irregularities, wrinkles, we rip these places, level them, and sweep again.
    • We put the cover on the chair, adjust it again in place, achieving the perfect contour.

    Chair cover sewing

    We check whether all the details are marked, and we rip the test product into patterns. Now you can take expensive fabric and cut it according to ready-made patterns. The stitched cover will sit on the chair like a glove. And you did it all with your own hands.

  • Petar Petrov

    Cats are wonderful pets. At the same time, they have their own character, they may want to play or cuddle when you sleep or watch TV, they can purr for no obvious reason for a person, they can do a lot of things, guided by some of their own motives. Also, cats love to scratch. various surfaces. Unfortunately, the legs of your favorite antique table, the upholstery of a sofa, or an expensive carpet may be your favorite scratching surface. How to protect furniture from cats?

    While people usually don't like cats scratching furniture, it's important to understand that cats don't scratch to annoy you, but simply because they need to. Scratching is as much a part of a cat's natural behavior as, for example, purring. To successfully control it, every cat owner must know why cats scratch furniture and other objects.

    In the wild, cats leave scratches on their territory to signal their presence and claim their territory. The scratches left behind contain information of two types - visual and olfactory. Visual information is presented in the form of claw marks, it is so obvious that even a person notices it. Olfactory marks are much less clear to people, they are left with the help of special pheromones, the smell of most of which is not recognized by humans at all. Pheromones are contained in a substance produced by the cat's body, their smell is understandable to other representatives of the cat species, it serves as a signal, depending on which cats change their behavior.

    Scratching allows the cat to achieve some more goals. The dead outer layer, which can often be found in the house, is removed from the claws - it retains the shape of the claw. Although scratching does "sharpen" the claws, scratching is primarily a form of physical therapy that allows the cat to keep the muscles and ligaments of its paws in good shape.

    Two groups of "targets" are selected for cat scratching. The first group includes one or two areas in the house, usually near strategically important places, such as a couch, a litter box, or a playground. The second group of objects on which the cat makes more destructive scratches are the most visible surfaces - doorways, windows and furniture that is in plain sight, such as sofas.

    What to do to protect furniture from cats.

    1. Make sure your cat has enough scratching surfaces. Cats often scratch near the places where they eat and sleep, so appropriate items should be placed there. Buying a post-claw post is a great investment for your cat. The cat will be able to sharpen its claws on it and stretch at the same time. If you want to provide your cat not only with a place to scratch but also a place for her to climb up and sleep in, consider a cat tree (a tall pole with platforms at different levels and possibly a house).

    How to sew covers for sofa armrests?

    Cover the furniture with something that cats don't like: double-sided tape, some plastic wrap, or aluminum foil. Many cats don't like the feel and sound of foil, most cats hate things that stick to their fur. Double-sided tape works well for attaching carpets, just make sure it doesn't harm the furniture itself.

    3. If the cat is bored or stressed, the cat may scratch the furniture or tear the curtains. Give her as many opportunities for physical activity as possible, and she will have less desire to engage in destructive activities. The cat should have enough time for games (and you can also relax a little). Cats react to certain smells, sounds, movements, they like surfaces of a certain texture, so cat toys should match the inclinations of the animal. To find out your cat's preferences, offer her some toys. different size and from different materials- according to her reaction, you can choose several optimal options.

    4. Arrange, where possible, tins with a few coins inside in such a way that when you try to scratch the can, it falls with noise and clanging - cats do not like this.

    5. Use inexpensive alarm devices on curtains that hang on door handles. An alarm will sound every time your cat tries to use the curtains as a ladder.

    6. Equip in front of the window a place for your furry friend. This will provide the cat with many hours of entertainment - especially if the windows overlook the trees that the birds have chosen. Make sure the window closes well so your pet doesn't fall out.

    7. If you catch a cat scratching furniture, shout out loud "no!" or/and spray it with a water pistol or plastic bottle. Cats are well aware of what you want to achieve, immediately stop spoiling your property. Of course, this will not stop the cat when you are not around.

    8. Adjust the arrangement of furniture. If the cat jumps onto the cabinet from the back of the chair, move the chair further away. Having lost the launch pad, the cat will stop jumping where it doesn’t need to.

    9. Can be taped on problem areas air balloons. After the cat has "exploded" them a couple of times with its claws, it will avoid scratching the furniture in these places. Use this method of education only when you are at home in order to remove the burst balloon in time - the cat may try to eat it.

    10. There are special devices that protect furniture from cats - they produce different sounds. Such devices can be purchased at pet stores or ordered online.

    11. If the cat still scratches the furniture, apply a spray with the smell of a bitter apple or put orange peels in the appropriate places. Such smells protect furniture well, as cats really do not like it.

    12. If all else fails, you can train your cat to trim its nails regularly to minimize the damage from scratching. To get your kitten used to having their nails trimmed, praise them and reward them with treats.

    In the process of protecting furniture from cats, any form of physical punishment should be excluded, as they can cause fear or aggression towards the owner. In the best case, the cat will learn to stop tearing furniture only while the owner is nearby.

    No matter which method you choose to protect your furniture, every cat owner should know that it is wrong and unfair to expect a cat to completely stop scratching any furnishings.

    Armrest upholstery for sofas and armchairs.

    Repair and sofa armrest upholstery included in my list of services. Thousands of products have passed through my hands, and I can say with confidence - "Each armrest is unique in its own way." This is not surprising, every decade has made its own adjustments to the form, design, functionality. Not only the shapes but also the sizes changed, the only thing that remained unchanged was general principles. Significant revolutionary changes have not occurred here, and are unlikely to be foreseen.

    The photo above shows a sofa and an armchair, as I believe with a simple armrest. There are no sewing jobs here. The armrest elements (top, side, and front bar) are upholstered in a single piece of fabric. The top in the front part is assembled with decorative folds. In this case, the armrest on the sofa is removable, which makes it easier to repair and reupholster.

    armrest upholstery no different from the upholstery on the sofa. As a rule, they try to make a sofa and an armchair in the same design, and externally and internally they almost do not differ. On the chair, the armrests are bolted to the seat and back.

    How to sew a cover on a home sofa with your own hands: step by step instructions

    There is a need to remove the back wall of the chair, which naturally increases the time of work.

    Here is another representative with removable armrests (blue sofa on top). The father-mother connector allows you to easily remove and proceed with disassembly and repair or constriction. In another corner (nearby), the armrest and backrest are made in one piece, and armrest upholstery or repair is already reduced to a complete disassembly of the product into elements.

    Above in the picture on the left is a sofa where the top of the armrest is sewn in one piece with the back and seat. And the back wall with the sides of the armrest. In this case, in order to pull the armrest, you need to completely remove all the fabric from the sofa and alter it. There is simply no other way.

    Armrests with an adjustable angle of inclination, as a rule, are also sewn together with one cover both with the seat and with the back.

    It happens, as we saw above, in general, everything is sewn with one cover. In this case, too, everything is removed, sewn, and only then everything is upholstered in a new way. Here, as in the previous case, it is better to update the entire fabric entirely.

    The format of the article does not allow to place and give all the examples, so I will finish with another type of sidewalls of the sofa with decorative overlays. Here the top of the armrest is sewn together with the back as a single unit. To disassemble it, it is also necessary to remove the fabric of which the back of the sofa and sides are upholstered, then just remove the cover from the back and sidewall.

    I wrote all this for one purpose, to try to show the variety of armrests. And also help with the choice of furniture. If you keep pets, it is better and more practical to buy furniture modular type with removable sides. In this case, the hauling of the armrests will cost much less than the hauling of the entire sofa or chairs.

    Nothing lasts under the sun. This is also true for upholstered furniture, which is daily subjected to “torture” by the claws of pets, which is a canvas for small artists, which hardly endures the “raids” of guests. Even new sofas and armchairs quickly lose their appeal, which depresses the owners immensely. The only salvation in such a situation is a removable cover. This product can be bought or ordered, but the prices scare away. Therefore, self-production is fully justified. But before you sew a cover on the sofa with your own hands, step-by-step instruction- the first thing you need to carefully study. Strict adherence to it is a guarantee of results.

    Choosing the Right Fabric

    The “longevity” of a sewn cape on a sofa directly depends on the material, so it is not recommended to choose it in a hurry. The main requirements are strength, density, durability, if there are four-legged “tenants” in the house, the ability to resist claws. Well, if the matter is impregnated with a water-repellent composition, in this case, washing will be completely easy. The ideal fabric does not yet exist, everyone has their strengths, but they are not without their shortcomings.

    1. Velours. This velvety material is not demanding in care, relatively inexpensive (compared to velvet), wear-resistant. Any dirt can be easily removed from it. The downside is the fear of claws, so velor is not recommended if mustachioed-striped ones are in charge of the house.
    2. Jacquard is dense, durable, but quite light. Thanks to the twisted threads, the fabric is resistant to abrasion and deformation. The material has a pleasant texture, spectacular appearance, but there are drawbacks: the love of cats, its natural variety is expensive.
    3. Microfiber (microfiber) is a universal fabric, as it does not shed, does not wear out, dries instantly after cleaning with water. It is waterproof, hypoallergenic, pleasant to the touch. There are Teflon-coated species that are completely invulnerable.
    4. Flock is a durable and pleasant material that retains its shape even after prolonged use. All the advantages of microfiber have a Teflon type of flock, which is very easy to wash and dries incredibly quickly. The claws of animals are not a hindrance to her.
    5. Cotton is attractive for its naturalness, but at the same time it is a disadvantage. Such a cover will not last long, the fabric shrinks after washing, willingly burns out. However, cotton remains a desirable material for children's rooms.
    6. Chenille is a beautiful velvety fabric, light, soft, but dense. But there are many disadvantages - a contraindication for "cat houses", fear of moisture, aggressive agents, direct sunlight.
    7. Eco-leather is an ideal solution if there are no lovers of scratching and biting upholstered furniture in the house. These slipcovers look great in living rooms. Children are not afraid of eco-leather either, since any “arts” are very easily rubbed off from it. However, this is not true for all species.

    Textiles for the “cover debut” should not be expensive, since mistakes are common for a beginner craftswoman. Uniformity is also welcome, because in this case, on the way to the goal, they do not expect torment with fitting the pattern. The best option for an inexperienced "sheather" is training on an inexpensive fabric, even better - on old sheets. In this case, mistakes will not cost too much. The first cover that didn’t turn out “lumpy” will give the craftswoman a pattern-pattern for the next, already expensive, product.

    Cover fabric and interior

    When choosing a fabric, one should not forget about harmony. If the walls of the room are decorated with colorful wallpaper, then the best option will become a monophonic material - matte or glossy. Monochrome surfaces, on the contrary, allow even bright fabrics, but there is one requirement - the pattern on them must be small.

    Making a cape

    The most straightforward option to achieve what you want is to make a solid "spread" for the sofa. Details are cut out, then connected into a single whole. For the operation "cover on the sofa" you need to prepare:

    • textile;
    • centimeter;
    • ruler;
    • crayon;
    • tailor's scissors;
    • tracing paper, graph paper, newspapers or unnecessary wallpaper;
    • pins or needles;
    • threads: ordinary for basting, lavsan threads for a sewing machine.

    Material calculation, pattern

    Task number 1 - determining the amount of tissue. Before poisoning her to the store, you need to carry out this operation. If the sofa has standard dimensions, then approximately 8 m of fabric will be required for the cover. For a more accurate calculation, measure the length and width of the furniture, multiply each figure by 2 and add up.

    The next calculation is standard width fabric - 1.5 meters. If the sofa has a length of 210 cm, a width of -180 cm, then the material will need 7.8 m. However, this is only an approximate guideline that requires final adjustment, so you need to make a full-fledged pattern before going to the store.

    For her, the dimensions are recorded on paper and the shapes of all sections and the smallest details are drawn on a small scale. Then they are transferred to paper (or newspapers, wallpapers glued together) in full size. Leave allowances for seams, hem, 7 cm - the minimum required for covers. After receiving large parts, they are applied to the sofa and all dimensions are checked.

    Fabric consumption will increase significantly if the choice fell on a material with a pattern that requires alignment at the seams. In any case, it is recommended to add another one and a half meters to the figure obtained. In this case, it is easier not to get into a mess, and the remaining material is useful for replacing worn-out areas of the cover, adding frills, ruffles, pillowcases to decorative pillows. If the fabric is still not enough, then it is “stealed” from the back of the back, for which you can use a different fabric.

    The process of cutting fabric, sewing

    When all the elements of the pattern fit perfectly, proceed to cutting the pre-prepared fabric. Woolen and cotton fabrics are pre-washed in warm water so that it shrinks, otherwise the cover after washing may simply not fit on the sofa. Ironing through wet gauze is required for any fabric.

    It is laid face down on a flat hard surface. Given the direction of the shared thread, the patterns are laid out on the fabric, fixed with needles or pins. They are circled with chalk along the contour, at a distance of 7 cm from the first line, a second one is drawn. The material is cut out on it.

    The resulting parts are folded on the wrong side, a basting is made, then fitting on furniture follows. In the absence of defects, the allowances are reduced to 3 cm, the seams are grinded, the edges are folded, swept away, after new fitting build up.

    Corner sofa covers

    For sewing capes on corner furniture act in a similar way, in which the most important thing is a correctly made pattern. There is only one difference: first, two parts are sewn separately, then they are connected together. Each seam is treated from the inside with non-woven tape, this extra work help sofa cover complex shape keep her. The fabric is fixed at the corner joints, otherwise the product will look like a casually thrown cape.

    witty way

    This is the easiest option that allows you to get a cover very quickly. For him, they take a rather large piece of elastic fabric, with which the sofa is completely covered. The hanging parts are cut from below or the furniture is turned over and the excess is pulled together at the bottom. Excess fabric on the armrests is eliminated with draperies. To avoid displacement of the cover, wooden slats or pieces of metal-plastic pipe are deepened between the seat and other parts.

    A few "goodies"

    Some tips will help minimize the risk of annoying interference and mistakes, which can sometimes negate all your efforts.

    1. When transferring patterns to fabric, in no case should you save on allowances. Excess material is easy to remove, but its lack will be a disaster.
    2. When working with thick fabric, you can not use a small stitch width. The optimal step is 1.5-2 mm and two seams. Otherwise, the fabric is easily damaged.
    3. A loose cover is the lesser evil, as the excess is quite simply less noticeable if it is pulled down with elastic bands stitched into the seams.
    4. If the cover requires the protection of a leather sofa, then even for a cape made of durable fabric, an additional foam pad is needed to prevent slipping of the material and claws.
    5. Too wide "hem" of the cover is a defect eliminated by a drawstring, into which a simple linen gum is threaded.
    6. Those who masterfully own knitting needles can knit individual parts, and then only carefully sew them together.
    7. A tight product is worse than a free one, since constant tension does not contribute to durability.

    How to sew a cover on a sofa with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions tell in the smallest detail, however, the main qualities that a craftswoman needs are accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance and patience. How others sew “clothes” for furniture can be seen in this video:

    Owners of corner sofas are often faced with the fact that a completely suitable product loses its aesthetic appearance. A couple of stains or scratches on the upholstery completely ruin the overall look of the room. It also happens that you want to keep your favorite sofa in its original form, but you can’t blow off the dust particles from it. Ordinary bedspreads or capes are inconvenient: they move out, stray and don’t really protect, only furniture covers can help with this. Let's get to know them better.

    Features and Benefits

    Furniture covers perform important functions:

    • Protection. The cover can be purchased with the sofa. Small children and pets make the case an absolute must-have. New upholstery will avoid hazards such as scratches, puffs, hair and smudges.
    • Update. Over time, the sofa loses its saturated color, rubs in places, irremovable stains appear on it, which have their own history, traces of claws and wool. The cover perfectly hides all the existing imperfections.
    • A new style. No matter how beautiful the purchased sofa is, it will eventually get bored. Yes, and fashion is a very capricious lady. In the new season, the old color may be a sign of bad taste. A well-chosen cover will not only refresh the interior, but also allow you to always stay in trend.

    Among the advantages are the following:

    • sofa safety. The covers, unlike the upholstery, which requires disassembly of the sofa mechanism, retain its factory assembly, and, therefore, do not harm its internal parts in any way.
    • Practicality. As soon as the product becomes dirty, it can be quickly removed and washed.
    • Ease of installation. You can wear the product yourself. It doesn't take much time. If desired, you can change the covers every month or week.
    • Diversity. On sale there are products from materials of different colors and textures, all possible styles and types.
    • Price. The most expensive cover is cheaper than reupholstering and even cheaper than a new sofa.


    You can cover the entire sofa with covers, or you can individual elements. In this case, their cost will be lower, however, they will not perform all the functions of a full cover. Let's stop on the covers for the entire sofa. For corner sofas a wide range of covers. Various styles, materials and prices.

    It is worth considering only the size of the structure. Where is the ledge on the right or left. There are armrests or a shelf - it does not matter, since models for all sofa options are on sale. It remains only to find them.

    Types of covers for corner sofas:

    • Cape. It is a cover made of dense material, fixed on the sofa with decorative ties, ribbons or Velcro. Sometimes zippers can be used. The product is well fixed on the furniture and does not slip, unlike ordinary capes.

    • Rubber product. An elastic band runs along the edge of such a cover. As a rule, such products stretch well and are suitable for furniture of any configuration.

    • Eurocover. A dimensionless product that takes any shape. This quality is due to the elasticity and elasticity of the material. Eurocovers are durable, versatile and practical.

    The form is distinguished:

    • Free. Can hide the flaws of the furniture. Bag-like product is fixed with bows, ribbons. Made from dense materials. Sometimes in combination with lungs.
    • Falling down. A feature is the presence a large number frills, draperies. Fastened with ties and Velcro.
    • Fitted. Well-fitted or well-stretched cases. Ideally repeat the shape of the sofa.
    • Dense. This option is often sewn to order, as it should perfectly fit the size of the sofa. Any wrinkle and unevenness will be evident.

    Materials and fixings

    When choosing a case, you need to think about the material from which it is made. The quality, practicality and service life of the product depend on its characteristics.

    You should also consider the conditions for the use of furniture:

    • permanent sleeping place. It is necessary to choose wear-resistant materials that do not fade, do not fade and also remain durable. Mostly synthetic fabrics have similar characteristics. Equally important is their environmental friendliness.
    • Presence of small children and pets. Choose non-staining material with the expectation of frequent washing. Aversion to puffs and picking up wool will also be a plus.
    • Living room. The face of the house, a place for receiving guests. It is worth dwelling on materials with an interesting texture, unusual colors and elegant design.

    Consider the most common materials:

    • Velours. Velvety, soft surface, low cost compared to real velvet and wear resistance ensured popularity of velor. Does not accumulate static electricity, is easy to clean and does not cause allergic reactions.
    • Flock. Soft yet durable. It does not deform and repels water. Distinctive feature of this material is its immunity to light. It does not fade in sunlight.

    • Cotton. Natural origin provides an eco-friendly and breathable structure. It has bright, beautiful colors due to the ease of staining. Absorbs moisture well.
    • Jacquard. It can consist of both natural and artificial fibers. Retains color for a long time. Stretches well. Main characteristic is the strength due to the presence of synthetic polyester and elastane in the composition. A feature is an interesting relief pattern resembling a tapestry.
    • Relax. It looks like real leather. Does not absorb water and well restores shape. Distinctive feature- no puffs, which pet owners will be happy about.
    • Nubuck. Looks like suede. Distinguish between natural and artificial according to the type of raw material - leather. The latter is much cheaper and more unpretentious in care. Natural nubuck has low wear resistance and requires special care. Artificial nubuck is often used for furniture in offices and food outlets.
    • Microfiber or microfibre. Thin polymer fiber. Copies natural suede. Good for washing. It has high absorbency and dries quickly. In addition, moisture will not get from the front to the wrong side, which perfectly protects the furniture. The microfiber cover does not shed or roll down.

    • Eco-leather. Textile base coated with rubber or polyethylene. To make the material look like natural leather, a special impression is made. Is used for office furniture and as a replacement for genuine leather in home interiors.

    • Polyester. Synthetic fabric. Wear-resistant, safe. Can take any form. Doesn't wrinkle.
    • Chenille. A material that has gained recognition due to a special, characteristic pattern. Previously, such a texture was created manually by additional winding of threads. The use of automatic machines has reduced the cost of chenille. The composition has cotton, acrylic, viscose and polyester. Does not tolerate moisture and allows only dry cleaning.
    • Velveteen. Holds its shape well, which is important for cape cases. Does not spread and does not crumble. Tight and wear resistant. Returning the original appearance will help ordinary solution ammonia.
    • Teak. Cotton fabric with herringbone pattern. Does not shed or fade in the sun. Due to the special weave, it has a high density.
    • Damascus. The basis is silk, woolen, cotton or linen fabric. Material distinguished by nobility and brilliance. Feature- floral ornament.

    • Brocade. Currently made from man-made fibres. Rough and colorful - it can become the main accent of the interior. The presence of metal threads requires special care.
    • Tapestry. Natural wool, cotton, linen, silk, gold and silver threads, lurex and synthetic fibers. High density, as a result - dimensional stability and wear resistance. A wide selection of textures, colors, ornaments and plots. Holds color well. Does not tolerate ironing and home washing. Must be dry cleaned.

    So that the cover does not get off and does not cause inconvenience, it should be fixed, for this there are the following methods:

    • Zipper. Used for tight cases. Most often hidden, but sometimes highlighted bright color as an element of decor.
    • Ties. Suitable for free-cut products. Materials may vary. Decorative cords, satin ribbons, lace.
    • Buttons and buttons. Decor element that performs a fastening function.
    • Fixing tapes. Velcro - fastening in two parts: a hard one is nailed to the sofa, and a soft one is sewn to the cover. Hidden elements.
    • Elastic band sewn on the edge. Suitable for non-removable pillows.


    Corner sofas are large and massive. Thanks to the folding bed, it becomes even larger. The parameters of such products lie within a wide range and depend on the number of people who will use the design for sleep. Children's products, for example, have a bed length of 150 cm. If an adult uses a sofa - 200 or 210 cm. Standard sizes 3800x2000 mm.

    For owners of furniture of unusual dimensions and shapes, it is better to stop at universal covers made of tension material. On the corner sofas they sit like a glove.

    When buying a cover, it is worth considering not only the length of the bed, but also the height of the back. Corner sofas are great for all types of covers. You should also pay attention to the side of the ledge and the presence of armrests and shelves.


    Many furniture manufacturers offer covers for their products:

    • An example of such a manufacturer is the world famous Ikea. However, there are many companies that are not related to the furniture of this company, nevertheless, they specialize in covers for it. The number of proposals is uncountable. Different prices. Many manufacturers offer the service of tailoring a cover to order, taking into account the wishes of the client. It can be various style solutions or products for furniture of an unusual shape.

    • Turkish products are the most popular. Low cost and ease of care won the heart of the consumer. These qualities are due to the use of synthetic fabrics. The material most often consists of cotton, polyester and elastane. The final cost of the product depends on their ratio. The larger the proportion of synthetics, the cheaper the cover will be. The range of products is wide, mostly monochromatic colors. They benefit from the texture of the material.

    • Turkish manufacturers hold the palm in terms of the variety of products offered. Due to their versatility and convenience, well-stretching cases are most widely used. Manufacturers also focused on the production of these particular models. Something else can be found, but somewhat more difficult and costly.

    How to take measurements to buy a cover?

    At the time of buying universal cover for a corner sofa, it is necessary to measure the length of its back and correlate this size with the extensibility parameters of the cover. The length of the corner sofa can reach 5.5 meters. Owners of a good eye can just figure out how many people will fit on the seat of the sofa.

    In most cases, the covers indicate the category of furniture for which they are intended: double, triple. In the case of capes, you need to specify the model of your sofa and find out if the selected cape fits your sofa. When buying, pay attention to which side the protrusion is on.

    How to put on?

    Making a corner sofa with a cover does not require special knowledge, the main thing is to be attentive and accurate.

    Dressing is done as follows:

    1. It is necessary to move the sofa away from the wall in order to be able to get to any part of it.
    2. We lay out the cover according to the corners of the sofa. Let's focus on performance.
    3. If there are no additional instructions in the instructions, then you can put on a cover from either side. The main thing is to follow step 2 correctly.
    4. We spread the material over the entire surface.
    5. We fix the cover. Products are most often fixed from above and below.
    6. Stretching types of covers form voids. We get rid of them with the help of special gaskets. We insert them into the gaps between the back and seat. Ready!

    See the next video for a visual way of pulling the cover.

    In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, before going to the store, decide on the following characteristics:

    • Textile. Choose based on the conditions of use. Explore the most common materials and choose the option that suits your characteristics.
    • Color. Decide on a color based on general style premises. Remember that light-colored covers get dirty quickly, which means they require frequent washing. Give preference to a dense product that will retain its structure after a large number of washes.
    • Style. Directly depends on the type of construction. Find out if there are ready-made cases for your model.
    • Dimensions. The cover should fit the dimensions of your sofa. Specify which dimensions are required for the selected model.

    The variety of types, styles, shapes and sizes of covers is completely confusing. Therefore, use some secrets of their purchase:

    • A non-stretch ordinary cover requires knowledge of the exact dimensions of the furniture. Check with the sellers for the required sizes and check them again before buying.
    • Cases to order, of course, are quite expensive. However, this is a way to get a completely unique thing that meets all practical and aesthetic requirements.
    • Eurocover - the easiest and most convenient option. Easy to put on and take off, does not require special care. On sale there is the widest range of this type of covers.
    • When buying, pay attention to the weakest points of the product, namely: the quality of fittings and fasteners. This will help you immediately recognize a fake.
    • Do not make a final purchase decision without checking the quality of the seams, the integrity of the fabric, and the absence of defects.
    • Remember the more decorative elements, the more likely they are to disappear. In addition, a simple product is easier to care for.
    • Read the instructions. There are covers made of fabrics that require special care.
    • Sometimes covers are sold with ready-made related products that match in style - rollers, tablecloths, decorative pillows and napkins.

    Do it yourself

    Creative people can make interesting and stylish cases with their own hands. It can be done different ways. For example, knit or sew. Knitted covers will be especially relevant in the cold season. Use the crochet technique, such a cover is denser than knitting, will not stretch and will last noticeably longer. To increase the wear resistance of the product, add synthetic threads to natural ones. You can knit with rhombuses, squares, use different colors. You can decorate the edges with lace.

    It doesn’t matter if it is a sewn or knitted case, the scheme for its creation is approximately the same and consists of the following steps:

    1. Choice of fabric, yarn.
    2. Measuring sofa parameters.
    3. Calculation of the amount of material.
    4. Pattern making.
    5. Sample, basting.
    6. Sewing.

    In addition to desire and material, you will need tools:

    • threads;
    • a set of needles;
    • sewing machine;
    • scissors;
    • measuring instrument (meter, tape measure);
    • marker, bar of soap or crayons.

    When choosing a fabric, consider the conditions in which it will be used. In the presence of children or pets, it is better to stay on non-staining and durable materials.

    The parameters of the sofa are necessary to calculate the amount of material. For the convenience and accuracy of the result, it is necessary to visually divide the sofa into rectangular parts and calculate their areas. The sum of the areas of all rectangles will be the amount of fabric needed.

    You should also estimate the amount of material needed for small items and add them to the total. Remember that the fabric needs to be bought with a margin, so we add another meter to the resulting number. Better to have a surplus than a shortage. In addition, the remaining material can be useful in the restoration of worn parts.

    We wash the cover, iron it, put it on the sofa and admire the result of our labors. The uniqueness of each sofa model leads to the impossibility general recommendations for pattern making. Each sofa has its own characteristics.

    When measuring a sofa, mark its dimensions on paper. Consider scale. Later these parameters will be superimposed on the material. Style decisions entirely dependent on your imagination. However, with a lack of sewing experience, avoid fabrics with ornaments or complex patterns. The fabric will have to be customized according to the pattern, which will require not only skill, but also more material.

    How to cut?

    The main and most difficult step in creating a cape for a sofa is making a pattern. If there is no or very little experience in sewing covers, it makes sense to practice on any unnecessary fabric. We make a pattern, sew it by hand with large quilted stitches and try it on. There are almost always places that need to be improved. We customize. A miracle happens and the cover sits perfectly on the sofa. We carefully unpick it and get a finished pattern that is perfect for the desired sofa.

    If you have enough experience and self-confidence, then you can do without training. To make a pattern, the following tools are needed: paper (millimetric paper is better, but ordinary paper will do), crayons (make sure that they are not easily washed), a meter and scissors.

    Here we use the previously prepared sizes:

    • To do this, the fabric must be spread on a horizontal surface with the wrong side up.
    • We mark the sizes with a piece of soap, a marker or chalk. We leave allowances of one to two centimeters for seams and fitting.
    • Finished silhouettes are cut and sewn by hand or cleaved together with pins.

    • We make a fitting and evaluate the general appearance of the resulting semi-finished product.
    • We eliminate inaccuracies and shortcomings with the help of pins and a couple of stitches. Having achieved a satisfactory result, we flash everything on a typewriter.
    • Then we remove the remaining hand seams and sew on various decorations. They can be functional locks and buttons.
    • Lace, frills, frills will add romance to the interior. Decorative ribbons, ribbons and embroideries emphasize originality.
    • Keep in mind that all additional elements must not only fit into general interior, but also approach the main material of the cover in terms of texture and color.

    You should also think about convenience. A couple of pockets help you store small items like your TV remote.

    However, every good seamstress has her own secrets:

    • The more seam allowances, the more space for maneuvering when fitting the product.
    • The stronger the threads, the longer the cover will last. In the case of using thin threads, the product will have to be altered very soon, as it will begin to spread at the seams.
    • Remember, the stitch size depends on the fabric. Too small a stitch will destroy its structure. We sew dense materials twice.
    • Take a closer look at the sofa. Often even, at first glance, areas have some deviations. Add a couple of millimeters to the parameters of the areas in which you are not entirely sure.
    • If the cover slips off, then you can solve the problem with a clothesline, simply by sewing it on the back.
    • From the remaining material you can sew wonderful decorative pillows.

    Ideas in the interior

    Do not forget that the sofa is the main piece of furniture, a kind of emperor of the room. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to his style. However, even the most beautiful and elegant image sooner or later becomes boring. The use of covers will help to solve this problem. They can easily change the look of furniture. Cases can be anything. By mood, by day of the week, by season. Luxurious or ascetic. With and without frills. Two-color, three-color and one-color.

    Consider different design options:

    • The combination of warm, eye-pleasing colors is perfect for a child's room. And the striped material of the sofa and pillows will not let the latter get lost against its background. Ruffles in smaller stripes will add a touch of fun to the interior.

    • Patchwork covers will add coziness and originality to your interior. In addition, they are very interesting to create manually. Bows, ribbons will perfectly decorate a plain sofa and add zest to your interior.

    How often do we start home alterations? The soul needs change and this is quite normal. Sometimes the personal desire of the owner becomes the reason for the alteration. However, most often a situation occurs when the owners are forced to, so to speak, repair pieces of furniture that have become unusable or worn out. Very often this story concerns sofas. This piece of furniture, as a rule, wears out faster than others, and the reason for this is our favorite pastime after work.

    As a rule, in despair, the household decides to completely change the covers by the sofa. However, this pleasure is not cheap. Changing sofa covers sometimes costs as much as buying a new one. In addition, you will have to disassemble the sofa and transport it to the workshop, and then back. So why not make your life easier and sew covers yourself?

    Wise housewives take the situation into their own hands and decide to sew a cover for furniture with their own hands. Great way out. Moreover, in this case, there is no need to search for a good master. We are now our own masters and can do everything with our own hands. And the step-by-step instructions below will help us in this matter.

    Tools and materials

    Perhaps every housewife will find materials and tools for sewing a sofa. Except for the material itself and the sewing machine. But in our time, finding these items will not be a big problem.

    From small parts we will need:

    • spool of thread,
    • scissors,
    • pins for fastening parts of the fabric on the wrong side,
    • roulette.

    As a material for the cover itself, you can use both light upholstery fabrics and dense ones. The choice is big enough. The most important thing is that the color of the cover is combined with the interior in the room.

    As a rule, a cover for a medium-sized sofa requires approximately 8 meters of fabric. We advise you to buy fabrics in the store for 1.5-2 meters more. If the fabric remains, then you can try to sew sofa cushions. These pillows will complement the new decor in the room.

    Sofa cover patterns

    Undoubtedly, it will be very, very difficult to cope without basic sewing skills and working on a sewing machine. Do not despair, because this is a matter of time. Learn for everyone.

    All sofas have an individual shape, so you probably won’t be able to use standard patterns. But for an example, you can familiarize yourself with the pattern below.

    Do not skimp on the material for the cover. Work across the entire width of the canvas. Make all patterns with your own hands. Do not worry if the cover does not fit snugly around the sofa, styles are different.

    Step by step instructions for sewing a sofa cover

    Below is an example of sewing a sofa cover. A small sofa is taken as a basis, on the example of which we will show how to sew a cover and transform this piece of furniture. In addition, a similar cover can also be sewn on a chair. We'll show you how to make loose pleats at the bottom of a sofa. Thanks to them, it will be easy to put on a cover on any product.

    On a note! It is worth noting that it took about 3.5 meters of fabric to sew the presented sofa.

    How to sew a sofa cover with your own hands? You will receive the most detailed answer below.

    1 step: Throw the fabric over the sofa wrong side up. Position it as for the finished case.

    2 step: If there is not enough fabric, consider extensions from additional material. In addition, pockets can be sewn on the back wall, in which you can put various little things. It is very convenient and practical.

    4 step: Peel off the sofa cover at all intended seams.

    5 step: In the right places, make cuts to connect the parts of the cover.

    On a note! The most scrupulous place is the side folds of the sofa cover. The rectangular canvas of the back goes forward and closes the counter. It is necessary to cut the fabric from the “sitting” part of the sofa in the selected place and grind off with the back. Moreover, you need to cut the rectangle so that it turns out without excess. Parts for stitching need to be connected with pins. Do not forget that the fabric still remains wrong side up.

    7 step: Turn the folded cover right side out and put it back on the sofa. The cover should be freely put on the sofa and fit it from all sides. You can sew the product, making sure that it fits well on the sofa!

    9 step: Separately, I would like to pay attention to the frill of the sofa. On the frill, you can make folds for a special design of the cover and its free fit on the sofa. The folds are made about 2 cm deep. The distance between the folds is determined independently, depending on personal preferences. You can use a small ruler or other object to mark even spaces on the furniture fabric.

    Beautiful sofas are not in all homes. And all because many people do not know how to care for them. A sofa cover is a way out, especially since you can sew it yourself. And it doesn’t matter what kind of furniture at home, an armchair or a salt. You can always find an easy way to sew or knit your own bedspread, cape, click-clack, elastic covers, etc.

    A sofa cover is a way out, especially since you can sew it yourself

    Whatever the fabric on the sofa, it needs to be replaced in a timely manner, otherwise the furniture will lose its presentable appearance.

    So, a master class on sewing such a cover:

    1. First you need to measure the furniture. The distance is measured from the floor to the top of the product, as well as from the floor and along it. Then you should add all the distances and multiply the sum by 2. Why? This will give you an idea of ​​how much fabric you will need and how big the pattern should be.
    2. The second stage is the preparation of the material. Soft fabric should be cut, but it should be washed and dried. You can use the washing machine. Before starting work, the material should be ironed. If this is not done, the cover will be wrinkled.
    3. After that, a template for the future product is created. The fabric must be draped with either gauze or paper. Then you need to draw with chalk places for handles, backs, seats, etc. Then, with the help of scissors, circled patterns are cut out.
    4. At this stage, all the parts should be symmetrically attached to each other so that they can be sewn. For convenience, it is worth using pins, but they need to be fixed on the inside of the product. Thanks to this, the cover will form a shape.
    5. Then the parts are sewn together. You should use a sewing machine, because if you sew a thick fabric by hand, then the parts will probably not hold together properly. Alternatively, the product may tear at the seam.
    6. To give the product a finished look, you should hem its ends. It is recommended to stop from time to time to make sure that the seam goes strictly along the line drawn in chalk.

    On last step product should be tested. The finished cover is placed on the sofa. Paying attention to it, you can determine where it was sewn unevenly.

    Gallery: do-it-yourself sofa cover (25 photos)

    How to sew a sofa cover in an evening (video)

    How to sew a cover on a corner sofa?

    1. Angular sofa cover sew similarly. You can also sew a cover for the kitchen corner. The first step is to choose a fabric. It should be tight enough and comfortable to sit on. It is not recommended to purchase too expensive material, as it will have to be washed from time to time.
    2. In order to be sure to purchase material suitable for the size of the sofa, it is worth buying more, because when making a pattern, you can make a mistake. This must be kept in mind.
    3. The corner of the furniture is measured diagonally. It is also necessary to take measurements for the length and width of the sofa.
    4. After that, a pattern is made. The pattern must match the template. For convenience, you can circle the template with chalk, as it can then be easily erased.
    5. For each pattern, a similar one is made. They must be symmetrical. If one pattern is larger than the other, then it needs to be trimmed.
    6. The size of the patterns must exactly match the measurements taken from the sofa.
    7. After that, the main parts of the cover are thrown over the sofa, and the excess fabric is placed under the pillows.

    In order to be sure to purchase material suitable for the size of the sofa, it is worth buying more, because when making a pattern, you can make a mistake

    How to sew a sofa cover with armrests?

    Furniture with armrests also needs a cover.

    It is done step by step:

    1. The first step is to choose the material for sewing.
    2. After that, measurements are taken from the furniture. It is necessary to measure not only the length and width of the product, but also the size of the armrests. For convenience, you can use a measuring tape. Be sure to measure the width of the armrest. What is this cut? This is the distance from the floor to the height of the armrest.
    3. Then you need to open the cover gasket.
    4. The edging of the gasket is sewn to the cover.
    5. Then the main parts of the cover are revealed.
    6. The armrests also open up. They are attached to the sofa and open over the entire surface of the armrest. To reveal their length, it is necessary to make a pattern 5-7 cm more than necessary.
    7. The pads are thrown over the sofa.

    Furniture with armrests also needs a cover

    At the end, the cover is put on the sofa, on the armrests and seats.

    Sofa cover with elastic: instructions

    If all the sewn parts fit snugly against the sofa, then we can assume that the cover is sewn well.

    Sewing method:

    1. When the fabric is selected, you should calculate the size of the patterns. Since an elastic band will be inserted into each part for the cover, the product should be 5-7 cm larger than necessary.
    2. Furniture is measured. Be sure to measure the length and width of the sofa.
    3. After the pattern is made, you need to sew on the elastic, bending the edge of the fabric to the wrong side. It is best to use a sewing machine so that the elastic does not come out and the cover does not lose its shape.
    4. Symmetrical parts are sewn together.
    5. After that, each finished part is applied to the furniture. If any of them is larger or smaller than necessary, then you will have to change it, because the rubber cover should fit snugly against the furniture. Therefore, in this method, it is very important to take measurements correctly and make the pattern a little larger than necessary by the standards.

    If all the sewn parts fit snugly against the sofa, then we can assume that the cover is sewn well. It remains only to put a cover on the sofa.

    We sew eurocover

    The eurocover is not difficult to sew, the main thing is to follow the sequence of all points of the plan:

    1. When the fabric for sewing is selected, the length and width of the product should be measured. To make a pattern for such a cover, 10 cm must be added to each value obtained.
    2. The seam lines should be on the bends.
    3. A single piece of upholstery should be folded across the width. Then details are cut out for furniture, if there are armrests and pillows, then there should be more fabric.
    4. The cut points are sewn a half cm closer from the edge.
    5. The eurocover must have ribbons. It is sewn to the inside of the product, and then tied together.

    Eurocovers come in different shapes. This method considered as simple as possible.

    How to sew a chair cover?

    1. Work should begin with taking measurements from the chair. This should be done in order to know how much fabric you need to purchase, as well as in order to determine the size of the patterns.
    2. After the measurement is made, the numbers are recorded and multiplied by 2. That is how much material is needed to sew the cover.
    3. The fabric needs to be cut. Details such as the backrest and armrest are connected. The seams should be even.
    4. The cover is attached to the chair. It should fit snugly on it.
    • So that the cover does not slip on the furniture and is firmly fixed, it is worth using a PVC tube and pulling the cover over it.
    • All measurements during operation must be recorded. It is not recommended to discard this data, as it is possible that in the future there will be a desire to re-sew the product again. Thus, the person will save his time.