How to cut tiles at home: the best ways. How to cut tiles with different tile cutters? Choice of cutting tool


Laying tiles requires certain skills and qualifications. This is especially true when you need to adjust the tile to the desired size and you have to work with a grinder or a tile cutter. Most of the damaged tiles happen during cutting.

Choice of tile cutter

Regardless of which tile needs to be cut, wall or floor, and regardless of the direction in which it needs to be cut, the edges of the cut pieces should be as even as possible. After all, an uneven, carelessly cut tile, if laid on the surface, will immediately catch the eye.

It is best to cut tiles with a tile cutter.

It is specifically designed for this, so you can work with it even without proper experience.

However, an electric tile cutter is expensive, so if you have tiling in your renovation plans, it is better to purchase a manual tile cutter.

Externally, the tile cutter looks like a platform with tongs attached. But according to its principle of action, it is more like a glass cutter. As in a glass cutter, the main working body in a tile cutter is a heavy-duty alloy wheel. Compared to a glass cutter, it is much larger, since other surfaces have to be cut. But the principle of operation is the same: the wheel makes a scratch on the tile in the place where a break is needed.

When choosing a tile cutter in a hardware store, choose a model where the carriage has bearings. This is important because there are models in which the carriage is put directly on the rails. They are cheaper, but they have a stiffer stroke, and play can occur, and as a result, the impeller has to be changed often.

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The main rules when working with a tile cutter

Before you start cutting tiles with a tile cutter, you need to spend a little time getting it ready for work. First you need to make sure that the cutting wheel is in working order. If it is dull, it should be replaced. In hardware stores, you can pick it up for any model of tile cutter.

It is necessary to check that the wheel is securely fixed and rotates strictly along the axis, and does not stagger to the sides. If the wheel staggers, then it must be fixed by tightening the mounting bolt, otherwise an even cut will not come out. Immediately before work, the wheel and guide frame should be lightly lubricated with machine oil. But do not overdo it, you need 2-3 drops of oil, no more.

When cutting tiles, the rule applies: the denser the tile, the thinner the strip can be cut off from it. But still, cutting a strip of less than 5 mm with a tile cutter will not work; for such cases, special wire cutters are needed.

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How to cut tiles correctly?

First you need to measure the desired distance on the tile and draw a cut line with a construction marker or felt-tip pen. This mark is what you need to get a straight cut. The tile lies on the base of the tile cutter with the applied line up, and so that the wheel and the applied line coincide.

Holding the tile with one hand, with the other we raise the handle with the wheel so that the wheel rests on the tile in its upper part in relation to you at the very beginning of the future break. Having put the wheel, it is necessary with a little pressure, so that there is a risk, move the handle towards you. You only need to make one pass. If you do more, you will not be able to precisely draw along the line and the fault will turn out to be ugly, crooked.

A tile cutter is a versatile tool for cutting tiles.

The incised tile is divided into parts using special stops, similar to wings. When cutting, the roller does not allow the stops to press on the surface, but when the line is cut through, they are activated. To do this, we reinstall the plank in the lower part so that the stops press on the lower third of the tile near the base of the handle and on the lower part of its surface.

The stops must be equipped with special pads so as not to leave marks on the surface. If they are not there, then they can be replaced by wrapping the ends of the supports in several layers with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. Having fixed the tile, we hold the lever with our left hand, and lightly hit it from above with our right hand. The tile should split into two pieces. But even if the tile did not crack after the impact, you should not immediately panic. Maybe you didn't hit hard enough, hit again, harder.

If the incision is made correctly, then the split will be even. But even if the fault turned out to be not too smooth, it can always be corrected by applying a grinding stone or sandpaper.

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How to cut tiles with a grinder and a glass cutter?

A tile cutter is the best solution when it comes to cutting tiles. However, it happens that the amount of work is too small to buy a tile cutter. In this case, a grinder or a glass cutter will come to the rescue.

When working with a grinder, you need to remember that this is a tool of increased danger. This rule becomes even more relevant if you cut tiles with a grinder, because it was not originally intended for such work. Therefore, it is impossible to cut a tile with a grinder that is not equipped with a protective cover in any case. You also need to take care of your own eyes and ears by wearing protective goggles and earmuffs.

To cut tiles, you need to use only a diamond wheel. A circle for metal will not cope with such work. The tile must be securely fastened. After turning on the grinder, you need to wait until the disk picks up speed, and then, pressing down a little, draw the disk along the marking line. You must drive the disc on your own.

When working, the grinder must be kept level so that the disk is always at an angle of 90º to the cut line. Compared to a tile cutter, the cut will not be as high quality, but after processing with a grinding wheel it will look decent.

If you do not have a tile cutter or a grinder, and you need to cut the tiles, you can also use a regular glass cutter. But when using a glass cutter, the tiles will need to be soaked in water for at least an hour. And only after that proceed to marking and cutting.

The technique of cutting tiles is no different from cutting glass. Tiles must be laid on a flat and stable surface. A ruler lies near the drawn line. Next, draw a glass cutter along the marked line, while not making the cut too deep. Having made an incision, the tile is shifted to the edge of the surface so that the edge of the surface and the incision made coincide. Now it is enough to press on both sides, and the tile will crack exactly along the notch.

You can use a carbide-bladed jigsaw to cut tiles. But it's too slow to work with. To cut one tile with a jigsaw, it will take from 5 to 10 minutes, which is too much, especially considering how many such operations need to be performed during installation.

Today, ceramic tiles have become one of the most sought-after materials for interior decoration. And if you decide to save money and put it on your own, then you will definitely encounter the need for cutting.

If you have not had to cut tiles before, then before starting work, it is better to practice on defective material. So you will fill your hand a little, and you won’t feel sorry for the damaged tile. The main thing is not to despair and not give up after the first setbacks. And then everything will work out for you.

Tile is one of the oldest ways of facing a room. Despite this, it is still used today, taking its rightful place along with modern finishing materials. Thanks to its technical characteristics and beautiful appearance, the tile has become the market leader in interior cladding products. Many people prefer it.

When laying tiles, you can not do without cutting it, since ceramic tiles often do not fit in their dimensions. Therefore, in many cases they are cut. And without certain knowledge and special tools, this is not so easy to do. If you are not going to lay tiles for professional purposes, then you can save on buying high-tech tools. So, you can buy a manual tile cutter.

It is mechanical, easy to use and much cheaper than electric ones.

List of tools

When working with tiles, you will need the following tools:

  • tile cutter;
  • pen for marking or felt-tip pen;
  • a ruler, preferably made of metal;
  • manual tile cutter.

Manual tile cutter

While cutting tiles, many people use a manual tile cutter, as this is one of the most convenient options. It is high quality and inexpensive at the same time.

The manual tile cutter consists of the following components:

  • support (it is also the basis);
  • guiding part of the structure;
  • a cutting element consisting of a roller and a cutting disc;
  • lever.

The optimal option is as follows:

  • due to the simplicity of the design, it is easy to use;
  • the handle that moves the carriage with the cutting disc acts as a lever;
  • due to the laws of physics, the force on the cut is reduced;
  • allows you to make a precise cut.
  • But this tool also has its drawbacks:

  • with such a tile cutter it is impossible to make a cut at a distance of less than 5 mm from the edge of the tile;
  • if you need small pieces, about 5-7 mm, you will have to be very careful. It is possible that the tile will break.


When using a tile cutter, it is important to study the safety rules inherent in any such tool:

  • before starting work, you should examine the item, see if there are any breakdowns or other damage;
  • the carriage should move freely, smoothly and without pushing;
  • tubular guides should not contain pieces of tiles, traces of mortar and other debris. After cleaning, they should be lubricated with machine oil;

  • the disk for cutting tiles should be easy to rotate around its axis and not contain burrs;
  • to avoid injury, it is advisable to use special glasses and protective gloves.

Carving basics

Before you start cutting tiles, you need to re-check the calculations, and draw a strip on the tile. An incision is made along this line. It is better to draw a line with a marker, so it will not be erased, and you will accurately follow the direction of movement.

We fix the tile, clearly fixing it on the tool. There are designs that have tacks with special layers made of rubber. In other cases, you will have to cut off part of the tile (diagonally). The other half must be held by hand. However, there is nothing complicated about this. During the incision, you need to measure the pressure exerted by your hand on the handle.

If you apply too much force, then the decorative layer can easily deteriorate, and if you apply too little, then you will not be able to break the tile. It is impossible to pass the tool on the tile twice.

For training purposes, previously broken material can be used. Having fixed it, you need to lead the carriage towards you. So you can easily determine the force of the required pressure. The cut must be made in one motion, otherwise you may damage the decorative part of the tile.

After making the cut, the tile should be laid on a smooth surface, the cut line should coincide with the edge of the surface. With one hand, holding the tile on one side of the cut, with the other, we press.

If everything is done correctly, then the tile should break exactly along the line. Above it was told how to work with a manual tile cutter, below we will analyze its electric version.

Electric tile cutter

Not everyone has such an electrical device, and many are interested in how to use it. An electric tile cutter is similar to a circular saw due to the identical location of the swivel head, motor, support and disc. They are distinguished only by the fact that in a high-quality electric tile cutter there is a dish with water at the bottom. This cools the disc during cutting and reduces dust.

Positive quality of electric tile cutter:

  • it allows you to make a perfectly even cut;
  • the minimum number of chips formed;
  • allows you to cut tiles at a certain angle;
  • almost complete absence of dust;
  • possibility of cutting small parts.

There are also cons:

  • such a device is quite expensive;
  • there is no way to make a curved incision.

Safety regulations

We must not forget about safe behavior when working with an electrical appliance.

  • work should be done only in special glasses;
  • before starting work, you should pay attention to the disk, which must be sharp enough and rotate smoothly;
  • if there is an incomprehensible sound or sparks, the equipment should be disconnected from the power supply and taken to a service center;
  • check if there is water;
  • You can start cutting only after the disc has gained maximum speed.

cutting tiles

The main feature of the tool is that it is elementary simple. It must be set so that the disc is guided exactly along the line drawn for the cut. The tile must be guided, holding, not forgetting that the first touch should be light enough. Next, you should make a little effort while advancing the tile.

If you feed the tile by hand without fixing it, be sure to ensure that there is no vibration, as chips may form.

Important: To increase the life of the disk, you should periodically replace the water during the carving, especially if you have a large number of tiles. During cutting, both parts of the tile should be pressed with the same force to avoid distortion.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter?

During construction work performed by oneself, it may often be necessary to cut the tiles yourself at home. However, it is not necessary to use a tile cutter for this purpose. If you do not have large amounts of work, then it makes no sense to purchase an expensive tool. When working with small batches and piece products, improvised means can also be used.

Cut types:

  • The incision is made strictly on a flat line. You should also understand where the cut is going. It is considered curly if the distance between the line and the edge is no more than 2 cm.
  • Mosaic elements. Strict forms from geometric shapes also belong to the curly cut. In other cases, you need to crush the tile into small pieces. All products are placed in a bag and, using a heavy tool, break to the required size. Non-ceramic tiles are an exception.
  • Round holes with different diameters.
  • Curly cutouts.

angle grinder

You can use a grinder if there is no tile cutter. This is considered a universal device. It should be noted that for people who have little skills in using this tool, this method is suitable for straight curly shapes, as well as any lines, including curved stripes.

In the process of work you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • special helmet;
  • it is advisable to use a respirator;

  • diamond circle. You can use a cutting wheel for stone;
  • gloves and a special suit. It must be closed;
  • clamping tool. In some cases, a vise may be needed;
  • protective glasses.

A manual tile cutter is a simple tool.

But in order to use it correctly, you need to be aware of some features.

They will be discussed in this article, the topic of which is a manual tile cutter: a video and a description of the technology for using the tool.

When choosing a manual tile cutter, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Carriage mechanism. There are two varieties: roller and bearing. The roller carriage of a quality tile cutter moves easily at first, but soon loses its smoothness. Bearing tile cutters are more expensive, but have a number of advantages: they last longer, cut more accurately and provide a smooth ride for the carriage.
  2. The bed must have sufficient rigidity, which is provided by the ribs under the bed. The low-strength frame bends under load and the tile breaks crookedly, not along the furrow.
  3. Guide thickness. The higher this parameter, the lower the probability of carriage backlash.
  4. cutting wheel diameter. Should be the larger, the thicker the tile.
  5. Bed size. It is advisable to purchase a tile cutter with a bed large enough to cut large floor tiles and make diagonal cuts.
  6. Manufacturer. Guarantee of quality and durability of the tool - well-established, time-tested brands: Sigma, First, Matrix, Rubi, S.A., Germans Boada.
  7. Additional features. These are the ruler (allows you to estimate the width of the cut off and the remaining parts) and the rotary bed (it is used to cut at different angles).

Using a manual tile cutter

Before use, check the serviceability of the tile cutter according to the following criteria:

  1. The diamond roller is sharply sharpened, there are no chips or gouges on the cutting edge. Otherwise, the tile breaks crookedly, you get a lot of marriage. A defective video is changed.
  2. There is no carriage play. If there is play, it is eliminated by adjusting screws. If it does not help, the tile cutter is repaired or replaced.
  3. The carriage moves smoothly. If it sticks, lubricate the guides. It is also useful to lubricate the roller so that it rotates more easily.
  4. Clean stand. The crumbs of ceramics on it look like.
  5. The condition of the rubber mats preventing tiles from slipping. They should fit snugly to the base.
  6. The angle between the stop and the axis of movement of the carriage is 90 degrees. Checked with a square.

It is advisable for left-handers to purchase a tile cutter with a mirrored double ruler.

Benefits of a manual tile cutter

Compared to an electric tile cutter, a manual one wins in the following:

  1. Low cost. It should also be noted that the cutting element is cheap: a diamond blade costs much more than a roller.
  2. Compact and light weight - easy to transport.
  3. Simplicity of design.
  4. Independence from electricity.
  5. No noise and dust.
  6. No operating costs: when using the electric version, you have to pay for electricity.
  7. Ability to work at any humidity and temperature.

Marking before cutting

And here is what loses:

  1. Performance. With a significant amount of work, it is better to use an electric tile cutter.
  2. Cut quality. After a manual tile cutter, the edge, if it is not hidden by the plinth, has to be sanded.
  3. The complexity of the operation. A beginner will have to spend some, albeit a little, time to learn how to move the roller with the same effort and uniform speed.
  4. The ability to cut tiles only in a straight line. A conventional electric tile cutter also has such a limitation, but there are special models for curvilinear (shaped) cutting. The cutting element is a ring rotated by the engine.
  5. There is no way to cut a groove in the tile.
  6. The width of the cut off part cannot be less than 1 cm.

In addition, a manual tile cutter is difficult to cut high hardness tiles.

How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter

The principle of operation of a manual tile cutter is the same as that of a glass cutter: a pressed diamond roller, when rolling, destroys the surface layer and leaves a groove, after which part of the tile is broken off. The difference is that the strong mounting of the roller and the presence of a lever allow you to press on it with great effort.

It sounds simple, but in order to perform the operation correctly, knowledge of some nuances is required. Consider in detail all the stages of cutting.

Tile cutting technology


The marking is applied according to the results of measurements of the area for which the tile is cut. It is better to apply the cut line with a marker - the pencil on the tile is hard to see.

In the absence of experience with a tile cutter, it is advisable to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm for leveling and grinding when marking the tiles, especially if the cut edge is not hidden by the plinth.

Tile cutting technology

The operation is carried out as follows:

  1. The tile is laid face up on the bed, so that the line drawn with the marker is exactly above the breaking edge. Above it is a diamond roller.
  2. On one side, the tile rests against the stop on the frame - this prevents its displacement.
  3. If necessary, cut off a narrow strip, the main part of the tile hanging from the frame. For stability, drywall or bars of the same thickness as the bed are placed under it.
  4. Holding the lever, the tile cutter carriage is transferred to the working position: the support legs are bent and the diamond roller is placed on the tile.
  5. Pressing on the lever, roll the roller along the drawn line. The key to a quality cut is uniform force and speed.

It is advisable for a novice master to practice on a broken or defective tile.

A furrow of sufficient depth must be cut in one pass. If you try again, you cannot set the roller in exactly the same position, you will get two grooves and the tile will break crookedly.

Should tiles be wetted?

Soaking tiles before cutting in warm water is a useful procedure: the material softens and therefore crumbles less, the cut is smoother.

Soaking time is 40-50 minutes. No more needed - the tile will deteriorate.

Porcelain stoneware is not subjected to soaking - only tiles.

If the tile is large, and there was no large capacity at hand, it is wrapped with wet rags.

Cutting: towards or away from yourself

Properly move the tool carriage away from you. So it will be easier to manage it and provide the required effort. But excessive efforts should be avoided - you can damage the material.


Having brought the roller to the end of the line, the carriage is lifted by the lever, as a result of which the support legs are placed on the tile. They press the lever so that the paws break the tile on the rib protruding from the frame.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter

Other tools are also used for cutting tiles.

Tongs-tile cutter

Special tongs with a plate on the upper sponge. The cutting roller is installed below.

It is required to run the roller over the material, then grab it with the sponges so that the groove is in the center of the plate, and squeeze the tool.

Tongs can also come in handy if you have a tile cutter.

With their help, fragments of small sizes are bitten off (when cutting with a tile cutter, the width of the cut-off part should be more than 1 cm) and curved cuts are formed, which a manual tile cutter is not capable of.


If a tile cutter is a highly specialized tool, then it is used to solve a wider range of tasks and therefore is available in almost every household.

Consequently, when performing one-time work, tile cutting is more often implemented with this tool.

Cutting is carried out by a disk. Steel discs are preferred: they are thinner than stone ones and last longer.

Steel wheels are divided into two types:

  1. Segmented. They are separated by slots into parts, which improves heat dissipation and ensures free expansion of the metal when heated. Due to this, the disc is capable of within 1 min. cut the tile without cooling, after which it is twisted for 20 - 30 seconds. at idle to cool down. Due to the ability to cut the material dry, such discs are called dry cutters. Their disadvantage is the low quality of the cut.
  2. Solid. Another name is a wet cutting disc. There are no slots for thermal relief, so you can only work dry without interruption for 10-15 seconds. Long-term operation requires cold water supply to the cutting zone. Compared to a segmented blade, a solid blade cuts smoother and better.
  3. Combined. Can be used for both dry and wet cutting.

According to their characteristics, combined discs are located between solid and segmented:

  • cutting quality: better than segmented, but worse than solid;
  • continuous operation time: more than continuous, but less than segmented.

For single works of small volume - the combined disk is considered the most preferable.

If it is enough to install the segmented and solid disks for cleaning from crumbs on the other side, then this option does not work with the combined one. This cutting element can only be installed on one side. Cleaning is done by cutting sand-lime bricks or concrete tiles.

Hard varieties of tiles, such as porcelain stoneware, are cut with diamond-coated discs. According to the method of fixing diamond chips, discs for domestic use are divided into two types:

  1. with soldering on silver solder;
  2. with positive lock: the crumb is fused into the heated edge of the disk.

The latter are more expensive, but last longer and better tolerate overheating.

To cut the tile with a grinder correctly, you should follow the rules:

  • The cut starts from the front side: most of the chips are formed when the disk leaves the material.
  • The tile is cut in one pass. With each new time, the number of chips increases.
  • With low requirements for the quality of the edge, the tile is not completely cut: a groove is applied, then the module is broken. This produces much less dust.

Since, in the absence of experience, it is difficult to make an even cut with a grinder, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm for finishing with a grinding nozzle.

glass cutter

With thin tiles with a thickness of 4 - 6 mm, this tool will cope. It is better to choose a variety with a diamond roller. Having cut a furrow, the module is laid on the edge of the table and broken.

Drill bit with pobedite tip

Diameter 6 - 8 mm. It is ground with a diamond wheel to the shape of a pencil, but in such a way as not to grind off the winning soldering. The tip is made round. In the presence of faces, the angles between them act as stress concentrators, which reduces the strength.

A sharpened drill cuts a furrow in the same way as a glass cutter. Then part of the tile is broken off.

Waterjet installation

Such equipment is available in large workshops. The machine delivers under high pressure a jet of water with a diameter of 0.2 mm with the addition of abrasive chips. Cuts tiles smoothly, quickly and along the path of any curvature.

In the absence of tools, you can order cutting tiles in a similar workshop.

After a little training, even a novice master cuts cleanly and evenly with a manual tile cutter. It is only necessary, based on the above tips, to choose a high-quality and serviceable tool.

If it is not there, you can use an alternative option: a grinder, special tongs or a home-made tile cutter from a drill.

Every home master should be able to use a tile cutter. This skill will come in handy during repairs in the apartment, when it is necessary to trim tiles with your own hands when laying a kitchen backsplash or when facing a bathroom, as well as during other work with ceramics.

Appointment of a tile cutter

Qualitatively cutting ceramic tiles can only be done with a specialized tool - a tile cutter. This device is designed for cutting glass, stone and glazed tiles.

Working with a tile cutter does not require special professional training, just desire and some skill.

Types of tile cutters

There are several types of tile cutters. The scope of their application is determined by the expected scope of work and the quality characteristics of the material being processed. According to the principle of actuation, these devices are mechanical and electrical.


There are the following types of hand tools for cutting tiles:

  1. Roller. The simplest device, which is a cutting roller (diamond or carbide) on a plastic or wooden handle.
  2. Mechanical tile cutter. Tubular guides are fixed on the base frame, along which a special carriage with a working cutting element (roller) moves.
  3. . The tool looks like simple pliers. The cutting roller is located on one side of the holding elements (jaws), on the other - a special plate with paws is placed.
  4. . A thin metal rod, at one end of which there is a tungsten roller for marking and cutting, at the opposite end there are paws with hard alloy tips for breaking the material.


A special tool for cutting tile material is an electric tile cutter. It allows you to quickly and efficiently work with a large number of tiles.

There are the following designs of electric tile cutters:

  1. . The equipment is similar in principle to a modified and improved circular saw, equipped with a cutting diamond blade. It is difficult to make a high quality cut with this tool and it is inconvenient for a large amount of work. But it is mobile and can cut tiles that are already glued to a vertical wall.
  2. Horizontal floor(engine below). The electric motor is fixed under the working platform. The cutting element partially protrudes above the table surface through a special slot, the lower part of the disc is immersed in a container of water. The liquid cools the cutting element and reduces the amount of dust emitted during operation. The tool allows you to cut tiles of any size, because there are no overall limiters on the desktop.
  3. Horizontal tile cutter with overhead motor(bridge or rail). The massive supporting frame is motionless, guides (monorail) are installed on its edge. The carriage with the engine in which the saw blade is installed moves along the monorail. Water for cooling is supplied to the cutting element by a pump.
  4. Machine with the top arrangement of the electric drive and a mobile bed(cantilevered). An engine with a cutting element is fixed on a stationary frame. The processed material is placed on a movable platform, which moves along the frame guides. These models of tile cutters are professional equipment, they allow you to provide high-quality cutting at high speed.

Which tool to choose?

When choosing a fixture for working with tiles, the following important factors must be considered:

  1. The nature of the cut. If you do not need to make a curly cut or cut a corner in a tile, then you can get by with a simple hand tool.
  2. material thickness. Not any device will cope with thick and hard material. In this case, you need to use a good electric tile cutter.
  3. Scope of work. When performing a large number of cuts, professional equipment is more convenient.

Household factors also influence the choice of instrument. Sometimes it is impossible to use a noisy unit or it is desirable to work without the formation of dust. Often in a cramped room it is impossible to use overall equipment (machine).

For thin tiles

You can cut tiles of small thickness with any tool. Single cuts are easily made even with a simple glass cutter or pencil tile cutter. If there is a lot of material, then it is more convenient to cut the tiles with a manual electric tile cutter. The quality of the work performed will be higher and it will take much less time.

For floor tiles

Thick floor or textured (corrugated or wavy) ceramic tiles are cut with a special electric tool equipped with a cooling system. A small number of cuts can be made with a reinforced hand fixture, but the edge quality will be poor. It is better to work with porcelain stoneware with an electric tile cutter, as this hard material is poorly processed. Properly selected tool will allow you to get a quality product and reduce the percentage of marriage to zero.

How to use a manual tile cutter

It is possible to obtain two pieces of a tile of a given size with good edge quality using a mechanical tool. There are no special secrets in this, it is only important to follow the sequence of work.

The technology for cutting tiles with a manual tile cutter consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw a marking line on the front surface of the material with a felt-tip pen or marker along the ruler.
  2. Fix the tile with the stops provided in the design, while the marking line should be exactly under the cutting edge of the marking wheel.
  3. Place the working disk at the beginning of the markup and press it slightly against the surface to be treated.
  4. Move the carriage with the roller along the drawn line using the handle. The movements should be smooth and strong enough to cut through the icing. Excessive pressure can break a fragile tile, and insufficient force will not allow you to cut the glazed coating and then gently break the tile.
  5. Move the handle to the middle, then break the tile with a sharp movement by lowering the lever. If the mechanism is not equipped with a lever, then the tile is placed on the edge of the workbench or table along the scratched line, then the protruding part is broken off by pressing on it.

If all actions were performed correctly, then the material breaks exactly along the groove made. You can cut tiles at an angle of 45 °, for this some models have a swivel base and a special built-in ruler.

How to work with an electric tile cutter

A professional electric tool will help you quickly and evenly cut the part of the required size from the workpiece, as well as make a diagonal or figured cut. Such equipment easily copes with ceramic and floor tiles with a thickness of over 16 mm.

You need to cut tiles with an electric tile cutter using the following technology:

  • we install the unit on a flat and stable base (workbench, table);
  • on the glazed side we apply markings with a marker or felt-tip pen;
  • we place the workpiece on the working surface of the device, aligning the beginning of the drawn line with the pointer;
  • turn on the engine of the unit;
  • we cut the tile, gently pushing it towards the cutting disc (when the cutting element comes into contact with the material being processed, we increase the force);
  • turn off the device.

If an electric tile cutter model with a top-mounted engine is used, then the part to be cut is firmly fixed on the bed (rests against special clamps), and then the saw head is lowered onto it. The cut starts from the edge of the marking line.

Features of cutting corners and curly lines

It is convenient to perform various curly cuts and fine-tune fragments during masonry work with the help of tile cutters.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • a marking line is drawn on the front glossy side;
  • the marking cutting roller is pressed against the glazed surface and in one motion a deep cut is made along the marked line;
  • the sponges of the device are brought to the cut line so that the tool paws are at the top (on the glaze);
  • the intended line should be placed exactly in the middle between the side planes of the corners (legs);
  • gently shift and squeeze the handles, separating the unnecessary fragment.

In this way, cutting tiles rarely achieves good edge quality. To align the cut line and remove small notches, the edges are polished with a file or sandpaper.

To accurately cut the corner, it is better to use a hand tool, but with some skill this can be done with an electric tile cutter. Thin strips of tiles are cut with a pencil tile cutter. To do this, a groove is scratched on the surface of the tile material with a marking cutting edge, then the edge of the product is inserted between the jaws of the breaker and separated by pressing on the device.

To make various holes in tiles up to 10 mm thick, a ballerina is used - a special circular drill, which is placed in an electric drill chuck.


Working with hand tools does not pose a particular danger to humans. Safety measures include the use of special plastic goggles to protect the eyes from dust particles and possible splinters, as well as thick construction gloves to protect hands from scratches and cuts. Particularly careful handling requires floor tiles, which have increased hardness, since sharp and traumatic edges are formed during its cutting. If a lot of dust is released during work, then a respirator is used to protect the respiratory system.

When cutting with an electric tile cutter, it is not allowed to deepen the cutting diamond disc into the material being processed by more than half. Do not clean or change the cutting wheel while the equipment is plugged in. You must first de-energize the unit.

Tool maintenance

All tools should be periodically inspected for breakage or damage. Moving parts and mechanisms are periodically lubricated with engine oil. Carefully remove small particles of tiles and dust, wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth. The cutting roller is changed as the diamond edge wears out.

When tiling a room, sometimes it is necessary to lay not only whole tiles, but also parts of them. How to cut a tile so that its edge is even, and at the same time you do not have to spoil the extra workpieces? This problem can be solved if you use a tile cutter - a special device for cutting tiles, a grinder or a glass cutter. Learn about the intricacies of performing work with various tools from this article and video.

Professionals, when carrying out tiling work, use a special tool called an electric tile cutter or a water saw. With its help, high-quality cutting of tiles is made - either stone, with a soft or hard base. The tool consists of a platform, a diamond disk attached to it, and a water pan. During the cutting process, water from the pan is supplied to the knife, cooling it, preventing dust and protecting the workpiece from cracking. It is necessary to maintain the desired level of water in the pan and change it periodically to avoid clogging the knife with crumbs.

To carry out cutting, it is necessary to mark the tile, then lay its working platform and fix it with a clamping bar. Turn on the tile cutter motor and start the spinning disc. Holding the workpiece firmly with both hands, push it under the diamond blade with light pressure. Fracture the dissected workpiece to perform using tile cutters.

The benefits of using an electric tile cutter are undeniable. This tool provides:

  • accurate, clean and even cut, without chips;
  • minimum waste;
  • lack of dust;
  • cutting at an angle;
  • the speed of cutting any, even the most durable or thick tiles;
  • withstands a large number of cuts.

Attention! Tiles coated with carbide grit cannot be cut with an electric tile cutter, as it destroys the cutting element of the tool. For cutting work, it is recommended to wear a protective suit, goggles, gloves and a respirator that protects against dust and small particles entering the lungs.

How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter

For cutting tiles, several types of manual tile cutters are used. Having chosen a tool in the form of tongs, you should carefully incise with a diamond cutter along the front side of the tile, then using a corner, break it into two fragments.

With the help of a desktop manual tile cutter, you can quickly cut tiles up to 15 mm thick. For this you need:

  • mark with a felt-tip pen on the workpiece;
  • lay the tile on the base of the glass cutter, while its wheel must match the markings;
  • while operating the handle of the tool, skip the wheel once along the marking line;
  • fix the tile with wings on both sides;

  • it is easy to hit the handle to get the desired segment. If, after several blows, it does not give in, it is better to repeat the cutting on another instance.

Attention! It is easier to cut a narrow fragment from a ceramic workpiece if it has a dense structure.

If you need to make rounded holes on the tile - up to 80 mm in diameter, this can be done with a tile cutter with a circular cutter. Wetting the workpiece with water will help improve cutting accuracy.

How to cut tiles with a glass cutter

In the absence of special devices, a direct cut of ceramic tiles can be made with a glass cutter. A high-quality incision can be made with it if the marking is located at a distance of at least 0.8 cm from the edge.

Correctly cutting tiles with a glass cutter is done as follows:

  • place it in a container with water for an hour;
  • then outline the line of the future incision with a felt-tip pen;
  • laying the tile on a hard surface, and holding it with your hand, once, pressing evenly, draw along the marking line with a glass cutter. When carrying out this manipulation, the glass cutter should be held at a right angle and directed towards yourself. In place of the intended line, under the action of the glass cutter, a shallow groove should form;

Using a glass cutter

  • to break it, it is necessary to lay the notched tile on a glazing bead or pencil and hit it with the palm of your hand, evenly distributing the impact force along the notch line.

Advice! Usually, cutting tiles with a glass cutter is carried out if it is necessary to cut 2-3 pieces. To process more tiles, it is recommended to use more advanced methods and tools.

The use of a glass cutter for cutting tiles is justified only when processing thin ceramic tiles.

How to cut tiles with a grinder

Using a grinder, you can independently perform straight and figured cutting of tiles of any thickness. To do this, either a disk or a diamond wheel for dry cutting is installed on the tool, respectively. As in working with a tile cutter, when using a grinder, you should wear goggles and a respirator to protect yourself from dust and small fragments, which are quite a lot when working with this tool.

To properly cut the tile with a grinder, you should clean the surface of the workpiece and apply markings on it, then securely fix it with grips on the workbench. To cut the workpiece with a grinder, gently resting the cutting disc on its surface along the marking line. In the process of cutting, you should not try to capture the entire thickness of the tile, as it will break well from a notch.

Using a grinder

The main disadvantages of using a grinder when cutting a tile are:

  • in the formation of a large amount of dust, therefore, when working with an angle grinder, be sure to use glasses and a respirator or a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • in a lower quality of the resulting cut, which will need to be further polished.

Cutting tiles is one of the preparatory stages of facing work. It can be done using various tools. You can learn more about how to cut tiles correctly by watching the video.

How to cut tiles: video
