Cover the ceiling with plastic panels yourself. Attaching PVC panels to the ceiling is a practical finishing method. What you need to know

The evolution of modern products, including construction products, has one key feature– each new generation becomes more widespread, and their design is simplified as much as possible so that they become understandable and accessible to everyone. New materials combine the most important properties for consumers, thereby attracting increased attention.

That is why, answering the question of how to sheathe the ceiling and walls plastic panels That's right, don't think that this will require specialized knowledge and skills. The installation technology is very simple and will be understandable even to an inexperienced technician.

Preparation for installation

Any finishing must begin with the preparation of the base on which the work will be carried out. further work. In this chapter, we will talk about all the factors that need to be taken into account before installing the sheathing frame, which will allow you to avoid many problems after you start using the room.

The first thing to start with is dismantling old decoration, if there is one. In our case, everything that could interfere with the strong fastening of the frame slats to the wall, or damage the plastic panels in some way, must be removed.

For example: ceiling PVC tiles weakens the attachment point if you use short-length dowel screws; old plaster or poorly adherent tiles (see How to remove tiles from a wall without damaging the base) can damage the plastic if dropped.

Waterproofing and chemical treatment

Due to their immunity to moisture, PVC panels are most often used for finishing balconies and bathrooms. But if the material outer skin is not afraid of water, this does not mean that one can neglect such an important stage preparing the premises, such as waterproofing.

It is needed to prevent moisture from getting on the walls, frame slats and insulation. As a result, you will forget about mold, make the room warmer and protect brickwork(in the bathroom).

On the balcony, as a waterproofing agent, use plastic film. This option is cheap, convenient and reliable. For concrete and brick walls, best suited waterproofing impregnations, which are easily applied with a brush, which will allow you to treat the most inaccessible places with the composition.


If you plan to sheathe the room with thin walls facing the street, or simply the existing heating cannot cope with the load (balcony, attic, etc.), then do not forget about insulation (see How to properly insulate walls with your own hands). There are many materials intended for residential buildings, some of which we will consider below.


  • One of the most effective methods insulation is covering the entire room with liquid polyurethane foam. Of course, without the necessary equipment, you won’t be able to do this kind of work with your own hands, but due to its popularity and high energy efficiency, we simply have to mention the foam insulator,
  • The next type of insulation is foamed materials with a layer of metal foil, for example “Penofol”. They perform two functions at once - heat and vapor barrier. Due to the fact that they are produced in rolls, they are very easy to install. It is enough to roll the material over the wall and secure it with slats or special anchors.
  • Mineral wool There are many types that are made from natural and synthetic raw materials. This material has a number of restrictions for residential use, so read the instructions carefully. Due to the fact that small lint can penetrate into the lungs, use mineral wool in combination with the above-mentioned penofol, or completely cover it with cellophane film.
  • Low price, ease of installation and low thermal conductivity make polystyrene foam one of the market leaders. A five-centimeter panel of such material retains heat no worse than Brick wall 20 cm thick.

Easy installation of penoplex

Additionally, let’s say a few words about penoplex, which can also be placed under the frame (see Technology of wall insulation with penoplex: doing it right). This material has high strength and is equipped with grooves for joining, thanks to which it can serve not only as insulation, but also act as a base for plaster.

Installation of the structure

After all preparatory work We begin to install the frame on which our panels will be attached. This part of the work is the most important, as it will determine the further strength and evenness of the false wall being erected. This design can be built in several ways.


We start by checking with building level, evenness of the sheathed wall. If your instrument small size, then use the PVC panel itself as a base, usually a metal profile for plasterboard or a flat wooden lath.

We apply our level to the wall and look at the deviations. If the differences are insignificant, then our task is greatly facilitated; it is enough to simply cover the wall with sheathing elements ( wooden slats or PVC guides), only aligning the necessary places. If the difference varies from 4 cm and above, then the construction of a full-fledged frame will be required, which we will discuss below.

The lathing consists of several belts, the number of which depends on the height of the room being finished. The average distance between them is 40 – 50 cm.

The first belt is installed on the most protruding part of the wall. To do this, apply a strip of the required length to the marked place, and drill it simultaneously with the wall. Hammer into the resulting hole plastic part dowel-screw and install a spacer element inside, also known as a dowel.

Most owners of their own apartments dream that the ceilings in their rooms look as attractive as possible (immaculate). On the other hand, for arranging a perfectly flat ceiling surface it is necessary to expend considerable effort and have some experience working with finishing materials.

In this case, you will not only get rid of most problems, but also gain certain advantages:

  1. The base ceiling in this case does not require any preparation.
  2. Arrangement operations are distinguished by their simplicity.
  3. Connecting the panels using a tongue-and-groove pattern creates the feeling of an absolutely flat surface.
  4. In the space between plastic trim and the main surface easily accommodates any apartment communications.
  5. Ceilings of this type are very convenient to use (easy to keep clean).

Materials and tools

Let us immediately note that the installation of plastic panels does not present any difficulties and can be done by anyone. To successfully complete the work, you will need to prepare:

  • set of PVC panels;
  • plastic ceiling skirting boards;
  • wooden planks or metal guides (profiles);
  • drill (perforator);
  • building level;
  • special screws used to secure panels.

Before starting construction work suspended ceiling you need to decide on the type of frame on which it will be mounted ( wooden sheathing or metal profile). Our article will consider the use case metal profiles(CD and UD).

The arrangement of the frame begins with marking the locations of the guide profiles along the entire perimeter of the ceiling along the walls. After this, according to the markings, the UD profiles themselves are attached using dowels, the horizontal placement of which is controlled by the building level.

Even before the start installation work you should decide what kind of lights you will install. From given choice The depth of the ceiling made of plastic panels will depend.

At standard size spotlights about 8−10 cm depth false ceiling can be selected within 10−12 cm.

After securing the UD guides, you can proceed to the installation of transverse profiles, installed in increments of about 500 mm. In this case, CD profiles are simply inserted into UD guides and fixed using self-tapping screws. In rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom, for example, it is possible to fix the profiles without hanging it from the ceiling. In the case of large covered areas, special plates (hangers) are used to attach the profiles to each other and to the surface.

Attaching plastic panels to the ceiling

Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, you will need to secure skirting boards to it, in the groove of which the outermost sheets of trim are fixed. In addition, with the help of skirting boards it is possible to hide all the irregularities present on the edges of the mounted panels. In this case, a complete set of such products (transverse and two longitudinal) are fixed directly on the metal profile guides.

At the very beginning of the assembly, the starting panel is inserted into the groove of the transverse plinth, and all subsequent sheets of plastic are pushed into the grooves of the longitudinal plinths close to the already installed blanks. The panels are joined by inserting a narrow mounting flange into the groove of an already mounted element. In this case, there should not be even the slightest gaps along the joint line.

When assembling the sheathing, PVC sheets, adjusted to size using a jigsaw, are secured to the profiles with self-tapping screws with a press washer. The last sheet is trimmed using a knife to the size of the remaining uncovered space. On one side, it is tucked into the groove of a previously installed element, and on the other, it is fixed in the ceiling plinth.

After completing the assembly of the plastic panels, you can proceed to the installation of spotlights, which are inserted into pre-prepared holes and secured to the main ceiling using special latches.

Experts recommend in the process finishing works Constantly monitor the surface of the skin for the appearance of unwanted distortions or gaps. The fact is that the slightest unevenness when laying one of the panels can ultimately lead to the appearance of noticeable irregularities and gaps on the entire surface being covered.

With this result, you will only have one thing left to do - dismantle the finished ceiling and redo it all over again.


This video is about attaching plastic panels to the ceiling in the bathroom.

Plastic panels are the optimal solution for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen. For correct installation It is important to know how to choose panels with your own hands quality material, and also follow simple instructions.

Kitchen- This important room in our homes. Almost all family members spend a lot of time here. Housewives are cooking delicious dishes, and household members taste them with pleasure. It’s also a nice place to get together over a cup of tea or just chat in the evening about your day. And this is where many people receive guests, which means that the kitchen has many functions and to perform them you need to select special ones. decorative types finishing. This applies to every surface, and ceiling in this regard is no exception. Today it is easy to make a ceiling with your own hands and plastic panels are often used for this.

Let us consider in detail the question of how to cover the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands. However, before we begin to discuss the topic, it is worth understanding why such products are good and what alternatives they have.

Options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

Decorative finishing materials in every hardware store Today there is quite a large selection.

In particular, these can be such types of finishing as:

  • plaster;
  • paint and varnish products;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • plasterboard structures;
  • wallpaper;
  • wood trim;
  • stained glass or mirrors;
  • polystyrene foam boards;
  • ceiling made of MDF panels.

Each product presented boasts its own positive aspects, but when choosing, it is important to take into account the prevailing conditions in the kitchen so that the materials used really last a long time. The selected product should be practical, since dust will settle on it and fat deposits, which invariably appear as a result of cooking, will accumulate on it. Among other things, the surface should be easy to clean, that is, easy to maintain and highly wear-resistant. In this plan the best option finishing for kitchen area will become plastic panels.

How to make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands? First you need to learn about the basic properties of the material and the rules for choosing plastic panels for the ceiling.

Plastic panels: features, advantages and disadvantages

Ceiling panels are made of polyvinyl chloride, which is why they are also called PVC panels. The products have many positive qualities.

In particular, the advantages include:

  • easy installation due to the presence of tongue-and-groove fastening, as well as due to ease of processing, that is, the panels can be cut with a stationery knife and attached to the base with glue or self-tapping screws;
  • long operational period (at least 15 years);
  • high aesthetics of the mounted surface (evenness, neatness, etc.);
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive external factors, such as intense light, increased temperature regime, steam, etc.;
  • light weight of the structure, due to which the installation of a powerful frame is not required;
  • undemanding to the base, that is, it can be mounted even on an old covering without having to level the rough ceiling;
  • environmental safety, because products are created from components that do not emit toxic elements into the atmosphere even when heated;
  • the possibility of creating an additional layer of heat and sound insulation;
  • wide design choice, it is possible to purchase panels imitating wooden surface, stone, textile or leather, as well as having a variety of textures and color shades;
  • affordable price.

When listing the advantages of PVC panels, possible disadvantages should also be mentioned. First of all, you need to carefully consider the choice of products. So, for example, when making a ceiling in the kitchen with a relief image, it is worth considering that caring for the surface will be quite problematic, because dust and dirt will constantly accumulate in the bends and curls of the pattern, which are difficult and sometimes impossible to clean.

In addition, wash plastic ceiling It is impossible to use abrasive and aggressive compounds, as it is possible to scratch the surface. In general, it can be noted that the products have a minimum of disadvantages that can be easily avoided by making the right choice products, as well as regular competent care.

PVC ceiling can have different appearance and shape. So there are 6 main design options.

The standard thickness of the ceiling panel is considered to be 8-10 mm. It is for this parameter that most moldings and other additional elements are created. It is also possible to find more thin panels, the thickness of which does not exceed 5 mm. However, it is important to understand that such products are more fragile and less durable. So, how to cover the ceiling with plastic panels yourself?

Technology of covering the ceiling with plastic panels

You can easily install a plastic ceiling on our own. Of course, before you begin the installation steps, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the process, as well as choose the right plastic panels. First of all, it is worth calculating the amount of material needed.

To save money, you can select products in such a way that there is a minimum of scraps left at the end, because the sizes of the panels require quite wide variations in installation. For example, with a room width of 4.5 m, it is quite possible to finish the surface with panels 3 m long and cut some of them into 1.5 m sections. If the room is 4 m wide, then the best option would be to purchase rectangular sheets with dimensions 100x4000 mm or 200x4000 mm and so on.

Attention! When purchasing, it is worth purchasing materials with a margin of 5-10%.

Having decided on the sizes, you can go shopping. What should you pay attention to directly in the store?

  1. Evenness of panels. The absence of waves, irregularities, drops and other defects is the key to successful installation.
  2. Color uniformity. It is especially important to look at the material if you need to purchase sheets in large quantities. Since there is a high probability that products from different batches have different color intensities. To make sure that all the goods have the same tone saturation, it is enough to attach panels from different boxes to each other and compare them visually.
  3. Availability of certification. It is advisable to ask the seller for a certificate for the purchased product, because this will make sure that the purchase is truly safe, non-toxic and of high quality.

It is important to know! The panels sold are divided into wall and ceiling panels. The difference between them is weight and stiffness. Wall products are not recommended for use on ceilings as they are more difficult to secure and require more extensive sheathing during installation. In addition, their price is higher than for ceiling products.

Having familiarized yourself with the subtleties of choice, you can proceed to study the installation instructions.

Stages of installation of plastic panels

Step-by-step instructions involve consideration not only of the process itself, but also the selection of the necessary tools.

To make a plastic ceiling you will need the following set of tools:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure, square and ruler;
  • laser level.

Frame materials:

  • metal profile or wooden slats;
  • pendants;
  • dowels and screws.

Of course, the installation of plastic panels requires the presence of selected slabs, as well as moldings and ceiling plinths of the appropriate size.

Let's look at the whole process step by step:

  1. The installation procedure begins with the installation of the sheathing or frame. A rigid profile frame is mounted around the perimeter of the room.
  2. A lighter profile or beam is fixed to the frame in 60 cm increments. It is important to measure each step according to the level in order to create an even frame.
  3. PVC panels are secured to the installed profile using self-tapping screws. If there is a locking mechanism, it is worth snapping each panel firmly. Problems may arise when installing the last panel. It should be cut to the width high accuracy, after which, slightly bending it, install it in the previous bar.

Practical and economical finishing plastic panels - this is the optimal solution for glazed balconies and loggias. How to cover a ceiling with plastic panels? It’s very simple, but you still need to know certain nuances of the work.

Features of ceiling plastic panels

There are plastic panels designed to work specifically with the ceiling. They are lighter and thinner than wall ones, and therefore work with them must be carried out carefully. The characteristics of the material are determined by the area of ​​its use - ceiling panels are operated with less load and do not have increased requirements for strength.

Important: Ceiling finishing with plastic panels can only be installed in rooms where temperature changes do not exceed 20°C.

The modern market offers 3 options for plastic ceiling panels, differing in design and construction:

Read more about it in our review. The article discusses the features and characteristics of this finishing material.

Finishing the balcony ceiling with PVC plastic panels is possible with preliminary insulation. Pay attention to insulation such as polystyrene foam. All on this page.

The main advantages of plastic finishing

First of all, plastic panels moisture resistant- they do not deform when high humidity, and also do not form stains or streaks on the surface when wet. Other advantages also include:

  1. Plastic is easy to clean and durable. Periodic wet cleaning will be sufficient for cleaning.
  2. The resulting ceiling will be perfectly smooth and decorative - without additional priming or painting.
  3. Easy installation and possibility of local repair.
  4. The panels are installed on a frame, thanks to which there is a gap between the plastic and the base of the ceiling. air gap— it will act as heat and sound insulation.
  5. Affordable price.

Important: If you want to properly insulate your balcony, use special mineral wool mats or polystyrene foam, installing them in an assembled frame.

Plastic panels also have disadvantages, but how significant they are, everyone must decide individually. Firstly, this material is of artificial origin, polymer-based. So fans of “all natural” may see defects in this. However, plastic is completely safe to use. Secondly, fastening the panels involves joints. Thirdly, brightly colored plastic can fade over time - especially if the balcony faces the south.

The service life of a suspended ceiling made of plastic panels is about 10 years. Experts recommend using light colored plastic, since the fading of paints under the influence of ultraviolet radiation will not be so noticeable on them. But plastic panels are much more varied and when choosing a design, give preference to the option that best suits the style of the room - this could be imitation wood, options with floral prints, and so on. The type of lamps is also selected based on general concept— built-in ones are considered more practical, although they require lowering the ceiling. So the dimensions of the room directly affect the type of construction - all the nuances should be thought through before purchasing the material. It is better if you have a drawing, according to which all calculations will be carried out.

Preparatory work and selection of tools

Before starting work on covering the ceiling with plastic panels, the surface of the ceiling must be leveled and then measurements taken. Plastic is purchased with a 10% reserve. If necessary, thermal insulation panels are also purchased. During the installation process you will also need:

Ceiling plinth for plastic panels

  • plastic fastening strip (90° angle) in quantity, equal to the perimeter ceiling;
  • ceiling plastic plinth (in the same quantity);
  • corners and connections for joining the skirting boards around the perimeter;
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer for fastening plastic.

Purchase plastic panels only from trusted manufacturers. High-quality plastic will not dry out or crumble. In addition, dense panels will not show through.

If it is humid on your balcony or loggia, then it is better to make a metal frame with a guide and ceiling profile(as for drywall). The profile is attached to the ceiling with direct hangers. If the balcony is well insulated and dry, then for lathing under plastic panels you can use wooden beam, attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws and dowels in 1 meter increments.

Required tools include:

  • level (water, laser);
  • upholstery painting thread;
  • hammer drill or impact drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal or wood;
  • stationery or construction knife;
  • construction corner;
  • pencil,
  • yardstick;
  • hammer.

Ceiling cladding - how to carry out quality work

Before constructing the frame, the ceiling surface should be carefully primed - this will prevent concrete and plaster from falling onto the plastic surface.

Important! Work is not carried out if the temperature in the room is below 10°C. Also, before installation, the plastic is taken out onto the balcony 48 hours in advance for acclimatization.

So, how to cover the ceiling on a balcony with plastic panels? First, a ceiling box made of wooden beams or metal profiles is installed. To do this, the horizontal of the future surface is determined, all corners in the room are measured and the lowest one is selected. Measure 4-5 cm down from it, which will allow you to place a recessed lamp in the frame in the future (most of them have a base height of 4 cm).

The horizontal line is marked with a level, and then holes are drilled in the profile along the marked strip for attaching dowels.

UD and CD profiles for metal frame for ceiling

After this, dowels are inserted and the UD profile is fastened level (along the entire perimeter of the room). Then hangers for the SD profile are fixed (step 50-60 cm). The flatness is checked by tensioning the line between the walls, after which the installation of the box is considered complete.

If a wooden beam is used to install plastic panels on the ceiling, then it will need to be leveled horizontally by placing bosses of the required thickness under it.

Plastic panels are installed on the prepared frame. The panels are pre-cut taking into account the length of the ceiling. If the room has incorrect geometry, then cutting is not done in advance - each subsequent panel is marked and cut after the fact. The actual fastening of the panels to the profile is carried out with special self-tapping screws - “bugs”.

Installation of plastic panels on a pre-prepared wooden frame

Important points in installing lamps

A ceiling made of plastic panels is ideal for creating built-in lighting. To place lighting fixtures in the panel, you must first attach the material to the ceiling, and then mark on it the location of the future lamp. At the marking site, a hole is cut corresponding to the mounting diameter of the lamp.

In the case of using recessed lamps, the ceiling level can be lowered by 10-12 cm, and for overhead lamps it will be sufficient to reduce the level by the thickness of the profile (beam).

At the place where the lamp is mounted, two additional timber(profile) to strengthen the sheathing. Electric wire must be placed in a corrugated plastic sleeve and insulated at the ends. Installation lighting fixtures carried out when all work on the ceiling cladding is completed.

When all the plastic panels are installed on the ceiling, drill around its entire perimeter ceiling plinth. This allows you to hide uneven edges of the material caused by cutting the panels. Once the baseboard is installed, you can enjoy quality work.

Ceiling made of plastic panels photo

We invite you to look at photographs on the topic of our article about covering the balcony ceiling with plastic panels. All photos are clickable.

Ceiling made of plastic panels video

In this section, we bring to your attention a video that is an addition to the instructions described above about installing a suspended ceiling made of plastic panels on a balcony and loggia. You will be able to watch the entire installation process.

In this article we will talk about the feasibility and method of finishing ceilings polyvinyl chloride panels with your own hands. The very advantage of finishing the ceiling with plastic panels is that the time spent on installation is very small, and such work is not particularly difficult. However, you can see this for yourself, not only by reading the article, but also by watching the video clip attached to this page.

Installation of ceilings from PVC panels


If all of the above was not enough for you, we offer you to watch a video clip:

Plastic panels come in matte, semi-gloss and glossy. For finishing ceilings, as a rule, semi-gloss and glossy panels are used, the width of which is 20-25 cm. When using such panels outdoors, preference is usually given to semi-gloss ones, since they do not react as painfully to temperature changes and are more viscous in their structure.
