Rating of soundproof materials for the apartment. High-quality sound insulation of walls in an apartment: modern materials and rules for their use. Why is it necessary

Protecting the premises from external noise is an urgent problem for residents apartment buildings. To solve it, the modern construction market offers a wide range of soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials. Thin soundproofing is one of the effective means protection. It allows you to reliably protect the home from extraneous sounds.


In contrast to thick soundproofing materials with a soft structure and a sound absorption coefficient of up to 0.95 units, thin materials stand out with a lower value. Its value usually does not exceed 0.5 units. The coefficient of foam and polystyrene foam is 0.25 units and corresponds to class E. To ensure good protection, it is necessary to use materials not lower than class C.

With a high level of extraneous noise, thin soundproofing materials should be used as part of multilayer structures. In the case of moderate noise and the impracticality of installing a thick panel, it is quite acceptable to use such materials. Noises are divided into three types. They are:

  • structural;
  • percussion;
  • air.

Application of thin soundproof materials able to protect the room only from airborne noise. These include:

  • barking dogs;
  • operation of the vacuum cleaner and TV;
  • crying baby;
  • talking and singing.

The indicator of the degree of protection of the material against airborne sound is called the sound insulation index and is denoted by the symbol Rw. The higher numerical value Rw, the more high insulating properties possesses a particular material. Impact and structural noises have a different nature of origin and wavelength. So deal with them with thin sound insulation fail.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the use of thin sound insulation is due to a number of positive properties:

  • Significant savings in room space due to the small thickness of the material. After its installation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room practically does not change.
  • Easy installation is due to the absence of the need to install a metal frame, laying thick slabs and subsequent sheathing of the structure with plasterboard sheets.

  • A wide range of materials with different values ​​of the sound insulation index makes it easy to choose the right type.
  • The environmental safety of soundproofing materials is achieved due to the absence of toxic substances in their composition.
  • A significant reduction in the time of work in comparison with the time required for the installation of other types of insulation.

The disadvantages include the high cost of some models and the low efficiency of thin materials. Many of them should only be used in conjunction with other types of sound insulation.


According to their operational characteristics and purpose, thin materials are divided into two classes.


They convert sound energy into heat and significantly reduce the intensity of the reflected wave. These are fiberglass and basalt slabs, which are classified as subtle types soundproofing is possible only conditionally. Despite the fact that the minimum thickness of the sheets is 3 cm, their installation requires the installation of a frame with further cladding with plasterboard sheets. As a result, the thickness of the structure exceeds the values ​​that fall under the definition of thin sound insulation.

Polyurethane foam panels, which are called acoustic foam rubber, do not require the installation of a frame. They are mounted on the base with glue. The advantage of using this material is that there is no need to level the wall before applying the sticker. The minimum thickness of such a panel is 3.5 cm, which makes it possible to classify this type of sound insulator as a thin type.

Another popular remedy is liquid soundproofing, which refers to sound-absorbing agents. The material is applied to the wall and covered with a decorative panel or plasterboard. The thickness of the applied layer should be at least 3 cm. The thinnest representative of sound-absorbing materials is a roll cork, its thickness is 0.8 cm. This type of soundproofing material is considered universal.

With its help, you can reliably protect the room from extraneous sounds, effectively decorate the space, using the material as decorative coating. When choosing a cork sheet, it should be borne in mind that the diameter of the crumb should not exceed 3 mm. Models made of 6 mm crumbs are somewhat inferior in soundproofing qualities to fine-grained material. Therefore, you need to choose the material carefully.


These types of soundproofing block the path of the sound wave, preventing sound from entering the room. The most common materials of this type are GKL and GVL. However, they should be mounted at a distance, leaving a gap between the sheathing and the wall for filling with sound-absorbing tiles of at least 3 cm. As a result of a multi-layer construction overall thickness The “pie” can be 4 cm. This is a conditionally thin type and cannot be considered as an absolutely thin sound insulation.

Decorative panels are enough effective view soundproofing. Therefore, they are in demand among consumers. The sheets have a layered structure, they are made in the form of a cardboard frame with a mineral filler inside. Quartz sand is more often used as a filling, which obliges to seal the sections of the panels with adhesive tape when cutting them. This is practically the only drawback of this material.

To thin materials include some models acoustic plates from soft fiberboard with a thickness of 1 to 3 cm. The panels have a multilayer structure. They consist of a reinforcing mesh, polystyrene foam and waterproofing. This type also includes decorative boards made of wood fiber with a thickness of 1.2 to 2.5 cm.


On the modern market construction and finishing materials many ultra-thin films and membranes are presented that can intercept a sound wave and neutralize it. Soundproof characteristics membranes are directly dependent on the frequency of extraneous sound. They differ from each other by the critical frequency. This is the name of the lowest of the frequencies, after which the soundproofing properties of the material are reduced.

From building materials Concrete and brick have the highest critical frequency. Rubber and steel perform well, lead has the best. However, due to its harmfulness to the human body, it is not used in the production of insulating membranes. A polymer-bitumen membrane has a critical frequency comparable to lead. Unlike it, it does not contain harmful impurities, it does not have a negative impact on human health. The material has a polypropylene coating, its total thickness is only 0.4 cm.

good operational characteristics have mineral membranes. They are one of the thinnest representatives of sound insulation, their thickness is from 0.25 to 0.37 cm. Among them, the most famous are the aragonite variety (“Texound”) and barite mambrana (noise block or loaded vinyl). The composition of the coatings includes polymers that give the films high elasticity and plasticity.

Popular means of soundproofing are a 0.5 cm thick polyethylene coating under the wallpaper and 0.7 cm thick lead foil covered with a polyurethane foam layer. The ultra-thin wallpaper pad is made from polyethylene foam wrapped with thermolaminated sheets. To provide best performance soundproofing, it is recommended to use multilayer membranes, alternating them with sound absorbers. From liquid materials it is worth highlighting Green Glue with a viscous structure. It is applied to the reverse side of the GCR boards before they are installed. Solidifying, the substance creates a reliable barrier to sound waves and provides good sound insulation premises.


Among the most popular and frequently used materials are several varieties.


This is a natural, environmentally friendly soundproof board, which includes wood fibers. conifers. The sheet size is 2.7x1.2 m with a weight of 4 kg and a thickness of 1 and 2.5 cm. The Rw index corresponds to 23 dB, which is a good indicator for a material of this class. Installation of the plate is carried out with glue. The material is characterized by good ventilation. The front surface has a smooth texture, the material is suitable for finishing the walls of an apartment and a wooden house.


Kraft is an environmentally friendly fibreboard, coated on one side with wax paper, on the other - corrugated cardboard. The size of such a plate is 2.7x0.58 m with a thickness of 1.2 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg. The Rw index has a value of 23 dB. Plates are often used as a finish.

"Eco Soundproof"

"Eco Soundproof" is a seven-layer material made of cardboard and quartz sand. It is produced in dimensions of 1.2x0.45 m. It has a panel thickness of 1.3 cm. The Rw index corresponds to 38 dB, installation is carried out on glue for plasterboard.

Sometimes living in apartment buildings can be quite difficult due to the frequent noise. Thin soundproofing of the walls in the apartment will help to correct the situation.

You can do this work yourself using modern materials widely represented in the construction markets.

This article will discuss the types of sound insulation, their characteristics and materials that will need to be used to create it.

Soundproofing materials

All materials for isolating an apartment from extraneous noise can be divided into 2 types:

  • sound-absorbing;
  • soundproof.

Soundproofing is a barrier that prevents the penetration or propagation of sound in a room. Sound absorption, in turn, is carried out by converting sound energy into heat and reducing its intensity.

The thicker the cork sheet, the better it localizes sounds.

Materials for such procedures are used different. For sound insulation, it is necessary to choose products with a large mass and density, and sound absorption itself is carried out using soft and porous coatings.

There are the following options for sound absorbing materials:

It is possible to achieve a greater absorption effect when using a crumb diameter of no more than 3 mm.

Features of thin sound insulation

Membranes are convenient in that they take up little space, but at the same time they isolate sounds very effectively.

AT recent times thin soundproofing materials that provide protection without losing living space have become quite common.

They are called soundproof membranes. They can be installed not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling or floor.

Thin has a number of significant advantages:

Installation of the membrane begins with the installation of the frame

For the installation of membranes, you will need to build metal carcass, its fastening will be carried out using a direct suspension.

  • a frame is being built;
  • slabs based on mineral wool are laid in it;
  • the membrane is stretched;
  • the structure is covered with a sheet of drywall. For more information about modern soundproofing materials, see this video:

The length of 1 roll of the membrane is 5 m, and the width is 1.25 m. The weight of 1 m² of material is approximately 8 kg.

Liquid soundproofing

Liquid polyurethane foam well fills all the smallest cavities

Liquid soundproofing of the walls is carried out by spraying polyurethane foam. This material has good soundproofing properties. Liquid wall mix fills almost any hole, while creating a layer of monolith that prevents the penetration of unwanted sounds. After curing, the foam has no heavy weight, so that there will be no extra load on the coatings.

Liquid soundproofing of the walls in the apartment will also protect against rodents and many insects. The polymer can be applied without prior preparation, the construction of the frame is also not required. During operation, a minimum amount of pollution is formed. The service life of the foam is extremely high, the coating can last up to 50 years. For more information about wall decoration with polyurethane foam, see this video:

The only drawback of this method is the need to use a professional tool. It doesn't make much sense to buy it. the best option is to call a specialist. The cost of such processing is approximately 1500-2000 rubles for 1 m².

In the following table, you can see the sound absorption values ​​of different materials.

Benefits of liquid soundproofing

Foam has high adhesion to all types of surfaces

Liquid soundproofing mortar has the following advantages:

  1. After processing, the wall acquires excellent heat and sound insulation properties. This will not only get rid of extraneous noise, but also save on heating.
  2. The polymer is able to penetrate into the smallest cracks, which will allow you to process openings in doors and windows. This procedure, in addition to soundproofing, will help to forget about drafts.
  3. High adhesion to the surface. It is not necessary to install the crate, the polymer can also be applied to the ceiling without prior preparation. After work, a minimum amount of pollution is formed.
  4. The ability to carry out a complete sealing of the room. After processing, a monolithic layer is created that will fill all the holes between the structures.
  5. The lightness of the material. The frozen foam has a minimum weight, so there will be no load on the load-bearing elements of the dwelling.
  6. Thanks to the structure consisting of small cells, soundproofing allows you to suppress sound waves over a wide range.

Types of polyurethane foam for liquid sound insulation

The material of Russian-Chinese production has quite affordable prices

There are a fairly large number of varieties of polyurethane foam.

This material is made in different countries, types differ in their effectiveness and, of course, cost.

The most common are the following options:

  1. Synthesia polyurethane foam. Produced in Spain. The main advantages include reasonable cost, environmental friendliness and the ability to use at any time of the year at any temperature.
  2. ecotermix. Produced by China together with Russia. The material has a high level of fire resistance and is able to provide protection against the formation of mold, fungus and other bacteria. The cost of such products compares favorably with the main competitors.
  3. Demilec polyurethane foam. Produced in the USA and belongs to the premium soundproofing materials. It is the highest quality and most reliable solution for protection against extraneous noise. The only drawback can be considered a high cost, but you have to overpay for the quality.
  4. Polyurethane foam Bayer. It is a reliable solution from a German brand. The product quality is at an acceptable level, spraying is carried out using a special device. For more information about the components for the production of polyurethane foam, see this video:

As can be seen from the article, liquid soundproofing is the best solution for protecting against extraneous noise. This type of processing makes it possible to achieve maximum efficiency protection, while the service life of products is at an extremely high level.

To provide good level comfort, both life and work, it is very important to create a pleasant sound environment. To solve this problem, soundproof materials are used. On the construction market they are very widely represented. You can choose a solution according to any parameters: place of application, cost, scope of work, etc. Moreover, in a number of materials, sound and noise insulation is combined with thermal insulation or waterproofing, which is very convenient.

Soundproof materials

Installation of soundproofing walls can be done by yourself, although it is better to turn to teams specializing in this. Also, given that soundproofing work requires rather dirty processes, you should try to install soundproofing even at the stage of preparing the room for finishing.

There are several types of noise that can be grouped into two groups:

  • Airborne noise. These are sounds that are carried through the air: screams, conversation, laughter, music. Such noise comes from neighbors through small gaps and cracks in walls and ceilings, as well as through open windows;
  • impact noise. These are sounds that are carried along hard floors and walls. Otherwise, shock noises are also called vibrations. Such sounds are especially irritating and unpleasant: perforator drilling; subwoofer; slamming doors; stomp; jumping.

To measure airborne or impact sound, special equipment is required. Exist various models such devices: from professional expensive to household with quite affordable price up to 2000 rub. Regardless of the cost, the principle of operation of noise measuring instruments is the same. Converting the oscillation of the trapping membrane into electricity. The greater the amplitude of oscillations, the more amperes are generated. The final data is displayed on the scoreboard.

Noise tester

According to SNiPs, the acceptable noise level in residential buildings during the daytime (from 7:00 to 23:00) is 40 decibels (dB), which is comparable in volume to a normal conversation.

The upper noise threshold for this time should not exceed 55 dB, which is comparable to the volume level of a typewriter or light clapping of the palm on the table. At night in residential buildings, the upper sound threshold is set at 40 dB, but the recommended noise level is 20-25 dB (whisper volume).

Often these requirements are not achievable. And often not because of someone's malicious intent, but because of the features of the house: thin walls, thin partitions, through holes for electrical boxes and sockets, and much more. If the vibration insulation in the house does not meet the desired, then the best solution would be to install special soundproof structures or materials.

Materials for sound insulation must be selected based on how high-quality sound insulation of walls is required. Preference, ceteris paribus, is usually given to those materials whose sound insulation index is higher. The sound insulation coefficient, sound insulation index or impact sound reduction index is a qualitative indicator that reflects how many dB the impact noise transmitted through walls and ceilings will be reduced.

Soundproofing materials

Soundproof materials are of the following types:

  • soundproof acoustic sealant;
  • soundproof boards made of polyurethane foam;
  • soundproof underlays for floor coverings;
  • soundproof floor panels;
  • sound-absorbing linoleum;
  • soundproofing tape for vibration damping;
  • soundproof sealant;
  • soundproof foam rubber;
  • non-combustible sound-absorbing mineral wool boards;
  • soundproof panels;
  • self-adhesive roll material from impact noise based on bitumen;
  • soundproofing mats for floating floors;
  • soundproofing base for floating floors;
  • vibration-damping and sound-absorbing mastic;
  • sprayed liquid sound insulation based on cellulose;
  • soundproof foam;
  • cork pads.

Let's consider some of them:


Mixture of elastic material granules, rubber additive and binder on acrylic base. This soundproofing material is specifically designed to create a dampening base for "floating" floors. Does its job excellently. The best material for rooms of complex shape. Also, Shumoplast is indispensable when working in large rooms.

Impact noise reduction index from 24 to 32 dB


  • allows you to refuse laying a waterproofing layer;
  • shrinkage no more than 5% under a load of 5 kPa;
  • allows local unevenness of the floor surface up to 15 mm;
  • long service life;
  • does not lose soundproof properties during operation;
  • simplicity and high speed of application;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • drying takes time (about a day).

Soundproof foam rubber

Represents the made foam polyurethane of a special form. The material is used when sound insulation and sound absorption of both noises penetrating into the room and emanating from it are required. Foam rubber is glued to the walls and ceilings of rooms, recording studios, cinemas to create better acoustics. It is also possible to create special mobile soundproof panels from soundproof foam rubber. Acoustic foam rubber is mounted on the surface with glue. Some manufacturers have a self-adhesive film on the back of the material.


  • mounted in an open way;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • effective material.


  • requires careful operation;
  • melts when burning with the formation of toxic smoke;
  • destroyed by heat and ultraviolet radiation.

Soundproof foam rubber


Soundproofing material made on a mineral basis. Rolled sound insulation with a high mass density and. The thickness of the material (4 mm) allows it to be used for walls and ceilings.

Impact noise reduction index up to 28 dB


  • decay resistance;
  • flexibility and elasticity;
  • easy and simple to fit;
  • does not change the soundproofing properties during operation;
  • low combustible material, self-extinguishing.


  • not enough cheap sound insulation;
  • when mounted on concrete, it requires a mandatory substrate.


Acoustic decorative plate Audek

Soundproof panels are perforated. Combine good sound insulation and decorative trim. Outside, they are sheathed with natural veneer, the color of which can be chosen based on the requirements of the design project. Plates are intended, first of all, for sound absorption of noises from within the room. Installation of soundproofing walls Audek is carried out very quickly.

Sound absorption coefficient up to 0.95


  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency
  • ease of installation.


  • high price.

Audek panels


Softwood soundproofing material. Well restrains noise, gives a heat-insulating effect. Can be used as soundproofing under plaster.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.


  • high price.


Mineral wool

A natural material based on basalt, which is also called stone wool. Possesses high density. Manufacturing technology is similar to glass wool. Soundproofing materials of this type combine sound insulation and heat insulation well.

Impact noise reduction index up to 30 dB


  • withstands temperatures up to 550˚С;
  • does not contain formaldehyde resins;
  • during installation does not require crates;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • shrinkage resistant;


  • absorbs moisture, requires mandatory waterproofing.

Mineral wool

Soundproof membrane

Thin soundproofing made of natural mineral substance and binding polymer. The soundproofing film can be used on all types of surfaces to which it is attached with adhesive.

Impact noise reduction index up to 22 dB


  • operating temperature range from -60˚С to +180;
  • high tear resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • does not break when bent up to -20˚С;


  • high price.

Soundproof membrane

Soundproof plaster

Effective at a thickness of at least 2 cm


  • speeds up the repair process;
  • aligns the walls;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • large operating temperature range.


  • inefficiency in suppressing external noise;
  • the need to apply in several layers
  • high price.

Soundproof plaster


Two-layer material produced in rolls. It consists of a non-woven fabric - the base and a bituminous layer. Excellent vibration isolation. This thin soundproofing, thanks to its good noise-absorbing properties and resistance to compression, can be used even in frameless (such a way when metallic profile not exposed, and the plasterboards are attached directly to the wall).

Impact noise reduction index up to 27 dB


  • combines soundproofing and waterproofing properties;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • eco-friendly;
  • durability.


  • high price.



Natural material from extruded cork chips. Holds sound and heat very well. Available in sheets, panels, rolls, etc.

Impact noise reduction index for material thickness 3 mm - 18 dB


  • ease of installation;
  • does not absorb liquid;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • decorative;
  • well retains not only sound, but also heat;
  • efficiency.


  • care is required during installation, as the material may tear;
  • high price.



Roll material, a combination of foamed polyethylene foam and a bituminous layer.

Impact noise reduction index up to 23 dB


  • combines waterproofing and soundproofing properties;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • eco-friendly;
  • operating temperature range from -25˚С to +85˚С;
  • durability;
  • low cost.


  • not identified.


Specialized types of sound insulation

There are many types of soundproofing materials. Some of them are used exclusively in construction and decoration, and some are universal.

A separate section highlights automotive noise insulation. Materials that are used on car bodies can also be used in construction.

So, for example, automotive vibration-damping mastic is perfect if you need to reduce the volume of a tin roof and barn walls made of metal corrugated sheet. The mastic is applied with a brush or, if the consistency allows, with a spray gun. It dries quickly and dampens noise and vibration quite well.

Another good soundproofing solution in an apartment, which is borrowed from the automotive world, is vibration-damping materials such as Vibroplast or the like. Sheet and roll materials are made on a bitumen basis, akin to Shumaizol or Soundizol. An important difference is that Vibroplast is self-adhesive. It is very easy to mount it - you just need to peel off the protective layer and press the sheet against the surface to be insulated. Convenient solution for vibration isolation small areas. For example, this way you can improve or a balcony door.

To create a practically soundproof house, it will not be enough to use only one of the materials listed. On each element of the structure, some of their own decisions will be appropriate and effective. It is best if a combination of several materials is used: for vibration absorption, sound insulation and sound absorption.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types and sources of noise
  • What materials are commonly used for soundproofing
  • What are the soundproofing methods?
  • How to make soundproofing of the ceiling, floor, walls, front door, do-it-yourself joints
  • What tips should you follow to properly soundproof your apartment?
  • What myths and misconceptions exist regarding sound insulation in an apartment

Today, almost half of the domestic housing stock consists of housing that is characterized by poor sound insulation, which significantly reduces the level of comfort. Given this circumstance, one can explain the popularity of soundproofing services for walls, ceilings and floors with the help of modern materials. At the same time, it is quite possible to solve such a problem on your own. Companies that work in the field of soundproofing technologies offer a wide range of solutions that even a person who does not have special knowledge in the field of construction and installation of various structures can use. More full information about how to make soundproofing in the apartment, you will find in this article.

From whom and what do soundproofing in the apartment

Before deciding how to soundproof your home, you need to understand the main sources of noise that are present in apartment buildings (MKD). The correct definition of the source of sound vibrations greatly simplifies the task. In some cases, labor-intensive and costly operations can be avoided by insulating a single structural element.

There are two types of noise:

  • wave noise- spreads through the air. Sources of sound waves: loud conversations, music, barking dogs, etc.

  • vibration noise- distributed in building structures and engineering communications. Its sources can be construction tools (drill, hammer, perforator, etc.) or Appliances(washing machine).

The main sources of noise in the apartment:

  • Noise from the street penetrates into the dwelling through window openings. You can get rid of the noise of passing vehicles or loud voices coming from the playground only after installing a triple-glazed window system. Curtains made of thick fabric can act as additional noise insulation.
  • Noise from the entrance enters through the front door. It is not entirely comfortable, being in an apartment, to hear the noise of a working elevator, the knock of doors and the conversations of neighbors on the landing, or, conversely, to understand that everything that happens in your home is heard in the entrance. Both problems can be solved by soundproofing the door structure. To do this, the door leaf must be upholstered with sound-absorbing material, and a high-quality sealant must be used along the contour of the door frame.
  • Noise from adjoining apartments enters through wall structures, through rosettes, gaps between floor elements, etc. Too much noisy neighbors(lovers of loud music, parties, home repairs, etc.) are most often cited as the decisive factor that encourages soundproofing in an apartment. It all depends on the number of "irritating" sources. If these are neighbors “through the wall”, then soundproofing of the adjacent wall structure can be dispensed with. If noisy residents surround from all sides, as well as from above and below, you will have to make complete soundproofing.
  • Noise from your apartment also goes through all the constructions described here. Therefore, if you yourself like noisy parties, are fond of music, or you have hyperactive children, then, in order to avoid quarrels and visits from the district police officer, it is better to make soundproofing in the apartment as soon as possible.

Another point is related to the quality of the soundproofing materials used. Manufacturers offer a wide range of solutions that differ in price, composition used and performance.

In order to reliably isolate wall structures from the penetration of external noise, it is necessary with the help of building materials to create conditions under which noise waves would be scattered and absorbed. In addition, an obstacle should be created in the path of vibrational vibrations and an opportunity should be provided for reflecting sound waves.

Sound waves attenuate when passing through various media. At the same time, multi-layer sound insulation is more effective than single-layer, having a large thickness.

Misconceptions and myths about soundproofing in an apartment

Myth 1: To make soundproofing in an apartment, it is enough to provide soundproofing of wall structures, behind which the noise source is located.

Noise is sound waves that propagate in a straight line. Thus, the sound from the TV working behind the wall will pass not only through the wall, but also through interfloor ceilings, communication systems and technological openings (for example, ventilation). Noise isolation of the wall will only partially muffle the penetrating noise. In order to ensure comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to analyze the situation, which will help to identify the most weak spots in terms of soundproofing.

Myth 2: For good sound insulation, it is enough to paste over the room with expensive, thin, but effective rolled sound insulation for walls.

It is this information that can be found in various promotional materials that claim that various membrane technologies are already widely used in European countries. But in practice, things look a little different. Such membranes are ineffective on their own. They are usually used in conjunction with traditional soundproofing solutions, which only drives up the cost of the job.

One of the arguments that marketers use when promoting soundproof membranes is that in the automotive industry, membrane materials no more than 5 millimeters thick are used to soundproof car interiors. But in this case we are talking about a completely different noise reduction technology, which is effective only for thin plates. The thickness of the metal from which the car body is made is a few millimeters and less than the thickness of the membrane used. And now, let's calculate how thick this type of sound insulation will be needed for a wall structure with a thickness of, for example, 100 millimeters. In order to verify the information provided here, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the technical documentation for thin super sound insulation. In fact, it turns out that this is just a publicity stunt to increase the cost of soundproofing.

Myth 3: Solve the noise problem with sound-absorbing materials.

Popular sound-absorbing materials: Heradesign, Mappysil and Ecofon differ minimum thickness and high efficiency sound absorption, but are completely unsuitable for sound insulation. To understand this, you need to understand what is the difference between sound insulation and sound absorption. Insulating materials are designed to protect from external influences, and absorbing materials are needed in order to prevent echoes and absorb sounds, the sources of which are devices and equipment located inside the room (TV, telephone, music center, etc.). Noise-absorbing materials are commonly used in home theaters.

Myth 4: You can make soundproofing of the walls in the apartment using only foam.

It will be a big mistake to decide to make soundproofing with expanded polystyrene. After sheathing a room with such material, sound insulation may even worsen. Since Styrofoams are rigid and have a closed cell structure, when in contact with a solid wall, they can cause a resonance phenomenon for medium frequency sound waves. As you know, mid frequencies are typical for human speech, therefore, with such isolation, you can hear even better what your neighbors are talking about. Only an illiterate specialist can offer to make soundproofing using foam.

Myth 5: Before buying noise insulation, you should pay attention to the airborne sound insulation index (Rw).

The Rw index does not always accurately indicate the level of sound insulation of the system. The method for calculating the airborne sound insulation index was developed back in Soviet times, so it does not take into account some noise sources, which are modern household equipment. In other words, it focuses more on loud speech, TV sound or music, but does not take into account the low frequency sounds produced by subwoofers, home theaters and household appliances. Fibrous insulation with high Rw values ​​will quality protection from medium frequency sound waves. But in order to absorb low-frequency noise, it, in addition to the sound absorber layer, must have a thick facing layer.

How to make soundproofing in an apartment with your own hands: starting with the basics

Construction professionals note that panel-type houses, which were built ten or more years ago, are distinguished by high sound conductivity. In some cases, apartments in such MKDs can be compared in terms of comfort with communal apartments, where you can hear almost everything that happens behind the wall. In this regard, for the owners of such housing, the question of how to make sound insulation in a panel house apartment is very acute.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the walls and the material of their manufacture.

If the wall structures are sufficiently reliable, then the cause of good audibility may be incorrectly installed sockets and various defects in the form of cracks and crevices. In this case, it will be enough to perform work to eliminate the shortcomings, as well as to replace window and door structures.

If the walls are in order, and the noise still penetrates the apartment, you must do the following:

  1. Make wall preparation.

Before you make good sound insulation in the apartment, you must thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from dirt and check them for cracks and other defects. Identified cracks should be properly puttied, as they contribute to the penetration of extraneous sounds.

The next step will be the soundproofing of electrical outlets. If it is necessary to move the socket, then the remaining hole must be filled with mounting foam, and even better with gypsum or DSP. While doing electrical work safety regulations must be strictly observed.

At the end preparatory phase it is necessary to insulate the heating pipes in the places where they pass in the wall structure. An elastic sealant is used to seal all seams and joints.

  1. Choosing a soundproofing material

Repairing cracks in walls is only initial stage arrangement of sound insulation in the apartment. For reliable protection against extraneous noise, you will need high-quality soundproof materials, in a wide range presented in the catalogs of specialized companies. It is not necessary to choose expensive options. You can choose a proven sound insulation that perfectly combines price and quality indicators.

How to choose reliable soundproofing materials at an affordable cost? It is necessary to compare the sound insulation parameters with the characteristics of the apartment. You should take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, the dimensions of window and door structures, the thickness of the walls and their quality. The choice of soundproofing materials with an excessively large thickness can significantly reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, taking away several tens of millimeters from each wall. In this regard, you can pay attention to cork wallpapers, which are distinguished by high-quality sound insulation.

How to soundproof walls in an apartment: choose a material

So, what materials for soundproofing are usually used?

Soft noise isolation

  • soundproof membranes. They can be ordinary and self-adhesive. Such membranes are produced from synthetic or natural fibers. In the assortment of such products, bituminous polymeric sound insulation for floors with a layer of polyester fiber is separately presented.

  • Acoustic insulation made of needle-punched fiberglass. Such materials are used for ceiling structures and walls. This is the most good option in order to make high-quality sound insulation of frame structures.

  • Polyester backing available for floating floors, but can also be used as a base for laminate flooring.

  • Mineral wool- the most common material, which is distinguished by an affordable price and good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Solid insulation includes structures in the form of plates and panels made of soundproofing materials

  • Combined panels consist of two sheets and a layer between them. They are made from particle boards with the inclusion of synthetic or cork materials. Mineral wool or quartz sand is usually used for the layer.

  • Basalt slabs are made from natural fibers. There are basalt slabs treated with special water-repellent mixtures.

  • Staple weave fiberglass boards are used as a filler for the inter-profile space, as well as for sound insulation of suspended ceilings and frame wall structures.

  • Cork slabs as finishing panels as well as cork flooring can be installed without the use of additional noise insulation.

  • Foam boards are the most affordable soundproofing material. Despite the fact that in terms of their characteristics they are inferior to more modern sound insulation, such plates are still very popular when performing budget repair. The company "My Repair" performs high-quality and inexpensive repairs in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Liquid insulation

Soundproofing materials have a serious drawback - they take up a lot of free space. After their installation, the room will lose in area. The use of liquid sound insulation will help to avoid this.

For its arrangement, you will need a special adhesive composition, which does not take up much space. It is often used between layers of GKL, GVL and plywood. A small layer of such insulation is not inferior in quality traditional materials great thickness.

It is worth mentioning the improvised soundproofing

Many are interested in how to make soundproofing in an apartment if the wallpaper is already pasted. In this case, you can use a number of interior decor elements that will reduce the noise level by almost 30%:

  • Large carpet on the floor or wall.

  • The furniture wall, located along the wall, will turn loud sounds, the source of which is located at the neighbors, into a soft hum.

  • Thick curtains on the windows will reduce the level of street noise in the apartment.

It should be noted that only right choice soundproofing materials will achieve a good result. When deciding what kind of sound insulation to make in an apartment, pay attention to other characteristics of such materials: thickness, thermal insulation performance, etc.

Ways to soundproof an apartment

There are three ways to make soundproofing in an apartment:

  1. Wireframe method involves the arrangement of guides on which the facing panels will be fixed. After installing the sound-absorbing material, sound-reflecting panels are placed between the rails.

Advantage this method is that at correct installation panels achieve a high level of sound insulation. At the same time, this option is quite expensive and takes up a lot of free space in the room.

  1. Installation of plates and membranes involves the installation of sound insulation directly on walls, floors or ceiling structures. After installing the plates with the help of special fasteners or glue, they are covered with thin facing panels. In terms of the quality of protection against extraneous noise, this method is not inferior to frame technology but is much cheaper.

  1. "Floating" the method is used for soundproofing floors. To do this, a soundproofing material is spread on the prepared surface, which is covered with waterproofing on top. A reinforcing screed is installed on top of such a flooring, on which a floor covering is installed. Since this soundproofing option does not use rigid mounts, it provides reliable protection from vibration noise.

How to soundproof the ceiling in an apartment

most practical and effective option sound insulation in the apartment from the neighbors from above - this is to install tension or dropped ceilings. Such work should be carried out by experienced specialists who are well aware of the features of the technological process. quality repair in Moscow and the Moscow region, you can contact the company "My Repair".

In order to save money, you can independently make soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment using multi-layer structures. This option is within the power of even a novice master. It includes the following steps:

  1. Dismantling of the old coating.
  2. The ceiling is glued with a special acoustic material, additionally fixing it with dowels.
  3. Hanging profiles for installing drywall must be fixed at intervals of 60 cm.
  4. Soundproofing boards are installed in the resulting structure in such a way as to leave a small air layer between acoustic coating and slabs (from 50 to 100 mm).
  5. The resulting structure is lined with sheets of drywall.

Pay Special attention on the quality of the materials used. This will ensure your comfort and coziness in the future.

Soundproofing the floor provides protection from noise coming from the floor below, and also saves you from complaints from neighbors living there about loud sounds coming from your apartment.

There are also two solutions here: make soundproofing with your own hands or turn to professionals. In the first case, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation instructions for soundproofing the floor.

  1. Sealing joints.

In preparation for installation work it is necessary to inspect the joints of interfloor ceilings and walls. If cracks are found, they should be repaired with cement mortar or polyurethane foam. Cracks in building structures most often act as a factor contributing to increased sound conductivity.

  1. Plinth installation.

Exists important feature installing the skirting board on the floor with a "floating" base. Such systems can move, which will lead to deformation and destruction of the baseboard, so it is attached only on one side. To increase the quality of sound insulation, strips of special material are installed under the plinth.

  1. Lag installation.

When installing the log, avoid direct contact with the walls and the base of the floor. In these places, gaskets made of rubber or other noise-insulating material should be placed. Do not use rigid connections for mounting the log, as they will be conductors of vibration noise.

  1. Substrate arrangement.

For floor coverings from the laminate, you need to use a substrate based on polyester fibers, which provides good sound insulation.

The carpet on the floor will help to increase the effect.

With any option for soundproofing the floor, it is necessary to follow the procedure and use high-quality materials.

How to soundproof walls in an apartment

It makes no sense to soundproof all the walls in the apartment, including interior partitions. It is enough to isolate structures that are adjacent to neighbors and the stairwell.

Soundproofing membranes on "self-adhesive" are used as sound insulation of wall surfaces, combined panels or plates that are placed on a special frame. Please note that thicker materials will reduce the amount of usable area in the rooms.

An important condition for high-quality sound insulation is the absence of through sockets. If there are any, the space between them should be filled with noise-absorbing material or mounting foam.

Before installing sound insulation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations:

  1. Dismantling of the old wall covering (wallpaper, decorative panels).
  2. Dismantling electrical outlets and switches. If there is a junction box for wiring, you need to remove the cover from it. Be sure to de-energize the wiring first.
  3. Pull the wiring out of the box and sockets for switches and sockets.
  4. Extend the wiring for the switch and sockets to the width of the future insulation.
  5. Temporarily insulate exposed wire ends.
  6. Fill the nests and the box with mounting foam.
  7. Check the wall for cracks.
  8. If cracks are found, they must be sealed with cement mortar.

If you do not have the relevant knowledge and skills, invite a professional electrician to perform electrical work.

The most effective option for soundproofing in a panel apartment is the frame method. Let's take a closer look at its stages.

  1. Stick a soundproof membrane on the wall surface. For this, a self-adhesive membrane or a regular one, which is mounted on a special glue, is suitable.
  2. Make the frame of the frame using vertical guides along the edges of the wall and horizontal ones under the ceiling and on the floor. Dowel-screws are used for mounting guides.
  3. At a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 meters from each other, install vertical guides inside the frame.
  4. Install the noise insulation between the frame rails with glue or flexible metal tape that is attached to the rails with screws.
  5. In the resulting frame there should be no voids and gaps.
  6. Lead the wires of the switch and sockets through the soundproofing
  7. Fasten drywall sheets or decorative boards to the frame. Holes must be made in sheets or slabs for the junction box, electrical outlets and switches.
  8. Carefully seal the interpanel seams.
  9. Do finishing walls with wallpaper or plaster.
  10. Install electrical outlets, switch and junction box.

How to make soundproofing the front door in the apartment

The front door is one of the most significant structures in terms of soundproofing an apartment. The main condition that will help get rid of extraneous sounds penetrating from the landing is the absence of gaps in the door structure. To reduce sound transmission, install rubber seals along the entire perimeter door leaf and equip a small threshold in front of the door frame. If there are gaps between the box and the wall, they should be sealed with cement mortar.

For more effective sound insulation, in addition to the main entrance door, you can install an additional one. The vestibule formed in this case will dampen sound waves.

How much does it cost to soundproof an apartment

The cost of soundproofing an apartment depends on several factors, including the existing and required level of sound transmission, materials and quality. building structures, as well as a method for solving such a problem. For reference, we can say that the sound insulation of 1 m 2 of a wall costs from 310 to 400 rubles, and the installation of an acoustic suspension ceiling structure from 240 to 600 rubles. for 1 m 2.

When solving special problems for the arrangement of sound insulation in rooms with special requirements(for example, home theater, recording studio, etc.) the cost of soundproofing will be higher than under standard conditions.

is a solution to many problems, because often people complain about noise from neighbors, sounds from the street and other things that interfere with their rest. Even the most cozy apartment cannot guarantee complete peace within her. To protect yourself from noise, it is necessary to carry out soundproofing. Moreover, the process itself is quite simple, so that everything can be done with your own hands.

Permissible noise standards

Now many materials have been created that can protect an apartment from outside noise. The most popular are the following:

  1. Drywall.
  2. Panels ZIPS and ecowool.
  3. Ceiling panels.
  4. Suspended ceiling.
  5. Roll materials.

Soundproofing itself works in 2 directions. Firstly, it is soundproofing, that is, all sounds from neighboring rooms are reflected. As a result, the person will not hear anything. Secondly, this is sound absorption, that is, sound waves are absorbed, so that the neighbors will not hear anything either.

There are several types of noise. Airborne are those sounds that are transmitted only through the air. For example, these are the conversations of neighbors, laughter, screams, and so on. Such sounds enter the room through cracks, windows and doors. Impact sound penetrates through the walls themselves. For example, it can be the sound of a drill or other tools. Structural arises due to vibrations. It also penetrates walls, like a shock one. Sources are construction tools. As a rule, both shock and structural appear simultaneously.

Loudness is measured in decibels. There are permitted indicators that will be optimal for human perception. This is about 40-45 decibels. This sound does not harm the human body. An example would be a normal conversation. But this rule is valid only from 7 am to 11 pm. Then only a light whisper is suitable for a person, and this is approximately no more than 20 decibels.

Noisy businesses can emit sounds up to 85 decibels, but this is only an allowed figure. Moreover, people can work in such conditions no more than 8 hours a day. It is proved that during this time the sound will not cause harm to the human body. If the noise is stronger, then it is necessary to use special protective equipment.

The critical indicator is 110 decibels. When the level rises to 130 decibels, the person feels discomfort even on the skin. So it is not at all surprising that the owners of the apartment are often tormented by the screams of their neighbors. But you can protect yourself from this by building soundproofing. In addition, everything can be done independently, so you don’t have to hire a team of workers - even a beginner can handle the whole process.

Preparatory stage

Wall insulation from noise can be easily done with your own hands. First you need to determine in which room to install it. Then you need to select a surface. By the way, insulation is not always done only on walls. If the noise comes from the lower floor, then you will also have to decorate the floor with soundproofing material. The same applies to the ceiling, if the neighbors from above are noisy.

The preparation of the wall begins with the search for those places where there are cracks and crevices. It is through them that most of the noise passes. They definitely need to be sealed. This is very important, since even the walls themselves after such a procedure will better absorb noise and not let it into the room.

Next important point are sockets, since various sounds also penetrate through them. This is especially true for panel houses. Before soundproofing, you first need to turn off the electricity in the entire apartment. Be sure to follow the safety precautions. You can turn off the electricity on the shield, using the machine or simply pulling out the plugs. After that, you also need to check the outlet with a tester to be sure that there is no current in it. Then it needs to be disassembled and pulled out. The hole in the wall should be filled with glass wool or mineral wool. Remember that flammable materials must not be used. Next, you need to close everything mortar which freezes quickly. For example, ordinary gypsum is suitable.

Now you need to do soundproofing pipes. It is necessary to process those places where they touch the wall. It is through the pipes that most of the noise enters the rooms from the entrance. It is best to use sealant for insulation, but it must be elastic. With this substance, all seams between the walls and pipes should be treated. By the way, you need to select a sealant that is also resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

Algorithm of actions when using various materials

Arrangement procedure do-it-yourself walls will vary depending on the materials used.

  1. Plasterboard structures. To make a protective structure, you need drywall sheets, special wooden slats, hardware for fixing profiles to walls, ceiling and floor. In addition, you still need to pre-purchase a drywall profile, self-tapping screws and special layers that will absorb noise. First you need to prepare the wall. Then you should create a frame on which drywall will be attached in the future. The profile cannot be fixed directly to the wall. It is necessary to retreat about a couple of centimeters, laying special gaskets with anti-vibration properties under the profile. They are made from cork or rubber. When the frame has already been built, it is necessary to lay glass wool or mineral wool with sound-absorbing properties. Instead, slabs of this material are still suitable, but they must be semi-rigid. When choosing a material, be sure to pay attention to the sound absorption index. It is usually much higher for softer materials, so these options are more effective. After installing the sound-absorbing layer, plasterboard plates are attached to the profile. Self-tapping screws are used to fix parts. By the way, drywall itself is also a material with excellent sound-absorbing properties. The final stage of work is gluing the joints between drywall sheets. Mesh is used. Next, the joints are puttied. After that, you can glue sheets of wallpaper or paint the walls.
  2. Decorative panels. Now the building materials market offers a lot of decorative panels from different manufacturing companies. If the wall is not completely flat, then it can be veiled with plates. They are attached to the crate with special liquid nails or fixed to each other using the thorn-groove technique. This method of soundproofing is very simple, but at the same time it looks beautiful, since the decorative panels themselves can be chosen with a different shade, texture, different materials. As a result, the wall will look presentable. The cost of such panels is approximately 750-800 rubles per sq.m., but in terms of soundproofing properties they are not inferior drywall sheets. In addition, the panel is quite light in weight - only 4 kg, which is very convenient for the person who installs it. This option is suitable if you need to process all the walls in the room in this way, and not just one side. Then decorative panels will decorate the room, while reducing its area will be minimal.
  3. Roll soundproofing. In this case, the material is glued to the wall - such wall soundproofing hands is very simple, and the method is low-cost. The material is sold in rolls. It is glued in the same way as wallpaper (for example, vinyl). A special glue is used, which is designed just for this. The cost of such material is approximately 1300-1400 rubles per roll, which is designed for 7 sq.m. This option is great if you do not want to invest too much in housing (for example, if it is rented). But it should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of this method is not the highest. The noise level will only be reduced by half.


No wallpaper will protect the tenants of the apartment from the noise from the street or from the exclamations of neighbors. To get rid of intrusive loud sounds, it is necessary to carry out soundproofing. The procedure itself is quite simple, so everything can be done by hand. This option will be the cheapest. In addition, you can choose various materials to your taste. Many of them are very easy to install to the walls, so that even a beginner will cope with this task.
