Soundproofing walls in an apartment, or how to escape from noisy neighbors. Noise isolation in the apartment: the long-awaited silence with your own hands How best to soundproof the walls in the apartment

Recommended in many cases, as it is the only way to get rid of the noise coming from the street. But most often, soundproofing is performed in panel houses, the walls in which are thin and well transmit sounds not only from the street, but also from neighbors. You can learn how to make soundproofing in an apartment with your own hands by reading the material.

We choose materials for soundproofing walls, ceilings, floors in the apartment

Looking for the cause of the noise

Before you go to the store to buy the necessary supplies, it is important to find out the sources of noise. So, if the noise in the apartment comes only from the neighbors below, then it will be enough to soundproof the floor and the problem will be completely solved. If it is important that the noise does not spread through the apartment between the rooms, then you will have to perform soundproofing of the interior partitions.

Important! Even the highest quality soundproofing material is not able to protect the room from the penetration of vibration noise into it.

However, today there are opportunities to deal with this problem, as you will learn below. So let's continue. Noise can enter an apartment not only through thin concrete walls, but also through cracks that appear in it years later, as well as through the joints of floors. Experts recommend not limiting yourself to soundproofing only the floor or ceiling, but making it around the entire perimeter of the rooms of the living space. What will it give? Maximum protection, noise will not be able to get into the apartment, regardless of its origin and direction. Noise can enter the apartment through:

  • joints in the ceiling, walls, floor;
  • mounting boxes and sockets;
  • entrance doors and windows;
  • heating, sewerage and water pipes.

Now, in order, about how to deal with the solution of the issue aimed at eliminating noise with your own hands quickly and efficiently.

We soundproof the apartment with our own hands

We carry out soundproofing of the walls of the apartment

First of all, we inspect the surface of the walls for deep cracks, potholes and other defects, if found, we repair them using a cement-based mortar. It is important to pay special attention to areas with sockets, since it is through them that noise from neighboring rooms spreads most quickly. You can increase the degree of protection by plastering the surfaces or by sheathing them with plasterboard sheets, under which a layer of soundproofing material is laid. If the latter option is chosen, it is important to know and take into account such a moment:

  • The frame should not be fixed to the wall with rigid fasteners, it is better to fix it to the surface of the ceiling and floor. It is recommended to use rubber gaskets to minimize the possibility of vibration noise intrusion. You can also use special tape soundproofing as gaskets, for example, VIBROSTEK-M.
  • It is not recommended to fasten drywall sheets close to the wall, it is required to leave at least 4 mm gap, which is filled with a silicone-based sealant at the end of the work.

As for the materials that can be used during the work, mineral wool is suitable. The main advantage of this consumable is non-combustibility, low price and durability. Mineral wool 5 cm thick can block sound waves up to 45 dB. In comparison, a brick wall 20 cm thick delays up to 53 dB.

Materials and methods for soundproofing walls in a panel house:

  • Panels ZIPS and ecowool. The use of panels that are attached to vertical and horizontal surfaces allows you to provide protection from any type of noise coming from outside the room. The combination of panels with ecowool will create the most comfortable living conditions in the room.
  • Ceiling panels. Mounted on the ceiling surface. On the market, this building material is offered in a rich assortment. The basis is basalt fiber, the presence of which provides protection against the penetration of noise from the upper floors.
  • Roll materials. Presented in the form of a film, which has excellent sound-absorbing characteristics. Laying the film can only be done on a perfectly flat and smooth surface. The advantage of using is that the space in the room is not wasted after the work is completed.
  • Suspended ceiling. Provided that the false ceiling system is executed correctly and using quality materials, noise will not pass through the ceiling. In addition, the false ceiling device will allow you to create an original and unique interior in the apartment.
  • Drywall. Before proceeding with the installation of drywall on the wall surface, all potholes, cracks and other defects through which noise can enter the room should be carefully repaired. When performing work, it is important to comply with a number of requirements and rules. So, if noise enters through the walls, then it is not recommended to attach the frame to the surface, it can be fixed to the ceiling and floor. In addition, when performing installation, experts recommend using rubber gaskets, which can become a reliable obstacle to the penetration of noise into the room. Slots and cracks in the slab, as well as at the joints, are filled with mounting foam. It is possible to increase the degree of sound insulation of an apartment if a layer of gypsum fiber or mineral wool is laid between the wall and sheets of drywall

Materials and technologies with which effective sound insulation can be performed , a lot, the main thing is to make the right choice, which will allow you to get rid of the noise coming from outside the apartment.

Choosing soundproofing materials for walls

When carrying out work, it is important to carefully examine the surface of the concrete wall for cracks; it is recommended to fill deep defects with cotton wool, and then cover with mortar. This will increase the degree of protection of the living space from noise.

When performing work using mineral wool, in addition to sound insulation, you are guaranteed to provide your home with good thermal insulation, which will allow you to save a lot on heating in the winter.

Do-it-yourself ceiling soundproofing features

It most often means a suspended ceiling, the frame of which is attached to the ceiling surface using vibration-isolating suspensions Vibroflex manufactured by Vibrofix or Acoustic Group. Floating mounts can also be used, the advantage of which is accessibility. False ceiling installation, main stages of work:

  • On the anchors that are installed in the wall, a corner of 10x10 cm in size is mounted around the perimeter of the room. After that, a bar with a section of 10x10 cm is laid on it in increments of 1.2 meters. Thick rubber or other soundproofing material is placed between the bar and the corner.
  • The next stage involves the fastening of the frame, which is performed perpendicular to the bars in increments of 40 cm.
  • Depending on changes in humidity in the room, the bars may change their original dimensions, this is important to consider, especially if work is performed in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
  • Profiles are fastened in a regulating way. This will require one suspension string and two adjustable profiles. We bend the string into the shape of the letter “P”, bend it around the bar and insert it into the suspension. The result is a secure, adjustable mount.
  • When the false ceiling frame is ready, we proceed to laying the soundproofing material. As the main consumables, you can use the same as when performing soundproofing walls in a panel house.
  • The final stage involves the use of drywall sheets, which are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

If it is planned to make a stretch ceiling, then the soundproofing material is laid under the canvas and fastened with dowels-umbrellas at the rate of 5-7 pieces per mat of material. It is important to note that stretch ceilings are able to provide the best protection against noise, since they practically do not come into contact with the base surface of the room ceiling.

Soundproofing the ceiling

Performing floor soundproofing

The most responsible approach should be to the implementation of floor insulation, since the highest operational loads are on the surface. Only noise from neighbors from the lower floors enters the premises through the floor; during work, it is imperative to overlap at least 10 cm on the wall surface - this will increase the degree of protection.

You can perform work using various materials, which we will pay attention to below, with regard to the technology of performing work, it is more profitable to use floating screed technology. Its feature lies in strength and reliability, as well as the absence of hard contact in the corners. As a soundproofing material, only dense options should be used, we note the main types:

  • ISOPLAAT - a board made of coniferous wood. The thickness of the underfloor slab is only 6 mm, but despite this, it has high soundproofing characteristics. The sound insulation index of this material is 21 dB.
  • TEKSOUND is a sound-absorbing membrane based on Aragonite. The thickness of the plate is 3.7 mm, it has a high sound-absorbing performance.
  • SCHUMANET is a 3 mm thick roll material. The material is excellent for protection against the penetration of shock and vibration noise into the room. Laying is carried out under a floating screed, provided that the work is done correctly, it is possible to obtain noise protection of 23 dB.
  • Softboard ISOPLAAT is a soft board made of wood fiber, the main advantage is durability and environmental friendliness. The thickness of the slab is 2.5 cm, laying is carried out under any type of screed, including concrete.
  • Vibrostek-V300 refers to rolled soundproofing materials, has a thickness of 4 mm. It is used as a base for a floating screed or as a substrate for laying a finishing floor covering.
  • ISOVER is a mineral board based on fiberglass. The thickness is in the range of 5-10 cm. It is most often used in the construction of lag floors.
  • NOISE STOP - provides protection against impact noise. The slabs placed under the screed are 2 cm thick.

The choice of consumables is huge, this makes it easy to choose the most satisfying material for the job. Compliance with the technology of the device of the sound-proof layer will provide reliable protection against the penetration of noise from the lower floors. The main stages of soundproofing the floor in the apartment:

  1. The preparatory stage, in which the surface of the concrete floor is leveled (potholes, cracks and bumps are eliminated).
  2. Along the perimeter of the room, on the wall surface at a distance of 10 cm from the floor surface, a vibration-proof material is glued using liquid nails, and its surface is covered with a plastic film from above.
  3. Using the level, beacons (wooden or metal slats) are set, after which soundproofing material is laid and covered with a film.
  4. Preparation of a cement-based mortar, at the rate of 1 to 3. It is important that when you press the mortar, water should not be released. The latter is added in a minimal amount.
  5. The finished mixture is evenly distributed on the base of the floor, after which it is leveled according to the established beacons by the rule. The thickness of the first layer should be more than one centimeter. After that, a reinforcing mesh is laid and a second layer 2 cm thick is poured.
  6. After the surface dries and gets stronger, the beacons are removed, their installation sites are covered with mortar.
  7. If, after laying, the edge on the wall surface protrudes, it is cut to the level of the screed with a knife.

Compliance with the sequence of work guarantees high final quality and effective soundproofing of the floor, which will positively affect living in a panel house apartment.

We soundproof the floor in the apartment with modern materials

Soundproofing entrance doors

After the soundproofing of the apartment in the panel house is done with your own hands on all horizontal and vertical surfaces, it is the turn to think about the front doors leading into the room.

Note that a lot of noise comes through them, which is formed at the entrance or on the landing.

Today the market offers a huge range of metal and wooden doors. You can buy models of both domestic and imported production. Many of the proposed options are distinguished by high heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is important to understand that such doors are not cheap, but believe me, this product is worth it.

Many people buy ordinary metal doors, the frame of which is reinforced with stiffeners, but the inside of the door is empty or has a small layer of cardboard or poor quality insulation. Such doors will be cheap, but before installing them, you will need to take certain measures to increase the degree of sound insulation. The main ways to increase the degree of sound insulation of entrance metal doors:

  • You can make soundproofing with your own hands using modern materials, for example, foam or mineral wool.
  • In addition to the main door, a second one is installed, it turns out a mini vestibule, which will reduce the noise level.
  • The construction of a vestibule, if conditions and financial possibilities allow, in this case it will be possible to install three doors, thereby increasing protection against noise entering the room from the entrance.

Of course, if you install two doors, then this will entail certain costs that can be allocated for the purchase of one but high-quality door. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to calculate everything well and think over. Most often, it is possible to save money when buying an expensive and high-quality door, since in this case there is no need for additional costs.

Soundproof entrance doors

When installing the door, it is important to carefully fill the space between the door frame and the wall with foam, after which all the cracks and cracks should be blown out with mounting foam.

Performing soundproofing in a panel house requires the use of high-quality materials, compliance with technologies and requirements, only under this condition it will be possible to ensure the most comfortable conditions for living in your apartment.

Everyone wants to come home after a hard day's work, take a bath, have dinner with their family, and then relax and unwind in silence. This is the dream of many city dwellers, but it may not always come true.

Why is it necessary to soundproof an apartment?

Usually, one of the neighbors, as always, starts to make repairs at the wrong time, someone likes too loud music or karaoke, and someone just has small children running or screaming. All this is complemented by traffic noisy outside the window, and on warm summer evenings young people gather in the yard, who sometimes have fun until late or music sounds from a neighboring cafe until midnight.

Thus, the greater the thickness of the fence, the less sounds can penetrate into the apartment. For an ordinary apartment in a panel house, subject to the installation of high-quality insulation, it would be necessary to add about half a meter to the main concrete wall. This entails the loss of usable area, and also significantly increases the load on the foundation of the building. Therefore, it will be easier and much safer to make a complete soundproofing of a room using thin, light, but at the same time effective materials, than building up the structure with heavy concrete or bricks.

Noise can be divided into two types:

  • percussion, which appear as a result of blows or falling objects,
  • air, such as music, people's voices, etc. They enter the room through windows, doorways, walls, ceilings and floors.

Therefore, it is simply necessary to soundproof an apartment so that you and your family feel calm and comfortable. It is important that you approach the issue of sound insulation competently and as responsibly as possible.

How to soundproof walls yourself

At the very beginning, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the walls in the room for the presence of holes, cracks or crumbling joints in them. They will need to be plastered and plastered over. It should be borne in mind that through sockets located in the rooms, as well as switches, play an important role in the penetration of excessive noise. They need to be properly insulated by changing the boxes themselves and carefully covering the joints with mortar. In this case, special gaskets made of asbestos fabric can be used.

It should be noted that a universal material that can completely soundproof walls has not yet been invented. You can not blindly trust the traditional foam. The best option would be to install drywall sheets. Noise-absorbing materials such as mineral wool or cork underlay should be present between the wall and the sheets. When carrying out work, it is necessary to carefully clog the existing cracks and, if possible, avoid the formation of voids. Mounting foam can be used to fill the profiles.

The frame for laying drywall must be fixed to the floor and ceiling using special rubber gaskets, leaving a gap of about 5 mm between the wall and the profile, which is then filled with silicone sealant. This option will provide maximum sound insulation. The thing is that through the fasteners available in the design, the sound can be transmitted to the drywall structure itself. In addition, some types of chipboard or sandwich panels can be used for walls.

Carrying out work on soundproofing floors

Before starting work, you need to pay special attention to heating pipes and water risers located in the floor or on the ceiling, the gaps must be sealed with sealant. Many people think that the soundproofing of an apartment does not provide soundproofing of the floor. This opinion is wrong. The sound signals coming from the neighbors below practically do not encounter obstacles in their path. Therefore, the noise from the apartment below will certainly interfere.

In standard panel or brick houses, the best solution would be a cork underlay with a thickness of 2 cm or more, which is laid directly on the subfloor even before the cement screed is made. In this case, the cork cloth must necessarily go to the walls around the perimeter. This will limit the propagation of sounds to the main walls or internal partitions.

If the room has non-standard high ceilings, then soundproofing should be done in a slightly different way. In this option, wooden logs are laid directly on a pre-prepared cork wood substrate. The space between them is filled with special rigid mineral wool boards. After that, plywood flooring is made on top. In conclusion, the installation of the floor covering is carried out.

Soundproofing the ceiling

When installing a stretch ceiling, fiberglass or mineral wool is attached directly to the very base of the ceiling. It should be noted that a well-mounted stretch ceiling in itself is a good sound insulator, and sound-absorbing materials placed inside only further enhance the effect.

Soundproofing door and window openings

Among other things, get rid of noise from the outside, equipped with special insulating double-glazed windows. For their installation, it would be better to use the services of specialists. It should be noted that the gaps between the window and the wall must be sealed. Otherwise, all the efforts and material costs incurred will be in vain.

Doors at the entrance to the apartment should be as thick and massive as possible. At the same time, the box itself must necessarily have a threshold and additional seals so that the door leaf fits as best as possible. For greater sound insulation, you can upholster the door with a layer of leatherette on top of foam rubber or any other soundproofing material laid in advance.

When buying, choose high-quality entrance doors, with good sound insulation.

Just as with windows, the gaps formed between the walls and the door frame are blown out with mounting foam, after which they are covered with platbands. If the audibility is still too high, a double door can be used. The second door leaf is hung either on the same door frame as the first one, or an additional frame is made. Despite the fact that the dimensions of the inner vestibule are quite small, an additional air cushion will give an excellent result.

In conclusion, it should be noted that high-quality sound insulation can only be achieved with an integrated approach. It is necessary to take into account all the little things and nuances, not forgetting to repair even the smallest cracks and openings. Only then can the desired effect be achieved.

Video: How to make soundproofing in an apartment?

Any person in his own apartment, you need to relax and unwind.

But what kind of rest, when there is noise from passing cars outside the window, neighbors are noisy on the top floor, and someone is doing repairs in the apartment on the floor below?

Everyone knows that it is impossible to relax with constant noise, in addition, increased noise is very harmful to health.

The way out is to soundproof the apartment: cover the walls, floor and ceiling with noise-absorbing material. Complete noise isolation will be the thoughtful installation of doors and windows, which are the main sources of penetration of any sounds into the apartment.

Soundproof panels PHONESTAR

It is better to carry out all measures for soundproofing an apartment during construction, since the thickness of walls and ceilings affects the penetration of sounds into an apartment. However, apartments in a residential building built of concrete blocks have walls of standard dimensions that cannot be changed. Soundproofing of the entire room is required here.

Materials to be used together with soundproof panels: 1. Wolf-Vlies underlayment canvas (to be laid before installation of panels); 2. PhoneStar sealant gun and Wolf Flex sealant (used to remove possible gaps between panels); 3. Adhesive tape (for sealing the ends at the cut points, necessary to protect the filler inside the panel); 4. Dowel nails Wolf

An apartment located in a residential building made of brick, where the walls are usually thick, will need partial insulation, for example, the ceiling. To insulate against noise in the ceiling, you can install suspended ceiling structures made of or stretch ceiling structures with a high degree of sound absorption.

Materials used together with soundproof panels: 1. Plasterboard; 2. Suspension of a straight profile P60x27 (for fixing (suspension) of ceiling profiles to supporting structures); 3. Profile PN 50*40*3000 for partitions; 4. Profile PP 60*27*3000; 5. Profile PN 28*27*3000; 6. Single-level connector 60 * 27 Crab; 7. Universal self-tapping screws (5x25) - used for fastening panels, drywall)

Video how to soundproof an apartment in a panel house: walls and ceiling

  • From this video you will learn how to soundproof walls and ceilings in an apartment using soundproofing panels.

The resulting space inside the ceiling structure is filled with insulating materials. A spectacular sound absorption is created, which enters the apartment from all sides. This is facilitated by the development of building technologies and the emergence of innovative materials that make it possible to make complex noise isolation from several materials.

Types of noise and ways to isolate them

The method of isolation from noise depends on its origin. Noises are percussive or airborne.

  • The first types of noise occur when objects hit the floor when falling, walking and shifting objects (furniture) on the floor.
  • Noises generated by the air with the help of air vibrations during a loud conversation, turning on household appliances occur through thin walls, improper docking of building elements and many other reasons. In this case, it is necessary to use insulating materials in places where the integrity of the surface is violated, to cover the walls with multilayer panels (sandwiches).

Video on how to soundproof the walls of an apartment using soundproof ZIPS panels

  • From this video you will learn how to make soundproofing in an apartment using multilayer ZIPS panels.

As an insulating material against noise, various sealants are also used at the joints of surfaces (wall - ceiling; wall - floor; heating and water supply risers).

There are two ways of soundproofing a room: carrying out work on a full or partial program.

The first method requires a complete renovation of the premises using materials that increase the thickness of the walls, which leads to a decrease in the size of the area, so it is not advisable to carry out these works in small rooms.

Materials used with ZIPS soundproof panels: 1. ZIPS soundproof panel; 2. A set of fasteners for the ZIPS panel; 3. Tape soundproof gasket Vibrostek M-100; 4. Vibrosil (vibroacoustic sealant); 5. Drywall for finishing cladding

Partial insulation may be suitable here, for example, soundproofing the ceiling, which is mentioned at the beginning of the article.
Windows and front doors play an important role in protecting the premises from noise. These are plastic double-glazed windows with soundproofing properties and sealed, tight-fitting entrance doors. Sound insulation of doors can be improved by sealing openings and a snug fit to the door frame.

Note! All of the above materials are provided only as an example and are not mandatory for use. The modern market offers a variety of soundproofing materials and you can choose any material of acceptable quality, properties, prices.

Video how to soundproof a steel front door

  • From this video you will learn a little more about the theory of sound, as well as step-by-step instructions for soundproofing a steel front door

You can listen to this article!

The vast majority of apartments in panel houses are characterized by rather poor sound insulation, which is associated with a small thickness of interfloor ceilings and loose panels. As a result, any sound source, be it furniture being dragged across the floor, a working TV, loud conversations and even footsteps, cause significant inconvenience. And if the neighbors started a renovation or a noisy feast, then you will have to forget about peace for a while.

It should be noted that the human need for silence is not only psychological, but also physiological in nature. A noise level of about 40 decibels will no longer provide an opportunity to fully relax, and noise above 85 decibels is dangerous to health and can lead to serious mental disorders. The only thing that can help in the fight against noise in an apartment building is a comprehensive soundproofing of the apartment.

The noise penetrating into the apartment can be acoustic or vibrational in nature. Acoustic noise is associated with the propagation of sound vibrations through the air and enters the apartment due to the presence of gaps between walls and ceilings, insufficiently tight window and door blocks, through holes for sockets and ventilation ducts. This type of noise includes loud music or voices in a neighboring apartment, the sounds of passing cars, the noise that occurs during the operation of the elevator, etc.

Vibration noise is acoustic vibrations propagating in a solid medium. The source of such noise can be concrete walls, fittings of columns and crossbars of the building, as well as pipes of the plumbing and heating systems. Many of us know from our own experience how good it is to hear when upstairs neighbors rearrange furniture or throw heavy objects on the floor. And if someone in the entrance works with a puncher or a jackhammer, then a terrible roar is not only in neighboring apartments, but also throughout the riser of a multi-storey building. This is vibrational noise.

How to make soundproofing in the apartment with your own hands

Thick concrete walls and high-quality floor joints provide good noise protection, however, in the design and construction of typical panel houses, such an important factor as sound insulation, unfortunately, is not taken into account. Most residents of "high-rise buildings" at least once thought about how to soundproof an apartment. In order to provide comprehensive protection against noise, it is necessary to soundproof walls, floors and ceilings using sound-absorbing materials.

In addition, you should pay attention to such sources of sound penetration as:

  • sockets and mounting boxes,
  • heating and water supply risers,
  • joints between walls, floors and ceilings,
  • window blocks and entrance doors.

Let's take a closer look at how to implement do-it-yourself apartment soundproofing.

Soundproofing the walls in the apartment from the neighbors

In prefabricated houses, walls and partitions are usually thin, so they do not absorb sound well. In order to provide the necessary soundproofing walls in the apartment usually increase their thickness with drywall. The space between the wall and drywall is filled with a porous material: mineral wool or foam rubber, which will prevent the propagation of sound vibrations.

First, a frame of steel profiles is mounted. In order to exclude the transmission of vibrations from the walls and the floor, it is necessary to make gaskets from rubber or other elastic substance in the places where the profiles are fastened. After the frame is ready, a sound-absorbing material is glued to the wall, which should cover its entire surface, while the thicker its layer, the more effective the sound insulation. Then drywall sheets are screwed to the frame.

Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment

Noise isolation of the ceiling in the apartment is of the most importance, because, as practice shows, the most inconvenience is associated with the noise that the neighbors from above produce. Ceiling insulation is carried out according to the same principle as wall insulation: first, a frame is assembled from profiles, while one should not forget about rubber gaskets at its attachment points, then the entire space inside it is filled with a sound-absorbing substance. To do this, you can use foam rubber, glass mat or special soundproof plates made of mineral or basalt wool. Such plates have an excellent absorbing effect with a relatively small thickness, therefore, after their installation, the height of the ceilings in your apartment will not decrease significantly.

Soundproofing the floor in the apartment

If there is no intermediate layer between the ceiling and the floor cladding, then the sounds from the lower apartment will freely penetrate to you. At the same time, the neighbors will hear everything that happens at your place, up to the sound of footsteps and moving chairs. The issue of soundproofing the floor is solved with the help of a special sound-absorbing material, which has a small thickness and consists of fiberglass, special paper, foamed polymer or other synthetic substance. During the repair, depending on the material of the sound-absorbing layer, it can be placed under the laminate, or directly under the screed.

Due to plasticity and elasticity, this type of sound insulation effectively dampens vibrations and absorbs impacts. When laying the soundproofing layer, a waterproofing film is placed on top of it, and the screed covering it should not touch the walls.

Noise isolation of sockets and mounting boxes

Sockets and junction boxes are also sources of noise. The fact is that in reinforced concrete floor slabs, through holes are specially provided for the installation of electrical equipment and accessories. In order to ensure sound insulation of the outlet, it must first be de-energized. Disassemble the socket and pull it out, then place a specially cut washer made of dense sound-absorbing material: thick cardboard or pressed mineral wool into the hole, then carefully cement it with a plaster mixture.

Mounting boxes are located under the ceiling, usually in the middle of the wall. In some cases, they are hidden under the wallpaper, and in order to find them, it is enough to tap the wall. The insulation of the boxes is carried out according to the same principle as the sockets - we take out the plastic plug, then install and cement the washer from the soundproof material. Before carrying out work, make sure that there is no voltage in the network.

Soundproofing of central heating risers

According to building codes, risers are laid through interfloor ceilings through special sleeves, which should prevent the spread of noise. The sleeve is a fragment of a pipe of a larger diameter, which is built into the ceiling. The gap between the sleeve and the riser pipe is filled with mineral wool or other sound-absorbing material. In practice, builders often cement risers without the use of a sleeve. Over time, the cement collapses, the gap between the pipe and the wall increases, and the sound from the upper apartment easily penetrates through the gaps formed. In order to ensure sound insulation of the riser, it is necessary to carefully remove the concrete around the pipe to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

Wrap the freed pipe with fiberglass or mineral wool, and then cement it again. Excess noise-absorbing material is cut off, and the place next to the pipe is puttied.

Noise isolation of joints

During the operation of panel buildings, cracks often appear along the joints between two walls, as well as between the wall and the floor, through which sound from neighboring apartments can penetrate. The causes of such cracks can be various deformation of the building, as well as poorly fitted panels to each other. To ensure sound insulation of the joints, it is necessary to expand the cracks as much as possible with a chisel or screwdriver, carefully clean them, prime and cover them with plaster. After the putty dries, the joint surface is covered with acrylic sealant.

In order to eliminate the gap between the wall and the floor without disassembling the parquet, simply fill it with silicone sealant and glue it with a special tape, then install the skirting board in place.

If you decide to increase the sound insulation in your apartment, then remember that a good result is possible only with an integrated approach. In this case, you should use only high-quality and proven materials.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

It is convenient when developers offer to move in apartments in new buildings in a draft version - with bare walls, floors, ceilings. Such a purchase makes it possible to create an apartment of your dreams using any materials, bypassing the stages of disappointment with the quality of the overhaul. Finishing from scratch is cheaper than reworking, and very significant, especially if you do everything yourself. Noise isolation is the most expensive measure when creating comfort in an apartment. You won't need it unless you're born deaf. In other cases, the cost of materials cannot be avoided.

When to install soundproofing?

Sound conductivity in a high-rise building is a tricky thing. You will always be aware of how people from the next apartment live, or you will endlessly conflict with them because of the scales that your young musician is learning. By protecting one wall from neighbors with soundproofing materials, you can hear them through the floor or ceiling. The whole structure of the house is tied into a single system, so soundproofing will have to be installed all around, not forgetting to isolate the nursery from the living room, the kitchen from the bedroom, as well as the bath and even the front doors.

Noise isolation is the second stage in the arrangement of an apartment in a new building after the installation of a toilet bowl and a sink. It can be combined with the insulation of the walls of the room.

Types of sound insulation

Soundproofing of apartments is divided into two types:

  1. Sound-reflective (material that returns decibels back).
  2. Sound absorbing.

Soundproofing materials are used both in new buildings and in old apartments. Some of their types are applicable for soundproofing bathrooms, some for entrance or interior doors. Manufacturers offer a wide range of soundproofing materials, there are plenty to choose from.

  • Thin dense materials are heavy and can compete with concrete walls in terms of sound-reflecting properties. Their price is quite high.
  • combine sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting materials. Mounted on the frame, thereby reducing the area of ​​​​the room. They belong to the middle price segment.
  • Mineral wool slabs serve as excellent sound insulation from general background sounds, but do not protect against impact noise. They are the most accessible material.

Preliminary work on the soundproofing of the apartment

Soundproofing an apartment begins with the detection and removal of cracks (potential sound leaks). Detected defects are rubbed with putty or sealant. Particular attention should be paid to communication pipes. They are tightly wrapped with soundproofing material, such as polyethylene foam, mineral wool or fiberglass, and the entry point is carefully sealed.

Compared to conventional construction foams, the use of MAXFORTE SoundFLEX foam adds over 10 dB to sound insulation, which is equivalent to a 2 to 3 times reduction in noise feel.

Soundproofing the bathroom

When choosing a material for soundproofing a bathroom, consider the high humidity of the room and its size.

When using hygroscopic soundproofing materials, additional protection against moisture penetration into them will be required. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will appear in the bathroom over time, which is difficult to get rid of. This method "eats" a lot of space. In the context, it looks like a 3-layer: soundproofing - waterproofing - finishing.

Other ways to soundproof a bathroom are not much more expensive, but much more effective.

  • Polymeric membranes up to 4 mm thick are not afraid of moisture, they are easily glued to wall surfaces.
  • Soundproof panels. Kraft paper with mineral filler.
  • Special plaster with porous fillers. The maximum effective material layer is 25 mm.

If you have a steel bath installed, which greatly increases the noise from pouring water, you can make it soundproof using polyurethane foam or foamed polyethylene. Materials are applied or glued to the bottom of the tub.

Sewer and water pipes are excellent conductors of sound. They are wrapped with soundproof tape or polyethylene foam, avoiding gaps.

To block out the noise of neighboring apartments, basalt fiber slabs are attached to the ceiling and floor of the toilet and bathroom.

Make sure that all parts of the soundproofing fit snugly together. Leave no loopholes for sounds.


We can say that there is a lot of work to improve the sound insulation of walls in a new building. The cost of the event will cost a tidy sum. Do-it-yourself installation of structures will take more time than with the involvement of professionals. But! For many years, you and your children will have a quiet time without being distracted by extraneous noise. And with pleasure invite guests to a party without disturbing the neighbors.

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