Choose an adhesive for gas silicate blocks. The choice of glue for the walls of your future home. Types of mixtures for laying aerated concrete and application features

Diversity building materials often forces private developers to resolve issues with their difficult choice. This applies not only to the main structural elements, but also auxiliary mixtures and compositions involved in the construction of buildings. In particular, when laying gas silicate blocks, it is allowed to use a traditional cement-sand mortar or a special adhesive that has a sufficient number of advantages, in addition to a higher, at first glance, price. It would seem, where is the benefit of using modern material if you have to pay more when buying it than for cement and sand combined? But in the end, the actual consumption of glue for gas silicate will be 5-6 times less compared to a conventional solution.

The popularity of gas silicate blocks

The effectiveness of the use of cellular concrete blocks for laying external walls, which include gas silicate products, lies in their structure. In the process of manufacturing the material, numerous isolated voids filled with air are formed in it, which contributes to obtaining lower thermal conductivity compared to ceramic or silicate bricks.

The size of the gas silicate block significantly exceeds the dimensions of a typical brick. At standard values, their difference is 18 units, which contributes to the acceleration of the construction of gas silicate boxes. Weight also plays an important role. bearing walls, which affects the bulkiness and depth of the foundation. Weight wall block fluctuates depending on the density of gas silicate, but in any case it will be 2-2.5 times less than that of 18 bricks.

So the popularity gas silicate masonry largely consists of visible savings, including those consisting in reducing the cost of heating and foundation installation. The walls do not need additional heat and sound insulation, moreover, they have refractory properties. A clear geometric shapes of a single block product make it possible to perform fairly thin masonry joints.

It should be noted that the difference in the cost of one cube of ordinary gas silicate blocks and traditional bricks is not in favor of the latter.

Of course, gas silicate walls have their drawbacks. And the main one is the need for a device outer skin walls or surface plastering, as the porous material is afraid of moisture. But for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that often at home from clay brick also cover facing stone. By the way, they do this not only to improve aesthetic qualities, but also as protection against destruction under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

Another disadvantage of gas silicate blocks is their fragility, therefore, for load-bearing walls, a denser structure of the material should be used, which has less, but still sufficient, heat-insulating properties. As for everyday situations, it should be noted that the fragility of gas silicate simply will not allow attaching to the wall heavy object. This fact must be taken into account.

Glue Features

Consumers have many questions before buying glue for gas silicate blocks - what volume to choose, how not to make a mistake with the type of dry mix, how to figure out manufacturers and trademarks how to dilute and properly apply the composition. But first, you should get to know the material better and understand why it is he who is preferred when laying gas silicate blocks.

As mentioned above, gas silicate products have a porous structure, therefore they actively absorb moisture, which is, among other things, in cement-sand mortar. So that the masonry does not lose the necessary strength due to its premature drying, the thickness of the seams must be made too wide - up to 1.5-2 cm. This leads to overspending of the solution and deterioration of the thermal insulation qualities of the building envelope due to the high thermal conductivity of the cement-sand layer located between the blocks. Glue, unlike mortar, is able to securely fasten the stones together with a seam thickness of up to 2-5 mm, which saves the walls from peculiar cold bridges.

The small thickness of the seam between the blocks is possible due to their perfect shape allowing only minimal deviations.

The adhesive mixture for gas silicate masonry is a dry composition of several ingredients:

  • Portland cement;
  • fine sand;
  • modifying additives responsible for the retention of moisture, the absence of cracks and the plasticity of the adhesive;
  • polymers that improve adhesion (adhesion) and contribute to high-quality filling of irregularities.

Glue per cubic meter of laying gas silicate blocks is spent much less than for an identical volume of traditional bricks. And the point here is not only in the thickness of the seams, but also in the surface area on which this or that composition is applied. One should only imagine that where only one block will need to be smeared with glue, the solution will be needed for 18 bricks! The savings are visible to the naked eye, even though the adhesive mixture costs twice as much as the same volume of cement-sand composition.

But the benefits of glue for gas silicate do not end there. In addition to economy and excellent adhesion, we can distinguish:

  • connection strength;
  • simplicity and speed of kneading;
  • freezing speed;
  • water and frost resistance;
  • universality - work with any cellular concrete;
  • availability and wide choice;
  • the possibility of independent use without the involvement of professional masons.

The adhesive mixture for gas silicate blocks is produced for work in summer and winter conditions, for interior and exterior wall surfaces. Winter compositions are allowed to be used at temperatures up to -10 and not higher than +5 degrees. This mode is associated with the addition of dry mix antifreeze additives, preventing the normal setting of the adhesive at elevated or low temperatures. Summer adhesive mixtures are recommended to be used in the mode from +5 to +25 degrees. Limits indicated in the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging.

Dry glue is supplied in packs of 25kg. They must indicate the expiration date.

Calculation of the amount of the mixture

The economical use of the adhesive mixture when laying aerated concrete blocks is fundamental, otherwise, due to the high cost of the material, the point of acquiring it disappears. The joints should be made as thin as possible, which is facilitated by the geometry of the masonry stones and the use of notched trowels that regulate the size of the applied layer.

Depending on the thickness of the seams (2-5mm), manufacturers set the approximate consumption of dry glue for cubic meter within 15 ... 25 kg, which corresponds to the volume of one bag. The packaging indicates the approximate consumption of the material, so before buying, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.

Preparation of the adhesive composition

It is necessary to dilute dry glue in full accordance with the instructions. It is located on the back of the package.

For cooking, you need a clean deep container, preferably a bucket. First, water is poured into it, and only then the mixture is poured. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is important to maintain just such a bookmark order. The solution is kneaded using a special nozzle installed in a drill instead of a drill, or using a construction mixer. Whipping the mass should not be, therefore, power tools should operate at low speeds.

For a short period of time liquid glue let stand, after which it is mixed again. The consistency of the finished mixture is checked by applying it to the gas silicate surface with a notched trowel. The mass should pass between the teeth easily, leaving a clear outline of the grooves that do not blur later.

It should be borne in mind that the glue begins to thicken after one and a half to two hours, so the solution should be kneaded in portions. Manufacturers claim an open working time with a solution of 25-30 minutes.

The diluted mixture is placed on the surface of the block using a notched trowel or a special bucket-trowel. The new stone is lightly pressed against the previously laid block, after which the element is knocked out with a rubber hammer until it finally settles. Correcting the position of the gas silicate block is allowed for 10 ... 15 minutes. Grouting is carried out as one row of masonry is installed.

The adhesive hardens almost every day, and it acquires its final strength after 72 hours. A more accurate time should be indicated on the package.

Adhesive selection criteria

The quality of the adhesive composition intended for laying gas silicate blocks largely depends on the manufacturer of the product. When buying, it is recommended to give preference well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, not to be seduced by low price, indicating a likely fake, and not be tempted by the actions of one-day companies that choose low-quality ingredients for the mixture. It must be understood that a quality product cannot have a low cost.

Attention should be paid to the storage conditions of the adhesive in the warehouse or at the point of sale, which do not allow high humidity and low temperatures. If the regime is not followed, the glue will lose its physical and mechanical properties, which ultimately affects the insufficient strength of the gas silicate masonry. You should not forget about storage conditions in the case of preliminary purchase of building materials, otherwise the adhesive mixture will have to be purchased again.

It is not recommended to opt for bulk materials without packaging, since no one can guarantee what is mixed there and who the manufacturer is. The same applies to containers with a dull, blurry pattern or indistinct inscription, even if it is a trademark. What self-respecting manufacturer would pack their goods in an unpresentable package today?

Popular adhesive mixtures

The construction market is filled with various dry compounds designed for laying gas silicate blocks. Each region may have its own manufacturer, but the products of large companies are found almost everywhere. On domestic shelves there are products:

  • AEROSTONE - Dmitrovsky plant of aerated concrete products;
  • BONOLIT - Noginsk company "Bonolit - Construction Solutions";
  • THERMOCUBE - Kostroma Plant of Building Materials;
  • PORITEP - Ryazan plant of cellular concrete;
  • ECO - Yaroslavl Building Materials Plant;
  • YTONG - Mozhaisk plant for the production of cellular blocks;
  • TAIFUN - Grodno company "Typhoon";
  • ILMAX 2200 - Belarusian company for the production of dry mixes "Ilmax";
  • IVSIL BLOCK - famous Russian manufacturer"Ivsil";
  • AEROC - St. Petersburg enterprise for the production of cellular concrete "Aeroc SPb".

The glue of the above brands is of high quality and is in demand on Russian market. But this list does not limit the number of manufacturers, but mentions only a small part of them.

For quick installation slabs and blocks made of aerated concrete, foam concrete and gas silicate, glue for gas silicate blocks is used. The price of block adhesive depends on the type, brand, base material and application. Glue for gas silicate blocks is made on cement base and fine sand with various additives.

  • plastic;
  • weatherproof;
  • moisture resistant;
  • economical.
  • grasps quickly.

Before applying glue for gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base - clean it from dirt and degrease it. The dry building mix is ​​mixed with water until a ready-made mortar is obtained, after which it is applied to the surface with a notched trowel. Such glue forms a thin, strong seam between the blocks, which significantly improves the wear resistance of the structure.

The construction hypermarket "Master Tibot" sells a wide range of not only adhesives for gas silicate blocks, but also glue for aerated concrete blocks. You can buy glue for gas silicate blocks from us at the most affordable price in the city. We carry out delivery of goods in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can check the cost of the selected products in our online store.

As practice has shown recent years, application of dry building mixtures during most construction and repair work much more profitable than using conventional solution. So, with the help of glue for foam concrete, you can not only perform masonry much faster and better than before, but also save money at the same time. After all, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks many times less than conventional mortar.

The company "Osnova" offers glue for gas silicate blocks own production V a wide range. Use of modern equipment and advanced technologies allows us to produce world-class products that have passed all the necessary checks and have the appropriate certificates.

At the same time, we offer to buy high-quality foam concrete adhesive, the price of which is noticeably lower than the average market price.

Advantages of using glue for gas silicate (aerated concrete) blocks

The use of special glue for foam concrete is almost always more profitable than the usual one. cement-sand mixture, the following reasons:

  • glue has better adhesion, which helps to increase the strength of the structure;
  • it is easy and convenient to work with him;
  • adhesive for foam concrete is different optimum time setting;
  • has high frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks is several times less than cement mortar;
  • the adhesive is resistant to temperature fluctuations and tolerates both high and low temperatures equally well;
  • the level of thermal insulation of the building is increased.

Calculation of glue consumption for aerated concrete blocks

Before starting work, it is desirable to calculate the number necessary materials to estimate the approximate cost of construction. Having a house plan, it is easy to determine how many blocks you need, since their geometric dimensions are well known. But how in this case to calculate the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks?

In fact, everything here is quite simple. The consumption of glue, as a rule, is 15-20 kg per cubic meter of masonry, if the thickness of the adhesive layer is the recommended 2 mm. Therefore, knowing the number of cubic meters of block required for construction, it is not difficult to calculate how much foam concrete glue you need to purchase.

The construction of aerated concrete involves the laying of walls from blocks in compliance with a certain technology. The main task is what to put aerated concrete blocks on?

Consider the types of solutions, foams, mixtures and adhesives for laying gas blocks. Comparative analysis characteristics and properties will allow you to make right choice. You will find out which glue is better, how much is consumed, when and how it can be applied, the cost different manufacturers+ Tips for preparation and application.

In practice, several types of adhesive mixtures are used for laying aerated concrete. However, there are only two popular options:

Cement-sand mortar for laying aerated concrete

Is it possible to put gas blocks on cement mortar?

The use of cement mortar for laying aerated concrete is not recommended for several reasons:

  • seam thickness 10-12 mm;
  • the composition of the solution is not constant;
  • a long preparatory period, from sifting sand to kneading, which increases the time of work;
  • significant dustiness of work;
  • the appearance of cold bridges at the junction of the blocks, and these are additional heat losses;
  • difficulty in laying walls in winter. Due to frost, the mixture must either be kneaded in small portions or constantly heated.

Note. Cement mortar justifies itself when laying aerated concrete blocks of the second category. Laid in a large layer, it allows you to fill in the voids caused by the broken geometry of the block.

Adhesive for laying aerated concrete

The main components of the adhesive (special adhesive mixtures or thin-layer mastics): cement, sand fine fraction, polymer binders, modifying additives, the presence of which allows the solution not to harden at a temperature of -10°C.

Tool for applying glue to aerated concrete blocks

Appeared on the market new tool, which simplifies the application of the adhesive solution (controlled thickness of the adhesive layer when laying aerated concrete) - a special container, bucket trowel or carriage for aerated concrete. These are different names for the same device.

Thanks to these devices, the laying of aerated concrete blocks is faster and with minimum consumption glue, and the cost of work is reduced.

Advantages of glue for gas blocks:

  • the plasticity of the material and the fine-grained filler (no more than 0.63 mm) makes it possible to achieve a joint thickness of 2-3 mm. Those. consumption is reduced by at least 4 times, and the thickness of the seam is reduced, which reduces the total area of ​​​​the joints and, as a result, eliminates the growth of heat loss through the seams;
  • dry bag adhesive mixture(25 kg) requires only 5.5 liters of water. This means that the moisture content of aerated concrete will not increase significantly;
  • the composition of the adhesive solution is always the same, which allows for the same bonding performance;
  • the composition of the mixture includes additives (anti-frost), giving it frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • glue can be used as putty. This eliminates the appearance of residues;
  • the amount of glue from the finished mixture is easier to knead as much as needed for work;
  • availability of special winter adhesives for aerated concrete allows you to perform work in the cold season;
  • the adhesive is able to harden without shrinkage.

The only conditional minus of the glue is the setting time. The glue hardens in about 10 minutes. At the first stage, this can create certain difficulties for beginners.

How to use the adhesive for aerated concrete

  • keep warm (not lower than +5°С);
  • aerated concrete should not be covered with snow (in this case, its moisture content increases, which means that the properties of the glue decrease);
  • glue spatulas or carriages should be kept in warm water;
  • use containers only for glue, otherwise larger impurities may appear. This will not significantly affect the properties of the glue, but it will definitely affect the thickness of the layer (as a result, the glue is overused).

As the main argument, adherents of the classic cement mortar recipe call the high cost of glue. Correctly and objectively, the adhesive mixture is more expensive. But if we take into account the consumption of glue for aerated concrete per m3, it turns out that a bag of adhesive mixture is enough for laying 1 cubic meter of aerated concrete, and only a third of the "home" solution, then the cost overrun is obvious.

How to choose glue for gas blocks?

The solution to the problem is complicated by the great diversity adhesive compositions On the market.

The easiest way to decide is to conduct small tests.

Test 1. Take several types of glue and glue two aerated concrete blocks each. After a day, break the connection and look at the fault. If the fault goes along the seam, such glue is not suitable for use. If the blocks themselves are partially deformed along the seam, and the blocks themselves are partially deformed, then the use of such glue is doubtful. If the seam remains intact, but the gas block is damaged, this best glue for aerated concrete. It is this glue that should be preferred.

Test 2. Prepare for use 1 kg of each type of adhesive to be tested. Fill them with equal containers. Weigh after hardening (24 hours). Preference should be given to glue from the container, the weight of which is smaller. Light weight indicates that most of the moisture is gone, which means that the mixture is less thermally conductive.

Anticipating a healthy dose of irony from readers, we note that testing several adhesives is, of course, troublesome and costly. But it will be useful for those who have a couple of types of glue and do not know which one to choose.

We will indicate those brands of glue for aerated concrete blocks that have been tested by professionals and have earned their approval.

Manufacturers and cost of glue for aerated concrete

Today, you can buy glue for aerated concrete in many online construction stores. Before placing an order, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top three, by number positive feedback(the table shows manufacturers and average prices at the end of 2015)


glue cost Adhesive consumption kg per 1 square meter with a layer of 2 mm Joint thickness, mm
Ceresit CT 21 (+"Winter") 300 rub/25 kg 2,6 2-10
Baumit PorenbetonKleber
Baumit PorenbetonKleber Winter (winter)
200 rub/25 kg
270 rub/25 kg
2,5-3 2-3
KREISEL 125 (Kreisel) 250 rub/25 kg 2,5-3 1-3
Good reviews about glue for gas blocks (second three)
Founded Selform MS112 (T-112) 199 rub/20 kg 2,6 1-5
AEROC winter 240 rub/25 kg 2-3 1-5
Ytong-economy (winter solution) 260 rub/25 kg 3-3,2 1-3
Bonolit 220 rub/25 kg 2,6-3 2-8

As you can see, adhesives are presented in different price categories, despite approximately the same composition and purpose.

It is worth noting that a modern adhesive material for laying cellular concrete blocks has appeared -.

Unique technology the use of foam allows you to make a very thin seam and eliminate cold bridges, along with incredible efficiency (1 cylinder = 1 cubic meter of masonry) and high adhesion.

The novelty is treated with caution. Due to the lack of confirmation of time tests, manufacturers are limited to recommendations for the use of adhesive foam for internal self-supporting walls. In European countries, foam is already actively used for laying blocks.

The material was prepared for the site

Adhesive consumption for aerated concrete

A bag of dry mix 25 kg is dissolved in 5-6 liters of water, as a result, 18 liters of ready-made glue are obtained from the bag.

Adhesive consumption (dry masonry mixture) with thin-seam masonry (seam 1-3 mm) per meter cubic. is 16-17 kg.

The life of the finished adhesive mixture is 2-3 hours. Block adjustment time after laying is 10-15 minutes.

The consumption of glue for aerated concrete directly depends on the dimensions (the indicated calculated data are focused on blocks 600 long and 300 mm high) and the quality of the surfaces of the aerated concrete (poor geometry, chips and defects increase consumption), as well as on the professionalism of the bricklayer. Therefore, the calculated values ​​may differ from the actual ones. It's better to make a calculation with a margin.

Formula for calculating glue consumption

P - consumption of dry mixture of glue kg per cubic meter aerated concrete masonry;
L is the length of the gas block (m);
H is the height of the gas block (m);
d is the thickness of the seam (mm);
1.4 - the calculated value of the consumption of dry mix for glue (kg / m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm).

What affects the price of glue for aerated concrete?

  1. place of purchase retail store, wholesale depot, online store);
  2. delivery (self-delivery);
  3. volume of purchase (piece by piece, wholesale);
  4. brand awareness.

Technology for the preparation of glue for aerated concrete

Each manufacturer puts instructions for use on the packaging. But as general rules we specify:

  • the required volume of water is measured;
  • the mixture is poured into the water in small batches;
  • mixed with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained for 5 minutes;
  • the mass should "rest" for 5-10 minutes during which time the polymer additives will open;
  • mix the solution again;
  • stir the solution periodically during operation.

Such a consistency of glue is considered optimal, in which the teeth that appeared on the surface after applying the glue with a notched trowel (comb) do not blur.

Advice. Add water to the mixed adhesive solution during operation is unacceptable, this will reduce its adhesive properties. Therefore, you should prepare a small portion of glue, sufficient to work for half an hour.

When can aerated concrete be laid?

When deciding on the choice of adhesive for aerated concrete, it should be remembered that external factors also affect the adhesive strength of the adhesive. Many are interested in whether it is possible to lay aerated concrete in winter, in frost, in rain, at what temperature, etc.

External factors:

  • humidity environment . Aerated concrete walls must be laid during the dry season. Then the glue will harden at the optimum speed. During rain, snow and strong wind- it is forbidden. Actually, as it is undesirable to work with dirty, wet and icy blocks;
  • air temperature. The hotter it is, the faster the curing process will go, which can lead to shrinkage cracks. In the cold season, the glue will harden more slowly.

Advice. In the case of laying blocks in winter, a container with glue should be wrapped with summer glue and closed with hot water.

How to lay aerated concrete on glue

  • block preparation. aerated concrete block fit for work must be of the correct size and free from contamination (dust, dirt, snow are not allowed). Excessive block moisture is also undesirable;
  • the block is not moistened before applying the glue (!);
  • to reduce the consumption of glue, it is applied to the surface of the aerated concrete block with a notched trowel or carriage;
  • excess glue is removed after curing. They are cut off with a trowel (an exception is the smearing of glue on the front surface of the block).

Comparing in this way adhesives for aerated concrete and cement-sand mixture, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion in favor of the use of ready-made adhesive solutions.

Glue for gas silicate blocks is a dry cement-sand powder with the addition of organic and mineral plasticizers. It is produced, as a rule, in packs of 25 kg. It is used in the construction of external and internal walls.

Glue is characterized by a lot of advantages:

  • High heat-saving properties. Its use minimizes the risk of "cold bridges".
  • Strength, which is much higher than that of a cement-sand mixture.
  • Resistant to weather conditions.
  • plasticity.
  • The ability to create a thin seam, increasing the quality and appearance masonry.
  • Ease of mixing.
  • Financial benefit. Price cement mixture 2-3 times lower, but its costs are almost 6 times higher.

The composition of the adhesive includes special additives that prevent rapid drying. This allows you to tightly connect adjacent blocks, and the hitch will not lose strength for many years. The setting period of the solution is 3-4 hours, and the time during which the position of the block can be corrected is 10-15 minutes.

Glue for gas silicate blocks: features of choice

When choosing an adhesive for gas silicate, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors:

  • Best before date. "Expired" or improperly stored gas silicate adhesive loses the main part of the fastening properties.
  • Manufacturer. Do not chase a small cost and buy glue from little-known companies. It is better not to risk the reliability of your home and buy goods from a well-established manufacturer.
  • Weather. If the laying of gas silicate blocks will occur at temperatures below +5 ° C, then frost-resistant compounds are used.
  • Consumption. Before you buy gas silicate glue, you need to clarify its consumption per 1 m3. On average, it takes about 6 liters of water to knead 25 kg. In this case, the weight of the finished solution from 1 bag will be 30-31 kg. On total consumption glue is influenced by several factors (layer thickness, characteristics, manufacturer), but on average it is 15-40 kg per 1 cubic meter of masonry.
  • Scope of work. A preliminary calculation will help not to make a mistake when buying and sometimes save a lot. Large quantities are usually sold at a significant discount, which will have a positive effect on total costs for construction.

Glue consumption directly depends on the quality of gas silicate blocks. If you use material with ideal flat surface, then for 1 cube of masonry it will take about 20 kg of the mixture (with a 2 mm joint thickness). If the blocks have shape defects, then the glue will have to be spent more. Experts advise to purchase a mixture with some margin.

The most common brands of glue

The production of glue for gas silicate is carried out by many domestic and foreign companies. Depending on the quality of additives, winter and summer views. Frost-resistant glue is recommended for use when low temperatures(from +5 to -10 °C). The packages have standard weight(25 kg), but decorated with a special logo (snowflake).

Experienced craftsmen offer several compositions that have shown themselves well in the construction market.

Glue consumption per 1 m3, kg

Benefits and application features

Cost 25 kg, rubles

Frost resistance

Distinguish between winter and summer options

245 simple and more than 300 - frost-resistant


Differs in high cold resistance, environmental cleanliness and speed of preparation


Non-toxic and good frost resistance


Available in plain and frost-resistant versions



Frost resistance and ease of application

Summer version with excellent water repellency

As you can see, the price of a good gas silicate adhesive cannot be too low. Attempts to save money threaten future problems with the quality of masonry.

Glue preparation

When preparing a mixture for laying blocks of gas silicate, several rules should be considered:

  • The container for diluting the glue must be clean, durable and dry. An ordinary plastic bucket can be a good option.
  • During the mixing process, the mixture is added to the liquid (never vice versa).
  • Pour the solution in small portions.
  • For work it is better to use a drill with a special nozzle (mixer).

The density of the finished glue should resemble sour cream. It can be applied at any time of the year, but it is better if the temperature is above -15°C.

Glue preparation takes place in two “runs” with a 5-7-minute interval. Approximately 200 g of water is consumed per 1 kg of the mixture (the exact proportions should be indicated on the package). An overdose of liquid threatens to deteriorate the adhesive characteristics. In this case, the consumption of finished gas silicate glue will be at least 10 kg per 1 m3. Do not dilute too much solution at a time. The resulting adhesive does not lose its properties within 80-120 minutes (in winter - within half an hour), after which it hardens and becomes unsuitable for the installation of gas silicate blocks.

Features of masonry blocks

The work surface needs preliminary preparation. Firstly, it must be cleaned of foreign objects and debris, remove paint, oil, dust and soot residues. Secondly, it must be strong and dry. If the surface has a glossy appearance, then it should be sanded to a matte state. Smooth out irregularities and depressions (you can use already prepared glue).

Work Guide

After preparing the surface, you can proceed to the installation of walls. A smooth grater (trowel) is used to apply gas silicate glue, and a notched trowel is used for leveling. The mixture must be applied both to the bottom row of masonry and to the side of the block to be installed.

Between applying the solution and further work should take about 20 minutes. The new block must be lightly pressed to the base and besieged with a rubber mallet. The hardening of the mixture will begin in about 10 minutes, during which it is possible to correct possible irregularities in the masonry. In the warm season, the glue dries out in 1-2 days, and reaches its final strength at the end of 3 days.

The air temperature in the room has a significant effect on the speed and quality of solidification. With cold weather, the setting time of the glue increases, with warming, it decreases. Too much heat may cause shrinkage cracks.

1. When choosing a mixture, it is better to focus on options that even a novice bricklayer can handle (for example, Etalon-Teplit glue or CM 999). Expensive solutions require more professionalism.

2. The second and subsequent rows of blocks are “planted” on the glue. Installation of the first tier occurs only on cement mortar. This helps to smooth out the likely unevenness of the foundation and improve the quality of the masonry.

3. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer (2-3 mm). Otherwise, the material consumption will increase several times, which will negatively affect both the quality of the seams and the overall construction budget.

At first glance, laying blocks on gas silicate glue is a simple procedure. This is not exactly true: correct use adhesive composition is not for every master. In this regard, it is desirable that the installation process is carried out only by a qualified bricklayer who can guarantee high quality masonry.
