What colors are needed for wallpaper. Wallpaper paint for painting - how to choose and not go wrong. Using wallpaper for painting: how to glue and paint canvases

Wallpaper is intended to decorate the interior of a room, more specifically the walls. Their diversity can bring unique style to a room at home.

Sometimes there is a need to paint the wallpaper. Most often this is due to the fact that old color I'm bored, and there is no opportunity or desire to re-glue new ones.

However, there are other reasons. For example, they are dirty or faded. Painting will update it appearance wallpaper, transforming the interior of the room. It is important to approach this process wisely. And its key element is the choice of paint for wallpaper to be painted. And you should start from it.

Painting wallpaper will help you quickly change your interior

Paintable wallpaper refers to those varieties that the buyer can independently give the desired color. They are mostly white, with relief over the entire surface. Regular wallpaper, not for painting, painting is not advisable.

Painting tools

The most suitable tools for painting wallpaper is paint roller. It has a large contact area and is easy to work with. There are several types of roller: velor, fur and foam. They all differ in the material of manufacture and the length of the working surface. Therefore, they are suitable for different situations.

A roller is the most suitable tool for painting wallpaper.

For example, a roller with long pile can deeply color the glass wallpaper material. And with a short one, just go through the texture.

Long pile roller

The foam type of roller provides the smallest area of ​​contact with the surface. When painting with it, small bubbles without color will appear on the wallpaper, since the surface is porous.

Foam roller with handle

For each situation, each type of wallpaper paint and its material, you should select a specific roller. With this approach, coloring can be done as quickly as possible, and most importantly, with high quality.

Paint brushes less effective. However, they will be able to paint over hard to reach places, where the roller cannot reach. These are mainly corners or joints.

Paint brushes will help paint hard-to-reach places

Types of paint

In total, there are several suitable paints for wallpaper for painting. The main ones are acrylic, alkyd and water-dispersed varieties. They all differ in price category, operating conditions and other characteristics. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them before directly choosing paint.

Alkyd paints for wallpaper for painting

This type of paint is intended primarily for use in non-residential or utility rooms of a home. This area of ​​application is associated with possible harm for health from them. The fact is that alkyd paints contain various oils and resins that negatively affect the body. People who are in a room with such painted wallpaper may become ill over time. Plus, this can lead to serious respiratory diseases.

Alkyd paint for wallpaper for painting

However, despite their harm in alkyd paints, there are a number of undeniable advantages. They are more saturated in color; similar coloring for wallpaper will look nice in utility rooms. It is also worth noting their high durability. These paints tolerate high humidity well and do not lose their color under prolonged exposure to lighting. They also contain antifungal additives. Thanks to this, wallpaper painted with alkyd paints will not begin to rot.

Due to its water-repellent properties, alkyd paint will do for painting the bathroom

Their service life is on average about five years. Over time, their appearance deteriorates. It is also worth adding the fact that alkyd paints belong to the class of fire hazards. This reduces their scope of application.

To summarize, alkyd paints are absolutely not suitable for application to wallpaper in residential areas of the house. Because they are harmful to the human body. But they fit perfectly in utility rooms. For the price per liter they are quite low.

Water-dispersion paints

This type paints for painting are currently the most popular and used. Unlike acrylic, the water-dispersion variety does not contain any harmful components, oils or resins. For this reason, it is perfect for painting wallpaper in living areas of the house. Plus, there are countless color variations. So water-dispersion wallpaper paint will fit perfectly into any room interior, adding beauty and uniqueness to it.

Water-dispersion paints have a rich range of colors

It itself is divided into several key subspecies. The first of these is latex paint based on water dispersion. acrylic base. It is intended primarily for painting non-woven wallpaper with a relief texture. Also suitable for fiberglass. Latex paint dries quickly and has a slight odor. It is barely noticeable and not off-putting. Therefore, it can be used to paint the kitchen, bedroom, living room, as well as other living areas of the home. But it is not suitable for a bathroom where air humidity is high.

Painting wallpaper with latex paint

There is also just latex paint on a water-dispersion basis, not acrylic. It is characterized by its durability. The paint contains acrylic latex and styrene butadiene. Thanks to this, its elasticity is achieved. In stores, this type of paint is most often sold white. You can add color to it using tinting. Basically, only soft shades are obtained, sharp shades are almost unattainable.

You can give latex paint the desired color using a tint

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting

The acrylic variety is very popular in all types of painting work. Including in the living areas of the apartment. Even for children's rooms, due to its complete harmlessness. Therefore, this paint is very suitable for wallpaper. It does not contain any harmful components or chemicals. It is completely safe for human health. But due to the extensive list of advantages, acrylic paint is considered one of the most expensive.

Acrylic paint is completely safe, so it is ideal for painting children's rooms.

Acrylic paint on water based Designed for non-woven materials. However, some of its varieties are also suitable for paper wallpaper and fiberglass. Including for preliminary priming. Water-based acrylic paint differs from water-dispersion latex paint in its saturation. Wallpaper painted with it can look very bright. Another advantage is the fact that the color does not fade over time. Water-based acrylic paint on wallpaper will last a very long time; throughout its entire service life there will be no reason to re-paint it.

Acrylic paint is resistant to fading

This variety is completely devoid of any odors. This is one of the positive differences from water-dispersion paint, which has a specific smell. No film is formed during painting. For this reason, the wallpaper under the paint can breathe, which prevents steam from accumulating in the room. A final advantage is its drying time. It only takes one day. You can then touch the wallpaper without fear of getting dirty or ruining the paint job.

Acrylic paint dries quickly and has no odor

Water-based paint

Water-based paint is a combination of latex (acrylate), antiseptic, filler and fastening chemical components. Just like acrylic and water-dispersion, it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is suitable for painting work in residential areas.

Water-based paint is characterized by moisture resistance. Wallpaper that has been painted with it can be washed with a damp cloth. It won't cause them any damage. It also has absolutely no odor. Because of this, it can be used in a child’s room without fear of an allergic reaction in the child.

Water-based paint is highly moisture resistant

This type of paint dries quickly, one day is enough. The film formed on the wallpaper “breathes”. The paint has high vapor permeability and condensation will not accumulate on it.

Water-based paint dries within one day

Due to its performance characteristics water-based paint Silicone is suitable for painting wallpaper in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. This is due to increased resistance to moisture.

Water-based paint is suitable for painting wallpaper in the kitchen

The right choice of paint for wallpaper

The choice of paint should be based on two main factors: the material of the wallpaper and the place where it is glued. But besides them there are many others, less important elements, which need to be taken into account.

Most often you can find four materials for wallpaper:

  • Paper. The simplest and most common variety, characterized by a low price.

Paintable paper wallpaper

  • Non-woven. This type of wallpaper is made from cellulose fiber and various additives. They differ in their texture and relief.

Textured non-woven wallpaper

  • Glass wallpaper. This variety is characterized by its durability. But it requires a lot of paint to change colors.

Durable glass wallpaper for painting

  • Vinyl. This is very reliable material for wallpaper, but gluing them will be very expensive.

Vinyl wallpaper for Pokarski

For classic paper wallpaper will do water-based paint. For non-woven fabrics - water-dispersion. Fiberglass is best painted using acrylic or latex paint.

It is important to note that in rooms with high humidity It is best to use paint that can withstand this regime. These are acrylic and latex. These species tolerate small amounts of liquid and can even be wiped with a damp cloth. This is due to the thin film that forms on the wallpaper as a result of painting.

Wallpaper painted with latex paint is easily tolerated wet cleaning

All paints have a certain light reflectance: matte and semi-matte, satin and glossy. All of them apply to different rooms Houses.

Gloss paint for wallpaper for painting

Matte and semi-matte paint is more suitable for rooms with excess lighting. For example, the living room. Glossy, on the contrary, reflects light well, so it is applicable in rooms with a lack of it. Satin paint has average performance and is suitable for the kitchen and bedroom.

Wallpaper painted with matte paint

The most matching wallpaper non-woven and glass wallpaper are used for painting. They have high performance characteristics and wear resistance. But it is very important to choose the right paint for each wallpaper. This will only increase their durability. It will also additionally transform the appearance of the product. As a result, a room with non-woven or glass wallpaper will sparkle with new colors.

Non-woven wallpaper – best option for painting

Painting features

After the choice of paint in which the wallpaper will be painted is made, it remains to become familiar with the specifics of the process. This is done in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes, and the result in the end was pleasing to the eye and did not require rework. Painting features vary for each wallpaper and type of paint, so you should consider them in more detail.

For paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper for painting is produced in multilayers. Usually there are two or three. This ensures reusable painting. Manufacturers recommend changing the color of paper wallpaper no more than five times. Afterwards, their structure collapses and they deteriorate.

Paper materials for wallpaper are very cheap, so their quality is not high enough. For high-quality painting One coat is sufficient. You should not heavily saturate the wallpaper with paint. It is enough to apply a layer superficially. If after this there are any stains or color defects left on the wallpaper, then it can be supplemented with a second one.

Water-based paint is suitable for paintable paper wallpaper

For paper wallpaper, water-based paint is most suitable. The product will last in this form for several years without losing its appearance.

For non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is the best option for painting. The material itself is quite high quality and reliable. The texture of the wallpaper is embossed, and this is not lost as a result of painting. For non-woven wallpaper, latex or water-dispersion paints are more suitable. In total, the material can withstand up to 15 repainting cycles.

Options finishing materials There are quite a few for walls, but wallpaper remains the most popular. Of all their varieties, many consumers prefer paintable wallpaper. Their advantage is the ability to repaint and change the interior several times at the lowest cost.

It is possible to realize the most daring color ideas yourself, and choosing the right paint is an important point.

Types of paints for different types of wallpaper

Wallpaper paints can be divided into three types: water-based, acrylic and latex. Each type of wall covering for painting has its own recommendations for choosing paint.

Let's consider the options:

Among the popular manufacturers of interior wallpaper paints are the following:

  • Dulux. Belongs to the expensive segment. The paints are available in a variety of colors, apply well and last a long time.
  • Beckers. Certified coatings vary environmental safety, as well as resistance to environmental factors.
  • Tikkurila. Wide selection of colors for all types of wallpaper. They retain color for a long time and favorably emphasize the relief pattern.
  • Alpina. Excellent application on wallpaper and dries quickly. A large selection of matte shades allows you to choose paint for any interior.
  • Dufa. Dye Russian production. Safe for interior work, not afraid of moisture.

Experimentally, in the video, wallpaper is painted with different colors, comparing expensive ones with cheap ones.

Which paint is better: acrylic, water-based or latex?

The choice of paint is individual. Each consumer may have their own preferences depending on the characteristics and cost of paint and varnish products. IN comparative table Let's outline the advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper types.

Paint typeAdvantagesFlaws
  • is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage;
  • presented in wide range color shades;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to apply and does not smudge;
  • resistant to sunlight, does not fade;
  • has no smell;
  • does not create a film on the wallpaper, which allows it to “breathe”.
  • high price;
  • has only a matte texture;
  • Complete drying time is 24 hours.
  • environmentally friendly;
  • initially white, easily tinted to any shade;
  • Available in matte and glossy textures;
  • easy to apply and fits well on the surface of the canvas;
  • dries quickly;
  • has no smell.
  • afraid of moisture;
  • fades when exposed to sunlight.
  • creates a luxurious coating with a silky texture;
  • is not afraid of moisture, which makes it easy to clean the wallpaper from dirt;
  • durable;
  • It has big choice color shades;
  • Available in matte and glossy;
  • dries quickly (within 2-4 hours).
  • high cost, but it is due to excellent performance characteristics;
  • It has a smell that is practically unnoticeable after drying.

Painting technology

To apply paint to the wallpaper, use a roller and brushes. First, hard-to-reach places are painted with a brush, such as cracks, areas located near batteries, window slopes, all corners of the room, doorway. Then they proceed to smoother areas, carefully painting them with a roller. Large areas can be treated with a spray bottle.

Preliminary and thorough mixing of the paint is mandatory so that the color is uniform. For the job, you will also need a paint tray and masking tape, which can be used to limit those areas that should not be painted (ceiling, baseboard, etc.).

The first coat is usually considered a primer because there is a possibility of areas that will be poorly painted. This especially happens with wallpaper with a deep textured pattern. After the first layer has dried, the procedure should be repeated.

The technology of applying paint to wallpaper consists of the following steps:

  1. The wallpaper paste must be completely dry after pasting, i.e. Wallpaper must be dry before painting.
  2. Paste masking tape areas that do not need to be painted. Using a brush, apply paint to hard-to-reach places and in places where the tape is pasted over.
  3. Pour some paint into the tray and dip the roller. It is preferable to use with long pile in order to carefully paint over the relief pattern.
  4. It is better to apply paint to wallpaper from the window and in the direction from top to bottom.

The interior design can be thought out in such a way that drawings or color stripes are applied to the wallpaper. It is important to know that you need to paint on the finished base coating, i.e. on the second layer of paint. An option for forming patterns can be a prepared stencil.

Allowed finishing coat varnish, which will give wallpaper and paint additional protection from mechanical damage.

Features of painting wallpaper

Non-woven. They are the most popular wallpaper for painting according to sales statistics. Non-woven wallpaper itself is moisture resistant. If the wallpaper is pasted in a room where you will need to clean it from dirt and dust, then choose latex paint, which is not afraid of wet processing and cleaning agents.

Apply at least two coats with a deep nap roller to achieve a thorough color finish.

Vinyl wallpapers. The principle of applying paint is similar to glass wallpaper: the surface is first primed and two layers of paint are applied. An important condition is not a strong impregnation of them, especially with options for paper based. If the wallpaper is not very embossed, you can get by with one coat of paint.

Paper wallpaper. This wallpaper does not like moisture, so when painting, give preference to a water-based composition. It is recommended to apply it in one layer, repainting only the areas that are not tinted.

Pre-pasted wallpaper can be treated with a special impregnation, this will prevent the paint from running off.

When pasting walls, make sure that no glue residue gets on the wallpaper, otherwise these areas will be difficult to paint.

Glass wallpaper. The type of wallpaper that is considered the most durable can withstand up to 30 repaintings. The paint penetrates deeply into the fibers of the material and adheres well. It is recommended to apply twice, allowing the first layer to dry thoroughly first. Before starting work, the wallpaper must be primed. Due to greater absorption of paint, their consumption is much higher than that of paper.

It is important to take the same precautions as when working with glass wool.

  1. Before starting paint work, protect furniture and windows as much as possible. Cover sockets and baseboards with masking tape. Remove masking tape before the paint has completely dried.
  2. Careful rolling with a roller on newspaper or a special part of the tray will help to avoid the formation of drips on the walls.
  3. It is better to buy wallpaper for painting white or the lightest possible shade.
  4. Matte paint can hide wall imperfections. Large irregularities must be leveled before pasting, while small ones will be hidden by wallpaper and a matte finish.
  5. A wall painted with glossy paint can make a room visually larger and brighter. Not recommended in rooms with big amount natural light and uneven walls.
  6. When repainting it in a lighter shade, the wallpaper must first be painted white. After drying, you can apply the shade that was chosen.
  7. Pre-priming will reduce paint consumption.

Painted wallpaper in the interior

The wide range of wallpaper paints presented on the shelves of coloring centers and specialized stores makes the choice difficult even for a specialist. In this article we will talk about proven brands of paint and reveal several professional “painting” secrets.

Whether you decide to update your interior or add color to freshly pasted wallpaper for painting, you must approach the choice of suitable paint with all responsibility. In the very first store it will become clear that it will not be possible to limit yourself to the usual combination of parameters “price-manufacturer-volume”. At a minimum, you need to take into account the features of each type of wallpaper, and at a maximum, understand the varieties and types of paint.

Water-based paints for interior work - choosing the type of binder

Dye Wallpaper type pros Minuses
Alkyd Glass wallpaper with a smooth texture, vinyl wallpapers(exterior painting). Forms a resistant, durable film and is not afraid of exposure to liquids and detergents. It does not “breathe”, is toxic, and can smooth out the relief pattern on the wallpaper. Not recommended for children's rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.
Water-dispersion (based on PVA) Any type of wallpaper. Low price, environmental friendliness. It is not resistant to moisture, flows heavily when applied, and may leave marks after drying.
Acrylic (latex) Any, for non-woven wallpaper it is better to use diluted. Uniform coverage, stability, silky surface. Does not weigh down paper wallpaper. Quite a high cost.

Another important nuance— appearance (smoothness or roughness) of the coating. Traditionally, manufacturers distinguish several types of paint:

  1. Matte (without shine) is used for spacious rooms.
  2. Semi-matte (with a slight sheen) is well suited for bedrooms and lounges.
  3. Glossy (with a strong shine) is rarely used in residential areas - it brightens dark spaces well, but in sunny rooms it can cause discomfort.
  4. Semi-gloss has good reflectivity and is easy to clean. Ideal for kitchens.
  5. Satin (smooth without shine) is wear-resistant and moisture-resistant. Suitable for any room.

Important! The more shine the paint has, the more durable it is. In most cases, it is not recommended to wash matte paints.

Price and quality: budget rulers and expensive paints

When choosing paint, it is better to focus on trusted manufacturers, especially since they all produce several lines - from economy to premium:

Manufacturer Name Peculiarities Consumption, m 2 /liter Cost per liter
Alpina (Germany-Russia) ALPINA RENOVA High coverage, quick drying. 6-8 From 84 rub.
Alpina Megamax 3 Matte velvety paint for thin layer application. Does not contain solvents. 7-8 From 260 rub.
ALPINA Children's room Safe paint with a silky matte effect. Doesn't highlight harmful substances, used with a special color. 7-8 From 193 rub.
Dufa (Russia) Dufa Mattlatex RD 100 Matte resistant paint for any room. Can be washed and disinfected. 5-7 From 148 rub.
Dufa Superweiss RD 4 Super white paint for rooms with high humidity. Safe, can be used in children's and medical institutions. 5-7 From 186 rub.
"Rogneda" (Russia) "Rogneda Dali" acrylic paint for wallpaper Elastic, highly covering paint for any wallpaper. Does not form streaks, does not turn yellow. 9-11 From 138 rub.
Dulux (Netherlands) DULUX Dazzling White Matte paint with the addition of marble particles, certified for children's and medical institutions. 10-13 From 205 rub.
Dulux Easy Water-dispersion paint for any type of wallpaper. Emphasizes texture. Does not contain harmful impurities. 12-15 From 249 rub.
Dulux Kid`s room Non-toxic bactericidal paint for children's rooms. Without smell. Contains silver ions. 7-10 From 440 rub.
Dulux Diamond Matt Matte paint with increased wear resistance. Withstands washing with special products. 12-17 From 467 rub.
Tikkurila Finncolor (Finland) Oasis Interior Plus Matte paint with anti-corrosion effect. Quick drying. Suitable for wet areas. 8-14 From 145 rub.
Tikkurila Joker Acrylate paint premium. 8-12 From 583 rub.
Tikkurila Harmony Matte paint with a velvety effect. 7-12 From 695 rub.

Important: be sure to require quality certificates for any paint. Do not buy dubious-looking products in shabby packaging. Be sure to pay attention to the storage conditions and expiration date - the paint should not be exposed to temperature changes.

When choosing paint, you need to focus on the type of room where it will be used. Special attention attention should be paid to the composition of paints for children's rooms. Typically, manufacturers produce a separate line marked “for children,” but if specialized paint is not available, give preference to formulations approved for medical institutions.

Paint for kitchens and hallways must meet at least two requirements - be resistant to abrasion and not be afraid of repeated washing. It is better to study the label in advance and make sure that the manufacturer does not place restrictions on the use of detergents or disinfectants.

Important: do not buy the entire amount of paint at once if you are not sure of the correct choice. A small jar (the minimum packaging for most manufacturers is 1 liter) will be enough to test the paint in an inconspicuous place or on the remaining piece of wallpaper.

Secrets of tinting: household colors or professional selection of paints

The majority of manufacturers offer standard wallpaper paint white and the tinting that complements it - manually or computer selection. As a rule, brands in the “above average” price category produce three basic options:

  1. Base A is intended for self-tinting to light shades. pastel shades. The high content of white pigment - titanium dioxide - provides good coverage of the paint and at the same time does not allow the creation of saturated shades.
  2. Base B is not available from all manufacturers - it is an option for creating shades of medium saturation (titanium dioxide content is about 2-2.5%).
  3. Base C is not used without tinting - dark and bright colors are created on its basis.

It is better to use manual color selection on small volumes of paint - household colors are not as highly pigmented as their professional counterparts, so the consumption will be quite large. In addition, “getting” into the desired shade can be very difficult.

Important: if you decide to tint the paint yourself, prepare the composition with a small margin. If there is not enough paint, it will be almost impossible to repeat the created shade.

Many stores offer computer tinting services - the color and consumption of the tinting are selected by a special program, which is subsequently stored in memory. This way you can accurately select the tone and reproduce it if necessary.

Do not try to save money by choosing paint of dubious quality at a low cost. As a rule, the consumption of such products is much higher due to low coverage - in order to mask drips, it is often necessary to apply a second layer. Give preference to trusted manufacturers and specialized brands- then painting wallpaper will not turn into a difficult task, and the walls will delight the eye with pleasant shades for a long time.

Wallpaper in the interior has always been one of the most popular ways to decorate walls, but this is not surprising. They have many advantages, including ease of use, long service life, low cost and attractive appearance. However, not everyone likes multi-colored patterns, but only wants to preserve the unusual texture of the paper, and then wallpaper paint comes to the rescue, which can completely change the design of the room.

You can paint not only new wallpaper, but also old ones in order to bring newness to the interior using budget materials. You can paint more than once, and the result with the right approach will always be excellent.

At the same time, painting solves several problems at once, in particular dirt on old wallpaper, minor scuffs and faded color.

Choice of colors

The main point in such repairs is the choice of color, because the success of the work and the overall picture will depend on it.

Types of paint

Before starting a renovation, many people have a question about what paint to paint the wallpaper with, and this is not surprising, because the choice is so wide that you need to approach it wisely. It is important to understand that only wallpaper specifically designed for this purpose should be painted. They are predominantly pastel colors with embossed patterns and can “survive” more than 5 colors.

The choice of paint depends on both its characteristics and the quality of the wallpaper that will subsequently be painted. On the market building materials The following types of wallpaper paints are presented: water-dispersion, acrylic and water-based.

All of them have both disadvantages and certain advantages, so before purchasing it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the compositions, application features and other equally important information.

Water-dispersion paints

The most popular and frequently used paints are water-dispersion. They have a relatively environmentally friendly composition, since they do not contain resins, various oils and other harmful components, and a wide palette of paint colors allows you to choose the desired shade without much difficulty. Thanks to this, it is possible to use paint for interior decoration walls

In turn, latex paint is produced on acrylic and non-acrylic bases, which has certain differences. The first option is mainly applicable for painting non-woven wallpaper with different textures and fiberglass.

It dries quickly, has a subtle odor, but is definitely not suitable for rooms with high humidity, for example, a bathroom, toilet, loggia.

The second option is achieved with acrylic latex and butadiene sterol in the composition, which makes the paint elastic and very durable.

The disadvantage may be the color palette, because the paint sold is mainly white, but if necessary you can add special color, but to achieve bright shade will not work, so the color palette is extremely soft and calm.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paint has virtually no competitors, but the high cost of the material can put you off. Its composition is considered to be completely free of harmful substances and therefore safe for humans. It is recommended to use this paint in children's rooms so that nothing harms the child's health.

During the repair process it does not give unpleasant odor, which significantly increases comfort and once again speaks of a good composition. The color is rich from the first dyeing and does not fade over time, as often happens with other materials.

After painting, a film does not form, the wallpaper can breathe, so there are no problems with the accumulation of steam in the premises. Drying time is one day, after which you can safely use the room without fear of spoiling the result.


Water-based wallpaper paint has good composition, therefore it is used for interior decoration of residential premises.

A special advantage is its high moisture resistance, which means that the wallpaper can be washed with a damp sponge during use without fear of mechanical damage. There is no smell at all, so there is no need to worry about allergic reactions.

The paint dries completely within 24 hours and is vapor permeable, which ensures the absence of condensation. Its use is appropriate even in rooms with high humidity.

Tools needed for painting

A large contact area, gradual distribution of paint and fast work are ensured by a paint roller, which differs in size and material from which it is made. There are velor, foam rubber and fur rollers, but each is suitable for one or another material.

Long pile rollers are good for painting fiberglass because it requires a lot of paint and deep penetration. For example, foam rubber will, at best, only color the texture. Its porous surface is suitable for smoother and more delicate textures.

Features of repair when painting wallpaper

It’s not difficult to find approximate photos of paint for wallpaper, as well as the materials themselves, but to organize and implement renovation work much more difficult.

Before you begin, you need to completely remove the furniture so that nothing interferes with the process and the paint does not end up on inappropriate surfaces. It would be a good idea to cover the floor and seal the baseboards to avoid contamination.

Experts advise degreasing the surface to be painted in advance and cleaning it of excess debris, otherwise the result may turn out to be extremely unattractive, even if these are Tikkuril wallpaper paints and then you will have to apply another layer of paint, or maybe even re-glue the wallpaper.

After the work has been done, it is advisable to leave the room, since even in the absence of an unpleasant odor, there is still the possibility of inhaling harmful fumes.

Photo of paint for wallpaper

Interiors are not always decorated with one type of coating. Often paint is applied to the pasted surface to highlight the relief of the wall. The individuality of the room is given by the correctly chosen shade and quality of the product being coated. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing paint for wallpaper for painting and study which one is best suited.

Types of paints for wallpaper coating

Many novice masters are confident that for high-quality coating Any type of wallpaper will do. However, this is not the case. When choosing paint, you need to consider not only its manufacturer, but also type of room illumination, the width of the wallpaper and the cost of the purchased product.

Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes resort to diluting the paint with water. However, this is strictly prohibited when working with wallpaper: from liquid composition, applied to the walls, the structure of the canvas is destroyed, and the entire work will have to be redone again. Therefore, you need to choose a coating in trusted stores who collaborate with famous brands.

Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the offered range. And also study all the positive characteristics of each type of paint.

The following types of paints are used to cover walls:

  • water-dispersed;
  • alkyd.


Acrylic paint has an advantage in the list of wallpaper coating products. This is due to her positive properties. Of these, safety from an environmental point of view should be highlighted, high drying speed and the absence of unpleasant odors.

This type of coating is available in many shades on store shelves. Acrylic paint is ideal for covering indoor walls. The painting substance can be applied to any type of wall covering, so its cost is higher compared to other types of products.

This paint can also be used to create interiors in children's rooms, as well as in kitchen areas.

For wall coverings, it is recommended to give preference water-based acrylic paint. The advantage of this paint is that, compared to other types of coating, it is practically does not burn out under the influence of sunlight.

There are acrylic paints produced on water dispersion basis. They are often presented only in white, but this problem is easily solved with the help of additional coloring in the desired shade that the owner of the room liked.

An additional advantage of this composition is considered to be its ability to pass air to the walls so that they can “breathe.” Manufacturers often add special additives to the paint composition that allow effective fight with fungus on the walls of the room.


The alkyd paint composition is not suitable for covering wallpaper in the bedroom or living room.

This is explained by the fact that the substances included in the coating can cause harm to human health. Alkyd coating can only be used in non-residential premises where people do not spend most time.

U alkyd paints low service life. With proper application and careful use, it reaches four years. This is much lower than that of acrylic coatings. After the first two years of application to the wall, the appearance of the composition becomes less attractive and wears out quickly.

Along with the disadvantages of this paint, there are also positive aspects:

  • Bright colors and rich shades.
  • High resistance to moisture and sunlight.
  • Additives against fungal formations included in the composition.


This type of paint is one of the most popular building materials on the market. Popularity water-dispersion paints brought it environmental properties and wide palette presented colors.

For a master who is faced with the choice of paint for the first time, it is difficult to find the differences between water-dispersion and acrylic paint. However, there are some. It should be noted that acrylic coating is also one of the varieties of water-dispersion paint.

Latex paint, made on a water-dispersion and acrylic base, is ideal for coating non-woven wallpaper.

She will emphasize relief of the structure, if there is one on the wall. This type of coating is universal and suitable for use in the bathroom or kitchen and, of course, in living rooms and bedrooms. This paint is for others does not cause harm because it has no characteristic odor.

The advantage of this paint is undoubtedly high drying speed surfaces.

There is another subtype of paint - latex water-dispersion paint that is durable and has a smooth surface after application. These properties are achieved by adding the manufacturer to the composition of special substances butadiene-styrene and acrylic-based latex.

IN construction stores This type of coating is presented in white, but you can always use the tinting service and give the paint the shade of your dreams. You won't be able to achieve a rich color. However, pastel colors will decorate the interior or bedroom.

When choosing paint of this type, you need to be guided by the choice based on the room where you intend to apply it.

If the room is with high humidity, it is recommended to use wear-resistant compounds.

For a bedroom or nursery, a regular one is suitable latex based paint. This type of coating easily tolerates wet cleaning.


Sometimes remodelers use washable paints when painting walls. These paints are convenient because the surface can be washed with a damp cloth and detergents. And do not worry about the appearance of the wall and the condition of the composition.

This option is convenient in those families where there is children or pets. If the slightest mark is left on the surface, the owner of the room can easily remove it from the wall.

Removal requires wet cleaning. It is important to follow the rules for applying such paint to the surface of the wallpaper.

It is important to ensure that no smudges form and that the surface remains level.

About choice suitable paint for wallpaper, a specialist from the video will tell you:

Selecting a shade

There are a large number of wall surface paint colors available on the building materials market or in a specialty store. But buyers often want to opt for rare shades in order to give the room personality.

If, when making a choice, the desired color was not found, then the customer service specialist may suggest that the buyer resort to the tinting process. You can choose a shade yourself or use a computer program.

When tinting yourself, a coloring pigment is added to the base color and the result is evaluated. It is not difficult to do this action. However, it is important to take into account the fact that after the paint has completely dried on the surface of the wallpaper, it may happen that the desired color will not be reproduced. Instead, the coating will appear in lighter colors.

In order to avoid this problem, it is recommended to take one piece of wallpaper and brush it with paint. And after some time, evaluate the resulting color. Another problem with mixing colors in a bucket is when you need paint and the container has run out of paint. Achieving a similar effect with another can of paint will be quite problematic.

All of the above disadvantages are completely solvable. For this we recommend take advantage computer technologies , capable of accurately determining required quantity paint and added pigment (see photo). In this way, you can accurately determine in what proportion to mix the ingredients so that after the surface dries, the shade retains its original appearance.

Specialists will mix the required amount of paint and pigment. If there is not enough paint, they will again diagnose the color on the computer and achieve the desired effect using other tones.

A good visual effect is achieved by using mixtures that contain natural pearlescent pigment for paint.

What paint should I use for the wallpaper?

The choice of paint should be made taking into account the structure of the wallpaper and the characteristics of the room where the work will be carried out.

Wallpaper made of paper or fiberglass can accept any of the existing types of paint on its surface. Rooms filled with an abundance of rays penetrating through the windows are recommended to be covered latex paint. After all, its composition allows it to maintain stability and not cause the coating to prematurely fade the shade.

It is important to remember that painting wallpaper can be done no more than a few times.

The greatest number of colors is allowed for non-woven wallpaper. The manufacturer often indicates on the packaging ten times as the limit for applying new shades. But experts believe that such work needs to be carried out no more than five times. With each new application, the wallpaper texture wears out, and the structure becomes unsightly in appearance.

For wallpaper with a non-woven structure, use paints based on based on latex and acrylic. If necessary, simply replace this paint with another one. At the same time, the appearance of the wallpaper and the wall will not deteriorate.

Water-based paint, which has both glossy and matte properties, is most suitable for non-woven fabrics and paper. For fiberglass, it is better to use latex components. They will allow for regular cleaning of the premises and will last for several years.

The building materials market offers a huge number of paints produced by various manufacturers. And it is difficult for an inexperienced master to decide on the brand that deserves choice and purchase.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to companies that have been producing products for many years and have proven themselves on the positive side.

These brands include "Tikkurila". It has gained the respect of customers due to its wide range of colors, ease of application, high stability on the surface and the absence of the need for sanding the product. Most of the work related to painting premises is done with this paint.

You should also consider the manufacturer "Tex". Many experts note that it was this paint that helped them create the desired interior and carry out work on top level. The positive features of this substance are a large palette of colors, high drying speed of the wall and the absence of odors that can harm the human body.

This also includes the presence smooth and matte surface after the work has been completed.


The question of whether it is worth painting outdated paper wallpaper is often asked by home owners who want to bring something new to an ordinary interior without resorting to full-scale repairs and removal of old paintings.

If upon inspection of the wallpaper it is obvious that they have been subjected to mechanical impact, half of them have peeled off from the wall, and the appearance no longer represents a new structure, then it is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​​​painting old paper sheets.

If the type of wallpaper in acceptable condition, but they simply do not fit into the new interior, and the former color is no longer bright, then you can resort to painting this type of wallpaper.

The choice of colorant for such a surface will depend depending on the degree of illumination indoors and surface type. For a kitchen where a smooth textured surface predominates, it is better to opt for semi-gloss paints. It is acceptable to choose a matte type coating for the interior of a living room or bedroom.

Before deciding on the choice of paint, you should consider a number of factors:

  • the time allotted for the paint to dry;
  • ​the ability to carry out wet cleaning on the wall surface;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

For work with conventional paper wallpaper you need to choose acrylic paint.

Its advantages are that it practically does not change color after dyeing, and its It is convenient to wash away dust and dirt.

Liquid wallpaper

Painting liquid wallpaper often accompanied by the question: Is it possible or not to do this? There is no clear answer to the question posed. There are only general recommendations, which can be applied or rejected.

The owner of the premises must weigh all the positive and negative aspects and come to a thoughtful decision on carrying out work on such a surface.

There are positive aspects to painting liquid wallpaper. The following can be distinguished from them:

  • Wear of liquid wallpaper during long-term use suggests the presence of cracks and stains on the surface.

    With the help of painting, you can achieve a uniform structure of the wall and its updated appearance without using additional expensive materials.

    It is important to know that if the surface contains stains from petroleum products, they must be degreased before carrying out work.

  • When the wallpaper fades, painting will come to the rescue, allowing the interior to sparkle with new colors. It will bring an atmosphere of comfort to the room where the improvement work was carried out.
  • When using high-quality wall compositions, you can change the decor using color palette and update it many times.
  • The ability to create an individual atmosphere in the room during the coloring procedure. The latter will highlight in better side the owner's home from the neighbors.

The advantages of painting with liquid wallpaper are overshadowed by the inherent nature of such work. disadvantages:

  1. ​ The structure of liquid wallpaper is a unique material. It is pleasant to the touch and has a heterogeneous structure. This coloring gives the wall a smooth and ordinary look.
  2. ​ This type of coating often includes shiny and silky elements, allowing you to diversify the room and give it personality traits. After painting, the wall will have a normal and at the same time smooth appearance, which may upset some family members.
  3. Another significant drawback This method of application to the wall means that it is impossible to re-remove liquid wallpaper from the wall and apply it again.
  4. The paint blocks the removal of the material, thereby pushing the master only to a single solution to such a problem. All he has to do is remove the covering. And if necessary, re-paint the new one.

  5. An option is to spray paint over the surface. This does not prevent the walls from “breathing” and delighting the owners of the premises with their appearance.

To carry out this type of work, it is recommended to use an option that can save significant financial savings. This is about water-based paint. When using it, you do not need to use special instructions and follow the application rules.

If necessary, this composition is diluted with a small amount of water.

If the owner of the premises wants to consolidate the result for a long time, then the option with a large contribution of financial resources will suit him. In this case we mean acrylic paint. It is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage and, as a result, greater durability of the coating on the wall.

It is possible to apply latex compounds, which, in turn, are water resistant. And this allows you to carry out cleaning work in the proper form.

How to cover the walls before wallpapering?

Previously, it was common to glue wallpaper to walls without an additional layer of primer. Modern canvases produced with the greatest weight and compacted structure. In order to fix them on the walls, you need additional impregnation in the form of a layer of soil mixture.

This solution prevents excess moisture from the glue and its further absorption into the putty. The soil mixture after application forms a dense barrier film, which will allow the glue to strengthen. And the wallpaper will not come off the first time you open the window.

The following mixtures are suitable as a primer:

  • Acrylic. Its drying time does not exceed five hours. Plus, it does not have a strong odor containing harmful additives.
  • Alkyd. Not recommended for residential use. The disadvantage of such a soil mixture is the long drying time, which can reach one day.
  • Antifungal. This substance is not only capable of increasing adhesion. It will resist the formation of fungus and mold on the surface for wallpapering.
  • ​ Universal. Suitable for all types of walls and wallpaper. The advantage of such a primer is its deep absorption into the surface to be coated.

You cannot skip the priming stage, because if the surface is untreated, the wallpaper may peel off, and the overall atmosphere of comfort will be lost.

Priming the wall is mandatory even if the owner is sure that his room is not exposed to fungi and other microorganisms that destroy the structure of the paintings.

If you plan to paint the pasted wallpaper in light or white colors, it is recommended to cover the wall initially pigmenting paint for walls. Otherwise, after the paint on the wallpaper dries, dark spots may appear.

Paint consumption

In order to avoid the unpleasant moment that the paint has run out and the surface of the wall is not completely covered, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Wall absorption feature required amount composition;
  • ​Paint consumption per square meter;
  • The area of ​​the entire surface to which the composition is to be applied.

The total area is the sum of the perimeter of the walls. In order to calculate the area, you need to multiply the length by the width. The result obtained by multiplication will indicate the surface area intended for painting.

It must be remembered that openings for windows and doors must be subtracted from the resulting amount.

In any case, you need paint buy in excess in case the walls actively absorb the composition. Or there will be an increased temperature in the room.

You can find out the exact paint consumption by looking at the packaging. For each type of such substances, the consumption is individual. It consists of density and composition. Typically, in standard consumption, craftsmen rely on the figure of 200 g per square meter.

This scenario is justified if we take into account the work process performed in one layer. When performing work in two layers, the consumption will increase significantly, but will not exceed 400 g per square meter.

It is important to know that materials absorb paint differently. For example, vinyl and fiberglass absorb less applied substance than paper and non-woven fabrics.

How to paint wallpaper - the secrets of professionals. Watch the video:
