Room design for a young man - decoration, furnishings, interior. Guy's Room Design: Ideas and Examples Men's Room Wall Color

The young man's room is a special place in the apartment. Here he not only sleeps, but also spends time with friends, doing what he loves. The interior of the room should be multifunctional and comfortable, but without frills. Have an attractive appearance harmoniously combining colors and shades. When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the age, preferences and wishes of the owner. This will allow you to get housing that pleases the eye, comfortable and functional.

The design of a room for a young person should be multifunctional and cozy.

When choosing a room design, it is worth considering the preferences of the owner.

Thinking through the design of a room for a young man is worth it to the smallest detail

A person spends most of his free time in his room. Guys are no exception. This must be taken into account when arranging the premises. First of all, it must meet his principles and wishes. Sometimes this arrangement is inconsistent. common sense. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the interior. He must contribute proper development young man, the formation of his character.

Arranging the design of a room for a young man is easy. First you need to divide it into functional zones. Each has its own purpose:

  • rest;
  • Job;
  • receiving guests;
  • personal space.

Their presence is typical for a standard interior design option. If it is necessary to emphasize the individuality of the owner, then some imposed clichés and opinions can be abandoned. The main thing is that the room is spacious and functional. Men love freedom in everything.

Design should contribute to the proper development of a person

The room should be multifunctional and spacious

It is important to design a room for a young man with a twist. It may not be alone, but be present in each functional area. This will allow them to highlight, emphasize individuality. Each part of the room is designed to perform certain tasks. Therefore, it will be necessary to create an atmosphere in it that will tune in to this process emotionally and psychologically.

Men prefer minimalism in the interior. An ideal design idea for them would be to install the most necessary furniture. Its location should be such that the room has free space. Do not clutter up the area with things. They must have a useful function and be appropriate for the area in which they are located. This will allow rational use of space.

The room must have workplace

The lighting in the room should not be too bright.

A room for a young man rarely boasts a large size. This significantly complicates the process of its arrangement. It is necessary not only to choose the right design for the men's room, but also to correctly place everything you need. A number of secrets will help in this process.

When arranging a room for a man with a small area, the following conditions must be observed.

  • Use transformable furniture. You should not install a bulky wardrobe, a bed that takes up a lot of space. Folding is perfect. If necessary, it is easy to make it a comfortable bed.
  • Install sliding doors. This will allow rational use of every meter of the room. Place near the wall desk or organize a reception area.
  • Get rid of excess. All items must be stored in a closet. Thus, it will appear free place on the table, sofa.
  • Equip the interior according to the requirements of a minimalist style.
  • Merge zones. At the same time, their functional value should be preserved. The living room will be an excellent sleeping place, the work area can be used to implement creative ideas.

Furniture in the room must be placed correctly

The room should have everything you need

What shades to use?

Neutral tones are not the best best idea for decorating the interior of a young man's room. Such a color scheme will lead to the fact that the room will turn out to be boring, depressing. It is unlikely that someone will be pleased to live in such an environment of darkness. The dynamics and expressiveness that is added to the design will help correct the situation. This will give the overall picture of the room style, taste, originality. The atmosphere will be interesting, positive mood.

Usage bright colors should be moderate. Their main task is to delimit space, to highlight zones. The decoration of the part intended for recreation is carried out using calm, restrained colors. The work area requires encouraging shades, and the living room - cool.

The room should use dark or neutral shades.

Dark colors are more suitable for a guy

There shouldn't be too many bright colors.

When creating an interior, you need to decide on the main tone. It is selected according to the design style. Beige, blue, burgundy, green are perfect. They can be combined with any style, both modern and classic.

Wall mural in this case not appropriate. They create contrast, it is good to use a combination of a diverse palette in the design. Light colors with warm shades look interesting. The thematic direction is emphasized by accessories and decor items. At any time, they can be removed and the room will sparkle with new colors. Figurines, posters act as such elements.

Light colors look very nice with dark ones.

Wall murals are not always appropriate in the room

What style to choose?

The strong floor room does not accept colorful colors and rich elements. The contrast created should be soft and moderate. The necessary and simple furniture. Minimalism will be an excellent assistant in creating such an unobtrusive interior. This style is characterized by smooth lines, free space and a large amount of light. Implement similar design idea possible in any room.

You can decorate the living space in the style of hi-tech, modern. To do this, it is enough to introduce new details that characterize the owner. They look interesting and original.

Minimalist style is more suitable for a guy

It is advisable to use modern and functional furniture

Imitation wood is perfect for the interior of a room for a guy

For ambitious guys, a combination of several styles is well suited. With a competent approach, you can get not confusion and chaos in the room, but an interesting combination of different directions. They should be close in requirements and fit into the big picture.

Appropriate for the design of the working area classic style, while relaxing loft. Such a contrast will be insignificant. Each part has characteristics, individual and harmoniously combined with others. This interior design is innovative. It is not easy to change it, so in the arrangement it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail.

In some cases, a combination of styles will be appropriate

In the arrangement of the room you need to think through everything to the smallest detail

Simple, comfortable and stylish

The wishes of a young man are a fundamental factor in the arrangement of his living space. This is the first thing you need to know when starting repair work. The owner must feel comfortable in the room.

As a rule, young people want simple, comfortable and stylish accommodation. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on its design.

  • The color scheme is non-marking. There are bright elements.
  • The interior is functional. Every detail performs its task.
  • The style is short and pronounced. Minimalism, hi-tech, loft, art deco are perfect.
  • The presence of zones. It is necessary to allocate a place for sleeping, receiving friends, creativity, solving the necessary tasks.
  • Finishing materials are practical and do not require special care.
  • Textiles in the minimum quantity. Long pile is better not to use.
  • On the windows there are blinds, shutters and other similar structures.

Convenience and practicality of the interior are important for the owner. But do not forget about the external data of the room. This will say a lot about the character, interests of the owner. The room must be made stylish and beautiful, filled with harmony and comfort. Interior overload and loss of practicality are not appropriate.

A guy's room should be comfortable, simple and stylish.

Convenience and practicality of the interior are important for the owner

The interior should not be overloaded with unnecessary details.

Modern design idea

Times of hanging carpets on the wall, placing a large number furniture, the use of unnecessary trifles in interior design is a thing of the past. Designers offer new options for arranging housing. A room for a young man is no exception. Art Nouveau style embodied modern trends and requirements.

Such design solution involves the use of straight lines in the interior. Curves are used to dilute, give the style a bit of rebelliousness. The room is decorated in one color scheme. The walls do not attract attention. Monochrome leads to their loss. There is a feeling of increased space.

A small rug is used as a floor covering. It is located next to the sofa. Monochromatic and repeats the shade of the walls. The furniture has a straight geometry. Due large windows there is a lot of light in the room. One element is the focus. Do not spray on a lot of items.

It is better to decorate the room in one color scheme.

Focus on one subject

Bedroom of two guys

You can equip the bedroom of two guys different ways. To begin with, it is worth determining the age of the tenants and the size of the room. In a spacious room, two sofas or beds will easily become. In a small area, it is better to use two-tier structures. This will save space. Moreover, such furniture is functional and comfortable. Materials for finishing the room are better to choose light colors. They will visually expand the room.

If the guys are students, then you will need to install two or one spacious table. There may be only one closet. The main requirement for him is spaciousness. It will need to lay out the clothes of both residents. Perfect for wardrobe. In such a room, you will need to take into account the requirements of each owner. It's a little more difficult, but possible.

Video: Men's room design

50 photos of room design ideas for a young man:

Finding the perfect design solution for a teenager's bedroom is extremely difficult. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable style and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who agrees with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture selected by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space leaving room for creativity and imagination.

Stylish room design for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be?

At the mention of the phrase " perfect room for a teenager" each presents something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, on the contrary, compact. main feature and the difference between a teenage bedroom and a child's room is a pronounced individuality in everything from decor to layout.

Workplace for classes must be mandatory

The opinion of the child should be taken into account at all stages of creating the interior: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in the creation of his own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and his choice.

Original design for a dolmatian lover

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room the maximum rights to final decision-making, it is important to direct and regulate his choice in a stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be equipped according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose lilac color

Suitable bedroom for a young lady

Touching little animals and graceful princesses are replaced by huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with outfits in a teenage girl's room. The little lady becomes a real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to her appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls still choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: play dolls with her friends, and paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs more adult room, stylish and distinctive. That is why designers offer to choose not traditional girlish shades, but more neutral and calm options as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process.

Important. Beige or White color easy to shade with pink, purple or lilac to give it a gentle mood. With the maturation of the hostess, such a room easily transforms into the room of a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, close the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior design in a classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior is extremely important properties for a teenage girl's room. Paintings or posters on the wall, curtains on the windows, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. For the development of independence, it is better to provide the owner herself with the opportunity to change the interior.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room in a completely different way, so design tricks when organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager, they will be different. In such a room there is no place for children's sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which you need to prepare now. A sports corner, a tool box, a wood burning table - these are the right fillings for a men's bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

blue light room

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space and interfere with vigorous activity. A loft bed or bunk bed is a great option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • The workplace, namely the desk, should be combined with a place for the creative realization of the boy. For example, you can equip it drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise machines and allocating space for your favorite bike. Do not forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner's best friends.

Wall murals in a teenager's room are considered not just a rational element, but also original way adding originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of a pattern for such wall decoration should be based on the appropriateness of a particular motive in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Wallpapers on the automotive theme

Wall mural night city

Photo wallpapers on a sports theme

Designers pay attention to the importance of choosing the right place for such decor in the interior. teen room: photo wallpapers tend to be too bright and noticeable, overpowering other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, therefore, only the balance of colors and semantic load in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for a calm life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause some difficulties with the choice of finishes, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom, it is extremely difficult to allocate a full-fledged place for sleeping, working and relaxing. In this case, it becomes necessary to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, the working and creative corners are combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

lemon color

Advice. Folding bed or a sleeper hidden in the podium can be a practical way to increase the usable area of ​​​​the room.

Equipping the design of an apartment for a young man, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Age category.

For example, an 18-year-old student and a 25-year-old man will have different wishes and needs for a home environment. More details about the age categories will be discussed below.

  • More space and less clutter with decor and details.
  • interests and preferences.

listen to yourself and own desires Imagine your ideal home.
Present all this to the designer, who will polish the information and create cozy apartment that you have always dreamed of.

  • Layout type.

Zoning Ideas

We propose to consider the main ideas of zoning, regardless of the age category.

  • Wardrobe

Drop the stereotype that a dressing room is not for interior design for a guy, and that a closet is enough for him. If the area allows, make a dressing room in which you can store clothes in an orderly manner. Firstly, fewer things will be in sight, and secondly, in the dressing room, where things are sorted, it is easier to find something.

If the layout does not provide for an area for a dressing room, you can make it yourself from drywall.

  • Rest zone

The seating area is an equally important part modern design for a young man. The living room is well suited for its implementation.

Consider what type of pastime you like.

Love to watch movies? Install on one of the walls big TV, and opposite it comfortable sofa, complemented by transforming armrests: under them there is space for a mini-bar, and the armrests themselves can be transformed into a small table.

love board games with friends? Then you will need a table for the company and appropriate furniture. Friends can sit at the table both on chairs and on the sofa and armchairs.

As mentioned in the previous section, the design of an apartment for a guy should include working area. At student age, it is needed for study, and when a person works, then with a high probability there are periods when you have to take work home and do it for dining table or the couch is uncomfortable.

  • Kitchen

AT kitchen area everything should be as simple and functional as possible. If you are using different household appliances for cooking, hide it behind cabinet doors or build it into a set so that the kitchen does not seem overloaded with objects and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bminimalism is respected.

provide good hood, which can also be well camouflaged. Young guys rarely resort to complex recipes(baking, stewing), giving preference to frying foods from which evaporation is plentiful.

  • Sleep zone

The design of a bedroom for a young guy should be conducive to relaxation. In the studio apartment, the sleeping area can be distinguished by a partition or a screen, another flooring(pleasant for bare feet) and lighting. In a separate room in the interior of the bedroom for a guy, you can make wallpaper in warm colors with an inexpressive ornament.

On the walls, you can make an image of a city at night, supplementing it with backlighting with an adjustable brightness level.

Color selection

Discard the stereotype that for a modern room design for a young man, you need to choose "male colors" - restrained and mostly dark.

The color palette should first of all like and evoke positive emotions, and the designer will take into account the features of your home and the chosen style, and help you make your favorite color scheme as harmonious as possible in the room.

Your preferred style and interests can help determine the choice of color.

  • Love the freshness of the sea and Mediterranean beauty?

Bring to master plan blue and blue color, complementing it with white. Olive and a little azure tones are also great.

  • Are you an extrovert with an active lifestyle?

Then use rich and bright colors, as well as contrasts. Blue, yellow, green, purple will awaken energy and improve mood.

  • Prefer minimalism?

Use bright hues: all shades of white, beige, pastel colors, brown, black and gray. But even in this version, it is desirable to make at least one or more bright inclusions.

  • Do you want the interior of the room for a guy to embody the winter freshness?

Choose a snowy white color, complement it with blue, and use blue or a warmer tone as inclusions.

A bedroom for a young person is, as a rule, a multifunctional room. Its inhabitant not only sleeps in it, but also communicates with guests, studies - if it is a high school student or a student.

The interior of such a room should be decorated in accordance with age, therefore, as a young man grows up, the design of his room may undergo drastic changes. The instruction and video in this article will tell you how to properly zone such a room, and what materials and color combinations perfect for finishing.

The choice of zoning option (see) is based on the size and configuration of the room. If the room has a normal rectangular shape and small area, it is best to perform a visual separation.

This means that the zones will be highlighted only with the help of finishing, without constructive intervention. There should be at least two zones: sleeping and working.


  • Let's turn to specific example. In this photo we see the design of a room for a young man, made without any frills - everything is spartan simple and very convenient. This interior uses a combination of three shades: Ivory(main color), yellow and dark brown (additional tones).
  • The ceiling and walls are simply leveled and painted: no false ceiling, no wallpaper, no elaborate decorations. Such a design is quite possible to do it yourself. Originality this interior give unusual accents on the wall. In the training area, it's yellow finishing, and in the sleeping area - decorative wide board upholstered in the same fabric as the sofa and mounted on the wall.
  • The boundaries of the zones are separated by an interesting zigzag shelf for books. The opposite wall is completely occupied by cabinet furniture, the facade color of which exactly matches the main shade of the walls and ceiling. For a men's room, it is important that the cabinet doors are deaf, without glazing and decor. The only accessory that enlivens the interior is a palm tree in a floor flowerpot.
  • In general, a bedroom for a young guy should be equipped with cabinet furniture - you need to store clothes, books, CDs, souvenirs and trinkets somewhere. It can also serve as a zoning tool. Today, a computer or laptop is an integral part of life, if not for the older generation, then for the youth for sure.
  • Therefore, a beautiful computer desk that fits well into the interior of the room is the number two necessity, after the bed. It can be quite modest if located in the far corner, and not visible from the entrance. But in our next example, a table with high side shelves is the main focus in the interior.
  • Here, the sleeping area on both sides, along the perimeter of the bed, is highlighted with wallpaper with a vertical stripe.
    The two-tone wallpaper is exactly the same shade as the plain painted wall in Cocoa Milk White false ceiling and furniture. The area where the TV is located is also highlighted, but only with photo wallpapers (see).
  • How more spacious room, the more zones can be distinguished in it. Young guys are often fond of sports, and then you need to hang a punching bag in the room, or put a simulator. Hobbies of a young man can be versatile. Playing sports does not interfere with music at all, and in the room of a young man there is often a piano, a guitar, or even a drum kit.
  • Not always, a separate room can be allocated for each family member in the house. Brothers often live in the same room, they may have different hobbies, and each should have its own habitat. It seems that in our next example we see just such an option: the room is quite large, and there are two computer desks, two bedrooms.
  • This room is zoned using a suspended combined ceiling structure plasterboard and glossy PVC films. The central part of the room is the music and guest areas, they are distinguished by stretch fabric olive-brown color, which, although harmoniously combined with the gray scale, is not duplicated anywhere else in the interior.
  • The gray color, which, in this case, is the main one, is neutral in nature, and suits the men's room like no other. For a classy design, it is enough to combine several shades of gray. In this case, these are: zircon, gainsborough and slate - their names are listed as saturation increases.
  • A young person may not have such pronounced preferences that could be reflected in interior design. The design of his room may well be universal, suitable for both a teenager and a high school student. In the picture above, we presented you with just such an option. After all, there is no arguing about tastes, and what one likes does not suit another at all.

In this example, we see a room that has design features: zigzag wall with floor-to-ceiling windows. This option is often found in private homes, and provides excellent opportunities for zoning.

Here, the study area is located in the protruding part of the room, and the sleeping area is highlighted with wallpaper with an interesting large pattern, very similar to the pattern on the curtains. Take note! This option for a young man can be considered one of the most successful.

How to decorate walls

The design of a room intended for an older young person can be done in a certain style, using modern facing materials and fashion trends.

Such finishing material, like a tree, will not leave anyone indifferent:

  • The photo below shows an example of accenting one wall. wood paneling original diamond shape. Naturally, the price of such a finish is much higher than painting or wallpapering, but the beauty and practicality of such a finish, as well as its durability, more than compensate for the costs incurred.
  • The dark wall cladding, and the same furniture, is balanced by a two-level glossy stretch ceiling with backlight. The interior of this room clearly indicates that a man lives in it. If, for example, he gets married, just add a few touches in the form of accessories - and this room is transformed, becoming a cozy nest for a young couple.
  • The tree may well participate in the decoration of the ceiling - this is even more logical if a room is made out in a private house. Often a young man is given a room, and there is just unlimited possibilities for design. What are the intricate configurations of roof overhangs, thanks to which original ceilings are obtained.
  • And here there is already where to turn around - there are a lot of opportunities for ceiling design. In the design of such a room, you can use: bearing structures roofs; beam ceilings; perform decorative stitching with a beam, repeating unusual shape ceiling. For sheathing walls and roof overhangs, both drywall and board are used, various panels, including wood.
  • Fashionable at all times texture brickwork, for the room of a young man is suitable as well as possible. You can, of course, use various imitations, but if there is such an opportunity, designers prefer to decorate natural masonry.
  • The architectural style of the loft, to which we owe the emergence of this trend in interior design, was originally designed as a design option for men of creative professions and young couples. Today, brickwork decoration is used everywhere, for rooms of any purpose, and even for children.
  • Someone prefers the color of the wall to match the traditional shades. clay brick, and someone likes only the relief of the masonry. In such cases, the wall is cleaned, primed, and painted, as in our example, decorative paint with the addition of pearl. How to get a similar design if the house is not brick, but concrete?

Aerated concrete blocks, which are actively used in private construction today, are also great for this design. Well, if you want to get the relief of brickwork, you can veneer the wall gypsum stone, clinker or hyper-pressed brick-like tiles. So keep it up!

Modern youth are active young people who are interested in innovative technologies want to have fashionable gadgets. In the understanding of young men, personal space should also be filled with the necessary, functional items. When designing the interior design of a youthful room, it is recommended to adhere to a minimalist direction. Usually men do not like excessive clutter in the room. This should be taken into account when creating comfortable design interior for a young man. And to make the room functional and beautiful, it is recommended to read the advice of professionals.

Interior Features

The main rule is that the interior design of the room for the young man in the photo should be as convenient as possible. Therefore, all items are selected taking into account functionality, practicality and ease of use. First of all, you should choose a bed. It could be a bed folding sofa. The room of a modern guy cannot be complete without a comfortable workplace. For its arrangement, a spacious table is purchased on which you can place a computer or laptop, stationery. If the room is small the best way- a table equipped with drawers in which documents, paper clips, pens, pencils, a stapler and other stationery items will be stored. Necessarily, the workplace must contain a comfortable chair or a comfortable chair.

For storing suits, shirts and ties or for sportswear, you need a convenient, spacious closet. For this, a wardrobe or a traditional wardrobe is suitable. Note that the cabinet must be equipped convenient system storage, hangers, shelves. All details of clothing should be located in such a way that in search of casual wear didn't take long.

An indisputable, obligatory attribute in a young man's room should be a TV. It is installed on the wall opposite bed. This location saves effective area, and the young man gets the opportunity to watch his favorite TV shows, sitting comfortably on the bed or sofa.

An optional, but beloved by many young men, game console can also be placed in the room. A bar filled with your favorite non-alcoholic drinks will help to complete the atmosphere.

Experts in the field of psychology recommend in the young man's room to allocate space for the workshop. Let it be a small corner that will accommodate the necessary tools. Of course, large equipment will not fit in a room of 10 sq.m., but a set of the most necessary tools, will allow a young person to sometimes engage in minor repairs household things.

Color solution

The interior design of a young man's room can be decorated in brown, gray, brick, black and white colors. In the men's room 12 sq.m. muted and neutral shades should prevail. The interior can be decorated in pastel colors, but not every man wants to live in a cream-beige room.

Men prefer to be surrounded by wooden, practical pieces of furniture, the minimum amount decorative finishes, minimalist design window openings. No curtains with ruffles and flowers. The design of a room of 12 sq m for a young man should speak of the strength and brutality of the owner.

Youth trends

Even if the guy lives in small Khrushchev, and the area of ​​his room does not exceed 12 sq.m. Here, you can also organize comfortable space. The main secret- mobility of every detail of the situation. That is, the furniture should be easily transformed and easily moved. This will allow the young man to change the appearance of the room with his own hands, at will and discretion. In order for the furniture to retain its appearance for a long time, it is recommended to sew removable covers for the armchair and sofa, which are easy to wash if necessary.
