How to make money tailoring sportswear: an interview with Kuchko Sergey Nikolaevich. How to start a fishing net business

Kuchko Sergey Nikolaevich is a Belarusian entrepreneur, he started earning his first money at the age of 18 by selling self-sewn clothes. At a more mature age, he acquired several patents and began to work officially. He survived the "dashing" nineties and remained in business after the global crisis of 2014. In 2002, Sergey Nikolayevich started the production of sportswear in a rented building. Works mainly with state companies and sports committees.


Main points of the interview:

  • Kind of activity- tailoring of sportswear.
  • Business location- Republic of Belarus, Polotsk.
  • Occupation before entrepreneurship- design engineer.
  • the date of the beginning entrepreneurial activity - 2002.
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business- OOO.
  • Size of initial investment- 3,000,000 Bel. rubles.
  • Source of initial investment- personal funds.
  • Payback period- 2 years.
  • Formula for success- "to be born at a time of change."

Starting a business

How did you get started?

According to my history, you can write novels, I think, somehow do it. It all started with a passion for Western and Eastern sports. I wanted to practice karate, but it was problematic to buy a kimono in the Soviet Union - it was not produced in factories. Then my mother and I decided to sew on our own.

A friend gave me his kimono, we carefully studied the sizes and began to sew ours from different fabrics. Finished in a few weeks. I realized that sewing is not difficult and it is easy to make money from it.

No, I went to study as a design engineer at the institute. I tried to combine my hobby with education, it turned out well. For a "sweet" life, the money earned was enough. Then I began to find out the legal side of the issue and learned about patents.

In the Soviet Union there was a system of patents, you buy for 20 rubles for a year and calmly do some tailoring. I bought a patent and started making men's jackets, which I sold on weekends at the market.

I finished my studies at the university, and I was taken into the army. After demobilization, I came to work in my specialty at the OAO Izmeritel plant. After a hard day, he took up the tailoring of trousers, raincoats and other clothes. I purchased materials from the Smilovichevsky plant or on the market.

Where did you spend the first money?

For knickknacks and everything that was previously inaccessible to me. I bought sneakers, deodorants, imported clothes, Finnish suits.

How did you organize your business?

It so happened that I had a friend Sergey, who was engaged in tailoring as an individual entrepreneur. However, state-owned companies were not too eager to work with individual entrepreneurs. And so it happened that Sergei and I created common firm. Now in Zhvir LLC, my share is 50% and Sergey has the same number of shares.

When did you get your first profit?

At first, they did not expect to receive anything, there were continuous losses. I can say this: profits began to be received two years later.

Working with customers

Who are you currently working with? And how did you find customers?

We take orders on the Icetrade website or auction exchanges. Our main customers are the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Olympic committees and sometimes the military.

Before that, they printed a catalog with models of our costumes and sent them by mail to schools of the Olympic reserve. They came to sports shops, called a merchandiser and showed their goods. If they liked the clothes, they made orders for us.

How fair are our tenders and auctions? Is cheating possible?

Yes, I heard. But we are not a defense company that makes millions. Sportswear firms are at the bottom of the funding ladder. Athletes are not rich people, there is nothing special to “cut” there. The choice of the performer is carried out as openly and formally as possible on equal terms.

Is there a universal "formula for success" when applying?

Athletes and team coaches play an important role. They can say: - “We want it, and that's it! Class". Therefore, even if you do it qualitatively and inexpensively, you may not be approved.

We call customers directly and ask: “What will be decisive when choosing a product?”. They have it decomposed into percentages, for example, the price takes 50%, the quality - 20%, and so on.

Preference is given to firms that have established a reputation in the market. The main thing is to do it qualitatively, to buy proven materials. Although, this is quite debatable. There were times when we bought certified fabric, then sewed clothes from it and sold it. And then it turns out that the material is of poor quality, and we receive complaints.

Did you sew anything for the Olympics?

Here are its features. The Olympic Committee orders goods through its own channels, bypassing intermediaries. There was such a case that at the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese sewed clothes for free to advertise their company to athletes.

We sewed certain sizes forms. For example, at the Davis Cup, Belarusian tennis players were given costumes in almost all colors of the rainbow, but they needed only national ones. She contacted us, and in a few nights we sewed a sports uniform in red and green colors.

Rice. 3-6. Ready-made sportswear

Business issues

What is the main problem of the garment industry?

In difference wages by cities. There are two large factories in Novopolotsk, Polimir and Naftan, where the average salary is over $500. Unfortunately, we cannot offer such conditions. Our seamstresses get $150-200, and I get $250.

The problem is that, for example, in Sharkovshchina even $200 is a high salary. People work for much less money. And it is obvious that the cost of their products is lower.

And here lies the main problem. Firms that are located in wealthy areas have to buy cheaper materials in order to somehow compete with others. Who suffers the most? The end consumer who does not know the features of certain fabrics.

They also call "burning" orders that must be completed literally in a day. We have to mobilize all forces, offering seamstresses to work in night shifts, for which they receive additional payments. And because of this, sometimes you go at a loss or “zero”. What for? This is advertising.

Almost forgot about seasonality. AT spring periods tracksuits are not particularly needed, and we did not sew jackets. We quickly refocused: we started making winter clothes in the summer and selling them in the winter. And in January we take up the tailoring of summer clothes.

Rice. 8-10. sewing machines

When was the "golden" time? And when did it end?

In 2002, we entered new markets, and the average salary of our seamstresses was $600 - a lot of money at that time. bought quality materials, and the price of sportswear has risen slightly.

Happiness did not last long. In 2010, cheap consumer goods from China began to appear on the shelves. Our country joined the "customs union", which included Kazakhstan - a "black" hole. Trucks loaded with various clothes drove through the steppe, and behind them straight the border service.

By the way, tailoring is one of the most popular small business ideas in 2018.

How did you survive the 2014 crisis?

If it was possible to compete with Chinese goods, then it was unrealistic to go against the dollar. After the collapse of the Russian ruble and the decline in oil prices, pegged to dew. ruble Belarusian currency "sank".

We were heavily dependent on fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. For example, yesterday the raw material cost $15, and tomorrow the price rises to $20. This is explained by settlements with suppliers in foreign currency.

What eats your money the most?

Takes a lot of electricity, salaries, maintenance of machine tools. Sometimes you have to transport goods through courier services at your own expense - this is not as unimportant as it seems.


Are you involved in charity work?

Yes, our company sews equipment for the Living Delight equestrian club for free. This is an element of a publicity stunt and human assistance. The head of the club is a poor pensioner who goes about his business "at the call of his heart."

I like their approach to troubled teenagers and children with physical or mental disorders. The owner of the club conducts therapeutic trainings free of charge, where children work with horses.

Keyword in the clothing business?

Do good and cheap. If possible, buy from trusted fabric manufacturers, do not be afraid to declare your company. Work with state-owned companies, creating your own brand.

Do you work on the Internet?

We got a negative experience as a result of interaction with website developers. It makes no sense for us to advertise our services, we do not deal with individual tailoring, and all suppliers know about us even without the Internet.

Taxes and interaction with regulatory authorities

How does Zhvir LLC pay taxes?

According to Art. 202 chapter 34 clause 3.12 of the NKRB, we are not subject to VAT, because our production employs less than 50 people. In 2002, they paid 20% VAT, tax on agriculture and roads, which accounted for 3% of the total money turnover.

What are the features of product certification?

We sent two tracksuits of the same color for certification to Minsk for $500. In a special laboratory, suits are destroyed in two ways: chemical and physical. Then they make a verdict and issue a certificate of quality. However, it is unprofitable for small volumes, it is unprofitable to give away for 10 suits with $50 cost of $500.

What is the relationship with the regulatory authorities? How often are they checked?

The website of the state control of the Republic of Belarus annually updates information on scheduled inspections. Enter your TIN number and see the dates. We did not have any unscheduled inspections with extortion of bribes. The tax office notifies about the audit two months in advance. Sometimes ecologists come and check the content of dust and harmful substances in the air.

Did you accept interns?

Yes, the executive committee of young girls sent us. Initially, it was planned to interest the girls in monthly payments of money, so we promised. However, a piece of paper comes from the educational institution, in which they ask to transfer the money earned by the trainees to the school account.

I had to work on two "fronts" - to accrue to the girls money that they did not earn, and to give the earned money back educational institution. After the practice, they miraculously dissolved, they did not take more trainees.

Plans and prospects

Would the business change if you knew everything you know today at the beginning of your career?

Hardly ever. The only mistake was the beginning of work in Belarus. There is little potential for tailoring sportswear. In Russia, the market is larger, and the competition is low.

Lyudmila Torba talks about the features of the clothing production of sportswear in Russia in an interview.

What are the further development plans?

Retail Library

Sports store merchandising:
rules and mistakes.

Positioning selection.

Sports stores in terms of merchandising can be divided into two main groups: specialized and mass. It is important to clearly define exactly how the store is positioned, since this factor is the starting point for creating the store's image and overall merchandising strategy, which, in turn, determines the main customer mix and, accordingly, sales dynamics.

The essence of this division is simple: the assortment of stores of the first group includes more goods for specialized sports, appropriate clothing and accessories. Like, for example, Ski World, Leon, Turin, Real Pump, Medved and others. The circle of buyers is people involved in any kind of sport. There is a fairly high probability that a person will go here for a premeditated large purchase that requires more or less significant financial investments.

The assortment of mass stores consists not only of goods for different types sports, but also clothing for walking and outdoor activities, children's clothing, as well as goods for recreation. Sports stores in this group make more "impulse" purchases. And, the more stores are focused on this "mass" of visitors, the large quantity buyers enter such stores, and the higher the likelihood of “impulse” purchases and the share of “visual” sales (when a purchase is made under the influence of the impression of the type of product). As a striking example, we can cite the Sportmaster chain of stores, which very competently copes with the task of presenting goods and with the task of “visual” sales.

It is important to remember the global task of trade - the formation of demand. The more efficiently the store generates demand, the more it sells. Proper positioning and creating the right image are important components of demand formation for a particular store.

The image begins with the entrance.

Attractive showcases, beautifully designed and free entry - this is the face of the store. As soon as the buyer crossed the threshold, the acquaintance begins directly. It is the zone at the entrance that should show what the store is in terms of price and target categories of goods. It would seem that the rule is logical and obvious, but it is often neglected by sports stores of various levels, which is why the buyer creates misconception About Store. Here are typical examples when a person, most likely, will not go inside beyond an incorrectly designed entrance:

· The average customer sees the most expensive goods at the entrance, and he gets the impression that this store is expensive.

· specialized sports equipment (barbells, exercise equipment) is laid out at the entrance, which makes the buyer think that this is a specialized store.

Placing the most expensive goods at the entrance is a frequent action, but not justified. If the store itself is expensive, the placement of goods at the entrance is high price category admissible. But for other stores, such a layout of goods can lead to incorrect image formation with all the ensuing consequences. In regional sports shops often had to observe such a situation. At the entrance (or even in the window) of a store oriented towards a middle-class customer and below, the owner has an expensive “branded” product, emphasizing his “coolness” as a businessman with such a display (“Did you see WHAT I sell ?!”). This happens still quite often, when the owner himself is a wealthy person, and judges by himself and by his friends. Meanwhile, it should be judged by what constitutes the bulk of buyers.

One of the rules of merchandising says that the buyer gets the first (or even the last) impression of the store from the entrance. If the store is expensive - the buyer expects high prices. But if the store is average in price category, then the buyer receives a price shock from the type of expensive goods. And he will not go further, despite the fact that there he can find goods much cheaper, say, 60% of the cost of goods at the entrance.

How to avoid these mistakes and properly manage the process of arranging product groups on the trading floor? The easiest way is to go through the product catalog of the store and divide the product groups into two. The first group is goods of specialized demand. The second is impulse demand goods. In accordance with this, the placement is also divided.

Those goods for which they come specially are unique goods, including more expensive ones, and it is customary to place them further from the entrance. And those goods that can be bought both planned and impulse should be located closer to the entrance. We will consider this issue in more detail in future articles.

Product display systems: color, brand, navigation.

A sports store, like any other, is subject to all the shopping rules, one of which states that about 80% of purchases are made by women (the exception is specialized sports equipment, where the proportion of purchases made by men is higher). Therefore, it is “interesting” for a sports store to promote women for purchases. For women, colors play an important role. Therefore, you can apply the color system for displaying goods.

Sports and leisure unequivocally associated with energetic colors: red, yellow. However, women can be attracted by any other - in the event that it looks beautiful, combined with those located nearby. For example, red and white tracksuits side by side will be equally attractive. A woman may be interested in the ability to choose the desired shade from several presented, and the ability to choose a color that is fashionable this season. Here it is expedient both to play on the contrast and to create smooth transitions shades - color stretches. But in most cases, it is more reasonable to put at the forefront the speed and convenience of searching for goods, the systematization of goods by type, size grid, and so on, and use the color division as an auxiliary one. As for the range of the interior, in this case it is especially important that the background sets off, favorably shows color scheme goods, but at the same time he did not distract from the goods and did not tire his eyes.

The next display system is by brand. Sometimes the store owner succumbs to the pressure of the manufacturers and places the goods by brand. Naturally, it is beneficial for the supplier to present their goods in a block. And the store is not always profitable

When is such a layout beneficial for both the manufacturer and the store? The answer suggests itself: when the product is fashion, more expensive. And for brands of the "middle" class, it is desirable to group goods first by type and only within types - by brand. When grouping by brand only, the following obvious problems arise.

If the buyer is not committed to this brand (and in the "middle" class brand loyalty is much lower than in the higher price segment), then he will be little interested in the brand and will become annoyed by dividing goods only by manufacturer. As an example, imagine that a person needs to choose clothes and fitness equipment.

With a branded layout, he, firstly, will not see the entire breadth of assortment presented in the store. Secondly, in order to compare any models of different brands, he has to literally run between the racks. As a result, the buyer's head is literally spinning, he has to make some complex calculations, painful operations. While one of the laws of merchandising says: the less the buyer thinks, the more everything is thought out for him, the more time he has left to buy. And therefore, the convenience of making a purchase, comparing goods at one point in time, it, in this case, prevails.

In addition, when the buyer sees that several brands are presented for one item of the product, he gets the impression that there is a wide choice in this store. In addition, even if the buyer has not made an “impulse” purchase now, then, after inspecting the assortment, he can come later when he receives a salary or when the winter or summer season comes. The most important thing is to show a strong assortment.

Finally, the third system for displaying goods is navigation. In it, all goods are divided by type and purpose. For example, outerwear is divided into "male-female". Then comes a more specialized, specific division: outerwear for alpine skiing, outerwear for cross-country skiing, outerwear for running, and so on.

The same with shoes: the division into “male-female”, then comes - for training in the gym, those that can only be used in the gym, not on the street, then - shoes that are recommended for walking, for running, and and finally for sports. Such a system “by type” is the most convenient for the buyer. Firstly, not all buyers know what is used for what, i. it is quite likely that a woman comes into the store and says: “Oh, what cute sneakers!” - and sneakers, it turns out, for wrestling in gym they are not weather resistant. She goes out into the street in them, experiences not the most pleasant moments, and then comes to the store and begins to say that she was not sold something.

It is in such stores that the largest number of "impulse" purchases, especially when the store focuses on the mass buyer, and not on those who knows. It is very good when, among other things, the trading floor is equipped with the so-called awareness system (price tags with detailed description goods, pointers, information posters). The same is true, for example, with wine. Now there are shops where there is a very simple and accessible layout: not only by country, but also by type. For example, here - only rosé wine, and here - white, inside there is already differentiation by country, and there, finally, by prices. Now observed The general trend: - as clear a layout as possible, because the more intelligible it is, the better it works. In addition, in this case, you do not need to call the seller for advice. Why is the seller here? The fact is that buyers have such a perception feature as distrust of the seller, and this feature must be taken into account. According to statistics, 30-35% of buyers do not trust the opinion of the seller, and for certain groups of sporting goods, the percentage of distrust is even higher. When the seller speaks, this is one thing, and quite another if it is written (this is, as it were, more accurate, more true).

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The fashion for the East and an active lifestyle have led to the popularization of such sports as karate, jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, wushu, etc. Sewing clothes and accessories for martial arts is often more profitable business than production casual wear.

This is due to increasing demand, low production costs and high profitability. True, many professionals still prefer "authentic" Japanese-made clothing. However, its cost often exceeds Russian analogues by 2-3 times.

Before drawing up a business plan, do a little research to identify the demand for such clothes in your area in order to determine the volume of future sales. If there are enough sports schools and there is no competition, you can count on the success of your business.

As a rule, when organizing your own clothing production from scratch, experts advise not to spend money on opening your own workshop, but to give the first orders to large clothing factories that are not loaded with work due to the crisis.

However, in this case it is more expedient to start production, albeit with small batches, but to sew them on your own. Sportswear for practicing martial arts is sewn according to a simple pattern from natural or with a small admixture of synthetics of one-color fabric different density(from 210 to 450 g/m2).

The dimensional grid depends on height: it starts from 110 cm and ends at 190 cm. Models of smaller or larger sizes are usually sewn to order.

One set of clothes consists of three items - a dressing gown (which in Russia is mistakenly called a kimono), trousers and a belt.

Models of sports uniforms for different types of wrestling differ in cut, details and tailoring technologies. But there are also general requirements for such clothing: it must be free, not restricting movement, comfortable, durable, with reinforced seams.

All seams on children's clothing must be closed with inside cloth to avoid chafing the skin.

Organization of a sewing workshop for tailoring sports uniforms

To organize a small sewing workshop, you will need a working room (about 30 sq. M), equipment (professional sewing machines), materials (fabric, thread, braid, twine) and tools.

It is better to buy fabric and accessories in bulk and directly from the manufacturer.

Unlike a regular casual clothing atelier, the production of sports uniforms for martial arts does not require expensive cutting equipment and the use of mannequins. Labels and tags can also be ordered in bulk rather than printed on your own.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of a ready-made set of such sportswear is from 300 rubles, depending on the size and model. Retail price starts from 1000 rubles.

Such a high margin is associated with the number of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the end consumer. In addition to the wholesaler and retail stores, one of the links in this chain are various schools of martial arts and sports sections. It is on them that you should focus in the first place when planning sales.

As a general rule, students usually purchase clothing and necessary equipment from their coach rather than from a sports store.

In addition, many large sporting goods chains refuse to buy cheap products. domestic manufacturer, focusing primarily on the more expensive clothes of well-known brands.

But small shops and markets willingly sell inexpensive, but high-quality clothes, the price of which, even with a tangible margin, remains affordable for buyers.

Another advantage of working with such stores is that they prefer to work on pre-order. Which, in turn, allows you to plan your production volumes. Before sewing the first batch of clothes, keep in mind that for one distribution channel (for example, a store), 20-30 models of the most popular sizes are enough.

Over time, the range of your products can be diversified with accessories, equipment and other related products (bags, T-shirts, textile shoes, etc.).

Ready-made ideas for your business

As a paid service, you can offer embroidery of the emblem or the name of the sports club on clothes. Optional equipment will cost from 30 tr.

In total, it will take from 200 thousand rubles to open your own small workshop for the production of specialized sportswear. (this includes, among other things, the rent of a production area and a staff of two seamstresses).

Experts say that the first year will be spent on establishing distribution channels, and the second - on expanding production. So the "net" profit should be expected no earlier than three years from the start of work.

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Profitability calculator for this business

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The flow of information between East and West, the passion for martial arts and Chinese, Japanese, Thai healing methods, the opening of many fitness rooms in Russia required the development of an entire industry of sportswear tailoring, including for martial arts.

This is a fairly profitable branch of light industry, characterized by increased demand, low costs and high profitability.

Although many craftsmen prefer clothes made directly in Japan, they are still three times more expensive than domestic ones, and for beginners and amateurs this is a significant difference.

Before developing a business plan for tailoring martial arts clothing, you need to find out the volume of demand in your area for this kind of sports uniform. In the case of a large number of sports schools and fitness halls where such sections are engaged, and the absence of competitors with already launched production, your business will be profitable and stable.

On the advice of knowledgeable experts, the initial conquest of the market should be carried out by placing orders in existing sewing workshops, and not proceeding with the equipment of one's own. If sales do not go, then the losses will be minimal. When mastering an existing trading network or creating your own, you can start sewing clothes yourself in small batches, i.e. launch a small workshop for 5-10 people.

In the production of sportswear for martial arts, plain multi-colored synthetics or natural cotton with a density of 220-460 g/m2 are used. The pattern is quite simple, the size grid should be set from 120 cm to 190 cm, if you deviate from these sizes, you should be able to tailor to order. A set of clothes of this type of traditional includes a robe (it is also a kimono), trousers and a belt.

The sports uniform for each style differs from each other in cut, technology and tailoring details. At the same time, there are uniform requirements for clothing for sports - it must be loose, durable, comfortable, with double delayed seams. Additionally, in children's sportswear, the seams are closed from the inside with a dense fabric to avoid chafing.

  • Description of goods and services
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Sample business plan for opening a sports store selling products for cycling and skiing.

Step-by-step plan for opening a sports store

Fashion on healthy lifestyle life in our country is gaining momentum. Recent sporting events related to the Sochi Olympics, world championships, which are increasingly being held in Russia, naturally fuel the interest of young people in sports. Accordingly, the demand for all kinds of Sports Equipment, clothes and paraphernalia. It is not for nothing that large hypermarkets selling sporting goods are opening even where it did not make sense to open for 10 years (take, for example, Sportmaster). It should be noted right away that the sports market is an expensive project. To successfully compete with network players, you will need:

  1. Sales area of ​​at least 150 sq. m.
  2. A wide range of products or a specific specialization in a particular product (for example, "everything for fitness" or "cycling")
  3. Successful location of the store, in large shopping centers (or nearby), in high traffic areas of a solvent audience
  4. Active advertising and promotion (marketing and PR)
  5. Selection of qualified personnel

Opening a specialized store, of course, will require much less investment than selling "everything in a row." Yes, and the area for trade can be enough within 50 - 100 square meters. m. However, it is worth saying that this format will only work in large cities where a sufficient number of potential buyers live. We are talking about cities with a population of at least 500 thousand inhabitants. In this article, we will briefly review the business plan for opening a specialized store selling cycling goods. In order to avoid the seasonality factor (such sports are not relevant in winter), in the winter season the store will specialize in the sale of goods for winter sports: skis, snowboards, skates, clothes, etc. Thus, we will get a fairly competitive store, while spending much less investments.

How much money do you need to open a sports store

To begin with, we will determine the approximate amount of investment in the business. In practice, for obvious reasons, investments can differ sharply from the "paper version". But in general, this will allow us to understand what the fixed assets will be spent on:

  • Deposit for renting a room for 2 months. - 119 000 rubles for 85 sq. m. (700 rubles / sq. m.)
  • Commercial equipment (racks, showcase, video surveillance, cash machine etc.) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Assortment of goods - 1 400 000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (signboard, banners, creation of a business card site) - 120,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300,000 rubles.

Total - 2,139,000 rubles.

Description of goods and services

A characteristic advantage of sports markets over other retail projects is a high average bill. According to some reports, the average check here is not lower than 10,000 rubles. (according to PayU research). This fact is confirmed by the assortment of our store, where the main part of the goods exceeds the bar of 10,000 rubles (bicycles and spare parts for them are far from cheap goods). However, the average trade margin is only 35%. Therefore, the potential income from one sale will be equal to an average of 2600 rubles. And so, the assortment of our store will include the following items of goods:

  • Bicycles for adults (mountain, road, women's, folding, universal)
  • Children's bicycles
  • Equipment (glasses, backpacks, gloves, helmets, t-shirts, cycling jerseys, vests, sweatshirts, t-shirts, cycling shorts, overalls, cycling underwear, shoes, socks)
  • Spare parts (children's wheels, take out, grips, cameras, carriages, cassettes, pedals, switches, tires, handlebars, saddles, brakes, chains, cranks, shifters, etc.)
  • Accessories (trunks, bike computers, pen guards, bells, fenders, pumps, mirrors, tools, lights, covers, etc.)
  • Skis (including ski boots, poles, bindings, etc.)
  • Snowboards
  • Skates
  • Clothing and footwear for winter sports.

How much can you earn by opening a sports store

Calculate potential earnings. The number of buyers in the first three months of work, for obvious reasons, will not be large. On average, taking into account the ongoing advertising, we expect three buyers per day. Further, with the growing popularity of the store and word of mouth, the number of purchases will increase to 6 - 7 per day. The dynamics of purchases in the context of each month for the first year of operation will look like this:

By preliminary calculations, potential income (minus goods) for the first year of operation will be 4,316,000 rubles.

Production plan

Our store will be located in a rented area of ​​85 sq. m. The rental rate will be 700 rubles. / m2. This room has a very good location. Firstly, this is a new microdistrict, with an abundance of new buildings and a solvent young population. Secondly, there is a busy highway and a large federal hypermarket "Lenta" nearby. Placing only one banner near the track will allow us to attract a large audience of customers. The property does not need major renovation. It already complies with safety standards, including the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor. We will only redecorating and we will purchase the necessary commercial equipment: shelving, seller's stand, racks for attaching bicycles. Install good lighting and video surveillance system. General costs on the this stage amount to no more than 150,000 rubles. The goods are planned to be purchased from large metropolitan dealers representing the leading brands of such manufacturers as Scott, Trek, Specialized, Merida. There are no problems with the selection of suppliers today. Most of them will come out to us. Now for the staff. The requirements for sellers of such a store are very high. A person must not only have experience in trading, but also be “savvy” in sports. Ideally, he should be well versed in cycling and bicycle technology. But there are very few such people today (who know how to sell and understand bicycle technology). Therefore, some time will be spent looking for young people with sales experience and teaching them the basics of selling bicycles, accessories and winter sports goods (skis, snowboards, skates). In total, we plan to employ 2 sellers, one store administrator and a warehouse worker (and a supplier in one person). The duties of the latter will include not only control over the balances, but also work with suppliers. It is planned to register a limited liability company (LLC) as an organizational form. Optimal system taxation for a sporting goods store with an area of ​​less than 150 sq. m. is UTII - single tax on imputed income. Tax payments will be fixed and independent of revenue. The monthly payment will be 7500 rubles.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

Retail trade in clothing - OKVED 52.42. And also 52.48.39 - Specialized retail other non-food products, or 52.48.3 - Specialized retail trade in non-food products. Depending on the range of goods.

What documents are needed to open a store

Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC will be required. To do this, you need: a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of state duty, as well as a copy of the TIN certificate.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

A single imputed income tax or a simplified taxation system is suitable for such a store.

Do I need permission to open

To open a sports goods store, you will need the following permits and contracts:

  • sanitary epidemiological report on the compliance of the premises of the store current rules and SES standards;
  • permission to place from Rospotrebnadzor - gives the right to start the activities of the enterprise;
  • existence of PPK (the program of sanitary and production control) provides observance a dignity. norms and rules;
  • contracts for disposal fluorescent lamps and disinfection of vehicles;
  • agreements for the provision of deratization, disinfection, disinsection works, for laundry and dry cleaning services for washing overalls;
  • economic contracts for the cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning;
  • contract for the removal of solid waste and other garbage.
  • conclusion of fire supervision;
  • registration of the cash register.

Sales technology

The technology of sales depends on the range of goods, the specialization of the store, its location and clientele. The store can be focused on winter or water recreation areas, extreme sports. It is possible to choose a range of goods for the clientele of fitness rooms or lovers of sports jogging, cycling or skating.

Marketing and store promotion

The number of cyclists in our city is growing. The reconstruction of parks, the construction of sidewalks and areas for bike rental contribute to the development of this sport. By and large, we will try to make advertising of our store targeted. That is, to be placed where there is a potential audience. Firstly, this is cooperation with bicycle rental organizations. Secondly, this is the placement of advertisements in parks, near sports facilities. Thirdly, it is advertising on the Internet, through its own website, contextual advertising and groups in in social networks. It is planned to regularly distribute flyers and booklets in crowded places of youth. Let's not lose sight of the adult audience of buyers who can buy bicycles, skis and other sports equipment not only for themselves, but also for their children. To do this, you can hold all kinds of promotions, place ads near large shopping centers. In winter, when the ski season comes, our shop will be advertised at the ski lodges. Special attention will be paid to the creation of a bright advertising sign. Proper location of the sign - 50% success in attracting new visitors. It should be not only bright, but also well viewed.

Business efficiency calculation

The final point of the business plan is the calculation of the efficiency of the sporting goods store. First, let's calculate the fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 59 500 rubles.
  • Salary of 2 sellers (salary + percentage of sales) - 60,000 rubles.
  • The salary of an administrator and a warehouse worker is 50,000 rubles.
  • Strass deductions for employees - 33,000 rubles.
  • Accounting and cleaning (outsourcing) - 11,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 7500 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 10,000 rubles.
  • The cost of protecting the facility - 18,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 15 000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 25,000 rubles.

Total - 289,000 rubles. Annual expenses, thus, will amount to 3,468,000 rubles. Revenue and expenses are known to us. Now you can calculate the net profit of the business: 4,316,000 - 3,468,000 = 848,000 rubles. in year. Profitability is 24%. It should be noted that these calculations are typical for the first year of operation, when the store has not yet gained popularity. In subsequent years, revenues, as well as profits, will certainly grow. With such indicators, we expect a return on investment in 30 - 35 months.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions
