Gas water heater or gas water heater. Electric or gas water heater: which is better to choose? Flow or storage boiler - which is better

2016-12-30 Evgeny Fomenko

To figure out which is better - a boiler or a gas water heater, consider the pros and cons of both devices.

Advantages of the boiler:

  • Ease of installation. For the installation of a storage water heater, it is not required to collect any documents and permits. No need for good ventilation and chimney.
  • Ability to provide warm water multiple water points.
  • Independence from the pressure in the water supply. Where the geyser does not turn on due to low pressure, the boiler will work properly.
  • Noiselessness. For heating, a tubular electric heater is used, which does not make any sounds.

Boiler in the bathroom

Disadvantages of storage water heaters:

  • Long reheat time compared to columns. If the hot water in the tank runs out, you will have to wait from 30 minutes for the next portion to heat up (reasons due to which going hot water are described).
  • Limited amount of water. If you choose the wrong volume, then there may not be enough water to meet the FGP needs of all residents.
  • Dependence on electricity. If you turn off the light in the room, then the water will gradually cool down.
  • Large dimensions. This may become a problem in small apartments with small bathrooms where every square meter counts.

indirect water heater

  • Scale accumulation. From time to time, the boiler requires cleaning from salt deposits. If you do not regularly perform preventive maintenance, then over time the water heats up more and more time.

In turn, geysers have the following advantages:

  • Instant heating. When you open the tap in just a few seconds, the consumer receives hot water.
  • Unlimited water. If there is water in the apartment, then the column can work constantly. The amount of water is not limited by the size of the tank.
  • Small dimensions. New models are compact and do not take up much space in the kitchen.
  • Independence from electricity. If the house turns off the light, the column will continue to work.

Disadvantages of gas water heaters:

  • Need to collect additional documents when installing. Before you install a geyser, you must coordinate the project with utilities and obtain permission.
  • The need for a quality chimney. For the operation of a gas water heater, it is necessary that the products of combustion go outside. This requires a chimney, the state of which will have to be monitored all the time.

    If it clogs, then at best the protection will work and the flame will go out. If for some reason it does not work, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Pressure dependency. If there is a weak pressure in the water supply system, the gas will not open and the column will not work. Modern models with the ability to adjust the pressure inside the apparatus partially solve this problem.

    Also, if two points of water intake are connected and water is turned on in the second one, the temperature in the first one will drop. This is not very convenient when the temperature of the water changes during the shower.

  • Impossibility of placement in the bathroom. Due to safety standards, gas flow heaters are not allowed to be installed in bathrooms.

To decide what to choose, it is important to consider the installation location. If you live in a private house that is heated by a boiler, it is advisable to purchase a boiler indirect heating which will be the most beneficial.

Part of the heat that goes to heating will go to heating tap water. It is advisable to purchase a combined model that has an additional heating element in order to provide hot water in the summer.

In an apartment where there is no gas meter and 1-2 people are registered, you need to install a gas water heater, which will be cheaper than a boiler due to a fixed payment for gas. An additional argument would be small size apartments, for Khrushchev better fit compact gas flow heater.

If you have a nightly rate for electricity, get a boiler with a large tank capacity, because it will be most economical to turn it on at night and then use heated water during the day. Thermal insulation is installed between the body and the tank, due to which the cooling occurs very slowly.

Many people resort to the need to purchase a device for heating water during the summer months, when the water supply is usually turned off. Residents also face this problem. country houses, since there is no centralized hot water supply in this case at all.

But what is better gas water heater or water heater? Today we will tell you more about what a water heater is and which one is better to choose for your apartment or house. To do this, we first get acquainted with the main characteristics and features different types devices.


In apartments and houses, the most popular choice is a gas heater. It is easy to use, durable, safe, practical and extremely reliable. In addition, it allows you to heat water much faster compared to an electric model.

Work modern devices is fully automated. The burner is ignited when the appliance is started. At this moment, gas is supplied, and in its absence, the flame is turned off. The main advantage of this type of water heater is its efficiency, since gas is much cheaper than electricity.

These heating devices can be of two types:

The first option is mainly for large families that require a large amount of water consumption. In such a situation, you can install a tank with a capacity of about 200 liters, which is enough for two adults and three children to take a shower. For a small family best option This is a flow heater. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the power. When using one point of water consumption, 19-20 kW is suitable, and for the simultaneous use of water in two different places- not less than 24 kW.

The advantages of a gas water heater are:

  • Optimal gas flow for heating;
  • High profitability;
  • Low cost.

The disadvantage of the device is the need for its installation of the arrangement of the hood, since during the combustion of gas are formed harmful fumes and products. They need to be taken outside in a timely manner.

Electric water heater

The electric heater is alternative gas, which is no less functional. It is usually used in apartments and country houses in which gas is not supplied. It is also selected for installation in the bathroom and toilet, where the gas pipe supply is not possible.

In this case, water heaters are also divided into two types - storage and flow. The first version of the device design heats the water in the tank up to certain temperature(usually it is about 37 degrees), after which it is maintained at a certain level.

When the tap is opened, the tank enters cold water, and when its full volume is exhausted, it is necessary to heat the next portion long time. It depends on the type of heating element, the volume of the tank, as well as the heat-insulating coating of the tank walls. To reduce heat loss and save energy, the design of the heater must be covered with special heat-retaining materials.

Flow models have a compact design, but their disadvantage is high power and correspondingly high flow electrical energy required for work. In addition, their installation requires specialized knowledge and experience, and only a professional can handle it.

What to choose?

You choose a device for heating water, but do not know which is better - a geyser or an electric water heater? For an apartment or house with a gas supply, the first option should be used. It has a low cost, leads to a small gas consumption, and is convenient in operation. However, the use of a gas column is associated with a high risk.

The electric model does not require specific installation and maintenance. It is safer, but at the same time leads to significant costs for electricity bills. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a device after a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons of using each type.

What is better gas water heater or electric water heater?

During a water cut and when moving to live in Vacation home Many are faced with the need to buy a device for heating water. However, far from everyone knows what is better than a gas water heater or an electric water heater.


Where could I buy?

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Geyser or boiler: which is better?

Devices providing an apartment or a private house hot water at any moment, these days are very relevant. Their choice is quite extensive, and it can be difficult to determine which equipment is more profitable in a particular case. To buy the right device, it is important to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of water heater.

Types of equipment for providing hot water

According to the principle of their work, all heating devices are divided into storage and flow. The former collect water and heat it for a certain time period, while the latter perform heating during use. Both of these types of heaters are also divided, depending on the energy carrier used, into electric and gas.

As a result, we can name the following types of equipment that heats water:

  1. Gas flow heater (geyser). The water in such a device is heated while moving through the heat exchanger under the influence of the burner flame.
  2. Electric storage heater (boiler). Water is first drawn into the apparatus, and then begins to heat up with a built-in heating element.
  3. Gas storage heater.
  4. Electric flow heater.

The most common are the first two types, which in most cases need to be compared to select a suitable water heater.


  • A working column is able to provide the house with hot water for an unlimited period of time. As soon as the user opens the tap, he immediately receives warm water until the moment he closes the valve.
  • In modern columns there is an electronic control that allows you to control the intensity of combustion, as a result of which changes in water pressure in the pipes do not affect the final temperature of the water coming from the tap.
  • The speakers are small in size, so they are often bought for a small area bathroom or kitchen.
  • Modern speakers are highly reliable devices. To ensure the safety of their work, the columns are provided with many sensors.

  • Geysers significantly lose to boilers in terms of efficiency.
  • The power of the device may not be enough to ensure a uniform supply of water to two points. For example, if the column is low-power, hot water will flow to only one tap. Medium-power devices allow you to supply water to two taps, but the pressure will be uneven.
  • For its operation, the column requires a chimney and good ventilation of the room.
  • Many columns do not function well when the pressure of gas or water changes.
  • At open chamber combustion reduces the oxygen content in the room.
  • If the water in the pipes is too cold in winter, the column often cannot cope with its heating.
  • because of Bad quality gas water heaters have to be regularly descaled.
  • Installation of gas-fired equipment is quite troublesome and expensive. It requires the existence of a project and its approval, after which an organization that has a license for such actions should take care of the installation and connection.
  • Installation of such a heater is quite simple and can be done independently.
  • The device does not require a chimney to operate, and ventilation is also not important.
  • Changes in temperature or water pressure in the pipes do not affect the operation of the boiler.
  • In modern boilers, the heater does not come into direct contact with water, so scale does not form.
  • Such equipment is unable to quickly provide a large volume hot water. The volume of warm water received from one boiler is limited, and when the water runs out, you have to wait several hours until the next portion is heated.
  • The capacity of the boiler may not be enough to provide hot water for the whole family.
  • Sizes of accumulative electric heaters pretty big. Hanging the boiler over the bathroom or toilet, users often hit it with their heads.

Geyser or boiler: which is better?

Which is better - a gas water heater or a boiler as a water heater? Which of them is better, more economical and more profitable for installation in an apartment or a private house - instantaneous or storage water heater?

Due to frequent interruptions in the supply of hot water, especially during the cold season, residents of apartments and private plots are increasingly thinking about alternative methods of heating water. The most effective of them are appliances such as gas water heaters and electric boilers. Although they perform the same function - they heat water, they still have many differences, such as: different time spent on heating water, efficiency in work, different options security. Before choosing which is better: a gas water heater or a boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with their differences, advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

What is their difference

The main difference between these devices is the energy due to which they work. The geyser is powered by gas, which is produced by connecting to the central gas pipeline. Such a device was invented a long time ago, and during its existence it has evolved from a bulky unit that requires a lot of space into small compact devices.

The electric boiler has appearance a capacious tank with a tubular electric heater inside and a water heating control system outside. There are two types of such devices:

  • Flow - a small device that connects to a water supply pipe and heats the water when the tap is turned on.
  • Accumulative - tank different sizes, which collects and stores water in itself; heats water when the tank is turned on.

Unlike a geyser, a boiler can work with large volumes of water, so various enterprises often make a choice in its favor.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas water heaters

The main plus of the geyser is its efficiency, since the gas is this moment most affordable and cheap look fuel. Other benefits include:

  • Long service life.
  • Ease of use.
  • Compactness.
  • Fast water heating.
  • No problems with repairs.

Geysers are installed mainly in the kitchen, and most of models are equipped with a thermometer and other useful features.

A significant disadvantage of the geyser is the complexity of its installation. This cannot be done on your own and you still need to additionally purchase the materials necessary for installation, since they are not included with the device. Other disadvantages include:

  • The device runs on gas, it needs ventilation to remove combustion products from the room, which also adds to the complexity of the mount.
  • The installation of the device must be coordinated with the gas services.
  • The temperature to which the column can heat water depends on the initial temperature of the water in the pipe, which means that if the water is too cold (for example, in winter), then the column will not bring it to a hot state.
  • Medium level of safety, since gas-powered appliances are always at risk of explosion.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boilers

Electric boilers are more popular with users than gas water heaters, this is due to a number of significant advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • no need to build a ventilation system;
  • safety in operation;
  • independence from the initial temperature and water pressure;
  • high rate of efficiency.

The disadvantages are primarily the limited number of warm water in storage electric boilers. When the hot water in the tank runs out, you have to wait for the water to heat up again, depending on the size of the tank - this can take a long time. Other cons include:

  • high price;
  • volumetric boiler does not fit in every home;
  • the cost of energy supply is much higher than that of gas water heaters;
  • short service life.


In order not to make a mistake in choosing a water heater, main question to which you need to answer is for which room it will be used. For the home, both gas water heaters and flow and storage boilers will be equally effective. However, if a water heater is needed for a business that is visited by many people every day, then an electric storage boiler with a large tank capacity is best suited.

The article described all the main issues related to heating appliances for water and this information is enough for the buyer to decide which is more profitable: a gas water heater or a boiler.

When choosing what is more efficient, an indirect heating boiler or a geyser take into account several features and differences in the design and operation of water heaters. Important factors influencing the decision: the space occupied, the cost of operation and heating water, ease of use and existing restrictions.

The difference between a boiler and a gas column

Water heaters differ in the principle of operation, internal structure and thermal efficiency. The following are the main characteristics by which the column differs from the boiler, as well as short description internal arrangement of equipment of each type, pros and cons.

BKN - in its internal structure resembles an electric boiler. Only instead of a heating element, a coil or a tank is used as the main heating element, through which the coolant circulates.

BKN is connected to a solid fuel or gas boiler. The heated coolant enters heating element located in storage capacity filled with hot water. Heat is transferred and hot water is heated.

The advantage of an indirect heater in comparison with a gas water heater is as follows:

  • low requirements for installation and connection: there is no need to obtain permission from Gorgaz, to make a project and approval;
  • constant maintenance of hot water and instant supply to the consumer (when using a boiler with recirculation);
  • stable DHW temperature despite the number of points of water consumption and water pressure;
  • simple internal organization and easy operation.
The boiler has its own weak sides:
  • large occupied area;
  • restrictions on the volume of water supplied to the consumer;
  • time required for primary DHW heating(on average 30-40 minutes);
  • high price;
  • seasonal work, heating occurs only during the heating period of the building (minus does not apply to combined boilers with a built-in heating element and operating at any time of the year).

    Read also: Indirect heating boiler with electric heater

    As practice and real consumer reviews show, it is better to use BKN to get hot water in your home. flowing gas water heater better to use in apartments.

    Speakers also have their strengths and weaknesses. Water heating occurs as follows. The burner is located inside the water heater. A heat exchanger is installed above the burner. When the gas is burned, heat is released, heating the water, which is constantly circulating through the coil. The column works only when the water supply tap is open and turns off after it is closed.

    Advantages of a flowing geyser over a capacitive boiler:

    • cheapness;
    • no restrictions on the volume of heated water;
    • economical gas consumption;
    • compactness.
    With the existing advantages, there are certain disadvantages:
    • high requirements for the location, technical conditions of the boiler room and the need for approvals and project preparation;
    • complex internal structure, periodically there are breakdowns associated with a malfunction of mechanisms and automation;
    • the heating temperature depends on the pressure in the pipeline and the number of simultaneously open water taps (the problem is somewhat solved in water heaters with modulating burners).
    BKN is an accumulative water heater, a column - flowing. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The actual possibilities of a residential building become decisive in the matter of choice:
    • For a private house, it is better to install an indirect heating boiler connected to a solid fuel or gas single-circuit boiler. With the right calculations, hot water will be more than enough.
    • In apartments with central heating it will not be possible to establish the BKN due to existing restrictions in the regulatory documents. The only option: installing a gas flow column.

    What is more economical - a boiler or a column

    When clarifying this issue, not only the cost of water heaters is taken into account, but also the costs of connection, regular maintenance, as well as the costs associated with heating water:
    • Equipment price- a gas water heater will cost, depending on the model and manufacturer, from 8000-40000 rubles. Basically instantaneous gas water heaters are in the specified price category, but there are instances cheaper or more expensive.

      Read also: What and how to install a geyser in a private house

      The cost of a storage boiler depends on the displacement. A 100-liter water heater can be purchased starting from 15,000-190,000 rubles. If a decision is made to put a boiler instead of a gas column, the cost of purchasing equipment will double.

      Read also: Which indirect heating boiler to choose for a private house

    • Heating costs- gas consumption with an indirect heating boiler or a gas water heater is approximately the same. Expenses are directly related to the features of the operation of heaters. Maximum costs for heating water in the column and BKN occur when reaching the operating power.
      In a flow heat generator and a boiler, the largest gas consumption is observed until the water reaches the required temperature. If the water heater is used exclusively for washing in the shower or taking a bath, then a gas water heater is more economical than a boiler. With frequent washing of hands and dishes and constant short-term switching on, the gas consumption in the instantaneous water heater becomes more than in the BKN.
    • Connection costs- the process of installing columns, including the official execution of documents and the preparation of project documentation, costs an impressive amount. If the house does not have a boiler and the water heater is needed only for washing dishes or hands, it is better to choose a cheaper option.
      According to the most conservative estimates, the amount required to connect a flowing gas water heater can reach 30,000-40,000 rubles.

    • Based on the above, some consumers decide to replace an already installed column with a boiler. This can be done at virtually no cost. First you need to abandon the gas supply point. A plug will be placed on the pipeline and sealed.

      Coordination of the gas service when installing a boiler instead of a column is not required. It is enough to officially stop the supply of "blue fuel". You will have to re-register documents in Gorgaz only if it is necessary to remove or move the pipe to which the column was connected.

      Is it possible to connect a gas column to a boiler

      This option is indeed possible. Connection according to a combined scheme, subject to competent performance of work, will give certain savings and combine the advantages of a flow and storage water heater. The boiler and the geyser in the same system are connected according to the following scheme:
      • HVS enters instantaneous water heater, heated, and then sent to the boiler;
      • already heated water in the boiler is supplied to the user.
      Savings from the joint operation of a flow-through gas column and a water heater with indirect heating are observed only with a significant water consumption: taking a shower or bath. The solution is effective for a large family.

      The scheme for connecting an indirect heating boiler to a geyser has certain pitfalls. Placed in front of the boiler check valve, not squeezed under a small pressure of water. For stable operation, a booster pump is required. Installing BKN after a column in an apartment may not allow the area and specifications premises.

Every year, the installation of an individual source of hot water in private houses and apartments is becoming more and more relevant. The era of centralized hot water supply is gradually becoming a thing of the past, because sometimes it can be more profitable to have your own water heater. This allows you to control the cost of utilities and save money as you see fit. Only here is the question: what equipment to choose for heating water? The purpose of the article is to give a detailed answer to this question, to determine which is better - a gas water heater or a boiler, revealing all the pros and cons of various water heating units.

Types of household appliances for the needs of hot water supply

At the moment, there are 2 types of water heaters that differ in the principle of operation: flow and storage. Both use two energy carriers: natural gas and electricity. Let's collect them all in one list:

  • geysers for water;
  • electrical storage water heaters(boilers);
  • gas storage heaters;
  • electrical flow installations.

The first 2 types of water heaters are the most popular, they constantly compete with each other, regardless of the difference in the energy carriers used. Geysers are devices that directly heat running water in a heat exchanger with a burner flame. Hot water is supplied almost instantly, one has only to open the tap.

Work electric boilers built differently: a tank filled with cold water, gradually warms up with built-in heating elements. It makes sense to turn on hot water when the container heats up at least to a temperature of 40 ºС, which will take 2-3 hours. In the case when the temperature has reached the set temperature, but there is no water intake, the device maintains it at a certain level, turning the heating elements on and off.

Less commonly, storage gas heaters are used to supply hot water. This product appeared on our market relatively recently and has not yet gained much popularity. Domestic gas boiler is a kind of hybrid between a gas water heater and an electric boiler. From the latter, he took the principle of operation, and from the column - a method of heating water and natural gas as a source of thermal energy.

And finally instantaneous electric heaters operating on the principle of a geyser, only using electricity instead of natural gas. For this reason, they got their name - electric speakers.

Despite the fact that they appeared on the market a long time ago, to this day they are a real exotic, as they are very rare in private homes. The reason lies in the too high electrical power of the device, this is far from being supplied to every house. Therefore, we can consider these heaters only for informational purposes. Now, to make a comparison, we will analyze each type of equipment separately.

Geysers: pros and cons

The biggest and main plus of units of this type is the ability to provide the house with hot water for an unlimited time. The burner of the apparatus begins to heat the water almost immediately after the tap is opened and will continue to do so until the valve closes. This feature of gas water heaters makes them the undisputed leader among all units in terms of comfort.

The only condition: the heat output of the burner must be enough for all consumers. Modern turbocharged units are equipped with electronic control systems for the intensity of combustion, as a result of which a change in water pressure has practically no effect on its final temperature. But if thermal power the gas column was initially chosen incorrectly, then at a high flow rate, barely warm water will flow from all mixers.

An important advantage of gas flow heaters is their small dimensions, which allow the appliance to be squeezed into the smallest kitchen. Because of this, speakers are so popular among apartment residents. small area. In addition, the product is quite reliable (if you do not take into account Chinese products) and maintainable. Due to the fact that the water supply networks in the post-Soviet space leave much to be desired, the geyser for water periodically requires maintenance and cleaning.

Now for the disadvantages:

  • installation of gas-using equipment is a troublesome business and requires investments. It is necessary to complete the project, coordinate it, and then install and connect the heater, which only a licensed organization has the right to do;
  • any gas water heater requires a chimney and supply and exhaust ventilation for its operation;
  • for stable operation of the device, a certain pressure of water and gas is needed;
  • in terms of efficiency, the column loses to the boiler, its efficiency is a maximum of 92% versus 98-99% for electrical appliances.

Another delicate moment. In many cities in winter time the inlet water temperature is very low. Gas flow plant, even the most powerful, unable to heat up to normal temperature such water at normal consumption. That is, when working at maximum, the column will not give out the promised 10 l / min of hot water, but only 5.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric boiler

The storage electric water heater has many advantages, which determines its high popularity:

  • simple installation that does not require approval and involvement of specialized organizations;
  • no chimney and ventilation required;
  • independence from pressure water supply network and its temperature
  • high efficiency (efficiency up to 99%);
  • the ability to simultaneously provide a large flow of hot water;
  • The heating elements of a modern boiler do not come into direct contact with water and are not covered with scale.

The two main disadvantages of the unit are the limited volume of water dispensed and the need to wait for the next portion to heat up for several hours (from 1.5 to 5). An incorrectly selected tank capacity will lead to the same consequences as an incorrectly selected column power - cold water will run from the tap.

The volume of space occupied by the boiler is quite significant compared to gas flow apparatus. And, although there are tanks of a flat configuration, for an ordinary family of 3-4 people you will need a capacity of at least 80 liters, which in an apartment significant disadvantage. Because of this, the boiler in small bathrooms is hung over the bathtub, often hitting its head against it.

Picking a Winner

Before resolving the dispute - a boiler or a column, let's say a few words about storage gas heaters. They are promising, since the heating of the entire volume of water in the tank is twice as fast as that of the electric "brother". It is also independent of water pressure and is able to immediately issue a large flow rate for hot water. The disadvantages are inherited from the column: the need for permits, the complexity of installation and the need for a chimney and ventilation.

The question - what is better to choose - is not at all worth it when there is no gas supply in the house or an insufficient limit on electricity, but we consider the situation from other points of view. So, in the nomination "ease of use" the gas water heater definitely wins, it allows you to get what you want almost immediately. On the other hand, the installation of gas-using equipment will cost a pretty penny. Because the installation of the boiler will be cheaper and will be completed much earlier, it wins in the nomination "cost and speed of installation."

Which heater wins the "economy to operate" category depends on the user's location. It is clear that it will be more profitable for Russians to use natural gas, because in the Russian Federation it is much cheaper than electricity and a boiler will always be an outsider. But the residents of Ukraine and Belarus have something to think about, for example, about a multi-tariff electricity meter. Thanks to him, the storage heater can be in the first place.

Friendship wins in the Reliability and Service nomination. Moreover, with tap water rich in salts and impurities, which equally successfully attack the magnesium anode of the boiler and the water unit with the gas column heat exchanger. The anode "lives" from 2 to 5 years, during which time scale grows in the heat exchanger and rubber seals dry out, so the question of what is more economical to maintain remains open.


The correct choice of this or that equipment depends on many factors. It is impossible to unambiguously give preference to electric or gas appliances. And for those people who have boilers installed in their houses with good stock power, we can advise an alternative - indirect heating boilers. These thermal units combine a lot of advantages and have almost no disadvantages.
