The cheapest roofing material. The better to cover the roof of the house: types and features The cheaper it is to close the roof

Many people wonder how they cover the roof of the house when the walls have already been erected or the roof needs to be reconstructed. Today, there is a huge variety of roofing materials on the market, but many developers know what criteria should be given preference so that the future roof of the house will stand for a long time and keep home comfort and warmth.

Criteria, which you should pay attention to when covering the roof:

  1. Resistant to temperature extremes and various climatic conditions.
  2. Resistance to external influences (sun rays, wind, etc.).
  3. Reliability of waterproofing.
  4. The tightness of the material.
  5. Strength qualities of the roof.
  6. Material cost.
  7. Difficulty of installation.
  8. Variety of colors.
  9. Necessary care during operation.
  10. Durability.

How to cover the roof of the house

It would be advisable to consider the most common roof materials, which in practice have repeatedly proven their superior qualities.

Ceramic roofing as a quality roof covering

Ceramic tiles can be attributed to the classic type of roofing. It began to be used in comparison with other roofing materials for a long time and over time it has only improved.

Today, the building materials market is overflowing with a variety of ceramic roof tiles:

  • classic coating - only natural ingredients, without additional treatments;
  • engobed. The material lends itself to additional processing, as a result of which matte or glazed patterns are applied to the surface of individual tiles.

Tiles are made by firing clay in an oven at temperatures of + 1000 ° C, as a result, the natural ingredient turns red. Before planting in the kiln, the sorted clay is formed and treated with a special coating, which gives the material strength properties.

Despite the heavy weight of the tiles and laborious installation, Ceramics has several advantages:

  • resistance to various climatic conditions;
  • meets all the requirements of high-quality roofing;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • lends itself to reconstruction;
  • a huge variety of colors;
  • The service life of a roof can reach more than 100 years.

Several options for roofing

Visually, the roof resembles natural tiles, although it differs in material and production method.

Sheets of metal are produced by stamping from galvanized steel with a thickness of not more than 0.5 mm. Fasteners are carried out with nails or self-tapping screws - depending on the material of the crate. The end overlap for water drainage is about 250 mm, for side overlaps it is enough to leave one wave (corrugation).

Compared to natural tiles, Finnish roofing material is lighter in weight and therefore easier to install.

Advantages of a metal tile:

  • on the roofing materials market, the lightest roof covering - 1 m² does not exceed 5 kg;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • in winter, it does not hold snow on the roof;
  • service life - up to 30 years;
  • a huge variety of design solutions;
  • ease of installation.

Disadvantages of metal tiles:

  • susceptible to corrosion;
  • poor sound insulation, especially in rainy weather, sounds from drops are heard;
  • compared to natural tiles has a significantly shorter service life.

bituminous tiles

Bituminous tiles are a type of soft roofing and can be used for roofs of complex shapes.

Basic material component - fiberglass, which is processed with bitumen. An adhesive is applied to the inside of the finished sheet, and the outside is covered with mineral chips of various colors.

Advantages of bituminous tiles:

  • the main advantage is low weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to cover the most difficult surfaces;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • perfectly retains heat;
  • prevents the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • It does not require special care;
  • a huge variety of colors;
  • has a long service life.

Disadvantages of shingles:

  • during long-term operation, individual parts of the coating grow together into one sheet and during repairs it is necessary to replace the entire roof;
  • unstable to mechanical stress;
  • susceptible to fire;
  • not environmentally friendly;
  • the coating at the installation stage needs an additional moisture-resistant substrate;
  • poorly resistant to aggressive environments.

Roof decking

The professional flooring is made from ordinary galvanized steel sheet, which is given the necessary profile during processing, and at the end the surface is covered with a polymer substance.

Externally, the coating is more similar to euroslate, although its qualities correspond to metal tiles.

Advantages of corrugated board:

  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistant to temperature extremes and aggressive environments;
  • not affected by fire;
  • variety of colors and profiles;
  • long service life.

Coating disadvantages:

  • susceptible to corrosion;
  • bad soundproofing.

The well-known slate

Slate is a large sheet made of asbestos-cement material with a wavy shape. The main advantage of the coating is durability, the roof will not need repairs for a long period.

Standard dimensions for sheet slate:

Every 150-200 linear millimeters on the surface of the slate there is a wave up to 54 mm high. Such a coating structure contributes to ease of installation and does not require the regular use of a measuring tape.

More recently, slate was considered the most popular roofing material, as the coating had all the necessary properties of a quality roof. Particular attention was paid to resistance to the most aggressive environments and long service life.

Over time, they began to notice that slate under the influence of various climatic conditions moldy and acquires an unpleasant color. It was this factor, combined with the already known fragility of the material, that led to the search for a replacement. As a result, new and improved roofing has appeared.

It is worth noting that when choosing the better to cover the roof, it is necessary to pay attention to the strength, durability, resistance of the material to various temperatures and climatic conditions, so that the house is always warm. Price should never be the deciding factor, as savings can lead to quick, unplanned repairs.

The roof of the house is the very middle of the construction.

What can be said on this issue? The roof of a private house is the golden mean of the entire construction process. The foundation has been laid, walls and ceilings have been erected. Then comes the turn of the roof and, as a result, the question arises, what is the best way to cover the roof in a private house. After the house is brought under the roof, it is the turn of windows, communications (electrical, heating, etc.) and then - the insulation of building envelopes.

Thus, the roof in a private house is just the height of construction. The end and the edge are not yet in sight, it is not yet clear when the end will be. However, it is already clear that the construction budget is being spent excessively, and more money has already been spent on the foundation and walls than planned.

This means that just by the time the roofing material is purchased, the developer begins to understand that it would be nice to start saving during the construction process and begins to think - can he replace the roofing material with a cheaper one?

What is the cheapest way to roof a house?

So, what is the cheapest way to roof a house? The answer to this question depends on what kind of roofing material you intended to use for your home at the time of planning the construction.

Based on this, you can estimate whether you can save on a roofing pie and whether it is worth it.


In terms of cheapness, good old slate is one of the cheapest roofing materials. Of course, its performance characteristics are not at all as good as those of modern roofing materials, but there is an opportunity to save on roofing. And modern types of slate completely surpass many roofing materials in terms of characteristics. True, the better the slate, the more expensive it is.

Modern slate is quite a decent roofing material.

The cost of this roofing material starts at 120 rubles per square meter and then rises depending on the region of your residence and on the various technological tricks used by slate manufacturers.


The next roofing material - corrugated board - is the leader in terms of price / quality ratio among modern roofing materials. Its strength is regulated by the height and frequency of the profile in production. A polymer coating allows it to serve for a long time and not rust.

Naturally, during installation, this polymer coating should not be damaged. Otherwise, you are guaranteed rusty drips on your roof in 1-2 seasons.

The price of corrugated board starts at 150 rubles per square meter. The higher the profile of the sheet and the more often the profiling is done, the more expensive a square meter. This is logical, since the production of one meter takes more metal.

sheet metal

Only galvanized sheet metal is suitable for laying on a roofing pie. Ordinary painted sheets begin to rust after 2-3 seasons, and the paint begins to swell.

Galvanized sheets that can be used on the roof are also price leaders in the cheap segment - the price of galvanized roofing iron starts at 130 rubles per square meter.

metal tile

Metal tile - in terms of its characteristics, it is actually the same corrugated board, only of a “noble” look. For a beautiful appearance, you will have to pay from 180 rubles per square meter. If you want to cover the roof cheaper, then you should choose a metal tile with a minimum thickness of metal and with a minimum thickness of a polymer coating layer.

However, during installation, then you will have to make every effort not to bend the metal tile and not to break the protective polymer layer on it.

Metal roofing is the best option for many types of houses.

If you do not have the goal of saving on roofing, then all roads are open to you - copper sheet, natural or polymer-sand tiles and other "charms" of modern roofing materials. But we will focus on them in the next article.

The roof part of the building is one of several important components of any building. Many developers, having completed the construction of walls, are wondering: “what to cover the roof with?” Of course, in most cases this issue is decided at the design stage, but some people like to change everything at the last moment. In this article I will try to consecrate in as much detail as possible all the roofing that deserves attention.

roofing requirements.

The vast majority of developers choose the material according to certain criteria, namely: price and durability. To some extent this is true, but far from effective. In order to choose the right roofing for a particular case, you must first study the requirements for such products.

  • Moisture resistance. This indicator will talk about how the product copes with the repulsion of moisture. Some materials do not have high values, so they are mainly used in arid regions.
  • Durability. The longer the life of the material, the better, this is understandable. But it is worth noting that a lot of factors affect this parameter, so it is better to look at the average value and rely on stability.
  • Sustainability. This parameter shows how effectively the material copes with the negative impact of the environment on it. This refers to precipitation, wind and other external loads.
  • Strength. The coating may have good stiffness but low strength. For effective use, you need to look for something in between these qualities.
  • Tightness. Everyone knows that a lot of precipitation falls on the roof. So that they do not penetrate into the inside of the roofing cake, it is very important to create an airtight plane.

If you have access to regulatory documents, then you can find a more detailed list of requirements there, but this is quite enough to select quality roofing products.

Now, let's move on to the materials themselves.

Asbestos wave slate

If you are looking for something to cover the roof of a house inexpensively, then this product is just for you. However, it has some drawbacks, but let's talk about everything in order.

Asbestos slate is made from asbestos fibers and a binder mixture. The output is a quality product, with good rigidity, which is set by the waves. Their number can be from 6 to 8. Of course, you can find other types of slate, but they are unlikely to meet the requested requirements. In addition to all this, the canvas can have standard dimensions and reduced ones.

Not so long ago, the roofs of all private houses were covered with slate sheets, but what actually led this product to such a high popularity? Let's look at the advantages of asbestos slate.

  • Cheapness. This is the first thing developers look at when trying to find the cheapest way to cover a roof. The price of this material is really not high. The fact is that all the components for its production are taken from natural resources, therefore, a lot of such material can be made.
  • Strength. As already mentioned, due to the waves, the canvas is given optimal rigidity. In addition, the asbestos sheet has good strength indicators, but is very fragile.
  • Durability. The slate coating can lie on the roof for about 30-40 years without maintenance, or more than this period, if the surface is periodically cleaned of growths and the canvas is painted. The use of paint will not only protect the material from the harmful effects of the environment, but also reduce the release of asbestos dust.
  • Sun resistant and non-flammable. Due to the inclusion of non-combustible components, the material is completely resistant to open fire and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Good sound insulation performance. On the surface of the sheet there are special strips that reflect the noise coming from the outside and do not let it into the attic.

Reading the above points, you probably thought that this is an ideal material for roofing. This is true, but depending on which building they cover. Numerous studies have shown that during the operation of asbestos slate, a certain amount of harmful substances are released that adversely affect the human body. This problem can be solved by painting the surface. In addition, a simple type of roof can be distinguished, and this often scares away many developers.


This material began to be produced in France in the 1945s, but it became widespread only after a few decades, since ordinary people after the war had no time for the selection of roofing material. In European countries, ondulin took root very well, and many developers abandoned slate and switched to it without hesitation. But the vast majority of Russians confidently abandoned bituminous slate, citing the high cost of the product.

The material is made from natural cellulose mass, which is mixed with a bituminous substance and special thickeners are added to everything. The output is a wavy material with small dimensions and weight. The color is set by adding an admixture of pigments. In its appearance, it remotely resembles asbestos slate, which is why some roofers call this product euroslate.

To date, ondulin has undergone a number of significant changes in composition and quality and is practically a new material, but in an old shell. Benefits include properties such as:

  • Moisture resistance. Due to the high content of bitumen in the composition of the product, this parameter is at a very high level. The moisture coming from above has no chance to get into the roofing pie. Of course, if serious mistakes were made during installation, then water can still penetrate inside.
  • Ecological purity. Since the composition of the sheet does not contain harmful toxins, the euroslate is safe for the environment.
  • Small mass. Due to the use of natural cellulose, a thin sheet weighs practically nothing, so the canvas cannot create serious loads on the bases, and this is already an excellent reason for saving.
  • Ease of installation. Laying a rectangle small in size and mass is much easier than a heavy sheet of metal.
  • The cover can be used as an additional one. To do this, a wooden frame, essentially a crate, is laid on the old coating. Euroslate sheets are mounted on it and the roof is ready.

Well, of course, you can not ignore the cons.

  • Canvas deformation. If a discharged crate is used as a base, then after a few seasons it will be possible to notice some deformation of the sheets. In places where they are not supported by boards, there will be indentations.
  • Flammability. Due to the large amount of bitumen that is part of the material, it burns perfectly. In connection with this feature, this product is strictly forbidden to be used on public buildings and structures.

  • Low service life. If you purchase products from well-known and high-quality manufacturers, then the average duration of use of such a canvas will be in the range from 15 to 25 years. As for fakes, the canvas will not last even 10 years.
  • Loss of saturation of pigments. Color change occurs after only a couple of years and is naturally not good.
  • Installation limitation. For the device of such a roof, it is very important to choose the optimal temperature. The fact is that bitumen becomes brittle in the cold, and in extreme heat it practically flows. The optimal conditions for mounting ondulin are 10-20 degrees above zero.

In general, the material is good, but it is highly undesirable to use it in regions with high rainfall.


Today, profiled sheets can be compared in price with asbestos slate, so I put them in the second place of the cheapest coatings. If you immediately rejected slate and are looking for something to cover the roof of the house inexpensively, then corrugated board is the best solution.

The profiled sheet is made from rolled steel using high-quality European equipment. One sheet contains several layers. The price range of the product depends on their quantity. For example, if a sheet is covered with a protective layer and nothing else decorates it, then it will be as cheap as possible. And if polymer layers are added to it, then the price naturally rises.

It should be noted that not all polymer layers can provide a good coating quality. Some of them are low quality, they will peel off the metal after a couple of seasons. In addition, during installation work, the probability of violating the integrity of this layer is significantly higher compared to the use of high-quality polymers. As you understand, the price of high-quality products is much higher, therefore, you will have to choose: for what purposes to use this coating.

At first, profiled metal sheets did not attract private developers much because of their poor quality. But over time, when production began to use new technologies, everything changed for the better. Today, this material can be safely called universal. It is used not only in the roofing industry, but throughout the construction industry.

I won't stray too far from the topic I will go directly to the advantages of a profiled sheet.

  • Strength. When rolling a steel sheet, stripes remain on it, they are called waves. The higher the wave, the greater the rigidity of the sheet of metal. In addition to the wave height, it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the metal itself.
  • Does not burn. As you know from the laws of physics: metal is not a combustible material, therefore, such a coating can be used as a roof on public buildings and structures.
  • Relative cheapness. I have already spoken about price jumps a little higher. In fact, the fewer layers a sheet includes, the cheaper it costs. And of course, the price is also affected by their quality.
  • Continuous operation. Although the metal itself does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture, it is protected by additional layers. First of all, the addition of zinc to the composition of the metal immediately reduces the likelihood of corrosion. As an additional protection, polymer layers are applied to the metal.

  • Light sheet weight. The roofing grades of the profiled sheet are very light in weight, so there is no need to create a reinforced truss frame, it is quite possible to get by with something simple.
  • Great leaf length. Thanks to this fact, you can safely purchase a sheet of metal that will fit under your slope. The minimum number of joints will ensure good tightness of the roof and, as a rule, long-term operation.

By itself, a metal roof is a good thing, but do not forget about the shortcomings.

  • Roof decking has a smooth surface. Of course, this is not bad in a sense, because the removal of precipitation in the winter season will occur naturally, but all this will be a disadvantage. If you live in snowy regions of the country, then you will have to install snow retainers so that the snow does not avalanche.
  • High thermal conductivity. A thin sheet is not able to retain heat leaving the roofing room, therefore, a large amount of energy will have to be spent on space heating.
  • Low soundproofing. Noise coming from outside will echo through the attic space. You will even hear the birds landing on the roof, not to mention the rain.

The last two drawbacks can be eliminated by laying a thick insulation, but then the total cost of the entire roofing system will increase significantly.

metal tile

Metal tiles can be attributed to the already middle class of building materials. It looks good on absolutely any houses. In addition, imitation of natural tiles allows residents to rise in the eyes of neighbors or guests.

This product is still produced from rolled steel, but using a different technology than corrugated board. This sheet of metal has a more pleasant appearance, but otherwise I don’t see a difference. All the same protective components made of polymers and zinc. The only thing is that metal tiles can be made from non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum or copper. However, there are few such enthusiasts.

I would like to note that today there is a lot of this coating in the construction markets. If you do not know how to cover the roof of the house, then choose a metal tile from the following options:

  • Andalusia
  • Shanghai
  • Monterrey
  • Cascade
  • Valencia

All of the above types have good reviews from different classes of developers. But do not blindly rely on advice, study the material yourself and only then decide whether to buy it or not. If you do not know what material to cover the roof of the house, then it is better to seek help from specialists. This product is very similar to corrugated board, so I will not consider its positive and negative sides, if something is not clear, then see the previous paragraph.

Before considering the following coating, I would like to tell you a little about condensing moisture, because this is the main enemy of metal roofs.

Condensation occurs due to excessive humidification of the air in a certain room. Since the rafter system is the skeleton of the entire roofing system, we will protect it first of all. The attic space must be well ventilated, otherwise all elements will rot and fail. The same applies to the roofing cake. Here, the materials will not rot, but will lose all their useful qualities.

In order for natural ventilation to cope with its duties, it is necessary to calculate the airflow and ensure unhindered air outlet. The vents should be under the cornice overhangs. Their height, as a rule, is in the range of 5 to 8 centimeters. Having ensured the influx of air masses, you need to take care of the withdrawal of moistened ones. For this, a perforated ridge is installed. It contributes to the removal of steam from inside the room and, in addition, blocks access to the attic space for various pests.

If you are considering this particular material as a covering, then keep in mind that it is better to roof in warm and dry weather. Then the wood will not be able to soak in moisture and will remain dry for a long time. Otherwise, you will start operating the roof immediately with a large amount of moisture, and this can seriously undermine the quality of the truss system.

Many developers do not understand one detail. It seems they have chosen the material, but they still don’t know what is the best way to cover the roof of the house. There is only one answer - what suits you best. Rely on individual preferences and create a custom home of your dreams.

bituminous tiles

It is cheaper to cover the roof of a house with shingles, but you should take care of creating a quality foundation.

As you understand, bituminous tiles are made mainly from a bituminous component. But in its composition there are many impurities that protect the material from external influences. I would like to note the mineral dressing, which does not allow the sun's rays to act on the bituminous parts of the material.

There are quite a few varieties of soft tiles, but they differ not in the composition of the product, but only in its appearance. For example, some manufacturers produce material of 1 meter, while others have a maximum length of only 0.8 meters. Due to the pigments used, manufacturers achieve beautiful patterns on the surface of the shingle, which significantly increases the aesthetic properties of this product.

Advantages of shingles:

  • The shingle has small dimensions and low weight, so the installation process can be carried out by one person.
  • The rough surface repels extraneous noise, therefore, if you have conceived a residential attic, then there is no need for additional sound insulation.
  • Due to the low density of the material, heat does not quickly escape through the roof.
  • Bituminous products are not subject to rotting and corrosion, so they will serve their stated period without any problems.
  • The duration of operation is about 30-50 years. Everything will depend on the quality of the material itself and its manufacturer.
  • Large assortment of colors.

Both sides of the coin need to be examined to see the full picture, so let's look at the disadvantages of soft shingles.

  • Contains bitumen. From the previous paragraphs, you already know how bitumen behaves in frost and heat, so you will have to carefully choose the moment for installing such a roof.
  • Roof systems with a slope of 12-18 degrees should be equipped with an additional waterproofing sheet, especially in serious nodes such as valleys or cornice overhangs.

  • It is unlikely that you will be able to move along the roof in the summer, as you will simply damage the canvas.
  • Due to the rough surface, a fairly large amount of precipitation will accumulate on the roof and you will have to take up a shovel to eliminate them.
  • Flammability. This has already been mentioned, so there is no need to repeat it.

As you can see, there is something to think about here. Many developers cover the roof of the house with different materials, but is it effective?

Other coatings

Remained roofs such as seam roofing and tiles. I won't talk too much about them since they are extremely rare.

Seam roofing is a roof made of ordinary straight steel sheets. It is brought to the facility in rolls, and only then it is rolled out and adjusted to size. In addition to steel, any other metal can be used, which will not greatly burden the roofing system with its weight. The whole essence of this coating lies in its installation, or rather the creation of folds. Folds are called joints between strips of metal.

In appearance, such a roof is not very attractive, although the first years it looks solid. The use of cheap metal destroys the entire canvas and over time it becomes corroded. And looking at rusty metal, and even on your roof, is an unpleasant thing, isn't it?

Now let's move on to shingles. If you decide to make such a purchase, but still want to save money, then it is better to cover the roof not with clay, but with cement. In appearance, there will be no differences, except perhaps in color. It is worth noting that for the installation of these roofs, you will have to assemble a serious truss system, otherwise everything will simply collapse.

If we draw a conclusion from all of the above, then it’s impossible to say for sure what is better to roof a roof in a private house. For some residents, asbestos slate will be quite enough, while for others, natural tiles are not enough. However, if you do not strive for frills, then you can consider slate, corrugated board or ondulin. In other cases, purchase shingles or metal tiles.

Flat roof coatings

So, I told you about pitched roof coverings, and now let's move on to flat ones.

Many developers erecting a building with a flat roof immediately run to consult with roofers or turn to a design bureau. Almost all people ask the same question: “what is the best material to cover the roof of a house?” Here is exactly the same case as with pitched ones, since there are fewer materials.

Bituminous roll materials

Roofing material can be called a bright representative of rolled materials. To date, he has suffered major changes in the composition, this has led to an increase in his service life. Previously, the duration of operation was about 5-7 years, and a modern product can lie on the roof for more than 15.

Bituminous roll materials are laid by welding. For this, a gas cylinder and a special burner are used. This work is not safe, so if you plan to do it yourself and for the first time, then it is better to invite an experienced partner.

The structure of the material is thin, so you have to lay it in several layers, ideally if their number is 3-4. All layers are laid perpendicular to each other in order to reduce the likelihood of moisture leaking into the seams. The top layer of the roof should be laid with a special roofing material with mineral dressing. It will protect the canvas from the harmful effects of UV rays and mechanical stress.

Liquid, mastic and spray materials

If the roofing surface is not exploited, then bulk, mastic or sprayed products can be used as a coating.

These coatings give the surface 100% waterproofing and adhere well to the surface. When arranging such materials, it is very important to make a high-quality slope, otherwise puddles will form on the roof, creating an additional load on the underlying elements.

Mastic materials are applied using a roller or other hand tools. When laying such a roof, a reinforcing mesh can be laid so that the substance is distributed over the surface more evenly. The result is an effective, but far from attractive roofing surface, and even with a serious drawback: you cannot move along it. However, it is quite suitable for temporary structures.

Coating materials such as liquid rubber can be classified as sprayed materials. You are unlikely to succeed in laying this substance on the roof surface on your own, since you will need expensive equipment and the ability to distribute the amount of rubber over the plane.


Membranes are still considered modern products, although they were invented a long time ago. These products are made on the basis of polymers, which perfectly resist moisture and do not let it through their thickness. It is worth noting that it is not effective to use such a coating on small areas, so the membrane has found great popularity in industrial construction.

Membrane roofing is divided into three types:

  • TPO. The basis includes thermoplastic olefins with impurities of antioxidants, plasticizers and synthetic rubber. The output is a strong and durable material with increased fire resistance.

  • EPDM. Expensive coating with a reinforced body. This material justifies its cost due to long-term operation.
  • PVC. In the modern world, almost everything is made of polyvinyl chloride. This connection makes the roofing material cheaper than similar analogues, which greatly attracts developers.

If you are trying to understand the best way to cover a flat roof at home, and to make it cheaper than others, then pay attention to roofing material or mastic. Well, if aesthetics are important to you, then naturally choose polymers.

In the process of building or repairing a house, the question usually arises, what is the best way to cover the roof?

In the construction of a house, an important point is the roof and the material from which the roof will be installed.

Quite often, fashion influences the choice, but one should not forget that the main thing is that the material used must be of high quality.

The main parameters affecting the choice of material

The main criteria by which the choice of coverage for the house is carried out are decorative qualities, reliability and cost. But the first thing that requires special attention is weight. When choosing a coating, it is necessary to take into account the load on the supporting structures, that is, if the material is too heavy for them, then it is better to choose something lighter.

Practicality and durability are equally important qualities of a future roof for a house. Usually the service life of the material is indicated without taking into account the harsh operating conditions, so you need to build a roof that is appropriate for the climatic conditions of the region.

The cost of a roof is affected by its thickness, which can provide good protection and an attractive appearance.

The basic principles that almost everyone relies on when choosing a material for the roof of a house are decorative qualities, reliability and cost.

The roofing material must be:

  • resistant to UV rays;
  • airtight;
  • durable;
  • resistant to temperature changes and external influences;
  • durable.

In the modern world, there are approximately twenty types of different materials that can be used at home. However, exotic species are unlikely to be in high demand, so it is better to opt for popular and common roofing materials that are on the domestic construction market.

slate sheets

Slate is presented in the form of large sheets of wavy shape, which are made of asbestos-cement mortar. This material is durable, but it has the disadvantage of increased fragility. The standard sheet size in length is 1750 mm, the width varies from 980 to 1130 mm. The height of the slate waves is up to 54 mm.

Temperature fluctuations do not have a destructive effect on the material, so if you cover the roof of your house with it, repair and replacement of the roof will not be needed for a long period of time. This is the most common option for covering most homes, as the material has a low cost and a neat look.

The scheme of laying slate on the roof: with alignment, with offset longitudinal edges.

Installation of slate is quite simple, but it is necessary to work with it carefully so as not to damage the sheets, so there must be an assistant during the work. Or you can entrust the installation to professional craftsmen who will do everything efficiently and without damage. A modern slate coating can be easily painted in any shade, which will greatly improve the overall appearance of the roof and make it more durable. When choosing a slate, consider the following:

  • sheets must be free of dents, cracks and various foreign inclusions;
  • edge - have an even appearance without delamination.

Ondulin - modern euroslate

The material is made by pressing cardboard, and after that it is treated with bituminous impregnation. Ondulin is quite often chosen as a future roof for residential buildings. It is able to last more than 30 years, has a relatively low price and is easy to install. This type of roof is an ideal solution for the construction of a beautiful and budgetary roof, which can be either single-pitched or gable. Ease of installation is ensured by the lightness of the material, if, for example, we compare it with slate.

The main disadvantage of the material is its low strength and poor sound insulation. Therefore, during heavy rainfall, all the noise is clearly audible inside the house.

This building material is often faked, so its quality must be given special attention when choosing. Natural ondulin has the following features:

  • on the inside has a corrugated mesh;
  • a sheet of material consists of 10 waves;
  • the outer side is rough to the touch;
  • the color is always matte and saturated;
  • must be on the last wave of the sheet the code of the manufacturer's plant.

metal sheets

This type of coating is usually made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Many choose this material to cover the roof of the house because of its practicality and durability. It is not fragile, unlike slate, and at the same time it has a low cost. One of the drawbacks is the complex installation process, the sheets are interconnected using special bends or folds.

The advantages of this roofing material include:

  • light weight;
  • the coating can be used on sloping roofs and with a slight slope;
  • long service life.
  • poor sound insulation;
  • poor protection from heat or cold.

It looks good as a roof and corrugated board, made of steel sheet, on which a wavy or trapezoidal profile is formed. The sheet is treated with a polymer coating on both sides. Such a roof has high rigidity and low weight.

Beautiful metal tile

This type of roof is created on the basis of galvanized steel and imitates tiles with its appearance. The material is treated with an anti-corrosion compound, so it can last for many years. means making the right choice. The coating has a number of advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • differs in reliability;
  • decorates the house perfectly.

This material is made of metal, respectively, it has the same disadvantages as metal sheets.

The metal tile is different:

  • by color (there are enough to choose from);
  • waveform;
  • type of coating (matte and glossy);
  • thickness (from 0.4 to 0.5 mm);
  • produced by various manufacturers.

Flexible or soft tiles

Such a tile is presented in the form of a multilayer material made on the basis of bitumen and metal-layer. To give bitumen such properties as strength and resistance to deformation, special polymer compositions are added to it. Outside, the material is protected by a fine basalt coating of various shades. Soft tiles are produced in the form of sheets of standard size, usually 1m x 0.33mm.

Natural ceramic tiles

The material has been used to cover the roofs of houses for more than a hundred years and is made from fired clay. At the beginning, clay blanks are shaped, dried, and then fired in a special oven at a temperature of approximately 1000 ° C. Natural tiles have many advantages:

  • durability (from 50 to 100 years);
  • high resistance to humidity, ultraviolet radiation, frost or heat;
  • ease of installation even on complex surfaces due to the division into individual elements;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ceramic tiles are a prestigious and beautiful type of roofing.

At the same time, the material is not without certain drawbacks, which should also be paid attention to:

  • high cost, especially for glazed tiles;
  • since the installation is done manually - this further increases the cost of the work if the installation is done by hired craftsmen;
  • tile elements are quite heavy, so the supporting structures must be reliable;
  • has a certain brittleness, which manifests itself under increased mechanical loads.

Soft roll roof

The material is a multi-layer coating that protects the roof from the negative influence of various external factors, sudden temperature changes and precipitation. Although roll roofing is not an elite coating, it is quite popular and is often used during the construction of houses.

To decide whether to use this material, you need to consider all its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • strength and practicality;
  • excellent hydro and soundproof functions;
  • fairly light weight;
  • simple installation;
  • high fire safety;
  • resistance to temperature changes and UV rays;
  • excellent degree of thermal protection;
  • The material is made from environmentally friendly components.

The main disadvantage of such a roof is the inability to provide good tightness, which can cause the accumulation of a large amount of water vapor in the middle of the insulation. Accordingly, at low temperatures, frozen water is able to tear off the waterproofing layer from the base.

The choice of roofing material is a responsible process. It is on this that the life of the roof, as well as its bearing capacity, will depend. For houses built from different materials, their own criteria for choosing roofing materials, as well as their installation, are provided.

If you need to choose a material for a wooden house, then here you have ample opportunities.

metal tile

It is used in the construction of pitched roofs and attics. It has such characteristics as resistance to moisture, wear, UV rays. Still the metal tile has small weight. It is simple and quick to erect, and thanks to its aesthetically attractive appearance, the house looks stylish and modern. In addition, metal tile is an inexpensive material, which is presented in a wide range of colors.

Metal tile on a wooden house

But it also has its drawbacks:

  • loud noise during rain or hail;
  • the need for thermal insulation;
  • during seasonal temperature fluctuations, condensation forms on the inside;
  • installation of metal tiles requires compliance with safety rules, since you can not only spoil the material, but also injure yourself;
  • should not be used on flat roofs or with a slight slope.

natural tile

This material has been in great demand for a long time. And this is not surprising, since it has high reliability and practicality. Ceramic tiles are most often used in the arrangement of roofs in expensive cottages.

Natural tiles on a wooden house

The disadvantages of the material include a lot of weight and high cost. Installing ceramic tiles is a laborious and lengthy process. Here are some of its merits:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • resistance to various influences;
  • aesthetically pleasing;
  • excellent sound absorption and thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance.

But what are the projects of a garage, a bathhouse, a barn and everything under one roof, this will help to understand


This material is inexpensive and can be used in the construction of flat roofs. For its manufacture, pressed kraton impregnated with bituminous components is used. Ondulin is presented in wide color schemes.

Its advantages include:

  • sound and heat insulation;
  • long service life;
  • easy installation, light weight;
  • resistance to moisture and UV rays;
  • waterproofing and fire resistance;
  • plasticity and flexibility.

Ondulin also has disadvantages:

  • cannot be used when arranging pitched roofs with a significant slope;
  • cracks appear on the surface over time.

You may also be interested in information about what it looks like


This material belongs to the budget category. It is very easy to mount, and it has high strength and durability. Of course, his appearance is not the most attractive.

Slate on a wooden house

But there are the following advantages:

  • resistance to fire;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical influences;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to moisture, corrosion.

This material can also insulate the veranda, but how the process of warming the roof of the veranda takes place will help to understand this

There are also disadvantages: over time, the slate crumbles around the edges, and moss and lichens can form in shaded areas.


This material is much wider than metal tiles. In addition, the profile can be rounded, U-shaped and trapezoidal.


Its main advantages include:

  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • strength;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • low price;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • attractive appearance.

There are such disadvantages of corrugated board:

  • it is necessary to ensure that there is no damage to the coating, as the material is subject to corrosion;
  • high windage, which must be taken into account during installation;
  • required laying of thermal insulation and vapor barrier;
  • noise is heard when it rains.

You may also be interested in knowing which ones exist and what they look like.

For a brick house

When choosing a roofing material for the roof of a brick house, there are also some peculiarities and nuances.

Clay tile

This material will look prestigious on the roof of any shooting gallery. It looks especially elegant if the walls and roof are decorated in the same style. Clay tiles have a number of features that are important to consider when choosing it. The material is characterized by a large weight, so the roof structure will have to be strengthened. This requires the installation of thick-walled beams, a solid frame. All this leads to an increase in the cost of construction work.

Clay tiles on a brick house

When installing clay tiles, no difficulties should arise. Even an inexperienced person can do all the work. In addition, when working with clay tiles, there is too little waste, and the coating is characterized by reliability and a long service life.

If you decide to use this material for the roof of a brick house, then it is worth noting that a thin heat insulator will not allow you to achieve sound insulation, so you will also need to take care of soundproofing material.

Roll materials

Soft roofing is a versatile material that is ideal for building a roof in a house made of brick, stone or wood. For a long time, it was in great demand, because it belongs to the highest quality and most reliable. This popularity has continued to the present day.

The use of roofing felt

Under a significant slope, it is inconvenient to mount rolled material, since it is best to do this on a surface with an inclination angle of not more than 30 degrees. Soft roofing can be of several types: roofing material, glassine, glass roofing material, euroroofing material.

Today, in their manufacture, specialists use modern technologies, as a result of which their installation is simplified and their service life is increased.

Installation of a roll coating can occur in several ways. For convenience, all measures to cover a brick house should be done together. If you use the mechanical method of installation, then the soft roof is installed with nails. They fix the heat insulator film with a roll coating. This material can also be used on flat roofs. But what projects exist, and what they look like. can be seen in the photo in this article.

For aerated concrete house

When choosing a roofing material for a house made of aerated concrete, special attention must be paid. The smaller the mass of material, the better. The following types of coverage are in great demand:

But using natural and polymer-sand tiles, slate and other heavy materials is not worth it. If you use them, then only very carefully and with strict observance of the installation technology.

Today, the choice of roofing is so wide that it is not so easy to choose the right one. In this case, it is necessary to take a number of nuances, including the characteristics of the material, climatic conditions and the material that was used in the construction of the house.

During the construction of a private residential building, the choice of roofing material, which is suitable for construction in terms of quality, appearance and cost, is considered to be a rather urgent issue. In order to make the most correct choice, it is necessary to be guided by some parameters and characteristics that show the quality and relevance of a particular option for.

Modern roof coverings have high aesthetic qualities.

Features of the choice of materials

So, when choosing a roofing material, you should pay attention to:

Scheme of the device of the roof from corrugated board: 1 - corrugated board; 2 - crate; 3 - ridge seal; 4 - skate; 5 - hydro and vapor barrier film; 6 - rafter leg (without counter-lattice); 7 - rafter leg; 8 - insulation; 9 - vapor barrier film; 10 - ceiling rail; 11 - lining, drywall.

  • variety of forms;
  • color ratio;
  • the total weight of the roof, which must be taken into account during the construction of the carrier;
  • the cost of material and installation work;
  • quality and reliability of roofing.

The weight of the roofing material plays a rather large role in the construction of the whole house, because the durability and reliability of the entire building depends on the correct distribution of the load on the supporting frame and the roof itself. It is for this reason that before buying the right material for the roof, it is necessary to make all the required calculations that will determine the bearing capacity of the roof of the house.

The quality and service life of one or another option for the roofing system deserves special attention. For example, ceramic tiles can last for about 100 years, while a soft roof can become unusable in just 10 years, and it is important for us that the roof lasts for many years.

Choice of type of construction and flooring

Each roofing system is designed to perform several basic types of functions, each of which has quite important characteristics in any type of construction. First of all, it is worth considering the sound and thermal insulation of the building, protection from environmental influences and a decorative function.

The choice of material for roofing

As a rule, the choice of the optimal roofing covering that can cover any roof should be carried out by comparing generally accepted factors. These factors include the combination of the type and color of the roofing material with the facades of the house, the quality of the material, its cost and the possibility of repair work.

Considering all these factors, it is worth paying attention to bituminous type slate, which has all those characteristics and provisions that may affect the choice of this material for the roof. First of all, it is worth recalling the plasticity and lightness of such slate, which positively affects the installation and maintenance of the roof.

If you have a question about what is better in our time to cover a private roof, it is worth remembering some tips and provisions, which will allow you to make the right choice. If the house is not large and has a complex roof structure, then it is better to cover the roof with bituminous slate or galvanized steel.

Private cottages are covered with a soft type roof or metal tiles, which allows you to give the building an attractive appearance, while not forgetting all the positive characteristics of this roof. Complex roof structures that have bay windows and several ridges are best covered with a folded roof, which is considered one of the most expensive.

Materials for outbuildings and technical buildings

A private house cannot do without utility and technical buildings, which also need to be covered with one or another roofing. For such buildings, it is better to use a reliable and inexpensive material that will make the roof practical and cheap. These include simple slate, which has high-quality characteristics and an extremely low cost.

If such material does not fit well into the architectural design of a private courtyard, then the slate can be covered with a layer of a special coloring composition, which, in addition to aesthetics, will give the roof additional protection from environmental influences.

Often, the roof of technical buildings is made of a gentle type, which indicates the need to use a completely different type of roof. In such cases, corrugated board or soft type roofing is used.

The first option is more reliable and durable, which is reflected in its cost, which, in turn, affects the state of the construction budget. The use of bituminous and rolled roofing materials reduces the cost of construction, but increases the need for maintenance of such a roof structure.

From all this we can conclude that the roofing material must be selected individually for each individual structure and building. Knowing all the characteristics and requirements for the roof allows you to make the most correct choice, which has an acceptable ratio of cost and quality of the roof.

A good roof is an architecturally attractive, reliable, technically equipped and durable structure. This is the kind of roof that owners of houses engaged in construction or repair want to create. At the same time, the question of what to make the roof of the house from, each person decides differently. In this article, we will describe the most important rules regarding this issue.

Pledge of reliability

The choice of roofing for the roof is always a long reflection and a reason to evaluate your financial capabilities. What to choose?

Modern roll materials or slate slate? Ondulin or corrugated board? Or natural tiles?

Tortured over this issue, many homeowners reduce attention to the issue of the foundation of the roof. What will the selected material be laid on?

In other words, the quality of the coating is not the main determining factor in the reliability of the roof.

The strength and durability of the roof is due to two indicators:

  • the quality of the truss system (base);
  • roofing quality.

roof base

If you do not initially take care of the strength of the base structure, it is unlikely that you will be able to equip a good roof. Evidence of this fact lies on the surface: over time, a truss system that is not designed for load will simply begin to break.

Attention. Keep in mind that the construction of the rafters bears the weight of the roofing, gusts of strong winds and snow pressure.

Therefore, when choosing materials for the truss system, it is necessary to consider:

  • type and weight of the roof covering;
  • weather conditions typical for a certain area;
  • thickness of snow masses;
  • the strength of the wind;
  • extra margin of safety.

Only strong roof rafters can provide decent protection to a building structure. However, you should not prepare the base as if the roof is ready to withstand aircraft shells.

Advice. In this case, scrupulous planning and optimal solutions are required.

When choosing a material, both for the roof and for the rafters, keep in mind that the house is a complete system. If the supporting structure of the roof is able to withstand the roofing, then the supports - the walls, must correspond to the loads of two links - the roofing and the rafters.

Walls, as a rule, are also not adhered to by air. Accordingly, the foundation of the house must withstand the entire above-ground structure.

However, this is an abstract attitude to the issue, which is actually the topic of our article. We think you'll need more specific recommendations.

Primary requirements

According to the existing SNIP, the calculation of the roof structure provides for withstanding a load of 200 kg per 1 sq. m, regardless of the severity of the roofing.

This indicator includes an additional strength factor, wind and snow load.

The additional margin is applicable on the basis of:

  • hurricane wind;
  • multi-day snowfall;
  • the presence of repairmen on the surface of the roof, to care for the roofing.

The main calculation is based on the features of the roofing material laid on the rafters.

Material for rafters

What is better to make the roof of the house, that is, the truss structure? At the moment, wooden rafters are in demand in construction, due to the excellent quality of wood.

Many may argue that a wooden structure is not as strong and durable as, for example, reinforced concrete or metal.

On this occasion, it can be noted that in order to raise heavy reinforced concrete rafters to the roof, it is necessary to attract special equipment. Next moment. Imagine if mistakes were made during the construction of the walls.

As is usually the case, the rafters need to be adjusted. When using metal or concrete, this is extremely difficult or almost impossible to do.

And, finally, laying roofing material on a wooden base is much easier than on the alternative base described.

That is why heavy metal structures are used at large construction sites with roofs of complex configurations.

Wooden rafters are made and lifted without the use of lifting machines.

In addition, without much effort they can be customized:

  • shorten;
  • ramp up.

Naturally, various roofing materials make adjustments to the wooden truss structure. If a heavy roof is used, then the rafters must be strong enough; with light roofing materials, a lightweight truss system can be used.

This is regulated by the norms of SNIP and the desire of home owners to save on construction.

The most optimal dimensions for the manufacture of rafters:

  • with a heavy roof, the cross section of the rafters should be more than 70x150 mm with a minimum pitch;
  • under a light coating for rafters, a wooden blank 50x150 mm is used in increments of up to one meter.

With an increase in the slope of the roof, the pitch increases.

Lathing material

But, the foundation is not formed from the rafters alone. For laying roofing material, it is necessary to build a crate. It is best to use dried wood for its manufacture so that the deformation of the roof does not occur.

For example, for roll coating or soft tiles, flooring made of waterproof plywood or thin boards acts as a crate. Under a natural or metal tile, bars of 60x60 mm are taken. Therefore, the type of lathing is determined by the type of roofing material.

The choice of roofing material

The influence of atmospheric precipitation, sudden temperature changes, mechanical impacts can be reduced by proper selection of roofing materials. To determine what is better to make a roof from, it is necessary to carry out a conditional division of the roof into:

  • heavy;
  • light.

If the weight of the roofing is 5 kg per sq. m, then the roof is considered to be light.

  • corrugated board;
  • soft bituminous coating.

When using such a coating, the roof is installed quickly; the roof structure itself is light, which reduces the load on the walls and foundation; the cost of the roof is relatively cheap.

In addition, the roof is easily disassembled if it is necessary to replace parts of the coating or the supporting structure. Based on a survey of consumers on the question of what material is better to cover the roof, the following roofing materials can be noted first of all:

  • soft tiles.

The popularity of metal tiles

metal tile

The basis of the metal tile is galvanized steel. On both sides, a special coating is applied to it.

This material has long been among the most popular, among many roofing materials. The reason for this popularity is due to a number of advantages of such a design, as well as appearance.

The advantages of metal roofing include:

  • high resistance to corrosion, subject to proper transportation and installation;
  • light weight;
  • ease of coating device;
  • lightweight version of the truss system;
  • ease of roof repair;
  • service life up to 30 years;
  • variety of shades and colors.

However, giving preference to this material, it should be noted that when it is installed, it is necessary to arrange sound insulation, thermal insulation, waterproofing, lightning rod. The service life of metal tiles, color fastness and performance characteristics of the material is affected by its polymer coating.

There are several types of coverage;

  • plastisol;
  • polyester;
  • pural;
  • matte polyester.

The polyester coating is characterized by:

  • optimal ratio of quality and cost;
  • good color fastness;
  • possibility of application under various climatic conditions.

Matte polyester has the same advantages as a regular coating, only it has a more pleasant look.

Pural coating is resistant to chemical influences, solar radiation, high temperature, has a silky surface. The plastisol coating is resistant to mechanical stress and atmospheric influences. However, the resistance to solar radiation of this coating is low.

Advice. Therefore, plastisol-coated metal tiles are not recommended for roofing in the southern regions.

Although, in an aggressive environment, plastisol is resistant to corrosion.

Types of soft roof

Expressed by the need to build a solid foundation.

Soft roofing is divided into two types:

  • piece;
  • rolled.

Representatives of rolled materials are roofing material, rubemast, bikrost. Piece roofing materials include bituminous and soft tiles. For the installation of a soft roof, a solid base must also be prepared.

The advantages of soft roofing include:

  • preservation of shape during transportation and installation;
  • lightness, affordable price;
  • installation speed.

The soft tile has a set of flowers that allows to diversify design decisions.

The main properties of a soft roof include its elasticity, which allows roofing work on curved planes. Although soft roofing is not as durable as roofing materials based on steel, but it has strength, reliability, frost resistance, and the ability to absorb noise.

Selection Options

When choosing the best material for roofing, you should be guided by several parameters:

  • decorative qualities of the coating;
  • material cost;
  • the weight and strength of the roof.

If you want to avoid a heavy load on the bearing elements, then you need to choose a lighter material. For example, natural tiles are 10 times heavier than metal tiles, and 5 times heavier than flexible tiles.

The first thing you need to focus on when choosing the best material is its durability, practicality, and appearance. The service life of the roof is affected by temperature changes. Porous roofings are especially susceptible to temperature influences.

The resistance to fire of the roof is due to its composition. Soft tile is not resistant to high temperatures, it also ignites easily, as it contains bitumen. On the contrary, the metal tile has a high resistance to fire.

Over time, new technologies and materials appear on the construction market. We have described the most optimal choice in terms of quality and price, excluding those materials that are used in elite construction.

When looking at any house, the first thing that catches your eye is roofing. And this is not surprising, because the general perception of a modern cottage largely depends on the spectacular type of roof. However, first of all, it must be reliable. and durable.

We have prepared an article from which you will learn:

  • How to choose the right roof and not miscalculate during its further operation;
  • Why an integrated approach is needed when choosing;
  • What are the types of roofing?
  • How to reduce costs when installing roofing without sacrificing its strength;
  • Why is it sometimes more profitable to buy more expensive material, and not try to save money.

Roofing for the roof: how to choose

You have decided to build a house and thought about choosing a roof. In this case, remember that whatever material you choose, it must first of all meet the following parameters:

  • Have a suitable design;
  • be affordable to you;
  • be durable;
  • Do not create difficulties with installation.

It is necessary to start choosing a roof even at the design stage of the structure, since all loads on the truss structure must be taken into account and then the necessary materials and roof units are calculated.

  • It is also necessary to take into account climatic features.

Our Forum Advisor Sergei Namestnikov(nickname on the forum Pil18 ):

– Doing
the “right” choice of roofing material for our climatic conditions, it is worth remembering that due to the size of our country, we are dealing with several climatic zones. Namely:

  • In southern regions with high solar activity, it is worth choosing a coating based on its color fastness parameters (ultraviolet stability) and operating temperature range, since roofing in areas where plus thirty degrees are not uncommon gets very hot;
  • In coastal areas, it is worth choosing a coating, given the aggressive environment of salty sea air;
  • In the northern regions, it is necessary to take into account not only the winter temperature of minus forty, but the weight of the coating, since snow loads are of decisive importance.

When designing a roof, wind and snow loads must be taken into account, regardless of the materials!

Consultant's opinion Elena Gorbunova, Moscow (nickname on the forum Matilda):

The choice of roofing material is better to start even before the installation of the truss system, as there are small but important differences in the arrangement of the roofing cake for different types of roofing.

Wanting to save on construction, many choose a roof, focusing only on the price per square meter and turning a blind eye to some of the shortcomings. But do not forget about the little things! The real price also consists of the necessary components, additional structural elements, elements passing through the roof and the possibility of their installation on this roofing.

Any roof covering will last a long time if it is installed with high quality and in full accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations!

Roof selection algorithm

Despite the fact that there may be several selection criteria, nevertheless, first of all, any developer pays attention to the design of the roofing. After all, it should not only be combined with the house and outbuildings: a bathhouse, a garage, etc., but also, ideally, be in harmony with the landscape of the entire site. That is why an integrated approach is required when choosing.

Sergei Namestnikov :

Roofing and the general appearance of the finished roof should be combined with the design of the building, and therefore, please the owners with their appearance. You can also highlight a number of secondary criteria that you should focus on:

  • Price;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Availability in the market;
  • Durability.

But before you finally decide on the choice of roofing, you need to carefully study its technical characteristics and take an interest in the history of the operation of the material.

There is no universal good advice on which coating should be used and which should not. How many people, so many opinions. Some like corrugated board, others like tiles, and in each case it is necessary to choose individually, according to the place.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- When choosing a roofing, I always recommend following this algorithm: choose a design, choose a brand (manufacturer) from the desired group of roofings, choose a specific product based on its technical characteristics and price, look for the best (optimal) offer on the market, buy.

Such a phased approach to the choice will not let you get confused.

It is impossible to say which roofing material is the best. The experience of users of our forum suggests that there is no single answer.

Sergei Namestnikov :

On your roof, in my opinion, there should be a coating that, first of all, will please you! And to the question “what kind of roofing material is better to refuse”, I would answer “from poor quality”.

Even the highest quality material will not last long if used incorrectly! But it is necessary to save only up to a certain level. Do not forget that the roofing system depends not so much on the quality of the material, but on the correct installation of the roofing system.

Sergei Namestnikov

– When choosing a roofing, it is worth considering the shape of the roof.

If the shape of the roof is complex, with slopes, slopes, angles of various shapes, many valleys, slopes of a trapezoidal and triangular shape, then using sheet materials, metal tiles, etc. on it leads to waste exceeding 30% of the total amount of material, which very uneconomical.

Therefore, on this kind of roofing, it is more expedient to use soft tiles and materials, during the installation of which the waste will not be so high.

Types of roofing

To understand which roof is best suited for your home, you need to understand the parameters of roofing on the market.

Elena Gorbunova:

The main types of materials are:

  • metal tile;
  • Soft bituminous tiles;
  • Sand-cement;
  • Ceramic;
  • Composite.

metal tile
rightly is one of the most popular roofing at the moment. It is a galvanized sheet coated (or uncoated) of various shapes (rolling shape). The price range is approximately 200-500 R/m2.

Elena Gorbunova:

Metal tiles differ in coating, steel thickness and profile. The thickness of the steel ranges mainly from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. The thicker the better. Steel 0.4 is too thin, and this makes installation difficult, because. large sheets bend and crumple like foil.

Sergei Namestnikov :

– The durability of this material directly depends on the quality of the coating and the quality of the galvanized steel sheet. There is an opportunity to buy sheets of standard sizes, and to order sheets of the size you need.

Despite the fact that the choice of colors for metal tiles is quite extensive, there are not so many forms of rolling, and this imposes certain restrictions on the design of the roof of a house. Also, when choosing and buying, it is worth considering not only the cost of the “canvas” per square meter, but also the cost of additional elements, since the overpriced price of additional elements leads to an increase in cost.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- Do not forget that during the rain the metal tile makes noise, which, in principle, is eliminated by the usual insulation and high-quality sound insulation.

The service life of a high-quality metal tile, subject to proper installation, is about 50 years.

Choosing a soft roof for your home

Soft tiles- a very popular material on the Russian market. This is due to the widest design possibilities of this roofing and a large number of colors, shades and shapes. The price range for soft roofing is also very wide - from 200 rubles for the simplest quality material to several thousand for roofing from exclusive collections.

This material is great for use on complex roofs, as it has virtually no waste during installation. The flexible tile perfectly soundproofs the noise from the rain. But this type of coating requires laying on a solid base (most often it is made of OSB - plywood), which increases the cost of the roofing system.

Elena Gorbunova:

Under soft tiles, a solid crate is required. It is most practical to first stuff a rare crate, and nail an OSB board (or moisture-resistant plywood) over it. In this case, the step of the lathing can be adjusted to the size of the OSB board and you do not have to cut the board.

And the plate itself can be taken thinner.

The standard plate width is 1220 mm. The crate is an inch board with a pitch of 244 mm, and a 9 mm OSB plate is attached along the axes. This thickness is quite enough for any climatic zone of Russia. And the edge of the slab will always fall in the middle of the crate board.

Another feature of bituminous tiles is that it does not need additional waterproofing along the slope of the rafters. A lining layer is laid along a continuous crate and roofing tiles are already going along it. In this case, there will be no mini-leaks or condensate dripping from the inside of the material onto the insulation.

It is cheaper and easier to bring a chimney, fan pipe or ventilation pipe through such a roofing than through any other.

Elena Gorbunova:

It should be remembered that the placesall these exits must be provided in the roof in advance!

And in order for such a roof to last for a long time, when buying it, you can use the following advice.

Elena Gorbunova:

It is important that the bitumen in the roof tiles does not become brittle over time. A fairly simple way to check its quality when buying is to sniff the tile. There should not be a strong bituminous smell, which means that the bitumen is artificially aged and the necessary modifiers have been added to it for elasticity.

Wavy bitumen sheets is a material based on organic fibers (cellulose) impregnated with bitumen. Such material is easy to install, has a small weight.

However, it limits the developer's design options.

It is popular, first of all, due to the fact that the installation of corrugated bitumen sheets is easy to do on your own, and the material itself is easy to transport.

Sergei Namestnikov :

Steel roofing (seam roofing)- this is the most reliable and durable steel roofing, which is produced using the double standing seam technology. Such a roof has no holes, the surface is monolithic and sealed. Seam roofing is exactly the case when the material for the manufacture of roofing is not expensive, but the main problem of this type of coating is high-quality installation. There are not so many masters who can perform this type of work, which affects the price of installation work.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- Such material should be used when it is necessary to obtain a durable roof, and the issue of price fades into the background.

Roof tiles- This is a material with a deep history, used in antiquity. Such a roofing is durable and beautiful, but it has a lot of weight, which imposes increased requirements on the truss system and the structure of the entire building.

Sergei Namestnikov

– I would refer this material to the premium segment, because. the cost of high-quality ceramic tiles can hardly be called low.

There are several technologies for making tiles.

There are cement-sand, polymer-sand and ceramic tiles. The classic version is ceramic tiles.

Elena Gorbunova:

  • Sand-cement tiles. Here you need to pay attention to such an indicator as "cyclicality". Such a roof collects moisture, which, when the temperature passes through "zero", expands inside and leads to the destruction of the roofing. For the year in the Moscow region, several dozen transitions through the "zero".
  • Composite tiles. It looks very impressive, because. combines both the volume of the profile and the stone dressing. But it is quite difficult to install, and its laying cannot be done by roofers without experience in working with just such a roof.

If you decide to get a roof made of natural tiles - do not count on the low cost!

Slate and painted slate is an inexpensive material. And it can be recommended for use as a roofing only if the price of the material is the main selection criterion.

It should be remembered that slate is already quite an outdated material. It is also very fragile, which imposes certain restrictions on its installation.

Also, do not forget that with excessive savings on roofing material, there can be significant losses in quality, and the cost of installation work, insulation, wood, remains unchanged. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to purchase roofing of a higher quality, you should always take advantage of it, because, like a house, a roof is put up for more than one decade!

Users of the site can find out all the information by; understand . Members of our forum will tell you all about. You can also find a detailed and visual description of the laying technology here. In a branch of our forum there is a heated discussion about how much more expensive than metal tiles. We are discussing and. Our video clearly shows how to choose the right economy class roof. The roof consists of roofing trifles, and from which ones, you will learn from the second video. And if you want to mount a seam roof with your own hands, but don’t know how to do it, watch the video where our forum member talks in detail about all the intricacies and secrets of working with this coating!
