Technology of hot and cold water supply of hotels. The water supply system in the hotel is the most important element Water supply of country hotels, motels, guest houses: a range of services of our company

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  • n1.doc

    2.1.3. Water supply system
    Cold water system

    Hotels use water for household and drinking needs- for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing overalls, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services e.g. in a hairdressing salon, a health and fitness centre, as well as for fire fighting purposes.

    The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for water intake, purification and treatment, external water supply networks and internal plumbing located in the building.

    Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on highways, have a local water supply system.

    In urban water supply, water is used from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (groundwater) sources.

    Water in the city water supply must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Before submitting to the city water supply network water from open sources of water supply always undergoes pre-treatment to bring its quality indicators in line with the requirements of the standard. Water from closed water sources usually does not need to be treated. Water treatment is carried out on waterworks. When water is supplied from rivers, stations are placed along the river above settlements.

    The composition of the waterworks includes the following presented in Fig. 2.13 structures:

    Water intake devices;

    First lift pumps;

    Sumps and treatment facilities;

    Water storage tanks;

    Second lift pumps.

    Second lift pumps support required pressure in the main pipelines and the pipeline system of the city water supply. In some cases, to the system of main pipelines are connected water towers, which contain a supply of water and can create pressure in the water supply system by raising water tanks to a certain height.

    From the waterworks through the city water supply network, water enters the consumers.

    Rice. 2.13. Scheme of the waterworks:

    1 - water intake facility; 2 - pumping station first lift; 3 - treatment facilities; 4 - clean water tanks; 5 - pumping station of the second rise; 6 - conduits; 7 - water tower; 8 - main water supply network
    City water networks constructed from steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes. Valves are installed on them in wells to turn off individual sections of the water supply network in case of an accident and repair, fire hydrants for water supply when extinguishing fires. Pipelines of the water supply network are located at a depth of at least 0.2 m below the depth of soil freezing in winter. Steel pipelines must have reliable waterproofing.

    Internal plumbing a building is a set of equipment, devices and pipelines that supply water from central outdoor water supply systems or from local water sources to water points in a building. The internal water supply in hotel buildings must be separate to meet the economic, industrial and fire-fighting needs. Household and drinking and industrial water supply systems are combined, since clean drinking water is used for household and industrial needs in hotels.

    The internal plumbing of the cold water supply system includes the following items:

    One or more inputs;

    Water measuring unit;

    Filters for additional water purification;

    booster pumps and water tanks;

    Pipeline system with control valves (distribution lines, risers, connections);

    Water folding devices;

    Fire extinguishing devices.

    On fig. 2.14 presented various schemes cold water systems.

    input called the section of the pipeline connecting the internal water supply to the external water supply. The input is carried out perpendicular to the wall of the building. For this, cast-iron or asbestos-cement pipes are used. At the point of connection of the input to the external water supply network, a well and a valve are installed, which, if necessary, turns off the water supply to the building. Hotels usually arrange two inputs, which guarantees, firstly, an uninterrupted supply of cold water, and secondly, a sufficient supply of water to fire hydrants in the event of a fire.

    Water meter assembly designed to measure water consumption by an enterprise. It is installed in a heated room immediately after passing through the input outer wall building. Water flow measurement is carried out using a water meter.

    The water meter is designed in such a way that when a water flow passes through it, an impeller (or impeller) is set into rotation, which transmits movement to the meter dial hand. Water consumption is indicated in liters or cubic meters.

    Rice. 2.14. Schemes of cold water supply systems:

    a- a scheme with direct connection to the city water supply network (with a lower dead-end wiring of the main); b- a scheme with a water tank (with an upper dead-end wiring to the masters); in- with a booster pump (with a lower ring wiring of the main line); G - with a booster pump and a water tank (with a lower dead-end wiring of the line); d- with a booster pump and a hydropneumatic tank (with a lower dead-end line wiring); 1 - city ​​water main; 2 - shut-off valve; 3 - plumbing input; 4 - water meter; 5 - drain cock; 6 - main pipeline; 7 - riser; 8- shut-off valve on the riser; 9 - branches to water points; 10 - booster pump; 11 - water tank; 12 - float valve; 13 - check valve; 14 - hydropneumatic tank; 15 - compressor
    The water meter is selected according to reference data, depending on the estimated maximum hourly (second) water flow at the inlet.

    In four- and five-star hotels, water from the city water supply must pass additional cleaning at water treatment plants. The purpose of additional processing is to obtain water that meets international quality standards.

    The scheme of the water treatment station is shown in fig. 2.15. At water treatment plants, water is passed through special filters consisting of layers of quartz, river sand, activated carbon, disinfect it with an ultraviolet irradiation lamp (UVR), introduce various additives into the water.

    The UV lamp kills the microbes contained in the water, softens it. Lamp life should not exceed one year.

    Alkali NaOH is used as an additive, which is automatically injected into the water through special openings in the pipeline. The purpose of water treatment with NaOH is to bring it to an acidity level of pH = 8.2. Salts can also be added to water: NaCl and A1 2 (SO 4) 3.

    The choice of the scheme of the cold water supply system in the hotel building depends on the available pressure (Pa) in the external water supply network at the entrance to the building. For a normal water supply to all water points of the internal water supply, the required pressure (Pa) in the external water supply network must be at least:

    Where is the pressure required to raise water from the input to the highest point, Pa; - pressure loss in the water meter unit, Pa; - pressure loss at the water treatment plant, Pa; - pressure loss in pipelines, Pa; - the required free pressure at the highest water draw point, Pa.

    Rice. 2.15. Scheme of the hotel water treatment plant
    The pressure in the internal water supply network should not exceed 0.6 MPa.

    Depending on the ratio of values ​​and the building is equipped with one of the cold water supply systems.

    When > provides a constant supply of water to all water points of the building and the simplest water supply system is installed without a booster pump and a water tank (see Fig. 2.14, a).

    If constantly in certain hours days, and therefore the water supply to a number of water points is periodically provided, a water supply system is arranged with water pressure or hydropneumatic tank(see fig. 2.14, b).

    During periods when , the water tank is filled with water, and when , the water from the water tank is consumed for internal consumption.

    Provided that a significant part of the time, they arrange a water supply system with booster pumps or with booster pumps and a water pressure (or hydropneumatic) tank (see Fig. 2.14, c-d).

    In the latter version, the pump operates periodically, filling the tank, from which the system is supplied with water. The water tank is installed in top point building. The hydropneumatic tank is located at the bottom of the building. The premises in which the pumps are installed must have heating, lighting and ventilation. The building may be served by one or more pumps installed in parallel or in series. If the building is served by one pump, then the second pump must be connected to the network and the second pump is a backup. Pumps are selected taking into account their performance and the pressure generated.

    For the internal plumbing system use steel (galvanized) or plastic pipes. Pipelines are laid open and closed in building structures. Horizontal sections to ensure the descent of water are laid with a slope towards the input. The plumbing system, depending on the scheme, can be from the top or lower wiring water.

    The diameter of the pipeline is determined according to special tables, depending on the number of water draw-off (water-consuming) points and their sizes.

    The diameter of the mains of the economic-industrial-fire-fighting water supply systems is assumed to be at least 50 mm.

    Domestic plumbing systems are equipped pipeline and water fittings.

    Pipe fittings are designed to shut off sections of pipelines for the period of repair, to regulate pressure and flow in the system. Distinguish shut-off, regulating, safety and control pipeline fittings.

    Gate valves and valves are used as shut-off and control valves. Gate valves are made of cast iron and steel, and valves, in addition, are made of brass. Shut-off valves are installed on the input, risers and branches.

    Safety fittings include safety and check valves, control fittings include level indicators, control valves, and valves for pressure gauges.

    Water-folding fittings include various taps at the points of water tapping: wall-mounted, toilet, drain cisterns, watering, urinal, flush, as well as mixer taps for sinks, bathtubs, showers, washbasins, pools, washing machines, etc.
    Fire water supply
    Water is the most common fire extinguishing agent. Possessing a high heat capacity, it cools combustible substances to a temperature lower than the temperature of their self-ignition, and blocks the access of air to the combustion zone with the help of the resulting vapors. A jet of water directed under high pressure exerts on the fire and mechanical impact, knocking down the flame and penetrating deep into the burning object. Spreading over the burning object, the water wets the parts of the building structures that are not yet covered by fire and protects them from catching fire.

    To extinguish the fire, water is supplied from the existing water supply. In some cases, it can be supplied by pumps from natural or artificial reservoirs.

    Internal fire water supply is provided by the device in the building of risers with fire hydrants. fire hydrants placed on landings, in corridors and separate rooms of hotels at a height of 1.35 m from the floor in special lockers with the designation "PC". The fire cabinet equipment is shown in fig. 2.16. In the locker, in addition to the crane, there should be a canvas sleeve 10 or 20 m long and a metal fire nozzle (water hose). The sleeve has quick-release nuts at the ends for connection with the stem and valve of the crane. The sleeves are placed on a swivel shelf or wound on a reel. The distance between the fire hydrants depends on the length of the hose and must be such that the entire building area is irrigated with at least one jet. In the building, the use of sleeves of the same length and diameter is allowed.

    Rice. 2.16. Fire locker equipment:

    a - with swivel shelf; b- with coil; 1 - cabinet walls; 2 - fire hydrant; 3 - fire stand; 4 - fire barrel; 5 - fire hose; 6 - swivel shelf;

    7 - coil
    In hotels located in high-rise buildings, the internal fire water supply system also includes automatic fire extinguishers that localize the source of fire, block the path of the spreading flame and flue gases, and eliminate the fire. Automatic fire extinguishing equipment includes sprinkler and deluge systems. Schemes of sprinkler and deluge fire fighting plumbing systems are presented in fig. 2.17.

    sprinkler systems are used for local extinguishing of fires and fires, cooling building structures and signaling a fire.

    The sprinkler system includes a system of pipelines laid under the ceiling and filled with water, and sprinklers, the openings of which are closed with fusible locks. When ready, the sprinkler system is pressurized. When the temperature in the room rises, the sprinkler lock melts and the water jet from the sprinkler, hitting the socket, breaks over the fire. At the same time, water approaches the alarm device, which gives a signal about a fire. The area protected by one sprinkler is about 10 m 2 . Sprinklers are installed in residential rooms, corridors, office and public spaces hotels.

    Rice. 2.17. circuit diagram sprinkler and deluge fire water supply systems:

    a- sprinkler system; b- deluge system; 1 - sprinkler sprinkler; 2 - distribution manifold; 3 - connecting pipeline; 4- water tank; 5- control and signal valve; b- water supply valve; 7- water riser; 8 - deluge sprinkler; 9- incentive pipeline; 10 - water main
    Deluge systems designed to extinguish fires over the entire settlement area, create water curtains in the openings of fire walls, above fire doors, dividing the corridors of the hotel into sections, and fire alarms. Drencher systems can be with automatic and manual (local and remote) activation. Deluge systems consist of a system of pipelines and sprinklers, but unlike a sprinkler system, water deluge sprinklers do not have locks and are constantly open. A water supply valve with a temperature-sensitive lock is installed in the pipeline supplying water to a group of successively located sprinklers. In case of fire, the lock opens the valve and water flows from all deluge heads to extinguish the fire or create a curtain. The fire alarm goes off at the same time.

    The performance of sprinkler and deluge installations depends on their maintenance, which consists of a number of measures provided for in the instructions for their operation.
    Hot water system
    Hot water in hotels is used for domestic and industrial needs. Therefore, she, like cold water used for these purposes must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Temperature hot water in order to avoid burns, it should not exceed 70 ° C and be at least 60 ° C, which is necessary for production needs.

    Hot water supply in hotels can be local, central or centralized.

    At local water supply, water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water-heating, water-heating columns. In this case, water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use central system hot water supply. At central In the preparation of hot water, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating point of the hotel building or the central heating point, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses. At centralized in heat supply, water is heated in water heaters by steam or hot water coming from the city heating network.

    The scheme of hot water supply networks can be dead-end or with the organization of hot water circulation through the circulation pipeline system. Dead End Schemes provide for constant water intake. If the water withdrawal is periodic, then with such a scheme, the water in the pipelines during the period of no withdrawal will cool down, and during the withdrawal, it will flow to water points with a lower temperature. This leads to the need for an unproductive reset a large number water through a draw-off point, if desired, to obtain water with a temperature of 60 - 70 "C.

    In the scheme with water circulation this disadvantage is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is not constant, but it is required to maintain a constant water temperature during the water intake.

    Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. forced circulation carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings. It is used in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of main pipelines. In one-, two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange natural circulation of water through a system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the volumetric mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of operation of a water

    Heating with natural circulation. As well as in cold water supply systems, hot water mains can be with lower and upper wiring.

    The hot water supply system of a building includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines and water points.

    As hot water generators in systems of central hot water supply, high-speed water-water and steam-water heaters, as well as capacious water heaters, are used.

    Principle of operation high-speed hot water water heater, shown in fig. 2.18, consists in the fact that the coolant - hot water coming from the boiler room of the hotel or the centralized heating system, passes through brass tubes located inside a steel pipe, the annulus of which is filled with heated water.

    Rice. 2.18. Scheme of a high-speed water-water heater:
    a- single section; b- multi-section; 1 and 7 - branch pipes for water inlet; 2 - confuser; 3 and 5 - branch pipes for water outlet; 4 - section of the water heater; 6 - thermometer fitting; 8 - jumper; 9 - knee

    Rice. 2.19. Electric industrial water heater "OSO" (Norway)
    AT fast steam water heater hot steam supplied to the body of the heater heats the water passing through the brass tubes located inside the body.

    The design temperature of the heat carrier in the water-to-water heater is assumed to be 75 °C, the initial temperature of the heated water is 5 °C, the velocity of the heated water is 0.5 - 3 m/s. High-speed water heaters are used in systems with a uniform water flow and high water consumption.

    Capacitive water heaters used in systems with intermittent and low water consumption. They allow not only to heat, but also to accumulate hot water.

    Three, four and five star hotels must have backup hot water system during emergencies or preventive maintenance. For a backup hot water supply system, industrial electric water heaters. On fig. 2.19 shows an electric industrial water heater "OSO" (Norway). The tank capacity of such a water heater is from 600 to 10,000 liters, the water temperature adjustment range is from 55 to 85 ° C. The inner tank is made of copper-plated stainless steel. In a backup hot water supply system, there may be several water heaters operating in parallel.

    The pipelines of the hot and cold water supply system are a single complex of the hotel's economic and industrial supply system and are laid in parallel.

    Water points are equipped with mixer taps that allow you to get a wide range of water temperatures (from 20 to 70 ° C) by mixing hot and cold water.

    For the hot water supply system, galvanized steel or plastic pipes are used to avoid corrosion. Connections steel pipes and fittings for the same reason must be threaded. To reduce heat losses and prevent water cooling, main pipelines and risers are thermally insulated. Water folding and pipeline fittings in hot water supply systems are used brass or bronze with seals that can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C.
    Operation of water supply systems
    After completing all installation work for construction or overhaul systems of cold or hot water supply proceed to their acceptance into service. Acceptance begins with an inspection of all equipment and pipelines of water supply systems. Noticed deficiencies are included in the defective statement. They are subject to elimination within the specified time.

    Then, after eliminating the identified deficiencies, they carry out testing the water supply system for leaks. In this case, the fittings of all water points must be closed. The test consists in the fact that the pipelines are filled with water using a hydraulic press, raising the pressure in the pipelines to the working value. In the event of leaks, minor installation defects are eliminated, pipeline connections are tightened between themselves, with equipment and fittings, and glands are sealed. Upon completion of these works, a hydraulic press creates a pressure in the pipelines higher than the working one by 0.5 MPa and maintains the system under this pressure for 10 minutes. During this period, the pressure should not rise by more than 0.05 Pa. If this requirement is met, the system is considered to have passed the tightness test. Simultaneously with pipeline networks, water heaters of hot water supply systems are tested under pressure.

    Upon completion of work on checking the tightness of the water supply system, it is carried out trial run. During a test run, they check the adequacy of the supply of cold and hot water to all water points, determine whether the water temperature corresponds to the required value (65 - 70 ° C), check the absence of noise during operation of the pump and its overheating, draw up an act.

    correct and reliable performance internal plumbing system depends on the conditions of its operation, proper supervision and care.

    Basic operating conditions: elimination of water leakage, prevention of freezing of water in the pipes of the network and sweating of the surface of pipelines, low water pressure, noise control from water fittings when they are opened.

    During the operation of the cold and hot water supply systems, periodic inspections systems by setting the following:

    Serviceability of valves of the water metering unit and water meter, pumping equipment;

    No water leaks in fittings and equipment connections;

    Serviceability of equipment for heating water;

    Serviceability of main pipelines, risers, connections;

    Serviceability of water fittings.

    Water leak through pipelines usually occurs when they are damaged due to corrosion. With open laying of pipelines, damaged pipes are easy to detect and replace, with hidden ones, it is very difficult to detect a leak.

    The main water leakage occurs through water folding devices due to wear of sealing gaskets, damage or wear of individual parts of the units. Worn or damaged items must be replaced or repaired.

    To avoid plumbing damage due to frozen pipes when the heating system is turned off and the temperature in the rooms drops to 3 ° C, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipelines.

    During the operation of the water supply system, situations may arise in which water is weakly or not at all supplied to the draw-off points. This can be caused by: insufficient pressure at the entrance to the building; clogging of the water meter grid or installation of a water meter of insufficient caliber; pump malfunction; a decrease in the flow area of ​​pipelines due to fouling of the pipe walls with salt deposits or the ingress of foreign objects and rust. For elimination listed reasons necessary:

    Install a pump to increase the pressure in the pipeline system of the building;

    Clean or replace the water meter;

    Repair or replace the pump valve;

    Clean water lines and fittings.

    During the operation of the water supply system, there may also be noise in pipelines. Vibration and noise occur when the pump wears out and is improperly installed when pipes are rigidly embedded in building structures.
    2.1.4. sewerage system
    The hotel building, which has a system of cold and hot water supply, must also be equipped with an internal sewerage system, through which waste liquid is removed from the building. Waste liquid water is called, which was used for various needs and received additional impurities (pollution) that changed it chemical composition or physical properties. system internal sewerage connected to city sewer networks. Waste liquid is transported through the city sewerage system to the treatment plant. After purification, the water is sent to reservoirs. Treatment facilities are located along the river below the settlements.

    Depending on the origin and nature of pollution, sewage is divided into domestic, storm and industrial.

    domestic sewerage in hotels is intended for withdrawal Wastewater from sanitary facilities.

    Storm sewer(drains) serves to drain atmospheric water from the roofs of buildings using downpipes.

    AT industrial sewerage wastewater comes from sinks and sinks of the catering unit, utility rooms, laundries, hairdressers, etc.

    The scheme of the device of the internal sewerage of the building and the yard sewer network is shown in fig. 2.20.

    Rice. 2.20. Scheme of the device of the internal sewerage of the building and the yard sewer network:

    1 - street sewer network; 2 - city ​​well; 3 - yard sewer network; 4- control well; 5- manhole; 6- release; 7- branches; 8 - sewage receivers with hydraulic seals; 9 - riser;

    10 - ventilation tube riser
    Internal sewerage system hotel company consists:

    From sewage receivers;

    Pipelines (branches that drain waste fluid from receivers; sewer risers that transport waste fluid from top to bottom; outlets - horizontal pipes that drain waste fluid from risers outside the building to the yard sewer network).

    The sewerage system in hotels can be additionally equipped with devices for cleaning industrial waste liquid.

    Waste liquid receivers are household (sanitary appliances) and special production. The hotels have the following household sanitary appliances: washbasins, toilet bowls, urinals, bidets, shower trays, floor drains, bathtubs. To production receivers sewage liquids include sinks, sinks, drains, bathtubs of washing machines, dishwashers, laundry equipment, etc.

    All sewage receivers (with the exception of toilet bowls) are supplied with mesh, installed in the neck of the drain pipe, and are equipped with hydraulic seal(siphon). Nets prevent large, water-insoluble particles from entering the sewerage system and blocking pipelines. The hydraulic locks shown in fig. 2.21, do not allow toxic and foul-smelling gases to enter the premises from the sewer network. Hydraulic valves are varied in design. They are mounted separately or included in the design. sanitary appliance. In a hydraulic seal, the penetration of gases into the room is prevented by a layer of waste liquid with a height of 100 mm or more.

    Pipelines of internal sewerage systems - outlets, risers, outlets- mounted from cast-iron socket pipes and cast-iron shaped pipes, as well as from steel and plastic pipes. Metal pipes cover inside special composition for corrosion protection. Plastic pipes are not subject to corrosion. Pipelines of internal sewerage systems are laid mostly openly. In some cases, risers and outlets from ladders, toilet bowls, urinals, bidets, bathtubs, shower trays are hidden.

    Horizontal pipelines are laid with a slope towards risers or outlets. Sewer risers must communicate with atmospheric air. To do this, they are brought outside above the roof of the building.

    Holes are provided on pipelines and hydraulic valves - revisions and cleaning. The revisions are closed with a lid, which is sealed with gaskets. Cleanings are closed with a stopper on the thread. Through these holes, the pipelines of the internal sewage system are cleaned.

    Rice. 2.21. Hydraulic gates:
    a and b- toilet bowls with oblique and direct release; in- shower tray; guide- wash basins and sinks; e- ladder; 1 - pad; 2 - union nut; 3- cleaning cover; 4- vertical outlet; 5- horizontal outlet

    1. Internal plumbing

    The internal water supply system is a system of pipelines and devices that provide cold water supply from the external water supply network to sanitary appliances and fire hydrants located inside the building.

    The internal water supply system consists of an input (one or more), a water meter unit, a main line of risers, connections to water fittings and fittings. In some cases, it may also include pumping units, water tanks and other equipment located inside the building.

    1.1 Choosing an internal plumbing system

    The choice of an internal water supply system is made depending on the purpose of the building (hotel), requirements for water quality, technical and economic feasibility.

    In this project, according to Appendix A /1/, a drinking water supply system with a fire-fighting water supply system with 1 jet and a minimum water flow of 2.5 l / s is adopted, because the number of floors is 5, and the construction volume is 7558.2 m3.

    1.2 Choosing an internal plumbing scheme

    The choice of a water supply scheme is an important and difficult design task, designed to ensure the reliability of the consumer's supply of water in required quantity and given quality, ease of installation and operation.

    There are water supply networks with upper and lower wiring. In this project, a water supply scheme with a lower wiring was adopted, because. there is a basement of the building. The water supply network can be ring and dead-end. In this building, a dead-end water supply scheme has been adopted, because. a short interruption in the water supply is possible. Shut-off valves (gate valves, valves) are installed at the points of connection of the input to the external water supply, and a water meter unit is installed at the point of entry into the building.

    1.3 Design and hydraulic calculation of the internal water supply

    .3.1 Arrangement of risers

    Internal water supply is made from water and gas pipes.

    The laying of the water main is carried out under the ceiling of the basement along interior walls.

    The laying of the highway is carried out open way.

    The pipeline is fastened with clamps, hooks, hangers on the bracket.

    The necessary and sufficient number of risers is established on the floor plan. In this project 6.

    1.3.2 Routing the water supply scheme

    The locations of the risers are transferred from the floor plan to the basement plan, and they are combined into single system, which is connected to the external water supply.

    1.3.3 Axonometric diagram

    The axonometric scheme is carried out in M ​​1:200 along all three axes. On the axonometric diagram show: water supply input, water metering unit, main water supply, risers, connections to water fittings, watering taps, water-folding and shut-off valves.

    Connections to water fittings and water fittings are shown only for the upper floor, on the other floors only branches from risers are shown.

    Floor elevation of the first floor = 184.5 m.

    The thickness of the ceiling is 0.3 m.

    Basement ceiling elevation = 184.5-0.3 = 184.2 m.

    Basement height hpodv = 2.5 m.

    Basement floor level = 184.2-2.5 = 181.5 m.

    The axonometric diagram of the internal plumbing is the basis for

    hydraulic calculation of the water supply network.

    1.3.4 Defining a dictate point

    The dead-end scheme of the drinking water supply system is calculated for the case of maximum water consumption. The main task of hydraulic calculation is to determine the diameters of pipelines and pressure losses in them when the calculated flow rates are skipped.

    On the axonometric diagram, the calculated main direction is chosen. The calculated direction is taken from the point of connection to the external water supply to the most remote and highly located water point from the input, to which the total pressure loss will be the greatest. Such a draw-off point is usually called a dictating one. When identifying a dictating water-folding device, it is necessary to take into account the required pressure Hf in front of it.

    In this project, Hf = 3 m. the dictating point is the bathroom faucet. Hf = 2 m for all other devices.

    The selected calculated direction of water movement is divided into sections. A section with a constant flow rate and diameter is taken as the calculated one. The numbering is from the pouring hole of the dictating point from top to bottom. Each section of the water supply network is designated by numbers: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, etc. (there are 12 plots in this project). On each section, its length is affixed, and after the hydraulic calculation, the diameter.

    1.3.5 Determination of the maximum second water flow in the calculated areas

    In sections, the maximum second flow rate qc, l / s is determined by the formula

    5 qc0 ?, (1.1)

    where qc0 is the consumption of cold water by the device, the value of which should be taken from adj. B / 1 /, l / s according to the largest instrument;

    In this project for the bathroom faucet: qc0=0.18 l/stot=0.25 l/s

    for washbasin faucet: qc0= 0.09 l/s tot= 0.12 l/s

    for the cistern faucet: qc0=0.1 l/сtot=0.1 l/s.

    a is a dimensionless coefficient determined by adj. In /1/, depending on the total number of devices N 0 on the calculated section of networks and the probability of their action Рс.

    The probability of operation of sanitary appliances P(Ptot, Pc) in network sections serving groups of identical consumers in buildings is determined by the formulas

    where qchr, u, qtothr, u is the rate of water consumption by the consumer at the hour of the highest water consumption, l, is taken according to adj. G /1/; U- total number consumers in the building; N is the total number of sanitary fixtures in the building; tot - total water consumption by the device, l / s, the value of which should be taken from adj. B /1/.

    In this project, qchr,u = 5.6 l/s, qtothr,u = 15.6 l/s, U = 90, N = 120.= ​​5.6 90/3600 0.18 100=0.008= 15.6 90/3600 0.25 100=0.016

    1.3.6 Determination of pipeline diameters

    Knowing the maximum second flow rate in the section (qc) and focusing on the speed of the fluid in the pipes (vek? 1 m/s, vadd? 3.5 m/s), by /2/ we determine the diameter, speed and slope (d, v , i).

    Then the head loss along the length in the sections is determined by the formula

    Where l is the length of the calculated section, m.

    The entire calculation of the internal water supply is summarized in table 1.

    Table 1 - Hydraulic calculation of the internal water supply

    Calculated section number Number of devices in the section, N Probability of device operation, Pc or Ptot /slope iHead loss along the length in the section, m Нl = il a 1-210,00650,00650,20,180,18150,71,060,29610,207272-320,00650,0130,20,180,18151,21,060,29610,355323-440,00650,0260,2280,180,2052202,40,620,07350,17644-580,00650,0520,2760,180,2484202,950,780,11060,326275-6120,00650,0780,3150,180,2835202,950,940,15490,4569556-7160,00650,1040,3490,180,3141252,950,650,05750,1696257-8200,00650,130,3780,180,3402254,10,650,05750,235758-9400,00650,260,5020,180,443725110,840,09131,00439-10600,00650,390,6020,180,5418250,61,030,13250,079510-11800,00650,520,6920,180,622832110,680,04220,464211-121200,0131,561,260,251,3625503,90,660,02380,09282?3,56841

    1.3.7 Determining the required head

    The required head Hcd for the dictating draw-off point is determined by the formula

    Hdc=Hgeom+Htot+Hf+Hz, (1.4)

    where Hgeom is the geometric height of the water supply (from the surface of the earth near the urban water well to the dictating water intake device), m;

    Zd.t - zpzgk, (1.5)

    where zd.t is the geodetic mark of the dictating draw-off point, determined by the formula

    d.t = zp.e. + hizl, (1.6)

    where zp.v.e - floor mark of the upper floor, m. (zp.v.e = 184.3 + 4? ;пзгк - geodetic mark of the earth's surface at the city well (zпзгк = 202.5 m), d.t. = 196.3 + 2.2 = 198.5 m; = 198.5-184 = 14.5 m;

    Нtot - total head loss in the design direction, m, determined by the formula

    = å Hl?(1+kl), (1.7)

    where? Hl - total losses along the length in the calculated direction (Table 1), m; - coefficient taking into account local pressure losses and assumed kl = 0.2 (because the system is integrated); = 3.56841 (1 + 0.3) = 4.639 m;

    Hf - free pressure at the dictating water-folding device, taken according to adj. B /1/, m;

    Hz - pressure loss on the water meter, m,

    Нz = S?(3.6? qtot)2, (1.8)

    where S is the hydraulic resistance of the water meter (m / m6) / h2 (according to appendix D / 1 / a vane water meter d \u003d 32 mm and a resistance S \u003d 0.1 (m / m6) / h2 is selected); qtot - maximum flow rate per second at the entrance to the building, l/s (qtot = 2.396 l/s);

    Hz \u003d 0.1? (3.6? 1.3625) 2 \u003d 2.4 m. \u003d 14.5 + 4.639 + 3 + 2.4 \u003d 24.539 m

    1.3.8 Comparison of required heads

    According to the calculation results, the required head is compared with the guaranteed one. = 24.539 m, and Hg = 18 m.

    Since Hdc > Hg, it is necessary to design a step-up pumping unit.

    1.3.9 Selection of booster pumps

    Booster pumps are selected according to the required pressure and capacity. The required pump head is determined by the formula

    Hdc - Hg , (1.9)

    24.539-18=6.539 m.

    The performance of the pump is taken equal to qtot - the maximum second flow rate at the entrance to the building qtot = 1.3625 l/s.

    According to Appendix E /1/, according to Hp = 6.539 m. and qtot = 1.3625 l / s, a pump was selected

    KM 8/18b, with the following characteristics:

    supply 1.2…3.6 l/s;

    total head 12.8 ... 8.8 m;

    nominal flow 2.5 l/s;

    total head at a nominal flow of 11.4 m;

    rotation speed 2900 rpm;

    Pump efficiency 35…45%;

    electric motor power 1.1 kW.

    2 pumps are accepted for installation (one is working, the other is standby).

    The location of the pumps is taken in separate building adjacent to the projected residential 5-storey building.

    2. Internal and intra-quarter sewerage

    Internal sewerage systems are designed to remove wastewater from buildings in external sewerage.

    .1 Selection of internal sewerage system

    To divert wastewater from a five-story hotel, a household sewerage system was adopted due to the absence of aggressive components in their drains.

    plumbing hydraulic sewer riser

    2.2 Design and hydraulic calculation of internal sewage

    For the device of internal sewer networks, a cast-iron and plastic pipeline is used. The method of connecting cast-iron pipes is bell-shaped, plastic - thermal.

    All internal sewer networks are provided in a non-pressure mode of fluid movement.

    In this term paper for the equipment of the internal sewerage of the building, cast-iron pipes are adopted, the fluid movement mode is non-pressure.

    2.2.1 Arrangement of risers

    On the floor plan and on the basement plan, the necessary and sufficient number of sewer risers is established.

    In this course work, 6 sewer risers are accepted for installation.

    2.2.2 Routing of sewer networks

    On the basement plan, sewer risers are combined into separate groups, and the issue of discharge of effluents outside the building is being resolved. Settlement areas are outlined.

    2.2.3 Determination of estimated costs

    We determine the maximum second consumption by the formula:

    where qtot is the maximum flow rate per second in the water supply system, l / s, is determined by the formula

    where? - dimensionless coefficient, taken according to adj. In /1/ and depends on the number of devices N (in this project N=120) and the probability of their action Ptot, taken in accordance with paragraph 1.3.5 of this work, Ptot=0.016; B / 1 /; s - flow rate from the device, taken according to adj. B / 1 /: s = 1.6 l / s for a toilet with a flush tank. = 5 0.25 0.692 = 0.865 l / s = 0.865 + 1.6 = 2.465 l / s

    2.2.4 Hydraulic calculation of internal sewerage

    Knowing the maximum second flow rate qs and focusing on the speed of movement of effluents 4 ... 8?? st? 0.7 m / s and the degree of filling 0.6? h / d? drains, the degree of filling of the pipe and the slope (d, v, h / d, i).

    At the same time, the condition

    where k is a coefficient taken for cast iron pipes equal to 0.6.

    If it is not possible to fulfill this condition, then this section of the pipeline is considered to be uncalculated and for it constructively accepted -

    at d=50 mm slope 0.03=100 mm slope 0.02=150 mm slope 0.01.

    Hydraulic calculation internal sewerage is summarized in Table. 3.

    Table 2 - Hydraulic calculation of internal sewage

    Design area numberNPtotNPtot ?qtot, l/sq0s, l/sqs, l/sd, mmi ?, m/s Section StK1-1-2400.0130.520.6920.8651.62.4651000.020.790.40.5 3-B200,0130,260,5020,62751,62,22751000,020,740,360,44bzr. 0130.520.6920.8651.62.4651000.020.790.40.5 260.5020.62751.62.22751000.020.740.360.44

    2.2.5 Checking the capacity of sewer risers

    Checking the throughput of sewer risers is carried out using Appendix M /1/. To do this, qs (l / s) is determined on one of the risers using the formula (2.1) and this flow rate is compared with the tabular value qstable.

    The throughput of the riser, which ensures the stable operation of hydraulic gates, will be in the event that

    < qsтабл. (2.4)

    Checking risers:

    StK1-1: d = 50 mm, qs = 1.36 l/s, qstabl = 1.4 l/s - condition (2.4) is met

    StK1-2: d = 50 mm, qs = 1.57 l/s, qstable = 1.4 l/s - condition (2.4) is not met, therefore, it is necessary to increase the diameter and take it equal to d=100mm.

    For risers StK1-1, StK1-2, StK1-3, StK1-6, similarly to StK1-2, we accept the diameter d = 100 mm.

    Maximum throughput of ventilated sewer riser at d=100 mm qstabl = 7.4 l/s, and according to calculations for risers StK1-7,...StK1-13 qs = 2.37...4.23 l/s, therefore condition (2.4) for these risers is fulfilled.

    2.3 Design and hydraulic calculation of intra-quarter sewerage

    The intra-quarter sewer network is designed from ceramic pipes with a minimum diameter of 150 mm. The distance between the manholes is assumed to be 26.479 m. The method of connection is bell-shaped, the depth of laying depends on the depth of seasonal freezing and is calculated by the formula:

    hall \u003d hpr - e (2.5)

    where hpr is the depth of seasonal freezing of the soil, taken according to the assignment; e - the value of the talik, taken equal to 0.3 m for pipes with a diameter of 200 m. hall \u003d 2.7-0.3 \u003d 2.4 m

    The calculation results are summarized in Table 8.

    Table 3 - Hydraulic calculation of the intra-quarter sewerage

    Lot numberNPtotNPtot ?qtot, l/sq0s, l/sqs, l/sd, mmiv, m/sl, m Markings Depth of laying, mNUKUNUKUNUKUSK No. 1 - SK No. 2600,0130,780,8491,061,62,661500,010,698,20,29183,3183,1180,9180,82,42,48Sk No. 2 - KGK 1200,0131,561, 2611.581.63.181500.010.717.40.3183.1183180.8180.62.482.65 Based on the results of the hydraulic calculation, a longitudinal profile of the yard sewerage is built.

    3. Equipment specification

    sink - 30 pcs

    sink - 30 pcs

    bath - 30 pcs

    toilet bowl - 30 pcs

    water meter assembly - 1 pc.

    booster unit: gate valve - 4 pcs

    valve - 4 pcs

    pump - 2 pcs

    pipes for water supply - galvanized steel according to GOST 3264 - 75 = 15 mm l = 19.8 m = 20 mm l = 49.8 m = 25 mm l = 32.7 m = 32 mm l = 11 m = 50 mm l = 19 m

    pipes for sewerage - cast iron according to GOST 9583 - 75 = 100 mm l = 274 m = 150 mm l = 28.6 m


    1.Postnikov P.M. Design and calculation of internal water supply and sewerage of buildings: Method. decree. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SGUPSa, 2004. - 40s.

    2.Shevelev F.A., Shevelev A.F. Tables for hydraulic calculation water pipes: Ref. allowance. - 6th ed., add. And a reworker. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1984. - 116 p.

    .Lukinykh A.A., Lukinykh N.A. Tables for the hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and siphons according to the formula of acad. N.N. Pavlovsky. Ed. 4th, add. M., Stroyizdat, 1974. - 156 p.

    .SNiP 2.04.01 - 85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings / Gosstroy of the USSR. M., 1986.


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    AT modern world in the era of scientific and technological progress and the flourishing of new technologies, in the period economic integration and globalization, there is a rapid development of the tourism and hotel business. The process of unification of Europe, the discovery of " iron curtain”, the widespread use of new information technologies make the world more open. Every year the number of people traveling for business or tourism purposes is growing. A full-fledged comfortable rest, the opportunity to see new cities and countries, visit historical places and sights, enjoy the beauty of nature - cherished dream many. For the realization of this dream, for the embodiment fairy tale in life and sent modern travelers. Often the motive for a trip may simply be a desire for a change of scenery. Therefore, the role of the hotel in the modern tourism infrastructure can hardly be overestimated. It must meet all the expectations of the client, become for him a cozy and comfortable home for a while, be remembered by something individually unique. It is the creation of a positive image of the hotel, the client's perception of it as an attractive place where they want to return again, and this is the goal of the owner and staff, and, ultimately, the key to the commercial success of the enterprise.

    In the modern world there are a huge number of hotels. They differ in purpose, capacity, number of storeys, type of construction, level of comfort, location and other features. To succeed in the competitive struggle, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the modern market. It is necessary to create not only excellent customer service, architectural style, but also the well-established work of the housing and communal complex of the hotel, including the water supply of the hotel

    twenty-first century - century advanced technologies. And more and more high requirements applied to the energy efficiency of engineering equipment and systems. Novelty is fundamental for water supply, heating, fire extinguishing systems - in technology, in quality assurance, ease of installation and, most importantly, efficiency.

    Therefore, the objectives of this work are:

    consider hotel water supply technology

    consider the design of the internal cold water supply system of hotels

    consider designing a hot water system for hotels

    identify the shortcomings of the hotel water supply technology

    consider the technologies of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

    Objectives of this work:

    analyze the water supply technology of the hotel

    conduct a comprehensive analysis of the technology of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

    Make conclusions about the work done

    Water supply system

    Water supply system in hotel enterprises

    In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing overalls, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services, for example, in a hairdressing salon, sports and fitness center, as well as for fire fighting purposes.

    The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for water intake, purification and treatment, external water supply networks and internal water supply located in the building.

    Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on highways, have a local water supply system.

    In urban water supply, water is used from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (groundwater) sources.

    Sanitary equipment in hotel enterprises

    In a modern hotel, each room has its own toilet. The main equipment includes: washbasin, bath or shower, toilet, bidet. The main devices should also include heated fittings for hanging towels.

    Depending on the type of hotel and room, the following options for placing sanitary equipment are used:

    in hotels of the highest and category I, a bathroom for individual use is required in the room, equipped with three devices, and in a suite - four;

    in single and double rooms of hotels of category II and III there may be a bathroom with two appliances (toilet bowl and washbasin);

    An important point is also the careful installation of the equipment itself and the creation of opportunities for preventive inspection and repair of equipment. Checking chambers are often used, which are placed between two bathrooms. This provides access to the main communications without entering the room.

    in hotels with expensive interior bathrooms represent a very interesting technical and artistic solution and are the true pride of sanitary technology. High quality porcelain combined with high quality metal fittings, wall decoration and all additional devices make your stay in the hotel pleasant and create modern comfort.

    In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing overalls, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services, for example, in a hairdressing salon, sports and fitness center, as well as for fire fighting purposes.

    The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for water intake, purification and treatment, external water supply networks and internal water supply located in the building.

    Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on highways, have a local water supply system.

    In urban water supply, water is used from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (groundwater) sources.

    Water in the city water supply must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Before being supplied to the city water supply network, water from open sources of water supply always undergoes pre-treatment to bring its quality indicators in line with the requirements of the standard. Water from closed water sources usually does not need to be treated. Water treatment is carried out at waterworks. When water is supplied from rivers, stations are placed along the river above settlements.

    The waterworks includes the following facilities:

    Water intake devices;

    First lift pumps;

    Settling tanks and treatment facilities;

    Water storage tanks;

    Second lift pumps.

    Second lift pumps maintain the necessary pressure in the main pipelines and the city water pipeline system. In some cases, water towers are connected to the main pipeline system, which contain a supply of water and can create pressure in the water supply system by raising water tanks to a certain height.

    From the waterworks through the city water supply network, water enters the consumers.

    The internal water supply of a building is a set of equipment, devices and pipelines that supply water from the central external water supply systems or from local water sources to water points in the building. The internal water supply in hotel buildings must be separate to meet the economic, industrial and fire-fighting needs. Household and drinking and industrial water supply systems are combined, since clean drinking water is used for household and industrial needs in hotels.

    The internal plumbing of the cold water supply system includes the following elements:

    One or more inputs;

    Water measuring unit;

    Filters for additional water purification;

    booster pumps and water tanks;

    Pipeline system with control valves (distribution lines, risers, connections);

    Water folding devices;

    Fire extinguishing devices.

    The building may be served by one or more pumps installed in parallel or in series. If the building is served by one pump, then the second pump must be connected to the network and the second pump is a backup. Pumps are selected taking into account their performance and the pressure generated.

    For the internal water supply system, steel (galvanized) or plastic pipes are used. Pipelines are laid open and closed in building structures. Horizontal sections to ensure the descent of water are laid with a slope towards the input. The plumbing system, depending on the scheme, can be with an upper or lower water distribution.

    The diameter of the pipeline is determined according to special tables, depending on the number of water draw-off (water-consuming) points and their sizes.

    The diameter of the mains of the economic-industrial-fire-fighting water supply systems is assumed to be at least 50 mm.

    Internal water supply systems are equipped with pipeline and water fittings.

    Pipe fittings are designed to shut off sections of pipelines for the period of repair, to regulate pressure and flow in the system. Distinguish shut-off, regulating, safety and control pipeline fittings.

    Gate valves and valves are used as shut-off and control valves. Gate valves are made of cast iron and steel, and valves, in addition, are made of brass. Shut-off valves are installed on the input, risers and branches.

    Safety fittings include safety and check valves, control fittings include level indicators, control valves, and valves for pressure gauges.

    Water-folding fittings include various taps at the points of water tapping: wall-mounted, toilet, drain cisterns, watering, urinal, flush, as well as mixer taps for sinks, bathtubs, showers, washbasins, pools, washing machines, etc.

    Fire water supply

    Water is the most common fire extinguishing agent. Possessing a high heat capacity, it cools combustible substances to a temperature lower than the temperature of their self-ignition, and blocks the access of air to the combustion zone with the help of the resulting vapors. A jet of water directed under high pressure has a mechanical effect on the fire, knocking down the flame and penetrating into the depths of the burning object. Spreading over the burning object, the water wets the parts of the building structures that are not yet covered by fire and protects them from catching fire.

    To extinguish the fire, water is supplied from the existing water supply. In some cases, it can be supplied by pumps from natural or artificial reservoirs.

    Internal fire water supply is provided by the device in the building of risers with fire hydrants. Fire hydrants are placed on landings, in corridors and in separate rooms of hotels at a height of 1.35 m from the floor in special lockers with the designation "PC". In the fire cabinet, in addition to the crane, there must be a canvas sleeve 10 or 20 m long and a metal fire nozzle (water hose). The sleeve has quick-release nuts at the ends for connection with the stem and valve of the crane. The sleeves are placed on a swivel shelf or wound on a reel. The distance between the fire hydrants depends on the length of the hose and must be such that the entire building area is irrigated with at least one jet. In the building, the use of sleeves of the same length and diameter is allowed.

    In hotels located in multi-storey buildings, the internal fire water supply system also includes automatic fire extinguishers that localize the source of fire, block the path of a spreading flame and flue gases, and eliminate fire.

    Sprinkler systems are used to locally extinguish fires and fires, cool building structures and signal a fire.

    The sprinkler system includes a system of pipelines laid under the ceiling and filled with water, and sprinklers, the openings of which are closed with fusible locks. When ready, the sprinkler system is pressurized. When the temperature in the room rises, the sprinkler lock melts and the water jet from the sprinkler, hitting the socket, breaks over the fire. At the same time, water approaches the alarm device, which gives a signal about a fire. The area protected by one sprinkler is about 10 m 2 . Sprinklers are installed in residential rooms, corridors, service and public areas of hotels.

    Drencher systems are designed to extinguish fires over the entire settlement area, create water curtains in the openings of fire walls, above fire doors dividing hotel corridors into sections, and fire alarms. Drencher systems can be with automatic and manual (local and remote) activation. Deluge systems consist of a system of pipelines and sprinklers, but unlike a sprinkler system, water deluge sprinklers do not have locks and are constantly open. A water supply valve with a temperature-sensitive lock is installed in the pipeline supplying water to a group of successively located sprinklers. In case of fire, the lock opens the valve and water flows from all deluge heads to extinguish the fire or create a curtain. The fire alarm goes off at the same time.

    The performance of sprinkler and deluge installations depends on their maintenance, which consists of a number of measures provided for in the instructions for their operation.

    Hot water system

    Hot water in hotels is used for domestic and industrial needs. Therefore, it, as well as cold water used for these purposes, must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 ° C and be not lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for production needs.

    Hot water supply in hotels can be local, central or centralized.

    With local water supply, water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water heaters, water heaters. In this case, water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use a central hot water supply system. During central hot water preparation, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating point of the hotel building or the central heating point, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses. With district heating, water is heated in water heaters with steam or hot water coming from the city heating network.

    The scheme of hot water supply networks can be dead-end or with the organization of hot water circulation through the circulation pipeline system. Dead-end schemes provide for a constant drawdown. If the water withdrawal is periodic, then with such a scheme, the water in the pipelines during the period of no withdrawal will cool down, and during the withdrawal, it will flow to water points with a lower temperature. This leads to the need for unproductive discharge of a large amount of water through the draw-off point, if you want to get water with a temperature of 60 - 70 "C.

    In the scheme with water circulation, this disadvantage is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is not constant, but it is required to maintain a constant water temperature during the water intake.

    Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. Forced circulation is carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings. It is used in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of main pipelines. In one-, two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange natural circulation of water through a system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the volumetric mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of operation of a water

    heating with natural circulation. As well as in cold water supply systems, hot water mains can be with lower and upper wiring.

    The hot water supply system of a building includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines and water points.

    As hot water generators in central hot water supply systems, high-speed water-to-water and steam-to-water heaters, as well as capacious water heaters, are used.

    In a high-speed steam water heater, hot steam supplied to the heater body heats the water passing through the brass tubes located inside the body.

    The design temperature of the heat carrier in the water-to-water heater is assumed to be 75 °C, the initial temperature of the heated water is 5 °C, the velocity of the heated water is 0.5 - 3 m/s. High-speed water heaters are used in systems with a uniform water flow and high water consumption.

    Capacitive water heaters are used in systems with intermittent and low water consumption. They allow not only to heat, but also to accumulate hot water.

    Three-, four- and five-star hotels must have a backup hot water system for the duration of accidents or preventive maintenance. For a backup hot water supply system, industrial electric water heaters can be used. On fig. 2.19 shows an electric industrial water heater "OSO" (Norway). The tank capacity of such a water heater is from 600 to 10,000 liters, the water temperature adjustment range is from 55 to 85 ° C. The inner tank is made of copper-plated stainless steel. In a backup hot water supply system, there may be several water heaters operating in parallel.

    The pipelines of the hot and cold water supply system are a single complex of the hotel's economic and industrial supply system and are laid in parallel.

    Water points are equipped with mixer taps that allow you to get a wide range of water temperatures (from 20 to 70 ° C) by mixing hot and cold water.

    For the hot water supply system, galvanized steel or plastic pipes are used to avoid corrosion. Connections of steel pipes and fittings for the same reason must be threaded. To reduce heat losses and prevent water cooling, main pipelines and risers are thermally insulated. Water folding and pipeline fittings in hot water supply systems are used brass or bronze with seals that can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C.

    Operation of water supply systems

    After completion of all installation work on the construction or overhaul of cold or hot water supply systems, they begin to accept them into operation. Acceptance begins with an inspection of all equipment and pipelines of water supply systems. Noticed deficiencies are included in the defective statement. They are subject to elimination within the specified time.

    Then, after eliminating the identified deficiencies, the water supply system is tested for tightness. In this case, the fittings of all water points must be closed. The test consists in the fact that the pipelines are filled with water using a hydraulic press, raising the pressure in the pipelines to the working value. In the event of leaks, minor installation defects are eliminated, pipeline connections are tightened between themselves, with equipment and fittings, and glands are sealed. Upon completion of these works, a hydraulic press creates a pressure in the pipelines higher than the working one by 0.5 MPa and maintains the system under this pressure for 10 minutes. During this period, the pressure should not rise by more than 0.05 Pa. If this requirement is met, the system is considered to have passed the tightness test. Simultaneously with pipeline networks, water heaters of hot water supply systems are tested under pressure.

    Upon completion of work on checking the tightness of the water supply system, its test run is carried out. During a test run, they check the adequacy of the supply of cold and hot water to all water points, determine whether the water temperature corresponds to the required value (65 - 70 ° C), check the absence of noise during operation of the pump and its overheating, draw up an act.

    The correct and reliable operation of the internal plumbing system depends on its operating conditions, proper supervision and care.

    Basic operating conditions: elimination of water leakage, prevention of freezing of water in the pipes of the network and sweating of the surface of pipelines, low water pressure, noise control from water fittings when they are opened.

    During the operation of the cold and hot water supply systems, periodic inspections of the systems are carried out, establishing the following:

    Serviceability of valves of the water metering unit and water meter, pumping equipment;

    No water leaks in fittings and equipment connections;

    Serviceability of equipment for heating water;

    Serviceability of main pipelines, risers, connections;

    Serviceability of water fittings.

    Leakage of water through pipelines usually occurs when they are damaged due to corrosion. With open laying of pipelines, damaged pipes are easy to detect and replace, with hidden ones, it is very difficult to detect a leak.

    The main water leakage occurs through water folding devices due to wear of sealing gaskets, damage or wear of individual parts of the units. Worn or damaged items must be replaced or repaired.

    In order to avoid damage to the water supply due to freezing of pipes when the heating system is turned off and the temperature in the rooms to drop to 3 ° C, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipelines.

    During the operation of the water supply system, situations may arise in which water is weakly or not supplied to the water points at all. This can be caused by: insufficient pressure at the entrance to the building; clogging of the water meter grid or installation of a water meter of insufficient caliber; pump malfunction; a decrease in the flow area of ​​pipelines due to fouling of the pipe walls with salt deposits or the ingress of foreign objects and rust. To eliminate the above reasons, you must:

    Install a pump to increase the pressure in the pipeline system of the building;

    Clean or replace the water meter;

    Repair or replace the pump valve;

    Clean water lines and fittings.

    During the operation of the water supply system, noise in the pipelines may also occur. Vibration and noise occur when the pump wears out and is improperly installed when pipes are rigidly embedded in building structures.

    Non-state private educational institution

    higher professional education

    Southern Institute of Management

    Faculty of TR and GB


    By discipline: "Technique and technology in SKST".

    On the topic: "Technology of hot and cold water supply of hotels."


    4th year student of group 05 st.

    Jalilov V.Z.


    teacher Zakharova Irina Yurievna.

    Krasnodar 2009


    1. Water supply system

    1.1 Water supply system in hotel enterprises

    1.2 Sanitary facilities in hospitality businesses

    2. Design of the internal cold water supply system of hotels

    2.1 Waterworks

    2.2 Cold water systems

    2.3 Fire-fighting water supply in hotel enterprises

    3. Designing a hot water system for hotels

    3.1 Hot water system in hotel enterprises

    3.2 Water heating technology

    3.3 Hot water circulation and water system protection

    3.4 Hotel plumbing system

    3.5 Technology of hot and cold water supply in the sanatorium "Chaika"


    List of used literature


    In the modern world, in the era of scientific and technological progress and the flourishing of new technologies, in the period of economic integration and globalization, there is a rapid development of the tourism and hotel business. The process of European unification, the opening of the "Iron Curtain", the widespread use of new information technologies make the world more open. Every year the number of people traveling for business or tourism purposes is growing. A full-fledged comfortable rest, the opportunity to see new cities and countries, visit historical places and sights, enjoy the beauty of nature is the cherished dream of many. For the realization of this dream, for the embodiment of a fairy tale to life, modern travelers set off. Often the motive for a trip may simply be a desire for a change of scenery. Therefore, the role of the hotel in the modern tourism infrastructure can hardly be overestimated. It must meet all the expectations of the client, become for him a cozy and comfortable home for a while, be remembered by something individually unique. It is the creation of a positive image of the hotel, the client's perception of it as an attractive place where they want to return again, and this is the goal of the owner and staff, and, ultimately, the key to the commercial success of the enterprise.

    In the modern world there are a huge number of hotels. They differ in purpose, capacity, number of storeys, type of construction, level of comfort, location and other features. To succeed in the competitive struggle, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the modern market. It is necessary to create not only excellent customer service, architectural style, but also the well-established work of the housing and communal complex of the hotel, including the water supply of the hotel

    The twenty-first century is the century of advanced technologies. And more and more high demands are placed on the energy efficiency of engineering equipment and systems. Novelty is fundamental for water supply, heating, fire extinguishing systems - in technology, in quality assurance, ease of installation and, most importantly, efficiency.

    Therefore, the objectives of this work are:

    consider hotel water supply technology

    consider the design of the internal cold water supply system of hotels

    consider designing a hot water system for hotels

    identify the shortcomings of the hotel water supply technology

    consider the technologies of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

    Objectives of this work:

    analyze the water supply technology of the hotel

    conduct a comprehensive analysis of the technology of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

    Make conclusions about the work done

    1. Water supply system

    1.1 Water supply system in hotel enterprises

    In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing overalls, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services, for example, in a hairdressing salon, sports and fitness center, and also for fire fighting purposes.

    The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for water intake, purification and treatment, external water supply networks and internal water supply located in the building.

    Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on highways, have a local water supply system.

    In urban water supply, water is used from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (groundwater) sources.

    1.2 Sanitary facilities in hospitality businesses

    In a modern hotel, each room has its own bathroom. The main equipment includes: washbasin, bath or shower, toilet, bidet. The main devices should also include heated fittings for hanging towels.

    Depending on the type of hotel and room, the following options for placing sanitary equipment are used:

    in hotels of the highest and category I, a bathroom for individual use is required in the room, equipped with three devices, and in a suite - four;

    in single and double rooms of hotels of category II and III there may be a bathroom with two appliances (toilet bowl and washbasin);

    An important point is also the careful installation of the equipment itself and the creation of opportunities for preventive inspection and repair of equipment. Checking chambers are often used, which are placed between two bathrooms. This provides access to the main communications without entering the room.

    In hotels with an expensive interior, bathrooms represent a very interesting technical and artistic solution and are the true pride of sanitary technology. High quality porcelain combined with high quality metal fittings, wall decoration and all additional devices make your stay in the hotel pleasant and create modern comfort.

    2. Design of the internal cold water supply system of hotels

    2.1 Waterworks

    Water in the city water supply must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Before being supplied to the city water supply network, water from open sources of water supply always undergoes pre-treatment to bring its quality indicators in line with the requirements of the standard. Water from closed water sources usually does not need to be treated. Water treatment is carried out at waterworks. When water is supplied from rivers, stations are placed along the river above settlements.

    The structure of the waterworks includes the following facilities (Fig. 1)

    water intake devices;

    first lift pumps;

    settling tanks and treatment facilities;

    water storage tanks;

    second lift pumps.

    Second lift pumps maintain the necessary pressure in the main pipelines and the city water pipeline system. In some cases, water towers are connected to the main pipeline system, which contain a supply of water and can create pressure in the water supply system by raising water tanks to a certain height.

    From the waterworks through the city water supply network, water enters the consumers.

    Picture. 1 Scheme of a waterworks: 1- waterworks; 2 - pumping station of the first lift; 3 - treatment facilities; 4- clean water tanks; 5- pumping station of the second lift; 6- conduits; 7- pressure tower; 8- main water supply network.

    City water supply networks are constructed from steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes. Valves are installed on them in wells to turn off individual sections of the water supply network in case of an accident and repair, fire hydrants for water supply when extinguishing fires. Pipelines of the water supply network are located at a depth of at least 0.2 m below the depth of soil freezing in winter. Steel pipelines must have reliable waterproofing.

    The internal water supply of a building is a set of equipment, devices and pipelines that supply water from the central external water supply systems or from local water sources to water points in the building. The internal water supply in hotel buildings must be separate to meet the economic, industrial and fire-fighting needs. Household and drinking and industrial water supply systems are combined, since clean drinking water is used for household and industrial needs in hotels. The internal plumbing of the cold water supply system includes the following elements:

    one or more inputs;

    water meter;

    filters for additional water purification;

    booster pumps and water tanks;

    piping system with control valves (distribution lines, risers, inlets);

    water folding devices;

    fire extinguishing devices.
