Calculation of the frame for the house. Frame house calculator: how calculations of materials and individual stages of work are performed. Construction is carried out in several stages

Wood is a universal building material. It can be used to form various elements buildings. Today, frame residential buildings are increasingly being built from wood, which are distinguished by comfort and practicality. They can be built in almost all climatic zones. A properly designed building can easily compete with brick or stone structures.


Frame construction involves the use of wood frames and various types insulation materials. Designs of this type are simple. Relatively few materials are used in the construction of such buildings. Installation work begins with the calculation of all parameters and drawing up detailed plan Houses. Design frame houses involves several successive stages.

  • Planning the dimensions of the building. It is important to immediately decide what size it will have frame house. Technically, such structures are limited only in height. All other characteristics can be adapted to the personal needs of an individual or family.
  • Design of individual rooms. At this stage, owners optimize the parameters of the premises for themselves. Here you select their location, size, shape, location of windows and more.
  • Choice building materials. It should be understood that a frame house is not only wood. During its construction, various substances can be used that are needed for finishing walls, forming a roof, and insulating it.
  • Calculation of the quantity of materials. This step depends on all other procedures, as they are closely related.

Calculation of building materials for frame house impossible to carry out perfectly accurately. There is always a small margin of error that needs to be taken into account. It depends on the following characteristics:

  • low quality materials. Wood and other products may differ in quality, which does not always allow them to be used to their full potential;
  • multiplicity of products. Many products are produced with standard dimensions, so it is not always possible to accurately calculate required quantity;
  • installation errors. Working with any material involves the use of a tool with which it is impossible to obtain ideal measurements or form the structure correctly.

What does it depend on?

Designing “frameworks” is a complex process that requires significant experience in the construction of such structures. In order to obtain the quality characteristics of the future building, it is important to first calculate all its technical parameters. This process depends on several basic criteria.

  • Temperature conditions. Frame houses are built from several individual components that are responsible for the strength and level of thermal insulation. If the building is planned to be used in harsh winters, then you need to increase the thickness of the walls accordingly or use better materials. All thermal insulation coefficients of such buildings can be found in special tables. This step is initial and involves a thorough analysis of the annual temperature over several years.
  • Type of materials. Construction of domed or classic designs frame type can be carried out using various products. There are a lot alternative materials, which can easily replace each other. This dependence very closely related to the previous point.
  • Type of building. A frame house (“frame house”) can have either a standard or complex shape. Calculating a simple building is somewhat easier, since you do not need to take into account many characteristics. This also includes the number and size of openings that will be used to form windows and doors. Roofing parameters also play a significant role in the calculations of frame houses. Similar elements may have different shape and design.

How to calculate?

The technology for calculating materials for the construction of a frame building is a rather complex process. It involves analysis design features future home with subsequent calculation required quantity construction products. Before solving such a problem, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the calculation technology various materials. Thus, you can easily convert one unit to another if necessary.

Foundation calculation

The base for frame houses is often formed in the form of a strip. But if the soil is unstable and has high humidity, then it is better to use piles. The technology for calculating materials for tape warping consists of the following sequential operations:

  • determining the mass of the future house. You can calculate the load with the help of specialists or using various technical approaches;
  • Based on the obtained parameters, the dimensions of the future foundation are calculated. This will allow you to find out the number of cubes of concrete that must be used to fill the trench;
  • calculation of the number of components. To prepare the tape you will need not only ready-mixed concrete, but also boards for formwork construction.

As for screw piles, counting them is much easier. To do this, you just need to select the right elements according to the load they can withstand, and distribute them evenly along the entire perimeter of the future building. It is advisable to take into account the location of the walls and internal lintels.

Warmth and waterproofing

Main waterproofing materials roofing felt and polyethylene film are used. The first type of substance does not allow moisture to rise along the foundation to wooden frame. The amount of roofing felt and film depends only on the area they cover. It is worth paying attention that the film may not always be used in conjunction with heat-insulating substances. Thermal insulation is also calculated based on the area of ​​the walls or roof.

Finding out this parameter is quite simple according to the classical formula. For example, to insulate the floor in a house with an area of ​​6x8 m, you will need approximately 48 m² of thermal insulation roll material.

It is also important to choose the thickness of the insulation here. The best option there will be mineral wool at least 15 cm thick. But this characteristic should be selected only on the basis technical properties thermal insulation material, which is planned to be used.

Determining the number of racks

Technically, these elements are the main ones, since all subsequent structures are attached to them in the future. Before you start calculating the racks, you should correctly calculate the amount of lumber for strapping. It is formed from durable timber of varying thickness. The length of wood for a building with sides 6x9 m is 54 linear meters. But it should be taken into account that when connecting, the beams may overlap each other slightly, so such nuances will lead to a slight increase in the length of the forest. When calculating wood, you should buy about 10% more of it, which will eliminate any unforeseen situations.

Calculation of vertical racks comes down to calculating several parameters.

  • Number of elements. Experts recommend placing the timber at a distance of no further than 50 cm from each other. To find out the total number of racks, you should initially calculate total length all walls. So, country house A 3x6 m building has a perimeter of 18 m. For such a building you will need 36 supports, which are placed evenly along the entire perimeter. If the structure is small, then corner elements can be used for two sides at once, which allows them to be slightly reduced.
  • Section of timber. This characteristic depends on the size of the future home. A board of 10x5 cm is considered standard. It can be used in cases where the height of the walls does not exceed 2.5 m.225

When constructing two-story buildings, it is recommended to use timber with a section of 10x15 or 10x20 cm without damage or rotten knots.

Calculating the roof

The roof for a frame house is also made of wood. The counting algorithm consists of the following successive steps, How:

  • measurement of design parameters. Here you should determine the slope angle on the basis of which the length of the rafters is calculated;
  • calculation of the amount of timber. The rafters are located at a distance of 50 cm from each other. To calculate their number for one side, you simply divide the length of the slope by the specified value. If the roof is complex, then similar operations are carried out for each individual side. The cross-section of the beam is selected depending on the roofing material that will be used to protect the house.

It is worth noting that the roof consists of many wooden blocks. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate not only the rafters, but also the wood used to connect them into a single system.

The construction of a frame house also involves the use of various fasteners (nails, screws, and others). It is also important to roughly determine their number. It is impossible to calculate it exactly, so you should rely on the experience of specialists or the recommendations of salespeople in stores.

Frame construction is very popular today. Using this technology, you can get a residential building in a few months or even weeks. It all depends design features Houses.

Filimonov Evgeniy

Reading time: 5 minutes


Calculation of a frame house

How to calculate a frame house. Choice of material. Determination of all components of a frame structure.

To build safe home, it is necessary to correctly calculate the frame house in order to visually understand how much construction will cost. This article will tell you how the correct choice of materials influences the calculation. How the environment affects the calculated indicators.

How is the calculation done? individual designs building, roof and foundation. Correct determination of the cost of racks and walls of a frame house, insulation, and roofing. What materials are needed to calculate windows, doors and finishing of the building?

What you need to consider when building a house. The cost of heating and communications.

Today, frame construction is more popular than ever before. The fact is that calculating the cost of constructing the same panel house shows: the cost of such a structure will be at least 30% less than the cost of a similar house made of any other material. Calculating the consumption of lumber and the cost of cladding for a frame house is not so difficult. This will be discussed in the article.

It goes without saying that ready materials frame construction will occupy the largest share in the total estimate. Their expenditure will constitute a significant part of the budget allocated for construction.

First of all, attention should be paid to the consumption of lumber.

In particular, the following materials will be needed for a panel house:

  • Beam of various sections;
  • Edged board with a cross-section of at least 5 centimeters;
  • Edged board with a cross section of 2 centimeters;
  • Tongue and groove boards with a section of 2.5 centimeters.

Calculating the cost of cross and rack beams is not so simple: here it is necessary to take into account the size of the future structure (its area), as well as the thermal insulation material that will be used during construction.

Calculation of the roof structure of a panel house and the choice of roofing material will also affect the final cost of construction. However, calculate the amount roofing material is not that difficult.

In addition to wood processing industry products, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials for the following:

  • foundation;
  • wind protection and vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing and thermal insulation;
  • roof;
  • external and internal finishing;

Various engineering communications type of water supply, electrical wiring, drainage, snow retention, sewerage and other things.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeniy

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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When calculating the cost of rack and cross beams, you need to take into account the size of the future house, as well as the type of insulation used.

By the way, calculations of materials for the structures described above should be performed only after the owner of the house has decided on the material of the house frames and roof. They make everything else “dance” too.

Of course, if a person is ready to spend money to create a safety margin at home, then the calculations need not be made so scrupulously, but frame houses are also built, most often, precisely because they are cheap.

Ambient temperature and its influence on the calculation

The warmth in the house will depend on the climatic features of the area where the house is being built. This is a well-known fact. The only time when the climate can be ignored is if it is being built country house, in which exclusively summer accommodation is planned.

Here, in order to calculate the quantity, you will definitely need a table indicating the thermal resistance coefficients of various materials, and all indicators must be calculated separately both for the walls of the building and for roofing pie, otherwise all the heat will simply escape through the attic floors and there will be no use.

Based on such calculations, you can obtain the final required thickness of the walls and roofing pie, which will be sufficient to retain heat in the house (based on the thermal resistance coefficient, again).

It is also much easier to make calculations if you know in advance all the parameters of the materials (for example, the weight of all structures) that the manufacturer has installed.

Usually, frame houses are supplied as house kits, so it will not be difficult to find out all these values ​​(usually all this is indicated in the documents that necessarily come with the house kit itself).

Interestingly, if a house is built according to Canadian technology, from sandwich panels, then a minimum of materials for its finishing will be needed. The fact is that insulation is already installed in such panels in advance, that is, they have a heat-insulating layer.

Most often, manufacturers use sandwich panels as a thermal insulation material. mineral wool. It turns out that the outside of the house will not need to be insulated at all (which means that the cost item for external insulation, and leave only the internal calculations).

Calculation of thermal resistance indicators must be carried out separately for both the walls of the building and the roof.

An example of how the selection of materials visually works.

Step 2.

Step 3.

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How much does it cost to build a frame house: calculate using an online calculator

To know exactly how much it costs to build a house in 2016, calculate the price for online calculator. This is a convenient aggregator designed to introduce necessary information and promptly obtaining results.

What data should be entered into the frame house calculator?

Calculation on the frame house calculator is carried out without taking into account the cost installation work. The result is not exact, but as close as possible to the final cost. Be prepared to enter the following data in special forms:

  • Type of building: residential or country house, hangar, warehouse, other facility (choose from the proposed menu);
  • Number of floors (there is an option “one and an attic”, etc.);
  • Width of the structure;
  • Structure length;
  • Floor height;
  • Material for the construction of load-bearing (non-load-bearing) walls, partitions (in our case it is LSTK);
  • Roof shape (single, gable, complex or hip).

The cost includes the required number of frame elements, hardware for fastening and instructions for self-assembly.

How to save money on building a frame house in Moscow?

There is some compelling evidence that building a turnkey frame house is the most inexpensive type of construction. What you can save on:

  • On the project: firstly, standard projects with sections of architectural and constructive solutions we have cheaper prices. Secondly, order a house kit from us and the project will cost you free. Minus 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • On the foundation: the weight of the frame is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the base and is about 37 kg per sq.m. Using a heavy foundation will lead to unnecessary expenses - here you can get by with light ones screw piles. Minus 2/3 of the cost of a concrete foundation;
  • When assembling the frame: hiring professionals for construction is more profitable, because it eliminates non-compliance with technological subtleties and reduces the time to a minimum. The cost of installation is calculated at a rate of 2 thousand rubles. per square meter of construction. However, lightweight frame profiles can be assembled with your own hands, because the weight of even the largest part does not exceed 100 kg. This means you can still save on assembly. Minus 200 thousand rubles. (for a house of 100 sq.m.).

The amount will vary depending on the selected materials for finishing (inside and outside), the complexity of the project, the presence (absence) of an attic or second floor, and the type of roof. Decide on the details, enter them into the calculator and get the final amount. You can also consult our specialists on the price by sending a request in the feedback form in the section

Calculation of materials
wooden beams (150x50mm):
4.4 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³30800 rub.
DSP panels (3200x1250x10mm):
22 pcs. x 742 RUR/pcs.16324 rub.
GKL panels (2500x1200x10mm):
25 pcs. x 260 rub./pcs.6500 rub.
bars (40x25mm):
1.1 m³ x 6500 RUR/m³7150 rub.
89 m² x 68 RUR/m²6052 rub.
77 m² x 11 RUR/m²847 rub.
bioprotective solution:
77 l x 75 rub./liter5775 rub.
siding panels (3660x230mm):
101 pcs. x 437 RUR/pcs.44137 rub.
bars (40x25mm):
0.2 m³ x 6500 RUR/m³1300 rub.
bioprotective solution:
9 l x 75 rub./liter675 rub.
mineral wool (Rockwool):
12.68 m³ x 3700 RUR/m³46916 rub.
TOTAL: by foundation39195 rub.
pine beams 150x50; 150x100:
2 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³14,000 rub.
plasterboard panels Knauf (2500x1200x10):
13 pcs. x 260 rub./pcs.3380 rub.
galvanized profile with fasteners:
111.4 p.m x 52 rub./p.m5793 rub.
mineral wool (Rockwool):
9.6 m³ x 3700 RUR/m³35520 rub.
waterproof fabric (Tyvek Soft):
93 m² x 68 RUR/m²6324 rub.
vapor barrier film p/ethylene:
93 m² x 11 RUR/m²1023 rub.
plywood FC 1525x1525x18:
0.7 m³ x 19,000 rub./m³13300 rub.
subfloor planks:
0.8 m³ x 6500 RUR/m³5200 rub.
TOTAL: by floors84540 rub.
wooden beams (150x50mm):
1.6 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³11200 rub.
bioprotective solution:
24 l x 75 rub./liter1800 rub.
waterproof fabric (Tyvek Soft):
94 m² x 68 RUR/m²6392 rub.
metal tiles (Monterrey):
97 m² x 450 RUR/m²43650 rub.
roofing screws 4.8x35:
3 packs x 550 rub./pack (250 pcs.)1650 rub.
ridge element (2000mm):
5 pcs. x 563 rub./pcs.2815 rub.
timber lathing 100x30mm:
0.8 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³5600 rub.


RUB 424,868.0

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Calculation of the cost of work

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Example of 8x6 m layout for calculation

Structural diagram

1. Wooden stands d=150mm;
2. Mineral wool insulation (between beams) d=150mm;
3. Siding panel;
4. Air gap d=20-50mm;
5. Windproof film
6. Vapor-proof film + OSB sheets d=12mm + Planks 40x25mm + GKL sheets d=10mm
7. Wooden beams d=150-250mm;
8. The roof is metal tile;
9. Columnar-block foundation h=1.8m;

Prefabricated panel wall with a ventilated facade made of siding profiles and interlayer insulation

Frame-panel wall

The principle of prefabricated panel buildings is based on a load-bearing beam frame, reinforced on the indoor or outdoor side with wood panels (such as DSP, chipboard, OSB or OSB) and filled with mineral fiber insulating material along the thickness. Due to its low mass, frame walls can be installed on lightweight, slightly buried strip-ring or pile foundations, which significantly reduces the total construction costs.

Due to manufacturability and low cost, as well as decent strength, prefabricated panel design has gained widespread recognition for individual development. Today, a significant proportion of cottages in Norway, Japan, Canada, Sweden, Finland and the USA were built using this technology.

Installation of frame-panel wall structures is done in the following sequence:

  • On a foundation previously covered with a moisture-proof fabric, a multi-sectional frame is built from dried lumber, section 150x45 mm or 150x50 mm, painted with an antiseptic solution (for example, KSD, Biofa, Tex, Senezh, Holzplast, Pinotex, Aquatex, Biosept, Tikkurila, Dulux, Kartotsid , Cofadex, Teknos).
  • From the outside, the frame assembly is curtained with a vapor-permeable waterproofing film, such as Yutavek, Tyvek, Izospan, which protects the heat-insulated frame-panel base from getting wet and, at the same time, promotes the free removal of wet fumes from the heat-saving material.
  • To organize a ventilated channel, outside the hydro-windproofing vapor-conducting fabric, they are installed on the frame posts wooden slats, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic, or galvanized racks protruding by 30-40 mm.
  • From the inside, the space between the beams frame structure filled with dense mineral wool heat-insulating material, type: P-175, P-125, Knauf, PPZh-200, Isomin, Rockwool, Ursa, Isover, Isorok, 15 cm deep, then spread over the beams polyethylene film, with careful sealing of the joints with tape.
  • After installing the vapor-proof layer, the frame is strengthened with chipboard panels (chipboard), OSB (oriented strand board) or CSP (cement-bonded particle board), 9-12 mm thick, with technological gaps of up to 3 mm.
  • After constructive cladding of the frame, sheathing is made from 40x25 mm bars for further installation of plasterboard sheets.
  • Finally, PVC siding cladding is sewn onto the sheathing installed outside the house.

Plastic siding cladding

Manufacturers vinyl siding(for example, companies: Snowbird, Holzplast, Tecos, Mitten, Vytec, Georgia Pacific, Varitek, Nordside, Ortho, FineBer, Docke, AltaProfile, Gentek) announce a wide color palette, allowing each building to look different from the rest.

In a fire, polyvinyl chloride siding only melts slowly, igniting at temperatures above 390°C (and wood already at 230-260°C), quickly extinguishing as the source of fire decreases, while the amount of harmful emissions is no more than during pyrolysis of wood.

It is worth knowing that polyvinyl chloride siding can be used for a long time and have a beautiful exterior, only if the installation instructions are strictly followed.

Since the PVC siding profile changes quite significantly in size with temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to provide for loose fixation of the vinyl panels.

PVC siding profile does not corrode, is resistant to biological, physical, and climatic aggressions, and is practically non-flammable.

Basic installation rules fixing PVC siding:

  • When installing a subsequent siding panel, click it into the lock with the underlying row and, without tension, attach it with self-tapping screws.
  • In order to hide the seams, it is more correct to lay out the siding panels, starting from the side of the house, moving towards the facade, and each subsequent siding panel will slide over the one already placed in the laid out row, approximately 2.5...3 cm, for the same purpose The joints being made for the nearest rows should be shifted relative to each other.
  • Fixed siding elements should move from side to side without effort; therefore, it is unacceptable to tighten the screws in the fixing slots all the way.
  • In order not to interfere with thermal contractions and expansions and, accordingly, not to provoke wave-like deformation PVC plastic, screw in self-tapping screws and nail nails into the vinyl profile, preferably in the center of the existing technological holes.
  • It is important to maintain cuts, about a centimeter, in the joining areas plastic panel And additional details(external corner, platband, H-profile, internal corner etc.), as well as in places where street networks are installed (pipes, brackets, wires, cables), in order to compensate for thermal expansion or contraction of vinyl siding.
  • Installation plastic profiles is carried out from bottom to top, while the hidden starting profile is first secured.

Prefabricated columnar foundation

If construction is carried out on dry, non-heaving (sandy, rocky) lands, then, for panel one-story buildings, a shallow block-and-pillar foundation made of small solid blocks on a gravel backfill is suitable.

When a stone building is being constructed with a total area of ​​50.0 sq.m., the foundation columnar supports are laid on slabs whose base dimensions are up to 2 times larger than the cross-section of the columnar supports, and a single reinforced concrete strip is poured above the ground .

For brick houses, wooden formwork with reinforcing bars is knocked onto the blocks and reinforced concrete tape is poured, and then waterproofing and beam bars are poured.

The approximate methodology for constructing such a foundation solution is as follows:

  • Recesses are dug at the bottom up to 1 m.
  • Crushed stone is poured to a level of 10 cm, trampled down, and covered with waterproofing.
  • Then, onto the bed from cement mixture put foundation blocks, grade TsKS-100 20x20x40, up to 500 mm above the surface of the construction site.
  • Waterproofing is placed on the blocks leveled with mortar and beams are installed.

Floor made of wooden beams

IN low-rise construction Wood-beam floors are mainly popular due to the cost-effectiveness and ease of their construction.

Coniferous timber (pine, larch, spruce) with an operating humidity of no higher than 12-14% is usually used for logs. Best lag- a block with an aspect ratio of 7:5 (for example, 0.14x0.10 m).

When choosing material for beams, it is necessary to use special tables that provide a correlation between the parameters of the beam structure and the size of the span and load; or you can start from the approximate norm that the width of the log should be about 1/24 of the length of the beam, and the thickness - 50÷100 mm, with a load of 1.5 kPa and intervals of alternating beam beams of 500 and 1000 mm.

For suitable replacement of beams of the design size, bolted boards can be used, subject to proper respect for the overall size.

Some rules for installing wood beams:

  • In log houses, the edges of the beams are cut off in the manner of a bell, and then the last log is inserted into the prepared opening to the full depth of the wall.
  • The beams are mounted in the following sequence: first the first and last, and then, with adjustment to the spirit level, all the others. The logs must rest on the wall by at least 0.15-0.20 m.
  • The gap between the smoke channel and the logs must be at least 0.40 m, and the beams must be spaced at least 5 cm from the stone wall.
  • To protect against rot, which can occur when steam condenses in the cavity of a stone wall, the ends of the beam beams are cut at an angle of approximately 60 degrees, impregnated with an antiseptic (for example: Pino-ex, Kartotsid, Cofadex, Holzplas-, Dulux, Biosept, Senezh, Biofa , Aquatex, Tikkurila, Teknos, Tex, KSD) and wrapped with bitumen cardboard, leaving the cut uncovered.
  • In block-brick walls, the edges of the joists are located in masonry nests, where condensation forms; for this reason, space for ventilation is created between the brick and the cuts of the ends of the beams, and if the length of the opening allows, a thermal liner is also installed.

The interfloor ceiling is not subject to insulation; the floor of the first floor is thermally insulated with placement vapor barrier film above the insulation, and attic floor thermally insulated with a vapor-tight membrane laid underneath the thermal protection.

However, if the task of structural strength of wood-beam interfloor ceilings, as a rule, is solved by simply increasing the cross-section of the joists and their number, then with sound protection and fire resistance, everything is somewhat more complicated.

One of the options for improving the soundproofing and fire protection properties of timber interfloor ceilings is as follows:

  • To the bottom of the beams, perpendicular to them, using spring holders, after 0.30-0.40 m, they are installed bars - lathing, onto which plasterboard sheets are tacked from below.
  • On top of the made lattice structure, synthetic fabric is laid and fixed with brackets to the beams, on which slab mineral fiber insulation, such as: Rockwool, Ursa, Isorok, Isover, Knauf, Isomin, 5 cm thick, is tightly installed, extending onto the sides of the beams.
  • On the side of the upper floor, chipboard slabs (16...25 mm) are installed on the logs, after that, a hard mineral wool mat (2.5...3.0 cm), and again, a layer of chipboard “floating” floor is laid out.

Metal roof

The roof is laid on robust construction, consisting of board-and-beam sheathing and rafter elements.

When constructing private housing, a system of 2.3 spans with middle supports and inclined rafter beams is traditionally designed.

The lower ends of the rafter legs are lowered onto a mauerlat beam measuring 10x10...15x15 cm; the gap between the rafter beams is usually selected within 0.60...0.90 m with the width/thickness of the rafter legs being 50x150...100x150 mm.

To quickly remove condensate coming from the home and protect sheets of m/tiles from subsequent rust, the total size of the ventilation gaps: inflow and outflow, is calculated in a proportion of 1/100 to the size of the roof.

Today, the Mon-errey tiled pattern is considered especially famous: wave depth - 23 mm, wave period - 0.35 m, produced by different manufacturers (Metal Profile, Grand Line, Interprofile, Poimukate, Pelti ja Rauta, Finish Profiles).

Typical rules for installing m/tile sheets:

  • For further insulation of the above-floor level, it is advisable to lay rafter legs, before installing the sheathing, diffusion fabric (TechnoNIKOL, Yutavek 115.135, Tyvek, Izospan, Stroizol SD130). It is prohibited to use “non-breathable” films on bitumen aggregate as waterproofing.
  • Along the rafters, on a spread moisture-proof sheet, 3.0x5.0 cm bars are attached, and to them there is a 100x30 mm lath flooring, with an interval of 35 cm (for Monterrey sheets). In this case, the distance between the lower end of the starting board and the central axis of the next one should be 300 mm, and the starting board should be placed with a larger cross-section (2 cm).
  • When installing sheathing, in places where the snow-retaining structure is further attached, additional underlayment is required. top point waves, attach reinforcing bars.
  • Before laying the strips of m/tiles, the hooks of the grooved structure are fastened to the cornice or rafter beams.
  • Metal tile sheets are attached to the lower bend of the wave, in the areas of support on the sheathing preparation.
  • To the bottom bar of the sheathing, which is thicker than the others, strips of m/tiles are attached above the wave step.
  • The extreme left and right of the slope, strips are attached along the boundaries of the roof more often, i.e. on each purlin.
  • When laying strips of metal tiles, the initial strip is placed along the bottom and side of the roof and hung on one screw to the last board of the sheathing; the same is done with 2-3 adjacent strips in a row, fastening them to each other and aligning them along the eaves line, and only after this is completely secured, using an average of 6-8 pieces of roofing self-tapping screws with sealing gaskets per 1 m² of roofing.
  • The installation of sheets of metal tiles is carried out starting from the bottom, in an arbitrary direction along the horizon, following the principle that each successive sheet covers one period and the capillary channel of the previous one.

Construction using frame technology is considered the cheapest - for several tens of thousands of dollars you can build a full-fledged residential building. Since the house is being built quite quickly, all this money will have to be paid in the same quick time. Therefore, it is necessary to make a preliminary financial calculation of a frame house, for which you can use an online calculator or other resources. Study what the total cost of materials and work consists of in order to thoroughly prepare for construction.

How to calculate a frame house according to finances

For example, consider a small one-story building 6x6, having residential attic. To build it, you need to consider the following costs:

  • the cost of materials, fasteners, components and various equipment, as well as their delivery to the site;
  • the price of the foundation and associated excavation work;
  • payment for the work of carpenters who will build the frame, erect the roof, install stairs, subfloors, partitions and other elements;
  • payment for roofers' services;
  • costs for thermal insulation work, installation of doors and windows;
  • cost of decorative finishing;
  • payment for the work of professionals who will do heating, plumbing, sewerage, ventilation, electricity and other communications.

As can be seen from the list, at least half of the expenditure items are payment for construction workers. If you build a house with your own hands, you can save a lot on it.

If you don’t have the entire amount at once, you can make the construction of the house longer and distribute the work gradually. To do this, construction is divided into the following stages:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Engineering communications and rough finishing.
  3. Final decorative finishing.

Counting construction cost, you need to take into account the possibility of price changes. In order not to miss out on finances, it is recommended to convert the cost into dollars - then you will be able to assess your own construction capabilities more realistically.

Calculation of the cost of the foundation

Two types of foundations are suitable for frame houses - strip and pile. Installing piles is easier and faster; there is no need to level the area and wait for the concrete to harden. Piles are usually installed at intervals of 120-150 cm, depending on the size of the building.

In installation areas heating stove or stairs, you need to put another pile or make a more powerful one concrete base. The weaker the soil on the site, the more powerful and deep the foundation should be. This means that its cost can vary significantly depending on the area.

To install the foundation, you must do the following:

  1. Remove soil from the construction site to a depth of 30 cm. On each side there should be a margin of 50 cm beyond the perimeter of the house. Price earthworks is estimated to cost approximately $10 per cubic meter of soil. So for the size of home you're considering, you'd have to spend $150.
  2. Laying geotextiles on the surface will cost $20.
  3. Cover the area with a 10 cm thick sand cushion. You will have to spend about $200 on this.

  • $30 for each pile, about 900 in total.
  • $15 per pile installation, total 450.
  • Price of a channel grillage. The cost is influenced by various factors, but in general, you need to spend about $15 per meter on the purchase of a channel and its installation. This means that the house will cost about 750.
  • Cost of installing a concrete plinth. Materials will cost $60, labor will cost the same.

If a strip foundation is chosen, the costs will be as follows:

  • You need to spend about $150 to dig trenches for concrete blocks.
  • Execution concrete works. A cubic meter of concrete with reinforcement costs about $100.
  • An additional 50 must be paid for the work. Thus, you will have to spend about a thousand for the entire foundation.
  • Waterproofing materials, sewer pipes, embedded anchors, etc. will cost $100.

Thus, average costs for 6x6 will be like this:

  • 1000 USD e. on a strip foundation, if you do everything yourself, and 1700 - with the involvement of professionals.
  • 900 and 1600 USD that is, accordingly, cheaper and less durable;
  • 1399 and 2100 USD e. accordingly, durable, reliable pile foundation with a grillage.

House box calculation

The frame of the house along with the roof must be built in one season. Otherwise, its parts will get wet in winter and rot. Build the frame as follows:

  • The frame of the house is being installed.
  • The subfloor is insulated and subfloors are installed.
  • Install stairs inside.
  • They make the roof and then the gables.
  • The frame is sheathed inside and outside with waterproofing materials and OSB boards.

Thus, the main expense item will be lumber and fasteners. A board of 50x150 mm is considered a universal lumber. It is from this that logs, strappings, vertical posts and other parts are made.

Costs in dollars per frame:

  • – about 10;
  • boards various sizes and length - about 400;
  • third grade boards for jibs - about 20;
  • bars on the mauerlat - 20.

It is advisable to insulate the subfloor by covering it with expanded clay. This operation will cost $300. You also need to set aside money for 600 linear meters of boards and 320 meters of timber for the floor for two floors.

The most expensive cost item for the frame is installation of stairs. Acquisition quality material can cost 250 USD. e. per meter or more. A standard staircase has a length of 4-5 meters.

Attic and roof

The cost of installing these elements of a frame house is as follows:

  • the gables are made from ordinary boards 50x150 mm, this will cost about $100;
  • a ridge beam is attached to the tops of the gables and the ridge itself is installed, for which you need to spend up to $70;
  • rafters are installed on the Mauerlat, average cost of which – $100;
  • the roof is sheathed with hydro-, steam- and wind-insulating materials, which cost about $40 per roll;
  • they fill the transverse lathing with bars; you need to spend about $25 on this work.

Most of the money will be required to purchase roofing materials. If the roof is as simple as possible, you can choose ondulin, which will cost $300. But, if you want to install high-quality metal tiles or other more reliable materials, you need to count on a budget of $1,000 or more.

What else to consider in the estimate

In the calculations, you need to take into account every little detail in order to really see.

Other costs for arranging the frame

Next we move on to the outer two-layer cladding. First, the wall frame is sheathed with insulating materials, and only then with OSB. It is necessary to sheathe the frame completely from the outside with waterproofing and slabs. This will cost about 500-600 dollars.

Partitions in a frame house may or may not be load-bearing. When assembling the frame and sheathing it, you should also take into account the costs of fastening materials (corners, screws, nails). It's worth setting aside $200 for them.

For a box in dollars you will have to spend:

  • 450 – the frame itself;
  • 600 – installation of subfloor and stairs;
  • 600 – for the roof and gables;
  • 600 – for cladding.

If you hire a construction company for work, you need to pay about 30% of this amount for their services.

Windows and doors

Windows and their installation are quite expensive. Approximately $100 needs to be spent for each square meter. And on outer door it will cost approximately $300. Interior doors They cost the same as windows. Thus, for all these materials for small house you need to spend about $1000.


Insulating a house is quite simple - you can do it yourself, saving significant money. Between the joists there is comfortable space for installing insulation sheets. And then they are covered with an overlapping vapor barrier.

Sheathed with thermal insulation materials external walls and a roof more than 15 cm thick, partitions 5 cm thick, as well as floors and load-bearing internal walls 10 cm thick.

If you choose the cheapest material, then you should pay attention to glass wool. But it's best to use mineral wool, which costs about $30 per cubic meter. It is environmentally friendly, durable and effective.

So, to insulate small house, you will need:

  • $40 for waterproofing;
  • $80 for vapor barrier;
  • $600 for mineral wool 15 cm thick;
  • $20 for 10 cm of insulation.

Thus, insulation will take away approximately $1000 from the construction budget.

Installation of finished floors

The easiest option is to take a tongue and groove board and lay it on the subfloor. A square meter of this material costs an average of $6. So it would cost over $450 to install a finished floor on two floors.

Cost of communications

Communications in each home involve connecting water supply, heating, sewerage and electricity.

The costs will be as follows:

  • To install water and sewerage in a shower room, bathroom, toilet, or kitchen, you need to spend about $500 on materials and $300 on the work of specialists.
  • Heating costs depend on the type of energy source used. Yes, installation gas boiler and a heating system will cost 1-1.5 thousand dollars, and if you have to install a stove for heating with wood, it will cost even 5-7 thousand.
  • Electrification costs will be: $250 for materials and $150 for electrician labor.

Room decoration

Needs finishing inside and outside frame house. The inside of the house is usually covered with plasterboard or clapboard. The calculation in dollars will be as follows:

  • lining for the attic – 400;
  • plasterboard for all premises – 100;
  • decorative waterproof plywood for finishing office premises – 200;
  • The outside of the house can be covered with siding, timber, eurolining and other materials. Their prices vary. For example, clapboard cladding will cost $500-1000.


    So, how much does it cost to build your own frame house measuring 6x6 meters? The options are as follows:

    • ordering ready-made SIP panels and assembling them yourself – about 15 thousand dollars;
    • ordering a finished panel structure - about 20 thousand;
    • independent construction with partial hiring labor force– 15-18 thousand dollars;
    • completely independent construction of a house – 9-12 thousand.

    Of course, the most profitable and interesting option– DIY construction. Most of the work in frame house construction can be performed even by those who have never been involved in construction. And for the most critical stages, you can involve professionals.

    Video: calculation of materials and costs in an online calculator
