Fastening decorative panels to the wall. Instructions for interior wall decoration with pvc plastic panels. After that, the back half of the sheets is applied

PVC panels are a modern building material designed for indoor cladding. It consists of polyvinyl chloride and elastic additives that give the product flexibility and strength at the same time. This article discusses the questions: how to fix PVC panels to the wall, and options for doing such work with your own hands.

Panel mounting methods

Wall cladding with PVC panels can be carried out using several technologies, this, first of all, depends on the type of wall, the quality of its finish and the functional load that the structure bears. These types of PVC panel fasteners include:

  1. Fixing products to wooden bars that are fixed on the wall. This installation method is suitable for craftsmen who want to save on building material, since wood is much cheaper than any other part. In addition, it is much easier to attach the panel to the tree, it is enough to use screws with a sharp end. The design of the crate itself is assembled by twisting the bars with self-tapping screws to the wall through suspensions;
  2. Fastening wall panels to the crate, made using a metal profile. The scheme of the frame device is similar to the wooden one, the difference is that for a more accurate result, the carrier profile is inserted into the starting guide, which is fixed at the beginning of each wall;
  3. Fastening panels directly to the wall plane by gluing it with mounting glue or liquid nails. Installation of PVC panels in the bathroom immediately on the wall without wooden guides is carried out only in cases where there is no doubt about the evenness of the coating, and when it corresponds to the zero level. This factor greatly affects the quality and result of the work, since PVC panels on an uneven wall will have bumps and bumps, and their locks will not exactly adjoin each other, so specialists rarely use the method of laying products without crates.

The panels themselves come in different sizes, so you need to choose how to fix them based on this indicator. Also, when making such a decision, it is necessary to take into account the humidity in the room, since a wooden block absorbs moisture well and can rot from its excess, in such rooms it is necessary to use the method of installation on metal profiles.

Types of fastening PVC panels

How to fix wall panels, to the crate or directly to the wall? There are many devices that securely fix the product to the base, including:

  1. Self-tapping screws with a flat head. With their help, the panel is fixed on a wooden or metal frame, the screw is twisted into the flat part of the locking joint, and subsequent panels will hide its cap;
  2. Installation of PVC panels using a metal bracket, which is mounted with a special stapler. This device shoots the clamp due to the pressure of the spring, but it should be borne in mind that the bracket can only enter a wooden block, it is most likely deformed about the guide profile;

  1. Special fasteners. With the help of them, they mainly mount MDF or PVC panels of small size, with a thick interlock. These parts are fastened by clamping over the edge of the tail and screwed with the base to the profile or bar;
  2. Liquid nails or cement-based adhesive. To fix the product by this method, there is no need to build a wooden or metal frame, it is enough to level the surface so that the attached PVC wall panels do not have gaps or gaps along the entire length;
  3. The panels can be attached to the wall using double-sided adhesive tape, which is first glued to the surface of the base, and then, after being released from the protective film, the product itself is mounted. Best of all, for reliable fixation by this method, tape with a width of 60 millimeters and a width is suitable.

Regardless of which type of panel assembly for interior decoration is chosen, all work must be carried out strictly in compliance with the technology and basic construction rules. Before starting repairs, mark the wall and determine the frame attachment points or the place where the starting profile will be located.

Most often, to mask the joints and cuts of the panel, as well as the processing of internal and external corners, a start and finish bar is used. This plastic part, which is installed around the entire perimeter of the wall, has a U-shape. The end of the panel is inserted into it in such a way that the decorative part covers the factory cut of the part or the locking part adjacent to the wall. It is necessary to lay the product in the seat at the same time over the entire width in order to prevent cracking of the part and chipping of small parts. The panel fixed in this way holds much stronger, besides, it does not have free corners, for which it would be possible to accidentally tear it from its place.

Fastening panels to the wall without crates

How to fix the product on a pre-leveled base? If a decision is made to glue the panels to the walls with a mortar for ceramic tiles, then all work must be carried out based on the following algorithm:

  1. At the first stage, you need to prime the surface with a special liquid that will wash off dust and dirt, and also strengthen the upper layers of putty;
  2. Next, you need to level all the pits on the surface with gypsum or cement putty, this can be done using metal beacons or millet with a spatula. Also, all angles must be equal to 90 degrees so that there is no delamination at the end joints;
  3. Starting strips for PVC are installed on the ceiling and on the floor, they can be fixed with self-tapping screws or put on glue. In the corners, if necessary, special connecting plinths are glued with the same seat as the starting profile;
  4. After framing the walls with planks, you can begin to mount decorative panels. Experts recommend that you first install those products that are located from the entrance to the room, this technique will hide possible defects in the assembly. The first panel along the entire length is inserted into the corner plinth with the back side of the lock; for a tighter fit, you can cut off the plastic, thereby dropping the surface;
  5. Having tried on the first panel in place, it must be removed and prepared for gluing. If liquid nails are used, then they are applied to the product itself over the entire area. When using tile adhesive, the mixture is applied to the wall in a thin layer. It is necessary to lay it with a ribbed spatula with fine teeth; the panel itself does not need to be lubricated with glue;
  6. Installing the first product in the starting profile and securing it against the wall. All movements must be carried out smoothly and gently so as not to damage the fragile plastic. It is necessary to press the panel for several minutes until the edges of the squeezed out glue dry, after which the next part is inserted. If the installation takes place on a plaster wall, then you can additionally tighten the lock with a screw with a rare thread and a flat head. This must be done taking into account that subsequent panels hide these self-tapping screws;
  7. The last panel must be cut to size so that it fits completely into the finishing strip, and the cut edge is invisible. From above and below, the joint is closed with the same profiles; for this, the edge of the guide is folded over and straightened over the cut with a metal ruler. During gluing, it is necessary to ensure that the panel fits snugly against the wall, without gaps and pits, otherwise, after the glue dries in this place, the plane will be uneven;
  8. External corners can also be trimmed with a special plinth or overlay corner, which is glued after all work is completed at the final stage.

Thus, following the proposed algorithm, you can do the installation of plastic panels on the wall with your own hands without the involvement of professionals. Since there is no special glue for the panels, you can use any mixture that does not corrode the plastic and dries quickly.

Scope of PVC panels

The listed methods of fastening these products allow you to choose the most advantageous method for a particular place, which will optimally fit and securely fix the panels to the surface. Most often, the frameless option is chosen for repairs in the bathroom or bathroom, since these rooms already have a small square, in order to save space, they try to press the panels close to the walls. Attached products without crates form a single whole with the wall surface and even when pressed they do not deform or bend. An example of clamp-type brackets is shown in the figure below.

Sometimes plastic panels are used as partitions, for example, in the shower sector, but in this case, the construction of the crate is a prerequisite, since the product itself does not have sufficient rigidity. When fixing the frame with the start profile fixed on it and the panel itself, you can choose any thickness of the partition, depending on the task being solved.

Thus, with the correct assembly of PVC panels on a wall or crate, you can achieve an excellent result, in addition, all work is done by hand, and the question of how to fix products on the wall has many solutions suitable for any occasion.


If you decide to finish the walls and ceiling in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or balcony, then you should look for materials that can cope with high humidity in these rooms and do not change their properties. And PVC panels will be the best option in this case.

They are not expensive, practical and of high quality. Among other advantages, the panels are easy to clean, do not deform from contact with moisture and do not fade in the sun. Yes, and installation is quite simple.

They are just perfect for leveling walls, and thanks to a wide color palette, they allow you to realize any design fantasies. But the fastening of the panels has its own nuances and subtleties.

Materials and tools

Installing plastic panels is quite easy, and therefore you can do this work yourself. But to do the work yourself, you need some simple tools:

After all the necessary tools are prepared, you can go for panels, batten materials and fasteners. But it's still worth it first. make all the necessary measurements so as not to buy too many materials or, conversely, not to buy them later.

How to calculate materials

Plastic panels are available in a variety of colors and sizes. The length of the panels most often varies from 2.7 m to six meters, while their width can reach 50 cm, and the thickness of the panels - 8 or 10 mm. Based on these parameters, you should calculate the required amount of materials for finishing rooms.

First you need completely measure the room without missing a single wall, then you need to decide in which direction the panels will be laid - along or across. And already at the end of all measurements, the amount of material needed should be calculated.

It is worth remembering that from how you will fasten the panels - along or across, you can visually resize and outlines of the room. If the panels are placed parallel to the floor, then the room will visually appear wider, and vertically higher.

In order to complete the crate, you will need metal profiles or wooden bars. Installation of plastic panels on the wall is carried out by mounting on the frame or installing on liquid nails and glue.

Fastening plastic panels to the wall on the frame

Before you start finishing the walls, you need to make a frame from a bar or a metal profile. Before starting work, you need to remove excess dirt and dust from the walls, and also treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

Then you need draw a grid using a level. The distance between the rails should be no more than 40 cm. On the marking lines, holes must be drilled at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It is in them that the profile will be attached to the wall with suitable fasteners.

First you need to fasten those profiles that will go along the perimeter of the room, and only then you need to fix the transverse parts.

If the walls in the room are relatively even, that is, the difference is not more than 5 cm, then it can be used for the frame wooden blocks, but with a larger difference, you need to use a metal profile. It is much easier to fix it at a distance from the wall using special fasteners. After the crate is completely completed, you can proceed to the finishing work.

It is worth starting work from the corner farthest to the entrance, because it is he who is best viewed and any trimming will be visible here. To get started you need fix the starting strips top and bottom of the frame. Attach the outer or inner mounting angle to the side. These elements will help to fix the plastic and hide the external unaesthetic appearance of the panel cuts. Now you can start installing the material.

Cut the plastic to the desired size, it is better to make it 5 cm less in height - when changing temperatures, this will help the panel not to deform. Insert it first into the upper and lower groove, and then into the side. Plastic must be fixed in each rack of the crate fixing with screws or stapler. Subsequent strips will be attached in the same way.

Installing the last strip is the most difficult step. To do this, it needs to be cut half a centimeter less than required by the rules. First insert it into the corner profile, and then snap into the groove of the previous panel. Thus, you do not deform the guides and neatly finish mounting the wall.

Installing PVC panels with glue and liquid nails

Perfectly flat walls are a rarity these days. But if you are a happy owner of such walls, then there is the possibility of installing panels without the use of crates. This method has a lot of advantages, but there are practically no disadvantages:

But first you need to be as thorough as possible prepare walls for work. All visible dirt must be removed from them, primed and smeared with an antifungal compound. Now you can attach the plastic.

If the wall allows, then the panel should fasten with a self-tapping screw somewhere in the middle of the wall, this will help provide a more secure fit. In the corners of the room, a special flexible corner should be glued. It helps to hide the curvature of the corners, give the room completeness and forms the inner and outer corners.

But it should be remembered that with this method of installation it is impossible to hide the wiring and fix the lamps. Therefore, the choice of method is up to you.

Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling

Installing PVC panels on walls is much easier than on the ceiling, but you can do it yourself with your own hands. After all, the PVC panel helps to hide the wiring, communication pipes, ceiling irregularities. And they are also convenient to place spotlights on.

Ideal for ceiling frame made of metal profiles, which will help to attach the PVC plate more securely. In addition, the metal frame is not deformed by moisture and temperature changes.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, you need to carefully prepare the ceiling. Remains of paint, whitewash or plaster must be removed from it. Then you need to treat the surface with an antifungal compound.

To start need to markup walls at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling. After that, you need to install the elements at a distance of 40 cm from each other. If the distance is longer, then the PVC tracks will sag over time.

Then you need fix start profile or a special baguette for plastic. Corners should be cut using a miter box. But you can cut the corners with the help of a clerical knife already at the installation site. After that, the panels can be installed.

At the end of the work should be installed around the perimeter of the room plastic molding, and put a plastic plinth on the floor. On this, all the work on finishing the room with plastic is completed. If the panels are carefully exploited, they do not lose their attractiveness and beauty for a long time. And given that it can be easily washed, this finish becomes a real find in rooms where you often have to wash walls and ceilings.

Just do not use aggressive products to wash the panels - they can destroy the surface and you will have to change the cover. But this also has a significant plus - if one track is damaged, the entire surface does not need to be changed, it is enough to remove the damaged area and replace it with a new one.

As you can see, you can easily decorate walls and ceilings with PVC panels with your own hands. All work is carried out in stages. And if strictly follow the instructions of professionals, then the work can be done in the shortest possible time and without much effort. But remember that the materials you need to select are of high quality and reliable, and it is better to take a professional tool.

PVC panels are one of the best types of finishing and decorating ceilings and walls in various rooms, especially places with high humidity, which include kitchens, balconies, hallways, bathrooms. They attract both their cost and quality indicators and convenience.

Mounting methods

There are three methods for attaching PVC panels to the wall - self-tapping screws, kleimers, glue. Fastening with glue is only suitable for perfectly flat walls. Before use, you need to level, clean and dry the surface for fastening. After that, a uniform amount of glue is applied to the material, and it is fixed to the wall.

Types of glue for mounting PVC panels:

  • special adhesive mixture for PVC panels;
  • universal glue "Moment-mounting";
  • liquid nails.

For gluing, you can use the frame. Thanks to him, there is no need to level the surface of the walls, and the adhesive composition is applied to the crate from the tree. It is strictly contraindicated to use adhesive material with components such as a cleaner or solvent.

Fastening with self-tapping screws is one of the win-win ways of fixing plastic, which does not require leveling the surface to a perfectly even state. So that the work does not drag on for a long time, you will need a screwdriver to screw in the screws. The disadvantage of this method of fastening: a more suitable frame in this case is wooden, so it will take more time to saw the timber and treat it with an antiseptic.

The best option is to mount with clamps. They are easy and quick to mount in the crate. Kleimers contribute to the reliable fixation of the material on the wall. The crate is easily assembled from a metal profile. In case of damage to the lining, it is easy to change it for a new one. Finishing installation is done quickly.

Fastening tools

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to prepare a set of tools. Most of them can be found in the home of every owner. Required to work:

  • for marking - a pencil with a tape measure;
  • a hacksaw with fine teeth to cut the canvas;
  • construction level;
  • plastic profile or rails for fixing;
  • perforator, screwdriver;
  • antiseptic, sealant, adhesive composition.

Before you start finishing the walls with clapboard, you will need to remove the old coating, check for cracks, if there are any, eliminate them, and treat the surface with a fungus agent. When mounted on a frame, you can do without additional leveling of the surface.

Installation sequence

PVC lining can be fixed directly to the wall or you can use the previously prepared crate for attachment. It is made of slats or beams of wood. For attaching to the wall, the distance between the bars is no more than 300-400 mm, for the ceiling - 300 mm.

Before proceeding to the beginning of fastening, it is better to thoroughly understand how to properly fasten plastic panels. When PVC products are nailed to the crate with nails, there is a high probability of breaking the integrity of the material, which will make it impossible to reuse them, so it is better to take clamps, staples or self-tapping screws.

Then fittings are installed: the final part, a corner on the outside or inside. A ceiling plinth must be attached to the top rail if the wall is closed with clapboard up to the ceiling. The material is inserted into the fastening part with a thin fastening shelf and fastened with nails or staples to the side of the wide mounting shelf. When the lining is evenly attached, the next one is inserted into its hole with the narrow side. Panels need to be fixed closely, one to the other. The lining that completes the row must be properly fixed between the final part and the panel preceding it.

In a dry room with even walls, it is not necessary to use a crate, and the lining can be fixed directly to the wall. In case of high humidity, instead of a crate, it is better to use a profile for mounting from plastic or metal. Clips are used for fastening, which greatly facilitates the work with panels.

When attaching the lining to the ceiling, it is necessary to determine the gap between it and the ceiling, which will depend on the type of lighting available. To hide the wiring with built-in lamps, this gap should be 100-1 50 mm. Before fixing the panels, holes are cut out for chandeliers, socles of lighting devices are installed in them. Then the PVC panel is fixed to the ceiling in the same way as on the wall..

With a flat ceiling, it is not necessary to use a crate. Getting started, a ceiling plinth is installed on three walls. For even placement, a building level is used. Before fixing the lining in rooms with high humidity, gaps and cracks in the ceiling are filled with silicone sealant to create a water tightness.

Getting started, you need to know how to fix the PVC panels correctly and attach the material securely. Do not neglect the technical guidance and recommendations of professionals that can facilitate the installation.

  • During cutting and drilling, the panel must be face up. It is better to cut with a saw for metal products or a hand, construction knife.
  • The adhesive composition is applied in straight lines to the wall, drawing a grid.
  • To clean the wall panels, it is better to use a soapy solution. Do not use solvent, detergents, which include abrasives, coarse washcloths.
  • Before attaching the plastic panels to the wall, it is recommended to wear protective goggles.
  • Before starting work, familiarize yourself with the theory of how to attach plastic panels to the wall.

Performing the work step by step and following the instructions, you can do the installation of the panels yourself, without resorting to the help of masters.

There are many materials that can be used to finish ceilings, but the most practical and easy-to-use option is PVC panels. And they become even more attractive for the reason that it is quite simple to install them yourself, so there is no need to involve a team of builders. Our article will tell you how to fix PVC panels to the ceiling and how to choose them correctly.

PVC panels - what is it?

PVC panels - a finishing material made from polyvinyl chloride - a plastic that does not burn well and has chemical resistance. Now consider the design of PVC panels.

PVC panels for ceiling

They consist of two thin sheets of plastic, interconnected by many stiffening ribs. Along the length of the PVC panels, there is a large mounting shelf on one side, and a small mounting shelf on the other. The first is used to fasten the PVC sheet to the ceiling frame, and the second is used to connect the installed sheets to each other.

So why have PVC panels become so popular? Below is a list of the advantages of this finishing material.

Choice of PVC panels

So, you know what kind of material it is, now you need to select PVC panels and purchase them. First you need to decide on the size. At the moment, in hardware stores you can see plastic panels either in the form of lining or in the form of rectangular slabs with the dimensions shown in the table below.

Table. Standard sizes of PVC panels.

How do you know if you have good material in front of you? How not to unknowingly purchase low-quality PVC panels that will crack during installation or lose their color after a couple of years of service?

Ceiling panel prices

ceiling panels

When going to the hardware store, you should pay attention to the following points. For small rooms, PVC panels of the "lining" type will be the most suitable. They should also be preferred if you want to have a plastic ceiling stylized as wooden boards. BUT for larger rooms, it is better to take panels or sheets of polyvinyl chloride. As for the thickness, it is mostly the same for all types of PVC sheets and is 10 millimeters.

  1. The stiffening ribs of PVC panels should not be visible from the front side. Also count their number - the more ribs, the stronger and more durable the panel design.
  2. The surface of the material must be perfectly flat, without any defects, chips or damage.
  3. Mounting and fixing shelves must be flexible enough and not break when you try to bend them.
  4. Try pressing lightly on the PVC panel. If a crack or dent appears on the surface, then you have a poor-quality copy, which it is advisable to refuse to purchase.
  5. Take a few panels and try to put them together. Good material fits smoothly and without gaps.
  6. Pay attention to the appearance of the purchased PVC panels - copies from all packages must be plain and have the same texture. In some situations, PVC sheets from different batches have slight color differences.

What to look for when buying PVC panels: 1. The number of stiffeners: the less there are, the more unstable the product.
2. The ribs of plastic tiles must be intact and straight.
3. The surface of the PVC panel should be evenly colored, smooth and without unevenness.
4. Two panels must be properly connected in the place of the docking groove.

In addition to the PVC sheets themselves, you will need to purchase an installation profile. It consists of two "shelves", one of which is attached to the frame, and the other is connected to the plastic panels. Both starting and finishing PVC sheets are attached to the installation profile.. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the thickness of the plastic and whether the profile has any bends or defects.

Do not forget to also buy a ceiling plinth - it not only serves as a decorative element of the future ceiling, but also closes the gap between the wall and the ceiling made of PVC panels. Usually such skirting boards are called fillets, they are made of plastic and attached to glue.

As for the appearance of the purchased PVC panels, you must determine it yourself, based on the design project for decorating the room and your own taste. Your attention will be presented with many options for panels of various colors and textures. Here we can advise you to use a color matching table so that the appearance of the ceiling blends well with the color of the walls and furniture.

Required Tools

Now you need to make a list of the tools that you will need to fix the PVC panels to the ceiling. You do not need something complicated or very expensive, everything listed below can be found in any hardware store.

  1. Perforator- necessary for the installation of the frame.
  2. screwdriver. If you wish, you can also fasten plastic panels to a profile or timber using a perforator, but it is very heavy, and it is very inconvenient to use it for such tasks. Therefore, the presence of a screwdriver will greatly facilitate the work and increase the speed of installation of PVC panels. And if you fasten them not on self-tapping screws, but with the help of brackets, then instead of a screwdriver, take a construction stapler.
  3. To control the accuracy of marking and the location of plastic panels, you will need square, level and paint thread.
  4. Pencil or marker for drawing lines and marking PVC panels in the order they are laid.
  5. Roulette for measurements.
  6. Electric jigsaw or circular saw - for cutting frame profiles and plastic panels.
  7. stepladder. Of course, you can always get by with a table or a stool, but this is unsafe and inconvenient.
  8. rubber mallet, which can be useful for fitting PVC panels to each other during installation.

In addition to tools, you need to purchase material for the frame. This can be either a metal profile (UD-27 for the main and CD-60 for the guide), or a wooden beam. Also, do not forget to purchase fasteners (self-tapping screws, staples or glue), drill bits for a puncher, nozzles for a screwdriver, dowels and hangers for a profile.

Prices for PVC panels

PVC panels


It is worth noting that even before visiting a hardware store, it is worth starting preparatory work. The first thing you need to do is create a plan. For this measure the length and width of the room and draw a diagram of the future frame.

Then calculate how many sheets and what sizes you will need to make a false ceiling.

Important At the planning stage, it will not be superfluous to mark the lines along which you will cut the profile of the frame and PVC panels. At the same time, they can be marked with a pencil and marker, indicating in which order they should be laid.

Remember that good and careful planning is the key to quality work and reliable insurance against various troubles and the need to redo everything anew.

The second point of preparation removal of old finishing materials. If the ceiling was previously covered with a thick layer of plaster or paint, then all this must be removed, otherwise heavy pieces of the old finish can damage the frame or the panels themselves.

The last stage of preparatory work - marking the line of the future frame. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the height of all corners of the room. Find the one in which it will be the smallest. From it down, you should measure 50 millimeters and draw a strictly horizontal line (control it with a paint thread and a level). The same line at exactly the same height should be drawn on the opposite wall. According to them, the suspended ceiling frame will be installed in the future.

plaster prices


Frame installation

On the lines drawn, every 50-100 millimeters mark holes drilled with a puncher. After that, dowels are inserted into them. Through the holes drilled in the wall with self-tapping screws (for example, a 6x40 mm self-tapping screw), the main frame, made of their UD-27 profile, is attached with a cover to the wall. At the same time, do not forget to use the level and ensure that the frame elements are located strictly horizontally.

Then, with the help of suspensions and the CD-60 profile, guide rails are created, to which the PVC panels will be attached. The optimal distance between them is 500 millimeters. The metal profile CD-60 is installed with a cover to the floor, the ends of the rails should be inserted into the profile of the main frame.

Advice! Alone, it is very difficult to properly mount the frame and install PVC panels, so this work should be done together with a partner. It will also be useful to have the help of a person who will supply and receive tools, cut and bring plastic panels.

Having finished with the installation of the frame, check it several times for horizontality and the absence of a difference in height - the future ceiling made of PVC panels should be perfectly even, and this largely depends on how well the crate is installed.

An alternative to a metal profile can be a frame made of wooden beams. This design will cost less, but it is susceptible to moisture. The technology of its installation is in many ways similar to the technology for a metal profile.

  1. We draw two strictly horizontal lines on opposite walls.
  2. We drill holes on them with an interval of 5-15 centimeters.
  3. We insert dowels into the holes.
  4. We fix the beam of the main frame to the wall using self-tapping screws and the above-mentioned holes.
  5. We mount guides made of wooden beams with the help of suspension brackets.
  6. We fix the guides to the main frame with the help of corners.
  7. We check the entire structure with the help of a level and a tape measure.

It is worth noting that for a wooden frame, the most optimal fasteners for plastic panels will not be self-tapping screws wrapped with a screwdriver, but staples that require a construction stapler. Also, metal fasteners can be replaced with "liquid nails" - a construction adhesive that can firmly hold a plastic panel and frame together even under relatively large loads.

Prices for "liquid nails"

liquid Nails

Important! If there is an additional load, such as a large chandelier or a second level of suspended ceilings, the frame must be reinforced. To do this, it is necessary to mount more guide rails, reducing the gap between them. This is mandatory not only for a wooden frame, but also for a metal profile structure.

Fixing PVC panels to the ceiling

First, mount the installation profile by attaching its large “shelf” to the guide rails using self-tapping screws. It can be installed both around the entire perimeter of the room, and in places where PVC start and finish panels are attached.

Now it is necessary to cut the PVC panels according to the previously developed plan and the applied markings. At the same time, many experts advise making the length of the sheet a little less than the width of the room, since PVC can expand even at low temperatures, which means that the “back-to-back” installation can lead to future deformations of the false ceiling.

Advice! Also, you should not install PVC panels in a room with a low temperature, especially since under such conditions this material becomes brittle.

If you are planning to make recessed lighting for a false ceiling, it's time to make cutouts for fixtures in PVC sheets.

Once the material is fully prepared, you can begin to attach the first (or start) panel. To do this, you and an assistant need to insert the launch panel into the installation profile from the side of the mounting shelf, and then fix it with self-tapping screws on the rails. At the same time, make sure that they do not go too deep into the PVC, otherwise there will be a risk that the screws will damage the sheet.

Next, carefully “join” the next panel using the mounting shelf with the starting one, and fix it with fasteners. Thus, the PVC panels are alternately fastened to each other. Connect them together with great care to prevent damage. Also, you can not leave gaps or cracks, PVC panels must fit snugly against each other. If necessary, you can make a "fit" with the help of gentle blows of a rubber mallet.

Before installing the last PVC panel, measure the remaining uncovered ceiling space with a tape measure.- often the plastic panel does not fit completely there, therefore it must be cut off. At the same time, make sure that the cut is as even as possible, and there should be no gaps between the PVC finish panel and the installation profile.

The final stage - landing on glue ceiling plinths. After that, the suspended ceiling made of PVC panels can be considered finished. Further, it is already possible to carry out the installation of lamps, wall decoration and cleaning of construction debris.

Video - We make a ceiling from PVC panels

As you can see, fixing PVC panels to the ceiling is a fairly simple task that does not require you to have much knowledge and experience in construction. Therefore, for self-finishing a room and, in particular, a ceiling, plastic panels are the best possible option.

Plastic panels are increasingly used today as a finishing material for walls and ceilings. Their popularity constantly tends to grow, which is due to good performance, aesthetic appearance and easy installation work. Another significant advantage of panels of this type can be called an affordable level of price indicators.

How to choose plastic panels

Plastic panels can be used without any special fears in rooms with high humidity -.

Such material is resistant to aggressive environments and temperature fluctuations - suitable for. Moreover, their use prevents the formation of mold and mildew, which is important for. When choosing PVC panels, length and width indicators should be taken into account. The surface of the material can be lacquered, glossy or matte.

Another significant advantage of PVC panels is the absence of the need for careful leveling of the surface, as well as the ability to hide individual communication elements under the frame.

Photo: finishing the bathroom with plastic panels

When choosing this variation of the finishing material, you should focus on the fact that plastic panels for walls and ceilings have certain differences. The former have higher weights. In addition, they have a more rigid structure.

Option to finish the bathroom with plastic panels

Plastic panels designed for finishing the ceiling are lighter. This is due to the need for installation work at height. The minimum weight indicators greatly facilitate this procedure.

Finishing the walls and ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels

Along with this, plastic ceiling panels are more fragile. When performing installation work, you should be very careful, as you can easily damage the surface of the finishing material.

Wall decoration with decorative plastic panels

With a standard thickness of 5-10 mm, the width of the panels can vary from 25 to 50 cm. The length varies from 2.7 to 3 m. When choosing a finishing material, you should pay attention to the quality of the color of the panel, the uniformity of the drawing and the correctness of the shapes. The quality of the stiffeners should also be taken into account. They should not stick out from the outside. The surface of the material should not contain characteristic chips and cracks.

The level of resistance of the material to deformation will depend on the quality of the density and flexibility of the PVC panel. If such a panel is tightly compressed, then no traces of mechanical damage should remain on it.

Necessary tools and materials

When performing work on installing plastic panels on the wall and ceiling, at the initial stage, you should select the necessary tools and materials. To resolve an issue related to installation, you may need:

  • PVC panels;
  • drill;
  • dowel;
  • cord and pencil;
  • perforator;
  • ladder.

This should also add moldings and corners. By using the latter, you can achieve the most even markup. Otherwise, when installing plastic panels on walls or ceilings, certain difficulties may arise.

Photo: plastic panels for bathroom tiles

Plastic panels are selected depending on the features of the layout of the room. In a small room, it is advisable to use narrow panels. Under the condition of finishing a more spacious room, it is best to resort to the use of wider products.

Photo: ceiling decoration with built-in lamps with PVC panels

Self-tapping screws can be used instead of dowels. They are necessary if the frame will have a metal version. Dowels are relevant only if a wooden frame is used. It should also be noted here that the wooden base cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity. This is due to the fact that such material is susceptible to decay, as well as the negative effects of fungi and mold. For this reason, in the kitchen and bathroom, the use of a wooden frame is not a viable solution.

Construction of battens for walls and ceilings

The frame device is a primary issue that should be resolved when installing plastic panels on a wall or ceiling. It was noted above that a wooden or metal variation of the frame can be used as the basis. The optimal distance between the individual elements of such a base is equivalent to 50 cm. In this way, it is possible to compensate for the unevenness of the surface of the ceiling or walls. The recommended sequence of actions will look like this:

  1. Carrying out markup.
  2. Installation of profiles around the entire perimeter of the surface.
  3. Installation of transverse profiles.
  4. Installation of the basis for fastening PVC panels.
  5. Panel installation.

During the marking, you should first determine the smallest height of the ceiling. From this point, two lines must be drawn on the walls. To do this, you can resort to using a cord painted with chalk. The correctness of the markup is checked using the building level.

After marking, profiles should be installed around the entire perimeter of the surface. The fixation of these elements should be carried out without the formation of voids and gaps. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve maximum reliability of the entire structure.

Profile frame for walls

After installing the transverse profiles, you should solve the problem, which consists in mounting the base for fastening the panels. Self-tapping screws can be used to fasten plastic profiles.

Profile frame on the ceiling

When installing a metal variation of the frame, you should be as careful as possible. The total weight of the structure will be large enough, so it is necessary to ensure high reliability of its fastening. Hangers can be fastened to a concrete floor by using special dowels with a cap on the sleeve. Ordinary dowels will fail, as concrete is characterized by the presence of internal voids.

Attaching the first panel to the frame

Holes in the metal profile can be drilled simultaneously with the preparation of holes in the wall. Provided that the frame is mounted on ceramic tiles, it is advisable to use a perforator only if the adhesive mixture is completely dry. In a different scenario, cracks may appear on the surface of the tile.

Features of mounting panels

Or a wall, it is best to start by determining the optimal length of the material. It is recommended to provide a solution to this issue in advance. To cut plastic panels, you can resort to using a regular hacksaw.

There is nothing difficult in the installation procedure of such panels. Previously, they are placed in the profile, and then fastened with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to start the installation of plastic panels from the corner of the room. This applies to both the ceiling and the wall. It is also very important to monitor the quality and evenness of the installation of the first element. It should be strictly perpendicular to the wall or ceiling. Otherwise, the panel will not be able to snap into the groove and will need to be removed and reinstalled.

Special crate for plastic panels with fasteners

The edges of the plastic panels should go into the slats. The last detail is adjusted to the optimal distance to the wall. If necessary, you can cut the panel with a regular hacksaw.

Advice! Before performing work related to the installation of plastic panels on a ceiling or wall, it is recommended that you first take care of installing various elements of communication systems. They are able to mask water pipes, electrical wiring or heating pipes well.
