Proper installation of vapor barrier. Which side of the vapor barrier film is laid to the insulation? Vapor barrier type C

In every room there is a circulation of air currents. In order to avoid excessive humidity and stuffiness in the room, a vapor barrier is necessary. In this article, we will tell you how to lay the vapor barrier on the floor, walls, ceiling, consider which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation, and also give photo and video instructions.

For which premises

In the cold season, the temperature in the room is much higher than in the street, respectively, and the humidity there is much higher, the accumulated vapors are trying to escape from the house. Even with high-quality thermal insulation, protection from moisture in the form of steam is required. insulating material. Its function is to prevent the penetration of moisture into the structure through existing cracks, gaps and holes. waterproofing material protects the insulation from interaction with moisture from the outside of the house, and the vapor barrier - from the inside.

Vapor barrier materials are divided depending on vapor permeability into limited and complete.

Vapor isolation is required:

  • in multilayer structures for fencing;
  • in the presence of pitched or flat roof for the insulation of which bulk or fibrous materials were used;
  • in rooms with high humidity;
  • in structures insulated from the inside;
  • in seasonal buildings.

Vapor barrier protection is used not only in the construction of residential facilities and other structures, but also in addition to materials that absorb moisture, as well as to isolate communication lines.

In order for the procedure to have the expected result, the vapor permeability of the multilayer structure must increase from a warm surface to a cold one. For this reason, the vapor barrier is mounted from the inside of the roof, walls and ceilings.

The sequence of layers for wall insulation:

  • layer roofing;
  • diffusion membrane;
  • material for insulation;
  • vapor barrier, with an overlap glued with a tape;
  • tightly glued vapor barrier to the surface of the walls.


Hardware stores offer a huge selection of materials for vapor barrier, and depending on the manufacturer, they all have their own characteristics. When manufacturing, the convenience of laying, humidity and climatic conditions operation, functional purpose premises. Today, many manufacturers produce material that prevents fire, steam penetration, and helps to remove excess moisture.

In our country, for a long time, as an insulator against steam, polyethylene film, but high level competition and material requirements have pushed Russian manufacturers to develop special construction insulators. Today, we can safely list several manufacturing companies that produce vapor barrier material based on polyethylene foil, metal-coated films and laminated film vapor barriers, which not only successfully cope with the assigned functions, but are also resistant to ignition.

In order to choose best option material, you need to consult with a professional who is knowledgeable in all the intricacies of installation, who knows which side to lay the vapor barrier, which material to choose specifically for your room, and the like. As a rule, beginners in the construction business rely on cost, manufacturer and area of ​​\u200b\u200buse when choosing, but this is not enough to perform high-quality insulation.

List distinctive features much more extensive and requires a more responsible and professional approach. An example is roof insulation, in which the planned structure, layers, slope, climatic conditions and indoor temperature play an important role. Already starting from this, preference is given to an insulator with high, medium or low vapor permeability.


How to ensure good vapor barrier roofs, taking into account the features of all structural elements:

Often, trained specialists are engaged in laying. Based on the opinion of professionals, several rules can be deduced:

  1. Effective vapor barrier requires supply and exhaust ventilation inside the building.
  2. Protection of the insulating material from interaction with moisture, both from the inside and outside.
  3. The work of laying the vapor barrier exclusively on the warm side of the insulation.
  4. Mandatory fixation of the material at the joints and in places of contact with surfaces using a special tape and glue.

In any case, the installation must be completely sealed. In the event of a violation of technology, you will have to redo everything anew, which will entail large financial losses.

To carry out high-quality insulation, it is necessary to have at hand many special tools, many of which are determined by the characteristics of the material.

Vapor barrier, as a rule, is laid in a pie, which consists of the following layers:

  1. Draft floor.
  2. Waterproofing.
  3. Insulation.
  4. Vapor barrier.
  5. Finishing material.

But in some cases, the vapor barrier is laid on both sides of the thermal insulation. Much easier to do the job in a new building. If you are making repairs, then first of all you will need to completely remove the old coating up to the subfloor.

Even if it is planned to lay a floor heating system, it is recommended to lay vapor barrier and insulation between the pipes of water floor heating.

Consider an example of laying rolled material:

  • The film must be fully stretched over the floor surface.
  • Between the insulation and the vapor barrier, it is recommended to leave from 7 to 15 cm of the ventilation gap. If a diffuse membrane is used, then such gaps are not needed.
  • The direction in which you lay the material does not really matter.
  • But the side of laying the vapor barrier plays an important role. As a rule, company inscriptions should be on top. If the film does not have an inscription, then the metallized side is laid up, and the rough side is placed on the insulation. If a simple plastic film is used, then there is no difference.
  • Regardless of the material chosen, the canvas is overlapped up to 20 cm. They are fastened together with adhesive tape.
  • If the base is wooden, then on top you can additionally fill the slats in increments of 50 cm or fix the vapor barrier with a stapler.

Another option for vapor barrier is to use liquid rubber. For its use, it is not worth preparing the floor surface in a special way. Rubber is distributed over the surface with a roller or spatula manually. The only thing you need is to remove all debris from the surface before starting work. In this case, it is best to vacuum the floor.

As a result, the rubber will completely prevent the penetration of moisture under flooring. The air in the room will be light, you can forget about the smell of dampness and mold forever.

The technology for applying liquid rubber is especially relevant when working with wooden floors.

Can be used to insulate walls different material. Yes, if applicable roll material, then the installation is carried out in horizontal position. Laying starts from the floor to the ceiling. In this case, each subsequent strip is mounted with an overlap. The joint is glued with tape or other special connection. It is important that the connection is completely sealed.

If there are places where the material is adjacent to stone or concrete surface film should be glued. It is important to achieve tightness. If you build on the wall wooden frame, then the film is attached with a stapler to wooden bars.

As for the vapor barrier of the ceiling, it overlaps the vapor barrier of the walls up to 20 cm. The presence of a vapor barrier on the ceiling will save finishing material long time. As a rule, vapor barrier can be laid both from the bottom of the ceiling and from above from the side of the attic. In this case, the following pie will turn out:

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Thermal insulation.
  3. Vapor barrier.

This work must be done even if concrete ceilings. With a temperature difference, the accumulated condensate can, after a while, provoke the appearance of mold and fungus, which is not so easy to fight.

The installation process begins with preparatory work:

  • The surface is cleared of construction debris and old finishing material.
  • All existing gaps and imperfections of the base are covered with.
  • The ceiling is primed and dried.

The vapor barrier process looks like this:

  • As mentioned above, the vapor barrier is overlapped with the wall one. Attached to the ceiling with a stapler.
  • It is good if it is possible to process the joint of the vapor barrier with rails.
  • The joint is preliminarily glued with waterproof tape.
  • On the ceiling, it is enough to overlap up to 10 cm.
  • There is no need to stretch the material strongly. But at the same time, sagging should not be allowed. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate on the film and the polyethylene may break through.

Remember that the vapor barrier on the ceiling cannot be pierced. That's why ideal option is laying a film on a wooden frame.


In the provided video, you can clearly see the intricacies of vapor barrier work:

A photo

In the photographs, you can take a closer look at the individual details of the vapor barrier process:


The provided diagrams will help you understand the principle of the work:

When insulating a house, it is important to lay the vapor barrier with the right side to the insulation. After all, if the norms are violated, cold will enter the house, and the heat inside will not be preserved. In our article, we will take a closer look at all the nuances of laying a vapor barrier.

Which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation

Before deciding which side to install the vapor barrier, you should consider the installation locations. vapor barrier membrane:

  • If your insulation will be laid from the facade, then the vapor barrier should be fixed from the outside. Thus, you will make hydroprotection;
  • The space under the attic, for example, the ceiling or ceiling, requires the installation of a vapor barrier membrane from below the insulation;
  • When processing the roof and ceiling, it is necessary to use an antioxidant vapor barrier. Diffusion and volumetric coatings are in demand. They should be placed on top. mineral wool;
  • If your roof and ceiling do not have additional insulation, then in this case, the vapor barrier is attached to the rafters from the bottom side;
  • When insulating the floor and walls from the inside, it is necessary to additionally lay a vapor barrier film outside the mineral wool.

Many builders, even those with great experience work, do not pay attention to which side to attach the vapor barrier film to the insulation. When choosing a vapor barrier film, it is better to give preference to a material in which the front and back sides are the same.

But many choose options with different sides, and often with an antioxidant insulator. In this case, you need to know that the fabric surface is the wrong side. It is located in inner part rooms. The metal plane of the foil membrane should also be positioned. That is, the shiny side to the inside of the room.

Regardless of the vapor barrier material, it is laid with the rough side towards the room, and the smooth side towards the insulation.

When buying diffusion components, you should carefully study the instructions for use. Different manufacturing companies produce double-sided and single-sided vapor barrier films.

In most cases, the dark side of the film is the outside.

What are vapor barrier membranes

Membranes that are used in construction are:

  1. Vapor permeable.
  2. With vapor barrier properties.

When using mineral wool as a heater, to protect it from moisture with inside arrange an additional layer of vapor barrier. If the walls are protected from the outside, then there should be no pores or perforations in the components.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the coefficient of vapor permeability. It should be as small as possible. good option will be the purchase of ordinary polyethylene film. The material that is additionally reinforced will be of better quality. And if the vapor barrier has a foil-coated aluminum coating, then such a film will be of high quality and durable. The use of vapor barrier in the room leads to an increase in humidity. Therefore, do not forget about the device of a high-quality ventilation system.

In special vapor barrier films there is an antioxidant coating. With its help, there is no accumulation of moisture on the heaters. They are often used in places that are prone to corrosion. For example, in materials such as corrugated board, metal tiles and others. The rough back surface helps to remove moisture. The fabric side should be facing outward, so that a distance of 2 to 6 cm is maintained from the insulation.

The building membrane is used to insulate the house from the outside. It is able to protect the material from bad weather conditions, and carries out evaporation. Usually, the vapor barrier has small pores and therefore water is removed from the insulation into the ventilation ducts. Due to this, the insulation dries quickly.

There are several types of breathable films:

  1. diffusion membranes. The vapor permeability coefficient can be from 300 to 1000 g/m2.
  2. Pseudo diffusion. They pass no more than 300 g/m2 of fumes during the day.
  3. superdiffusion membranes. The evaporation coefficient is more than 1000g/m2.

The pseudo-diffusion type of vapor barrier is quality protection from moisture, so it is often laid under the roof as an outer layer. Do not forget about the device of the air gap. The disadvantage of this type is poor steam conductivity, so this film is not used for facade processing. Condensation will begin to accumulate on the surface of the insulation, as dust and various debris will clog into the pores of the membrane.

In the other two types, blockage of pores is excluded. So you can't leave air layer and additionally arrange a crate or counter-rails.

In the membranes of diffusion films of volumetric design, a ventilation layer is provided in advance. The device of such a film is very similar to the antioxidant type. The difference is only in the release of moisture from the insulation. With a slight slope of the roof, condensate will not drain through the bottom.

The need for an air gap at the membrane

Always leave an air gap. A gap of 5 cm is arranged on the underside of the film. Thus, you can avoid the appearance of condensation on the floor, walls or insulation. When using a diffusion film, it can be attached to moisture-resistant plywood, OSB or thermal insulation. And a layer for ventilation is arranged from the outside. When using an antioxidant component, an air gap of 4-6 cm should be made on both sides.

When installing a vapor barrier for the roof and ceiling, an additional control crate made of wooden bars must be installed for the ventilation gap. When installing horizontal racks and profiles that are perpendicular to the wall and the film, a gap should be left for the ventilated facade.

Vapor barrier fastening rules

You can attach the film to the walls, ceiling or floor with a stapler or wide-head nails. But most quality option there will be the use of counter rails.

The vapor barrier film should be laid with an overlap of at least 10 cm. After attaching the vapor barrier, the joints must be glued with a special tape or adhesive tape.

For a qualitative ratio of moisture and temperature building structure, and membranes will help for a long service life. Without their participation, it is impossible to achieve such qualities. When laying a vapor barrier, all rules must be observed. Many manufacturers indicate on the packaging recommendations for installing a vapor barrier.

First of all, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions, which clearly describes which side to lay the windshield. If there is no such instruction, there is a series general recommendations Applicable for windproof films:

  • wind protection spreads to the insulation with the “fleshy” side, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions;
  • if both sides are the same, the film is attached with the manufacturer's logo on the outside;
  • wind protection without markings and distinctive qualities one of the sides can be put in any convenient way.

Often, manufacturers roll rolls so that the wind protection is as easy to lay as possible - in the course of unwinding the roll.

Windproof films different kind, stacked differently:

  1. Simple windscreen. These are perforated single-layer films that can be laid on either side of the insulation, as they have bilateral vapor permeability.
  2. Wind and moisture protection. These are two-layer films that are laid with the moisture-repellent side out. This side is smooth, often with manufacturer's markings or painted in a different (non-white) color.
  3. Superdiffusion membranes. Such material has a multilayer structure with high water resistance and vapor permeability. It is necessary to lay the membrane on the outside of the insulation and only with the marked side out.

Floor wind protection

On internal ceilings, the film is spread over the insulation with the marking outward, and with the plain side inward.

And to protect the wooden floor from blowing cold wind from an open plinth column foundation, the film is laid on the subfloor without gaps close to the insulation. In this case, it is laid with the inscriptions down.

How to install windscreen on a roof

Single layer windproof films fit under the roof on either side. But two-layer - only smooth side up.

Some films and membranes are UV resistant due to a special coating. The manufacturer must specify this parameter. Such wind protection is attached to the rafters with the colored (protective) side up.

How to install windscreen on walls

On the walls, the wind protection is placed outside directly on the insulation (marked or colored side out). It is necessary to provide a ventilation gap between the film and exterior trim. In order for the wind protection to provide a sufficient level of protection against moisture, it must be mounted horizontally from the bottom up with an overlap of at least 10 cm. Inside, a vapor barrier is laid on the walls - it is very important

"Izospan V" (which side to lay it to the insulation, you will learn from the article) is a material that acts as a vapor barrier when there is a need to protect thermal insulation or other structural elements that can be saturated with moisture vapor during operation. The vapor barrier can be used in buildings of any purpose. Its structure has two layers, one of which is smooth, while the other is rough. The last layer allows the material to retain drops of moisture, which then evaporate.

The need to use

The use of vapor barrier material "Izospan V" allows for a long time to maintain the performance of thermal insulation. The material prevents the formation of excessive moisture, protecting building components from corrosion and damage by microorganisms. As another additional function vapor barrier is that it protects the room from the penetration of insulation fibers into the interior.

Which side to cover

Quite often as a vapor barrier in recent times Izospan B is used. Which side to lay it to the insulation, you should ask before starting installation. At the first stage, the consumer should decide on where the smooth and rough surfaces are located. According to the instructions, the smooth side should face the surface of the insulation, this advice must be strictly followed. The membrane is installed on the load-bearing elements of the frame or on the draft sheathing. Use as a fastener in this case, you need a stapler.

If the room will have finishing material in or lining, then "Izospan V" is strengthened along the frame wooden slats with a section of 4x5 cm. Installation work provide for a tight connection of thermal insulation with a film. If the material is used as a material, then the horizontal strips must be overlapped, and these works must be started from below. Horizontally and vertically, the overlap should be approximately 15 cm.

Used for holding internal works material "Izospan B". Which side to the insulation to lay it, you now know. However, during installation there are many nuances that must be observed. For example, a vapor barrier can be used in the construction of floors. In this case, the canvases should be laid on the ceiling joists. It is necessary to place the material between the subfloor and the finishing floor. Between the thermal insulation and top layer membranes, as well as between the membrane and the finished floor, a gap of up to 5 cm should be left.

If you also decide to use when conducting repair work"Izospan V", which side to the heater it should be placed on, it is important to ask even before the start of manipulations. For example, if the working surface is drywall, then the membrane must be fixed to the galvanized profile. It should be tightly mounted with a smooth side to the thermal insulation. All resulting joints and places where the membrane will be connected to other materials must be glued with a connecting tape from the same manufacturer. Don't forget to leave ventilation gap 3 cm, which is necessary to eliminate displacement and reduce the likelihood of accumulation of excess moisture.

Quite often, people ask themselves which side to place the vapor barrier to the insulation, if the latter is strengthened with outer side walls. In this case, "Izospan V" should be installed indoors, and its rough part should be turned inward. For fastening the material in all cases, you can use a stapler or slats, the last of which are nailed. Both solutions are good, the main thing at the same time is to purchase galvanized fasteners that will last a long time and will not cause rust spots.

Overlap formation

After you figured out which side to put "Izospan" to the insulation, you need to pay attention to one more thing, which is the need to form an overlap of 20 cm wide between the canvases, which will prevent air from penetrating under the material. If fixing is carried out to vertical profiles, then the material should be stretched to prevent it from sagging. A slight relaxation is possible, but its fluctuations should not exceed 50 mm.


The Izospan vapor barrier is quite common today. Which side to lay it to the insulation was mentioned above. However, you may also be interested in specifications, as well as the destination. For example, areas of use in this case the following:

  • insulated sloping roofs;
  • internal walls;
  • frame walls;
  • basement ceilings.

The material is produced with a width that can be equal to 1.4 or 1.6 m. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bone roll is 35 or 70 m 2. The composition contains one hundred percent polypropylene, its breaking load (transverse and longitudinal) is 107 and 130 N/cm, respectively. Water vapor resistance square meter is 7 Pa/mg. The water resistance of the material is 1000 mm water. Art. Within 4 months, the surface of "Izospan V" will be able to undergo impacts ultraviolet radiation. It can be operated in the temperature range from -60 to +80 °С.

Vapor barrier technology

If you also decide to use Izospan B, which side to lay it on the insulation, you need to decide before starting work. This was discussed in more detail above. However, not only correct location material in relation to thermal insulation is a guarantee of a successful procedure. It is also important to follow all the rules of technology. Thus, it should be taken into account that the vapor barrier coating is laid according to the principle that is used when installing a waterproofing layer. The coating should be completely laid, with a minimum number of gaps. In those places where the coating is adjacent to the wall, it is important to bring it to vertical surface by about 15 cm to prevent dampening of the thermal insulation. The vapor barrier should also not be moistened during work.

Adjacent canvases should overlap, while it is important to exclude the formation of voids and holes. Izospan V is becoming more and more common today. Which side to lay it to the insulation, it is important to understand for yourself. But it must also be remembered that in winter such work should be carried out in warm places. The surface where the vapor barrier will be laid must be prepared, cleaned of contaminants, dried and warmed up. If the rolls were stored in the cold, then they are previously kept warm for at least a day. Material should not be moved from place to place in the cold.

Which side to have "Izospan A"

You may be interested in the question of which side to lay "Izospan A" to the insulation. This material located on the outside of the wall or roof, after facing material walls or roofing. The rough surface must be adjacent to the thermal insulation, while the smooth surface is on the side. roofing material or outer cladding walls.


It is possible to vaporize the floors using the Izospan material. Which side to the insulation in this case to lay the material was mentioned above. With this vapor barrier, you can carry out work inside and outside buildings, the main thing is to figure out which type of membrane to choose.

Almost every living space needs a vapor barrier. What it is? What type of material is best for a vapor barrier? And what side to put it to the heater? These and other questions regarding vapor barrier and its installation are answered by our experts in this article.

  1. What is the function of a vapor barrier? The fact is that it is usually customary to install a heater on the inside of the room, and when it comes into contact with warm air may be covered with water droplets. Where does moisture come from? The explanation is simple: the steam settles on the walls of the room and, when cooled, passes from a vaporous state to a liquid one. To prevent such a situation, you need to install a vapor barrier.

Experts identify several main functions of a vapor barrier:

  • increase the service life of thermal insulation materials;
  • protection of the room from excessive humidity.

Vapor barrier must be installed in such premises as:

  • basements of residential buildings;
  • first floors of buildings;
  • attics.

The vapor barrier is mounted mainly on ceilings, where it settles a large number of pair. Walls that are not insulated from the outside also need it, but in this case, the vapor barrier will be laid outside the building.

  1. What types of vapor barrier materials are best to use? The type of vapor barrier used depends on designated purpose vapor barrier - inside the room or from its outside. Therefore, experts call the following main types of materials with which to mount the vapor barrier:
  • painting (bitumen, tar, mixtures of rubber bitumen, etc.) - applied directly to uninsulated surfaces (these can be roofs, ventilation pipes and the like);
  • film (films made of polyethylene, polypropylene, diffuse membranes, antioxidant films) - these types of vapor barrier materials are excellent for arranging private houses, both as the main vapor barrier layer and for installing an additional layer that acts as protection against roof leaks.
  1. Which side should the vapor barrier be laid on? When laying vapor barrier film materials, it is necessary to take into account the basic rule: the smooth side is located directly to the insulation layer, and the rough side should be turned inside the room itself.

In the case where the vapor barrier material is equipped with an aluminum layer, laying should be carried out as follows:

  • the rough side is applied to the insulation;
  • the shiny, smooth side should face the inside of the room.

On the contrary, they act when laying foam-propylene vapor barrier materials:

  • the smooth side must be attached to the insulation;
  • turn the rough side inside the room.

But these features of the materials are taken into account in the presence of a layer of insulation, already mounted earlier on the insulated surface. If there is no insulation layer on the surface (for example, outer sides walls of buildings), then the vapor barrier is attached directly to the frame:

  • the smooth side must be turned to the wall;
  • the rough side guides the material to the street.

It is not difficult to determine the smoothness or roughness of the vapor barrier material: it is enough to run your fingertips over its surface. Please note that the plastic film is the same on both sides - smooth. Therefore, installation is facilitated, such a film is laid on either side of the insulation.

  1. Are there any rules for laying vapor barrier? Experts say that such rules really exist. There are several of them:
  • a sheet of insulating material must be overlapped;
  • the sizing of the canvases is carried out with a special fixer - construction tape (the only condition is to prevent air from entering);
  • monitor the integrity of all layers of vapor barrier materials.

Be sure to check for defects - they should be absent on the vapor barrier material in principle. Since any crack, tear or hole can cause moisture condensation, which will constantly accumulate on interior decoration surfaces of the room (especially the ceiling).

Experts advise to carefully read the instructions that come with them before installing vapor barrier materials. This instruction necessarily prescribes the main point, which side of the material for the vapor barrier layer should be considered external, and which - internal. Although, as already mentioned, this can be determined by eye and touch by some signs:

  • different coloring of the sides (the light side is laid to the insulation);
  • texture (laying depends on the characteristics of the material itself, as discussed in this article above);
  • free rolling of the roll (the side that the material faces the floor is usually considered internal and is laid against the insulation);
  • the smooth layer is usually considered the inner layer, and the fleecy outer layer.