Zoning the room into the living room and work area. Living room with a workplace: space zoning rules, workplace organization features, design examples, design tips, photos. Ceilings of different heights

So that nothing distracts during work, it is necessary to somehow fence off workspace from the recreation area. Living room design with office usually provides for such a division, and it is carried out using various techniques.


When developing, it must be borne in mind that the availability of good natural lighting for work is one of the main conditions. Therefore, usually working area placed next to a window.


Shelving made of wood or drywall will help create a dedicated corner, which at the same time will not be completely isolated, and thus will not reduce the volume of the room. These racks are used to store books, folders with papers, they can be decorated with live plants, decorative figurines.

Partition curtains

AT living room with office you can also use curtains, curtains - both dense and light, portable folding screens. All this will create a working environment in the office area.

Corners and niches

If the living room has niches or corners, use them for a workplace. Custom-made furniture will make the most of the available space.


AT living room design with office the technique of visual division of space is also widely used. As a rule, various floor and ceiling coverings in different areas, wallpaper with different patterns or paints of different shades on the walls, or finishing materials of different textures.

Ceilings of different heights

Quite often in office interior in the living room use dropped ceilings different heights, thus highlighting the home mini-office. These ceilings can be additionally painted in different colors.

Miscellaneous floor covering

If combined, it makes sense to use different floor coverings. In the area where the owners are resting, carpet is appropriate, or wood flooring floor with a fluffy carpet laid over it. In the working area, the most suitable option there will be a floor of laminate or parquet boards.


Sometimes the home office is raised above the living room level with a specially built podium, the volume under which can be used to store seasonal items, such as skis or satboards.

Transfer to the balcony

Another option for creating a work area on the balcony. This solution can be used if the balcony is insulated or combined with the living room.

Colors cabinet interior in the living room should not be conspicuous, distract from work. Calm pastel colors, shades of beige, gray or white are suitable.


Furniture in such an office should not be bulky. If there is not enough space, instead of a desk, you can get by with a table-shelf, or a lifting tabletop, which can be removed when not needed. A small office chair and bookshelves - that's all you need when equipping a home mini-office.

Owners of city apartments are often faced with the fact that it is not always possible to allocate one of the premises for an office. In this situation, some prefer to combine several rooms at once in one. Therefore, often the office is sent to the living room or even the bedroom.

In order to figure out how to properly zone a living room with a workplace, you need to understand how best to place a table, an armchair for work and all the elements of the main room. It is necessary to achieve maximum functionality of the space. It is also worth considering whether workplace in a living room in a modern or any other style will look good.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the placement of the office in the hall, then in this case this room is optimal in order to place a table and chair in it for future work. First of all, the living room, as a rule, has the most light. This is one of the important factors for comfort and long stay at the workplace.

In addition, the living room is considered shared. If it does not belong to anyone, then in this case it will be possible to eliminate the risk of possible quarrels and scandals due to the fact that one of the household wants to spend time in silence, but is forced to put up with the neighborhood of the one who works.

There is one more interesting point: the interior of the living room with a workplace can be planned in such a way that the common space will not be disturbed. Thanks to the correct zoning of the room, the table will fit perfectly into general interior. However, some disadvantages should not be excluded.

What to look out for

Again, returning to the fact that the living room is the room that does not belong to anyone, it is worth noting that it is in this room that guests most often stay overnight or sit. In the evenings, the household gathers in this room to watch TV, which is often a source of rather loud sounds. In such a situation, not everyone will be able to feel comfortable and fully devote themselves to work. In addition, even if the person himself can abstract from the environment, the fact that he works at a time when a feast is taking place nearby will greatly confuse the guests present.

Therefore, looking at nice pictures living room with a workplace, it is worth weighing the pros and cons several times. Far from always, the pictures show the reality that you will have to face.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to move the office to the living room, then you should pay attention to several important aspects.

Workplace location

It is best to place the table as close to the window as possible. First of all, this design feature of the living room with a workplace is explained by the fact that a person who is forced to work at home will receive natural light throughout the day, which is considered more beneficial for the eyes. In the evening, he can install a lamp there, which will not particularly interfere with other household members.

If you put the table in the center of the room, then in this case the room will be incorrectly demarcated. This will create too clear and irregular boundaries of the two zones. In addition, the main objects are usually placed in the central part of the room, around which all other elements of the interior are built.

Such solutions are allowed if we are talking about a small living room with a workplace. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to those tables at which several people can sit at once. For example, in the evening, one of the household members will read a book, while the other will do office work.

If it does not allow you to set the table according to one of these methods and the only possibility is to sit with your back to the window, then in this case an additional artificial lighting.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some living rooms are equipped with a niche or have irregular shape. In this case, a similar feature, which is most often attributed to the minuses of the room, can be used specifically for the workspace. If in the resulting empty niche you install furniture for work that was made to order (according to the dimensions of the recess), then in this case you can save a significant amount of space and not interfere with others.

Also, many living rooms today are equipped with loggias. If you arrange it correctly, insulate and extend the common room in this way, then in this case the balcony can be easily used as a working area. Some loggias are small in size, so it is impossible to install a desktop in them. But you can use the windowsill. It is enough to install a wider panel on it, which is perfect as a table.

If, when decorating a living room with a workplace, you install a table along the wall, then in this case, before the eyes of a person there will always be concrete surface. Not everyone likes this. In addition, with such solutions, the corridor is significantly narrowed. If we are talking about a fairly spacious living room square shape, then very often in such rooms it remains quite a large number of spaces in the corners. In this case, you can either zone it, or install a table in one of the corners (closer to the window). In this case, it will be possible not to violate general style premises.

What kind of furniture to give preference

Looking at the photo of the design of living rooms with a workplace, you can see that in this area a standard table and chair are most often installed.

Some complement this area with sofas and couches. However, you need to understand that this type of furniture provokes a person to think about sleep, so this significantly reduces performance. For a workplace in the living room in modern style it is best to give preference to light or, conversely, strict designs. It is also recommended to use glass transparent elements. In this case, the desktop will not look too bulky and the office will not weigh down general impression from the living room. Furniture for the living room with it is better to choose a modular type. In this case, it will be possible to place the elements more functionally.

Useful extras

If an employee has a lot of office supplies, then it is best to purchase a secretary. In this case, he will have at his disposal a large number of boxes for storing all necessary documentation. It is also worth installing, if the table is next to the wall, then it is worth installing hanging shelves, as well as supplement with various boxes.

Many people very often lose the necessary documents. Therefore, if there is a wall next to the table, then you can install cork board, on which and with the help of buttons the necessary documents are fixed. However given element decor may confuse the worker a little, since in this case all his work will be constantly in front of the guests.

If we are talking about a large room, then in this case it is worth giving preference to folding desks, with outgoing elements. Thanks to this, it will be possible not to clutter up the room at a time when a person is not working.


If we talk about what is best to sit on, then when designing a modular living room with a workplace, you should give preference to classic chairs or computer chairs. If it will cushioned furniture, it will be very difficult to work.

It is advisable to give preference to chairs with armrests and a headrest. They will help not strain your back and neck during a hard day's work.

If we talk about the material, then in this case it is allowed to use both plastic and wood. Some prefer tables and chairs made of chromed metal. However, the main thing is that the style of the workplace does not have to fit into the overall interior of the living room. If the room is zoned, then in this case in one room you can safely combine completely different style decisions lighting and color.

Wall color

When creating a modular living room with a workplace, it is worth thinking about color schemes for this area. After all, a person will work for quite a long time. In this case, it is best to focus on the psycho-emotional state. For example, blue tint helps to calm down and concentrate on the necessary details. If they prevail bright colors(for example, green, yellow, or rich peach), this will help you get creative. Cool tones help provide focus. warm colors, on the contrary, make a person more relaxed and do not allow him to completely immerse himself in work.


If there is not enough natural light coming from the windows, then in this case it is recommended to use Spotlights or install multiple table lamps. It is also not prohibited to use floor lamps, sconces and lamps, which are equipped with special clothespins, so that they are attached anywhere.

The light should not be too bright or dim so that the eyes do not get tired quickly. Worth picking up proper lighting under yourself. For some, cooler shades of fluorescent-type lamps are suitable, thanks to which a person feels more like in an office. He can concentrate. Others prefer softer lighting.

Space planning

In order to properly isolate the work area from common place rest, you can use several design techniques. For example, you can solve the problem with:

  • capital walls. In this case, the wall in the living room with a workplace almost fully divides the room into 2 isolated rooms.
  • Light barriers. They can be carved, made of glass or any thin materials. Thanks to this, an easy division of the room occurs. At the same time, the person who is in the office feels quite comfortable and does not interfere with the rest of the household.
  • furniture. These elements can also be used very intelligently. For example, today there are a huge number of different double-sided racks on sale.

Other layout options

Some go for more creative solutions. For example, you can deliberately highlight the work area and make it a kind of main highlight of the living room. To do this, you can create a pedestal and install a desktop and chair on it. However, in this case, the person who will work, most likely, will not feel completely comfortable.

If you don’t want to use walls or furniture to divide the room (or there is simply no extra space), then in this case you can use different color solutions. If you paint part of the room more bright colors, and arrange the working area in pastel colors, then in this case we can talk about another option for zoning the room.


The area for the workplace in the living room, first of all, should be convenient for the one who will work. So don't be too hard on fashion trends to your own detriment. The main thing is to think over lighting and comfortable furniture.

In the article, I will describe in detail the positive and negative aspects of arranging a workplace in the living room. I'll tell you where is the best place to do it. I will name the subtleties of zoning a room with an office, and what better design the interior is suitable for this. I will help you understand how to properly place furniture. I’ll give you some ideas on the proper arrangement of the table, I’ll consider whether it is possible to combine the bedroom with an office.

Pros and cons of a living room with a work area

The positive side of the design of space for working in the living room can be called saving usable space. For small apartments sometimes this is the only opportunity to create an office.

Ideally, when the window is on the left side of the worker.

Whereas the main disadvantage of such a neighborhood is the lack of insulation. It will be difficult to concentrate when children are running around or someone is watching TV.

Zoning allows you to use the living room as an office

Where is the best location for an office?

The best place for such a space is closer to the window. Thanks to natural light, people long time does not give in to fatigue.

If there is access to the loggia from the living room, then it is better to equip the office there.

The advantage of such a move will be isolation, which allows you to work calmly, without being distracted by extraneous noise. And wide window sill could be a good desk.

It is best to place the work area near the window

The subtleties of zoning a room with a workplace

Wooden or drywall will create a dedicated corner. Of course, this will not provide sufficient isolation and silence for workplace, but there will be a decrease in the volume of the room. Moreover, it is better to put books, folders and other attributes of a real cabinet on the resulting shelves.

Drywall shelving will help zone the room

Moreover, their density by and large does not matter. It all depends on the chosen style of interior decoration.

You can separate the workspace with curtains

Use a variety of ceiling and floor coverings to visually separate business and leisure space. Buy different wallpapers, materials of other textures or just use other colors and shades.

Office interior designers often provide different suspended ceilings, and they may even differ in color.

If it is not possible to make space near the window or towards it, then it is important to provide this place with sufficient lighting. Plus to the ceiling, it is recommended to install local lighting in the form of a table lamp.

For the working area, you can use the podium.

Moreover, it will carry not only the aesthetic meaning of zoning. But it can fit and store a lot of things conveniently.

The office should be well lit so that you can work comfortably at your desk without straining your eyes.

Interior Design

You can zone the space of the office and living room by dividing them with style design.

The area around the table is designed in a more restrained way.

At the same time, pastel and bright hues, which will make the space brighter, will not distract from work. The living room can be made bright and colorful. The main thing is not to use large and bulky furniture and decor elements. It is necessary to make the space as free and spacious as possible.

It is better to make the design of the walls monophonic, and you can dilute the paints with the help of decorative elements and furniture.

Proper furniture placement

It is best that the table is located by the window. This will provide you with natural light during daylight hours.

If you choose the right table model, then even two people can comfortably sit behind it.

But if this is not possible, it can be placed in the center of the room. This is suitable for apartments with a small footage. Since you need to place all the most important areas for a comfortable life in one room.

The table is best placed by the window

For rooms that have a niche, or they are different non-standard form, you can use the chance and order custom-made furniture for arranging the working area. It will create the effect of isolating a place between cabinets. This will save you at the same time usable space and there will be a comfortable place to work.

If the room has a niche, then you can select it for the workspace

Perfect as a partition wall. This will not only visually hide the table, but also hide from distracting surroundings.
If the living room is square or rectangular (narrow), then the cost can be placed diagonally in one of the corners. If you put a chair there, you can simultaneously look after, for example, children. It will appear that this is your office.

To hide from prying eyes office space, enclose it with curtains or curtains.

Ideas for a living room interior with a work area

Consider several options for the competent combination of workspace and recreation area in the living room:

  • creative workplace

Workplace for needlework in a niche
  • workplace on a balcony or loggia

Workplace on the balcony
Office on the loggia
  • wide window sill as a work surface

Using a window sill instead of a table
A wide window sill in any room can become a work area, thereby saving space.
  • workplace, segregated

Zoning rooms with curtains
  • cabinet between cabinets

You can separate the office with shelving and shelves
  • hidden cabinet

You can organize your workspace in the closet
You can retire by equipping an office in a wardrobe
Separate the work area by raising it a level higher from the main floor
Zoning by raising part of the floor

For small apartments sometimes circumstances are such that in one room you need to place several vital important areas. For example, an office and a recreation area. It is unlikely that you will be able to make the workspace truly isolated, but you can visually highlight this place. The main thing is to correctly distribute usable area and well thought out furniture. And if you resort to the help of designers, you can get a beautiful and comfortable interior for life.

Many of us from time to time, and even regularly have to work from home. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a living space that allows them to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. Today we will talk about how to arrange a comfortable workplace in the living room without harming its design.

Workplace in the living room - where exactly to place it?

To answer this question, decide what time you usually have to work from home.

Working at home during the day

If you work at home mainly during daylight hours, it is better to place your workplace in an area with good natural light. After all sunlight improves mood and improves performance. A traditional approach with obvious merit is a window seat in the living room. You will not only “catch” the daylight, but you will certainly find a place for shelves with books or documents. The desktop in this case can be made to order so that its countertop and window sill are one. It not only looks harmonious, but also saves space. AT small room you can do without a table at all, a wide window sill will successfully cope with its role.

You are especially lucky if the living room has a bay window. After all, this multifaceted glazed “lantern” seems to have been created to design a comfortable working area, the main advantage of which is excellent uniform lighting from all sides. A curtain or blinds will protect from direct sunlight.

If there is an insulated balcony or loggia in the apartment, the working area can be equipped there. So you will extract maximum benefit of all their square meters without taking an inch from the actual living room. Sometimes it is advisable to combine this area with the living room. In some cases, this can be done simply by removing window block between the room and the balcony, and fix the countertop on the rest of the wall partition. As a result of these minimal disruptions, you will increase your living space and create a workplace with good natural light.

Working from home in the evening

If you have to work at home mainly in the evening, first of all you need to take into account that the living room is common room. And, as a rule, it is in the evenings that the whole family gathers here to chat or watch TV. Therefore, the working area in the living room should be located so as not to infringe on anyone's interests: one should be comfortable to relax, and the other to work. How to achieve this?

You might like the idea of ​​a neat console table leaning against the back of the sofa. With this arrangement of furniture, the work area and the seating area in the living room are outlined, but not completely separated. Sitting at a table with work or needlework, you will be close to your loved ones, you can support a general conversation or watch an interesting program out of the corner of your eye.

If classes require concentration and increased attention, it is worth removing the workplace away from the TV. The worker will be less distracted if he sits with his back to the living room. In this case, the table can be installed in the gap between the cabinets or between the cabinet and the wall. Such an impromptu niche will create a sense of isolation from everything around what is happening and help you tune in to the working mood.

Working area in the living room - are partitions needed?

When deciding whether the work area in the living room will be separated by a partition from the rest of the room, take into account the size and shape of the room, the location of the windows, as well as the number of inhabitants of the apartment and your occupation.

The partition is not an end in itself, but a tool that must be used wisely. After all small room she can make it even tighter, but long rectangular room able to give proportion and comfort.

The photos below show a beautiful living room with a workplace in a small studio apartment. narrow table for two, the owners installed in a shallow, specially created niche, but did not separate the working area from the rest of the room with a partition. See how spacious this small but seamless multifunctional space feels.

And the room in the next photo gives the impression of being too elongated and somewhat dull. Zoning the workplace with a neat partition in this living room would be quite appropriate.

It is not necessary to block the living room if there is only one free artist living in the apartment, because he will not interfere with himself. He can place his workplace absolutely anywhere, even on a console shelf next to the TV. And for a family man it will be extremely inconvenient: try to concentrate when football or melodramatic passions boil over your ear!

If he lives in an apartment big family, a living room with a working area placed outside the partition will be a real salvation for a person engaged in mental work. There are many ways to separate your shelter from the noisy world of the living room: a solid plasterboard “wall” in the spirit of minimalism or the popular design with niche shelves, bookcase or light translucent plastic, a glass panel with decor or a partition with increased sound insulation made of frosted glass blocks, sliding panels or just heavy curtains ...

The list doesn't end there, the choice is yours.
The main thing is that in this corner you can concentrate without interference, as well as place work supplies, folders with documents, and even allow yourself some creative mess. After all, you have received not just a workplace in the common living room - you have created a piece of your personal space.

Living room with workspace… in the closet

The lucky person, whose main working tool is a laptop, can afford to work without even getting out of bed. For him, the organization of the workplace is more a matter of self-discipline.

It is more difficult for those who deal with a lot of paper documents. And it’s really difficult for needlewomen when they are faced with the need to organize their workplace in a common living room, especially if the room is small. Where, without littering the room, to store kilometers of fabrics and ribbons, kilograms of yarn, mountains of beads, piles of accessories and other treasures? Yes, even so that everything is at hand, otherwise it will take hours to find the right piece or thread.

Let's look at the experience of previous generations. They lived long before the advent of digital media in a very “real” world, and therefore they came up with a secretary. What do you like more: bureau in vintage style with hinged lid or modern model with a pull-out table? Or you can make a spacious wardrobe organizer to order, which will have several folding and retractable work surfaces at once.

In the bowels of this furniture there is a place for a personal office with an extensive paper archive, and for a home workshop with all its tools and consumables. At the right time, the magic closet folds easily and quickly so as not to disturb the order in the living room. You don’t have to worry that needles or important papers left on the table will fall into the hands of a young fidget, because everything is securely closed. Finally, the psychological moment is also important: you opened the closet - and you are at work, closed it - you can relax and unwind.

Look at a selection of our photos and make sure that a living room with a workplace arranged in a closet is beautiful and very comfortable.

Design of a living room with a workplace - briefly about the main thing

Thinking over the design of a living room with a workplace, you can go in two ways: either emphasize the working area, or, conversely, make it as inconspicuous as possible. The main thing is that the result is an interior that is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

Allocate a working area in the living room with contrasting furniture, decorative partitions, color and texture of the walls, lighting and multi-level ceilings. You can organize a work area on the podium, using it as a spacious storage system. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the work area and the recreation area are parts of a single space, and there should be no stylistic dissonance between them.

Choosing furniture

Furniture for a living room with a workplace should be not only comfortable, but also harmoniously matched. To simplify the task can purchase a wall with a desktop already provided. Such furniture sets are functional and, as a rule, are discreet. concise design. With their help, it is easy to create a holistic interior of a modern living room.

But for a small room, the wall is not the best option She just might not fit in there. In this case, give Special attention desktop selection. Hardly anyone will like a living room with a massive work desk in an office style. Compact narrow tables are preferred, possibly folding. They save space and lighten the space of the model with two legs that are attached to the wall at the back, as well as tables-shelves and tables-windowsills. They can be equipped with a retractable part, where you can easily hide writing instruments and even a laptop.

Pay attention to the design of this wonderful living room. At first glance, you don’t understand that in the photo there is a living room with a workplace. The hostess simply hid her low glass work table behind the back of the sofa. From the side front door the working area in this bright living room is almost invisible.

Playing with color

For the design of the working area, calm neutral colors are traditionally used: white, light gray, beige. Light light green and shades of blue are also popular. It is believed that they contribute to concentration.

An all-out bright red, deep purple, and other intense colors lead to quick overwork, but they are good as small accents. A chair and a couple of such accessories in the work area will make the design of the room more alive. The main thing is that these color spots resonate in the overall palette of the living room.
