Partitions for zoning space in a room: varieties, features and design. Decorative partitions in the interior of the room - zoning ideas Ideas for partitions for zoning a room

Interior partitions do not perform load-bearing functions. Their main purpose is the formation of the internal space of the apartment (dividing it into separate rooms and other premises). In addition, partitions perform the functions of sound and heat insulation.

Types of interior partitions

Depending on the design features, all partitions can be divided into two types:

Whole partitions;
. frame partitions.

Solid interior partitions

Solid interior partitions can be built from gypsum concrete slabs and blocks, as well as laid out of brick (the width of such an interior partition is half a brick) or made from wooden lumber. In the design of frame-type interior partitions there is a frame, the internal space in which is filled with some material (aggregate).

Interroom partitions of frame type

The construction of frame-type interior partitions begins with the installation of the frame. As materials for the construction of the frame of such a partition, a steel or aluminum profile, a profile made of polymeric materials (in particular, PVC), and a wooden bar are used. To fill the frame space, sheets of drywall or polymer materials are used. As a filler, plywood sheets, plain or eurolining, as well as other materials available on the market, can also be used.

The choice of materials for the construction of interior partitions

Gypsum-concrete and brick interior partitions have considerable strength, which makes it possible to further fix hanging furniture or other heavy objects on such a partition. However, their construction and subsequent finishing require significant labor costs. If the partition is planned to separate a room with high humidity (for example, a bathroom or shower room), then the use of materials that do not have a sufficient degree of moisture resistance is inappropriate. So, in this case, it is undesirable to use drywall. Wooden interior partitions meet the highest environmental requirements. The tree is easy to process and has sufficient strength, and after finishing it, the whole room takes on a very attractive appearance. However, its disadvantage is low fire resistance.

Which partition is suitable: transparent or not

Partitions are divided into two types: not transmitted light and transparent. Transparent partitions are made mainly of glass. As materials that do not transmit light, opaque partitions use wood, plywood, aluminum, fiberboard, MDF and PVC.

Most of all, of course, stationary partitions are popular: frame, frameless and modular. Transformable ones are also used: sliding or folding. There are also furniture and mobile (for example, screens). When deciding on the installation of a stationary partition, especially a frameless one, everything should be carefully considered. Since, during installation, and, subsequently, during its dismantling, it will be necessary to violate the integrity of the coatings on the floor, walls and ceiling. The frame partition, on the other hand, provides for the manufacture of a structure in the form of a frame on which the material of the partition itself, for example, drywall, will be mounted.

Such large-scale and serious decisions will not be forced to be made - transformable room space dividers. As already mentioned, they can be folding or sliding. Their convenience is that such a partition can be pushed in or folded in case of uselessness.

Pieces of furniture can also serve as zoning space in the room. It could be a closet or shelving. And it is not necessary that this furniture be floor-to-ceiling high. Well, and, probably, the most convenient is a mobile partition. It can be both pieces of furniture (shelving on wheels) and other items adapted to this purpose.

Partition for room zoning - screen

The simplest and most commonly used type of partitions is a screen. In construction, the screen is used as a mobile partition.

Office at home using a partition

Office partitions can be both opaque and translucent, installed not up to the ceiling. They can be made of a frame made of aluminum or plastic. Filling material is mounted in the frame - glass, solid wood or aluminum sheets.

For zoning an office space or creating separate jobs, blind partitions are installed up to the ceiling. They are made with increased sound insulation.

Materials for mounting interior partitions

The main advantages of interior partitions are the speed and ease of installation, they can be completed even in one day. Alternatively, you can order a ready-made partition and hire specialists who will quickly and efficiently install it. You can install the finished product yourself.

Brick partitions

The traditional and most common material, as it always remains a popular and high-quality type of building material. In the interior of a small room, a brick partition will create the appearance of a heavy, oppressive curtain wall, so they are usually mounted in large and spacious rooms.

Glass partitions for room zoning

Natural and irreplaceable type of material, which is equipped with high quality and aesthetic properties.

Room partitions made of wood or drywall

This type of material is suitable for any interior, and will create a special attraction of the room. The partitions separating the rooms are made in the form of deaf structures made of wood or drywall. Such designs are very light, they can be installed anywhere. In addition, sliding doors in the form of a sliding wardrobe can be mounted in such partitions. It is also possible to make sliding partitions themselves.

Ceramic tiles 3d for zoning

Wrought iron partitions for rooms

Metal products for partitions are made in the form of forging, solid decorative sheets or in the form of facing brick partitions. But a metal sheet is more like a screen and serves as a decoration element in the interior.

When choosing this method of dividing the space of a room, it is difficult to determine the installation location of such a partition. If the living room has two windows, then you can get by with installing a small jumper between them so that the light properly illuminates the enclosed space. And for a room with one window, you can install a partition that could be bypassed on both sides. And the light from the window would be distributed equally to the enclosed space and to the rest of the room.

The frame of such a partition can be made of a wooden beam or a special metal profile. Reliable fastening of the frame to the floor, ceiling and, if necessary, to the wall is important. Since drywall is a fragile material, the frame must have horizontal and vertical crossbars. And if you approach the work creatively, making niches and lighting in the partition, then such a partition will create additional conveniences.

Room zoning - wardrobe, rack

Undoubtedly, many have a closet that does not quite fit in the space allotted to it in the room, or even stands quite uncomfortable. So he can become that very partition in the living room. It just needs to be rearranged as needed. And the best option in this case would be a through rack without a back wall. By installing it as a partition, it will be possible not to disturb the illumination of the room as a whole. And installing a partition from a modular rack, which can be rebuilt from time to time into the desired shape, will be an interesting and creative solution.

Partitions for zoning a room - photo

An interior partition can be a wall in essence, but it can only half-cover the space, it can be deaf, transparent or even suspended from the ceiling, it can divide a room or act as its decor. In a word, as many needs as the modern owner of an apartment or house has, so many offers on the market. Made of various materials, different sizes, shapes and methods of execution - interior partitions, meanwhile, always perform an important function - they zone the room into functional segments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for creating interior partitions for a wide variety of cases with the help of our large-scale selection. At your service are 100 ideas for modern room designs with different functional accessories.

Interior partitions - the choice of material of manufacture

Depending on what function the interior partitions will perform, the material of execution is also selected. Someone needs a full-fledged wall that can bear the weight of hanging shelves or cabinets, while others need more of a decorative element that adorns the interior. Consider various materials for the execution of interior partitions, their advantages and disadvantages, technological characteristics, the possibility of self-assembly and affordability.

So, interior partitions can be made from the following materials:

  • brick (full, hollow, clinker, ceramic);
  • drywall;
  • glass blocks;
  • glass;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • metal;
  • polycarbonate;
  • acrylic;
  • tree (bamboo, wickerwork, twigs, branches);
  • combination of different materials within one product.

Brick partitions - building, hollow and clinker

Walls, and from brick (hollow, solid or clinker), it is usually the interior walls that are erected, that are the heaviest partitions. But their properties of strength and sound insulation are unrivaled. If you need a major partition between rooms or indoors, then brick can be an ideal material for execution.

Massive cabinets and shelves can be hung on solid brick and clinker walls without any problems. Various structures can also be hung on partitions made of hollow material, but it will be necessary to use reinforced fasteners, because. fasteners can get into the empty cavity of the product. The installation of a wall made of hollow bricks can reduce the load on the floor by about 20-30% compared to structures made of solid material. But the soundproofing qualities are reduced by about the same amount.

Structures made of traditional brick and clinker are heavy, so they can only be mounted on concrete floors. Expert advice is needed, both in apartment buildings and when building walls in private dwellings on the upper floors. But in any case, this occupation is quite laborious, not cheap and requires further processing - plastering, painting or wallpapering, wall panels. Clinker brick structures are usually not plastered, using the decorative effect of the products. But clinker structures have a high cost due to the price tag on the material itself.

Ceramic brick walls

Cheaper and faster, compared to the construction of partitions from ordinary bricks, will be the installation of a wall of ceramic products with a thickness of 11.5 cm. Indoors, walls made of light ceramic bricks can provide an ample level of sound insulation. Usually, walls made of this type of building material are plastered, less often covered with drywall. A ceramic partition is able to withstand hanging cabinets and shelves, but for fastening it will be necessary to use special spring pins designed for porous bricks.

Partition of glass blocks (luxfers)

Partitions made of glass blocks are most often used in cases where they want to save (without significant losses, at least) the penetration of lighting into different functional segments of the space, but at the same time get a sufficiently strong, wear-resistant and durable interior wall. Most often, the use of this expensive material is determined by a stylistic need, decorative qualities.

Construction of partitions from aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete or cellular blocks are a very popular material for the quick and inexpensive construction of interior walls and partitions. The main advantage of the material is its high flexibility to create surfaces of various shapes. If you need an original partition with smooth lines, original openings, or simply with internal wiring, aerated concrete products will be the best choice.

Compared to any type of brick, cellular concrete partitions have worse soundproofing properties. But, if you do not have goals to protect one zone from another in terms of penetrating noise, then this material that is easy to install can help you quickly create the desired partition.

Expanded clay blocks for interior structures

Expanded clay interior partitions are easy to build, they have sufficient strength for hanging shelves and cabinets (but still less than that of brick walls), they have sufficient wear resistance and durability. In addition, expanded clay concrete products perfectly absorb sound.

A partition made of expanded clay blocks can be mounted using a conventional mortar and plastered with the so-called ecological plaster - clay, lime, gypsum or cement. At a cost, such a design will cost less than a wall made of conventional concrete blocks.

Modern plasterboard partitions

A fairly popular way to create partitions of various modifications is the use of drywall products. Recently, the use of moisture-resistant panels has been effective, which can be installed even in bathrooms and bathrooms. Typically, a partition consists of two drywall panels mounted on a metal profile: mineral wool filler can be laid between them. As a rule, the thickness of such partitions does not exceed 10-12 cm, but may be smaller.

If we talk about the positive qualities of drywall partitions, then their presence in the premises has a positive effect on their microclimate - the structures are able to absorb and release moisture contained in the air. Such partitions can be erected very quickly, moreover, they do not require plastering, only putty joints.

Heavy objects cannot be hung on plasterboard interior walls. If such an action is necessary, then the fastening elements must be located inside the structure itself, mounted to metal profiles. Another disadvantage is the low impact strength (which is why they try not to use drywall partitions in children's rooms).

Partitions made of wood of various species

An interior partition made of wood of one modification or another can be either a very expensive product or cost you practically nothing - it all depends on what kind of wood it is made of, or you used waste material. In any case, wood products always bring notes of natural warmth, comfort and uniqueness to the interior.

Most often, wooden partitions appear in their natural color scheme with a beautiful natural pattern ...

But there are also situations when painting a wooden partition or its elements is necessary ...

The same group of interior partitions made of natural material includes various structures made of bamboo, vines, branches, twigs and other plants. The exclusivity of the interior with similar zoning elements will be provided to you.

Glass partitions - transparent and frosted

Glass partitions are used in cases where it is necessary to create a clear zoning, while maintaining the spread of light to all functional areas of the room. As a rule, for the manufacture of transparent or frosted partitions, especially strong and safe for humans tempered glass is used (even if the surface is broken, a person will not be injured by fragments due to a special protective film that prevents the glass from scattering).

Most often, glass partitions can be seen in bathrooms and bathrooms. They can protect the shower area from the rest of the room or divide the room into a toilet and a segment for taking water procedures. In modern design projects, it is increasingly possible to find the use of absolutely transparent glass to create small partitions. But also matte products, surfaces with a pattern and photo printing are found as a decorative element of the interior, which, meanwhile, performs its main functions.

Partitions in the form of glass compartment doors can reliably fence off one of the functional segments located in the common room. Excellent soundproofing qualities, almost complete distribution of light fluxes and the ability not to burden the image of the room make this type of partition very popular. Although it is expensive and requires the participation of specialists.

Glass partitions with a pattern, laser engraving, photo printing or stained-glass window technique can not only decorate the interior, but become its highlight.

Examples of combining materials to create original partitions

One of the most common combinations of different materials for creating partitions is the use of glass inserts for a metal or wooden frame. Such partitions perfectly transmit light, but have good sound insulation. Such a combination is important if you need to separate, for example, an office from a living room and soundproof it, but at the same time be able to keep an eye on children who are in the adjacent functional segment.

The variety of interior partitions in terms of design and functions


An excellent combination of functionality and aesthetics is the use of a shelving unit as an interior partition (and not necessarily a bookcase). An effective storage system and a beautiful element of the interior, which, among other things, zones the room. The advantage of such structures is that they can be used equally effectively on both sides of the zoned space.

One of the options for using storage systems as partitions is to create a spacious closet. It is up to you to decide whether to have storage systems on one side or two, or maybe use false facades in some places, use glass inserts or create a completely blank design.

The name speaks for itself - less durable surfaces - screens - are attached to supports made of durable material (metal, wood or brick or block columns) (they allow you to reduce the weight of the structure and reduce its cost, as well as bring an element of exclusivity to the image of the room). \

Interior partition-fireplace

A stationary interior partition in the form of a fireplace is a modern and very popular device, despite the fact that it requires considerable financial and time costs for construction. Such a design hardly resembles ordinary partitions, because it has a very large width, sufficient for arranging an air duct, a chimney for a hearth. The obvious advantage of a double-sided fireplace is the ability to watch the flame dance in the hearth from different areas of the room.

Rotary partitions

An original and at the same time incredibly functional device - rotary partitions. The structures look like horizontal blinds, which, depending on the angle of rotation, can create different levels of closeness of one or another segment of the room.

Support partitions

One of the options for interior partitions, which are created not only for zoning rooms, but also for creating a support for any element of the interior, are the structures on which the steps and other parts of the stairs rest. Most often, such partitions are made of wood or metal. It is extremely rare that they are performed in a continuous form, most often such partitions have holes, perforations.

The partition can serve as a support for various consoles and countertops, storage systems and even seating. It all depends on the purpose of the room in which the multifunctional element of the interior is located.

Partition - a decorative element

Often, the interior partition acts not so much as an enclosing surface, but as a decorative element. Indeed, for the embodiment of the imagination of a designer or owners of apartments and houses, there are currently practically no boundaries. It all depends on your preferences, the chosen interior design concept and financial capabilities.

Interior partitions - effective zoning

Redevelopment! Who has not come across another rearrangement of furniture to create a new interior instead of the old boring and rather annoying arrangement of furniture.

There are many ideas for refurbishment of the territory. It all depends on the design of the room being created. Maybe the room should be expanded, or vice versa, a large space should be divided into small parts - zones. Only a partition can cope with such a task.

Partition in the room between the living room and the kitchen - photo

There are some valuable tips on how to make a room divider. Lightweight construction or stationary, built from foam blocks or bricks. Completely block the room or only some part of it. It all depends on the desire of the owner of the premises.

So, tips and the most important rules for redevelopment of rooms and installation of partitions in them.

The basic rules for refurbishing the interior of residential premises read:

  1. Before drawing up a project for the internal re-equipment of a room, a load-bearing wall should be designated, since it is not subject to demolition, in accordance with the Rules and SNIPs.
  2. A partition can be attached to the load-bearing wall, which does not contradict the permitting system of the Building Rules for the reconstruction of the internal part of the housing stock.

Room dividers are an excellent option for dividing rooms into functional areas. The owners of a one-room apartment are well aware of how difficult it is for one family member to work when the second person is resting. In this case, the room partition will be able to solve the issue of creating an independent workspace and recreation area.

Depending on the installation methods, partitions are created in the form of mobile or stationary room structures:

  • drywall;
  • glass, using a metal, aluminum or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) frame;
  • transforming.

As well as foam block, brick or wooden room walls.

“The partition, in fact, is the partition that divides the existing space into zones of different functions. The room space can be divided, either completely or partially. The thickness of the pier depends on the materials used. The standard bulkhead thickness is 120 mm. But there are also non-standard solutions, for example, if the partition is arranged at the expense of cabinets, racks or shelves, ”

says Grigory Solomin, the leading architect and interior designer of the AvKube Moscow design studio.

Plasterboard partition

The most important rule when creating a plasterboard mediastinum is to measure accurately and maintain a 90° angle. To start work, an anchor point is indicated, which is the beginning of the delimitation zone, and a line of delimitation of space is drawn from it to the finish point.

All work to achieve accuracy when performing vertical lines should be carried out using an electronic plumb or laser building level. This operation becomes more successful when such work is done together.

Attention, before the start of the erection of the wall, a control measurement of all the marked points and an additional recalculation of the computational measurements become a very important point.

The interior wall of drywall refers to the economy option. The frame of the partition is created from profiles, which are very quickly installed according to preliminary calculations. All wiring is laid inside the structure.

The bulkhead is created from drywall with a standard thickness of 12 mm. To achieve greater strength, it is recommended to lay a double layer of material on the wall, and then you can safely hang shelves, cabinets or a TV on it, having previously strengthened the inside of the frame.

Partition in a drywall room - photo

Drywall is a material with a high level of pliability. It easily responds to any modifications, for example, to create various decorative niches, as well as openings for the output of lights, sockets and switches.

Attention! When installing doors in a partition, doorways must be reinforced. The best material for reinforcement is a wooden beam.

If desired, the inside can be insulated, but not with polystyrene, but with mineral or glass wool, since rodents prefer to live in polystyrene. And it does not matter on which floor, not to mention a private house, a partition was erected. In addition to its heat-insulating qualities, mineral wool is an excellent noise insulator.

Glass partitions in the room

Creating an interior, it is impossible not to pay attention to such an element of decor as glass partitions. Their frame in a metal or aluminum profile gives a special charm to the room. Despite the fragility of glass structures, glass partitions are preferred when arranging an exclusive interior. It all depends on the parameters of the material used:

  • material thickness;
  • quality of natural or acrylic glass;
  • glass section size.

Glass partitions in the room - photo

You can, of course, create a glass bulkhead yourself. Such work is associated with a certain kind of physical effort and financial costs. But the result is able to fully compensate for the forces expended on installing the glass structure.


This is the simplest and most transformable mobile version of the interior walls. It is an ordinary screen, with fabric-covered sections. Or created from plexiglass frames, which are fastened together with hinged loops.

The indisputable advantage of this type of partitions is their mobility. Such a bulkhead can be easily moved in any direction, creating a temporary zone. If necessary, the transformer partition can be removed altogether, combining the space into a single whole.

Transforming walls, in addition to screens, include compartment partitions with the functions of doors assigned to them, and cabinets dividing the room space. But the disadvantage of the delimiting structure of the cabinets is that they take up a lot of space and are irrational in a small room, since the remaining living area, to put it mildly, is somewhat small.

Sliding partition - photo

The most optimal option for creating lightweight structures to delimit functional areas is a sliding or transforming screen. This design takes up little space and is very easy to operate. Most often, wooden structures are created, or transformers decorated with glass. The principle of sliding the panels of a transforming partition is similar to the compartment system and is mounted using one of two methods:

  1. Bulkhead mounting on guides.
  2. With suspended mounting.

The movement of the partition-transformer is carried out along special guide rails, or along the wall, when the transformer is a single integral structure. Or with the creation of a special niche, in the cavity of which the partition is completely hidden.

A few photos of interesting partitions

Some type of partitions is created on purpose, simultaneously pursuing several goals, both to create a comfort zone and to decorate the interior.

We present several photos of interesting and rather bold solutions for creating interior partitions in the interior.

Unique zonal bedroom design created from a combination of glass and wood
An interesting wall design using an aquarium as the bottom of the partition
Zoning space using natural materials
An interesting solution in the interior with the designation of the working area and the bedroom using a bookcase

Currently, layouts with large areas that play the role of two rooms at the same time, for example, a kitchen and a dining room, a kitchen and a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom, a living room and a bedroom, are considered a fashionable trend in the interior industry, there can be a lot of examples. So, in order to somehow visually highlight the zonal affiliation of the room being designed, the designers suggest using partitions for zoning the room.

Decorative partitions not only divide the premises into different necessary zones, but also help transform the interior.

Plasterboard partition.

In fact, such a partition looks like a wall that does not reach the ceiling. Often in such impromptu "walls" niches for fireplaces or shelves for various small things are provided. In the case of the living room, a TV can be mounted on such a pedestal. This element of the interior should not stand out from the overall design of the room, so the partition wall should overlap in shade with the rest of the room.

Wooden partitions.

The element that partitions the room, made of wood, is perhaps the most popular. Carved partitions look very beautiful and at the same time exquisite, but their simple lath variations look very dignified.

Partition from PVC pipes.

It is not difficult to create such a partition, you need to take a PVC pipe, cut it with a jigsaw into rings, which are then glued together with polymer glue, forming the outlines of the wall. If desired, the design can be covered with a layer of paint, in harmony with the rest of the design of the room.

Brick partition.

For these purposes, you can use an ordinary, traditional brick, which, upon completion of installation, open with a layer of varnish so that it does not crumble and looks more dignified. You can also use clinker tiles imitating brickwork, in extreme cases, you can only create the effect of brickwork - laying out a wall of building blocks and covering it with plaster, on the surface of which, using a screwdriver or other pointed object, squeeze out the outlines of the bricks, and finally cover the wall with a layer of paint, not forgetting to highlight the seams with a contrasting color.

Wrought iron partition.

Forged elements have been valued at all times, they look expensive, spectacular and very stylish. Massive metal partitions made using the forging technique do not seem bulky, but look light and airy. The shade of such a forged wall should be selected based on the overall design of the room.

Rack as a partition.

A great idea for completing the task, such a rack will not only help divide the room into several zones, but will also perform a certain functional load, you can put books, photo frames, figurines and more on its shelves.

Glass partition.

Airy, barely perceptible glass partitions for zoning a room look very nice. Such a partition will not hide you from the eyes of those present, but simply create the desired effect of dividing the room. If the transparent effect does not suit you, you can order frosted glass, which will give out only the presence of someone behind the partition, in the form of a moving silhouette.


Here is another great way to divide the room - the use of decorative screens, which, if necessary, can be folded and hidden somewhere in the closet. And thanks to the variety of finishes of the screens, literally for every interior you can pick up something exquisite, beautiful and spectacular. Screens made of metal and wood are considered the most durable, screens covered with papyrus paper can be considered less stable (they can break with awkward movement).

Textile partition.

This type of partition rather refers to curtains designed to divide a particular room into several zones. Textile strips are hung on cornices fixed to the ceiling. The second name of such a blocking element is Japanese curtains. It should be noted that they look very impressive, and thanks to the load - a weighting bar fixed at the bottom of the canvas, they do not deform and do not rise up at the slightest breath of the breeze.

More photos of partitions:

Dining room, living room and bedroom in one room:

Partitions for zoning a room will help to correctly beat a large room, which includes several fundamental zones, for example, a kitchen and a dining room or a bedroom and a bathroom. In addition, decorative partitions will perfectly fit into the interiors of studio apartments, where the entire layout is literally located in the palm of your hand.

For zoning living space, especially in small apartments, it is not necessary to build blank walls. Mobile interior dividers or decorative partitions for zoning the space in the room, made of translucent materials, will simultaneously separate and unite the premises without disturbing the natural insolation. Our selection contains a variety of options for such designs.

Partition as an element of decor

1. Partition-pergola

Designers Natalia Tsetsulina, Maria Malyshkina. Photo: Artyom Semyonov

The air partition 160 cm wide, visually separating the kitchen-dining area from the living room, is made of horizontal wooden slats covered with dark brown stain. Together with floral wallpaper, the image of a summer gazebo in the bosom of nature appeared.

2. Partition-showcase

A floor-to-ceiling display case in 10 cm thick double-paned tempered glass separates the dressing area in the hallway from the living room. Inside the transparent parallelepiped, an art object is placed for public viewing - a fragment of a tree of a bizarre shape.

3. Partition-lawn

Architect Egor Kurilovich. Photo: Daria Lyskovets

An unusual floor-to-ceiling partition, reminiscent of a lawn with thick grass, not only zones the studio apartment, but also serves as a holder for an LCD TV. The frame of the structure, 160 cm wide and 20 cm thick, is made of a metal profile and lined with a roll coating imitating a lawn. At the same time, all the wires of the home theater and TV are hidden under the skin.

4. Partition-fireplace

The central composition with a bio-fireplace serves not only to decorate all zones, but also marks the boundaries between neighboring "clusters".

Lace wall

5. Glass partition

Architect Maria Mezentseva. Photo: Ivan Sorokin

In this case, the studio is zoned with a transparent decorative partition. Its length exactly corresponds to the size of the sofa in the living room. Abstract patterns, created according to the sketches of the architect, are applied to the glass of the structure by sandblasting. They are inspired by the images of wind and waves, and on each of the three panels the drawings are different. The lower part of the partition is covered with wallpaper, which is covered with strong glass.

6. Tempered glass partition

Architect-designer Tatiana Zhivolupova, decorator Tatiana Evstratova, visualization: Anastasia Yashchenko

When closed, this lace curtain, which is actually tempered glass with a sandblasted pattern, will separate the parents' bedroom from the living room, but still let in daylight.

7. Mobile screen and curtain

Architect-designer and visualizer Sofia Starostina

The bedroom and living room, located in the same room, were separated using a mobile screen and curtains. Zoning is also facilitated by wallpapers with the same ornament, but in different colors.

8. Lattice with an ornament

Architect and visualizer Maria Glagoleva

A translucent openwork partition visually separates, but provides insolation to the living room.

According to the principle of matryoshka

9. Room within a room

Architect and visualizer: Natalia Tarasova

With the help of a canopy and dense drapery, it was possible to create a "room in a room" - an isolated space for sleeping, reading and psychological unloading.

10. Translucent partitions

Design and visualization: Natalia Grishchenko and Anna Kashutina

A bathroom with partitions made of lime-colored translucent tempered glass is a bold decision that implies a high degree of trust between the residents of the apartment. However, it has tight drapes for privacy.

11. Futuristic cube

Studio zi-design interiors, visualization Created in Space

The fasteners of frameless glass sheets are hidden in an L-shaped niche with illumination, which in the evenings will turn the sleeping area into a futuristic object. And with the help of translucent curtains around the inner perimeter of the cube, you can create a private space.

12. Lightbox

Architect and photographer: Artemy Saranin

The boundaries of the sleeping area, located in the center, marked by a thin welded metal frame with glass screens, will practically dissolve in space. And when the white textile curtains are closed, the room turns into a kind of lightbox.

Mobile partitions

13. Shaded glass sliding partition

Architect, designer Irina Ilyina. Photo: Ivan Sorokin

With open canvases of a sliding partition made of shaded glass, the kitchen and living room merge into one, and when closed, they are completely isolated. At the same time, it remains possible to get into the hall from both rooms.

14. Sliding partition

Architect: Svetlana Tyagovskaya. Photo: Daria Alexandrova

Another option with transparent sliding partitions. In this case, the canvases are lined, clearly marking the boundaries between the kitchen and living areas.

Textile partition

15. Textile drapery

Interior artist and visualizer Ksenia Krupenina

In this example, to isolate the kitchen from the seating area with a sofa and TV, the author of the project suggests using textile draperies.

16. Draperies in the openings

Architect-designer and visualizer Elena Bogatyreva

Tacked in the center, fabric draperies hanging in open openings visually separate the kitchen and hallway from the living room.

17. Neutral curtains

Designer Yulia Lapteva, visualization Veronika Mitina

The room with a bay window was divided into a living room and a bedroom by means of sliding glass partitions and draperies. Such a mobile solution made it possible to combine the zones into one open space, where natural light will not be disturbed, and blackout curtains, if necessary, will help to isolate the sleeping area. At the same time, the fabric is matched to the color of the gray walls and looks neutral on both sides of the partition.

through rack

18. Geometric abstraction

Designers Ksenia Dubrovskaya, Elena Samarina, architect Ilyas Khalitov, Visualization: Ksenia Dubrovskaya, Elena Samarina

Through shelving marks the boundary of a room, but is also a storage system. Thanks to its "transparency", the hall visually unites with the living room and is illuminated by daylight.

19. Functional partition

Head of the studio Elena Mizotina, design and visualization Elena Danilina

A through rack will help isolate the living room from the bedroom and at the same time maintain the level of insolation of the room. And on its shelves there will be a collection of books and accessories from travels.

20. Partition-rack

Architect and visualizer Vladimir Ivanov

A three-section through rack will become a means of zoning a private room, which will separate the place intended for sleeping and relaxing from the work area.
