Toilet repair: design features and ideas. Repair in the toilet where to start: design, cost, important points Interesting toilet repair

Have you decided to do the repair of the toilet in the apartment yourself? Start with a budget. Decide what exactly you want to change and estimate how much it costs. If your desires coincide with financial capabilities, feel free to get to work!

How to start a toilet renovation

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to remove the old plumbing from the premises

As a rule, they think about repairing a toilet several years, or even decades after they started living in an apartment. And this means that it makes sense to update absolutely all positions:

  • if necessary, replace sewer and water pipes,
  • replace the toilet and flush tank,
  • waterproofing the ceiling
  • waterproofing the floor
  • leveling and finishing the ceiling, walls and floor,

Before making repairs, you must:

  • clean up old plumbing
  • or dismantle old tiles from walls and floors,
  • clear the ceiling of concrete.

Plumbing repair

The most reliable option is metal-plastic pipes. They have the longest lifespan.

If the pipes in your toilet are in “collars”, if they are rusted, and the neighbors below periodically complain about wet spots on the ceiling, then there is a need to replace the old pipes. It is best to replace them with modern metal-plastic ones. Today they are the most reliable and have the longest service life compared to others.

As a valve, it is better to install modern ball-type valves. They are also characterized by increased reliability.

To protect the plumbing system from harmful impurities and debris, it is recommended to install a water filter in front of the valves.

Sewer pipes are usually hidden by a bezel. Do not forget to leave room for the installation of a plumbing hatch. Its optimal value is from 50 to 70 in length and width. But anyway the hatch should provide free access to all the valves of the apartment, which are usually located in the toilet.


If there is no way to lower the floor, then just raise the threshold in the toilet a little - it will become a reliable obstacle to spilled water

When repairing the so-called "wet places", which include the toilet, it is necessary be sure to provide waterproofing. It will reliably protect this room from leaks from the top floor and keep water in the bathroom if something happens to your pipes.

To waterproof the ceiling, you need:

  • thorough cleaning,
  • primer treatment,
  • applying a special mastic or mixture.

After that, you can make plaster, paint or mount a stretch or suspended ceiling.

The situation with floor waterproofing is somewhat more complicated. In the toilet, as, indeed, in the bathroom, the floor level should be several centimeters below the floor level of the entire apartment. This is necessary so that accidentally leaking water does not flood your apartment, but remains on the toilet floor. If it is not possible to lower the floor, then before waterproofing, simply raise the threshold in the toilet a little - it will become a reliable obstacle to spilled water. The main thing in waterproofing the floor in the toilet is its absolute tightness., otherwise there is a risk of flooding the neighbors from below.

The floors in the toilet should be even, and the waterproofing should rise along the walls by at least 5-15 cm from the floor. The joints of walls and pipes with the ceiling and floor must be very carefully sealed to ensure that the toilet is watertight. The waterproofing layer in the toilet is most often performed with special polymer mastics or bitumen-based roll materials. And the joints are sealed with sealants. They perfectly protect the toilet from humidity, temperature changes and have great shock resistance.

Finishing mixes give the floor a finished look, make it flawlessly even and smooth.

After laying the waterproofing layer, the floor in the toilet must be leveled. If the differences in the level of your floor do not exceed 1-2 cm, you can get by with a self-leveling mixture. To make it work the first time, prepare a dry mix (assuming that your self-leveling floor will be at least 1 cm high) you will need:

  • a bucket in which you will dilute the mixture,
  • drill with mixer nozzle,
  • needle roller.

You should act strictly according to the instructions:

  1. prepare the right amount of the mixture in a bucket, fill the floor with it;
  2. if you see that air bubbles remain in the mixture, carefully walk along the self-leveling floor with a spiked roller;
  3. let the mixture dry.

If the floor in the toilet has a skew of several centimeters, more time-consuming work awaits you:

  1. peeling sections of the concrete floor must be beaten off;
  2. cover all potholes and significant irregularities with a layer of a special solution;
  3. in order for the floor to turn out to be perfectly even, at this stage of work, a clear marking of the level is necessary. For this purpose, laser or water levels are used;
  4. having set the desired floor level, you need to thoroughly clean its surface;
  5. a primer must then be applied to increase the adhesion of the concrete floor to the new floor layer.

When leveling the floor, dry mixes based on non-shrinking cement are used, to which small fractions are added as an ideal filler.

Used for floor leveling starter mixes and finish mixes. Starter mixes designed for floor leveling finishing give it a complete look, as they make the floors flawlessly even and smooth.

Laying tiles

There should be equal spacing between tiles. For this, plastic crosses are used.

Tiles are traditionally laid on the floor in the toilet. She not only looks great, but is also not afraid of moisture. Laying of floor tiles starts from the entrance to the toilet in such a way that the incomplete, edged tiles that end the first row are the same size to the left and right of the entrance. After the first row is laid, you can move deeper into the toilet.

There should be equal spacing between tiles. For this, plastic crosses are used, most often 2 mm in size. To adhere the tiles to the floor, a special adhesive is used, which is applied with a spatula on the reverse side of the tile or on the floor with a thin layer. In order for the floor to be perfectly even, a level is used when laying.

Once the glue has dried, the joints are grouted. This is the final stage of laying floor tiles.

wall decoration

Plastic panels are the most economical option for wall decoration. They are easy to install and do not require additional maintenance.

If desired, the walls can also be covered with tiles. It is also stacked on prepared using a level. Laying tiles starts from the floor and, if necessary, only the top tiles are trimmed.

In the corners, the tiles are stacked one on top of the other with a small gap, which will subsequently be grouted. You can also use plastic corners, which will give the tile finish a particularly attractive look.

In addition to tiles, the walls in the toilet can be finished with washable or vinyl wallpaper. Both of them perfectly tolerate cleaning and do not let moisture through. The most economical option for repairing a toilet is plastic panels. They are easy and quick to install. But when working with them, you need to be careful, as they are quite fragile.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle prefer to use wood as a finish. You can also use moisture resistant ones for these purposes. These thin and light boards often have an attractive decorative surface that imitates natural wood.

Toilet ceiling repair

The false ceiling is easy to install, allows you to hide pipes, wires or a ventilation system if necessary

In many ways, it depends on the height of the room and the size of the toilet. In a small toilet, it is advisable to simply paint the ceiling with light paint. This will visually enlarge the room.

If the room is quite spacious, you can make a suspended ceiling with a lot of light bulbs. For this, siding of various shapes and sizes is used - strips, slabs, etc. The advantages of such a ceiling are its simple installation, low price and the possibility, if necessary,, wires or ventilation system. The ceiling can be covered with light wallpaper.

So, a little theory, preparing the right amount of finishing materials and a few days of painstaking work - and the toilet updated with your own hands is ready!

The toilet is the most important room in a modern home. Thanks to the presence of sewerage and water supply, our homes can be called really comfortable, and life is convenient. But, of course, modern man strives not only for comfort, but also for aesthetics. After all, it is much more pleasant to use a beautiful, cozy and practical toilet. Everyone wants to put things in order in every room of the house, including the toilet. And it’s not difficult to do this at all, especially if you take into account the variety of goods, materials for and toilet, plumbing fixtures, furniture, etc.

Today, shops are happy to offer options for all possibilities and wishes. Using modern materials and accessories, you can turn into reality almost any creative idea and make the toilet beautiful, neat, practical and modern.

With regard to the design of bathrooms and toilets, new fresh ideas appear every year, designers never bypass these important rooms for every home. Every season there are new and new solutions and materials for their implementation. I must say that repairing a toilet with your own hands is a task that is quite feasible for every owner. If you have at least a little experience in construction matters and want to transform your bathroom, then you can safely proceed to this task. Properly selected materials and design solutions will help you cope with all tasks quickly and cost-effectively.

In addition, renovation work in the toilet, as in the smallest room in the house, can be a preparation for the transformation of other rooms. In our article you will find useful tips, recommendations and descriptions of the processes that will be useful to you when performing repairs in the toilet. We will help you figure out where to start, what materials to use, how to perform certain tasks, how to work with plumbing.

First of all, you, of course, should decide what kind of repair is required in the toilet. Perhaps you just want to update the finishes, change the tiles, etc. Or do you need a major replacement of all plumbing, pipes, wiring, etc.? The answer to this question will determine the scope of further work and the order of their implementation.

If you decide that you need to thoroughly repair the toilet, then you will have to keep in mind that such repairs, even taking into account the modest size of the room, can be expensive. This, of course, applies to those cases when high-quality materials are purchased, expensive durable plumbing, good pipes. You can, of course, save a lot by refusing, for example, to replace pipes, using cheap finishes, low-grade plumbing. But is such a repair, made of poor materials, worth your efforts and, in general, any investment? After all, high-quality, carefully selected materials, furniture, accessories will ultimately pay for themselves many times over, as they will serve you for a long time, reliably and uninterruptedly, and also retain their original attractive appearance for many years.

Having made a really good repair in the toilet once with a high-quality replacement of all communications, you can forget about the problems associated with this room for a long time. Cheap repairs will cause constant frustration and disappointment. Poorly placed low-grade tiles will begin to fall off, lose their attractiveness, plumbing will turn yellow, old pipes will leak. And you will again have to invest in the next repair of the toilet. Of course, each owner chooses independently what kind of repair he needs and how it should be done. In any case, a good solution would be to find a “golden mean” between frugality and striving for the best, which will completely match your tastes and will not be too hard on your wallet. Believe me, the modern range of materials, furniture, sanitary ware for the toilet and bathroom is able to satisfy every taste. Therefore, you are sure to find exactly what you need. We'll show you which options to consider.

In any construction project, the most important stage is the planning stage. First of all, you must determine for yourself what exactly you want to get as a result of the repair work. And then understand what exactly needs to be done for this. Outlining the range of tasks, immediately think about what you need to implement them. It is necessary to have the right tools at hand to remove the old finish and make a new one, to independently replace pipes and install plumbing, etc.

And also it is necessary to take the acquisition of materials with all seriousness. It is important to choose not only high-quality and optimally suitable for solving your tasks, but also to buy them in the required quantity. So that there is enough to complete the work, and there is a certain reserve in case of a battle or other damage. If you purchase less material than you need, then, firstly, you will be faced with the need to drop everything and go for a new batch of material, and secondly, you risk not finding suitable material at all, since some materials in different batches have a different shade, slightly different pattern, etc. Such inconsistencies can be very noticeable.

Therefore, the calculation of the material is the most important stage in the preparation for repair. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the work that you have to perform. Before you start doing anything, try to understand the process, understand its features, to make sure that you can really do everything that needs to be done on your own. Such preparation will save you from a lot of troubles and problems that people often face during repairs. So, take a closer look at what you need to repair the toilet.

You will need tools already at the initial stage of repair, when you will prepare surfaces for further processing. The necessary set of tools for repairing the toilet includes:

  • Perforator. It is useful for removing concrete skirting boards and chipping ceramic tiles efficiently and quickly. And also it is necessary to drill holes for plumbing and furniture;
  • Notched trowel - used to spread the adhesive on ceramic tiles;
  • Screwdriver. This tool will also provide indispensable assistance in dismantling old furniture and assembling new one. It is advisable to have a screwdriver with a solid set of bits. It can be replaced by a multifunctional screwdriver, but work with it is much slower than with a screwdriver;
  • Pipe cutter and special apparatus for welding plastic pipes. Overhaul in the toilet requires the replacement of communications. A great alternative to old metal pipes are new metal-plastic or plastic pipes. For their installation, you will need these tools;
  • A set of keys. Required to install plumbing;
  • Roulette, meter. Like all other construction work, repairs require precision. Therefore, measuring tools are indispensable;
  • Rollers, brushes - they perform priming, waterproofing, finishing work;
  • Level, plumb - allow you to control the observance of strict horizontal or vertical rows when finishing;
  • Other tools - a file, a hammer, a hacksaw, chisels, chisels, etc. They may also be needed during the repair process. It's a good idea to have them on hand just in case.

As you can see, the toilet repair tool kit is not that great. Difficulties can only be caused by a pipe welding machine or a puncher. But today they can be easily purchased or even rented. So if you wish, it will not be difficult for you to acquire everything necessary for independent work.

Since the toilet is a cramped room, it must be emptied as much as possible before starting repair work. If you leave the plumbing in the toilet, then, firstly, it will be terribly inconvenient for you to perform any actions, secondly, some tasks will simply be impossible to implement, and thirdly, in the process of work, you will hopelessly ruin the plumbing with accidental blows, building mixtures and other materials. Therefore, of course, the plumbing will have to be removed, even if you are not going to change it. But usually, when repairing a toilet, the replacement of plumbing is still carried out. And in this case, in general, there is no reason to leave the plumber in their places. But you need to remove it correctly, following the correct sequence of actions:

  • The first thing to do when starting to dismantle plumbing is to shut off the water supply. Hot and cold water taps are fully closed;
  • After that, you can proceed to the removal of plumbing. You should start with the sink, if there is one. After that, you will need to remove the toilet.

Here it is necessary to take into account an important point related to the main inconvenience caused by the repair in the toilet. If the inhabitants of the house have somewhere to live during the work, then this is fine. But if there is no opportunity to temporarily leave the house, then living in it without a toilet bowl will be problematic and simply impossible. Therefore, the toilet is recommended to be removed last. Every day, before starting work, it will have to be dismantled, and after they are completed, put in place and connected to the sewer. This is not the most convenient option, but no other way to deal with this problem has yet been invented. However, this inconvenience serves as a specific incentive to complete all work as soon as possible so that the inhabitants of the house can return to normal life.

However, there is no urgent need to remove the toilet bowl at the very beginning of repair work. You can do this only at the stage of replacing pipes. But whatever one may say, the original scheme of daily dismantling and returning the toilet to its place cannot be replaced by anything. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to complete a complete replacement of pipes in one day.

We bring to your attention the correct sequence for dismantling the sink:

  • After shutting off the hot and cold water taps, you need to check whether there really is no water supply. To do this, open the taps and make sure that water does not flow from them. Don't forget to drain the toilet tank. Otherwise, during the dismantling process, it may leak out and flood the entire floor, as well as the ceiling of your neighbors from below;
  • The sink is fixed to the wall with brackets. An additional support for the sink itself can be created by a decorative pedestal, or "leg". This element covers the drain pipes and water supply pipes that stretch to and from the sink. If your toilet has a sink with a pedestal, then it is necessary to start dismantling it from this decorative “leg”. From below, it should be connected to the floor. It is necessary to find fasteners and disconnect them. After that, the pedestal should easily separate from the overall structure of the sink. Gently pull it out and put it away;
  • Now you can work on pipes and connections. You need to put a basin under the bowl, since there is probably water left in the pipes, and it will pour out when you disconnect the bowl from the pipes;
  • If you want to be safe, then first twist the storage glass from the siphon. Drain the water from it into the prepared basin, and then return the element to its place in the piping system. Now you can remove the pipes under the sink entirely. This pipe system is attached to the sink with a nut connection. Locate the nut at the bottom on the outside of the sink and unscrew it. You can work by hand, without a key. Hold the siphon and carefully turn the nut counterclockwise. It should spin up without problems;
  • When you unscrew the nut, you can remove the pipe with the siphon hose going into the sewer pipe. The entire piping system that was disconnected from the sink can now be disconnected from the sewer by simply removing the end of the hose. As a result, the sewer pipe will be open, and fetid air can come out of it. It is recommended to plug the hole with a rag or cover it with a lid;
  • Now it's time to disconnect the hoses through which water enters the sink taps. Wrenches will help you with this task. As a rule, the range of plumbing connections is from 19 to 30. But other keys may be needed. The fasteners of the hoses are unscrewed, they are removed;
  • Now you can remove the bowl itself. If you are not going to change the sink during the repair process, then carefully remove it from the room. Without removing faucets or faucets. If you plan to replace, then the mixers can be removed.

Thus, you have already got rid of one piece of furniture in the toilet. Now you can proceed to the dismantling of the toilet. Do not forget to take into account the situation of your household. It may be better in your case to remove the toilet a little later. But tips on how to properly perform this operation will still come in handy.

Dismantling the toilet includes the removal of the toilet itself and its cistern. It happens like this:

  • In the process of removing the toilet, all taps must also be closed. Don't forget to drain the water tank. We warn you about this if suddenly the toilet bowl will be dismantled several days after you remove the sink;
  • After you have made sure that the water supply is stopped, you need to disconnect the hose that supplies water from the water supply to the tank. It is removed both from the side of the tank and from the side of the pipe;
  • If your toilet cistern is attached to the wall, then these connections must be carefully removed and the cistern removed. If the tank is attached directly to the base of the toilet, then you need to find the bolts connecting them and unscrew them. After that, carefully remove the tank and take it out of the toilet;
  • Now we need to do the base. Disconnect the wide pipe that runs from the back bottom of the toilet to the drain. This pipe is called "corrugation". It is not difficult to remove it: pull the corrugation from the toilet bowl, and just pull it out of the sewer socket. It is not worth reusing the corrugation. It is best to immediately throw it away, and when installing plumbing, use a new one. But if you install the toilet every day after the end of the work, and remove it again the next day, then it makes sense to leave the old corrugation for now;
  • Now the toilet is held only by bolts screwed into the floor. Some models are mounted on studs or screws. Using a suitable wrench, unscrew these connections;
  • Now try to slightly rock the toilet and remove it. This can happen if it was installed only on fasteners, without the use of cement. If cement was used during installation, then most likely you will have to say goodbye to this toilet. Even by unscrewing the fasteners, you are unlikely to be able to just move the toilet from its concrete base. It is most likely that in the process of disconnecting the plumbing will simply crack. And then you will have no choice but to buy and install a new toilet. But after all, repairs are done for the sake of renovation!
  • However, in some cases, it is possible to save even the toilet that previously stood on a concrete solution. If you plan to return the old toilet to its place, then carefully remove it and take it out of the repaired area so as not to accidentally split it or spoil it with various building mixtures.

Now that the plumbing has been removed, you can start preparing the walls, namely, removing the old finish, in order to then do a fresh repair of the toilet with your own hands. See photos, ideas of modern solutions in our article!

Before starting repairs, you need to remove the old materials that cover all surfaces in the room. No matter how beautiful your bathroom floor is or how much you love old tiles, when you make a renovation, you will have to dismantle all this to make room for new, more modern materials and stylish solutions. Old flooring, especially in places like bathrooms, absorbs odors over time. And if you leave some surface with an old finish, then, firstly, it will look shabby against the background of the updated walls, and secondly, it can fill the room with that very unpleasant smell. So you have to get rid of everything old.

It is also necessary to thoroughly clean the surfaces due to the fact that it is impossible to put a primer on old finishing materials, which ensures a strong connection of adhesive compositions with decorative materials. The finish laid on the old coatings will very quickly begin to crack, fall off and lose its attractive appearance. As a result, the next repair will not keep you waiting.

I must say that modern tools allow you to perform this stage of repair work relatively quickly. For example:

  • It is convenient to break off ceramic tiles with a puncher equipped with a chisel blade;
  • A building hair dryer will help you quickly get rid of old paint, which, under the influence of heat, will be well torn off with a spatula. And also painted walls can be processed with a grinder equipped with a metal brush;
  • For simple and quick removal of old plaster, the surface is moistened with water. When the coating gets wet, it can be easily removed with a spatula;
  • Wallpaper creates the least worries. True, they are not so common in bathrooms. In order to quickly peel them off, you need to moisten the walls with water, wait a while, and then remove them with a spatula;
  • After processing the walls and ceiling, it is required to remove the coating from the floor. To do this, you can use a puncher, a chisel, or do all the work manually, depending on the type of decorative coating.

When all surfaces are cleaned of the previous finish, large protrusions are removed from them, and debris is removed. It is necessary to achieve maximum evenness of surfaces. To do this, you can once again process them with a grinder equipped with a metal brush.

After the dismantling of old coatings, a lot of debris will accumulate in the room. Before proceeding to the next stage, the garbage must be taken out so that it does not interfere underfoot. After that, all surfaces are brushed again. You can use a vacuum cleaner to collect all the small particles of dust and dirt. After that, you can perform priming and waterproofing:

  • The primer on the surface of the toilet is applied for two purposes: firstly, due to it, all decorative coatings perfectly adhere to the surfaces. This improves the quality of the finish, making it reliable and durable. Secondly, the antiseptic primer composition has an antifungal effect, that is, it prevents the appearance of mold. And this is essential for such a wet room as a toilet. It is necessary to prime the surfaces in the toilet twice. The first coat must dry completely before the second coat is applied;
  • When the second layer dries, you can proceed to the next step. It consists in the device of a waterproofing of a floor. This is an optional step, but, believe me, it will save you more than once from unpleasant situations and the need to sort things out with your neighbors. Waterproofing provides protection against moisture penetration, and for a room such as a toilet, this is especially important. There are many communications - water supply, sewerage. And no one is immune from troubles in the form of a leaking pipe and other accidents. If you waterproof your toilet properly, you will protect your neighbors and yourself from the damage that situations like this can cause.

You can arrange waterproofing in different ways. But for the toilet, the best and most affordable option is coating waterproofing. It is distributed along the joints of the floor and walls in the form of strips, 150-180 mm wide.

  • Then, a waterproofing tape is placed on the wet strips laid at the joints, which must be pressed into the coating. This element provides additional protection against leakage;
  • Now we have to wait for the waterproofing at the joints to dry. After that, you can distribute the coating over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor with a thin layer. When this coat dries, a second and third coat can be applied for maximum protection. But each next layer should be superimposed only on a well-dried previous one.

When the important task of the waterproofing device is solved, you can move on to more pressing problems, namely, the replacement of pipes.

A thorough repair in the toilet involves the replacement of communications. Given the state of the housing stock, such a measure is most often simply necessary. New pipes will allow you to enjoy good water pressure and clean water.

An excellent alternative for old metal pipes are modern metal-plastic pipes, or just plastic ones. Their characteristics are excellent, so we recommend choosing them. But in order to install new pipes, you must first make room for them and remove the old ones. To do this, use a grinder or grinder with the appropriate nozzle. When the pipes are cut, they can be folded more compactly and thrown away. Now that the place is free, you can start creating a new wiring from clean and high-quality pipes. You can lay new communications in the same way as the old ones were installed, or you can choose more convenient places.

If you do not know how to perform this type of work and are insecure, then it is better not to take risks and hire a professional for this critical part of the repair. A good master will help you choose the optimal wiring diagram and installation locations for metering devices, taps, connections, etc.

The ideal time to replace pipes in an apartment is to replace the riser throughout the entrance. At this time, all owners of apartments located in one riser have the opportunity to make new pipes in the bathroom and toilet and connect them in the most convenient way to a new common riser. But such luck does not come often. Therefore, it is necessary to build on the conditions that exist today.

If you plan to use water meters and various water filters installed directly on the pipes, then the wiring can get quite complicated. If nothing of the kind is planned, then the wiring will be simple and easy to install. It is often more correct and more convenient to install new pipes in the same places where the old ones ran. Consider the main wiring options:

  • The simplest wiring diagram is a tee. It is she who can most often be found in the toilets and bathrooms of apartments in high-rise buildings. This scheme assumes the presence of:
  • Pipes for hot and cold water for connection in the sink;
  • Hot and cold water pipes for bath connection;
  • Tees for forming branches from the main pipe;
  • Corners for turning pipes in the right direction;
  • check valves;
  • Branch pipes for washing machine and toilet bowl;
  • Water meters;
  • Pressure reducers for its stabilization. This element is especially important if regular pressure drops are observed;
  • Filters;
  • Shutoff valves.

Wiring is carried out from the central risers of water supply. The weak point of such wiring is the uneven supply of water when it is used simultaneously at different points.

  • Another type of wiring is collector. Its difference lies in the fact that each water intake point has its own connection to the provided water supply collectors. Thanks to this, water is evenly distributed at all points, uniform pressure is provided even when several points are operating simultaneously.

It is possible to perform such wiring, but for this it will not be possible to replace pipes only in the toilet. You will have to completely rebuild water communications throughout the apartment. You can install collectors in the toilet, on the back wall, since, as a rule, central risers are also located nearby. In this case, the back wall is covered with decorative panels.

The components of the wiring with collectors are:

  • Valves that ensure the flow of water into the heated towel rail or immediately into the wiring around the apartment;
  • Main faucet for hot water;
  • Main faucet for cold water;
  • Filters;
  • Metering devices;
  • Pressure reducer;
  • Collectors for cold and hot water, connected to each point of water intake separately.

A storage water heater can also be included in such a system. At the same time, when switching to its use, it will be necessary to turn off the tap leading to the intra-apartment wiring. Such a boiler will be convenient to hang in the toilet. At the same time, there are some nuances of this operation that you need to know before starting work.

  • In the process of installing pipes, consider where exactly the sink will be mounted, if, of course, it is provided in your bathroom.

This parameter must be considered at this stage, because it will achieve more aesthetics in the design of the toilet. For example, if the sink will stand against the wall on which the collector is located, then the connecting hoses that extend to the sink can be closed with the same box as the collector itself.

If another place is provided for the sink, then in this case the hoses can also be closed with a box. But it will be more practical to drown them in the wall. It is not difficult to do this, but you have to make some noise, since for this you need to gouge strobes in the wall - grooves in concrete into which pipes will lie. Outside, only the fitting for connecting the mixer will remain.

This method of masking pipes fits perfectly into a bathroom renovation project that includes ceramic tiling on the walls.

When you have finished working with communications, then all outlets, open fittings, or sockets, must be carefully plugged with rags or covered with covers to prevent clogging of new pipes and debris from entering them.

  • The sewer pipe passing under the sink is also not a decoration of the toilet. Therefore, it is also recommended to hide it in a box, drown it in a wall or on the floor. This is also done by gouging a strobe of the appropriate size and placing a pipe in it. The other end of this pipe is connected to a sewer pipe that runs from the toilet to the riser.

At the same stage, it is worth deciding on the complete replacement of the sewer riser. Of course, in an ideal scenario, it is desirable to solve this problem, especially if the condition of the current pipe leaves much to be desired. But doing this in a separate apartment can be very problematic. It is best to negotiate with the neighbors and do this work together, replacing the entire riser at once.

This completes the piping work. Now you can safely proceed to the creation of beauty, convenience and comfort. The first step is to finish with the pipes. No matter how new and neat they are, I still want to close them with something more aesthetic. We will talk about ways to mask communications.

The best way to disguise those pipes that cannot be wall-mounted is to make a decorative box for them. Consider the technology of its device:

  • The basis of the box is the frame, which we frame the sewer and water pipes. Then drywall sheets will be attached to this frame.

As a material for the frame, you can choose a wooden beam. A stronger and more reliable structure can be built from a metal profile. But for a small box, a wooden base will be enough. The frame must be perfectly flat, precisely fitted in size. Therefore, all its details must be carefully measured, carefully cut and connected to each other. Control the horizons and verticals when installing the frame using a level. Fastening elements is carried out with self-tapping screws.

  • The frame is installed at the bottom of the wall, if all the wiring pipes are located there. For the sewer, another frame is being constructed, vertical.

In some cases, you have to build a frame on the entire wall. At the same time, it is extremely important not to forget to make a window through which it will be possible to inspect and repair hidden communications. Such a window should be in any box, regardless of its size. The absence of such a window will force you to disassemble the entire box at the first accident. And also keep in mind that you will have to regularly take readings from the meters, so you must have access to them.

  • Inspection windows are not the only thing to consider when creating a pipe box. Another important aspect is ventilation. Very often, the vent in the toilets of apartment buildings is located in the far wall near the ceiling. Under no circumstances should this hole be closed! If you plan to install a box in this place, then you need to make a separate box for the ventilation hole, in which, after finishing work, an exhaust fan will be installed.
  • When all the frames have found their places, they can be sheathed with the selected material. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the ability of the material to accept a decorative finish. The best option is drywall sheets. But in some cases it is quite possible to use plywood sheets. Fixings for sheathing are carried out with appropriate fasteners;
  • If you have chosen drywall as a sheathing for the frame, then after installing the sheets, do not forget to treat the joints in a special way. They are strengthened with sickle and puttied. It is also necessary to putty the hats with a self-tapping screw so that the rust from them does not show through on the top finish;
  • Now we need to think about the door for the viewing holes. Compare what material you will make the doors from, and what material you will generally use to finish the box. This will help you determine when to install the door frame and door hardware.
  • if you plan to paste over the box with wallpaper, then select furniture hinges to fasten the door. In this case, the door is installed on the frame before it is finished;
  • if you do not hang the door, but install blinds in the opening, then they can be installed after finishing the box;
  • if the box is sheathed with PVC panels, then the door can also be made from them. In this case, the door is installed on the rails of the box frame;
  • and also for the door, you can design a special frame for the size of the holes left. This frame is inserted into the box after finishing. Along the perimeter, it is sheathed with baguette slats.

When the box is completely sheathed and puttied, its surface must be coated with a primer. Wait until the first layer dries and apply the primer again. Now, while the box dries, you can move on to finishing other surfaces.

A vivid example of how to repair the toilet, photo. With your own hands, you can implement all the solutions presented in our article. You can use any materials suitable for rooms with high levels of humidity. At the same time, it is desirable that they be resistant to various negative factors: chemicals, detergents, fungus, etc. Based on these requirements, ceramic tiles, primer impregnated plaster, washable wallpaper, PVC sheets can be offered as the optimal material for finishing the toilet. .

For the floor, it is advisable to choose high-quality tiles. If this traditional option does not suit you, then we recommend that you pay attention to an epoxy-based self-leveling screed, otherwise it is called 3D floors. This coating allows you to create multi-layered images with a noticeable 3D effect. But this option cannot be called affordable, as well as for independent implementation. Therefore, we propose to take a closer look at more affordable and traditional ways of finishing surfaces in the toilet.

Features of the use of ceramic tiles in the decoration of the toilet

Ceramic tiles are ideal for finishing any room with a high level of humidity. Performance characteristics make this material optimal for use in bathrooms. In addition, modern manufacturers offer the widest variety of colors and textures, which allows you to create truly original combinations and compositions. But to achieve an impeccable result, it is not enough to choose high-quality tiles. It needs to be of good quality. Let's take a closer look at the features of this process:

  • The surface you plan to tile on must be level. If the walls or floor in the toilet do not meet this requirement, then leveling with drywall or putty will be required.

A faster and easier leveling option is drywall. Among other advantages, this method is also the cleanest. Plasterboard sheets can be glued to walls or mounted on dowels. Do not forget about the need to handle the joints of the sheets in a special way and putty the fastener caps. We talked about how to do this correctly when we examined in detail the device of the pipe box.

If the irregularities on the walls are pronounced, then it may be necessary to build a frame to fix the drywall sheets.

But in relation to the toilet, the use of sheets on the frame cannot be called very successful, since the frame will reduce the area of ​​​​an already small room. Therefore, instead of a full-fledged frame, you can make a thin crate of slats 15-20 mm thick.

  • After, it must be primed and wait for it to dry. After that, you can start laying tiles.

You have to start from the bottom. In the process of laying, do not forget to control the horizontal and vertical rows with the help of a level. Special plastic crosses inserted into the seams help to leave an equal distance between the tiles.

  • Sometimes individual elements need to be trimmed. This should be done with a tile cutter or grinders with a special diamond wheel;
  • The connection of the tile to the surface is carried out by means of a special composition. It is distributed on the wall with a notched trowel, and then the tile is pressed against it;
  • When all the rows are laid out, it is necessary to wait for the seams to dry, and then treat them with grout, which is selected according to the color scheme to match the overall design;
  • When completed, you can do the floor. It also needs to be leveled. It is most convenient to use a self-leveling mixture in this situation. For the toilet, you need a little of it, it will cost inexpensively, and the result will be impeccable.

Laying tiles is one of the main steps that make up a do-it-yourself toilet repair, the video from our article will help you do it perfectly!

Features of the use of PVC panels in the decoration of the toilet

Using PVC panels is a simpler and more affordable option than using tiles. It is easier to work with this material, its installation is much faster, and its cost is lower. No dirty work is required. Everyone can fix the panels on the walls. The main point that must be taken into account is the strict observance of the evenness of each row.

A frame is also installed under the plastic sheathing. It levels the unevenness of the walls and allows you to mount the panels as evenly as possible.

PVC panels do not have a long service life. At the very least, it is significantly shorter than the service life of high-quality ceramic tiles. But once made, the batten will allow you to change the top skin as often as you need, and it will be very easy to do.

Let us consider in more detail the process of wall cladding with PVC panels:

  • Let's start by mounting the frame on the ceiling. Don't forget to leave space for lighting fixtures. It can be spotlights or one ceiling lamp.
  • In practice, the crate is performed simultaneously on the ceiling and on the walls.
  • To create a frame on the ceiling, a metal profile or timber is used. When the crate is attached to the stream, electrical communications are carried through it to the installation sites of lighting fixtures. Naturally, when performing work, the cables must be de-energized;
  • corner moldings are installed at the junctions of the ceiling with the walls. The grooves located in them will be the place for fixing the wall panels;
  • holes for lighting fixtures are cut in the ceiling panels;
  • after that, the panels begin to be fixed on the ceiling crate. Start the task from the wall. When the ceiling is sheathed, the wall sheathing begins.
  • On the walls, as well as on the ceiling, a frame is arranged. It is attached to the surface with dowels. For horizontal installation of PVC panels, the frame must be vertical, for vertical installation - horizontal.

Since the toilet is a small room, the frame must be made with the calculation of saving space. Its slats in thickness should not exceed 20 mm. When installing a crate, it must be immediately built according to the level, and also lining should be made in the places of future fasteners.

Frame racks are installed in increments of 400-500 mm.

In the surface of the slats are fastened with dowels. The holes for them are drilled immediately through the rail and the wall, then a plastic dowel is hammered into the hole, and a self-tapping screw into it.

  • A starting molding is attached to the rail near the floor. It will hold the ends of the panels;
  • panels located near the ceiling take their places in the corner molding, which were mounted during the ceiling sheathing;
  • corner molding is also mounted along the vertical corner parts in order to connect the extreme panels of two walls;
  • now the panels must be cut in accordance with the height from the lower molding to the upper;
  • panel installation starts from the corner. The first element is inserted into the grooves from three sides: from above, from below, from the end directed into the corner. It is very important to install this panel as evenly as possible, as it sets the evenness of the entire row;
  • Panels can be attached to the frame in several ways. You can use nails by driving them into the hidden parts of the panels. Another way is to use special clamps that are put on the narrow side of the panel groove and connected to the rail. Such kleimers allow you to partially disassemble the laying of panels. There are also clips designed for mounting panels. Using them is simple, but in this case, the usual frame will not work. You will have to additionally mount the guides with which these clips will be connected.

Features of the use of washable wallpaper when finishing the toilet

It would seem that wallpaper is not the most suitable choice if you started repairing the toilet with your own hands. The videos in our article may convince you otherwise! Covering the toilet with washable wallpaper is one of the simplest and most affordable solutions. If you approach its implementation carefully and carefully, the result will be quite good.

Of course, this finish is much less than ceramic tiles. But its price is also more affordable. Therefore, you can change the washable wallpaper in the toilet at least every year.

The walls must also be leveled before gluing. As with ceramic tiles, drywall sheets can also be used. Wallpapers look great on them.

Wallpaper strips must be glued end-to-end. Accuracy and accuracy are especially important when working with wallpapers that have a pronounced pattern.

This finish is suitable not only for walls, but also for the ceiling. When choosing colors, keep in mind that light tones contribute to the visual expansion of the room, while dark ones, on the contrary, make it visually cramped.

Color-matched floor and ceiling skirting boards complete the wallpaper finish.

After all surfaces have received a decent finish, you can arrange the plumbing in its place.

First, the toilet is installed. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • The installation site is carefully marked. To do this, the toilet must be placed in its future place and circled with a pencil or marker, and it is also necessary to highlight the attachment points;
  • Now the toilet can be set aside and armed with a perforator. Holes for fasteners are drilled at the marked points in the floor. Anchors or dowels are driven into them;
  • The toilet takes its place and is fixed with fasteners. The bolt heads are covered with special decorative plastic overlays, which usually come with the toilet;
  • Now the toilet must be connected to the sewer and water supply. To do this, a corrugation is put on the lower opening of the toilet bowl and connected to the sewer socket;
  • Next, the tank is connected. The connection method is determined by the toilet model:
  • the cistern can be installed directly on the back of the toilet. Then the toilet bowl and the cistern must have appropriate holes for fasteners, and special fasteners, seals, etc. must be present in the kit;
  • if there are no such holes, then the tank must be attached to the wall, and connected to the toilet through a pipe supplying water.
  • Thus, the tank is attached in accordance with the instructions supplied with the specific model. In the same way, the assembly of the drain mechanism is carried out. After that, you need to connect the tank to the plumbing system. To do this, use a special hose that stretches from the tank to a special fitting on the pipe;
  • After that, the gaps between the floor and the base of the toilet bowl are treated with a sealant.

When the toilet is installed, you can begin to install the sink. When choosing one or another model, consider the possibility of hiding connections and pipes in a pedestal or bedside table. The installation of the sink is carried out as follows:

  • First you need to prepare the sink for installation. And this involves the installation and connection of connecting hoses. After installation, these manipulations will be much more difficult. You can immediately install the upper elements of the drain system to the siphon;
  • After preparation, you need to attach the sink to the wall. Usually, anchors or brackets are used for this, depending on the model;
  • Now you need to connect the flexible hoses from the faucet to the pipe fittings. At this stage, it is recommended to install taps on the fittings in order to be able to turn off the water only at this point. If the taps are installed, then the hoses are connected to their nozzles;
  • After that, a siphon is installed in place and connected to a hose leading to the sewer. Then all connections are checked for tightness;
  • Now you can install a pedestal or bedside table.

When all manipulations with plumbing are completed, it is necessary to check the systems for leaks. No drops should appear on taps and pipes during a test run of water.

Self-repair in the toilet is quite within the power of those who really dream of bringing their ideas to life and have at least modest experience in the construction business. We hope that our article will be a good helper for you in this matter!

Where to start repairing a toilet is a question that interests everyone who is updating their apartment. Despite the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is quite small, there are a huge number of problems that we will now try to solve together with you.

Stages of renovation in the toilet

Repair must begin with the development of a future project. You must have a clear idea of ​​​​how the room should ultimately look like. Think over the entire design in advance and calculate the preliminary cost of all materials so that you don’t be surprised later. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of materials for finishing the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as the selection of all necessary new plumbing.

Of course, you should not spend too much money on repairing the toilet and make it somehow chic, but everything should look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing in the end, not only your family members, but also all your guests will visit this room.

Dismantling the toilet

If you plan to change the bathroom on your own, then you should follow the following toilet repair sequence:

  1. Preparation of the premises and, if necessary, replacement of pipes;
  2. Installation of new plumbing;
  3. Finishing of all surfaces;
  4. Aesthetics and decoration.

Let's start with proper preparation of the room. This means that it is necessary to get rid of all unnecessary items and dismantle the already used toilet bowl. First, of course, you need to remember to turn off the water so as not to flood the neighbors.

When the room remains empty, it is necessary to clean all surfaces, get rid of the previous finish. Despite all the difficulties, clean very carefully, you should not rush anywhere. Otherwise, a number of difficulties will arise later, which will be much more difficult to fix.

If earlier there were wallpapers on the walls in the room, you can remove them with a spatula. To do this, first of all, try to moisten the surface of the wallpaper with a sprayer with water and let it stand for a while. After a while, the wallpaper will get wet, and you can easily remove it with a regular construction spatula. The tile must be removed with a perforator.

If during the repair process you want to install a new front door, then at the preparatory stage you need to get rid of the old one. Also remove the door frame along with the door.

If finances do not allow you to replace the old door, or if it is simply still quite suitable for further use, then just wrap it well with food or other plastic wrap. This is necessary so that dust and dirt that will form during the repair process does not collect.

In the same way, get rid of the trim on the ceiling, and then remove the chandelier or shade. It is enough to leave only the light bulb in the cartridge.

If there is such a need, then the next step is to replace the cast-iron pipes with new ones, preferably plastic ones. This will allow you to avoid frequent pollution and clogging of sewer pipes, which leads to poor water flow. The advantage of PVC pipes is that they are quite easy to install, do not rust, do not accumulate all kinds of dirt on the walls, and besides, their price is not too high.

Moving on to plumbing

So now you know where to start. Now that all the preparatory work is completed, you can begin to replace the plumbing. A toilet bowl is an indispensable thing in every apartment, so its choice must be approached with all responsibility.

Installation of new plumbing

To date, there are a huge number of models on sale, they are both compact and overall. Choose them based on personal preferences depending on the size of your room. It is desirable that the toilet is combined with the overall interior, in harmony in color. When buying this product, pay attention to the presence of all parts, the absence of various irregularities or punctures, as well as high-quality packaging so that the rather fragile toilet bowl does not break during transportation.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a toilet bowl:

  • Shut off the water with a special valve that supplies liquid directly to the toilet. If this is not the case, then it is worth shutting off the valve of the pipe with cold water.
  • In order to reduce the water pressure to prevent the valve from leaking, turn on the water faucet in the kitchen.
  • Get rid of the old toilet.
  • Make sure the floor is perfectly level where the new toilet will be.
  • Install new plumbing, while making sure that all connections are smooth and secure.

Surface finishing

Nice decoration in the toilet

The first step is to decide on all the materials that will be used for decoration. You need to start with the flooring, and then take on the lining of the walls and ceiling. To finish the floor, it is best to use tiling, which is quite durable, practical, not afraid of exposure to moisture and dampness, and besides, there are no difficulties in maintenance, just wipe it with a damp cloth. In order for the surface to be warm, it is possible to install a floor heating system under the cladding. This will also provide additional heating for the entire room.

For finishing wall surfaces, plastic panels are the best option today. The advantages of this material are ease of installation, easy maintenance, resistance to moisture and dampness, relatively low price. If you use such panels for wall decoration, then it is better to choose glossy ones, this will further expand the space in a rather small room.

The first step is to make a frame from profiles. Then, install plastic panels into the existing grooves on the installed profile. After you have lined all the surfaces, proceed with the installation of new plumbing. Then install new doors if necessary, and complement the interior with additional decorative elements.

How to hide pipes

Pipes do not look very neat in the toilet, so if possible, you should hide them. Plastic is perfect for this purpose. A box made of this material will perfectly fit into the interior of the room, besides, it is quite simple to make it.

The profile frame will hide the pipes

On the surface of the wall, mark the markings on which you will attach the profile. Then make a frame from profiles in order to fix the plastic panels. This is done using ordinary screws. This task is simple, does not require any specific skills, so you can make a box yourself, thereby giving a beautiful appearance to the toilet room.

Secrets for increasing space

Of course, each of us would like to see all the rooms in our apartments spacious and comfortable. However, most bathrooms still have a rather limited space. In order to at least visually enlarge it, there are some secrets.

First of all, the decoration of the walls and ceiling should be light. You can apply a little trick - cover the bottom of the wall with light-colored tiles to highlight clear edges that will add originality, also apply a border. The remaining space of the walls can either be plastered or pasted over with light wallpaper.

For floor decoration, also use only light colors. You can also save space with a wall hung toilet. With all this, do not forget that all elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

There is another way to save space. To do this, combine the bathroom with the toilet. Of course, this process is quite laborious, as it requires the demolition of the partition, numerous construction works and the execution of all necessary documents. An important condition that must be taken into account is that the wall that you are going to demolish should not be a load-bearing one. If you still decide on this process, then first completely think over the entire project, decide where you will place all the plumbing, and how you will hide the sewer pipes.

All furniture that will be present should be compact and functional. Recently, hanging cabinets with mirrors have become very popular, as well as a sink with a built-in cabinet, where you can store all the necessary items. It is advisable to use furniture that will be attached to the wall, and not take up space on the floor.

Using all of the above tips, you can easily make repairs in the toilet yourself.

In many ordinary apartments, toilets do not take up much space, this is basically a small room that is most often visited. For this reason, it is important that it is as cozy and comfortable as possible here. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is small, the question of what repairs can be done in the toilet is considered very relevant.

Toilet renovation steps

In the process of major repairs in the toilet, you can not do without such work:

  • choice of design and materials;
  • sewer replacement;
  • preparation of walls, floor and ceiling;
  • conducting communications;
  • floor repair;
  • if necessary, a sanitary cabinet is mounted;
  • wall and ceiling repairs;
  • floor finishing;
  • installation of a toilet, lighting, ventilation, washbasin and other items;
  • finishing walls and ceilings;
  • boiler installation;
  • if necessary, change the door.

Of course, cosmetic repairs are much easier, since complex construction work is not required.

First of all, we decide on the design of the toilet

The choice of design for the toilet

Regarding the choice of design, it is worth noting that it should be simple and concise. In many cases, the style is the same as in the bathroom. Let's pay attention to some very important nuances:

  • it is not recommended to use colorful small details, as they can create a feeling of anxiety, which can cause intestinal work to go astray;
  • it is not advisable to use bright and saturated colors, it is better to give preference to pastel colors;
  • the general tone of the finish should gradually “cool down” from top to bottom, the same applies to color saturation;
  • vertical stripes on the finishing material will be superfluous, as they create the impression of an open space;
  • if desired, the walls can be divided vertically into two sections - from the floor to the middle or below half to the ceiling;
  • physiology is also badly affected by dense planes hanging over the head.

Some requirements for surface design:

  • for the floor, it is desirable to choose a dark, yellowish, grayish or brown color of the material;
  • part of the wall can be tiled in 3-4 rows, while it is better to use contrasting colors;
  • for walls it is better to choose a material of beige, mustard or cream color, a flat relief or a faded blurry pattern is allowed;
  • the ceiling is preferably done in pale blue, pale cream or pearl gray.

We decorate a small bathroom in pastel colors with contrasting walls.

Which finish option do you prefer?

Due to the wide variety of finishing materials, there are many original ideas for renovating a bathroom.

A classic idea for renovations in the bathroom and toilet is tiling, which can be chosen in any design, whether it be plain or colored.

  • Tiles should be laid before installing plumbing, so you can facilitate and speed up the work.
  • It is recommended to buy tiles for walls with a margin.

If the repair of the toilet will be carried out using tiles or ceramic tiles, then before buying the required size of the material, you must measure the width of the walls in advance. It should be noted that a narrow strip of tile does not look so attractive.

  • Before laying the tiles on the wall, the surface must be pre-treated with a solution that protects against the formation of mold and fungus.
  • Antiseptic is best applied in two or three layers.
  • The tile is mounted, starting from the bottom of the wall. Laying is done in small parts, after which grouting is done.

We use the classic material for finishing the toilet: tiles

What materials to choose for toilet renovation?

When choosing materials for repairs in the toilet, you need to consider the following points:

  • a small amount of liquid is spilled on the floor, in particular detergents with biologically active substances;
  • many unpleasant smelling substances evaporate into the air, for example, ammonia, unsaturated and cyclic hydrocarbons, etc.

Due to such circumstances, the choice of materials should be approached very carefully.

In this case, experts do not recommend using wood, as well as materials based on it, in particular MDF and laminate, since they are porous and organic. As a rule, microbes multiply quickly on floors with such a coating, since the material quickly absorbs unpleasant odors and moisture.

Also unsuitable material for finishing the toilet is a tile made on the basis of silicates. From a chemical point of view, it is neutral, but it has many micropores, so odors penetrate there instantly. Thus, it is necessary to use a special air freshener much more often.

Washable wallpapers should also be alerted, since they contain a specific filler that quickly absorbs unpleasant odors. If you really want to buy such material, then you need to give preference to certified brands or a trusted manufacturer.

It is also undesirable to do a regular floor screed, even if you add a polymer emulsion.

It is also not recommended to make an armstrong suspended ceiling, as it is porous. In addition, the material is made from chemically unstable organic matter, that is, paper production waste is used. The same applies to any paper wallpaper.

Paints with organic pigments and fillers quickly turn yellow, darken and become completely ugly. The same can be said about ceiling panels.

It is better to use such materials:

  • porcelain stoneware is better suited for cladding, as it is distinguished by density, strength and chemical resistance, although it is relatively expensive;
  • it is desirable that the tile be faience or kaolin-based;
  • it is better to choose paint with mineral pigments and marble flour filler;
  • washable wallpaper should be based on polypropylene or polyester;
  • drywall can be used, only it must be moisture resistant and green, for such material you need galvanized or aluminum profiles;
  • in this case, you can use any plaster, but impregnation with a primer on concrete is necessarily done with a roller after the composition has solidified;
  • as a waterproofing, you can use aquaizol or polyester;
  • a bulk cement-based base screed is made on the floor, and it is better to make a polymer screed as a finish.


Initially, self-leveling floors were made exclusively in toilets. Their cost is not high, while such a room requires a small flow.

Where does a toilet renovation begin?

When planning to make repairs in the smallest room in the entire apartment, you have to think about where to start overhauling the toilet and what preparatory measures need to be taken. As a rule, any repair begins with the preparation of materials, tools and, of course, surfaces.

An important issue is the preparation of tools, since the quality of the repair also depends on this. So, for repairs in the toilet, you need to acquire:

  • sink key;
  • a knife for cutting pipes;
  • tongs for tiles;
  • tile cutter;
  • level;
  • scraper with a serrated surface for leveling.

If there is a need to change an outdated tile, then this can be done. Sometimes you need to simplify the repair process or just save money, then just replace a few damaged tiles.

Preparing tile laying tools

Removing the sink is easy

In order for such work to be done correctly, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • using a pipe cutting knife, the eyeliner is disconnected. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the rest of the pipe;
  • you can remove the faucet in the sink only after closing the valves along the riser, then the brackets are unscrewed, and the sink is removed;
  • the toilet must be dismantled, starting from the tank, water is drained from there, the hose that supplies water is removed, and only then the tank itself is dismantled. The same manipulations are carried out with the toilet, it must first be unscrewed from the floor.

Cleaning the surfaces of the room

Cleaning surfaces in the toilet is easier to perform than in the bathroom, only this section has its own nuances:

  • before knocking down the floor tiles, you need to carefully inspect the toilet mounts (up to this point, all plumbing should have already been removed). The complexity of floor work and, of course, costs depend on the condition of these fasteners;
  • there is no need to pick up the floor and walls to the original brickwork, to the slab or ceiling. As a rule, a deep layer of plaster and screed in the toilet do not deteriorate even in the oldest apartments;
  • you can completely knock down the tiles, while it is not necessary to clean the floor to perfect smoothness. If a bulk screed is made, then small irregularities and defects will be hidden in any case;
  • the top layer of plaster and paint from the surface of the ceiling and wall is easier to clean with a drill equipped with a round metal brush, but this process is very dusty. If you have special skills, you can then immediately paint or glue the surfaces;
  • work on cleaning walls and ceilings can also be done with a brush, while you need to start from hard-to-reach places;
  • at the end of the work, the surfaces to be treated must be vacuumed and treated with a primer for deep penetration concrete using a roller. While the floor is being processed, the walls and ceiling will be completely ready for applying paint, wallpapering and cladding.

In the combined bathroom, we dismantle the sink, bathtub and clean the surfaces

If the toilet is being repaired in Khrushchev, then there will be no choice regarding hydraulics and sewage, that is, everything remains in place. Installing a mini washstand does not require much effort.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet room allows you to put some additional sanitary and hygienic appliances, then the pipes leading to them will need to be masked into the walls, since this solution can ruin the overall look.

The laying technology is almost the same as in the bathroom, that is, there will be solid brazed propylene on all-propylene fittings, arranged in strobes. After installation work, the strobes will be foamed. In this case, there are two features:

  • it is not recommended to plaster the strobes in the walls, as they are perfectly glued with tiles;
  • it is not advisable to hide pipes in the floor or accumulate them in a bunch in the corners, covering them with slopes: firstly, places of accumulation of miasma are created, secondly, such a solution will immediately catch the eye, the floor area will also decrease, which is already small without it. You will have to work well with a puncher.

Regarding electrical wiring, it is worth saying that there is no real risk of electric shock, compared to a bathroom. For this reason, the switch may be located inside this room. Agree unpleasant to accidentally be without light in a small enclosed space.

Experts advise laying a corrugation with wires from the lamp to the ventilation vent. A very convenient solution is the operation of an additional fan, which turns on along with the light bulb.

For lighting, it is better to use xenon, freon or krypton incandescent bulbs; energy-saving lamps with a three-layer phosphor are also considered a good option. Although such products are considered good, it is not advisable to buy them for the toilet, since the light there turns on periodically and for a short time.

Laying communications in the bathroom

Pipe repair

In most cases, pipes are not repaired, and only their replacement saves. This is due to destruction, rust and other processes.

It is also recommended to change pipes for the reason that over many years of operation, large amounts of lime have accumulated on the inside of the product. Of course, they can leak at any moment and flood not only their own toilet, but also the neighbors below.

  • if a decision is made to replace the pipes, then it is better to give preference not to steel products, but to metal-plastic ones, since they are distinguished by their strength and durability;
  • when installing metal-plastic pipes, there is no need to use welding, such products do not rust, while the price is pleasantly surprising;
  • metal-plastic pipes are interconnected by means of special fasteners, the so-called screw fittings. This solution is great for heating and sewerage devices.

Before moving on to the process of installing new pipes, you need to dismantle the old ones. During installation, it is desirable to make as few joints as possible, in the worst case, the risk of leakage will increase.

Changing the floor of the bathroom

In the apartment, the floor should be arranged according to the “trough” type, that is, it should be 2-3 cm lower than the floor, and this applies to both the bathroom and the toilet. This is required in order to have time to eliminate the consequences of flooding or leakage. When calculating the thickness of the floor, this circumstance must be taken into account.

If you plan to completely redo the floor in the toilet in the usual way, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant materials specially designed for this purpose.

Pay attention to some nuances:

  • for the screed, you will need only one beacon, from which you will have to saw off two pieces according to the size of the long walls;
  • such beacons will be installed with a certain indent from the walls, equal to 15-20 cm;
  • a semi-terre or a rule will need to be cut, as their width is greater than the width of simple toilets;
  • for a screed, in any case, backfilling is needed, in this case, expanded clay is considered a good option;
  • on the installed bolts for fixing the toilet, you must first weld anchor plates measuring 50 by 50 mm or 70 by 70 mm;
  • bolts must be installed on the main floor, that is, before filling;
  • they must be immediately put on a template so that they are not damaged during further work.

Note! Usually, the template is removed onto paper from a new toilet, it is glued to a piece of plywood, and holes are drilled through the paper for the bolts.

The easiest and most inexpensive way to repair the floor in the toilet is a self-leveling screed. First, aquaizol is laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm on the walls. Then a base floor 2-3 cm thick is formed, using a cement-based mixture. The final bulk coating will be formed from a polymer compound, its thickness should be at least 1.5-2 cm. Despite the name of the bulk floor, it is worth noting that the mixture itself does not spread, the composite material layer must be formed according to the conditional instructions:

  • the compound is kneaded in an ordinary bucket using a special nozzle for a drill or with a construction mixer;
  • the resulting mixture is poured into the middle of the floor and roughly leveled with a drive;
  • the mixture is rolled with a spiked roller;
  • after a day, the base is poured with a polymeric liquid composition, the principle of its mixing is the same.


Since the toilet is considered the smallest room in the apartment, minor expenses will be required to repair it. Based on this, it is recommended to buy only high-quality materials that will not absorb unpleasant odors.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The toilet is one of the smallest rooms in the house, which is visited quite often. This combination creates certain difficulties: care should be taken that the atmosphere of this room is conducive to peace, is cozy and functional, and the decoration is practical, but a modest area limits the possibilities and dictates its requirements. Therefore, when starting a budget repair of a toilet with your own hands, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of materials, think over the design of the room in advance, and draw up a work plan. And inspiring photos, original ideas and useful tips that you will find below will help you with this.

Toilet renovation steps

So, the decision to repair was made, at the family meeting they discussed and approved the budget - it remains only to figure out where to start the repair. Even for experienced craftsmen, a small repair of a toilet in an apartment risks turning into a headache if you do not adhere to a clear action plan, which will look something like this.

  1. Decide on the design of the toilet.
  2. Select and purchase the materials you will need for the repair.
  3. if they have fallen into disrepair.
  4. Prepare the floors, walls and ceiling of the toilet - remove the old tiles, clean the surfaces.
  5. Lay the necessary communications - electrical wiring, propylene pipes, etc.
  6. After completing all the preparatory work, you can carry out repairs to the floor.
  7. If necessary, install a plumbing cabinet.
  8. Repair the ceiling and walls.
  9. After that, the final finishing of the floor in the toilet can be done.
  10. Install the toilet on the prepared floor.
  11. Then everything else is mounted - lighting, ventilation, washbasin and so on.
  12. Finish the walls and ceiling.
  13. Install a boiler.
  14. If necessary, replace the toilet door.

The list is significantly reduced if you have planned a simple redecoration of the toilet without replacing plumbing and laying new communications.

Choosing a toilet design

Starting planning the future design of the toilet room, consider both your own wishes and current fashion trends. To do this, you can visit friends and relatives, noticing interesting solutions in the design of the bathroom. Or you can look for inspiration on numerous sites where people share their experience in repairing a toilet with their own hands, post photos, and discuss bold ideas.

When choosing a design, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Small or colorful details should not be used, as they can create a subconscious feeling of anxiety, which can negatively affect bowel function.
  • The toilet is not the best place to use bright, saturated colors. It would be better to opt for pastel, muted colors.
  • Vertical stripes on the walls will turn an already small and narrow bathroom into a kind of tower. A horizontal drawing, on the contrary, will “push apart” the walls, make the space more harmonious, proportional.
  • The division of the wall horizontally into two sections using the principle of the golden section looks beautiful. You can choose contrasting color combinations.
  • Objects hanging overhead - shelves, cabinets, a boiler - do not affect the physiology in the best way. Try to place them in more suitable places or somehow disguise them.
  • And finally, when making flooring in the toilet, it is better to choose fairly dark colors - dark yellow, brown or gray.

The choice of materials for the repair of the toilet

When choosing materials for repair, it must be taken into account that a liquid saturated with biologically active substances (biologically active substances) still gets on the floor in the toilet, although in small quantities. And also a certain amount of substances with a sharp unpleasant odor evaporates into the air - ammonia, hydrocarbons, etc. In this regard, you should think about how to abandon a number of materials, even despite their external attractiveness.

  • It is not recommended to use wooden panels in the toilet, as well as MDF, laminate and similar organic coatings - they are porous and quickly absorb unpleasant odors and moisture, becoming a breeding ground for germs.
  • Porous tile is not suitable for repairing the floor in the toilet - it can be calculated by the color of the reverse side, which is different from white. With such a tile, an unpleasant smell will linger in the toilet for a long time.
  • Washable PVC wallpapers, paper wallpapers, armstrong false ceilings and foam plastic ceiling panels also perfectly retain odors.

Good to know: paints based on organic pigments and fillers quickly lose their attractiveness, acquiring yellow and dark shades.

What materials are suitable for renovation in the toilet?

  • For cladding - porcelain stoneware. Density, resistance to chemicals and strength fully pay off its cost.
  • Tiles - faience or kaolin (white on the reverse side, at the break the material is shiny, fine-grained).
  • Choose a paint with mineral pigments and with a filler of microcalcite (marble flour). A filler made of dolomite flour will be a little worse, however, such paint can last 7–10 years.

If you decide to stick washable wallpapers, then they should be made of polypropylene, foam or polyester.

  • Profiles for plasterboard structures - only galvanized or aluminum, the plasterboard panels themselves - must be moisture resistant (green).
  • The plaster can be any, but after the composition has hardened, do not forget to impregnate it with a deep penetration concrete primer.
  • As a waterproofing, it is recommended to use polyester or aquaizol.

Self-leveling floors are the best choice for a toilet. The base floor screed is based on cement, and on top of it is a liquid polymer.

Many are afraid to start repairs on their own, even in a small toilet. are afraid that their skills are not enough to replace the toilet or install the panel. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of craftsmen who have already carried out repairs with their own hands, a video with lessons on this topic will not hurt to carefully study. Even a simple photo can make it much easier to understand how to make repairs in the toilet with your own hands.
