The principle of operation of electric heating in a private house. Heating your home with electricity: the most economical way, a few tips. How it works

The choice of a heating system is a key issue, the solution of which determines the comfort of living and the safety of the owner's financial resources. Considering various options, you should pay attention to electric heating in a private house, evaluate its pros and cons in order to compare it with other proposals.

Modern systems powered by electricity are very diverse. Not all of them consume excessively large amounts of electricity. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Electric heating systems are among the most environmentally friendly. They do not emit any emissions into the atmosphere

This is fundamentally wrong, because electrical systems have many significant advantages that distinguish them from other types of heating:

  • Safety. The equipment does not work with open flames and explosive substances, like other heating appliances. High-quality laid wiring - reliable protection against possible fire.
  • Easy to manage and maintain. Automatic systems regulate the operation of the equipment, which requires minimal human intervention. There are no items that require regular replacement or cleaning.
  • Complete environmental safety. During operation, the system does not emit toxic substances, so it can be mounted in any premises.
  • No need to store fuel. Therefore, a special room for storing combustible materials is not required.
  • Compactness. Most of the equipment is small. The diverse design of the devices makes it easy to choose a model for any interior style.
  • low cost. Compared to other types of heating devices, the price of such equipment is much lower.

Of the significant shortcomings of electrical systems, in addition to the rather high cost of electricity, in fairness it should be noted the complete energy dependence of the equipment.

This means that in the event of a power outage, all appliances will stop working, which will be especially noticeable in areas with frequent power outages. In addition, for the smooth operation of the equipment, you will need a powerful electrical network, which is far from being available everywhere.

For the arrangement of water heating with an electric boiler, only a closed system with an expansion tank equipped with a membrane is chosen, with which the pressure in the system is regulated

Water heating with electric boiler

It is a standard system with a liquid heat carrier circulating in the heating circuit. Its main difference lies in the fact that the heat carrier is heated only through the use of an electric boiler.

Because of this, such a system will have some features. First of all, it can only be closed type and must be equipped

Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid uneven heating of the premises, losses in the speed and power of heat exchange, which will lead to excessive consumption of electricity and, accordingly, unjustified costs. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to install a system with natural circulation.

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The best option is forced circulation of the coolant, which will make it possible to save energy as much as possible. Three types of electric boilers can be used to work with such a heating system. Let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Boilers with heaters type TEN

In each of these devices, heating elements are installed. These are heating elements that work on the principle of resistive heating of a conductor through which an electric current passes.

Due to the fact that they have to work in liquid, the devices are additionally protected in the form of a waterproof case and reliable insulation. Therefore, the power of the heating elements is somewhat reduced.

The figure shows the design of an electric boiler with a heating element heater

As a result, the efficiency of each such heater is no more than 80. Therefore, in order for boilers of this type to heat the coolant to the desired temperature, it is necessary either to increase the number or to install larger heaters.

In any case, energy losses are inevitable, which negatively affects the efficiency of devices of this type. Most often, manufacturers install 3-4 heating elements in one boiler. There are different modes of operation of the device. Depending on this, all heating elements, only one of them or groups of elements can be included in the work.

In terms of efficiency, infrared equipment surpasses all known electric heating systems. This is due to the fact that he manages to heat the room very quickly, after which the automatic control unit periodically turns on / off the device, maintaining the desired temperature.

The disadvantages of infrared systems include a strict directionality of heating. The device heats only the area in front of it. Therefore, for example, an infrared film is laid around the entire perimeter of the floor or ceiling.

Another disadvantage is the rather high cost of such equipment, especially if you need to purchase material for arranging a warm floor or ceiling. However, it must be admitted that such investments of funds quickly pay off.

Modern infrared heaters can be made in the form of a decorative panel

Heating electric convectors

The operation of these devices is similar to the operation of heating radiators. They also heat up and transfer heat to the air around them. The difference lies in the fact that there is no coolant in the convectors. Therefore, inlet/outlet pipe systems are not needed.

Instead, heating elements are located inside the device, which heat its surface. The lower part of the device is intended for cold air intake.

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It penetrates inside the convector through a special mesh. Heating up from the heating element, the air rises higher and exits through the upper grate.

During the operation of the heater, a steady upward flow is created warm air that heats up the room quickly enough. To control the heating temperature, the equipment is equipped with a thermostat, an automatic control unit can be installed.

Manufacturers produce a wide the lineup devices of various capacities and designs. For rooms with high humidity you can buy devices with special protection. He will acquaint you with the criteria for choosing an electric convector, which we recommend reading.

Convectors are extremely easy to use and safe. The heating element of the device is located inside its case, while the outer panel heats up very little, so it is impossible to get burned on it.

The figure schematically shows the principle of operation of an electric convector: cold air masses are drawn in by the device from below and, after processing, are brought out at the top

Heating appliances are silent, so they do not create any inconvenience. Issued various variations convectors, among which there are mobile portable models. There are devices designed for floor mounting. They are installed under windows, in front of doors and in other similar places where devices create an effective thermal curtain preventing cold from entering the room.

The negative characteristics of convectors include their low power. Therefore, to heat the building, a sufficiently large number of them will be required, which is a serious load on the wiring. In addition, the efficiency of such devices is low. They consume quite a lot of electricity.

A kind of electric convector, which is built directly into the floor

Electrical systems "warm floor"

Their principle of operation is to use resistive conductors that heat up when passing through them. electric current. In fact, it is a heating cable, which can be two-core or single-core, which determines the way it is laid.

There are varieties equipped with a semiconductor matrix. These are so-called self-regulating cables that can control heating.

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Photo from The rod version of the electric floor is a group of carbon rods, to the edges of which the electric cable that feeds them is connected

Self-laying cable

For the arrangement of a warm floor, a heating cable can be taken, which fits directly into the screed. There is no other mounting option for it. In this case cement strainer becomes a kind of heat accumulator.

A more convenient option for laying is electric mats. They are the same heating cable, which is attached to a fiberglass mesh.

The advantage of mats is the possibility of laying not only in a screed. In some cases, for example, under ceramic tiles, such a system can be laid directly into the adhesive, the layer of which will need to be slightly increased.

The main disadvantage of both variants of the cable floor can be considered that if one of the sections of the system is damaged, the part of the structure located behind it fails.

During installation, the heating cable is laid so that its sections do not touch

This shortcoming is devoid of rod heating mats. They are pairs of conductors connected by parallel rods.

The system operates on the principle of self-regulation of the degree of heating. Warm floors of any type are equipped with a thermostat that controls the heating of the device to a certain temperature, after which the equipment turns off.

Periodic automatic switching on of the system is carried out only in order to maintain the set temperature. This mode of operation allows you to save electricity, but such heating is still quite energy-intensive.

Therefore, it is more often used as an additional heating system and for arranging especially comfortable warm zones in rooms. This can be, for example, areas for children's games or the floor in the bathroom.

Those wishing to compare different variants systems, evaluate their pros and cons, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the contents of this article.

The electrical heating systems effective and can be used for private houses. It is only important to insulate the building well, otherwise you will have to pay too much for electricity.

And what type of electric heating systems do you use to improve the comfort conditions in your home? Perhaps you know the useful subtleties of choosing and operating heating electrical equipment? Please write comments, leave a photo on the topic of the article, ask questions in the block below.

The most economical way to heat a private house is an autonomous system that runs on natural gas. But often, for objective reasons, such an opportunity is far from being everywhere. In the conditional second place in terms of the cost of thermal energy are solid fuel boilers or heating from a fireplace / stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but given the need to store fuel and the complexity of maintenance, not everyone likes this heating method. Liquefied gas storage requires expensive containers. And liquid fuel, in addition to storage difficulties, is distinguished by expensive equipment and poor environmental performance. All these shortcomings are deprived of electric heating of a private house. Except for one thing - the high cost of energy. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the load on family budget. What are the features of heating a house with electricity, the most economical way, which can heat the house with energy, we will consider in our article.

Electric heaters do not need chimneys and can be installed anywhere

Which heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism of certain types of heating appliances. They are criticized not for real shortcomings, but for fictional ones. Although at the end of the criticism, the conclusions are completely correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and it is impossible to build an economical heating system with their help.

Oil radiator

It is considered uneconomical - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high energy consumption and low return. But it is this type of device that has one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, it converts almost all electrical energy into heat (no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy), and those insignificant losses of 2% are due to the resistance of the inner walls of the radiator to the coolant. Yes, it is inertial - it warms up for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time.

Another disadvantage is that the room with its help warms up for a long time.

But this is a property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main method of heat transfer is natural convection, and it proceeds slowly.

The main disadvantage is the “rough” power adjustment and the use mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate temperature control makes an oil cooler inefficient when trying to optimize the cost of heating with electricity in a private house. Moreover, he has enough heat body when working on full power which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall.

fan heater

It is often written about a fan heater that it burns oxygen. But the “burning of oxygen” is nothing but the process of oxidation (combustion), and the maximum that can burn at a rather low temperature of the coil is organic dust in the air. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about the combustion of oxygen (after all, firewood does not burn), since this insignificant volume must be replenished as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of an oil cooler (part of the electricity goes to the operation of the fan), but not very different, given that the motor power of the fan itself is small (about 50 W out of a total of 1 or 2 kW). Advantage - very fast heating of the room. Disadvantages - a constant level of noise (albeit insignificant) and the transfer of dust throughout the room. And the main drawback of these household appliances is manual power adjustment and the ghostly possibility of creating an automated heating system based on fan heaters.

The fan heater is the most compact heating device, and it is great for heating a small area.

Therefore, it must be emphasized once again that the main reason due to which some types of electric heaters are not suitable for heating a house is not the efficiency (it is above 95% for almost everyone), but the impossibility of automating the system control. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without this it is impossible to make heating a house with electricity cheaply.

Efficient ways of heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house has the main advantages over all others - these are simple and accurate methods for monitoring and regulating the operation of all nodes and elements. Even the sensors and display of information about operating modes are more accurate than those of equipment on other types of energy carriers.

Individual electric heating of a private house has three options for heating systems:

    autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:

    use of infrared ceramic heaters;

    electric convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted into a smart home system and controlled remotely.

Differences between heating on gas and electricity in the video:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer electrical work services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Heating with an electric boiler

This is a classic scheme of an autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and direct.

Electric boilers indirect heating There are two types: heating elements and induction.

The device and principle of operation of heating element boilers are quite simple - there is a heating coil enclosed in a sealed metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, heat from the coil through the filler is transferred to the surface of the heating element shell, with which the heat carrier of the heating system contacts.

This is how the “stuffing” of a 9 kW heating element boiler looks like, which, despite its compact size, is able to heat a house with an area of ​​100 m2

Induction boilers appeared for household systems heating relatively recently. Their principle of operation lies in the property of metals to heat up under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a ferromagnetic alloy core, through the "secondary winding" of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of operation of the induction heater

The peculiarity of direct heating electric boilers is that water acts not only as a heat carrier, but is also part of electrical circuit- an alternating current passes through it between the electrodes. Where does the name of the boilers come from - electrode.

Each type of boiler has its drawbacks. In heating elements, scale is formed, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and resource of the boiler. Induction - quite expensive, bulky and have a "step" power control. Electrode ones have severe restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which must have a certain specific electrical resistance to alternating current.

Cascade of four electrode boilers for heating a large house

Well, the main disadvantage of heating country house electric boiler - the presence of the coolant itself and the "cumbersome" circulation system of pipes and batteries. The arrangement of such a system is costly, and the efficiency compared to direct-acting electric heaters may be less if circulation pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters that use radiation (radiation) as a transfer of thermal energy. This transmission method is considered the most effective for heating a room - first, objects that stand in the way of infrared radiation are heated, and then air is heated from them, due to secondary convection.

Clearly about infrared heaters in the video:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters:

    reflectors, in which the incandescent spiral is enclosed in a quartz glass bulb;

    panel - in a ceramic monolithic plate "sealed" heating element;

    film - with carbon sputtering on a polymer film.

Heating a house with electricity of the first type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of infrared radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of a private house heating system with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), the lack of precise temperature control and high case temperature.

The second type of device operates in the soft long-wave range. The maximum temperature of the ceramic panel does not exceed 90°C, but on the body it is even lower. There are two types of control - mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy is low. By using electronic thermostats You can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1°C.

The infrared panel is so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls

Film heaters are the most efficient. Usually they are used as part of a warm floor, but in principle they can be mounted in walls or on the ceiling. But it is the installation as part of the floor covering that most of all corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. The operation is controlled automatically using a pair of "temperature sensor-thermostat".

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free plane


Outwardly, convectors are very similar to panel ceramic heaters, but inside the metal case there is an “open” heating element, enclosed inside a plate radiator. Fundamental difference in the heating method - cold air enters the case through the bottom row of holes, in contact with the radiator, heats up and exits through the upper row of holes.

The body of the convector not only serves as a protection for the heating element, but also increases the speed of the upward flow. Due to this, at the same power, the space is heated faster than from a water heating battery.

Stylish convector panel looks great in a modern interior

As with panel ceramic heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic operation control that ensures the accuracy of adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

    individual, with manual control, used to heat a separate room;

    group, operation of several devices under the control of one (common) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode for several rooms;

    intelligent, control with a remote control, connection to a GSM module and control using standard commands from a remote terminal (mobile communication, Internet), connection to a router and control via local network and/or the internet.

What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electric convector - clearly in the video:

An example of a real system with an intelligent control scheme for electric heating at home

NOBO, a leading European manufacturer of convectors, produces two compatible smart control systems for electrical appliances. Including "warm floors" (through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a shield, a "break" in the circuit or turning on / off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, socket receivers and flush-mounted relay receivers.

Using such a system, you can control and manage up to 100 devices or group zones. And thermostats of the 700 series provide 4 operating modes for convectors: comfortable, economical, non-freezing (air temperature 7 ° C) and “off”. According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a control system for convectors and underfloor heating allows you to save up to 25% on electric heating at home.

One of two control schemes for a multi-zone electrical system

As a result - how to optimize electric heating

In addition to the competent selection of heating equipment, an efficient and optimal (in terms of costs) heating system with electricity is possible only with comprehensive insulation of the house - from the basement to the roof. Otherwise, the cost of heating a house that is blown through will be much higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and heating a house with electricity is unlikely to be cheap.

Many owners of private houses or apartments believe that an electric heating system is not economical. This point of view has a completely adequate explanation, since electricity is a rather expensive source of energy. Sometimes there are situations when alternative heating systems do not justify themselves or are simply not available for certain reasons. In such a situation, it will be necessary to use the energy carrier that is available. Electric heating systems can also be divided into different categories, so you should choose exactly the electric heating that will be the most profitable and economical.

Electric heating

Any of the options for organizing electric heating has both its advantages and disadvantages. The most popular and common heaters powered by the network are convectors and electric radiators.

Oil radiator

Oil-type radiators are in greater demand. Such devices are more suitable for local heating.

An oil cooler is such a device, the body of which consists of several sections connected to each other.

Inside this design is a mineral-type coolant. Heating elements are immersed in this coolant, which are necessary for heating the radiator. Many models of household type oil radiators have heating elements with a power of 2.5 to 3 kW. Thanks to this power, the oil heats up in a fairly short period of time. Mineral oil contributes to the fact that the heating element heats up to a very high temperature of 2000 degrees. Oil radiators are well suited for heating any room in a house or apartment.

Oil radiators will not justify themselves if they are used for general heating of an apartment or house, since they cannot be classified as economical. Such devices are justified only if they are used as an additional heating device.

An alternative to such devices can be called electric type convectors. They can also be installed as a general heater.

However, they will be justified only if it is impossible to organize a water heating system in the building. The convector housing contains a heating element that converts electricity into heat. From this heating component, hot air rises and exits through special openings that are in the convector body. Almost all modern electric convectors are equipped with special gratings, thanks to which it is possible to adjust the volume of outgoing air. At the bottom of the convector housing there are holes that are necessary for cold air to enter the device. This air is further heated and exits through the upper openings.

Electric wall convector

Almost all convectors are equipped with special temperature sensors automatic type, the principle of operation of which is similar to a heating tap. When the air that enters the convector through its lower openings is warm enough, the sensors will work and the appliance will turn off. Thanks to these parameters and characteristics, electric convectors are more justified in terms of energy savings than oil-type radiators.

According to their design features, there are several types of convectors: wall convectors and floor convectors.

Such devices are the most popular, but there are also convectors such as floor convectors. If the choice fell on the last type of convectors, then it is best to install them in the area along the window. In this case, they will not only heat the room, but will also become additional protection from drafts and street cold that penetrates through the window. Electric heating a convector will be more profitable and economical compared to oil radiators, however, the use of solid or liquid fuels or gas will still be cheaper.

Underfloor heating system

A warm floor cannot be considered the main heating system, but it will justify itself well as an additional source of heat. Underfloor heating is a structure consisting of heating film and heating cables. This design is mounted under the floor covering. Special temperature sensors are installed on some parts of the floor, which are connected to a thermostat installed on one of the walls of the room.

Warm cable floor

Such heating with electricity, like underfloor heating, allows you to produce self-adjustment heating in the apartment, setting a certain temperature regime. The installation of such a heating system is not a too complicated process, so you can do it yourself, without asking for help from specialists. We have a lot of recommendations, as well as videos that will help you cope with this task. A system such as electric underfloor heating will not be suitable as a universal heat source, so it will only be justified as additional system for heating.

infrared heating

Using infrared devices for heating with electricity is another method that allows you to heat a house or apartment. The infrared heater contains a heating element inside the housing, which is a source of infrared radiation. The infrared waves that come from this device do not heat the air in the room, but the objects to which they are directed. Such devices are considered the most efficient, as they radiate heat to where it is needed, and do not waste it.

Infrared Ceiling Heater

Modern infrared heaters boast an efficiency that exceeds 90%. Infrared heater of all electrical appliances is considered the most profitable and economical.

Their only significant disadvantage is that they are quite expensive. Before choosing one of the electric heating appliances, it is better to make calculations as to how quickly the costs will pay off.

Water heating: heating elements boilers

Electric water heating is considered more efficient than using only simple heating appliances. This heating system uses ordinary water as a heat carrier. In order for the water to be heated to the required temperature, the system is equipped with a device such as a boiler or an electric boiler. Household-type boilers that are used to heat water are not suitable as the main device of a water-based electric heating system. The boiler, which is necessary for the efficient operation of the heating system, must have much higher power ratings. To organize an autonomous electric heating system, a wide variety of installations can be used, such as:

  • heating elements;
  • induction installations;
  • Electrode installations.

The most popular are heating elements, which can be seen in the photo. The principle of operation of such boilers is as follows: the coolant enters the internal tank of such boilers. A heating element is placed in the tank, which will begin to heat up, and its temperature will be transferred to the coolant. Thanks to the circulation pump, the coolant will enter the heating circuit and then be distributed through the final consumption elements, that is, to the heating radiators.

electric boiler

It must be remembered that the most vulnerable spot the boiler is just a heating element. It is necessary to choose a boiler in which the heating element is a replaceable component. Ten after a few years may fail, as it will be covered with scale, and then it will need to be replaced. Most boilers are equipped with automation, which allows you to turn on a certain operating mode. This allows you to significantly save on electricity, since the boiler will heat water only when it is needed.

Another advantage that electric water heating gives is the fact that electrical components do not come into contact with water at all. In the event of an accident, the automation will completely turn off the heating element.

Electrode devices

A better alternative to water heating heating elements, which involves the use of electricity for heating, can be called electrode-type boilers. Such a device is a container of a small volume, inside which there are electrodes. When the boiler is filled with water, current will be supplied to these electrodes, and this, in turn, will cause the water to heat up.

Boilers of electrode type

In order for the electrode boiler to work as efficiently as possible, it will be necessary to subject the coolant to special preparation. An electrode boiler consumes more electricity than a heating element boiler. However, it is more reliable and does not break down as often.

Induction boilers

In induction boilers, there are two circuits at once: one is heat exchange, and the other is magnetic. In the magnetic circuit there is a coil that creates a magnetic field, and due to this, the coolant is heated. The principle of operation of such a circuit is very similar to the principle of operation hob induction type. The heat exchange circuit is necessary in order for temperature redistribution to occur in it. After that, the coolant will heat up and begin to flow into the heating system of the house.

induction boiler

The most important advantage of this type of boilers is the safety of their use. This can be explained by the fact that there are no heating components in the boilers.

Among the disadvantages of such devices, one can single out their high price, as well as a rather complicated smooth adjustment of thermal conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric heating

Any electric heating system has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of electric heating:

  • It can be installed independently;
  • Permission to install such devices is much easier to obtain than, for example, permission to install gas boiler;
  • Electric heaters are easier to set up and easier to manage;
  • The fuel supply does not need constant monitoring, all that is needed is to set a certain temperature regime;
  • Pretty fast heating;
  • A comfortable temperature regime in the room will be established only after 10-15 minutes after the system starts working.

Flaws electric heaters that most often cover reviews:

  • Equipment is quite expensive, in particular, to high price category include such devices that are equipped with various automation;
  • Heating the space itself is quite expensive;
  • High loads on electrical wiring and voltage cables.

If such shortcomings are not very frightening, then such a heating system will be considered quite effective. An electric heating system is much easier to organize than any other.

Electric heating in a private house - choose the best option

In general, the electric heating system of a private house is the only alternative along with traditional solutions. Compared to other types of heating systems, electric ones attract attention primarily due to their practicality, ease of use, independence and autonomy. With their help, owners of private houses can solve the problem of space heating as soon as possible.

An electric boiler in the house is warm, comfortable and does not spoil the overall design at all

Types of electrical heating appliances

According to recent studies, electric boilers for home heating have the highest efficiency. Almost every heater has a setting function temperature regime, so they are among the most economical. They do not require any maintenance and are almost silent, which makes them a real find for those who love a quiet countryside holiday.

Unlike liquid heat carriers, electrical energy is immediately converted into heat. In addition, with such a heating system, emergency leaks are excluded. From the foregoing, we can already conclude that electric heating systems meet all modern human requirements and are safe, hygienic and silent.

infrared heating

Ceiling with infrared system heating

Film infrared heating is a system that heats the air in the room using infrared rays.

Attention! Such systems heat, first of all, the objects in the room, and not the air itself. As for popularity, they will soon replace obsolete oil coolers and boilers.

Principle of Ceiling Infrared Heater

This type of heater is rarely used alone and often works in conjunction with underfloor heating. Together, they are used for general and local heating of the house. They are widely used in summer cottages and cottages, where rapid heating of all rooms is required.

Converter heaters

Converter heater

Also, it is worth mentioning such a type of heating as electric convectors. Each modern electric convector is equipped with special heating elements that do not burn oxygen and do not destroy the natural microclimate in the house. This method of heating has established itself as one of the most silent and efficient, and it is easy and simple to manage such an installation.

If you choose an electric convector with a built-in control unit that programs the operation of the device, then you can generally forget about controlling heating systems (mounted and forgot). The electric heating system of a private house will itself maintain the optimum temperature. If you leave home for a long time, the appliance automatically switches to standby mode and maintains a constant temperature of 5˚C.

Advantages of converter heaters

As far as security is concerned, there is nothing to be afraid of either. The built-in sensor instantly turns off the heating in the event of a heating element falling to the floor (this also includes overheating of the device). The body of the convector heats up to a temperature of no more than 65˚С, so it is safe to use it even when children and animals live in the house.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating system

By choosing such a heating system, you will not regret it - a cable or mat built into the floor turns your floor covering into one huge heater that evenly distributes heat throughout the room. With it, you can create an ideal (comfortable) temperature for a person in the house.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that underfloor heating can be used with any floor covering, which will expand the possibilities of interior design accordingly, because heating radiators will not be fixed in the rooms of the house. The whole system is hidden from view.

underfloor heating under laminate

fan heaters

Thermal fans

With the help of fan heaters, you can maintain a stable temperature in the premises of the house, and at the same time create a thermal curtain. They differ from water heating, first of all, in the speed of air heating, minimal heat loss and high efficiency.

Such a space heating system operates in full recirculation mode (in other words, it heats only the air inside the premises). But it is worth noting that with the admixture of outdoor (street) air, fans show good results.

Electric boilers

Electric boiler Rusnit 2100

If you like water heating of a private house with electricity, you can install an electric boiler. Such equipment is used in houses where it is not possible to conduct a gas heating system.

Due to their design features, electric boilers have all sorts of modifications and shapes. Their main distinguishing feature is the method of heating the coolant. In total, two main elements can be distinguished in such a boiler - a control unit and a heat exchanger.

As for the principles of work, then everything is simple - Electric Energy is converted into heat and heats the water, which through the pipeline enters the heating radiators. The control unit is necessary in order to monitor the correct operation of the boiler in a given mode.

If a malfunction or overheating occurs, the unit will signal you to turn off. When the maximum heating threshold of the equipment is reached, the unit turns off the boiler automatically.

Benefits of electric heating

Electric unit - convenient, functional and practical

In general, electric heating has a number of advantages and advantages that distinguish it from other types of heating systems:

  • Safety - the above types of equipment do not have an open flame, and proper wiring and installation of a "machine" will protect your home from fire;
  • No fuel - no need to purchase solid and liquid fuels, as a result of which you no longer need to look for a suitable storage facility for combustible materials;
  • Environmental friendliness - operating electrical systems do not produce noise and toxic emissions into the atmosphere. In the complete absence bad smell they are completely safe for humans. In addition, when installing electrical systems, you do not have to allocate a separate room - they can be mounted both in the kitchen and in the living room. A rich range of models allows you to choose a device for any design and interior;
  • Appearance - as mentioned earlier, a rich range of models and color solutions will allow you to choose exactly the model that you really like;
  • The operation of such devices does not require regular maintenance. Firstly, they are easy to manage, which even a child can handle, and secondly, there are no elements in their design that would require constant cleaning or replacement;
  • Ergonomics - it is possible to make electric heating of a private house with your own hands. Each unit is accompanied by a detailed scheme for assembling and installing the system, so even an ignorant person in this matter is quite capable of coping with its connection;
  • Price - compared to the same gas equipment, electrical systems are comparatively cheaper;
  • Size – The equipment itself is small in size and light in weight. The entire system can be moved by one person without experiencing any difficulties.

These are all electric boilers.

In addition to the positive qualities, there are also negative aspects:

  • Not every holiday village has a powerful power grid that can withstand such loads;
  • High energy costs will not please anyone;
  • Before installing an electric boiler, check whether the network is working properly in this locality. Not all devices are adapted to work in Russian extreme conditions (constant power surges, sudden shutdowns, etc.).


That, perhaps, is all that a layman needs to know who is about to install an electricity-powered heating system in his house (read also about how to choose the right electric boiler for heating).

If you do not know how to make your home warmer, our photo and video instructions will help you. Seeing everything with your own eyes, you will understand that electric heating systems are no worse than others, and in many ways surpass their counterparts!

Page 2

Heating your home is perhaps one of the most pressing issues of the multifaceted life of a resident. Russian Federation. That is why we will now consider the most commonly used autonomous heating systems for a private house and the possibilities of their application.

Possible scheme for heating a private house

Heating systems and their components

Boiler room of a private house

Any zealous owner, of course, wants to have uninterrupted heating in his house, which is consistent with the characteristics of a given region or a particular area. The efficiency and economy of heating depend on two technical components - the heating circuit and the heat carrier heating source - the boiler.

They will be discussed in this article with a video clip as an application.

gas boilers

Scheme of operation of a conventional (convection) boiler

  • Gas heating boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit, wall-mounted and floor-mounted, but according to the principle of operation they can be divided into convection and condensation devices. Traditional convection boilers operate according to a fairly simple scheme, which is shown above: gas entering the burner is burned in the combustion chamber, from which the heat exchanger and, of course, the coolant itself are heated. Air enters the combustion chamber in such a device through a coaxial chimney and carbon monoxide is removed with its help.
  • One of the important principles for the correct operation of a domestic gas convection boiler is to prevent the formation of condensate on the walls of the heat exchanger, because dissolved acids are present there. Considering that the condensation of water vapor starts from a temperature of 55⁰C, then care must be taken that there is not a large difference between the supply and return lines of the water circuit.
  • The difference in water temperature in the "supply" and "return" is better not to allow more than 20⁰C, that is, if the supply pipe is 80⁰C, then the return pipe is 60⁰C. For long heating circuits, forced mixing of hot water from the “supply” to the “return” inlet is used.

Scheme of operation of a condensing boiler

  • The efficiency of condensing boilers is much higher than that of convection units, because in this case, not only gas combustion is used to heat the coolant, but also the heating of the condensate itself. For the most efficient operation of such a device, it is necessary to create conditions for the occurrence of dew, and this is achieved by lowering the temperature in the supply and especially the return line (the underfloor heating system is most effective in these cases). Sometimes, in order to lower the temperature, a coolant is supplied to the warm floor from the "return".
  • In Russia, such boilers do not have this moment widespread and there are several reasons for this. First of all, this is the high price of such units, as well as the low prevalence of low-temperature water circuits (“warm floor”), which allow maximizing the efficiency of the boiler. In addition, the condensate itself is an acidic solution and, when drained into the sewer, needs to be neutralized with a special composition.

Electric boilers

Heating element boiler Elit-Teplo

  • Some decide that an electric boiler would be the best option for heating the heating circuit, but they can be heating elements and electrodes. The device of the first is quite traditional and consists of a container for the coolant (heat exchanger) and a heating element mounted there. The tubular electric heater itself consists of a steel or copper shell filled with quartz sand, where a nichrome spiral is pressed.
  • The switch from the thermal relay regulates the heating of the water in the tank, opening the circuit when certain temperature, set by the user. As a rule, such boilers are used with a pump for forced circulation of the coolant. The cost of such boilers is quite high, but in the absence of a gas pipeline nearby, this may be the best option.

Electrode heating devices (EOU)

  • More economical for boilers with power supply are electrode devices, which also have a higher efficiency than heating elements. For Russia, such units are relatively new, but, nevertheless, quite in demand.

The principle of heating the coolant in the EOU

  • The principle of operation of electrode boilers is quite simple, since the coolant itself acts as a spiral. A block of electrodes is hidden in the container and the liquid (water or a special coolant), getting inside, moves from the anode to the cathode, with an oscillation frequency of 50 Hz. From this vibration, heating occurs and at the outlet the coolant reaches a temperature of 95⁰C.
  • EOU can operate from 220V or 380V, that is, from single-phase and three-phase power lines, which allows you to select them according to power. For example, a single-phase heating element boiler of 3 kW at a flow rate of 1.8 kW / h can heat an area of ​​​​30 m2, and a single-phase EOU of the same power at a flow rate of 1.0 kW / h will already heat 60 m2. A three-phase heating element of 9 kW at a flow rate of 4.2 kW / h will heat 90 m2, but an electrode heater of 9 kW at a cost of 3.0 kW / h will heat 180 m2.

Parallel connection of EOU

  • The advantages of an EOU over a heating element are more than obvious; in addition, electrode heaters can be connected in parallel with other types of boilers or with each other.

Advice. To increase the conductivity of the coolant and, as a result, its efficiency, 30 g of baking soda can be added per 100 liters of liquid.

Oil boilers

Diesel boiler Ferolli GN1

  • Liquid fuel boilers got their name because of the types of fuel, as they can run on fuel oil, kerosene and diesel fuel, but most often on the latter. They are also called diesel by the type of fuel consumed. Such units are used in areas where there are no gas pipelines for domestic needs and voltage drops are possible.

Sectional diesel boiler

  • Diesel devices are equipped with burners with forced air pumping, the amount of which is regulated by built-in automation. Due to the movement of air, liquid fuel boilers are quite noisy compared to gas ones. The burner can be one-, two- and three-stage.
  • To adjust the burners with the unit, there is always an instruction that allows you to correctly calculate the fuel consumption. Also, it is the multi-stage burners that contribute to savings and increasing the efficiency of the device, which allows you to increase the amount of settings. Many diesel boilers have burners integrated into the body.

Solid fuel boilers

Solid fuel boilers Atmos

  • Despite the simplicity of the device, such boilers have a number of undoubted advantages. First of all, it is the availability and cheapness of combustible material, because the devices are able to work on any coal, peat briquettes, firewood, pellets and any other solid fuel. In addition, it is precisely due to the versatility of the fuel that the unit can operate autonomously from external power sources (gas, electricity).

The device of a gas generating (pyrolysis) boiler

  • Also, solid fuel units include gas-generating boilers (photo above), which are equipped with two chambers. In the first compartment, the combustion process of solid fuel occurs when air with a low oxygen content is supplied, and in the second compartment, the final combustion of the so-called pyrolysis gas occurs. For such devices, electricity is required for the fan.

Buleryan oven with water jacket

  • The prototype of the gas-generating boiler can be called the Canadian Buleryan system, only in this situation, not an air, but a water jacket is needed for the heating circuit. Among solid fuel boilers, Buleryan has the highest efficiency, reaching 98%. Unlike its counterparts, the Canadian boiler can only run on wood.

Advice. The Buleryan system does not leave ash and all waste is volatilized in the form of condensate and soot. In this regard, the chimney must be cleaned at least twice a year and the ventilation system must be carefully monitored.


The article did not mention multi-fuel equipment, which you can also install yourself. The universal boiler can operate on two or more types of fuel, for example, gas - diesel or gas - diesel - solid fuel - electricity. But such heaters are much more expensive and it is more profitable to purchase mono-fuel units.

Page 3

An autonomous heating system for a country house is a step towards economical heating, high-quality and stable heat supply.

Such heating has a lot of advantages over centralized heating, the most important of which are:

  • The quality of the services received;
  • Ease of regulation;
  • Lower production cost.

Installation of autonomous heating

It is possible to build such heat supply in any country house. In apartments, this is quite problematic due to the many bureaucratic procedures, but it is also real.

In this article, we will look at what components the system consists of, what is better to buy, as well as ways to save money.

The composition of autonomous heat supply

Heat supply consists of:

  • Source of warmth. Depending on the fuel on which the boiler will operate, this equipment can operate on solid fuel (coal, pellets, wood chips, firewood), liquid fuel (fuel oil, diesel fuel, waste oil), electricity, natural gas;

pyrolysis boiler

  • pipelines. Tie the source of heat and heating devices together. Their task is to perform the functions of transporting the coolant. Plastic, steel or copper pipes for heating can be used;
  • Heating appliances. Can be both sectional and monolithic. They are made of aluminum, steel, cast iron and other metals. Becoming popular lately vacuum radiators;
  • Elements of regulation and safety. Thermostatic heads are installed on the coolant supply to the battery, they regulate the flow. Safety elements are expansion tanks, explosion valves and others;
  • pumps. Carry out the transportation of the coolant, thereby providing circulation.

Boiler selection

The scheme of autonomous heating of the house necessarily includes a heat generator. The performance of the entire heating will depend on the operation of this element.

The choice of this component in most cases will depend on the fuel on which it is planned to operate, it must be easily accessible and financially attractive.

Boiler on "working out"

Important. The only inconvenience during operation is the need to install a fuel tank. In most cases, a separate room is allocated for him so that his smells do not interfere with others.

Heating appliances

Autonomous heaters for the home are represented by the following models:

  • Steel radiators. The most common design is two plates with ribs welded together. You can look at such a device in the photo below or in the video in our gallery. Despite their low heat transfer, such devices are well-spread, this is due to their affordable cost.

steel battery

Such devices can have different sizes, it depends on the manufacturer and the required power. Since the heat transfer of the device is not very high, there is nothing left but to increase the heat transfer area. Compared to aluminum or bimetallic heating radiators, they are the most affordable.

If we talk about the advantages, then they are difficult to corrode, but on condition that the system is filled with water all the time. The disadvantage is low working pressures and fear of hydraulic shocks.

Important! Such radiators are well suited for autonomous systems, as they operate at a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres. IN high-rise buildings they can only be used if there is a heat point.

  • Cast iron batteries. They were widely used even under the USSR. The classic representative of this type from the times of “developed socialism” is the ms 140 brand radiators.

MS 140 device

Cast iron appliances have good thermal conductivity. They are well suited for heating networks because they are not demanding on water quality. The devices have good inertia, which allows them to radiate heat for a long time.

The design of MS 140 allows only to radiate heat, heat transfer by convection is not provided. Modern models of devices have designs that give off heat and convection.

Such heaters do not like hydraulic shocks, since the cast iron itself is very fragile. The disadvantage of cast iron is that it does not tolerate water hammer very well. Due to the large weight of the battery, installation work is laborious. The price of these devices is one of the lowest.

  • Aluminum appliances. They have a beautiful appearance, despite their light weight, they have good heat dissipation. Sectional and cast models are produced. Such equipment is not as susceptible to water hammer as previous radiators, but is afraid of corrosion.

aluminum batteries

Despite these advantages, there are also disadvantages. The main one is the demands on the quality of the coolant, an overestimated value of acidity is not allowed (it cannot be used in conventional heating networks).

The design of the radiator contributes to airing, therefore, when using them, the installation of air eliminators is mandatory.

Important. If you decide to operate these heating elements, then you must ensure that there are no antagonist metals (copper) in the system. Because processes of destruction of pipelines can begin.

  • Bimetal radiators. Production is carried out according to special technology. During manufacture, two metals are used: steel and aluminum. These models contain the advantages of aluminum and steel radiators. Heating system country house with these radiators will work at a high level.

Bimetal radiator

All elements that come into contact with the coolant are made of steel, and those that are responsible for heat transfer are made of aluminum. This improves performance because aluminum has a much better heat transfer coefficient and steel is resistant to poor water quality.

These devices have a service life of more than twenty years, and their appearance will allow them to be installed in any room without decorative boxes. The disadvantages include the high cost and small cross-section of pipes in the collectors.

  • Vacuum coolers. In such devices, the coolant moves only along the lower collector, and the other space is filled with a boron-lithium mixture under vacuum. One section of such a battery contains fifty grams of coolant. For example, aluminum holds three hundred and fifty grams.

Boron-lithium mixture begins to boil at thirty-five degrees. It becomes obvious that less coolant is required to heat the room, which means less fuel, and it is saved.

Comparison with a thermal imager: vacuum battery (left), cast iron (right)

Due to their design, the batteries do not become airy, they can be slightly slagged. These devices can be installed in any heating system, the instructions for their operation allow you to do this.

It should also be noted the high safety and durability of these batteries. Having made an investment once, you will forget about problems with heating, and an autonomous heating system at home will delight you.

Pump selection

In specialized stores a large assortment of similar products. And there are both expensive models and cheaper ones. We will not describe the disadvantages and advantages of this equipment, if you are interested, then on our website there is a special article on this topic. Let's say one thing, if finances allow you, then it is better to purchase a pump from a trusted company: Pedrollo, Grundfos, Wilo.

Circulation pump Grundfos


Do-it-yourself autonomous heating of a house is more than a feasible task. In order to make it a reality, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on our website. The more information you get, the better you will know what you need.

Electric heating in a private house: how to heat a home without gas, wood and diesel fuel

Electricity is one of the most expensive types of energy carriers, but despite this, some owners of country cottages various reasons choose it as the main source of heat for their home. Moreover, knowing some secrets and nuances can significantly reduce the cost of paying utility bills. Read on to learn how to make electric heating of a private house with your own hands and not go broke on its operation.

Heating your home with electricity is an effective way to provide yourself with heat

Independent installation of the climate network

Selecting the right system

A simple analysis of various heating schemes used in individual construction shows that water heating of a private house with electricity is most beneficial.

In this case, an electric boiler is used that heats a liquid (water or antifreeze), which then flows through the pipes to the heating radiators and there gives off the accumulated thermal energy air in the room. To ensure greater efficiency, an electric pump can be included in the circuit, accelerating the circulation of the coolant.

In the photo - a diagram of the operation of water heating with an electric boiler

This heating system is easy to install and operate. Installation does not require special skills and special permissions. You just need to make sure that the existing wiring and main power lines can withstand the load from connecting the boiler of your choice.

The water electric heating system of a private house consists of the following elements that you need to purchase before you make your own climate system:

device Description
electric boiler The power of this device depends on the area of ​​​​heated premises, possible heat loss and several other factors. To calculate the amount of thermal energy required for heating, there are special formulas.
Circulation pump Such equipment not only reduces the inertia of the system, allowing you to heat the house in a shorter time, but also saves electricity, increasing the heat transfer of the climate network as a whole.
bypass Installed with the pump. It is necessary to organize the flow of fluid in the event of a breakdown of electrical equipment.
Expansion tank Mounted in a water heating system to compensate for pressure when heating a liquid. It is recommended to buy containers of a closed type with a membrane. Although their price is slightly higher, they help to avoid coolant losses and can be placed not in the upper part of the system, but on the pipe that supplies water to the boiler.
Pipelines Necessary for transporting the coolant from the boiler to the heating radiators. They also connect all other elements of the system. For the system in question, polymer pipes are excellent. If you decide to make a hidden gasket, you need to take parts made of metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene.
Floor heating This is an optional element of the heating system, but it helps to save electricity significantly. In the described case, the initial heating of the air occurs with the help of radiators, and the “warm floor”, which requires less electricity, is responsible for maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Water heated floor will significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the climate network

Note! Heating in a private house with electricity is completely dependent on the presence of voltage in the sockets. Therefore, in the event of an emergency power outage, the home will remain without heat. To avoid this, you can purchase combined heating equipment that runs on several types of fuel.

So you can temporarily start the boiler on diesel fuel or wood, waiting for the arrival of the repair team of electricians in the heat.

The instructions for designing a heating system are quite simple.

Installation work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Installation of an electric heating boiler. There are no tricks here, except for the choice of power. It is better that this parameter is calculated by a specialist, but general recommendation says: for 18 m3 of heated area, 1 kW of thermal energy is needed. In this case, it is advisable to adhere to the following tips:
    • when installing the equipment on the floor or hanging on the wall, you must use a water or laser level, otherwise the liquid will be unevenly distributed in the heat exchanger, as a result of which it may boil and intensive formation of mineral deposits on the heating elements;
    • shut-off valves must be installed on the inlet and outlet pipes (it will allow you to turn off the boiler without draining the coolant);
    • it is necessary to connect the boiler to the electrical network using a cable of a suitable section (preferably stranded).

When installing an electric boiler, pay attention to the observance of the horizontal and vertical, otherwise a large amount of scale will form in it

Note! Before connecting the boiler, you must make sure that the meter you have allows the transfer of this amount of energy. Powerful climatic equipment (more than 10 kW) requires a three-phase current.

Take care of this in advance by contacting the organization that supplies electricity.

The tightness of the climate network depends on the quality of installation of the pipeline system.

Advice! Before installing the system, it is necessary to correctly calculate its hydraulic resistance. Special computer programs will help.

Otherwise, the water in the pipes and radiators will not flow in the right direction, forcing you to start work from scratch.

  1. Construction of water heated floors. Although this element of the system, strictly speaking, is not mandatory, its installation in heating systems with an electric boiler helps to significantly save on utility bills. The supply of coolant to the pipes under the floor can be arranged by inserting into common system or equip an additional circuit. The latter option is preferable, as it allows you to more accurately regulate the microclimate in the house.

Approximate connection diagram for heating radiators and underfloor heating circuits

The heating system of a private house - electric or any other - will be more economical if it is provided for the installation of mechanical, and preferably electronic temperature controllers that change the operating modes of the boiler and the circulation pump depending on the temperature outside and in the house. In this case, energy resources will be spent more economically.

Features and secrets

Let us dwell on some of the nuances, the observance of which allows us to make the heating system using electricity as comfortable, ergonomic and economical as possible:

  • connection of all electrical appliances is carried out with the electrical circuit turned off;
  • each heating radiator must be equipped with an air valve (Maevsky tap), which will be needed to remove it from the heating system air locks formed there after filling the coolant;

A Mayevsky tap must be installed on each heating radiator

  • if you decide to install an open expansion tank into the heating system, it must be mounted at the highest point of the system - in the attic of the house;
  • to make your electric heating system completely autonomous, it is advisable to purchase and install a diesel generator of the required power, which will turn on in case of power outages.

Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to make pressure testing of the heating circuits. For this, a special pneumatic device is used, but you can do without it. Simply run the system at slightly higher fluid pressure than expected and let it run for at least 24 hours. During this time, any flaws and marriage in the installation will be identified.


An electric heating system is a very easy to install and efficient way to heat rooms. However, you can’t classify it as economical. To reduce costs, it is recommended to install multi-fuel boilers in the house. See the video for more details on this.

Electric heating: types and methods

Not everywhere there is an opportunity to conduct main gas, but electricity is everywhere (almost). How and with what device it is possible to make electric heating of a private house, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method - about all this below.

Types of electric heating

Heating with electricity can be done in several ways. First of all, you should decide on the type of system you want to implement. It will be traditional water heating, air or underfloor heating. All three systems can be used as a single heating method, or combined - any two or even all three. To decide, you need to imagine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Electric heating does not have to be the same type

Water heating with electric boiler

Let's start with the merits. The most stable system, which, due to inertia, continues to maintain the temperature for some time after the boiler has stopped working. During operation, it dries the air minimally, it works almost silently. High maintainability. If you do not hide heating pipes in the walls, they are always available for repair and replacement.

Water heating with an electric boiler is no different

These are the disadvantages. A complex system from pipes and radiators requires a lot of time and money at the installation stage. Due to inertia, it is impossible to quickly change the temperature - it will not work to heat the room quickly. When the system is stopped in winter, it can collapse - if the water freezes in the pipes, they will break. For serious repairs, a complete shutdown and draining of the coolant is necessary.

Air heating on electric heaters

Heating of this type is quickly mounted. All you need is to buy heaters, hang them up and plug them in. The air begins to heat up immediately after switching on. When the system is frozen, it remains operational - there is nothing to freeze. Heating elements are not interconnected. Failure of one does not affect the performance of others. It can be easily repaired.

Hang heaters - that's all it takes

The disadvantages of air heating are as follows. The first is that when the heaters are turned off, the temperature drops rapidly. To ensure continuous operation, a backup power supply system is required. The second - due to direct contact with the heating elements, the air dries up, measures / devices are needed to humidify the air. Third, many air heaters have built-in fans to improve efficiency, but they are noisy.

Underfloor heating on electrical elements

Electric underfloor heating is the youngest heating system. Of all those described above, it gives the most comfortable conditions - the highest temperature is obtained at the level of the legs, and in the head area it is average. Also, this system is inert - while the floor array heats up / cools down, a significant period of time passes. For this reason, after turning off the temperature remains for some time. The complexity of installation depends on the type of electric floor heating. There are systems that require screeds (electric heating cables and mats), there are those that are mounted on a flat hard base without wet work (film floor heating) and can be used to heat laminate, linoleum, etc.

There is a warm floor different types. This is a comfortable way to heat a private house with electricity.

Electric heating of a private house with underfloor heating has its drawbacks. The first is medium or low maintainability. There is no direct access to the heating system. You have to dismantle / break the floor. The second - the time and effort spent on the installation of electric underfloor heating cannot be called low. Systems that require a screed are installed for about a month (while the screed is “ripening”, you cannot use it), a warm floor for “dry” installation can be assembled in a day, but the cost of heating elements is quite high.

What is the best type of heating with electricity

As you can see, it will not work to say which type of electric heating in the house is the best. There is no ideal. It is necessary to proceed from the operating conditions:

The above is based on the choice of the majority. This does not mean that it is impossible in the house with permanent residence to make air electric heating of a private house. It is possible and they do. You just need to be clear about the advantages and disadvantages.

Electric boilers for water heating

One of the key positions in the installation of water heating at home is the boiler. There are three types of electric boilers:

All of them heat water with electricity, but use different processes and technologies. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in more detail.

Electric boilers TENovye

The working element in these heating boilers is a tubular electric heater, abbreviated as a heating element. It is made of a material that generates heat when an electric current passes through it. This element is enclosed in an electrically insulating tube, the space between the heating element and the tube is filled with sand - for more efficient heat transfer from the heating coil to the body. The water in the boiler flows around the heating element, heating up from its walls.

TENA device

As is clear from the description, this type of electric boiler does not have very high efficiency - there are too many losses during heat transfer. But boilers with heating elements are popular, due to the fact that they have a relatively low cost, the heating elements are easily replaced. Another disadvantage of this type of boilers can be called large dimensions - you need a container for heating water,

In order for the electric heating of a private house based on a boiler with heating elements to be economical, it must have the following functions:

Such models are expensive, but heating bills come in less, since at any given time there are as many heaters as needed to maintain the desired temperature. This is how savings are achieved.

There is one more point: the system must be of a closed type. The fact is that when water is heated on the surface of heating elements, limescale, significantly reducing the efficiency of water heating. In a closed-type system, a certain amount of water circulates and there is simply nowhere to “achieve” on the fly. If the system is planned to be open type, it will have to use water with a minimum amount of salts. Ideally distilled.

Induction electric boilers

It has long been observed that an object that enters a magnetic field heats up. The operation of induction heating boilers is based on this phenomenon. In fact, this is a large induction coil through which current is passed. Water flows through the induction field, heats up, enters the system.

The principle of operation of an electric boiler operating on electromagnetic induction

Advantages of an induction boiler:

Among the disadvantages of these boilers is a higher price (compared to heating element boilers of similar capacity). The second minus is that it is necessary to monitor the level of coolant in the system. There is no way to control it automatically, so constant checks are required. If it is not enough, the coil will overheat. If this state of affairs continues for some time, the hull may even melt. This is one of important points.

Otherwise, the reliability of this boiler is high - there is nothing to burn out, since the conductor through which the current flows is heated slightly. After all, the formation of heat occurs in the liquid.

Electrode heating boilers

These heating electric boilers use the phenomenon of electrolysis. When ions move towards an electrode with a corresponding charge, heat is released. An alternating voltage of Hz is applied to the electrodes in this heating boiler. So the change in polarity of the electrodes occurs 50 times per second. As a result, the movement of ions, accompanied by the release of heat, does not stop and heat is carried through the heating system.

The difference between heating elements and electrode boilers is in the heating area

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • The coolant is heated "from the inside", while the entire volume of liquid inside the boiler is heated. So the energy efficiency of such equipment is high, less time is needed to reach the set temperature. This results in lower heating costs. So say the manufacturers, and confirm the owners of these boilers.
  • small size.
  • The lack of coolant is not a problem. The hardware just won't work. Add water to the system, everything will work.
  • Small cost.
  • Easy installation.

These are all the real advantages of electrode heating boilers. The main plus is that this equipment can be left to work unattended.

The disadvantages of this heating equipment:

The described shortcomings, rather, can be attributed to the features of operation. In general, the electric heating of a private house with an electrode boiler suits many. All that is needed is to properly prepare the water (add salt) or fill in a special coolant.

A few words about the cost of electric boilers

If you look at the prices for electric heating boilers, then heating boilers really have a higher price tag, and electrode or induction boilers have a much lower price tag. But don't be fooled. In reality, the difference will not be so striking.

All necessary elements are built in TENovy coppers
Electrode and induction boilers are supplied only with a control unit, and even then not always
At first glance, there is a big difference.

Under the casing of the heating element boiler, in addition to the tank for heating water and heating elements, there is also a circulation pump, a temperature sensor, a control device and an expansion tank. That means you don't have to buy anything extra.

The price tag for an electrode and induction boiler is only the boiler itself, sometimes complete with a control unit, and even then not always. Sometimes the control must be purchased separately. All other parts of the system that water electric heating of a private house needs - an expansion tank, a circulation pump, sensors - all these devices will have to be purchased separately. That's for sure. It is possible that the amount spent as a result will be less than the cost of a heating element boiler, but the difference will clearly not be as large as it seems at first glance. And this must be remembered.

Heating the house with electric heaters

Electric heating of a private house can be done on the basis of electric heaters. It can be done based on:

What attracts most of all in the idea of ​​air electric heating of a private house is the absence of the need to build a complex and expensive system. You only need sockets and sufficient dedicated power at home. Heating itself can be organized using the most different devices.

Air convectors

According to the installation method, they are:

An air convector of any type has a similar structure: there is a heating element (heater) with fins - for better heat transfer. The desired temperature is set on the thermostat, which turns the heater on/off as needed. There are holes in the case for better air circulation. The lower ones are for cold air in, the upper ones are for heated air to exit. In this case, circulation occurs naturally, but in this case the air moves slowly, also slowly spreading heat. For a more active temperature set, some models have built-in fans that speed up the process.

The device of a modern convector electric heater

Three types - wall, ceiling, floor - practically do not require installation. For wall-mounted ones, two hooks are screwed into the wall, ceiling-mounted ones are fastened with dowels or self-tapping screws to the ceiling, floor-mounted - with the same fasteners, but to the floor. But with the other two types - plinth and floor - the situation is different.

As the name implies, skirting boards are mounted instead of skirting boards and have an appropriate look. The difference from heating with conventional convectors is that the air comes out near the wall, gradually heating it. When warmed up, it starts to work like a big radiator, maintaining the temperature in the room for some time after the convector is turned off. The disadvantage is that until the wall(s) heats up, the air heats up very slowly. So the electric heating of a private house on plinth convectors is suitable for housing with permanent residence.

Skirting convectors - an inconspicuous way of electric heating

Convectors built into the floor have another difference. They work like conventional convectors, but are built into the floor. They have a depth of at least 10 cm (these are the “shallowest”), so their installation is possible only at the repair stage. And the floor usually has to be raised. But this is the most inconspicuous way of heating. It is indispensable if it is necessary to heat a French window or continuous glazing.

Oil heaters

Electric heating of a private house using oil heaters is not done so often. They are more used as a remedy in case of abnormal cold weather. Although they do their job well, fewer convectors dry the air. Heating element - the same heating element is inserted into a container filled with oil. Due to its energy intensity, it does not store a large amount of heat and only then begins to radiate it. From the walls of these heaters comes a more pleasant warmth for a person. It is more like heat from a heated earth or a furnace.

Oil heaters for electric heating of a private house

The disadvantage of oil heaters is that it takes a long time for the oil to heat up. That is, because of their inertia, they can only be used on a long-term basis - in houses with permanent residence. At dachas - only for long visits, as they are not able to quickly heat the room.

Oil heaters are more often produced on wheels - this is a mobile "emergency" option. There are wall models. Here they can be used for the device of heating in the house.

Ceramic heating panels

In ceramic heating panels the heating element is located close to the glass-ceramic front panel. This panel heats up to 80-90°C, after which it begins to radiate heat in the infrared range. This is exactly the heat that the sun radiates.

The device of ceramic heating panels for electric heating of a private house

Like any heating element, this one "works" in two directions and heats the opposite side. In order to reduce the heating losses of the rear side, between rear panel and a screen is installed by the heating element, reflecting part of the heat towards the ceramics. This increases the heating efficiency.

When calculating conventional heaters (except infrared), take 1 kW of electric heater power per 10 square meters area. But if the electric heating of a private house is decided to be based on ceramic heating panels, it is recommended to consider 0.5 kW for the same area. And a video review of the operation of such a panel confirms the validity of this approach. But, in order for the heater not to work at its limit in cold weather, it is better to consider 0.6 kW per square. And then, provided that you have "standard" ceilings.

infrared emitters

Another way to organize electric heating of a private house is to use infrared heaters. Their main difference is that it is not the air that is heated, but the objects that fall into the zone of action of infrared waves. They are already warming up the air. That is, this method of heating is identical to how the sun "works" - first the earth heats up, and from it - the air.

One of the options for heating a private house with electricity is the use of infrared heaters.

This method appears to be the most efficient. In any case, a person in a room heated by such devices says that he is warm at lower temperatures. The difference is 3-4°C. That is, this method of heating allows you to use less electricity. And one more positive thing - heated objects (and these are walls and ceilings too) accumulate heat, and then maintain the temperature after the heaters are turned off.

Automatic heating boilers

On modern market a variety of electric heating systems for the home are presented, ranging from the usual boilers for water heating to infrared ceiling and wall appliances.

In our article, we will try to understand the features of the most common systems, as well as analyze their pros and cons.

Electric boilers for heating houses

Design features and principle of operation

The easiest way to use electricity to heat a room is to heat water in. These units are used almost everywhere, and very often they are installed as a replacement for spent solid fuel stoves or gas heaters.

According to the design of the main elements, electric boilers are divided into three broad categories:

  • heating elements- boilers in which a tubular electric heater is responsible for heating the coolant in a large internal tank. In modern devices of this type, batteries from heating elements with a power of 0.5 to 3 kW are installed, so that the total power of the installation can reach 20 kW. The boiler operates in automatic mode, since when the desired temperature is reached, the heating simply stops.
  • are more complex and therefore more expensive. In an electrode boiler, water is heated by passing an electric current through it. At the same time, an important factor determining the efficiency of such a heater will be the quality of water, because it must have a certain electrical resistance.

  • induction- work on the same principle as the hobs that have recently been widely used in our kitchens. Their work is based on the principle of magnetic induction: when an electric current is applied to a magnetic coil with a core, the movement of particles is accelerated, and electrical energy is converted into thermal energy.

Boilers of all three varieties heat the room according to a single principle: first, the mediator-coolant is heated, and then it moves through the pipes to the radiators installed in the house. Such a heating system is quite inefficient, because a significant part of the electricity used to heat water is lost before it reaches its destination.

Advice! To ensure the fastest possible movement of the coolant through the system, and therefore to reduce heat loss, experts recommend installing a circulation pump for each heating circuit. Despite the fact that the pump also requires electricity, the benefits of using it are obvious.

Disadvantages of Traditional Solutions

So, maybe not look for alternative electric heating systems, but limit ourselves to using traditional boilers - after all, they warm up the house quite quickly, and their price is not very high?

Alas, this system has a number of disadvantages:

  • Firstly, in any case, it is necessary to make piping to deliver the coolant to the heated rooms. And this not only spoils the appearance of the rooms, but also leads to heat loss. By the time the water reaches the far room, it will have had time to cool down somewhat, so we do not always heat the rooms that we need.
  • Secondly, the use of wall-mounted radiators leads to an uneven distribution of heat - hot air rises up the walls, and the floor remains cold for a long time.
  • Well, and most importantly, for the operation of such an installation, very high-quality electrical wiring is required, and in many cases the boiler can only be installed in a three-phase network (with a voltage of 380V).

As you can see, such an electric heating system is not perfect, and if possible, why not consider other options?

Convector systems

Using electric convectors for heating

Many of us already have experience in using electric convectors, since this type of device is actively used for additional heating in the cold season. And if you save on heating batteries at work, then, most likely, in every second office (despite the strictest ban, of course!) Such a device will be installed under the table.

Exactly the same devices are used by a convector electric heating system:

  • A convector is a device in which a heating element acts as a heating element, which converts electricity into thermal energy. In addition to heating elements, spirals can also be used in convectors.
  • The heat from the heating element is transferred to the heater body, and rises from it. Cool air enters the lower part of the system, thus ensuring continuous circulation and even distribution of heat.
  • The cases of most models are made of metal or cermet, which ensures the most efficient heat transfer.

Note! It is not necessary to use convectors with removed casings, as this is a violation of fire safety rules.

  • The degree of heating is controlled by a temperature sensor: you can set a comfortable temperature, and when it is reached, the convector will simply turn off, saving energy.
  • By design, floor convectors are distinguished, which are mounted in special recesses in the plinth area, and wall-mounted. In addition, mobile devices can be used for heating, installing them where heat is most needed.

Calculating the required power of such a heating system is very simple: to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house, even in the coldest season, 1 kW per 10 square meters of heated area is enough.

System advantages

Compared with a water heating system based on an electric boiler, electric convectors have the following advantages:

  • The size of the devices is very compact, and the cases of most models have an attractive modern design.
  • To connect the heaters, a separate gasket is not required. stranded cable, since ordinary wiring is enough. Naturally, piping in this case is also not needed.
  • Devices are easy to install, connect and dismantle. If you want, then in the warm season you can generally remove all heaters from the room.

Infrared heaters

How it works

As an alternative to converter devices, many experts suggest using infrared heaters. What are the features of this type of devices:

  • The basis of the IR heater is a film or tubular element, which, under the influence of an electric current, generates active radiation in the infrared range.
  • In this case, the energy emanating from the device is not transferred to the air, as is the case with radiators and convectors, but directly to the objects that are in the room.
  • This method of heating minimizes heat loss, because at first the room itself is heated, and only then the walls and floor give off heat to the air.
  • The efficiency of these devices is in the range of 95-98%, so infrared heating can be considered one of the most economical.

Infrared heating is widely used. The most commonly used ceiling and wall heating panels, as well as IR films. The film can be mounted both under the floor covering and on the ceiling, thus ensuring the comprehensive maintenance of a comfortable microclimate.

What is the benefit of infrared heating

The growing popularity of home heating systems using infrared panels is due to a number of advantages:

  • First, as we noted earlier, IR heating is efficient in terms of electricity consumption. High efficiency allows you to actively use heating devices without worrying about huge energy bills.
  • Secondly, the use of these devices is completely safe, and besides, they do not worsen the microclimate in the room. The amount of oxygen in the air does not decrease, and its humidity remains at an optimal level.
  • A significant advantage of IR panels is their fairly simple do-it-yourself installation. Film infrared heating systems are somewhat more difficult to install than panel ones, but there is also a video instruction for them on our website.

Alternative energy sources

Geo- and hydrothermal heating

Along with the technologies familiar to us, alternative heating electrical systems for the home are increasingly being used today. And one example of this use is geothermal heating.

  • Geothermal heating involves the use of a heat pump - a special device that takes heat from external environment and sends it to the room.
  • The main advantage of using heat pumps is their efficiency: for every kilowatt of energy consumed, the pump can generate up to 5 kW of heat.
  • At the same time, the pump works without any emissions, and maintenance is required every few years.

  • Geothermal heat pumps use the energy of the earth's crust: located in wells, the pipelines of these pumps transmit up to 100W from each running meter.
  • Hydrothermal installations, which draw heat from non-freezing reservoirs, are somewhat less efficient. The efficiency of the pipeline laid along the bottom is 39W/linear meter.

Use of solar energy

Speaking of electrical systems heating using non-traditional heat sources, it is impossible not to mention solar energy. Today it is possible to implement both 100% solar heating and a hybrid system.

  • With solar heating, the main source of heat is water heating collectors or solar panel batteries.
  • In the warm season, excess energy can be utilized. They can be spent on heating greenhouses, outdoor lighting, heating water in an outdoor pool, etc.

Note! A 100% solar system can only be realized in the southern regions. IN middle lane Russia prefers the use of hybrid options.

  • In a hybrid system, part of the heat comes from solar panels and part from geothermal heat pumps.
  • At the same time, the geothermal circuit acts as a heat accumulator, which accumulates energy and releases it as needed.

There are many alternatives to traditional heating methods, and therefore, when planning the reconstruction of a house or apartment, carefully study all the options available on the market. Who knows - maybe in your case best solution there will be an electric heating system, exotic for our latitudes, which will allow you to heat your house without using electricity from the network!

Most have an impressive area and due to the fact that Russia is a non-resort country in which all year round summer reigns, this same area needs to be heated somehow in the winter. For these purposes, there is a whole arsenal of diversity, but due to the large volumes, many options hit the pocket hard. If you approach this issue correctly, it turns out that electricity is the most economical way.

Read in the article

Types of electric heating of a private house

Heating by electricity can be divided into several categories: spot, general, combined. Below, the varieties and principles of operation of electrical appliances of such a plan are described in detail.

Spot heating with space heaters

The domestic market can offer a huge range in the segment. The pricing policy will allow you to choose models of both economy class and premium units. In order not to get confused in the options, they are divided into subgroups:

  • . Based on the work of needle or x-shaped heating elements.

  • . They have a lot of advantages, which ensures comfort during their operation. The excellent directed heat dissipation generated by the infrared emitter will be able to fully warm you not only indoors, but also outdoors.

The design is a concave aluminum reflector with a special heat-repellent coating that concentrates and directs all thermal energy in a certain direction. There are models that have a moving base that provides heating at 90, 180 or 360 degrees.

Description of popular models and systems for heating

To fully determine the most profitable models, you need to analyze a whole ton of material about the characteristics and performance indicators. Of course, there are a large number of TOPs on the Internet that describe the most popular models of heaters in their segment (here is one of the best TOP 10 electric heaters), but in fact the choice can be limited. This is done according to the following criteria:

  • Required power;
  • Mounting method;
  • Safety protection class;
  • Required additional features;
  • Case dimensions;
  • Design;
  • The budget for the purchase;

Having made a list, you can easily choose the appropriate option.

Overview of electric boilers for heating private houses: prices for the most popular models

Here is a list of the most popular manufacturers who have distinguished themselves by excellent quality and excellent performance. Heating in a private house with an electric boiler (cost in the table below) is considered an alternative in the absence of a gas main.

Table of electric boilers

Image Manufacturer Number of circuits power, kWt Area, m2 price, rub.

EVAN-S1-3one3 25 7 500
RUSNIT 204one4 30 9 600

Ferroli Zews (Zeus) 6two6 60 29 500

Protherm SKAT 9KRtwo9 90 31 000

Wespe Heizung W.H. Foreman 8one8 80 15 000

Zota-Economic 7.5one7.5 70 10 000

Vaillant eloBLOCK VE 6two6 65 33 000

Heating the house with electricity. The most economical way for you

All explanations about savings will be considered on the example, which has an area of ​​​​100 m2.

  1. Calculation of the cubic capacity of the room. Having 100 squares, they need to be multiplied by the height of the ceiling, for example, 2.7 meters, it turns out 270 m3. This building has an average degree of insulation, which means that it is necessary to add another 10 percent to the power. Having collected the parameters in a bunch, the following result is obtained (270/20) + 10% \u003d 15 kW
  2. Purchase of equipment. Pipes, taps, fittings, and other nonsense will cost about 30,000 rubles. As for the boiler, assuming that there is no 380V in the house, it is recommended to purchase two electrode boilers, each with a power of 7 kW. The cost of one is on average 15,000 rubles.
  3. Management of the entire system. We'll have to buy an electronic controller, with full stuffing. Boiler scheduling for the week ahead, boiler depending on the weather outside and many other necessary functions. The cost of this miracle of technology is about 10,000 rubles.
  4. Installation costs. Depending on the region of residence, the cost varies, but on average it is 30 percent of the cost of the entire system.
  5. Additional, but not mandatory, power supply. Solar panels with a power of 3 kW will cost you 80,000 rubles.

What happened in the end? The total cost without solar panels is 70,000 rubles. Power consumption 14 kW / h, per day of operation of two boilers at outdoor temperature-10, consumption will be about 90 kW/day. The cost of a kilowatt of light is 5.38 rubles, which means 90x5.38x30=14526 rubles per month. If we count with the established solar panels, then the amount of expenses will be 11,500 rubles.

This is one of hundreds of options, what to choose is up to you.

Note! To understand how to heat a house with electricity economically, you need to know some tricks. One of them is the installation of a three-tariff meter.

Overview of the latest solutions in electrical heating systems

It can be immediately noted that all the latest developments are very expensive, but they have good trend they quickly pay off.

  • Solar collectors that heat water. Such panels are placed on the roofs of houses from the sunny side. They show themselves very effectively in sunny regions. They have a fairly high efficiency and the maximum level of environmental friendliness. And the downside is the impossibility of operation in the dark. In most cases, they are installed as .