Tree in the interior of the apartment. Natural wood in the interior: modern design of an apartment and a house. Interiors with wooden walls and partitions

Few will deny the truth that talking about a tree in an interior is akin to talking about snow in Antarctica, or rocks in the Himalayas. The theme is also immense and inexhaustible. However, for all its infinity, certain rules and patterns can be deduced that will help to use this material in the interior of a home as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Wood in the interior: background

From time immemorial, wood has been used by people for construction, as well as interior and exterior decoration of their homes. It is difficult to come up with a more universal material for these purposes.

Strength, ease of processing, beauty of texture, durability (especially hard rock) are the most important qualities of wood. But its even greater value is the creation of a feeling of comfort, an atmosphere of soft warmth and tenderness, and peace of mind.

Tree in the interior

Wooden products can fit into any interior. No one architectural style, no design school is capable of abandoning this material.

Traditional use

Usually, windows, doors, floors and windows were exclusively wooden in the room. Now, due to the emergence of a large number of new construction, finishing and decorative materials, the tree in the interior has lost ground a bit.

The main reason for this is purely financial, however, I doubt that a person with a developed sense of taste and style would prefer high-quality metal-plastic windows to high-quality wooden ones. Especially if the former imitate the latter.

The same problem applies to gender. Plastic coatings V this moment are not considered. If the owner of the house or apartment has sufficient financial resources, then in the case of installing glass, or ceramic floors(except for the kitchen and bathroom), he will have to take care of heating these floors from below, which is a very expensive thing.

Otherwise, floors should be covered with carpets, exotic animal skins, mats, or some other material that protects the feet from unheated glass, as the glaze ceramic tiles is nothing but glass.

Tree in the interior: decorating the wall with a tree

This is where a natural wood floor shows its advantage - it does not need any heating.


As a rule, in modern apartments furniture plays a huge role in shaping the style of the interior space of the home. Especially if it's good quality furniture from precious woods.

It is furniture - all these cabinets, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, sofas and armchairs, especially if they are designed in the same style - that will shape the character of the rest of the decor.

The direct opposite of this is the subordination of all components of the interior to a single design of the designer. In this case, the furniture decorative elements, a common color scheme - all this becomes the embodiment of a single concept. Here you can safely play color combinations, textures space.

Modern furniture can be surprisingly diverse. It is also made from such cheap species as pine, or alder (for example, country style), up to such valuable ones as oak, golden ash, mahogany.

Color palette also impressive - from the white wood of golden ash - to black ebony. The texture of the surface can be changed from rough-worked, almost rough, to polished, almost mirror-like.


Extremely impressive tree in the interiors looks like ceiling beams. Depending on the shape, size and location, they can significantly influence the creation of a kind of visual rhythm, along with a certain spatial division of the room.

Wood in the interior: the use of wood in a rustic living room

Much depends on the color of the beams. Thick, widely spaced beams can be dark, almost black, the color of bog oak.

In contrast to the white ceiling and, preferably, white walls, this will create a feeling of a solid old building with a rich history. In contrast, not too thick beams, birch or beech, can be placed more tightly.

In cottages, in summer cottages and hunting houses, beams can no longer be an imitation, but full-fledged elements. load-bearing structure, along with wooden columns and rafters. Here we have the classical unity of artistic expressiveness with functionality.

Wooden wallpaper - modern finish walls

saw cuts

Potentially, an extremely rich artistic element is the end cut of a round tree. These dies different diameter, mounted on a wall or partition, create a magnificent decorative effect.

The saw cuts imitate a woodpile well, which is beautiful, or a living room with a fireplace. In this case, in addition to round ones, it is desirable to use also semicircular and quarter dies. This will seal the fit of the saw cuts to each other, reduce the voids and give an even greater resemblance to the woodpile.

A separate category are saw cuts of large diameter trunks. As a rule, they are used in the manufacture of countertops, wall panels of a non-standard type. As countertops, very thick can also be used. unedged board.

Wooden sliding door from saw cut wood

A special case of a saw cut can be considered a stump. It can also be used as a stand under the countertop, preferably glass, so that all the smoothness and whimsicalness of the lines of the tree trunk can be seen, as well as the coffee table itself, or a bedside table, if the diameter allows.

wall decoration

With the help of wood, the walls of the room can be decorated in many ways. End cuts have already been mentioned above.

You can add to this that the dies can be made from square edged timber, or rectangular section different thickness. Panels made from such cuts are perfectly perceived visually.

It can be a vertical insert from floor to ceiling, a diagonal, wavy stripe. You can collect from these dice a stylized drawing of a tree throughout the wall. Options can be listed for a very long time. The main thing is to find an option for a particular, specific case.

The walls are also decorated with slats of various thicknesses. You can use boards. Grooved, connected along the length, form a continuous flat surface. They can be revetted, or, as joiners say, “sew up” both a separate wall and the entire room.

The latter, for example, is practiced in the design of hunting lodges.

To create a wood-look interior, natural cork and natural veneer wallpapers are also used. A natural prerequisite for their use is, of course, the maximum evenness of the walls.

Additional wooden decor elements

The use of stumps as expressive plastic objects in the decoration of a dwelling has already been mentioned.

But, as they say, we will not stump alone. To give the interior some zest, an aesthetic accent, you can use many other, not very large-scale, but extremely expressive means. They can be a fancy snag on coffee table, or the root of an old tree on a mantelpiece.

A whimsically curved tree branch attached to the wall can replace an entire panel.

Any wooden knickknack can become an artistic accent, the aesthetic nerve of the entire modern interior space. Perhaps it will be an original figurine, a vase made of birch burl, or a bast tuyesok.

This role can be played by a set of wooden dishes, an exotic mask on the wall, wooden candlesticks, or chess with figures made of light and dark rocks tree. There are no barriers to the flight of fancy here.

About trees in a modern interior

Separately, it should be said about the tree not as a material, but as a plant. You can place it in the interior in two ways. The first way - if space permits - is to install tubs indoors with live small shade-loving trees planted in them.

Also, instead of a living tree, you can install a dry, larger one, with a partially sawn crown. The tree should reach the ceiling, and the cut branches should create the effect of sprouting through the ceiling.

The second way is to depict a tree using artistic means. It can be painted on the wall, carved from hardboard, make a wall mosaic with sea ​​pebbles, ceramics, wooden dies, bars and laths.

Particularly grateful admirers of painted walls are, of course, children. It is in children's rooms that trees are usually drawn. The manner of painting can be completely arbitrary - from strict naturalism to the most arbitrary stylization.

The main thing is a skillful combination of colors, creating an atmosphere of fabulousness that fills the nursery. The crown of a tree, for example, can be higher than a wall, fill part of the ceiling, float among fluffy clouds. The trunk and stylized branches will add volume to the composition. In addition, now there will be something to hang your favorite toys on and attach the most successful drawings.

A little about style

Wood is an amazing natural product. Before any artist-constructor, be it an expert or an amateur, it opens up a horizon of limitless possibilities.

The tree forgives the most gross design mistakes, it is combined with almost any materials, playing either on the similarity or on the sharp contrast of their properties.

It can be easily cut (if it is not bog oak), easy to tint and paint, modern impregnations allow you to use it even in bathrooms! It, along with stone, is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of a modern designer. However, the same can be said about the designers of two thousand years ago.

Both wood and stone are very expressive materials. Therefore, when working with them, you should always use the alternation method: light - with dark, warm - with cold, rough - with smooth.

In order to highlight, or, as the artists say, “pull out” one or another element, it should be placed either in a neutral (white plaster) or in a contrasting environment. For example, a meter-wide woodpile looks great on a light, plain wall background.

Here, in fact, a small number of tricks to help create a satisfactory home design.

Wood and stone are the most sought-after materials in interior design today. Simulation of being in natural conditions allows you to create a harmoniously arranged interior.

What will we build the "jungle" from?

When arranging the internal maintenance of houses, apartments, the question always arises: what is better to use? Stone, metal, wood, plastic? The stereotyped ideas about the decor and filling the space of the premises are being replaced by fresh solutions. High-quality decorative elements that have appeared on the market serve as inspiration for designers whose ideas are brought to life with unique projects. .

There are many materials, but natural ones now enjoy a great advantage over the rest. "Staying in the" stone jungle "should at least partially be similar to that in nature"― thought the designers and decided to bring life as close as possible modern man to the origins, starting to equip the space.

The stone has excellent heat and sound insulating properties, is distinguished by a variety of shapes and patterns, and is durable. Wood, as a biologically living material, has the advantages of natural wood: it can breathe, passing air in both directions, has a warm to the touch surface, a pleasant smell, and creates a favorable atmosphere in the room.

Durable stone and warm to the touch wood perfectly match and complement each other!

Stylish Choice

Of course, you need to consider which style you like best. For example, Art Nouveau only allows the use of natural decor details in the interior, but does not give preference to them. But to do without wooden and stone variations, if a rural country style is chosen, it will not work at all.

Someone prefers to see metal in modern interior, the cold shine of steel radically changes the compositional line of the design, but even here one cannot do without a wooden trinket.

"Iron" hi-tech is a decor with character, it is preferred by young and ambitious people.

We also love metal, especially in the form of jingling coins, but we choose stone and wood in the interior of our home. Natural, beautiful, and even tasteful... Style is an important thing in this business. A little fantasy and imagination - and your home can change beyond recognition, of course, for the better.

stone variations

When decorating the interior, the following are used: facing and coral stone, limestone, pebbles, false panels, bricks. More exclusive ones are also used: malachite, lapis lazuli, jasper, marble, granite, tuff, porphyry, slate, travertine stone. The most economical way is to use decorative plates, stylized as natural, which are made from cheap concrete and simple fillers with the addition of coloring pigments.

The stone is extremely appropriate in the hallway, hall and directly at front door- this sets the tone for the entire interior space, and the view is more presentable. With its help, rooms and offices, bedrooms and kitchens, pools and bathrooms are decorated, it is appropriate everywhere: on walls, floors, ceilings, the composition can be large or small, in the form individual elements. When decorating a fireplace, you can take materials that contrast in color to emphasize or highlight part of the adjoining wall.

The main thing is not to overdo it so that the dwelling does not look like a cave.

Marble and granite are often used in the decoration of halls, large halls, bathrooms, they decorate walls, columns, floors, sinks, countertops, borders. An unusually beautiful pattern on a cut of a stone makes them unique, and smooth surface will add a touch of sophistication to the interior.

Kitchen aprons, fireplaces are trimmed with pebbles, the floor is only zoned. These minerals are especially good, ideally turned by the sea or the river, they feel in the bathroom, where water element, are indispensable where there is a need to highlight part of the space or emphasize the chosen style. The most interesting is the pebble mosaic of two shades.


bricklaying (or its imitation) has become especially popular today. It makes any space boring, indispensable in the design of staircase areas, corridors and lobbies, looks impressive if it is made in fragments, not in the entire wall, in combination with decorative plaster.

Brickwork with a slight effect of antiquity - good way to reward your home with medieval simplicity.

If you like the industrial style, any rough masonry is suitable for designing, here the main idea is without embellishment, in its original form. Not bad with brick is metal, especially of a cold shade, forged furniture, antique-style chandeliers.

masonry natural stone - in the spirit of feudal times. The block version looks the most advantageous, this is how an interesting drawing is created that does not “get bored”, you want to look at it again and again. The walls in this case and the whole room look more solid, a feeling of strength and reliability is created.

You can always “play” with color, focus on contrast or match material tone on tone, experiment with texture, highlight visually separate zones or hide unwinnable ones. Disadvantages of blocks - high price, special requirements to the surface.

Tip: with a small volume of the room, it is better to finish only part of the wall, otherwise it will look bulky, and the interior as a whole will be overloaded.

artificial tiles - thinner, lighter than blocks, which provides many options for the use of stone, they are installed without difficulty. Limestone looks good with its pleasant rough texture - simple and tasteful. Showers have become fashionable to decorate from minerals various shapes, it turns out an interesting composition "a la grotto".

Tin, glass? Wood!

Wood in the interior is stairs, floors and ceilings, doors and awnings, windows, furniture and interesting design details. If you don’t like metal and plastic, but like everything “live”, natural, choose a country style for which plants in any form, whether it be a tree trunk or wild flower- favorite element of decor. The style of a chalet cannot do without natural elements with its rustic simplicity and the atmosphere of a mountain forest, wooden here, of course, is held in high esteem.

For exclusive interiors - parquet board bakuri, mahogany chests of drawers and cabinets, balau floor and wall coverings, stairs, aipe parquet, decorative accessories, Wall panels, floor coverings, bamboo partitions…

Water, stone, mirrors are the elements of bathrooms. However, not only mineral elements of decor can feel royal here, but also wood, which is used to decorate the floor, ceilings, and partitions. Even the bath itself can be built from tree trunks, in the spirit of an old medieval tub, and how pleasant it is to be in it! The warm to the touch surface is ideal for a comfortable wash.

Arrange a bath at home like in the Middle Ages and get royal pleasure!

It is better to use Brazilian walnut, balau, bakuri, mahogany, merbau, bamboo in the design of bathrooms. The wood of these species is surprisingly resistant to moisture, durable. Combinations can be different: below - a stone floor, everything else - wooden (and vice versa), or originally designed separate surfaces. Metal is in perfect harmony with the element of water, with its help you can focus on individual details.

A complex approach

Ideal when wood complements the mineral, but it can be different when stone details only emphasize separate sections. Stone combined with wood - a great opportunity for space zoning. These materials can have many shades of color: from milky white to dark, chocolate or almost black, and hence the prospects for creating unique design a lot opens up.

Urban lofts, suggesting a severe Spartan look combined with bohemian chic, have formed their own style, in which there is a place for both wooden beams and stone masonry, even the ubiquitous metal will be at a premium here.

Contrasts are in fashion. A good combination - lacquered floor and rough surface of stone on the walls, wooden table top And stone sink, mineral masonry in beige colors And dark furniture, black marble and light wood, bamboo and pebbles, white granite and wenge, shiny metal and natural wood.

An excellent combination would be “mineral masonry in beige tones and dark furniture” or “bamboo and pebbles, white granite and wenge”.

And some more design

The mineral is a cold material, slightly aloof, so it is good to combine it with other plant elements that create a feeling of warmth and comfort: fur, wool, cashmere. The easiest option is wall carpets, panels, rugs, pillows, a fluffy blanket casually thrown on the sofa, imitation of the skin on the floor. It is possible that it will be a shaggy lampshade of a floor lamp, a table with fur legs ... What designers can’t come up with today!

Decor items of warm woody (beige, brown) and sunny colors (red, orange, yellow) will soften the icy pride, and contrasting finishes, selection of elements of various shapes will help to emphasize the beauty, which will help to make any surface more embossed. Metal can be used if desired, copper parts of a reddish hue in chandeliers, furniture fittings, wall decorations, and accessories will be appropriate.

Masonry and wood can be painted, tinted, adjusting to the main color of the space, in this case only the shape and texture of the stone comes to the fore. Exclusive looks white stone wall in a completely white room with an emphasis on individual pieces of natural wood.

It is necessary to choose the right and sufficient lighting so that the beauty of natural materials is not lost, but, on the contrary, stands out advantageously against the general background.

You can lay out a panel, a wall niche, a ceiling with minerals (then inner space, the interior changes significantly, the room seems smaller, but more comfortable, more interesting). There is never too much stone and wood!

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Why do we all like winter chalets so much? Probably because we associate them with warmth, coziness and comfort. And it is easy to agree with this, for this it is enough just to glance at the external design of their exteriors, in which only two materials predominate - wood and stone. These two materials give the buildings a charming rustic look. But inside, these chalets are even more charming, because they use the same two materials - stone and wood - in their interior design.

Wooden ceiling with wooden beams harmonizes perfectly with the wooden floor

The second important material in interior design is stone. Usually, stone is used as a building material from which a fireplace is laid out, or simply stone is used for the outer lining of the fireplace. However, stone can also be used for interior wall decoration, which gives the interior the appearance of a strong, solid and reliable home.

Stone fireplace in the bedroom will create a bohemian style

Feel free to use wood and stone in interior design. In our opinion, the best places to use these materials are the living room and bedroom. At the same time, the use of wood in the design of the ceiling will create a visual feeling of warmth.

Stone fireplace will be the main focus in the interior of any room

Massive wooden elements will make the interior of the living room both cozy and modern.

Massive wooden beams can look very elegant, especially in interiors with high ceilings.

Mediterranean style living room with elegant wood beams and arched windows

Majestic living room in the style of a hall from a knight's castle

A stone fireplace draws attention to itself in the interior of this living room.

Chandeliers, furniture and stone wall decoration give this living room a great look.

If you do not like the rustic spirit in interior design, you can stop only using massive ceiling wooden beams. They will add charm to any interior, create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in combination with any style of interior design. As for the stone, it is recommended to use it for facing the fireplace. Such a fireplace will surely attract the attention of all your guests, inviting them to sit nearby for a warm friendly conversation.

Questions our customers ask us every day:

  • What to combine with parquet?
  • If you choose a tile "under the stone", then what is the best floor for it, so that there is no feeling like in a "stone bag"?
  • And if you put wood-like tiles on the floor, then what on the walls?
  • And if kitchen furniture wooden, then what kind of tile to take on the apron?

Today we dedicate the interior of the day to a global theme: stone and wood in the interior.

Stone and wood are a combination given to us by nature itself. Very often, customers who do repairs on their own are afraid to use different textures in one space, and prefer to get by with one material. Perhaps this approach is justified, so to speak, so as not to make mistakes out of ignorance. However, the designers claim that it is the combination of different textures, colors and materials that can lead to an ideal, harmonious and interesting solution. And in order not to make mistakes, we suggest you see what techniques can be used in the interior when combining stone and wood.

1. Texture and pattern.

When choosing a stone and wood, pay attention to the texture and pattern. Different textures are well combined: if the stone is rougher, then the wood needs to be picked up smooth, and vice versa.
For example, we offer you the following products (pay attention to how manufacturers' designers decorate spaces using this technique):

Smooth stone and textured wood:

  • Natural stone L "antic Colonial Crema Grecia
  • Wooden mosaic L "antic Colonial Mosaics Collection
  • Serenissima Fusion tiles
  • Atlas Concorde Etic PRO tiles

Textured stone and smooth wood:

  • Parquet board Karelia Urban Soul
  • Tile

2. Color.

When choosing a color for stone and wood, the same rules apply as in any other color combination. For beginners, you can refer to the color wheel:

Close shades of the same color are combined with each other (e.g. cream/beige/ochre, etc.)

  • Porcelanosa Dover tiles
  • Tile Porcelanosa Barcelona

Contrasting combinations are colors located opposite each other on the color wheel. (for example: red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow, etc.)

Grey, black and white are achromatic colors that are often versatile and go well with all other colors.

  • Atlas Concorde Dwell tiles

If you still have questions - come to our salons, where sellers will definitely help you choose right stone under your parquet, and vice versa!

The need to knock on wood has come - you find that the world is made of aluminum and plastic

Murphy's lawsa playful philosophical principle, which is formulated as follows: if there is a possibility that some kind of trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen

It is not at all surprising that in the conditions of an actively developing civilization and all the ensuing consequences, a person is increasingly striving to protect himself from negative factors, to create not only comfortable, but also safe conditions life. In this, natural materials used in interior design are of great help to us.

Wood is a natural, environmentally friendly material that can create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the house. After all, about him useful properties Ah, thousands of works have been written, and the close relationship with man was used even by our distant ancestors. That is why the tree leads the top of the most popular natural materials used in the design of apartments and country houses.

Man is less and less eager to use the results of technological progress: artificially created analogues of natural materials (wool, leather, wood, and fur). Therefore, today, more than ever, the use of wood in all its manifestations is relevant: typesetting from rare materials (bamboo, olive, wenge, etc.), self made, frames, ceilings, floors, accessories, etc. Wooden elements, in order to achieve the desired result and embody the designer's ideas, can be easily combined with metal, leather, glass, decorated with carvings, inlaid.

Wood is a traditional material

Wood is primarily associated with flooring and furniture, but it used to be a traditional building material for building entire houses. Russian huts, English, Finnish and swedish houses, Swiss chalets were not built without the use of wood. However, this tradition is already becoming more and more popular and appreciated today.

Thanks to professional design work the combination of even outdated wood with elegant lamps and fashionable furniture will not cause misunderstanding and discomfort for visual perception.

Tradition wooden housing construction today has grown into professional construction. "Natural" interior is more and more fascinating, attracts unique opportunity combine utility with style, eccentricity and luxury. This natural and comfortable material allows you to create all kinds of style decisions- from, to wooden a.

Wooden elements in the interior - aesthetically pleasing and affordable

One of the reasons that wooden elements are actively used in interior decoration is the ability to make them yourself. For example, such a handmade masterpiece, creating a contrast with a wall or wallpaper, can become an expressive accent that will not only refresh the interior, but also add a “zest” to it.

Such available material will allow you to experiment more often, change not only wooden elements, but also your mood.

According to modern fashion trends a tree can and should be used in a completely unexpected capacity. For example, bathrooms are often complemented wood trim, although previously this solution was invalid.

Looks stylish and quite appropriate wooden furniture In bathroom.

It is only worth noting that in this case it will be necessary to apply an additional coating that will save the furniture from moisture and extend its service life.

Such a design move will help you emphasize your individuality and taste, so it is important to think through every detail, perhaps seek help from specialists.

Decor from wooden elements

Due to their strength and unusual beauty, wooden ends have long been popular with craftsmen. Each of their layers keeps history, mood and nature. In addition to all this, the material for the ends surrounds us everywhere, crooked branches, thickenings on tree trunks, cracks, knots, etc. will become especially interesting. One has only to give free rein to imagination and emotions.

Decorative, hangers, tables made of wood elements are very relevant today. They, combined with modern design solutions, are able to fill the atmosphere of the house with comfort, luxury and warmth at the same time.

Dead stumps, branches, trunks and roots in the hands of an artist can become a masterpiece that will decorate the interior, fill it with natural simplicity and harmony.

Wooden furniture in the interior

A tree like no other artificial material, fills the house with genuine natural energy. Touching it, you feel warm, and peering into the annual rings, you return to the past. Therefore, such a passion for furniture made of wood, solid, archaic, antique seems not at all strange - it all depends on the capabilities and preferences of the customer. Leading designers around the world prefer furniture that has been sawn from solid tree trunks, with obvious cracks and knots.

Often, already reminiscent of peasant furniture, objects become discolored, they will have a dilapidated look.


Tonino Guerra, a famous screenwriter and poet, was famous for another of his talents - he created furniture according to his own sketches. But the main material for its manufacture were old boards, door hinges and locks found in their native medieval town. Then the created elements were assembled in parts into pieces of furniture or decorative compositions.

Creating rough furniture, designers set themselves the goal of showing its originality, history. For example, they use the stumps of old trees, remove the bark from them and create unusual items interior. And in combination with leather furniture and with some attributes they create an unsurpassed effect.

Interior - a combination of taste and possibilities

The interior with the use of wooden elements, as well as any other, has many completely different solutions. Depending on the possibilities and preferences, you can get carried away with designer furniture and expensive accessories, or you can use the natural wealth around the house, complement it with a fireplace or hearth, make room for dry and fragrant firewood.

You can give preference to wooden hi-tech, where the clarity of forms, combined with the naturalness of wood, modern furniture, allow you to achieve a stylish, but cozy and warm environment.

And you can create a delicate and eco-friendly interior in where the furniture has a predominantly rectangular shape and simple design, with items from wicker ronatga, rope, complement the interior with accents from natural elements (linen, cotton, natural skins, firewood) - as a result, the owner of such a dwelling receives a cozy, warm and peaceful "refuge".

It is worth noting that creating an interior where floors, walls and ceilings made of wood, there is no need to overload the room with bulky furniture, unnecessary elements - you can limit yourself to a small table, a light carpet, upholstered furniture using natural materials.

If you chose high-tech in choosing an interior solution, it is important to create large window surfaces, high ceilings, where wooden floors, walls, ceilings will fill the ascetic atmosphere with natural color.

Wood is the main favorite among the trends in interior design

The possibilities of using wood in the interior are endless. Both designers and home owners are very pleased with the fact that such a useful, warm and natural material as a tree is also a fashionable trend in the field of design.

The tree can be used in completely different forms and volumes, it can be both raw and prepared, cleaned elements.

The texture of it natural material it looks harmonious and warm, so the tree easily fits into any room - it is only important to place accents correctly, not to overload the interior. Monochromatic background painting looks very stylish, which blends perfectly with white, creating a feeling of lightness and freshness.

The house, in the interior of which all kinds of wooden elements are harmoniously combined, is a beautiful, environmentally friendly and modern housing in which you feel comfortable, cozy, housing that charges you with positive energy and cheerfulness.

Respectable, but the combination looks beautiful and harmonious natural stone, or material imitating it, with wood in the interior. Such a finish will please not only the eye, but will also become a reliable and durable material.

Wood allows you to create not only a stylish, beautiful, cozy interior, it makes possible use original and extraordinary solutions.

Of course, such an environmentally friendly and useful material, like a tree, is primarily in demand in children's rooms, where the use of furniture made from artificial materials is unacceptable.

A branch, a log house, a stump and even a whole tree ...

The flight of design fantasies is unlimited, especially when it comes to wood. It is used in completely different forms and even, to preserve all the useful properties, in a living and original form.

This solution would be ideal for country house, where the natural wealth around the dwelling smoothly passes into the natural interior. Wood harmoniously combines with pieces of furniture made in white or light color with chrome components, large stained-glass windows, glass.

Kitchens are areas where a person enjoys food, relaxation and communication in the family circle. It is here, like nowhere else, that you want to fill the interior with an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and harmony. Wood is the only material that can perfectly cope with the task. And it can be used in completely different ways.

You can combine a smooth, processed log with modern and stylish items furniture, which will create a refined and unique interior in the house.

Stylish details and natural wood create an unrivaled effect.

You can create a more traditional, but at the same time stylish kitchen V rustic style, which is dominated by wood in its various manifestations - from the material for wall decoration, to accessories.

The natural beauty of wood plus the competent work of designers can lead to completely unexpected results that please the eye and warm the soul.

Who prefers to use wood in the interior

The undeniable fact is that the tree was, is and will be the favorite of sophisticated, refined people who appreciate luxury combined with naturalness. Also, the tree will be appreciated by people for whom the family hearth, warmth and comfort are the main values ​​of life. Wood is the preference of people with good taste and clear life positions.

Thus, the tree in the interior is endless possibilities, which come down to environmental friendliness, practicality and sophistication. It can be used to create any design in which an atmosphere of peace, warmth and natural wealth will surely reign.

Wood in the interior: connection between the civilized world and nature
