Occupation stove-maker description. Stove - a complete set of wooden housing construction really. Video: Ovens about the profession

The baker is a generalist. The stove-maker can work at manufacturing enterprises, in agriculture, construction companies.

Functional and job responsibilities of the stove maker

The stove maker is engaged in laying stoves, fireplaces, installing or replacing stoves, boilers, laying out fireboxes of stoves with refractory bricks, lining appliances, repairing them, installing pipes, and preparing solutions from clay. A stove maker can also repair foundations, brick walls, and seal interpanel seams.

Qualification requirements for a stove

Pechnik has enough secondary specialized education, the presence of a higher engineering or construction education provides additional advantages for career growth. The stove maker must have practical skills in his specialty, know the properties of working materials, the rules for preparing various solutions, understand the drawings, have physical strength and endurance, such qualities as accuracy, responsibility, not be afraid of heights, have finger mobility, a good eye, spatial thinking , artistic taste.

Career and salary of a stove maker

The profession of a stove-maker, one might say, has a seasonal character; in the spring and summer, the demand for specialists in this profession usually grows. The level of remuneration largely depends on the place and nature of work, the number of orders. Career prospects are present up to the position of foreman, team leader, foreman. A stove-maker can become a representative of other, related professions: an installer, a tiler, a bricklayer, a plasterer, a refractory worker, a pipelayer, etc.

stove laying, history of stove-makers, fireplaces

The profession of a stove-maker appeared, most likely, in Ancient Rome. Unlike the barbarians, whose hearths were simply fenced with stones, and the smoke went out into the street through window openings, the Romans kindled fire in the basements. Hot smoke was sent through special and numerous chimneys, simultaneously heating the floor and walls of the house. In order for the smoke to rise upwards, it was necessary to create traction; for this, pipes were made. And who invented and made all this? That's right - the very first stove-makers!

The history of stoves and the profession of a stove-maker

Unlike the Roman Empire, Russia treated the stove differently - they did not hide it in the underground, but, on the contrary, they placed it almost as a central element in the interior of the hut. In our latitudes, a house without a stove is simply not suitable for life. But it's not just the heat. I remember well how my grandmother would heat the stove in the summer to warm up the house in cool weather and cook delicious cabbage soup in the oven, which are not cooked on an open fire, but languish in a pot surrounded by heat from all sides. That is why the stove-maker was a respected and very valuable person in Russia, always in demand.
The art of laying stoves passed from master to apprentice. Then the student himself became a master, brought something from himself into the furnace business, and taught this to his student. They say that Mikhailo Lomonosov himself knew how to lay out stoves, and not only knew how, but owned at the level of a master. And his scientific mindset led him to study the laws of heat transfer and the movement of gases in chimneys and pipes. Before Lomonosov, the design of stoves was practically not improved, although stoves of various “stove schools” were heated and served as decorations for the royal chambers and palaces.
At the end of the 19th century, stoves began to be equipped with a shield with smoke channels and cast-iron stoves, through which heat began to enter the room much faster and in greater quantities. At the same time, an element was introduced into the design that allowed the stove to warm up in the lower part.

Fireplaces came to Russian housing construction from Europe under Peter I. The innovator tsar saw fireplaces in castles and introduced fashion for them among his courtiers and noble boyars. Then fireplaces began to appear in the houses of the nobles, not so rich and noble. But in truth, apart from aesthetic pleasure, our people did not see the use of fireplaces, stoves remained the main and only source of thermal well-being in the house.

When did the profession of a stove-maker begin to fade away? At the beginning of the 20th century, when steam heating appeared. It was profitable and convenient to heat the steam: the boiler was heated with coal and placed on the street or in the basement (or even in a special annex). The house has become more spacious and cleaner. The main thing is that the ferry could heat many rooms or apartments from one boiler at once.
However, unlike the stoker (that was the name of those who watched the boiler and threw coal into the furnace under it), the profession of a stove-maker did not disappear completely, did not turn into a museum exhibit. Just in the heyday of steam heating, many books appeared on the furnace business, on the history and design of furnaces. The names of the masters I. F. Volkov, V. A. Potapov, K. Ya. Buslaev, who made improvements to the grate, furnaces and pipes, are well known.
After the Great Patriotic War in the USSR, they stopped teaching stove business altogether. At the same time, just in the post-war period, the furnaces required restoration in the same way as the destroyed houses. And there were almost no masters left - the war took away. And so it happened that a new generation of stove-makers grew up from self-taught masters, and among them there were many women!

How does a stove work?

First, until now, all work is exclusively manual labor. And this is the uniqueness of the stove: no machine tools and electronics. Secondly, the stove-maker works with clay, fire and water. Thirdly, the stove-maker always first meticulously asks the customer why he should bake, and only then he proposes a project. Understanding the purpose of the stove - whether it will heat or heat and cook - is the first thing. It's easier to spend 30 minutes figuring it out than 3 days later reworking the stove.

Laying out an oven takes time, experience, knowledge and space. There is nothing worse when the master has nowhere to turn! But it is just as bad if the stove-maker does not know the laws of motion of heated gases, and does not have practical experience in laying stoves.
In fact, a stove-maker is a “multi-machine” profession. Judge for yourself. Heat engineer. Mason. Chemist-physicist. Builder. Fire safety specialist. There are only a hundred professions in Russia that are subject to licensing, and the stove-maker is one of them!

In the next article, we will look at the process of laying out the furnace. All the best to you, and may your stove heat perfectly and never smoke!

The art of the stove-maker has been passed down from generation to generation for many years with the help of visual methods, involving the training of apprentices in the process of practical activity. It was practically impossible to meet the specialization of the master of furnace affairs in the content of the programs of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. In modern conditions, a surge of interest in installing stoves and fireplaces in homes creates a demand for specialists, so stove-setters' courses in different cities began to offer their services.

Demand for the profession

The rare profession of a stove-maker gradually became popular and in demand. This is due to the fact that only a competently carried out laying of a home fireplace or a Russian stove will allow them to be effectively exploited in the future.

It should be noted that there is a wide variety of heating designs. For this reason, without special knowledge, it is impossible to give qualified advice to the owner of the house about which one will be most suitable in specific conditions.

Having mastered the skills of laying stoves, you can open your own business, which will be profitable, since the services of a stove maker are in demand. The main flow of orders is observed in the summer, when furnaces are being manufactured. In autumn, it is often necessary to repair existing heating devices before the onset of the heating season.

In winter, there are fewer orders, so the stove-maker can afford a vacation. In the spring, after intensive use of the stoves, repair work begins, mainly concerning the chimneys. Only a master is capable of performing such a variety of works, which you can become by completing special courses where they teach the intricacies of the stove-maker's profession.

Who can study

Almost anyone who feels the need to receive professional training in a specialty that will allow them not only to open their own business, but also to realize their creative potential can come to the courses of stove-makers.

Interview with a furnace master

A student of the courses can be both a person experiencing financial problems and striving to correct the current situation, and a school graduate who is looking for his life calling. Age is not of fundamental importance, but it is desirable to have sufficient physical health, diligence, and endurance. This is due to the specifics of the stove-maker's activity, which involves lifting weights and working in various, often uncomfortable, positions.

Learning Opportunity

The search for educational institutions where they teach the profession of a stove-maker can be done independently. Now in many cities short-term courses are organized, where the basics of the profession are taught.

It should be taken into account that organizations providing training are accredited by the Ministry of Justice, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science. In addition, they must be licensed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Course graduates receive certificates of the established form, which confirm their qualifications.

For example, in Moscow, the following organizations offer educational services for the preparation of stove-makers:

  • Russian technical school;
  • Russian Academy of Crafts and others.

The country's vocational education system, after reorganizations, continues to train working specialties. In particular, they teach for the specialty of a stove-maker at the Kostroma Vocational Lyceum No. 6.

If a decision is made to master the furnace business in the course of training, then it is necessary to pass the proposed levels of training:

  • elementary;
  • base;
  • in-depth.

For the development of each, for example, the Russian Academy of Crafts takes 72 hours. The initial level is focused on a detailed acquaintance with the activities of the master stove-maker with training in the basics of the profession. At the end of the course, the course student will already be able to consciously determine whether he needs further studies or whether the choice of specialization was a mistake. With the continuation of training as a stove-maker, they will already comprehend the intricacies of the profession, and the benchmark in coursework will shift towards an increase in the number of practical hours. Other training centers may have their own standards.


In the theoretical aspect, course participants will receive basic information about the materials used, study their properties in detail. They will also be provided with information about reliable binders and how to improve their performance with additives. Future course graduates will acquire other knowledge:


In the process of practical training, future stove-makers are taught to read drawings, correctly determine the parameters of created fireplaces and various stoves. Students acquire the skills to make models of future heating devices, prepare a mortar and perform masonry in compliance with all standards and rules. Future masters who master the stove business will learn how to properly build a foundation, select an adequate finish and design external surfaces. They will learn how to carry out restoration and repair work, as well as how to care for chimneys.

Distance learning

For people who find it difficult to find the time to study in full-time courses, there are offers to get skills in furnace work remotely. Such an educational service involves supplying the client with the necessary educational materials for mastering the theory.

In order to practice practical skills, for example, LLC "Master" developed drawings for the manufacture of mock-ups - simulators. They consist of individual bricks or their parts, which are made of wood. Students, by making them, acquire skills in working with natural material, which involves fitting and using halves and quarters in work. Such model bricks allow you to fold models of different types of stoves or fireplaces in accordance with the theoretical material being studied.

With a serious attitude to obtaining professional skills, it is possible to thoroughly study the algorithm for laying out each type of fireplace, as well as a stove. Only in this case will there be confidence in the actions in practice when working with a real object.

Since with such a teaching method, time is not limited, and each student has the opportunity to go through his own educational route, it becomes possible to master each masonry technique to automatism.

Video: Ovens about the profession

A furnace worker is a construction worker who performs furnace work: he lays various types of furnaces, finishes furnaces with various materials, controls the quality of furnace work, and repairs furnaces.

Depending on the category, the stove-maker performs the following types of work on ETKS:

  • 2nd category: Installation of metal temporary furnaces with hanging pipes. Cleaning and scraping of the front surface of furnaces. Preparation of a solution of red clay. Dismantling of unlined stoves and kitchen hearths. Cleaning of mortar bricks, tiles and stove appliances.
  • 3rd category: Construction of foundations and laying foundations for furnaces. Laying stoves of a temporary type with their connection to chimneys. Installation and strengthening of stove appliances. Sorting and selection by color (shades) of tiles. Lapping the edges of tiles. Preparation of solutions from Gzhel and refractory clay. Sealing cracks in the laying of furnaces with clay mortar. Dismantling of lined ovens. Changing appliances in unlined ovens.
  • 4th category: Laying stoves and stoves without cladding and in metal cases. The lining of fireboxes with refractory bricks. Block ovens. Installation of metal kitchen stoves. Plastering ovens. Repair of stoves, hearths and pipes with the addition of new bricks. Change of appliances in stoves and stoves lined with tiles. Laying vertical and horizontal cuttings.
  • 5th category: Laying furnaces of complex design. Facing stoves with tiles in the process of laying. Correction of lining of stoves and replacement of unusable tiles with new ones. Re-equipment of furnaces for gas fuel. Laying of vaults and hearths in water-tube and fire-tube boilers.

Nowadays, instead of stoves and fireplaces, various batteries and heaters are used. And not always, if modern children ask the stove-maker who it is, they will be able to answer who it is. In fact, this profession is rarely found in everyday life. They are engaged in laying stoves and fireplaces. You might think that such specialists were in the past centuries and now no one uses their services. In fact, this is not the case and there is still enough work for stove-makers.

History of the profession

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The very first brick kilns are mentioned in the ancient Roman Empire. They were also placed in ancient Europe in the homes of northern peoples. They looked more like hearths with stone fences.

With special attention to the furnaces were treated in Russia. They were the most important object in the huts, the personification of the soul of the houses and served as a haven for brownies.

The skill of laying furnaces was inherited, or the masters made apprentices, to whom they passed on all their knowledge. The image of the Russian stove remained unchanged until the 19th century, when a cast-iron stove and a heating shield with smoke channels were added to the stove.

At the moment, stove-makers are engaged not only in laying stoves. Their line of work includes engineering heat technology, the study of clay and cement mortar, and fire safety.

In addition, stove-makers are required to check their knowledge every five years, since each time something new is added, and their profession is dangerous both for themselves and for others. To work, stove-makers began to register as individual entrepreneurs, or register as self-employed.

The most important requirement for a stove specialist is the ability to lay stoves and fireplaces in cottages and private houses. The fireplace is often placed as an element of decoration and does not heat the room much.

Stoves are more popular than fireplaces. They are not only a great addition to the decor, but also heat the house well, maintaining warmth and comfort.

Stove makers must purchase materials for their own work, and before starting they are required to study the house from which the order came, determine where to install the stove or fireplace, and develop a sketch of the project. The most painstaking work is the laying of bricks, in which the stove-maker must be especially attentive.

A person who wants to engage in the activity of a stove-maker must have good eyesight and be able to focus on the eye. Also, do not exclude responsibility, the ability to work with your hands, be well physically prepared, have an analytical mind and free thinking from the list of requirements.


The profession of a stove-maker requires great discipline and responsibility. You can’t go to stove-makers just by reading an article or watching a documentary about them. It is even more difficult to become a master of his craft, who will be respected and referred to.

This will take years. After all, a stove-maker who is a difficult profession. In order to become a professional, you need to remember one more requirement that will wash in the future - patience.

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