Three main rules for choosing a wall in the living room. How to choose and buy living room furniture How to choose quality living room furniture

The living room is a multifunctional room that is suitable both for relaxing with family or friends, and for secluded pastime at work or alone with a book. The main thing is to choose the right furniture that can cope with all the given functions.

Determining the purpose of the living room is the first task that needs to be solved when starting repairs. If the room is intended for relaxation, you need to take care of a comfortable sofa and comfortable chairs. For a TV and other equipment, you will need a TV cabinet or a wall. In the living room-study you can not do without functional table. The more carefully you think through all the details, the better the result will be.

How to determine the purpose of the living room

Starting repairs, discuss the future living room with the whole family

Starting to repair, discuss the future living room with the whole family. When everyone expresses their wishes, it will be easier to understand what exactly you need. Answer a series of questions:

  • How does your family spend their leisure time?
  • Do you often have guests and noisy meetings?
  • Do you need a TV or home theater in your living room?
  • Will the living room be used as a guest room?
  • Do you need a place to store any collection?
  • Does someone work at home, does he need a place in the living room?

Having thought through all these points in advance, you can arrange the space as comfortably as possible and create a living room in which everyone can find a place.

Think Style

You can choose absolutely any style, if it is close to you

After the functionality of the living room is determined, proceed to the choice of style. It sets the mood and allows you to create a unique atmosphere that emphasizes the individuality of your home. The style depends entirely on your preferences and desires. In this case, you can use not one, but several design styles - this is unusual and spectacular way zone the room.

Classic never goes out of style, and if you want to make repairs for a year, it is better to choose traditional forms and decoration. Wooden facades or MDF, stylized as a tree, will perfectly fit into the environment and give it aristocracy and solidity.

High-tech living room fans will love it modern solutions appreciating the achievements of civilization.

Modern interior will allow you to be in the trend of the fashion world and point to modern views apartment owner.

Minimalistic design ideal for small rooms: it allows you to place on small area everything you need while saving as much space as possible.

You can choose absolutely any style, if it is close to you, but try to learn as much as possible about it in order to create a harmonious and complete picture.

Color scheme for the living room

It is extremely important to choose colors that you like and at the same time have a positive effect on the psyche.

The chosen color scheme determines how comfortable the living room will look. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose colors that you like and at the same time have a positive effect on the psyche. For example, red has a stimulating effect, while blue or green, on the contrary, calms.

Stick to a few simple rules, and the result will please you:

  • Use a maximum of two primary colors - they will look more expressive and advantageous.
  • It is better to use neutral colors as auxiliary ones: white, black, beige, gray.
  • Discard neon and acid colors - they look spectacular, but with prolonged exposure they can become annoying.
  • The best color combinations are suggested by nature. If you can't think of a color for the living room, pay attention to flowers, landscapes, and choose the colors that you like the most.

Looks great minimalist plain interiors, diluted with bright accessories: a couple of juicy strokes will enliven even white room. If you do not have any special preferences, use universal beige: it does not irritate or excite, but it looks quite aristocratic and noble.

How to arrange furniture

In the living room, designed to relax from the benefits of civilization, build an interior around a soft corner

After defining the style and color, start creating the project. The easiest way is to go from the central element. For example, if the main thing in the interior is a TV, build an environment around it: select comfortable sofas and armchairs, arrange a place for a TV and related small things. In the living room, designed to relax from the benefits of civilization, build the interior around a soft corner. If the room is spacious, you can make several such centers by dividing the living room into zones.

To buy the optimal number of interior items and immediately arrange them in the right order, take rough measurements with an ordinary tape measure and sketch out several options on paper. After choosing the final environment, mark the places where sockets and switches are required: it is necessary to work out the lighting system before furniture is purchased and installed.

Material selection

MDF perfectly replaces wood, not inferior to it in terms of reliability and external data

The living room is the face of the house, it is here that the owners receive their guests. Such a room should be cozy and meet all the requirements for comfort for relaxation. An important factor in a comfortable room is furniture for the living room, properly selected and arranged products will bring not only an attractive appearance, but also practicality.

In order to understand how to choose the right furniture in the living room, you need to learn more about existing varieties products. Today, the following options are considered popular:

  • modular systems;
  • cabinet furniture;
  • upholstered furniture.

When choosing, the fact is taken into account that the furniture for the living room will serve for a long time, hence, main criterion- quality. Please read carefully before purchasing existing species furniture.


Furniture consisting of several parts that can move within the boundaries of the set is called modular. Such systems are very popular among designers planning a minimalist style interior. Parts of the kit - modules, are a kind of constructor, which is assembled according to the degree of functionality of the products.

Items that are usually included in modular living room furniture sets:

  • corner and conventional cabinets;
  • showcases;
  • mirrors;
  • dressers;
  • cabinets;
  • tables;
  • bookcases.

When choosing modules, the customer is offered a set of items, from which he independently selects those parts that are necessary for the headset. In the interior of the living room, such products look original, while performing their intended functions.

The main feature of modular systems is their mobility. Due to the complete independence of the parts, they can be independently moved and transformed to fit the needs. Fasteners are used for connection, and some options may be freestanding. Pick up modular design it will not be difficult - here it is important to know the dimensions of the place for the products to be installed, their height and depth. For the manufacture of systems used chipboard, wood and laminated materials. As an additional raw material in the production of living room furniture is glass, plastic, metal fittings. The most expensive are considered models from a solid array of wood.

The main advantage of such devices is saving space in the room. When choosing modules, the owner already knows how he will use them and where they will be placed, so there will be no problems with the selected cabinet that does not fit in the space.


Such furniture products include models that have a rigid base in the form of panels. As a rule, a variety of cabinets, racks, walls are considered to be cabinet items. Beautiful furniture for living room cabinet type is made of high quality wood species, often from an array.

Modern case models are made collapsible, which is very convenient when transporting products to customers and when moving. To decide what items will be located in the living room, you need to decide on the individual preferences of the owner. Often the following elements are placed in the room:

  • case walls - these multifunctional devices can accommodate several items at once - a wardrobe, a niche for a TV, a showcase for placing decor, shelves for books and a cabinet;
  • sliding wardrobe - separately standing place for storage can be placed in the living room, which has large dimensions. The photo of the cabinets demonstrates the fact that it is usually made to the full height of the wall, and thanks to sliding mechanism, you can install the element in the corner;
  • rack - on such functional subject place books, decor items, lamps and even an audio and video system.

Today, factories for the production of cabinet furniture, as a selection, offer products various styles. In the catalogs you can find items in classic, gothic, minimalist styles. When choosing living room furniture, the photo of which is presented in the selection, rely on color combinations products and finishing materials, thus, get the original result.


The central part of the room, which attracts the eyes of guests, is a beautiful sofa and armchairs. pledge good interior there will be a sofa, matched to the style of the rest of the existing furnishings. In calm classical styles, the sofa is made plain, and the chairs are purchased to match the color or contrast.

Another option is to put a soft corner instead of a sofa. This move solves two problems at once:

  • no need to buy additional chairs;
  • corners are usually transformed into sleeping places that are useful for accommodating guests.

What furniture to choose for the living room depends on its size. For small rooms, one sofa is enough, for more spacious rooms a set of armchairs, a sofa and pouffes is suitable. Do not forget that in addition to upholstered furniture, the living room will be filled with cabinet and modular systems. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to preview the photo of the furniture in the living rooms in advance, it is selected according to the individual preferences of the owners.

When choosing a sofa, pay attention to upholstery materials. The fabric must be strong, durable and soft. The colors should be in harmony with the hall, so you should not choose inappropriate combinations.

For a small living room, soft-type furniture is better to choose light colors, and for more spacious rooms- Experiment with color. Contrasting colors look original.

Placement rules

In almost every apartment, the living room is furnished the same way. Permanent elements include a sofa, TV and coffee table. Sometimes there are extra beds for guests, a library and storage cabinets. For a small room, the best solution would be built-in furniture for the living room. Such products, unlike case analogs, have only a roof and false panels that fit into building niches and horizontal planes.

To answer the question: how to properly arrange furniture, follow these tips:

  • draw a plan - make sketches schematically on a piece of paper, taking into account the existing dimensions of the room, observing the scale - it will be easier to understand what space you need to equip;
  • set the center of the composition - before choosing furniture for the living room, decide what will be the central point of the room. It can be a sofa, home theater, shelving unit or other item. After that, planning will be easier;
  • use every centimeter wisely. If you place a table near the sofa, leave some space so that you can approach it from any side. What kind of furniture better fit for the room, it is up to the owner of the apartment to decide: if there are children in the house, you need to purchase small soft child seats;
  • proportionality of dimensions - avoid large living room furniture photos of which can be found in the selection if the room is small. Do not clutter up the space - this area is designed for relaxation and receiving guests.

Incorrectly placed objects can cause inconvenience in daily use, so think through all the little things: if the sofa can be folded into a bed, provide extra space to open it.

What to look for when choosing

Beautifully furnished living rooms testify to good taste hosts. Choosing cabinets, shelving and soft objects should be guided by personal preferences, while not forgetting the design of the room. Choose the environment according to the needs of the family. A few tips about choosing subjects:

  • soft sofa is an indispensable component of the rest room. Choosing a cozy sofa for the living room is not difficult: decide on the size, functions, the presence of armrests and sofa cushions. Under a light finish, get a sofa a tone darker. If Decoration Materials made in mixed colors, then the chairs should match the idea;
  • if you follow the classic interiors, a display cabinet for the living room will become a must-have photo of which can be seen in furniture catalogs. Beautiful dishes are placed in such a product, Board games, family pictures or decor items;
  • a necessary element is a modular or cabinet wall, where a niche for a TV, shelves for books and racks is placed. Furniture variations can also be seen in the photo; the design of such products must necessarily fit into the overall picture of the room;
  • in the absence of a library or study in the house, the owners can always arrange such a room in the living room. To do this, you only need to correctly arrange bookshelves, which are made in the entire height of the wall.

Properly selected furniture in the living room will perform its intended functions, and delight all family members with its attractive appearance and practicality.

Any apartment owner wants guests to admire the interior, unusual approaches to design. But how to choose furniture for the living room so that it fully matches the style and tastes of the inhabitants of the apartment? It is with the choice of furniture that the most difficulties are associated.

Choosing the right furniture for the living room means choosing exactly those options that will:

  • look organically in the interior and create comfort;
  • functional;
  • like every occupant of the apartment.

Each of these requirements is equally important. A stylish living room, which will be “not to the soul”, may present the owner in a good light in front of the guests, but it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time. If the furniture matches the style, but it is uncomfortable to be in the living room, it will not become a place for the family to relax. Finally, you can't choose furniture set only for beauty, because functionality is no less important.

But how to take into account all these requirements, how to choose the right furniture for the living room and not make a mistake with the choice?

Interior planning is an interesting but not easy job, especially for people who do not have a design education. If there is no familiar decorator or funds to pay for the services of a designer, you will have to somehow cope with the task yourself. And first you need to decide what exactly should be in the living room, what functions it should perform,

A simple technique will help determine the purpose of the room. You need to take a piece of paper and sketch out a diagram of the room: indicate on an impromptu plan the location and number of windows, doors, if any, and other elements such as niches, a bay window and other features.

The next step is to decide what the living room is for, determine its main and additional features. From this will directly depend on what furniture to choose for the living room. For example, a living room is needed for family vacation to watch TV with your family in the evenings or just relax in silence, sitting down with a book in cozy armchair. Some love funny companies and friendly parties, then the set of furniture will be different, taking into account the given purpose of the room. Additionally, in the family living room you can arrange dining area(if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen does not allow you to place a dining table there). And if relatives often visit, then this should be taken into account by planning several “landing sites” in advance.

The purpose of the room will determine its zoning. First of all, you need to determine the main place in the living room. For example, it can be a home theater or a large plasma panel. It is on this area that all attention will be directed. Opposite the TV, you will need to put a large sofa and armchairs, a coffee table.

The rest of the zones (dining, working, relaxing, etc.) should not be loaded too much. Furniture in them should not attract undue attention.

Important! Each zone should have its own furniture, corresponding to its purpose and functions, but at the same time combined with the furniture set of the main zone.

What kind of furniture is needed in the living room?

Having decided on zoning, you should start thinking about how to choose furniture for the living room. Here, first of all, you need to focus on the function of space.

Previously, the living room was intended only for receiving guests, so they always chose the most the best furniture, put up shelves with books, expensive decor items, etc. and supported indoors perfect cleanliness. If you need a living room in the same style, then you first need to choose upholstered furniture (armchairs, a sofa), a coffee table, a bookcase or a showcase for decor items, collections, etc.

  • closet;
  • armchairs;
  • sofa;
  • Coffee table.

But in addition to this, the set includes a dining table with several chairs. Polish, Czech and Russian manufacturers dining table and chairs are not included in the furniture set.

But in modern world the living room can perform several functions at once, so each zone needs its own set. The only requirement is that all furniture must match in color and style.

Choosing a style of furniture for the living room

Before choosing furniture for the living room, you need to consider the desired style solution. First of all, the appearance of the furniture should match the overall decor of the room. You can choose based on personal ideas about comfort and coziness and, of course, fashion trends.

However, a combination of several styles is also appropriate, especially if you plan to make room zoning.

For those who prefer modern technology, practicality and the absence of unnecessary details, high-tech is ideal. The interior should not have much wooden elements, but glass and plastic are strongly welcomed. Furniture should not be bulky. It must comply with the latest trends, be multifunctional. You can complement the interior with ultra-modern technology.

If someone prefers natural motifs and smooth lines, then ideal solution will be modern style. And if a cozy living room is presented in soothing colors, with high chairs and a soft carpet, you can choose a classic style.

lovers cozy environment can also find a lot options. For example, Provence, involving the use natural materials, calm tones and "antique" furniture.

Another interesting style- rustic. It combines 2 radically opposite qualities of nature - its beauty and rudeness. Rustic furniture is made from natural wood, and not perfect, but with all the notches and knots, without paint and varnishing.

Living room furniture color

An important point is what color of furniture to choose for the living room. And here, too, there are no special rules. Traditionally, upholstered furniture is acquired in non-marking colors: dark brown, brown and black, but you can often find very cozy beige, sand and white chairs and sofas. But it is worth remembering that the spectrum does not end with these colors.

Important! For the living room, you can choose furniture of almost any color, but only if the furniture in the selected color scheme suits the style and suits the purpose of the room.

Many styles are quite strict about the possibilities of using color. For example, charming and light Provence does not like dark tones, preference is pastel shades and light grey. Acid shades here will be completely inappropriate. IN scandinavian style dominated by white and blue.

Minimalism requires bright and pure colors, but you should definitely follow the measure, otherwise it will be impossible to be in the room.

Art Deco will appeal to those who love bright colors, but the fact is that they quickly get bored. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye, but you can’t relax in such an environment - that is, the living room will not fulfill its main function. Therefore, if the living room is planned for parties, then bright colors will be appropriate.

Interiors with a combination of black and white look spectacular, but before choosing furniture for the living room, you need to think twice. Black and white interior looks stylish in photos, but in reality it turns out to be not very practical, especially with regard to white furniture. Any dirt, even small ones, will be clearly visible on a white background, and as a result, the living room will require serious cleaning. Black furniture, although more practical, is not the best choice for a small living room. It is known that dark color creates an oppressive atmosphere and visually reduces the space.

In general, deciding how to choose the color of living room furniture is not that difficult. If the room is intended for relaxation, the furniture should be designed in soothing colors: light green, pale blue, blue. In the living room for friendly gatherings, it is better to put furniture in “energetic”, bright colors (red, orange, yellow).

Marina Chief Designer HEGGI

Indeed, walls are the most convenient, stylish and economical way to furnish a living room, so that it is not only beautiful, but also functional and suitable for every member of the family.

Three main rules for choosing a wall in the living room

In the living room, as in no other room, it should be neat and harmonious. This room is most often intended for receiving guests. Your guests should be able to move freely around the room without bumping into ottomans, tables, children's toys and vases. Gives freedom of movement furniture wall , the correct layout of which will help free up space for a comfortable stay.

Rule 1. "Less is more"

Too many pieces of furniture make the room small, and if it is not possible to carry out deep cleaning often, then untidy due to accumulated dust. For a small living room, you should not buy overall cabinet furniture, and vice versa, if the living room is large, then a small wall will look like an unfinished element in it.

To correctly determine the size of the furniture wall , think about what actions will take place in the living room.

For example, you will get such a list: watch TV, play, sleep. And it can turn out: eat, read, play or listen to music, receive guests, do needlework. In accordance with this list, determine for each lesson a place in furniture wall so that everything is at hand and stored securely.

If the living room will not read, sleep, or play , you do not need bookcases and wardrobes, shelves and niches for storing games and toys. Then you can more space give a convenient location for multimedia systems, music discs, tableware, your hobby.

If it will be necessary keep bed dress , tableware, clothes - then the walls should include closed spacious cabinets.

Rule 2. Transform

This modern trend , relevant not only for small living rooms. So many different gadgets have appeared that you want to have and conveniently arrange at the same time, without violating the harmony of style.

Items from home collections, beautiful dishes also require space for storage and display. That's why capacity and functionality walls for the living room are sometimes more important than its material or cost.

As a guest room, the living room can simultaneously serve as office, bedroom or dining room. In this case, the requirements for the functionality of the wall for the living room increase. That's why the most popular models are modular walls with transformable elements. For example, a wall with a built-in berth, desk or secretary.

Modular walls give wide open space to embody the fantasies of the owners of the living room, make it easy to make rearrangements.

Rule 3

Cabinets with monograms or gloss and chrome? Closed wall made of solid wood or lightweight air shelving made of chipboard and metal? The number of models offered is so large that the buyer often finds himself in a difficult situation of choice . Let's try to formulate Basic Rules, that will help you navigate the sea of ​​proposals.


Classic furniture requires space. For a wall made of natural wood or chipboard, lined with natural veneer, so that it looks in all its splendor, you need an overview, large space. Merchant solid furniture in a small room looks unnatural. Classic colors - natural, saturated, but not bright. Furniture Wall Lines - even, strict, cabinets of the same height, simple facade decor in the form of embossing, chamfers.


Style more democratic, the proposed wall models can be roomy, having wardrobes in their composition, or they can consist of just a few cabinets and open shelves.

In such a wall, it is not the material that matters - wood, chipboard or MDF, but glass, mirrors, metal. The shape of the facade can be streamlined. For small spaces it is better to choose a low wall, modest colors, straight lines and frosted glass.

The walls, which include a lot of open shelving, also increase the space.

Shelving has become popular in Lately due to the ease of storing numerous items of small volumes in them. Their storage system can be varied and easily updated, for example, by purchasing decorative boxes.


This is a functional, light, practical wall, consisting of a small number of different-sized modules with main wardrobe. Closet contains numerous drawers, hangers of different levels, shelves and racks of different depths. Its capacity can be increased with removable wire baskets or hanging pockets. Glass and mirrors are missing here or eat in small quantities. The colors are monochrome, most often - white, gray, sand, black.

High tech

Close to minimalism on the basic principle "nothing extra" . simple shapes lines are adjacent to the finish of metal, chrome, gloss. There are more mirrors and glass here, the color scheme is also more diverse: in addition to the previously mentioned colors, metallic color and light shades are often used in the facades of the walls. Shapes: straight or corner options in the entire wall or, conversely, several modules small size like a niche.

The living room is the “face” of your home. This is a place where it is pleasant to relax and watch TV with the whole family, where friendly “gatherings” take place, you receive guests there. Therefore, the most stringent requirements are imposed on this room. It should be not only stylish, since it is a kind of business card, but also functional, in order to best meet all the desires of the household, their habits. Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of furniture, since even expensive items can look out of place if you choose them incorrectly. How to choose furniture for the living room?

Choosing the right furniture

Choosing the right furniture means, at a minimum, solving the following tasks:

  • furniture should look organic and create comfort;
  • she should be liked by all family members;
  • be functional.

Basic principles for organizing a living room

Before you go to the store, you need to prepare and take into account some points:

  • Determine how much space you are willing to allocate for furniture. Adhere to the rule that between individual interior items there should be a distance of at least a meter.
  • Measure the width and height doorways. Otherwise, having bought an expensive piece of furniture, you may find that it is impossible to bring it into the room.
  • Some rooms have built-in niches, for example, the room has a rustic fireplace. In this case, it is better to abandon Art Nouveau furniture, which is more suitable for a room with windows overlooking the quarters of the metropolis.
  • Observe general style so that the elements don't look randomly thrown into a heap. Each element of the interior should complement the others.
  • Don't go overboard with accessories - too many items make a space feel overwhelmed. To create an individual image, a few accents are enough.
  • Use samples to determine on the spot how they fit into the interior. This will require additional time, but you will eliminate errors when individual items do not harmonize with each other.

We determine the functionality of furniture

Before choosing furniture for the living room, you need to determine what functions your room will perform, or rather its priority tasks:

  • It can be a room just for family gatherings, watching movies, etc.
  • Maybe this is the room where holidays, banquets and celebrations will be held.
  • Or friends, neighbors and relatives will often drop in here just to relax and chat.
  • In some cases, the living room also serves as a dining room, and sometimes as a bedroom.

In all these cases, the approach to choosing furniture for the living room will be different, and this must be taken into account. Maybe it will be necessary to provide some trick for the correct zoning of the room.

Choose the color of the furniture

Of course, the choice of color scheme depends solely on the taste of the owner, but still it is better to take into account the advice of professional designers:

  • Light colors visually expand the room a little and blur its boundaries. Therefore, if you have a small living room, then you should create a single space with light-colored furniture against light-colored walls.
  • For a large living room, you can use different colors, even dark and saturated.
  • To give the room coziness, warm shades are used, for example, pink, yellow, peach, orange. In such a living room it is pleasant to arrange gatherings in the circle of close people.
  • If you are planning to make your living room a place of rest and relaxation, then cold shades are best suited: light blue, grayish, light green, etc.
  • Bright colors are pleasing to the eye, but you won’t be able to relax in such an environment, but if you plan to hold parties there, then bright colors will be quite appropriate.
  • Interiors with a combination of white and black colors look very impressive. But think carefully when choosing color design rooms. This is not very practical, especially for furniture, since any, even the smallest dirt, will be clearly visible on a white background.
  • Black furniture is more practical, but for a small living room - this is not the best choice, as black creates an oppressive atmosphere, visually reduces the space.

Choose a style

Before buying furniture, you need to decide on the style, here you need to build on your own preferences. If you do not resort to the services of a professional designer, then it is best to familiarize yourself with the basics of the chosen style, see photos and read expert advice.

Possible options:

Important! It is quite appropriate to combine several styles, especially if you plan to zone the room.

We choose furniture depending on the size and shape of the room

To solve the question of how to choose furniture for the living room, depending on the size of the room, first of all, you need to measure the parameters of the room. Too bulky sofa, table or wall will take up a lot of useful space. In addition to roulette, you need to arm yourself with common sense, and think well: what tasks the living room will have priority, how many people will be there at the same time. This is necessary for the correct calculation of seats.

It is necessary to determine the size of the sofa, the number of chairs, ottomans and other seats, while proceeding from the size of the room. So, in some rooms the task is to save space, and in others, on the contrary, to somehow fill it.

Important! You can make the interior elegant, regardless of the size of the room. It’s just more difficult to do this for a small living room, since in a limited area you need to place a lot of necessary items to make it comfortable and functional.

Use the advice of professionals when choosing furniture for a small living room:

  • In a small room, it is better to choose upholstered furniture without armrests. It seems to be lighter and more open, and the comfort problem is easily solved with the help of bolsters and pillows.
  • It is not necessary to put a bulky wall for storing all things in a small living room. Better buy modular cabinet, which can store a lot of things, but at the same time, it does not take up much space.
  • In the interior, you need to use more glass - it looks stylish and creates the illusion of free space.
  • It is better to take open shelves, as closed ones visually reduce the room. At the same time, you should not overload them with accessories - this creates the appearance of a mess.

Selection of upholstered furniture

Upholstered furniture is an important and indispensable attribute of any living room, which is chosen in the first place. Usually the set consists of a sofa and two armchairs:

  • Sofas can be folding, forming additional beds. If you are purchasing a sofa specifically for this, then pay attention to models with quality mechanisms which are designed for everyday use.
  • You should also pay attention to the filler and upholstery material. The skin looks rich, but not suitable everywhere. Jacquard and velor require careful care. Here is the microfiber inexpensive material, which is appropriate for the living room, where the load on the sofa is large.

When choosing furniture for the living room, you need to take into account that the same items may differ from each other depending on design features. So, angular, classical and modular furniture differs in appearance. Consider the features of each of them.

Corner furniture

Its main features are spaciousness and more efficient use of space. By placing corner sofa, you save a few square meters rooms. But it is important to find the right place for it.

Important! If you put it near a short wall, it will shackle the room and make it smaller.

classic furniture

It is not compact, but very reliable, beautiful and fits perfectly into classic interior. It is created for living rooms of medium and large sizes. It is not recommended to put it in small rooms because of its size, as it will visually reduce the room even more.

Modular furniture

It does not consist of a monolithic body, but of many functional elements that can be placed side by side, but at the same time, each of them is able to be a self-sufficient piece of furniture.

Important! They can be rearranged as you like, thus refreshing the interior without incurring any material costs. Such furniture will fit into any living room.

Choosing a wall or rack

Previously, a wall was an unequivocal solution for a living room - it looked bulky and unaesthetic. Modern analogues have become more miniature and refined, but racks have also come into fashion. They perform the same functions, but at the same time, thanks to their special design, they do not take up space, which is important when choosing furniture for a small living room.

And if the walls fit well into the classic interior, then the racks will become great solution in a room where they try in every way to save space. A great option is modular furniture. This is a set of all kinds of elements, made in the same style, which can be combined as you like. You can create an original and most comfortable interior.

Important! wall with hinged shelves and translucent facades will increase the size of the room and make it brighter.

Choosing a coffee table

This is an important attribute of any living room, which serves not only to place every little thing on it, but is also indispensable for tea drinking. Average Height coffee tables about 50 cm, and the size and material can be any:

  • For classical style suitable wooden carved table, which can be supplemented with forged elements.
  • For living rooms decorated in modern style, an oval or round glass table will do.
  • A table in the form of a cube, made of translucent plastic, will be ideal even for the smallest living room.

When the area allows, you can choose any option that you like. There are many interesting models on sale that can become a real highlight of any interior.

Other pieces of furniture

To date, there are no clear rules for the design of living rooms, and therefore it is impossible to say which pieces of furniture should be mandatory and which should not. It's all up to you:

  • If you want to combine the living room and dining room, then you will need a dining table with chairs. It is best to choose round or oval, especially if there are small children in the house.

Important! A great option is a transforming table, which, as unnecessary, can be folded and put aside.

  • TV is the same these days. necessary element interior, like cushioned furniture. Recently, it is most often hung on the wall. But you can also put it on a cabinet, the main thing is to choose a cabinet according to the size of your TV. The material can be any - it can be glass, wood, chipboard or other materials. It is good if there are drawers for storing small items on the cabinet. And the cabinet on wheels is convenient in that you can position the TV in the way that is more convenient for you.
  • For additional seating, you may need chairs and armchairs. Start from the style in which your room is designed. When choosing chairs, it is worth considering that a rounded seat is much more comfortable than a square one. Chairs should be soft, but not too deep so that you can stand up without effort.
  • The use of a bar counter has become popular. It does not take up much space and allows you to divide the room into zones. Its surface must be resistant to various kinds of damage. It can also serve dining table. In this case, you can pick up special high chairs, they are for every taste.
  • OK it's all over Now! You have all the rules for decorating a living room with upholstered, cabinet and auxiliary furniture. It remains only to put them into practice in order to achieve the result that you imagined.
