Is it possible to paint a wooden house with acrylic paint? How to choose paint for painting wooden facades. Video — Dufa. Paint for wooden facades Woodflex

Facade paints for wooden houses applied quite differently. Here it is necessary to approach not just from the point of view of color, it should be remembered that this is an open surface and the best facade paint for wood should be chosen.

It is on this topic that we will talk today. Also in the video in this article you can see the varieties of dyes and choose the right option.

Variety of paint for wooden surfaces

Paint for facade works according to the tree is divided into several types. All of them differ in their composition. Here you have to make a choice, because some make a varnish coating, others leave a natural shape.

After all, each dye must be selected depending on the tree. Instructions on the selection rules will be below. All work can be done with your own hands, then the final price will be much lower.


Such a coating is characterized by high penetrating power, in some cases the penetration depth reaches 7 mm. Thanks to this property, wooden elements will be reliably protected from impact. environment, putrefactive and mold manifestations.

The functions that an antiseptic performs:

  • Endowment of wood with antiseptic properties;
  • Protection of a wooden surface from atmospheric action;
  • Prevention of the formation of mold, rot;
  • Decorative design of a tree, creation of a transparent tinted covering.

There are 2 types of antiseptic:

  • Glazing. Such a coating is transparent, emphasizing the noble natural shade of wood. The glazing look preserves the texture of the wood well.
  • Top coat or opaque antiseptic, on the contrary, hides the entire texture of the tree under itself, but its relief is preserved.

acrylic paint

Facade acrylic paints for wood are very popular. There are a lot of advantages here.


  • High weather resistance reliable protection wood surface from moisture. Such a coating is resistant to severe frosts, temperature extremes.
  • Preservation of the original color and gloss for a long period. Brightness, freshness of color remains for years. Another plus is that acrylic paint mixes perfectly, which allows you to choose the desired shade.
  • Good vapor permeable properties. This means that the paint does not close the pores, allows the surface to breathe, perfectly passing air through itself.
  • Elasticity due to the presence in the composition of a component such as acrylic. The paint, as it were, adapts to the rhythm of life at home, so it does not crack even under the influence of deforming factors.
  • Ecologicaly clean safe option coatings. The main component of acrylic paint is water, the binding elements are acrylates. Acrylic paint has become No. 1 in European countries, including the Nordic countries. It accounts for over 80% of painted houses.
  • No specific rubber smell.
  • Acrylic paint for wood facade is quite convenient to paint. To apply the layer, you can use both a roller and a brush or spray gun.
  • Dries quickly. If there is a need to renew the layer, then it is not necessary to perform a preliminary cleaning.

Oil paint

Oil paint has the same ability to withstand atmospheric and temperature influences as acrylic coating, and with an antiseptic they are related by excellent absorption into the surface.


  • The price of the material is quite democratic and everyone can afford it.
  • Large selection of colors, which will allow you to choose not just a color, but also a shade. You can also always mix them, because they combine and acquire the desired color without problems.
  • Restoration does not take much time. After all, the layer can be safely applied one on top of the other.
  • They serve as excellent protection against moisture and perfectly tolerate temperature extremes.
  • The only disadvantage of oil paint is too for a long time drying: it takes more than a day. There is still a small nuance, the oil lining may change slightly in color over time, becoming matte. Although this drawback practically does not play a role for light colors.

Alkyd paint

This type of paint was known even before the advent of acrylic, and every year the demand for them is only growing. This is due to the low cost and increased protective properties. Alkyd paint is characterized by the formation of a thin film on the treated surface, which repels water.

  • Alkyd paint dries very quickly, which is both its plus and minus: quick drying does not allow the enamel to penetrate deep into the wood, and this affects its durability.
  • Alkyd paint is well suited for painting window, doorways, thresholds, such building elements that need reliable protection from moisture. In addition, it is resistant to temperature extremes, the ability to withstand extremely low rates.
  • Alkyd paint should be applied only on a dry surface, otherwise the formation of bubbles and peeling is guaranteed. It takes up to 12 hours to dry one coat.

rubber paint

Latex or otherwise rubber paint for wooden surfaces - modern look coating, which in its characteristics surpasses the known paints and varnishes. Judging by the composition, rubber paint can be easily attributed to acrylic, since it is also based on water and acrylates. But still its quality is somewhat different, improved through the use of the latest technological developments.

Advantages of rubber paint:

  • Ecological cleanliness, safety for health. All related work can be carried out without the use of personal protective equipment.
  • High strength, protective properties. Handles all kinds of aggressors well external environment: ultraviolet, precipitation, wind load, pathogenic microflora and others.
  • Has good vapor permeability, allows the tree to breathe.
  • When dried, a strong, velvety film is formed on the surface, very elastic. Rubber paint creates a pleasant texture. It is able to stretch, so the cracks are invisible - from above the surface looks solid.
  • Surface painted latex paint, it is allowed to wash with an alkali-based solution.

Which facade paint for wood to choose: Video

Requirements for facade paints, naturally presented by buyers: durability and environmental Safety. They must also retain color, withstand significant temperature changes, and have attractive natural shades. Quality is ensured not only by the manufacturer, but also by compliance with the rules of staining different surfaces. For example, facade paint on wood should be applied to a layer of adhesive alkyd primer. As a standard, buyers use antiseptic primers, but they only provide protection for the wood, but not adhesion of the layers.

That is why even good facade paint cracks and peels off within 2 years after application. At the same time, manufacturers guarantee the integrity of the coating for decades. To achieve this, it is necessary to follow the application technology. Many years of experience accumulated by manufacturers allows us to create the best paint and varnish materials for the facade. The division into types of surfaces that they paint has a positive effect on the result, since the degree of absorption of different building materials is different.

How to paint a wooden facade?

The choice of paint depends on the desired result: it completely covers the wood, creating an opaque layer, or leaves the wood structure visible. In the first case, acrylic or oil paints, in the second - tinted antiseptics or varnish.

Modern paints are distinguished by better resistance to atmospheric precipitation. Oil varieties choose, as a rule, light shades, as they fade over the years. This does not affect performance, only the gloss changes, losing its original appearance.

Acrylic paints are elastic and breathable, their formula allows you to maintain a balance of moisture and dryness of wood. It can be used for both facade and internal works, and it can be applied to old surface. You just need to make sure that it is dry and correctly prepare the surface. Alkyd enamels are also used for painting wooden facades. They provide a brilliant sheen or satin (matte) surface, penetrate well into the pores of the wood, preserving its natural properties.

The color palette of almost all facade paints allows you to give the surface any shades, to implement original design solutions. Elasticity allows them to stretch and shrink with the wood, protecting them from cracking. This property is important for painting only erected buildings, which will shrink within a year.

Any facade paint is applied after special preparation of wood. If an adhesive primer is not used, the adhesion of the primer to the wood is ensured by sanding. To do this, use a grinder or sandpaper with fine grain. After grinding, the surface is cleaned of wood dust with a wet brush.

When choosing a tinted antiseptic, one should take into account the presence in the composition of additives not only against decay and bugs, but also protecting against UV radiation and moisture. They prevent the growth of mold, algae and maintain the freshness of the shade. Tinted antiseptics are divided into the following varieties:

  • glazing,
  • covering.

The former leave a transparent layer, only shading the wood. The latter do not allow you to see its pattern, structure, as they create a dense layer.

Qualitative characteristics do not deteriorate in any type of antiseptics, the transparent layer protects the tree as well as the dense one.

How to paint a wooden facade?

The paint is applied by hand with a wide brush along the natural pattern of the beam or log. The ends of the tree are treated with a special sealant for water based. It does not allow moisture from the street to penetrate into the pores of the tree, while maintaining its ability to breathe. The second layer is applied after the facade has been treated with an abrasive sponge. It creates microscopic roughness, which ensures high-quality adhesion of the layers.

It's important to know what's new wooden house can be painted immediately if it is built from glued beams. Other types wooden materials require natural additional drying. The same goes for the old wooden house. You should make sure that the log or timber does not contain excess moisture. Work is carried out at positive temperatures in dry weather.

Facade painting: nuances

The radiation spectrum visible to the human eye lies between 380 and 780 nanometers, and if more accessible, then between violet and red (all colors of the rainbow). We can see any of these shades on the street and the coloring of the facades of buildings is just part of the overall palette.

But how pleasant this palette will be depends on how we diversify it.

Painting houses with water

All about facade painting

Perhaps most of the inhabitants of a particular house and area will accurately determine the most suitable color in which you can paint any house. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to choose facade paint so that it lasts as long as possible.

The thing is that the walls of houses are made of different material, covered with different building mixtures and not every paint is suitable for certain climatic conditions.

Types of paints for the facade

Facade paints for wood

  • You paint the facade with your own hands and therefore you need to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the composition of the paintwork materials (paints and varnishes).
    The service life of the painted surface, and, consequently, your expenses will depend on this.
  • Until recently, the most common were oil paints obtained from linseed, soybean and hemp oil. .
    But such coatings are fragile, quickly fade and dry for a very long time, which it does not accept. modern technology facade colors. Although such characteristics do not mean at all that it is impossible to paint the wall with oil paint.
  • You can never go wrong if you opt for a water-based facade paint. In water-based facade paint, a lot depends on polymer binders, so acrylic emulsion is very resistant to sunlight, therefore, it is the best suited as a coating for outdoor use.
  • Among aqueous emulsions, it is well suited for the facade silicone paint, combining the properties of acrylic and silicate.
    In addition, such paints are practically odorless and dry quickly, which plays an important role in the choice.
  • Alkyd paints are made from acids vegetable oil, alcohols and anhydrides. The elasticity of such coatings will depend on the composition of the modifiers - the higher - the more elastic, but the drying time increases (the instructions on the package always mention this). However, alkyd paint will dry faster than oil paint anyway.
  • There are also reactive paints, which consist of two components - resin and hardener.. The mixture is usable only for a certain time specified by the manufacturer and it is important to have time to work out the composition before the peak time.
    Of course, the price of such materials is higher than the rest, but they are the most impact-resistant and resistant to active chemicals.

wooden facade

Painting a wooden facade

  • If you are thinking about how to paint the facade of a wooden house, then we can say that you are lucky, because this material is most suitable for adhesion with any paint.
    But, nevertheless, there is a difference in what kind of facade it is - old or new, previously painted or not.
    Indeed, the degree of preparation for painting, the application of protective agents, and the choice of the paint itself for wooden facades depend on various factors.
  • The quality of the painting will depend on the adhesion of materials, so dust and dirt should be removed from the walls, and this can be done with a jet of water from a hose and a hard brush (can be metal).
    Painting the facade of the house is impossible if there is mold on the walls - it should be removed and treated with some kind of antifungal compound.
    Let the surfaces dry well by covering the walls with plastic wrap for 2-3 weeks to keep dust out, and lift up the cellophane from time to time to allow air to circulate.
  • Metal elements in the form of nails and screws are covered with anti-corrosion putty and let it dry well.
    Now you can think about what paint to paint the facade. Usually, wooden walls paint with a brush.

Advice. If you have to paint old painting, then be sure to select an identical LMB for this. If you do not know the previous composition, then try to determine it by cracks - acrylate paints crack along the fibers, and oil - across.

Brick and putty facades

Cleaning seams before painting

  • Preparation will play an important role in painting stone, brick and putty facades. First of all, the wall must be clean and can be washed with a hose, additionally using a stiff brush.
    On brick facades, it is desirable to tidy up the seams (see photo) so that there are no sagging and dirt.
  • Before painting the facade of the house, a layer of deep-penetrating primer must be applied to it, which will provide good adhesion for PCM, which means it will increase the service life.
    Brick and stone walls are best primed with a maklavitsa or just a large brush to penetrate all the cracks, and bark beetle and even putty can be treated with a roller.

Apply the first layer with a spray gun

  • For brick and stone (embossed) walls, you need a brush to paint over all the cavities and crevices, but it will be more convenient to apply the first layer with an airbrush. When working with such a device, do not bring it too close to the surface (no closer than 20-25cm) so that streaks do not form.
    It is up to you to decide which facade paint to choose - for this you can compare the characteristics of paintwork materials and your needs.

A second coat of paint can be applied with a roller

  • On the brick wall the second coat of paint is applied with a roller. Use a wool roller as it applies the paint more evenly without leaving bald patches (the roller doesn't slip).
    The same can be said about smooth walls without relief - the roller for them will be the most handy tool for painting.

All seams and cracks go through with a brush

  • And finally final stage painting the facade - paint over all the seams and cracks where the spray gun and roller did not get paint brush. Such flaws, most likely, will be found not only on a brick, but also on a putty wall. On this page you can also watch a video about painting facades, as a visual aid for learning the material.

Advice. When cracks are found in stone walls and putty, some try to seal them with sealants or mounting foam- do not do this - after such termination, a one-time effect is obtained.

Best of all, such defects are closed with a universal tile adhesive type Ceresit CM-11 - it not only hides the crack, but also strengthens the structure.


Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to paint with facade paint indoors?”. The answer will be unequivocal: "Yes", because outdoor paint It is designed for more intense loads, which means it is suitable for less intense ones. Only the ability of paintwork materials to “breathe” should be taken into account and this should be taken into account in certain situations.

All photos from the article

Wooden surfaces, of course, differ from all others not only in their natural beauty and originality of structures, but also vulnerability to external influences. That is why if you have Vacation home or a cottage that was built from natural material, should be given Special attention protective equipment. One of these modern proposals on the construction market is paint for wood facades.

What awaits you

Let's start with the fact that facade paint on wood, like concrete, plaster or any other surface, is continuously exposed to an unfavorable external environment in the form of:

  • Sharp temperature changes.
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • high humidity.
  • , mold, fungus, etc.

That is why its purpose is not only to give aesthetics appearance structures, but first of all, reliable protection of the painted surface from the influence of harsh operating conditions.

The right approach to painting a house made of wood

Since wood is perhaps the most vulnerable building material, painting the facades of wooden houses causes the largest number questions in the planning process.

So, taking up the decoration of the house outside with your own hands, you first need to figure out the following:

  • Is it possible to paint wood with facade paint?
  • How to prepare wooden surface to painting.
  • What paint for a wooden facade is better.
  • Conditions and technology for applying paints and varnishes for outdoor work.

Let's start with suggestions construction market in the area of exterior finish, or rather, we will study paints for the facades of wooden houses.

The choice of facade paint

There should be no problems with deciding how to paint the facade of a wooden house. Numerous modern manufacturers offer to the consumer's judgment a large number of high quality, diverse products of this type.

All facade paints for outdoor woodwork can be divided into:

  • Oil.

In the very recent past, only oil paints were known and widely used for outdoor woodwork.

  • Acrylic.
  • Silicone.
  • Alkyd.

Oil based paints

Oil paint for wooden facades is very popular due to the fact that:

  • Its price is relatively low..
  • It is prepared on the basis of exclusively environmentally friendly natural drying oil..

Drying oil consists of residual pomace of flax, sunflower and hemp oils.

Actually, this is where all the advantages of oil paint end.

  • Characteristic smell (remains for a long time after application and complete drying).
  • Rapid loss of original appearance under exposure sunlight(cracking, fading).
  • Quite a long drying period (from 12 hours or more).
  • The coating does not "breathe" (vapor-tight).
  • Reapplying to old layer water-soluble paint is not allowed.
  • Guaranteed durability of the coating does not exceed 3 years.

Acrylic paints for wood

Modern acrylic mixes for outdoor use are water-dispersion and solvent-based. They also differ in the set of additives in the mixture:

  1. Solvent-based facade acrylic paint for wood contains:
    • Organic resins.
    • Substances that increase resistance to atmospheric aggression.
    • UV filters.

As before, wood of pine, larch, cedar, spruce, fir, oak, ash, walnut and many other coniferous and hardwood species is actively used in construction due to its qualities such as high strength, ease of processing, beautiful drawing surface created by the direction of the fibers, environmental friendliness.

True, buildings and wood products are exposed to external aggressive factors: high humidity and temperature, sudden changes temperature conditions, harmful insects, mold, fungus.

According to reviews, facade paint on wood helps to make the material less vulnerable.

Previously for coloring wooden elements used oil paints on drying oil, now the range of paints for wooden facades has increased significantly due to a variety of dispersion materials- acrylic antiseptic primers, acrylic and alkyd enamels, reinforced with polyurethane colorless varnishes.

When choosing protection, it is important to know the properties and purpose of all these paints, which will save money when choosing a reliable facade coating.

Is it necessary to use a protective coating?

facade paint at right approach to its choice allows not only to solve certain aesthetic problems, but also to protect the wood from excess moisture, exposure to ultraviolet rays, harmful insects, fungus, mold, will help extend the service life by preventing rapid aging, emphasize the beautiful natural structure of the tree.

When choosing facade paints for wood, many factors are taken into account, including:

  1. The type of wood. There is an unspoken rule according to which for load-bearing structures, conifers, interior decoration carried out through valuable breeds. In the decoration of facades, both coniferous and hardwoods- pine, spruce, aspen, birch, linden, in more expensive option- larch, cedar.
  2. Natural conditions in which the wooden facade will be used, while performing a protective function for the entire structure.
  3. Possibility to pre-treat the material before mounting parts or re-treat a surface that has been exposed to the environment during operation.
  4. When re-processing - taking into account whether the previous paint for wooden facades is combined with a new one that differs in composition.

Types and types of modern coatings

For outdoor woodwork, you can use one of the proposed coating options, depending on which design decision to be implemented and how much money is planned to be spent.

However, the painting of wooden facade areas implies the use of additional funds, whose names are not so easy to understand.

Paint is commonly referred to as homogeneous suspensions of pigments in substances that, during drying, form a homogeneous film with the property of opacity.

Their composition for improvement performance characteristics can be supplemented with various fillers, plasticizers, solvents, hardeners.

Enamels are a suspension of pigments in varnish, which, when dried, forms a hard, opaque decorative film with original textures.

Varnishes are solutions of substances in organic solvents, which form a film when dried.

In order to even out the color of the base, improve the processes of paint adhesion, special primers are used, called primers. In terms of functions, this tool is similar to a primer, which is designed to provide high-quality adhesion of the finishing layers during painting.

The composition of facade paints for wood includes a base (binder), fillers, pigments (substances for imparting color and shades), drying catalysts (desiccants), various additives to make the surface glossy or dull, increase spreadability, reduce the formation of streaks.

To process the facade of a wooden house, paints and varnishes of three types are used, we are talking about transparent paints and varnishes, water-dispersion paints and opaque enamels.

Transparent paints and impregnating varnishes

Transparent façade paints allow the natural structure of the wood to show through. Such material is indispensable if there is a desire to emphasize the beauty of the pattern created by wood fibers.

Transparent facade paint has the advantage that, thanks to its high vapor permeability dries quickly on the wood surface.

Modern compositions are supplemented with ultraviolet filters that protect the tree from sunlight. But even in the conditions high humidity this paint for facades allows the wood to dry in accordance with operational requirements.

A facade protected with transparent facade paints on wood will not age prematurely, so repainting will only be needed after a few years, and without removing the previous layer.

The price of transparent paints for wooden facades on the market ranges from 200 rubles per 1 liter, which can be justified by a set of performance characteristics.

Water-dispersion paints and varnishes

The properties of water-dispersion paints for wooden facades have been appreciated all over the world, therefore, in the share of production of all types of paints and varnishes, they occupy more than 80%.

As the name implies, the solvent for this type of paint is water, and acrylates (esters and salts of acrylic acid) are most often used as binders. Alkyd resins synthesized mainly from phthalic anhydride, glyphthalic or pentaphthalic resins, synthetic latexes can be used.

The coating obtained as a result of painting the facade of a wooden house is characterized by high parameters for color fastness, susceptibility to moisture and sun.

At the same time, the vapor permeability and water resistance of the resulting surface is provided by "breathing" walls, which is one of the most important indicators for the comfort of housing.

When using facade dispersion paints, avoid low temperatures. The fact is that the surface of the tree after applying the protective layer becomes frost-resistant, but the solution itself delaminates under the influence of low temperature, losing its best performance characteristics.

Painting of wooden facades with water-dispersion materials can be carried out in any accessible form: spray, multiple coats with roller or brush.

Water-dispersion paints, the price of which exceeds 2 c.u. per 1 kilogram, they have another undoubted quality - durability.

Re-painting a wooden facade in case of unfavorable natural conditions may be needed after 4 years, but in some cases, even after 8 years, the structure will look like new.

Properties of opaque enamels on organic solvents

Paint for wooden products, and facades, including organic solvents, was quite popular, but gradually lost its position due to the spread of water-dispersion coatings for facade work.

Among the main disadvantages of these paints for facades wooden structures can be called increased toxicity and danger in terms of compliance with fire safety rules.

A material that does not neutralize, but increases the flammability of wood, causes understandable concerns among consumers.

Among the minuses is the fragility of painting: the film forms on the surface without penetrating into the middle of the wood. Therefore, under the influence of moisture and temperature, the surface of the facades wooden buildings quickly falls into decay, cracks.

The same "effect" can be quickly achieved if the wood is wet.

The exception is polyurethane enamels, which are quite resistant to aggressive environmental factors. They are durable, have excellent protective properties, but are made from rather toxic raw materials. The only thing that stops potential buyer- price.

How to calculate the cost of work

The exact cost of painting is determined by a number of parameters:

  • used price paintwork material;
  • surface type;
  • facade surface area;
  • the number of layers of applied paint;
  • the need to get rid of the previous protective layer;
  • additional work on restoring wood, treating it with antiseptic agents, priming the painted surface and some other operations;
  • materials needed for additional work such as grinding abrasives.

The price of paints, enamels and primers can vary significantly in outlets one city, while the prices for paints and varnishes of foreign manufacturers are 5 times higher than domestic ones: from 1.5 to 8 USD. for 1 kilogram.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the consumption of paint for each square meter, and then determine the amount of material spent for painting.

Having made a preliminary calculation, you can navigate the cost of services from professionals or choose more profitable option- paint the facade with your own hands.

Repainting the house yourself

Re-painting the house is done after the type of the previous paintwork material has been determined, otherwise all efforts will be reduced to zero.

For diagnosis, you can use sandpaper, with which the surface is rubbed. Water-dispersion paints remain on the abrasive skin, while alkyd and oil paints crumble.

If painting was carried out 10 years ago or more, it was the last of these paints that were used.

A layer of paint that is peeling and lagging behind must be carefully removed. Craftsmen do this with a blowtorch, professionals use special technical hair dryers. The surface is heated and then scraped off with a spatula or a hair dryer attachment.

Cleaned and ready for painting facade surface must be dry, then you can apply a uniform layer of paint.
