Photo selection of the most beautiful baths: a modern look at the architecture and exterior of steam rooms

The most Russian type of recreation is experiencing its seasonal heyday: in winter, the number of visitors in public baths increases many times. Some baths can no longer be associated with established stereotypes: the new ones are more like health centers, while the old ones are being rebranded and reopened after large-scale reconstructions. The Village selected a dozen of the city's most notable baths and discussed their benefits with regulars.

Sanduny baths

Working mode

sanitary day - tuesday


1,500−2,300 rubles /
2 hours


1 320 rubles

SPA, beauty salon, restaurant, laundry

Sanduny - the main city baths, with a history of two hundred years. You can go here not only for physical, but also for aesthetic pleasure: in the highest male category there is an Empire-style fireplace room, a Gothic room, a Turkish room and an antique pool. Other categories look simpler, but, except for the interiors, there are practically no differences: it is believed that the quality of service in Sanduny is the best in Moscow. Movies have been shot in Sanduny more than once, excursions and Hollywood actors are taken here, but not everyone likes it: Sanduny's opponents complain that they feel like they are in a museum here. Employees also publish a newspaper of the same name and actively work with social networks, making discounts for check-in and Instagram subscriptions.

Elena Ivanova

HR manager

My sister and I have a tradition - to go to Sanduny on Fridays once every three weeks. Friday night in the women's category is crowded, but it's all the same good time to recharge before the weekend. Among other things, you come here for the atmosphere, for this historical feeling. According to observations: women who cook a steam room every 45 minutes are regular visitors themselves and do it simply because they like it. The ranks for women differ in the number of people: in higher education it is more free and the steam room is constantly working. Among the services I like "Soap Wash" - a very high-quality massage of the whole body using gels, and they don’t look at the time and instead of 40 minutes they often make an hour. During the time that I go, there was not a single complaint - everything here is at a high level.

Krasnopresnensky baths

Working mode

mon. 08:00-22:00


1,200−1,700 rubles /
2 hours


700 rubles

SPA, hairdresser, beautician, cafe Presnya

The main competitor of the Sandunovsky baths - the regulars here traditionally consider them stupid and pretentious. Price category and the audience is about the same, but the throughput is higher and many additional cosmetic procedures are offered - they even do Ayurvedic massage with herbal bags. Bath attendants prepare a steam room approximately every 40 minutes. The restaurant, in addition to the main one, has an extensive Japanese menu - udons, fried rice, three types of miso soup and rolls.

Alexey Chagin

For me, there are two baths where you can relax and feel a certain spirit of the city - these are Sanduny and Krasnopresnensky. The highest ranks are similar there: everywhere is clean and friendly staff. In Krasnopresnensky, an important plus is that the steam room is regularly ventilated and new steam is made. Bath attendants can really take a steam bath - an ordinary visitor will not be able to do the same. Delicious cuisine I recommend the shrimp. Household details like chips on cups can spoil the impression a little.

Warsaw baths

Working mode

Sat-Sun 08:00-23:00


1 500 rubles / 3 hours


from 1,000 rubles

beauty salon, massage, cosmetologist, Shayka-leika restaurant

Warsaw baths have been operating since 1938, and recently a new milestone has begun in their history - after reconstruction in 2012, they turned into a wellness complex with an author's design and began to cooperate with the Ginza Project. Finishing of steam rooms, locker rooms and washing rooms have nothing to do with the ornate interiors of the Sanduny and the post-Soviet chic of the Krasnopresnensky baths. On the menu local restaurant- several dozen positions, including grilled dishes, burgers and steaks. There is a decent bar. In the steam room itself, you can order a dozen different steams: four-handed, with inhalation, with ice and with honey - prices start at 800 rubles. They sell subscriptions and bath services. The role of the VIP departments here is played by the "Bani of the World" on the fourth floor - they are decorated in Russian, Byzantine and british styles and are heated by wood-burning stoves.

Mikhail Gogolev

by sales

I have been going to the Warsaw Baths for almost two years - there is a favorable atmosphere, everything is done with taste and quality. The staff is friendly and attentive. The steam room is cleaned every 30 minutes. Patriotic songs are often sung by regulars on weekends. Prices are not low, but they correspond to the quality. The Shayka-Leika restaurant is good, plus they give a discount to bathhouse customers, which is also nice.

Vorontsov baths

Working mode

09:00-23:00, Sanitary day - Monday


1,200−1,300 rubles / 4 hours


2 000 rubles

beauty salon, beautician, solarium, restaurant

Spacious bright baths on Taganka with views of the Novospassky Monastery and Vorontsovskaya Sloboda. There are two men's categories, one women's, several saunas - elite and democratic - and numbered baths for companies of up to ten people with the speaking names "Minimalism" and "Indiana". You can order soaring on hay, fir and oak brooms. On Friday mornings, prices are halved. There is nothing unusual among the services or in the interior, but there is no shortage of fans either.

Alexey Tryapochkin

for planning

For the past few years, I have been going to the highest category of the Vorontsov baths, and at a specific time - on Sunday evenings. There objectively the best couple with a decent level of everything else: a comfortable dressing room and washing, quality food and service. In three hours, five to seven fresh vapors are prepared in the steam room, each time on new bases: lemon balm, eucalyptus, lemongrass, horseradish, wormwood. The steam is prepared by bath enthusiasts, and not by the attendant, the herbs are bought on their own, so on another day in the same baths this may not be the case. Of the minuses: visitors are mainly from the category of strong men over 40. However, it is almost everywhere. The restaurant menu could be bigger, the pool too. But these are more quibbles than cons.

Seleznevsky baths

Working mode


1,500−1,700 rubles / 2 hours


Another long-lived bathhouse, operating since the middle of the 19th century. It has not been repaired for a very long time, and you should be prepared for this: there will be rust and broken tiles. The staff is also Soviet-style, but the regulars here do not expect subtle treatment - they go for a ferry, one of the best in Moscow. And here is the biggest pool.

Alexey Klementiev


Very brutal baths, with an old real stove - this is not found anywhere else in Moscow. Steam comes out of it with the lowest possible humidity, that is, the water instantly receives the highest temperature. In one of the discharges there is a powerful propeller that blows out everything unnecessary from the steam room. Only regulars go there, they go for steam and know how to cook it. In general, a bath for the prepared: I witnessed how a guy who overestimated himself in the steam room had a nosebleed. Seleznevsky - the best option for those who have little time and little money, but need to warm up and recover deeply.

Usachevsky baths

Working mode

08:00-23:00 (male)

08:00-23:00, Thursday until 18:00 (women)


1,000−1,200 rubles


beauty saloon,
fitness, cafe

Saunas in the building of a sports and recreation complex - on the way you can go to a sports club or boxing training. One of best ratios"price quality". Last renovation made only six months ago, inside - spacious locker rooms and washing departments. There is an opinion that it is good to go here with children: there is soft steam here. Next Feature- Unlimited visiting time: other baths offer two- and three-hour sessions for the same price. Regulars say that it’s worth taking sauerkraut at the local buffet, and also that a special steam is prepared on Saturday mornings: at this time, a company of old men who call themselves “gentlemen Cossacks” is in charge of the steam room.

Julia Bogomolova

and communications

We go to Usachevsky baths with friends on Fridays to relax and chat. There is something very Russian here and the steam is very good. The laws on the territory of the bath are strict: they can force you to sweep the leaves that attacked from the brooms in the steam room, bring water, and so on. But it's in more for beginners test. We took a steam bath, ventilated the room, cleaned up after ourselves and again - there is no special staff who will take care of this. But it seems that this is only for good.

The best saunas and baths in Moscow according to the site version of the site you will find on this page. We have created a rating of Moscow saunas for you and selected the best ones so that you can enjoy a quality rest.

The best saunas and baths in Moscow

Moscow, beautiful immensely Big city in which all the best. Even saunas and baths are better here than anywhere else. Some saunas and baths in Moscow look like mini towns for entertainment, in which the entire arsenal for comfortable rest. In such saunas and baths there is everything your heart desires. If you want entertainment, please, music, dancing, songs are at your service ... There is also a restaurant and a banquet hall, you can treat yourself to delicious dishes and just enjoy your vacation. I like to actively relax, it’s also not a problem to have exercise equipment, billiards, tennis. The best saunas and baths in Moscow are equipped with luxurious swimming pools, stunning living rooms and very cozy rooms recreation.

As a rule, the best saunas and baths in Moscow are located in the city center. Not all of course, almost every district has an excellent sauna or bath. Prices in the best saunas and baths Moscow corresponding, from 3500 rubles per hour and up to infinity.

Saunas and baths in Moscow rating according to VseBani

Rating, a relative concept, only because for each the best sauna or bath looks different. But since there are still certain criteria for evaluating the baths and saunas of Moscow, a rating was compiled of the 9 best bathing establishments in the city. When compiling, the following criteria were taken into account: location, service, aqua zone, price and quality, as well as the interior.

First place: Elite Club MONTREAL

Second place: Sauna Rymskie Termy

Third place: VIP Sauna Laguna

Fourth place: Everest Sauna Club

In fifth place: Lefortovo baths

Sixth place: Space Club

Seventh place: Sauna Club Chicago

Eighth place: Vyatka baths

Ninth place: Sauna Luxury

In fact, there are a lot of wonderful baths and saunas in Moscow. But these are some of the best, according to all evaluation criteria.

Famous and famous saunas and baths in Moscow

Saunas and baths in Moscow become famous and famous thanks to good service and high-quality bath services. Of course, the location also plays an important role, but if the bath or sauna is really worthy, then you can go to the other end of the city to relax. Often the famous and famous saunas and baths of Moscow are located in the Central Administrative District ( CAO). There are, of course, well-known and famous bathing establishments in other districts. But it is in the central district that there are three the best baths Moscow. These are: Roman Baths sauna, Laguna VIP sauna and, of course, MONTREAL elite club.

Talking about the health benefits of a bath is a stupid exercise. And so each of our compatriots knows very well that regular trips to the bath allow you to remove toxins and salts from the body, stimulate metabolism, increase immunity and simply improve your well-being.

Interesting bathroom interior

But if you want the bath to really give you maximum pleasure, it must be built according to all the rules. The most important of these is right choice building material. So what is the best way to build a bath? This question should be answered as detailed and detailed as possible.

Modern market building goods gives quite rich: wood, reinforced concrete, frame construction And so on. However, not all of this range is suitable if you want to build a bath. Furthermore, most of the materials listed above are completely unsuitable for construction.

The only material that can really be called good choice, this is a tree. You can also use wood different breeds: some are better suited for building a bath, while others are a little worse.

An example of a wooden bath

But in any case, changing the tree to some other material is only a last resort. For example, if a log or beam is too expensive or difficult to obtain in your area. Then you can build a bath from expanded clay concrete blocks, bricks or foam blocks, but the steam room itself will definitely need to be sheathed wooden planks. And it’s worth taking such a step only if there is no alternative to such construction, but you really want to get a bathhouse.

Fortunately, in most regions of our country, wood is not only affordable, but also a very cheap building material, so it's best.

Large volumes of blanks in total with a huge stock of knowledge on proper preparation wood makes the construction of baths as easy as possible.

You can buy a ready-made kit for building a bathhouse, order the construction of a turnkey bathhouse, and if you have certain skills, build a bathhouse with your own hands by purchasing right amount prepared timber or wood.

But still, before proceeding with the construction, it is worth finding out from which tree it is better to build a bathhouse. In general, during construction, you can use the most different varieties wood, but still some fit much better than others. And you should know about it in order to make the right choice.

We build from coniferous wood

To date, it is coniferous wood that is most often used in the construction of baths. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, due to natural impregnation with resin, these types of wood are less susceptible to decay, which is very important for a bath: high humidity and temperature can have the most negative impact on the material.

Secondly, in the steam room, finished with coniferous wood, there is always a special aroma that will appeal to any connoisseur of the bath. And finally, some logs coniferous trees are the cheapest, and therefore the most affordable, which remains one of the most important factors when choosing a building material.

So what are conifers can serve as a source of wood for the construction of a bath? There are several of them:

  1. Spruce. One of the most common and popular building materials. The low weight combined with the softness of the wood make the processing as easy as possible. This has a positive effect on the cost of building material: almost every person, if desired, can accumulate the required amount for construction. own bath from spruce. It is also important that for many years of operation, spruce retains its original golden-white color. Alas, this option has one drawback - the high resin content. Of course, this gives a certain advantage: the wood practically does not rot even during long and intensive use. However, when high temperature resin is released from the pores of the wood, which can deliver serious problems when visiting the bath. Therefore, when building a bath from spruce, experts recommend inner lining using other types of wood.

    Spruce timber example

    Even when working in difficult conditions(high humidity) wood is practically not subject to the appearance of fungus or mold. This is due to the fact that it contains a natural antiseptic. Thanks to him, the bath, during the construction of which larch was used, has a general strengthening and therapeutic effect. Regular visits to the bath can prevent the occurrence and development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. high hardness and big weight make the processing of larch an extremely difficult process, which affects the final cost of the building material. A bath made of larch will cost you about 2 times more than a bath made of spruce, pine and other cheap woods. Well, on the other hand, you can be sure that this bath will serve you, your children, and your grandchildren.

How to professionally and competently build a bath.

- This is a place for water procedures, which is located separately from other buildings and includes a bathing and steam bath area. Baths have been known since Ancient Rome from where they came to Turkey and spread throughout the world. To date, there are several of the most popular types, which differ in structure and place of origin.

Let us consider in more detail their design, features and benefits. These types of baths have a lot in common. The main place in each of them is the steam room. It is its design and equipment that determines the type.


An important role is played by sun loungers on which visitors are accommodated. The structures are located on two levels:

  1. 70 cm from the floor;
  2. 1 m from the floor.

Important! Inside the steam room is necessarily finished with boards or clapboard, it cannot be processed with any coloring agents.

Taking a sauna does not include water procedures. But the dressing room can still be equipped with a shower to wash off the sweat after visiting the steam room. Can be used during construction different materials, but wood is best suited for this.


This bath can surprise everyone with its originality and unusual view. In a different way it is also called, filled hot water(can be compared to a hot bath).

Important! Since the liquid in it is not at a low temperature (40-60 ° C), sweating occurs, and water, in turn, washes sweat, dirt and grease from the pores. This technique used not only as a means of hygiene, but also as a prophylaxis of certain diseases uy.

Doing it yourself is quite difficult, for this you need to have special skills. Ofuro consists of walls and floor, which should not let liquid through. Inside there is a special seat. Installed for login. The main element is the stove, which is located in one of the parts of the ofuro and is separated from the total area by a special partition.

For manufacturing, wood of different types of wood is selected. The most popular are conifers. The furnace is made of heat-resistant corrosion-proof metal.

Please note that the hammam can not be installed as a stand-alone structure. To date, technology allows you to equip any part of the house and even in the apartment for it.

Today we often hear: “The Russian bath was stolen from the Russians!” Politicians like to talk about the Russian people, the national idea and the Russian world. But at the same time, they deprive the Russian people of their national tradition.

Finnish saunas and Turkish hammam are being built to replace Russian steam rooms. I love both the sauna and the hammam, but still, as a Russian person, I prefer a Russian steam room with a birch or oak whisk. "Russian bath" is a brand, the same as a sauna or a hammam.

Without what it is impossible to live in Russia, so it is without a bath. Evidence of this is Russian sayings: “without a bath, we would be lost”; “on what day you bathe, on that day you don’t grow old”; "I washed myself in the bath, that I was born again."

I was visiting different baths in different countries world, but the Russian bath is dearer to me than all.

It is known what an important role played and still plays a bath in people's lives. In "Essays on Russian culture of the 17th century" in the chapter "Life and manners" A.K.Leontiev writes: "The bathhouse remained one of essential elements life of the people, which was especially appreciated for its medicinal properties. According to Reitenfels, every Muscovite visited the bathhouse at least two or three times a week.

Information about the Russian bath is found in written sources from the 11th century. The names are different: soap, soap, movnitsa. The Tale of Bygone Years (1110s) contains a story about a Slavic bathhouse.

“I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden baths, and they would heat them up strongly, and they would undress and be naked, and douse themselves with leather kvass, and take brooms and start tailing themselves, and they would finish themselves off so much that they would barely get out, barely alive, and would douse themselves with icy water, and only in this way would they come to life. . And they do this all the time, they are not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and then they make ablution for themselves, and not torment.

As an alternative, lovers of BDSM (sado-maso) can be offered a Russian bathhouse with a birch or juniper broom, with swimming in the snow or in an ice hole.

About baths in Russia late XVI century Giles Fletcher mentioned: “You will often see how they (to strengthen the body) run out of the baths in soap and, smoking from the heat, like a pig on a spit, throw themselves naked into the river or cold water, even in the most severe frost.

In the 17th century, Charles Carlyle said about Russia: "There is no city in their country where there are no public and private baths, since this is almost a universal remedy for diseases."

In the Middle Ages, the plague epidemic that raged in Europe and claimed a third of its population with it, stopped where baths were built “in black”. People who regularly bathed in such baths constantly disinfected their skin and respiratory tract.

Dry (dry-air) sauna is not a traditional Finnish sauna (bath). This phenomenon arose relatively recently with the advent of electric heaters. The traditional Finnish sauna, like the Russian bath, allows hot steam with the help of birch brooms.

Traditional Russian baths (village) are divided into heated "black" and "white". Bath "in a black" remains the most useful of all types of baths. Despite her unsightly appearance, she is highly regarded by connoisseurs.

Tar from the combustion of birch logs leads to a high bactericidal air. According to the level of sterility, the bath "in a black way" is compared with a surgical operating room. Not only the walls of such a steam room are sterile, but also the air inside it.

AT countryside bath was the only most sterile and suitable place for childbirth. It is known from folklore that after a quarrel, “it is best for spouses to put up in a bathhouse.”

In Russian baths "in black" midwives took birth. In the baths, most often, children were conceived. Before the wedding, there was a tradition in the villages for the bride and groom's mother to take a steam bath together. She watched how healthy the future daughter-in-law was.

Bath is a special culture, and for some even a cult. Competently take a steam bath in the bath - a real art. It is known that the bath the best remedy against stress.

The effect of steam and hot water, profuse sweating that appears during the "parks" stimulate the excretory system of the skin and thereby help the body get rid of toxins and dissolved toxins.

Bath is a ritual, a tradition, a meditation. How many works of art are devoted to the bath!

In 1981, I read Alexander Melikhov's story "Treatise on the Bath", which I remember for its poetry.

They say that the famous story of V.M. Shukshin about the bath on Saturday influenced the fact that Saturday became the second day off.

The most popular film is about the bath! - "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath". And after all, a person would not go to the bathhouse, he would not find his happiness.

In the bath, as you know, everyone is equal. The bath is not only an "oasis" of Russian democracy, but also a "cast" of Russian democracy, since nowhere can one say what can be said in a bath. Only in the bath can you hear the truth about the authorities, about our situation, what to prepare for and what awaits us. In the bath you can find out when the war starts and the crisis ends, the dollar exchange rate and who will be the next president.

“Go to the bathhouse” - today it sounds like a mockery. Where to go if there are only a few public baths?! In new buildings there are no baths at all. And why, probably, officials think, if people have a bath?

Of course, the body can be washed in the bath. But to relax the soul - only in the bath. Bath is both rest, and communication, and a holiday. Here, more than anywhere else, the process is important, not the result. A bath is a ritual, a tradition, and a meditation.

“Have you invited any of the leaders of other countries to the Russian bath? After all, the effect of negotiations can be much more positive than that of “ round table"negotiations".

Vladimir Putin replied:

“The former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Schroeder, and I were once at my residence, he came many years ago, and went to the bathhouse. She caught fire. Truth. He just poured himself a beer, I go out, I say: “Listen, Gerhard, we need to get out of here urgently. We're on fire." He says: "Now I'll finish my beer, and let's go." I say: “Are you out of your mind? We're on fire, do you understand or not?" But he still drank the beer, he is a persistent man and with character. It burned to the ground, and we never saw anyone there again. In general, I love the bath and go with pleasure” .

Sincerely, Nikolai Kofirin
