What preparations contain common prutnyak. Recipes for the preparation of medicinal products. Side effects of the common fruit extract

From time immemorial, people actively used the gifts of nature. They were used not only for food, but also for the treatment of their ailments. One of the most popular medicinal plants, in addition to chamomile, is the common prune. But today this plant is listed in the Red Book, since there are not so many of it left on Earth.

Thanks to healing properties, common prutnyak began to be cultivated so as not to look for it in the mountains.

It is quite unpretentious in conditions, but the "home" version does not grow as large, unlike the wild one. But that doesn't mean it's less useful.

This plant is small tree, on which fruits appear, forming inflorescences. They are used in medicine, and especially in gynecology. By themselves, the fruits of the prutnyak are large enough, due to which it is convenient to collect them in the fall.

But besides them medicinal properties possess and shoots, leaves, bark and branches. All parts of the plant are used only in dried form, and to get them, there are special devices that provide the desired drying temperature - no more than 40 degrees.

Prutnyak in pharmacology

The properties of the tree are so extensive that it can be found in many traditional medicine recipes. In addition, this plant is part of more than one drug.

Prutnyak ordinary helps with the following problems:

  1. First of all, it has a positive effect on the digestive system. It also has a positive effect on the immune system, due to which in the autumn-winter time, it is recommended to drink decoctions;
  2. The plant also helps in calming the nervous system. Therefore, many antidepressants have this component in their composition;
  3. Traditional medicine advises using the plant in the form of a tincture for those who suffer from severe headaches, suffer from dizziness or have heart problems;
  4. By adding rod inflorescences to the bathroom, you can significantly improve appearance your skin. To
    In addition, this procedure helps well with inflammatory processes on the skin. Therefore, many dermatologists recommend doing compresses to teenagers in order to cope with acne;
  5. If a person has a malignant tumor or has problems with a sexually transmitted infection, then he is recommended to use the seeds of the plant. Prutnyak ordinary can be used in gynecology to combat chlamydia and trichomoniasis. By the way, it will be interesting for men to know that if they take such a tincture, then it will help to cope with sexual problems no worse than Viagra;
  6. Thanks to the sages of the East, the world has learned that thanks to the use of prutnyak, it is possible to improve the functioning of the liver, spleen and pancreas, restore the functions of the gallbladder and kidneys, which suffered from stones.

As can be seen from all of the above, the common prutnyak has a fairly wide scope. The beneficial properties of the plant are provided by the fact that it contains large quantities active substances that have a beneficial effect and tone up the epidermis and epithelium, help to eliminate all harmful microorganisms.

Medicinal properties in gynecology

All beneficial features plants are clearly reflected in gynecology. There are a number of drugs based on this tree, which are prescribed for women with menstrual disorders, as well as for those who currently have obvious nervous disorders - increased irritability, apathy, anxiety, which even turns into a depressive state.

Also, women are well helped by the fruits of the prutnyak, on the basis of which the tincture is made.

This remedy is aimed at curing infertility, as it contains substances similar to estrogens. Thanks to them, the reproductive system is restored, the hormonal background is normalized and endocrine diseases are eliminated. And if the common prutnyak is used in combination with angelica, then the problem of mastitis, polyps, endometriosis, cysts, mastopathy and adnexitis can be solved.

Due to such a large number of useful properties, the rod is used in many areas of the manufacture of medicines - sedatives, rudimentary and other means. But here it is immediately worth noting that such drugs are taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, since they have their own contraindications, which means they can carry side effects. Each drug is enclosed instructions that describe in detail the dosage and scheme of application.

But many are interested in whether there are any contraindications for the use of an ordinary prutnyak?

As such, contraindications do not exist, but there are a number of situations when such drugs are not prescribed:

  • if a person takes oral contraceptives, it inhibits their effect;
  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • undesirable in the use of pregnant and lactating mothers.

Usually, in the instructions for the use of the common prutnyak and medicines based on it, all side effects are clearly prescribed, and the person himself can determine whether he should take the drug or not.

If there is a need to take medicines, then in any pharmacy you can choose a convenient form for yourself - tablets, capsules, teas or infusions. But if desired, the patient can independently prepare a medicine for home use.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

A photo medicinal plant Prutnyak ordinary (Vitex sacred)

Vitex sacred - medicinal properties

Prutnyak ordinary It is primarily used in homeopathy for impotence, depression and nervous weakness.

Latin name: Vitex agnus-castus.

English titles: Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm.

Family: Verbena - Verbenaceae.

Synonyms: Sacred Prutnyak, Abraham's Tree, Sacred Vitex.

Medicinal raw materials: prutnyak leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, less often bark.

Botanical description. Prutnyak ordinary - a shrub reaching 3-5 m in height, distributed from the Mediterranean to northern India. When looking at it, palmately divided leaves and dense inflorescences are striking. The flowers are pale blue, the fruits are drupes 0.5 cm in size.

Procurement of common prutnyak. Fruits are harvested at full maturity (September-October), shoots with leaves - during budding or flowering (June), flowers - during flowering, bark - in spring or autumn.

Prutnyak fruits (vitex) should be dried in the shade, with strong ventilation, and not high temperature(up to 30 degrees Celsius), stored at a low temperature (no more than 3 months), otherwise the hormonal properties of the plant are sharply reduced. It is better, for the preparation of liquid dosage forms, to use fresh, not dried, or frozen fruits.

Chemical composition. All parts of the plant contain iridoids (aucubin, agnoside), flavonoids (casticin, isovitexin, orientin, isoorientin), alkaloids, tannins, vitamins, trace elements, essential oil.

The leaves contain ascorbic acid (up to 0.12%), glycoside agnuzide, essential oil (up to 0.5%), iridoids, flavonoids.

Iridoids, flavonoid casticin, fatty oil (about 10%) were found in the seeds.

The essential oil from the fruit contains pinene, cineole, sabinene, palmitic acid and other components. The composition of the essential oil from the leaves includes: α- and β-pinenes (40%), cineole (up to 25%), sabinene, palmitic acid, quinone, limonene (1.5%), n-cymene, linimol, camphor, bornyl acetate .

Fatty oil from fruits contains formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, caproic acids.

Photo of the fruits of Prutnyak ordinary (Vitex sacred)

Useful properties and application of vitex

As an anticancer agent, in the complex treatment of colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, myeloid leukemia and leukemia, liver and pancreatic carcinoma, brain glioma, squamous cell carcinoma. Prutnyak ordinary causes an antitumor effect through apoptosis and mitotic arrest of cancer cells.

Prutnyak ordinary is used to restore the hormonal balance of estrogen - progesterone, in the complex treatment of mastopathy, endometriosis, cysts, myomas, fibromas, prostatitis, dysmenorrhea ( painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), etc.

As a sedative that reduces nervousness, headache.

As an antioxidant and antibacterial agent. The strongest antibacterial and antioxidant effect is exerted by the essential oil, chlorogenic and caffeic acids found in the fruits and leaves of the prutnyak.

Photo of Prutnyak ordinary shrub (Viteks sacred)

Recipes for the preparation of medicinal products

  • Infusion of prutnyak leaves. Two tablespoons of vitex leaves (you can additionally add mint, currants, honeysuckle) pour a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped in a towel for 1 hour. Use as an aid in the treatment of gynecological diseases, relieve spasms, pain, as well as reduce neurosis and insomnia.
  • Prutnyak fruit tincture. Fruit tincture is prepared at the rate of 20-30 grams of dry fruits of the plant per 200 ml. 40% alcohol or good vodka. Insist two weeks. Take 60 drops before meals 1-2 times a day. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 6-8 months.
  • Prutnyak fruit extract. Prepared from a ratio of 40 gr. dry crushed fruits per 200 ml. at 70% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Apply 60 drops in the morning, 30 minutes before meals. Store the extract in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 6-8 months.


  1. Prutnyak preparations are forbidden to be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  2. Before you start taking Prutnyak preparations, make sure that there is an excess of estrogens in your body so as not to get worse.
  3. In some cases, skin rashes, allergic reactions, urticaria, pruritus, and sometimes hair loss are possible. Usually, these reactions disappear when you stop taking the common prutnyak (vitex sacred).
  4. A change in hormonal balance entails a change in physical condition, and may be accompanied, especially at first, by pain, increased menstruation, bleeding between periods. To avoid smeared and wrong result treatment, it is better to cancel the intake of any hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
  5. Take medications for mental illness, including those for schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease, with caution. it can change the mental state, cause aggression, seizures.

AT traditional medicine Since ancient times, most medicines have been prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. Such medications helped well. Therefore, recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. Medicinal plants in different climatic conditions grow different.

In our country, the following herbs have long been used in the treatment of most diseases: St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile, common prune. The last plant has many different names: Abraham's tree, sacred vitex, king tree, and many others. This plant will be discussed in this article. Unfortunately, prutnyak belongs to the endangered species, it is listed in the Red Book, this medicinal plant is grown in special nurseries.

The medicinal parts are:

  • stems with foliage, which are harvested in early summer, when the plant is at least 3 years old;
  • bark and branches to collect better in autumn or spring;
  • flowers - during the flowering period;
  • fruits that fully ripen in the last decade of September - the first decade of October.

This plant is a tall (3.5 - 4 m high) shrub. root system- rod. Foliage - palmate, collected in 6 sheets. Small flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, the color of the petals is lilac. Ripened fruits have a spherical shape (four-celled drupes). This plant grows best along the banks of rivers or canals. But the quality of the soil is undemanding.

The cultivation of the common prutnyak is carried out in special nurseries

In all parts of the shrub there are the following substances and chemical compounds:

  • vitamins of different groups;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • flavonoids (including isovitoxin);
  • tannin compounds;
  • alkaloids.

In the foliage and ripe fruits there are rare essential oils, which contain a number of valuable acids (formic, butyric, palmyric, etc.), camphor, pinene and a number of other useful substances.

Gallery: common prutnyak (25 photos)

Useful properties of common prutnyak (video)

Medicinal properties of the herb

Due to the high content of vitamin C in all parts of the shrub (especially in foliage), infusions and decoctions based on them strengthen the body's immune system and help fight pathogens.

Healing preparations obtained from this medicinal plant relieve fever, anesthetize, kill harmful microbes, help the reproductive system produce a number of hormones, and also remove excess water from the body. A course of preparations based on prutnyak helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, strengthen the immune system. Herbal infusions based on it help in the treatment of certain nervous disorders.

It grows best on the banks of rivers or canals.

Leaf-based tincture can relieve headaches, pain in the heart, dizziness. BUT fruits were used to treat venereal diseases, malignant tumors. These pharmacological properties are explained a high percentage active substances found in ripe fruits. These substances destroy pathogens, have a positive and tonic effect on the epidermis.

Drugs helped to cure many diseases of the kidneys and liver, cleansed the internal organs of stones. Infusions were prescribed to men who have problems with the prostate. Malaria or gonorrhea can be cured with a decoction of the leaves and flowers of Vitex Sacred. Flowers are also used in the treatment of various inflammatory processes on the skin - they are applied in the form of compresses or added to the bath.

Prutnyak flowers are used in the treatment of various inflammatory processes on the skin.

Instructions for use of preparations based on prutnyak

When using any preparations based on sacred vitex, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use exactly. The fact is that this shrub, in addition to many useful properties, does not help everyone. There are a number of contraindications when taking these drugs can harm:

  • reduces the activity of contraceptives taken orally;
  • often causes allergies;
  • should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Varieties of medicinal herbs (video)

Mastogol in gynecology

This drug based on plant components is actively used in gynecology. It is used to treat various diseases of the female genital area., as well as for the conservative treatment of benign tumors in the mammary glands.

If women have had disorders in the reproductive system, the gynecologist can also prescribe Mastogol to restore the functioning of this system. But for men, this medicine is absolutely not suitable. Before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the instructions for taking it.

Mastogol based on plant components is actively used in gynecology

Vitex sacred in folk medicine

In folk medicine, various herbal preparations are most often prepared, which can include almost all parts of this plant (but the bark is used least often). True, and it is not recommended to use foliage, fruits and flowers for brewing teas, since in this case the active substances that make up their composition are poorly soluble in water. Most often, on the basis of these parts of the shrub, infusions, decoctions or alcohol tinctures are prepared. These medicinal tinctures should be prepared in the same way as similar preparations from other medicinal plants.

Infusions and tinctures are used for female and male infertility, to stop lactation, for chronic diseases of the liver and spleen. Also to combat depression, it is advised to prepare an extract from the fruits of the sacred vitex. A tablespoon of dry leaves and a teaspoon of fruits are poured into 200 g of boiling water and simmered for 120 seconds. Then they are removed from the heat, covered with cotton cloth and infused for ½ hour. Ready "potion" is taken in a tablespoon ¼ hour before meals. You can take the extract up to 4 times a day.

In medicine, the fruits of the prutnyak are used. Application and doses of common prutnyak. In the complex, the extract of the common prutnyak is taken for chlamydia and trichomoniasis. The Chinese prutnyak grows in India, China and the Philippines. The rod is also mentioned in the works of Pliny, Dioscorides and Theophrastus.

For more than 2500 years, the common prutnyak (Abraham tree, monastic pepper) has been used to treat gynecological pathologies. Big Traditions use and modern scientific research have made preparations based on this plant widely used in the treatment of a number of female diseases.

Prutnyak ordinary: useful properties, contraindications and use in medicine

Based on the history of the use of prutnyak, he conducted a series of experiments on animals, in which he found that it was the fruits of the plant that had the greatest medicinal activity. How does the rod work on a woman's health.

Prutnyak extract has an effect similar to the action of dopamine, which helps to reduce the production of prolactin. In turn, the normalization of the level of this hormone contributes to the establishment of a physiological ratio between estrogens and progesterone. Dedicated to Prutnyak a large number of scientific research. Even today, many women, if they are wondering how to get rid of PMS, do not go to the doctor with their problems, but endure their problems on their own.

The flowers are pale purple, collected in paniculate spike-shaped inflorescences. Cultivated primarily as a spicy and ornamental plant. The most important action of the prutnyak is the normalization of the level of sex hormones. It reduces the production of prolactin, bringing the ratio of hormones in the second phase of the cycle to normal. Thus, menstrual irregularities are corrected and pain in the mammary glands is relieved.

The fruits of the common prutnyak in gynecology

The main indications for the use of prutnyak preparations are menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome and mastopathy. For the treatment of these pathologies, preparations containing prutnyak extract - Mastodinone and Cyclodinone are used, which should be dosed according to the instructions.

Remedies had to be found in environment. Saving means were plants and herbs that help fight malaise. Experience and rich knowledge of healing have been accumulated for centuries, and then passed on to descendants.


The latter will be discussed in today's material. This is an outstanding shrub that has several names: sacred vitex, Abraham's tree, etc. In the East, it is called the king tree and it is believed that it has useful properties.

The tree is densely covered with flowers, which are collected in small inflorescences. In early autumn (September), the plant begins to bear fruit. All parts of the plant are more or less rich in flavonoids, tannins, trace elements, alkaloids and various vitamins.

What does the rod work on?

Prutnyak ordinary reviews from patients are positive. The tincture relieves headache, dizziness and pain in the region of the heart. At all times, seeds have been used as a medicinal drug for malignant pathologies and venereal diseases.

How to use a rod

Folk Aesculapius of the East from time immemorial treated diseases with a drug internal organs(liver, pancreas, spleen), and also cleansed the kidneys and gallbladder from stones. Decoctions are used for malaria and gonorrhea. The flowers are used to make compresses or add them to the bathroom, as the flowers improve the quality of the skin and fight various inflammations. The herb restores the functioning of the reproductive system and helps women with hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases.

The plant is especially effective in combination with angelica. It is advisable to use together with the red brush and boron uterus for a long time. In clinical trials, it turned out that the plant is absolutely non-toxic and practically harmless.

Prutnyak ordinary can provoke an allergy, especially if there is a predisposition, skin rashes, nausea and migraine. Ready-made drugs are sold in the pharmacy network in the form of tablets, capsules, teas and infusions. Prutnyak is prescribed for early ejaculation, impotence, depression, increased libido and gynecological diseases.

It is not difficult to prepare a healing solution at home. We will need vitex fruits (50 g) and pure alcohol 70% (500 ml). Grind the fruits in a coffee grinder and mix with alcohol. Leave in a thermos for two weeks. Before taking, strain the solution and drink a dessert spoon three times a day. The duration of therapy is at least three months. The following recipe is indicated for prolonged depression and mental disorders.

Indications for the use of the common prutnyak. Prutnyak Chinese is a well-known drug in Ayurveda and is beneficial for inflammatory diseases. The common prutnyak comes from the Mediterranean, spread to the Balkans and Asia Minor. It is found in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast. The Chinese prutnyak (Vitex Negundo) is very similar to the Sacred Vitex plant known in our latitudes - a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs.
