Bath with a terrace: project options. Corner bath project - architect's advice Corner bath project home

Everyone remembers the expression: "driven into a corner." Immediately there is an association of a hopeless impasse and a hopeless situation. Approximately the same way, the owners of corner summer cottages felt themselves, by the will of fate or by lot "stand in a corner." And such an owner conceived to build a bathhouse, and the standard project, if it fits, so with big reservations. Don't be disheartened. Corner baths will successfully solve the dilemma of the rational use of space, and what seemed to be continuous shortcomings can appear in an exceptionally presentable form. Let's get acquainted.

The design of the corner bath provides for a specific location and distribution of the internal volume. Classic looks like this:

  • The rest room and the steam room are closed at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The heater stove is located in the center of the projection and has a through type with a long furnace tunnel, which allows the most efficient use of its thermal energy for heating almost the entire internal volume;
  • Very often, premises of this type are equipped with not one, but two doorways that provide communication with the outside world. On the one hand, it is convenient, on the other hand, it makes you seriously think about the issues of heat conservation;
  • Finally, in general terms, the building has an L-shape, which is why, in fact, it got its name.

What are the benefits

The L-shaped projection provides several very significant advantages over the traditional layout, in which the shape of the building has straight sides:

  1. There is a chic opportunity for the rational use of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. As a rule, the corner sectors of the yard turn out to be fully unclaimed. One has only to place a bathhouse in the corner closure, as right there, directly, as in the old joke, there is also a lot of space “under the little ones”.
  2. Imagine that you have a two-century luxurious oak on your site. Chopping a tree - conscience does not allow, to build an ordinary classic bath, lack of space does not allow. The corner bath solves the problem not only effectively, but also damn elegantly. The bath wraps around a tree, and we have a chic composition, which, other things being equal, we should also look for.
  3. Take a look around. Quite often we have standard baths, as if from an architectural incubator, which seem to be tied to a simple and uncomplicated geometric figure - a rectangle. A little diligence and you are building a non-standard beauty, in which the chief architect of the district himself will draw both ideas and inspiration for a long time to come.
  4. The central placement of the stove opens up new possibilities for interesting interior solutions, and the heating of the internal volume itself becomes more uniform and, as a result, efficient.
  5. The concept of two separate entrances will make it possible to implement interesting solutions, for example, to place a separate barbecue area, all under one roof.

What are the disadvantages

It is well known that there are no ideal architectural solutions, just as there is no general building concept for all occasions. Projects of corner baths, unfortunately, are also not without a number of shortcomings, which should be discussed in more detail:

  • Compared with a traditional bath of a simple geometric shape, such a structure is somewhat larger, in the range of 15 - 17%, in the consumption of building materials;
  • For an inexperienced designer, it is more difficult to calculate, and for an inexperienced builder, it is more difficult to embody in nature a reliable construction of the closure of two internal volumes. This primarily applies to the roof. It is not easy to securely tie a rafter set in a perpendicular projection without sufficient experience;
  • Multiple exterior doorways are definitely handy to use. However, it is worth taking care of the implementation of a number of measures aimed at maintaining heat in your bath. Here it is worth using either very high-quality door systems, which is expensive, or duplicating vestibules, which, you see, is troublesome;
  • Now about the oven. Its central location is a definite plus. However, get ready for additional costs. In order for such a furnace not only to justify itself, but also to work highly efficiently, a long furnace tunnel is needed. To implement such structures as air, you need a qualified master stove-maker, with a head, hands and conscience, and a good choice of refractory. Cast and welded metal furnaces of this type are also far from a budget option.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons, and the positive from the implementation of this type of project outweighed all the disadvantages, then we smoothly move on to the projects themselves. Which to choose?

Options for implementing the concept of a bath of this type

Corner baths, the projects of which have been calculated somewhere, somewhere implemented, have one thing in common. An attempt to maximize the use of internal space. Their outer dimensions can vary widely. The most common project of the budget class is a bath with dimensions of 6 × 6 m on the long sides.

Budget bath 6 × 6 m: what we have in the end

It is probably not profitable to implement a corner-type construction project with smaller dimensions. First of all, a decrease in linear dimensions will cause a drastic reduction in the internal space of the bath. In essence, incomplete 28 sq. m, which we get in a size of 6 × 6 m, will allow a family and 4 people to be accommodated with full comfort. It will be problematic to accept and serve a large company in such a bath.

A few words about the choice of material. When building such a bath, you can use various means, from bricks to logs. However, here's what you need to take into account. In small overall dimensions, you need to get as much internal space as possible so that the load-bearing walls of the structure and partitions that separate the usable volume eat it up as little as possible.

Attention! Among other things, consider the place of perpendicular closure of structures. It must be reliable, stable and practical, both in construction and in subsequent maintenance and repair. If you prefer exclusively wooden baths, then the optimal choice, obviously, should be considered a profiled beam. Elements calibrated in the same size are easier to install, and good thermal insulation can be achieved, especially if a jute gasket is used between all mating elements.

In general terms, such a structure will have the following usable areas of the main functional areas:

  • Rest room - 16 sq.m;
  • Pair department - 4 sq. m;
  • Washing room - shower room - 4 sq. m;
  • The vestibule is a dressing room in which you can store the current supply of firewood and bath equipment will also take about 4 sq.m.

The closing zone can be covered with a canopy and the main supply of firewood can be stored there.

Full bath, size 10.7 × 7.6 m

Such a structure will provide opportunities for the full-fledged placement of the company and will allow placing a small pool or a volume font in the under-roof space, with all communication piping and service equipment.

The useful area of ​​​​the internal space of the bath of such a project is about 44 sq.m. Consider the internal volume differentiated:

  • Recreation room - 9.5 sq.m;
  • Terrace - 16 sq.m;
  • Steam room - 7.1 sq.m;
  • Washing compartment with a font with a useful volume of 2.5 cubic meters - 7.0 sq.m;
  • Bathroom - 2.1 sq.m;
  • Tambour, combining the functions of a technical room - 2.2 sq.m.

As we can see, the construction of such a layout belongs to the type: corner baths with a terrace. As we mentioned above, the terrace allows not only to fully accommodate those present in the open air, but also to protect people from possible bad weather, and taking into account global climate change, even solar heat in summer. In addition, it should be noted that a sufficient area of ​​​​this zone creates opportunities for the construction of a barbecue oven, which will not only radically enliven the interior of the site, but will also have excellent functionality for cooking on an open fire.

Mentioning the terraces, it is worth mentioning such a type of structures as corner baths with a veranda. It is the corner layout that provides excellent opportunities for arranging a veranda, which can more fully provide shelter from adverse weather events. Its presence somewhat expands the functionality of the bath, especially in the spring-autumn period of the year. Due to the high density of the light flux on the verandas, it is convenient to equip the semblance of greenhouses, this is especially true in places where the natural vegetation is rather sparse and unpresentable.

Important! The terrace allows you to implement another type of corner-type baths - triangular baths. The name does not mean that the bath is built in the form of a pyramid of Cheops, and its visitors can count on automatically receiving the academic title of Doctor of Science in Egyptology. No, the building has the form of a triangle in plan, when viewed from above, and it is precisely such a solution that perfectly corresponds to the construction of a veranda along with the main functional rooms of the bath.


Projects of corner baths are gaining more and more popularity. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, the cost of land around megacities is growing, and it is quite natural that the developer is trying to use the received space as rationally and efficiently as possible. On the other hand, baths of this type, with the competent organization of construction, make it possible to end up with an effective and convenient structure, which, among other things, will be very non-trivial and successful from a design point of view. Still in doubt? Then try.

They built a house for me in 2018, according to my project, by professionals in their field. The project itself is somewhat more expensive than its competitors, but in our village they built 1 more house and the owners were satisfied.

They ordered the construction of a bathhouse, they did it in the shortest possible time, without any complaints about the work of the team.

The full cycle from the production of material to the assembly of the house is perfectly organized. Quality, professionalism at the highest level. I recommend.

It is very important to find your manager, who will advise not only at the conclusion of the contract, but also during construction. We talked with Igor, as a result, the bath is ready on the site, we use it, everything is fine. Thank you.

Great home, great service! Everyone was helpful and helpful with the selection. You can see everything live - we went to a facility under construction similar to ours, where they saw how they work, only after that they decided to build. Thank you for the patience of managers and builders that answered all the questions!

In 2018, we ordered a bathhouse. We are very satisfied with the work of the employees of this company. Starting with the estimate and ending with a team of builders. We were lucky for the action, we received a sauna stove as a gift!

Thanks for the sauna house. On the site one price is indicated, but in fact it turns out more. But it’s understandable that the price is indicated for the very minimum, like everyone else on the Internet, if you want to comfortably pay extra for extras. In general, "thank you" to the builders.

If you choose an L-shaped bath layout, then the structure will consist of two wings set at right angles to each other (Fig. 4).

This configuration will save on a small area and allow you to connect at the same time under one roof veranda, and next to place barbecue grill.

The wings of the building will make it possible to separate the washing area and the recreation area, which will allow guests to relax comfortably, preventing them from crossing through a separate entrance, for example.

It is worth noting that the corner layout will make it possible to create an attic on the second floor, providing the family with an additional full-fledged rest room or study.

However, one of the main characteristics of the bath room is its ability to store heat for a long time. And in this regard, the corner bath is much more efficient, because it will allow you to make a square-shaped steam room, and this is most optimal for uniform heating of all rooms, because the stove can be located in the central part (Fig. 2), which will give a uniform distribution of heat throughout all rooms.

This is fundamentally different from the linear layout of the bath, where the rooms located near the stove receive heat, while the rest experience a lack of it.

The L-shaped layout of the bath easily allows you to create three main zones: shower room, steam room and rest room. It would be logical to group several objects under one roof, so you can reduce construction costs, because the wall of the bath will be at the same time the wall of the terrace. The terrace can be covered with a light material, such as cellular polycarbonate (Fig. 1), and get a place to relax in your backyard, concentrated in one place (Fig. 3).

As a building material for a bath, wood of such species as pine, fir, cedar, spruce, oak is usually used. The most optimal constructive solution is a bath made of profiled timber. But the variant of frame technology with filling the wall module with SIP panels (structurally insulated panels) is quite suitable. For their production, OSB panels (oriented strand boards) are used, between which a heater is pressed - polystyrene foam.

As practice shows, this method of filling the wall module of the frame structure is effective for regions with a cold climate, and also allows you to get a finished structure with minimal time.

For the foundation, it will be enough to have a columnar, pile and tape base, which will also save financially. But at the same time, one cannot save on the insulation of such a structure, which includes complex measures, namely, the floor, ceiling and roof, as well as the walls of this structure, are insulated.

The installation of the stove, which is located in the wall between the steam room and the rest room, will require special attention to itself; it must be installed in compliance with all fire safety standards. The chimney should be double-circuit, of the "sandwich" type, and preferably stainless steel.

Another important advantage of the L-shaped layout is that the entrance-bath room and the terrace-veranda will be closed to view from both sides. This will allow guests to comfortably accommodate without falling under the eyes of neighbors and at the same time without disturbing them (Fig. 2).

It is worth noting that the corner bath should be located with its “back” to the leeward side, so that snow does not fall into its patio in winter.

One example of just such a corner bath is a bath with a glazed veranda (Fig. 3), as well as an open area for recreation, which allows it to be successfully operated in different seasons of the year. The layout of the bath is quite spacious, and therefore there is a steam room, a shower room with a dressing room, and a rest room.

A small vestibule will allow you to keep warm and will not let the room cool down, even if the doors are opened.

In the relaxation room, you can comfortably relax after the steam room and arrange gatherings with friends, at the same time, if necessary, it can be used as a guest bedroom for a couple of people.

corner bath project

Ideas for a do-it-yourself bath


I drew a sketch (see fig. 1 on page 18). Based on it, he made three shelves in the form of hexagons. Two sizes 350x350x225 mm (height, width, depth) and one size 700x700x225 mm.

To do this, I cut the required number of rails with a section of 40 × 25 mm into the desired size. The ends of each blank were cut on a miter box at an angle of 45 degrees.

From the rails on the carpentry PVA, I glued separately the required number of hexagon segments.

When the glue hardened, connected the parts to the dowels. Finished shelves hung on the wall (photo 1)

Fake fireplace with backlight

I started work in a similar way - with the preparation of a sketch (Fig. 2)

From a bar with a section of 50 × 50 mm, I assembled a frame measuring 1200 × 1000 mm (height, width).

Since the room is finished with wood, I decided to decorate the false fireplace in this style. The grinder sawed several dried logs of different diameters into dies 1.5-2 cm thick.

He decorated the facade, the lower and upper parts of the fireplace with saw cuts. The details were fixed on the base on the carpentry PVA.

I bought a few decorative items in the bath accessories store (you can use everything that is at hand) and decorated the finished fake fireplace with them. Additionally, I installed LED lighting (photo 2) In the future, I plan to arrange a zone for gatherings after the steam room, but that's another story!

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If you have a plot outside the city, you probably more than once came up with the idea to order a bath project. The company "Tsar Banya" will gladly become your guide to the world of bathing traditions of our ancestors who cared about their health.

But we have a special offer for you. It is quite possible that you will be interested in a corner-type turnkey bath. You will not only feel closer to nature, but also save a significant amount due to the peculiarities of building such a steam room.

Corner bath: what is the attractiveness of this option?

Projects of turnkey corner baths involve the placement of building premises in the shape of the letter "G". Given that it is quite expensive to purchase a large plot near Moscow, this is the best option for building a steam room in a limited space.

You should take a closer look at our turnkey corner bath projects for the following reasons:

  1. We are ready to make for you both a standard and an exclusive project, taking into account any of your wishes and financial possibilities. You describe the appearance and interior of your bath - our experts embody it on paper.
  2. Our log cabin will look great even on a standard plot of 6 acres thanks to an unconventional design that provides a more compact placement of premises.
  3. The projects of our company have a huge advantage - energy efficiency. In the corner baths, the steam room, shower room, rest room will be located as close as possible to the stove. So, you get maximum comfort and minimum cost of funds for additional heating.

How to build a corner bath in the national style

The qualification of our specialists is quite high, so the construction of corner baths will not cause them any difficulties. Among the undoubted advantages of working with us, we note the following:

  1. We work only with suppliers of high quality material. The client can choose the option that suits him based on the price. Bath from a log or profiled timber - any of these buildings will be built in strict accordance with the project and modern building standards. Therefore, its durability and safety for health is beyond doubt.
  2. During the construction of corner baths, we strictly observe the terms specified in the contract, regardless of the complexity of the project.
  3. The construction of such buildings will cost you significantly less due to the ability to use not only long beams or logs, which is explained by the special architecture of the corner bath.

We are ready to guide our clients through the entire cycle of creating an elite bath - from design to construction - at minimal cost and without loss of quality. The final price of the final product of our cooperation will undoubtedly please you.

In the understanding of any Russian bath - something more than a place where you can wash. This is relaxation, communication in a warm family and friendly company. It is no coincidence that it is about the construction of such an object that they think first of all when developing a suburban plot of land.

Often a bath turns out to be a complex complex, which can include a relaxation room, a place for cooking, and a terrace where people gather after washing.


Modern baths can be timber, brick, frame prefabricated buildings. There are other options for choosing materials and construction methods.

A bath is often built with a veranda or terrace. A barbecue oven can be equipped on the terrace. But even in the simplest version, such an extension will add comfort when spending a vacation outside the city.

The best planning options for a suburban land plot are precisely obtained when creating such complexes. Together with the bath, a platform appears on the site, closed from the sun and rain by a roof.

The terrace can be surrounded by glass walls. This will allow you not to literally fence yourself off from nature, not to experience the effects of adverse weather conditions such as wind and slanting rain.

Combining a bath with a terrace will also greatly simplify the issue of construction. After all, a separate bathhouse and a gazebo not only take up more space on the territory, but also require a much more significant investment of money, effort and time during the construction of each independent object.

Building location

For the location of the bath, you need to choose the right place, taking into account a number of factors:

  • It is more correct that, with an eye to the prevailing wind direction, the bathhouse should be the last in the line of buildings. If it suddenly catches fire, in this case there will be a high probability that the fire will not spread to other buildings.
  • If the bathhouse and the residential building are built as separate objects, the distance between them must be at least eight meters. The reasons are the same as in the previous case.
  • The bath should preferably be located away from the road. Even according to the requirements of the Land Code, this distance should not be less than five meters.

The terrace in its design is an extension to the main building. In addition to the roof combined with the bath, it can be protected from the wind to a certain extent, as it has one common wall with the main building and conditional partitions around the perimeter.

At the summer terrace arrange a capital floor. It can be made of wood, sometimes it is laid out with tiles or some other finishing materials. From the furniture on this site there are benches, chairs, rocking chairs, a dining table.

The terrace can be large or small. With a reasonable approach, it can always be made as convenient and functional as possible.

The choice of materials for construction

Wood is a material traditionally used for the construction of baths. It is usually used to build a frame from a bar. The tree has many advantages:

  • it retains heat well - no need to think about additional measures for warming;
  • in a wooden structure there is a special smell and atmosphere that are characteristic of a traditional Russian bath;
  • since the tree breathes, the humidity inside the bath room is adjusted;
  • from this material, you can create buildings of various shapes, embodying original architectural solutions;
  • there is no doubt about the environmental friendliness, since wood is safe for humans, and in the conditions of a bath it creates an additional healing effect.

The disadvantage of a wooden bath may be, perhaps, the susceptibility of this material to mold, rotting, as well as a significant likelihood of fire in case of careless handling of fire. In a brick bath, the fire hazard is much less. But the room itself warms up longer, which means that you will have to spend more firewood in order to wash and take a steam bath.

Brick buildings for this purpose should have excellent ventilation., since the condensate that appears during operation becomes the cause of the appearance and spread of the fungus.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the environmental friendliness of bricks and the fact that a building of any configuration can be built from it. The long service life of such baths is also not the last argument in favor of choosing a brick building. Its construction can be cheaper than wooden. In addition, there is no need for special finishing. Brick looks good on its own.

Sometimes it makes sense not to focus on traditional materials, but to choose something more modern for the bath complex. For example, gas silicate blocks. Gas silicate belongs to the category of products of modern technologies. He has his own merits, forcing him to make a choice in his favor when it comes to building a bath.

They differ:

  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • safety in terms of ecology;
  • fire resistance;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • that does not rot;
  • ease of installation;
  • small price.

An important issue in the construction of a bath is the foundation. More often than others, a strip foundation is made for such a structure using reinforced concrete, rubble or brick.

For a screw foundation, special piles are used, on which the structure will rest. The columnar foundation is one of the most economical. With the help of pillars, you can arrange the base for a small bath with a terrace.


In order to get exactly what you need when designing a bath, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • for how many people the washing complex with an open area for recreation should be designed;
  • whether it will be used only in summer or will it also be able to be used in winter;
  • what layout will be most suitable;
  • what material to build it from;
  • what is the cost of construction.

If the bath is to be used only in warm weather, you don’t have to think much about warming the dressing room. If the bath is operated year-round, the location of the entrance to it becomes especially important.

Proper planning reduces construction costs. So, if you make a comfortable outdoor barbecue area that easily accommodates many people, a guest room may not be needed.

Sometimes it is enough to attach a terrace to an existing bath if it is new enough. If the bath is an old building, it is better to place a recreation area under the roof between the washing building and the house. It is important to choose a place for it so as not to violate the existing architectural and stylistic idea.

The area of ​​​​the bath can be different - from small sizes to impressive ones, for example, 6x4, 3 by 9 meters and so on. On a large plot there is a place for a structure measuring 6 by 9 meters. It is suitable for a large family and a large company. Such a space can easily accommodate not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a kitchen, a bathroom, a relaxation room, a billiard room, and so on. Bath at the same time can be two-story. On the second floor it makes sense to make a spacious guest room. The terrace can be equipped with a stove that looks like a fireplace.

Such a recreational complex can be made, for example, from logs. Layout variations are possible. For example, if you arrange a living room on the ground floor, separating it from the terrace with a glass wall, this room will always have a lot of light, and the terrace itself can look larger. When the weather changes, it will be convenient for guests to move from the open area to the living room and back.

Some projects of baths with attics provide for an external staircase to the second floor from the side of the terrace. Thus, you can win additional space in the house itself. Although many may consider such a design decision controversial.

Sometimes it is easier to attach a bathhouse to an existing house, including one with a garage. In this case, an extension of 5x6 meters with a terrace will be enough. The functionality of housing will expand, and in the heat it will be possible to spend time outdoors in a place protected from the sun.

You can adopt the project of a corner bath with a terrace. With this approach to planning, it can take up little space on the site, while remaining roomy inside. Such the project will be especially interesting when the bathhouse is placed very close to a residential building. There are also corner terrace projects that make sense to apply in this case.

If you approach the matter thoroughly, you can aim at a real bath cottage. In addition to the bath, it can carry the functions of a wide variety of recreation. Here you can select rooms for guests, a playground for children, dances and barbecues. In summer, such a complex makes it possible to live outdoors most of the time.

When developing a bath project, you need to take into account a number of nuances related to the location and arrangement of the terrace. A place for it must be allocated taking into account the direction of the wind. The building of the bath should obscure the site, and at the same time the hearth, so that vacationers definitely do not have to breathe smoke.

If the task of the terrace is to shelter people from the hot sun, it should not be built on the south side.. It will be good only if the owners like to sunbathe.

Of course, the surrounding landscape cannot be ignored. It would be strange to have a terrace overlooking an outdoor toilet or a fence. It is much more pleasant to see a forest, a river or a lake from this site. From a planning point of view, the terrace can be located frontally, that is, along the facade of the main building, on the side, as well as at an angle and around the entire perimeter of the bath.

For a small company, a site of 7-8 square meters will be enough. But if the territory allows, it is better to make it at least 9-10 squares. In this case, among other things, a couple of sun loungers or armchairs can be easily accommodated here. Yes, and a person busy cooking barbecue will have enough space to turn around. At the same time, the oven heat will not interfere with others.

The floor is easiest to cover with wooden boards. Although paving slabs will also fit. On large terraces, natural stone is used for such a coating.

There are a lot of typical projects of baths with terraces. When creating variants of these objects, architectural bureaus take into account the requirements for the use of certain building materials and installation methods. Although no one will forbid the implementation of an individual project.

Design Options

For a pleasant pastime in a bath with a terrace, you should carefully approach the design of the interior and outdoor area. Often from the inside the room is sheathed with clapboard of a certain tone. It is better to choose soft shades that will set you up for relaxation.

It is necessary to make sure that there are no large ledges and sharp corners in the rooms.. Even if there is enough space in the washroom, steam room or rest room, a person in a relaxed state can unsuccessfully touch the ledge and injure himself. For the same reason care must be taken to ensure that the floors are not slippery.

For interior design it is better to use natural materials. Modern ones, such as plastic, are not “friends” with the bath, as they can melt or begin to emit unpleasant odors. Even if they do not poison, the impression of the rest will be spoiled.

In the bath, you need to provide all the necessary accessories: brooms, hats, aroma oils, shampoos, soap, washcloths. Under them, it is good to highlight a convenient shelf, which is always easy to reach.

For lighting, it is better not to use bright lamps that do not allow you to tune in to relaxation. It is better to let the light be yellow and soft.

The design of the outdoor area is also of great importance. It can have thick curtains that protect the terrace space from hot sun or cold. Sliding elements made of glass or polycarbonate can be used here. Thanks to this, the terrace can be used almost all year round.

An important part is the oven on the terrace. The overall impression of a bath with a terrace largely depends on its device and design. A separate foundation is laid for the barbecue. The furnace is made of refractory bricks on a high base.. During its construction, it is better to provide a niche for storing a small supply of firewood.

As for the occurrence of smoke, a separate chimney with a high pipe is created to remove it, so that an unpleasant smell and fumes do not spread along the terrace and bathhouse.
