Kitchens with a geyser in Khrushchev: design and optimal layout. Functional layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev Kitchen Khrushchev left corner skinali with a column

Everyone thinks about kitchen design. Some a little earlier, others a little later. Owners spacious rooms much easier to make your dreams come true. And what about the owners of small and uncomfortable kitchens in Khrushchev? It is worth adding here the presence of a gas column, which is needed, but takes up a certain place.

It is not even worth talking about receiving guests in such a room. Therefore, decorate the interior of the Khrushchev kitchen, which has an area of ​​​​6-8 square meters, hard enough. But modern technologies and skillful designers, who are able to offer a variety of interior options, save space.

A well-thought-out kitchen design in Khrushchev with a column allows you to do without the use of expensive options for redevelopment of the room. For a small kitchen, ergonomic furniture is recommended. Instead of a large number elements should focus on their quality and functionality. The ideal option is custom-made furniture, which will make it possible to set the exact dimensions of the elements and adjust their depth.

Carrying out the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev with a column, designers are faced with two main problems:
Gas column.


In most cases geyser hiding in a niche. Not a bad option, but we must remember that the column will need periodic repairs, break down (fail), and it will have to be changed. Therefore, the device must be hidden in a niche in such a way that it would be convenient to dismantle the column or repair it later. Also good ventilation needed.

There are two suitable options.

First option.

The first way will look unattractive. The column remains in place, and an empty, 10-centimeter space is left around it to drawers and cabinets. Even decorating the geyser for the design of the kitchen, we will get a not quite aesthetic look.

Second option.

Second design idea, which consists in hiding the column in a hinged box, will be spectacular. It is advisable to consult with a specialist who specializes in fire safety. The hinged box in which the column will be located must be wide and not fit the column. For normal ventilation, holes are made in the doors of the box and its top cover.

Without closing these holes, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the hinged box, since the geyser is heating device. It is recommended to cut a hole for the corrugation in the box and the gas pipe. To hide the corrugations, under the ceiling, you can make a designer box.

When planning a furniture set for the kitchen in Khrushchev with a column, you should not forget about air circulation. Therefore, a small free space must be left around the gas column so that it can circulate calmly.

The cabinet in which the geyser will be hidden must be (mandatory) made of non-combustible material. We do not recommend (dangerous for the life of the inhabitants of the apartment) to wall up the hoses (tubes) of the gas column tightly. They must be available.


If you are going to hide the refrigerator in a niche, do the operation with built-in appliances. An ordinary refrigerator hidden in a niche will often need to be repaired.

Built-in models, enclosed by decorative furniture panels, make little noise and fit perfectly into kitchen interior kitchens. Built-in refrigerators, having excellent thermal insulation of the walls, are much more economical in operation and help save scarce space in Khrushchev's kitchens. Such models are few already free-standing analogues.

Now you know what to do with the interfering geyser when creating a new Khrushchev kitchen interior.

Kitchen design 5 and 6 sq. m must be considered in detail before starting repairs. But in some Khrushchev houses, a small area is not the only difficulty, since a gas water heater needs to be installed in the kitchen. The main task in this case is to shift the focus from the equipment and harmoniously integrate it into the interior. In our article, we will look at photographs from good decisions in completed projects.

On standard 6 sq. meters of the kitchen fit a refrigerator, a gas water heater and a full-size (60 cm) dishwasher!

Classic set in the room 6 sq. meters. The speaker is hidden in the top right cabinet. More

Accommodation options

1. Hidden way

When locating equipment for, the following points should be considered:

  • Gap between column and inside the cabinet must be from 3 cm or more (fire safety);
  • Ventilation holes should be made in the module;
  • It is better to insulate the cabinet from the inside with a special layer that reflects heat;
  • When accepting furniture, check for openings for gas system(corrugations and pipes).

Here the column is built into the corner top module. False MDF facades follow the outline of the kitchen and hide the gas pipes.

Neoclassical set.

Placement inside the upper cabinet.

2. Geyser in plain sight

The location between the lockers also obliges to observe minimum distance to kitchen modules - 3 cm. At the same time, it is desirable to protect the body of cabinets from temperature changes with special materials.

  • Replace Freestanding Cooker hob. Most compact version- "dominoes";
  • Instead of a full oven install a mini-oven and microwave oven;
  • Move the refrigerator to the corridor, if possible;
  • When choosing furniture, give preference to transformer models with minimum dimensions(folding chairs, folding table);
  • Use every free centimeter to your advantage. For example, you can use a window sill and make a table or an additional storage area (shelf) in this part.

Do you live in a "Khrushchev" apartment? Thinking about a renovation?

Read our article - it will come in handy!

Let's discuss how to make a cap. renovation, remodeling needed Special attention- kitchen refurbishment.

Features of houses-"Khrushchev"

In the 60s of the last century, houses were built as temporary housing in order to alleviate the acuteness of the housing problem as quickly as possible.

But there is nothing more permanent than temporary.

As a result, such structures, popularly called "Khrushchevs", stand to this day.

Khrushchev houses include two main types of houses:

brick houses during construction, it was planned to operate no more than 50 years.

But the margin of safety is such that with timely major repairs, these houses can be in operation for up to 100-150 years.

Panel houses- the story is different. They have half the safety margin.

These houses are now being demolished in the first place, and there is no point in investing serious money in them.

Yes, and redevelopment is impossible to do there, because. all walls are load bearing.

The quality of housing in such houses is low by modern standards, and communications are worn out,

therefore, it is required to produce not a cosmetic, but a thorough, practically overhaul.

Owners of apartments in "sockets" can skip the information on redevelopment, everything else is relevant.

Kitchen "Khrushchev" without redevelopment

Deciding to remodel

Redevelopment must first be thought out, then documented, and only then can work begin.

The passage from the hallway to the kitchen is thus eliminated, and the room is enlarged.

The entrance to the kitchen - through the room can be arranged in the form of an arch, or you can put a door - sliding or regular.
sample photo

Please note that if you have a geyser in the kitchen, then the door in the kitchen must be required!

Consider the materials of the partitions: gypsum concrete, foam concrete, wood. These materials are easy to dismantle.

Variant of redevelopment of the "Khrushchev" apartment

Cap. repair of the kitchen-"Khrushchev" point by point

What to do with the walls

Since it is impossible to clean the door in the kitchen with a geyser, then kitchen-studio option is not possible.

The redevelopment should be implemented in such a way as to keep the door in the kitchen.

Kitchen "Khrushchev" with a plastic door

Decided to put new wall? It is better to do it from drywall.

Old walls need to be leveled: try the corners between the walls bring it up to 90 degrees.

On old walls, in the presence of small irregularities, sandless alignment is performed.

And with strong curvature, it is possible to sew with plasterboard, with reinforcement for hanging furniture.

Finishing materials for the walls of the kitchen should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • wear resistance;
  • washing ability;
  • moisture resistance;

Best fit ceramic tile in combination with washable wallpaper.

Making an apron

Traditionally, the area near the stove and sink, between the lower and upper cabinets kitchen set,

But there are a number of other, no less interesting and practical types of "apron" design.

Do you need to install an outlet in the immediate vicinity of the stove or sink?

For this, sockets with a special cover are designed.

Before you start replacing all the wires, work out the design of the kitchen set, the design of the kitchen as a whole.

The number and location of sockets depends on where and what Appliances will be located.

We discussed the layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev and


In "Khrushchev" the floor is plank. best solution is complete dismantling old flooring.

Then it is necessary to make a rough floor from a cement-sand mortar.

After cleaning the floor from debris, a metal welded mesh is laid. Further, beacons are mounted throughout the floor on small piles of mortar.

Height is controlled by a tape measure and a level. After a day, you can fill it with a solution in a ratio of 1: 3.

The laid solution is leveled by the rule according to the beacons. On the first day, walking on the screed is prohibited.

The subsequent laying of the flooring can be done after 4 - 5 days.

Such a coating can serve as a ceramic tile, linoleum or vinyl tile.

Which is better - linoleum or tile, you can read

Often designers offer to combine several floor coverings, but in the case of a kitchen of 5-6 square meters. meters, such a proposal is not appropriate.

If the kitchen and living room are combined, this design option is very good.

Window sill and window

The ideal solution for the limited working space of a small kitchen is the continuation of the working area of ​​the kitchen along the entire length of the windowsill.

There are many implemented design projects for kitchens with a working area on the windowsill.

For example, such as in this video.

Windows are replaced with metal-plastic ones with mandatory winter ventilation.

Winter refrigerator

In Khrushchev apartments there is one feature that is not found anywhere else: a niche under the window, the purpose of which is to store food in the winter.

Kitchen set - the crown of repair

The kitchen set is designed before the start of the repair, and installed at the very end, upon completion of all the main work.

Option for redevelopment of the kitchen "Khrushchev"

Design and installation kitchen furniture discussed

We invite you to watch a video on how the program " Perfect repair"I coped with the redevelopment of the "Khrushchev" apartment.

We hope that our article turned out to be useful, and you will use our recommendations to make repairs correctly, competently and, of course, beautifully.

A kitchen with a geyser can look very attractive. A house for a person is a kind of refuge from everyday hustle and bustle. The design of any home should be cozy, because this is one of the main requirements for living quarters. Upon arrival home, a person needs to relax and recover from a working day.

Most of the time, one of the family members, as a rule, spends in the kitchen and not everyone has spacious apartments. In addition to a lot of discomfort, the project of an apartment in Khrushchev includes a rather cramped kitchen, which often has a bulky gas water heater. And very often, the upcoming renovation of such kitchens causes nothing but despair, if you do not use the recommendations of designers, whose services not everyone can afford.

To create the most comfortable, cozy and functional kitchen area with gas water heater small area, designers have developed a lot of ideas, which will be presented later.

The geyser can become an integral part of the interior of your kitchen

Kitchens with a geyser

Kitchens in high-rise buildings the old model are quite small and can often include a ventilation duct or gas column in their project. These seemingly hindrances that reduce usable space kitchens to a minimum, making its design unattractive, you can beat or hide it in different ways by making repairs correctly.

The geyser provides housing with regular hot water supply, however, it also spoils the interior of the kitchen.

To leave this necessary and functional appliance in the kitchen, it must be correctly entered into general interior premises. The ideal option is a solution when the geyser becomes an integral part of the design project, at the same time, without being bright accent drawing attention.

With a properly planned design, a geyser from a lack of a kitchen can turn into its dignity.
The geyser hidden behind furniture facades will not attract attention and will not spoil the interior

What should be taken into account when repairing?

Renovating a kitchen in an old house involves drawing up a design project, according to which all further technical and decorative works. However, if you are starting a major overhaul of the kitchen in Khrushchev on your own, certain precautions should be taken: Replacing old communications is not recommended without the help of specialists.

  • Getting advice. Before making repairs and immediately before starting work on dismantling the geyser from the old place, it is necessary to consult fire safety specialists for a new place for the geyser.

Often, the gas column can be located above the sink, where it is planned to install a hanging cabinet with a dish dryer and it may be necessary to reinstall the column in another place.

  • Getting permission. If the repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev implies changes in the communications system, one cannot do without the permission of the utilities. Failure to comply with this authorization may result in civil or even criminal liability.

Where and how to place a geyser in the kitchen in Khrushchev

Competently draw up a design - the project of a small kitchen in Khrushchev, which includes a geyser, is quite difficult, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. And the best solution for such a kitchen is to merge the column with a hanging cabinet, which is part of the kitchen set.

Thanks to this "disguise", so out of place architectural element it does not hurt to transform the interior of your kitchen in accordance with the idea.

The built-in geyser will not interfere with the arrangement of a cozy interior

To hide the gas column correctly, you should pay attention to some of the nuances:

  • Cabinet dimensions. Since the minimum distance from the gas column to the cabinet wall must be at least 3 cm, it should be made to order according to individual sizes to be compiled by a fire safety consultant.
  • Ventilation. Such a cabinet should have a sufficient number of ventilation holes.
  • Insulation. The cabinet walls must be insulated with heat-reflecting materials.
  • Openings for communications. The cabinet must include special openings for gas pipes, pipes for water supply and chimney.
  • If the cabinet in which the geyser will be installed was purchased in advance, it is necessary to check its dimensions in accordance with the requirements for installing the geyser, as well as independently insulate the walls and make ventilation and communication holes.

    Attention: if you decide to install a gas meter near the gas column, this should never be done! According to the requirements of SNiP, there must be a distance of at least 1.5 m from the geyser to the meter.

    Rules for installing a geyser (video)

    Arrangement of the working area

    The kitchen in Khrushchev has a small area, which can create certain difficulties when updating its interior, because it is very important that the design this room was not only comfortable, but also functional. Repair of a small kitchen with a geyser should begin with an electrical wiring device, the layout of which directly depends on the location of the future dining and working areas and their features. How to arrange working area in a small kitchen?

    In a small kitchen, you should make the most of the space in height. Geyser in open form can become a decoration of the work area

    It is not realistic to fit a large amount of furniture and appliances into the interior of a small kitchen, so it is not the quantity that is important here, but the functionality and quality. To ensure your kitchen is as equipped as possible with everything you need, Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Space in height. IN small kitchens it is recommended to use the usable space not in breadth, but in height, using two-tier mounted modules and canisters.
  • Activation of the window sill. Instead of a traditional window sill, you can install a countertop and make the window area an extension of the work area.
  • Dinner table. As dining table you can use the folding option, which does not take up much space.
  • "correct" technique. So that the kitchen in Khrushchev does not seem cluttered, it is recommended to hide the equipment behind furniture facades.
  • hidden behind furniture facade geyser and built-in appliances - the best solution for small kitchens

    How to deal with kitchen appliances:

    • Cooktop. Traditional and bulky gas stove can be replaced hob With gas burners or a combined version. The modern industry can offer panels - transformers or folding varieties.
    • 2 in 1. Instead of the usual oven and microwave oven, you can use combined option. The 2 in 1 oven is very compact, and you can install it in any place convenient for you.
    • Dishwasher. For a small family, it is not necessary to purchase a large dishwasher, it will be enough to install desktop version or embedded model.
    • Washing machine. The apartment in Khrushchev does not have a spacious bathroom, so automatic washing machine many install in the kitchen. If you get by with a small dishwasher, the washing unit can be built under the kitchen sink.
    • Fridge. If there is no place for a refrigerator in the kitchen, you can install a horizontal model under the worktop.

    The built-in geyser must be located on safe distance from cabinet walls When selecting furniture set the dimensions of the column built into it should be taken into account

    Color solutions

    At color design small kitchen with a geyser, it is worth considering that:

    • For the design of a small kitchen, it is recommended to use light natural colors, this will visually make the room not so compact and add more light to the interior.
    • On the walls, you can do a combined finish, which will contribute to the zoning of the room and diversify the interior.
    • You can choose a two-color furniture set, where the boxes and countertops are made in pastel colors and facades are bright accents.

    Kitchen design ideas with a geyser (video)


    An apartment in Khrushchev is not very convenient for arranging it according to modern standards, especially this problem concerns a small kitchen, the interior of which can often include a gas water heater. However, when right approach any flaw can be turned into dignity by thinking over the design of the room and competently making repairs.

    Kitchens with a geyser in Khrushchev (design photo)

    Photo gallery (25 photos):

    A house for a person is a kind of refuge from everyday hustle and bustle. The design of any home should be cozy, because this is one of the main requirements for living quarters. Upon arrival home, a person needs to relax and recover from a working day.

    Most of the time, one of the family members, as a rule, spends in the kitchen and not everyone has spacious apartments. In addition to a lot of discomfort, the project of an apartment in Khrushchev includes a rather cramped kitchen, which often has a bulky gas water heater. And very often, the upcoming renovation of such kitchens causes nothing but despair, if you do not use the recommendations of designers, whose services not everyone can afford.

    To create the most comfortable, cozy and functional kitchen space with a gas water heater in a small area, the designers have developed a lot of ideas, which will be presented below.

    Kitchens in old-style multi-storey buildings are quite small and can often include a ventilation duct or gas water heater in their project. At first glance, these interferences, which reduce the usable space of the kitchen to a minimum, making its design unattractive, can be beaten or hidden in different ways by making repairs correctly.

    The geyser provides housing with regular hot water supply, however, it also spoils the interior of the kitchen.

    To leave this necessary and functional appliance in the kitchen, it must be correctly entered into the overall interior of the room. The ideal solution is when the geyser becomes an integral part of the design project, at the same time, without being a bright accent that attracts attention.

    What should be taken into account when repairing?

    Renovating a kitchen in an old house involves drawing up a design project, according to which all further technical and decorative work is carried out. However, if you are starting a major overhaul of the kitchen in Khrushchev on your own, certain precautions should be taken:

    • Getting advice. Before making repairs and immediately before starting work on dismantling the geyser from the old place, it is necessary to consult fire safety specialists for a new place for the geyser.

    Often, the gas column can be located above the sink, where it is planned to install a hanging cabinet with a dish dryer and it may be necessary to reinstall the column in another place.

    • Getting permission. If the repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev implies changes in the communications system, one cannot do without the permission of the utilities. Failure to comply with this authorization may result in civil or even criminal liability.

    Where and how to place a geyser in the kitchen in Khrushchev

    Competently draw up a design - the project of a small kitchen in Khrushchev, which includes a geyser, is quite difficult, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. And the best solution for such a kitchen is to merge the column with a hanging cabinet, which is part of the kitchen set.

    Thanks to this "disguise", such an inappropriate architectural element will not hurt to transform the interior of your kitchen in accordance with the idea.

    To hide the gas column correctly, you should pay attention to some of the nuances:

    1. Cabinet dimensions. Since the minimum distance from the geyser to the cabinet wall must be at least 3 cm, it should be made to order according to individual dimensions, which a fire safety consultant will help to draw up.
    2. Ventilation. Such a cabinet should have a sufficient number of ventilation holes.
    3. Insulation. The cabinet walls must be insulated with heat-reflecting materials.
    4. Openings for communications. The cabinet should include special openings for gas pipes, water pipes and chimney.

    If the cabinet in which the geyser will be installed was purchased in advance, it is necessary to check its dimensions in accordance with the requirements for installing the geyser, as well as independently insulate the walls and make ventilation and communication holes.

    Attention: if you decide to install a gas meter near the gas column, this should never be done! According to the requirements of SNiP, there must be a distance of at least 1.5 m from the geyser to the meter.

    Rules for installing a geyser (video)

    Arrangement of the working area

    The kitchen in Khrushchev has a small area, which can create certain difficulties when updating its interior, because it is very important that the design of this room is not only cozy, but also functional. Repair of a small kitchen with a geyser should begin with an electrical wiring device, the layout of which directly depends on the location of the future dining and working areas and their features. How to equip a working area in a small kitchen?

    It is not realistic to fit a large amount of furniture and appliances into the interior of a small kitchen, so it is not the quantity that is important here, but the functionality and quality. To ensure your kitchen is as equipped as possible with everything you need, Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

    1. Space in height. In small kitchens, it is recommended to use the usable space not in breadth, but in height, using two-tier hinged modules and canisters.
    2. Activation of the window sill. Instead of a traditional window sill, you can install a countertop and make the window area an extension of the work area.
    3. Dinner table. As a dining table, you can use a folding option that does not take up much space.
    4. "correct" technique. So that the kitchen in Khrushchev does not seem cluttered, it is recommended to hide the equipment behind furniture facades.

    How to deal with kitchen appliances:

    • Cooktop. The traditional and bulky gas stove can be replaced with a hob with gas burners or a combined version. The modern industry can offer panels - transformers or folding varieties.
    • 2 in 1. Instead of the usual oven and microwave oven, you can use a combined version. The 2 in 1 oven is very compact, and you can install it in any place convenient for you.
    • Dishwasher. For a small family, it is not necessary to purchase a large dishwasher; it will be enough to install a desktop version or a built-in model.
    • Washing machine. An apartment in Khrushchev does not have a spacious bathroom, so many people install an automatic washing machine in the kitchen. If you get by with a small dishwasher, the washing unit can be built under the kitchen sink.
    • Fridge. If there is no place for a refrigerator in the kitchen, you can install a horizontal model under the worktop.