Projects of two-story cottage houses with a Russian stove. The best projects of houses with stove heating. Placing the stove in the house

Residents of megacities are increasingly seeking to escape the bustle of the city and get closer to nature. Country houses, dachas, village houses have always been popular, but in Lately The fashion for purchasing suburban housing has reached unprecedented proportions. And it’s not just about growing vegetables and flower beds.

Middle-aged people, retirees and young people are striving to move to nature for permanent residence, just as past generations sought to escape to the city. And this is no coincidence, because in modern world the city is a source of endless stress, insane speeds and poor ecology.

Country housing can be decorated in any style, but in order to more fully feel unity with nature, many choose one of the areas of country style - the rustic orientation of a particular area, usually an entire country, with its unique features and color. In all the diversity of country style, they are especially popular French Provence, American ranch, alpine chalet and of course, Russian hut.

Design Features

The classic version of the examples of Russian culture that have come down to us - the hut, the tower, the Russian bath - was finally formed by the middle of the 19th century. It is this that is considered to be the standard of Russian style, although this is not entirely complete. Do not forget that there are also southern Russian buildings - whitewashed brick huts, and Russian merchant estates. And yet, the Russian hut, common in the central and northwestern regions, is considered an example of the style. Russia XIX century.

The main attributes of the style are wooden frame Houses, carved frames on the windows, the presence of a Russian stove, furniture made of natural solid wood.

Typical projects

Standard country housing projects presented on the real estate market range from the smallest country houses (6 by 6 sq. m.) to spacious village houses with a veranda and entryway (10x10 sq. m.). This is a typical square project one-story building private country house. The standard also includes a rectangular layout of houses measuring 6x9, 7x7, 9x8 square meters. m, which may include additional extensions in the form of a canopy and veranda.

One-story country houses most often do not involve heating systems, so they should be taken care of separately.

Heating system

Experienced designers begin designing a home by designing a heating system. This may not be so relevant for country houses summer houses, but if you plan to live outside the city for a long time, then you cannot do without a stove in the cold season. Among the many modern options heating for Russian style is suitable classic Russian stove. It will not only become the main accent of the interior, but will also serve as an inexpensive source of heat.

Electric heating is not cost-effective for a country house, gas heating is not always possible, and a properly located wood stove can heat the entire room even in the most severe frosts.

Stove heating will be effective only if the stove is installed in the center of the building and is in contact with each of the rooms. Therefore, in classic layout In a Russian hut, the stove is installed in the walls between the rooms. It is best to place the firebox in the corridor or living room-kitchen adjacent to the corridor. This will make it more convenient to bring in firewood, keep the rooms clean, and not disturb vacationers in the rooms.

A centrally located large stove is preferable to several small ones, as it allows heat to be evenly distributed throughout all rooms and significantly saves fuel consumption.

If the house does not involve division into rooms, then the stove will become a natural space divider, zoning it into functional parts. In two-story houses, installing a stove requires certain safety precautions. It is necessary to consider the construction of reliable floors between floors.

Also at the planning stage, the option of the stove itself and its functions is selected. This can be a Russian stove with a hob, with a stove bench, or a decorative stove that serves only to heat and decorate the home.

Russian interior style suggests abundance wood materials and textiles. Usually, The log walls are not covered, which gives a natural look to the entire home. Often the ceiling space is decorated wooden beams, which does not contradict the rural style.

For finishing timber or panel houses country houses materials such as lining or blockhouse can be used. It is not necessary to subject the walls to additional finishing: wallpaper can negate all the charm of Russian rustic style.

In wooden one-story house With high ceilings you can arrange a mezzanine. This peculiar division of part of the room into two mezzanines will help not only save space, but also create additional sleeping area, but will also give the interior the appearance of a hut with beds.

It is preferable to install wooden windows, but plastic ones that match the color of the wood are also suitable. Plank floors are left to be painted or covered special compounds. They help prevent premature wear of the wood, repel insects, and make the surface easy to wash and clean.

There are also fire-resistant compounds that are used without fail in wooden buildings for government purposes.


A special atmosphere in the Russian style is brought by furnishings that existed among our ancestors long before the appearance of familiar furniture. It is worth noting that all products are made of wood of varying degrees of processing. In addition to the stove, The main attribute of a Russian hut is a large dinner table , capable of placing a large family around him. The style orientation and long benches are emphasized. They are not as comfortable for sitting as chairs, but as a decorative element along the wall they will look very colorful.

Indispensable in modern arrangement Houses comfortable sofas and it is better to choose chairs with minimal simplicity of design. This could be an ottoman, sofa or regular sofa upholstered in coarse fabric - linen or cotton.

Wooden beds with a beautiful carved headboard and soft feather beds, ladders, small tables, stools, open wooden shelves You can do it yourself, which will give the interior originality and home comfort.

Decor elements

Style direction village house The symbols of everyday life of the area in whose style the space is decorated will be especially emphasized. The Russian style is characterized by wood carving, clay and wooden utensils, which is decorated like Khokhloma or Gzhel. In general, folk crafts are very harmonious with everything that concerns the Russian style. These can be nesting dolls, painted figurines of fairy-tale characters (brownie, firebird, cat-bayun) and, of course, a samovar. Antique chests with forged elements or wicker baskets are suitable for storing things.

They can also serve as a side table.


An abundance of fabric decorations, especially those made by yourself, will be an excellent addition to the style. It is better to give preference to simple fabrics - linen, cotton, calico or even regular burlap. National embroidery on curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads and pillows is welcome. Curtains with patterned embroidery on thick fabric can be used to zone the space.

Wicker or knitted floor mats are an indispensable attribute of any Russian-style hut. Housewives often make them with their own hands, which gives a special atmosphere to a village house.

Construction own home in most cases it begins with desire. And also after the moment comes when a person realizes that he can afford to build a country property. In such cases, there is often only a rough idea of ​​what it should look like. interior decoration buildings, what systems will be used, etc. While working with builders, many questions arise, one of which concerns the method of heating the premises. And if a stove is chosen as the main heat source, then how to design a house? Let's consider options with different sizes ovens.


Projects of houses with a Russian stove

The size of the stove largely depends on the planned size of the house itself and the purposes for which it will be used. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance on the main functionality that you plan to provide to the house. Now we will look one-story projects houses with a Russian stove.

5x6 meters

Such a small house is suitable only for temporary stay. An example of such a structure is shown in the picture below. Such a log house does not require a large furnace, and it is more profitable to install it as an object for zoning the adjacent territory.

In this case, it is much more effective to leave the rooms without division, then the heat will be evenly distributed to the necessary places and will not be retained by the walls.

6x6 meters

Such a layout can be made for, again, a small country house, where you can move in in the summer, and when frost sets in, go home. At the same time, you can build the same small stove for heating and cooking. It is not necessary to make a bed for it if you can get by with a Europeanized version of the stove.

6x9 meters

When do you plan to build a house in which a small family can practically live? all year round, it is worth thinking about the heating system in advance. In many regions of Russia, using electricity for heating in cold winter will lead to high electricity bills. However, not all areas have access to gas. Plus, it will require special permission. Thus, the classic Russian stove becomes one of the saving heating options.

7x7 meters

This is a more spacious house that will require much more heat. To live in this all year round, some people want to install diesel heating. However, to implement this idea, it will be necessary to create a special storage facility that will contain at least 3 tons of diesel fuel. At the same time, a properly built stove will help provide a home required level warmth, and not a single room will remain cold.

8x8 meters

This method of construction is usually used for a square cottage, only larger than a building with dimensions of 6x6. In both cases, the most optimal solution is to build the house so that the stove is located in the very center of the structure. With this layout, you can count on the fact that the stove will be able to evenly heat all the rooms adjacent to it. The most important thing in houses with large area- do not place the stove next to the wall, as this will lead to heat transfer towards the street, and not towards living rooms. This is an excellent house project with a Russian stove with a stove bench.

9x12 meters

Layout of a house with a Russian stove 9x12 meters. This type of building can include, for example, a covered and insulated terrace. In the example below, without taking it into account, the area of ​​the house turns into a standard square, only with sides of 9x9 meters. In this case, you can simply go the same way as in other square houses, since terraces are usually not used as living spaces, but serve for a pleasant time in the summer.

Features of designing houses with stove heating

Central placement

As already mentioned, one of the most acceptable options for installing a stove in a house where a water circuit is not used for heating is central placement. The most common way is to make the oven become a single point for everyone adjacent rooms. In such cases, the hearth is installed in the wall between the rooms, and the firebox is installed either in the kitchen or in the corridor.

Multiple heat sources

Another option that is offered to those who want to get a house with stove heating- this is the creation of several heat sources. The disadvantage of the idea is that each of them will need to be heated separately and, accordingly, more fuel will be spent to heat the premises. Centralized placement of the stove solves the problem much more effectively.

Sword size

Another nuance that is not taken into account by many customers who want to build their home with stove heating is the size of the stove. There is often a misconception that the larger the stove, the more heat you can get from it, and the more efficient it will be. On the one hand, this is indeed true. However, you must understand that the larger the stove, the more difficult it will be to heat it to the required temperature. At the same time, it will spend much more fuel than a small one.

The optimal solution in this situation is to build a small stove, but of a design that will allow you to retain heat longer and lose less heat. Then heating will be more affordable.

Two-storey house

If you have to deal with two-story house where stove heating is used, a different approach is applicable here. A special furnace system is installed when Bottom part has everything required attributes- a bed, hob and an oven - and on the second floor only a heating panel is used. For such a house you need very durable materials and accurate calculation so that brick construction on the second floor did not cause damage to the house.

Some oven designs can be designed so that only the cooking portion is used. In this case, heating is not produced, which is very convenient in the warm season.

Let's sum it up

Creating houses with stove heating may be more profitable compared to other methods of heating a country house. However, building housing with such a system can only be done with the help of a specialist who will design a comfortable and functional layout premises and will be able to take into account the main features of this heating method.

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The stove in a private home is becoming more and more popular every year. This is due to the fact that it fits well into the interior, is capable of fully providing heating and does not require additional costs for your service.

We offer you a project wooden house with a turnkey stove. Starting from the choice of layout and ending finishing works. The whole range of services from one contractor!

Nuances of furnace location

Projects of wooden houses made of timber with a stove require care in development and execution. This is related to providing fire safety And correct placement stoves in the interior. In our work, we use the experience of many generations for whom the stove was the only source of heating.

Modern designs of houses with stove heating, as a rule, require another type of heating. Often additional system created by a gas or solid fuel boiler, and electrical systems. When designing and constructing, it is imperative to select the right material for the stove and position it in strict accordance with fire regulations. Secure wooden structures from coals and flames.

If you choose projects of village houses made of timber with stove heating, then you need to know that they are developed with different locations of the main structure. Typically, the stove is installed in such a way as to distribute heat throughout all rooms as completely as possible. Most often it is arranged in the center of the building and partitions are attached to it.

Currently, houses are being developed with the following layout:

  • the project of a house made of timber with a stove in the middle is one of the most popular;
  • a stove attached to one of the outer walls;
  • with a central location, but with several fireboxes and chimneys; This type is more flexible, but requires more maintenance.

Do you need a house with a stove?

Have you decided to purchase a rustic or country house with a stove or build a cottage for permanent residence with this design? Then we present you a large assortment of such solutions in our catalog. We offer buildings with a stove in different number of floors and layouts. You will always find a suitable solution for yourself.

The one who decided to build own house, often does not know where to start. But planning the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​the future home; will it be heated? if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout one-story house with stove 6×8

Construction 6x6 - most likely country house, in which accommodation is not possible all year round, but only during the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to its small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round use, buildings are built that are more spacious, for example, and larger. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, a construction company can offer a heating system. It will include general and detailed plan construction. The customer who wishes to have a house with a stove can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom construction.

The client can order from the company not only finished project, but also the construction standard house with already resolved planning issues.

Option internal layout and the location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then construction will cost him much less.


When the layout is well thought out taking into account a specific heating system, the installation of the stove practically does not depend on the building material from which the home is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick house. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for heating premises: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user himself decides what to heat with, what is more accessible and costs less.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with a gas pipeline.

The next advantage is that heating the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, on emergency repairs and long-term disruptions in fuel supplies. The stove is autonomous, its operating mode is determined by the user himself, who does not need a plan for seasonal system shutdowns.

Layout of a house with a stove 6×9 meters

The ability of the stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere well known. Thanks to this quality, no other can compare with it. heating system. It’s nice to sit with a book by the stove, inhale the smell of resinous wood and listen to its quiet crackling. This is reminiscent of distant times, shrouded in romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped so that it becomes an original addition to the interior.

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The Russian stove gives the room a special charm. In terms of heat capacity, nothing can compare with it. It is able to accumulate heat and then gradually release it, maintaining constant coziness and comfort in the hut. In the past, it performed a cooking and heating function. Today it is quite rare.

Only those who like the rustic design style of the house will decide to decorate their apartments with it. True, there are no more stove makers who don’t need a drawing to build one. But recently, a house project with a fireplace has been a common proposal from construction companies. This fashionable heating device provides heat, but does not store any heat. Used more as a decorative element.

The century of technological progress has made its own adjustments. Today, it is common to have a house with a stove that runs not only on solid fuel, but also on electricity, gas, and fuel oil. But most available material the heating is still wood.

Installation and operation rules

Shape, appearance the furnace is fixed by its drawing. Many people try to install it somewhere in a corner so that it doesn’t bother anyone or take up much space. But this is not the main installation criterion. As a rule, its most rational location is reflected in every heated house project developed by the company.

In, as well as in or in, it is preferable to place the furnace structure in the very center.

Detailed house plan with 8x8 fireplace stove

Then the effect from it will be greatest, because it will successfully warm up all the rooms. As practice has shown, there is no way to install it in outer wall so as not to heat the street.

If the plan for a home with a stove system is developed professionally, then after its implementation it will be warm and cozy even all year round. It is recommended to plan the stove in suburban or no higher than two-story buildings. If it is still cool on the second floor, then some residents close it for the winter, living only on the well-heated first floor.

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Very important rule: a house with a stove must have effective thermal protection. Otherwise, all efforts to heat it will be in vain. A cash to buy fuel will literally go down the drain. You should not skimp on insulating your home. True, not a single company will offer a house design without thermal insulation. But if its layout has a centralized heating system, then such a construction plan is not suitable for installing a stove.

Layout Finnish home with oven size 6x6

It is a mistake to think that if you install a powerful stove in a small building, for example, 6x6, then a small amount of firewood will be sufficient for heating. This is not true at all. All of them will go only to warm it up weakly. And the rooms will remain cold. Each house with a stove is equipped with a heating structure corresponding to the space it is intended to heat. So, if home 6x9, then heating design should be more heat-intensive.

Another important rule that should not be neglected is installing the stove on separate foundation. It cannot be the same for her and for the whole house. This should clearly demonstrate how general project dwellings, and a separate drawing of the structure for the firebox.

Detailed drawing of a log house with a stove measuring 5x6

The fact is that the soil sags differently under different weights. As a result, the stove may become warped and cracks will appear. As a result, not only heat will enter the rooms, but also smoke and carbon monoxide.

Knowing the installation rules, you should not forget about the rules of use. A house with a stove requires strict compliance with fire safety regulations. And it doesn’t matter what size it is, 6x6 or much larger. It should be remembered that the chimney damper is closed on time. If the coals are not burned enough, the room will fill carbon monoxide. And the consequences of this are very sad. If you close it too late, precious heat will escape into the chimney. Furnace repairs are usually carried out by the person who installed it.

Recently, organizing stove heating for a country house has become increasingly important. This is facilitated by several factors - the rising cost of gas and electricity, the relative cheapness of such projects and versatility. Before choosing heating system designs for a private house (one-story, two-story), you should analyze all the features of stove heating.

Advantages and disadvantages of stove heating at home

It is not always possible for a home owner to install a gas line. This may be due to its remoteness or high financial costs. In this case, you can consider a heating system design two-story house using the oven.

A feature of this type of heat supply is the ability to use almost any type solid fuel. Modern designs of houses with individual heating from a stove are designed for firewood, coal, peat, etc. However, not only this fact is the main one when choosing this type of heat supply. The owner must take into account the following nuances that the project of a rural house with stove heating will entail:

  • Heat distribution throughout the building. If it does not provide water heating– air heating will occur only from the stove;
  • Low efficiency rate - up to 80%. Some of the thermal energy will be spent on heating the surface of the furnace. This applies to both brick and steel (cast iron) structures;
  • Ensuring the safety of the heating supply lies solely with the owner of the cottage. Standard project gas heating two-story house is pre-agreed with government services. This is not necessary for stove heating. Therefore, only the owner of the building is responsible for safety and quality;
  • You should think about the location of the stove in the house in advance. The heat from it should be evenly distributed throughout all rooms.

The last point is very important, since the designs of houses with stove heating must take into account not only the characteristics of the building (thermal insulation, relative humidity etc.), but also the distribution of circulating air flows. Most often the stove is located in the center of the house, but this is not the only possible option heating.

Professional stove heating projects are developed at the construction stage. This is due to the need to make a separate foundation for the furnace.

Stove heating at home: projects and diagrams

Planning heat supply in a private home should begin with drawing up a work plan. It includes a heating project for a two-story house, a list necessary materials and installation schedule. The most critical step is the choice of heat supply scheme.

Operational safety is the first thing you need to pay attention to when drawing up a diagram. All projects of log houses with stove heating involve the use of special non-combustible finishing materials and provision of fuel storage space. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Availability of water heating network. To connect to it, the design of a rural house with stove heating must include a heat exchanger located in the firebox;
  • Furnace location. In the absence of water heating, it should be located in the center of the house. To increase heat transfer, the wall adjacent to it consists of a network of chimney channels. This increases the air heating area;
  • A professional heating project for a two-story house includes uniform heat distribution throughout all rooms. To do this, you can equip a large hole in the wall, or install water heating;
  • Chimney requirements. You don’t have to make a pipe with a traditional square cross-section, since similar projects of houses with stove heating have a reduction in efficiency due to insufficient draft. The best option– installation of a sandwich chimney.

To implement projects of houses with individual heating of a small area, you can only install a stove. But you need to calculate heat flows in the house.

In this case, making a high-quality heating project for a two-story house will be problematic. Therefore, one of the common options is to install water or air heating. Additionally, a heat exchanger is installed in the combustion chamber, with the help of which heat from burning wood (coal) is transferred to air in pipelines or water. In this way, not only will the thermal distribution in the rooms be optimized, but the efficiency of the system will also increase.

Any heating project for a private house with a double-circuit boiler or stove heating must be pre-calculated. The optimal thermal power system, technological parameters of its components. To do this, it is best to use special programs.

In the design of a heating system for a two-story house Special attention is given to the chimney. Its minimum height must be at least 3.5 m, and its diameter directly depends on the characteristics of the boiler or furnace.

Installation of stove heating in the house

As the main source of heat, you can use ready-made stoves or build a brick structure yourself. At the same time, for the project of houses made of timber with stove heating, you can use both the first and second options. The most labor-intensive option is to build a stove yourself. But at the same time, already at the stage of the stove heating project, it is necessary to adapt the design for a specific house. Selected optimal scheme layout, its location in the room and material of manufacture.

The main features of heat supply with a brick stove are:

  • Possibility to install a heat exchanger for organizing water heating;
  • Installation of a system of air channels through which combustion products will pass before being removed through the chimney;
  • Installation hob, oven, storage capacity for hot water supply. These components will allow you to effectively use all thermal energy from the oven.

However, unlike gas heating projects for a private house, it is necessary to think in advance about where the fuel will be stored. It should not be in the same room as the stove.

The width of the firebox should not exceed 40 cm, and its length is usually 70 cm. The recommended height is from 50 to 70 mm.

Preparatory work for organizing heating

For the practical implementation of the heat supply system project for a two-story house, a number of preliminary measures should be carried out. If planned self-production stove - a separate foundation for it is built.

This is due to the large mass of the structure. A concrete floor, much less a plank floor, will not support the weight of the stove and it will warp and settle. Even small project a rural house with stove heating must take this fact into account. It is best to arrange the foundation during the construction stage of the building.

The base layout for the furnace is in many ways similar to a standard slab foundation. But experts note a number of features that should be taken into account when drawing up a project for houses made of timber with stove heating:

  • The upper plane of the finished foundation should be 70 cm below the floor;
  • The dimensions of the base are 30-40 cm larger than the dimensions of the oven;
  • The foundation of the stove should not be connected to the common building.

After this stage, you can begin construction of the furnace. In advance, a detailed order is indicated in the design of a house with stove heating.

If the level groundwater high - you can install a drainage system. She contacts the general building.

Laying a heating stove in a house

After the foundation has completely dried, a heat-reflecting material is installed on its surface - aluminium foil. Additionally, you can install a layer of insulation. The only limitation when choosing a material is that it should not be flammable.

In a typical heat supply project for a two-story house, special attention is paid to the materials used for the construction of the stove. In places of greatest thermal impact, only fire-resistant fireclay brick. All other components of the structure can be laid out of ordinary brick.

If you have no experience in implementing a furnace heat supply project, it is best to entrust the construction of the structure to professionals. But if you wish, you can do this yourself. It is recommended to make several test layings first. For construction you will need minimum set mason - trowel, trowel, level, plumb line. Additional materials should be included in the design of houses with individual heating:

  • Scaffolding. May be needed at the final stage of construction, when the height of the structure is more than 2 meters;
  • Nichrome wire is used to install the door and grate.

Upon completion of work, the draft level should be checked. To do this, you can take A4 paper and attach it to the hood. It should “stick” to the hole.

After the first fire, the stove should dry for 4-8 days. Only after this can you re-check the work.

Home gas heating projects

Compared to stove heat supply, gas has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all - high efficiency, autonomy and lower running costs. Therefore, most often the choice is made on a gas heating project for a private house.

Currently, there are several options for organizing this type of heat supply. The most optimal is to connect to the gas main. To do this, it is necessary to issue permits, draw up a gasification project and select a responsible contractor. This process can take from 4 to 8 months.
