House 7 * 7 with a stove. Project of a house with stove heating. It is important to accurately calculate the dimensions of the future furnace

Anyone who decides to build their own house often does not know where to start. But the layout of the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future home; will it be heated; if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout of a one-story house with a stove 6 × 8

The 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to the small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round operation, buildings are being built more spacious, for example, and more. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, the construction company can offer with a heating system. It will include a general and detailed construction plan. The customer, who wishes to have a house with a stove, can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom building.

The client can order from the company not only a finished project, but also the construction of a typical house with planning issues already resolved.

Variant of the internal layout and location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then the construction will cost him much less.


When the layout is well thought out, taking into account a specific heating system, the installation of the stove is practically independent of the building material from which the dwelling is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for space heating: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user himself decides what to heat, which is more affordable and cheaper.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with gas pipelines.

The next advantage is that the heating of the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, on emergency repairs and long interruptions in the supply of fuel. The furnace is autonomous, its mode of operation is determined by the user himself, who does not need a plan for seasonal shutdowns of the system.

The layout of the house with a stove 6 × 9 meters

The ability of the stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere is well known. Thanks to this quality, no other heating system can compare with it. It is pleasant, sitting with a book by the stove, to inhale the smell of resinous firewood and listen to their quiet crackle. This is reminiscent of the distant times, fanned by romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped so that it becomes an original addition to the interior.

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Layout of a spacious house 10x10 for a large family

The Russian stove gives a special charm to the room. In terms of heat capacity, nothing can compare with it. She is able to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it away, maintaining constant coziness and comfort in the hut. In the past, it performed a cooking and heating function. Today it is quite rare.

Only those who like the rustic design style of the house will decide to decorate their apartments with it. True, master stove-makers have disappeared, who do not need a drawing for its construction. But recently, the project of a house with a fireplace is a common offer of construction companies. This fashionable heating device heats, but does not accumulate heat at all. Used more as a decorative element.

The age of technological progress has made its own adjustments. Today, a house with a stove that runs not only on solid fuels, but also on electricity, gas, and fuel oil is common. But the most affordable heating material is still firewood.

Installation and operation rules

The shape, appearance of the furnace fixes its drawing. Many try to install it somewhere in the corner so that it does not interfere with anyone, does not take up much space. But this is not the main criterion for installation. Its most rational location reflects, as a rule, each project of a house with heating developed by the company.

In, as well as in or in, it is preferable to put the furnace structure in the very center.

Detailed plan of the house with a fireplace stove 8 × 8

Then the effect of it will be the greatest, because it will successfully warm up all the rooms. As practice has shown, it is impossible to install it at the outer wall in any way, so as not to heat the street.

If the plan of a dwelling with a stove system is developed professionally, then after its implementation, even all year round it will be warm and cozy. It is recommended to plan the stove in suburban or no higher than two-story. If it is still cool on the second floor, then some residents close it for the winter, living only on the well-heated first floor.

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Holiday houses or guest places on your site

A very important rule: a house with a stove must have effective thermal protection. Otherwise, all efforts to warm it up will be in vain. And the money for the purchase of fuel will literally fly into the pipe. You should not save on the insulation of your home. True, no company will offer a house project without thermal insulation. But if its layout is with a centralized heating system, then such a construction plan is not suitable for installing a furnace.

Layout of a Finnish house with a 6x6 oven

It is a mistake to think that if a powerful stove is installed in a small building, for example, 6x6, then a small amount of firewood will be sufficient for heating. This is not true at all. All of them will leave only for its weak warming up. And the rooms will be cold. Each house with a stove is equipped with a heating facility that corresponds to the space that it is intended to heat. So, if the hearth is 6x9, then the heating structure should be more heat-intensive.

Another important rule that should not be neglected is the installation of the furnace on a separate foundation. It cannot be the same for her and for the whole house. This should be clearly demonstrated both by the general design of the dwelling and by a separate drawing of the structure for the firebox.

Detailed drawing of a log house with a 5×6 stove

The fact is that the soil under different weights sags in different ways. Why the stove can warp, cracks will appear. As a result, not only heat will enter the rooms, but also smoke with carbon monoxide.

Knowing the installation rules, you should not forget about the rules of use. A house with a stove requires strict compliance with fire safety regulations. And it doesn’t matter what area it is, 6x6 or much larger. It should be remembered that the chimney damper is closed on time. If the coals are not burned out enough, the room will fill with carbon monoxide. And the consequences of this are very sad. If you close it too late, then the precious heat will escape into the pipe. Repair of the furnace is usually carried out by the one who installed it.

If we are talking about new garden partnerships, then in most cases you can simply forget about the presence of a gas pipeline. Therefore, many individual developers are ready to consider various projects of wooden houses with stove heating, which allows you to heat your home at any time of the year. Most often, a brick structure acts as a heat source.

Advantages of this option

To heat a living space with a stove, there is no need to create a complex piping system, since the air gets the right temperature directly from the structure itself.

Structures of this type for space heating may have a different device, but their principle of operation is very similar.

  • Energy independence from external factors allows operation at any time.
  • If necessary, you can do the work on the construction of such a structure with your own hands.
  • Heating with live fire makes it possible to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a residential or country house.
  • The price of the fuel used is low, which is primarily due to its availability.

Note! When using a furnace, only objects of not too large dimensions can be heated, if a piping system with a heat carrier inside has not been arranged.

Some Features

When considering the project of a house with stove heating, many nuances must be taken into account so that the stay or permanent residence is comfortable. When erecting the structure itself, all possible heat losses, as well as the overall quadrature of the structure, should be taken into account.

Heat source location

If you intend to create a new project for an individual building with heating in the form of a stove or choose a ready-made option, you should consider the placement of the main structure, since its thermal power will depend on this. In addition, the poor location of the oven can greatly impair spatial perception.

In order for the brick structure for air heating to function effectively, it must be installed in the central part of the house. With this option, heat will be generated in several rooms at once. The firebox should go into a room that is closer to the front door, then fuel delivery will be as convenient as possible.

It is possible to place the structure near one of the walls, but in this case the air will warm up in one room, and then enter the other ones. In this situation, closing the doors between rooms is not recommended.

The furnace power indicators are reflected in the technical documentation of any project. The thermal calculation is actually quite complex, but there are generalized results that can help in the selection.

For 10 sq. m area usually requires 1 kW of power. Given these indicators, it is possible to carry out preliminary calculations. Thus, for a 5 × 6 house, 3 kW will be needed.

Calculation example: 5×6/10=3.

Power indicators can significantly affect the dimensions of the structure, therefore, at high values, the location of the structure plays the most important role.

About chimney options

The presence of a channel for the removal of combustion products is a prerequisite for the construction of any and other types of solid fuel. Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to determine the place where the main pipe will pass.

As for the materials of manufacture, they can be different.

  • The most common for a brick structure is a chimney made of a similar material.. With this option, the risk of fire is greatly reduced.
  • Sometimes a galvanized steel pipe is installed, which is additionally insulated with non-combustible materials. At the junction with wooden surfaces, additional protection is laid.
  • A channel made of ceramic elements is quite effective, since condensate practically does not collect on the inner surface. The installation ensures a high level of fire safety.

Addition! A sandwich chimney is also a good option, because it is made immediately with a heater inside. That is, between the two layers of metal there is already a heat-insulating material.

Firebox design

When designing a furnace, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the chamber in which the fuel burns. Calculations are carried out depending on the heat transfer coefficient.

As for the material of manufacture, it directly depends on the fuel used during operation.

  • If it is supposed to heat the house with firewood, then it is better to build a firebox using refractory bricks.
  • When using coal for heating the interior of the building, the combustion chamber must be built of red brick.
  • In the case of peat firebox, but two grates must be installed inside.


Layout of houses with a stove

Anyone who decides to build their own house often does not know where to start. But the layout of the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future home; will it be heated; if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

But the main advantage of this type of construction is that much less building and finishing materials will be spent during the construction of the facility. And so money from the family budget.

What to consider when planning

Starting work on the preparation of estimate documentation before the start of construction work, the master needs to understand the following:

  • for what purposes is the future house 6x6 with an attic intended;
  • how many people will live in it permanently;
  • whether guests will stay in it.

An example of correct and incorrect attic layout

The first point implies the following: will such a building be intended for permanent residence of the whole family, or will they come to it only for a while (for the summer season, for example). If we are talking about, then the project must provide for the features inherent in this type of building. If this is a permanent home for the whole family, then this must be taken into account in the project documentation.

When it is important to know for how many residents it is being built. If this is a family of three, then the number of private and common rooms will be one. In the case when the family consists of four or more people, the arrangement of rooms and their number will be completely different. In addition, the layout of a 6 by 6 house should also take into account the possibility of accommodating potential guests.

Layout of the first floor and attic of the house 6 by 6

They will need a separate room and, most likely, with their own. This also needs to be considered when compiling the documentation.

Project and materials

Some owners prefer to work on the second floor, where it is much quieter and no one interferes. Therefore, the office is arranged here, and not on the first floor. This will also affect the size of the rooms. But if they do not plan to arrange dances and sports, then the dimensions of 3 x 3 meters are quite sufficient for arranging a cozy bedroom or a separate room for doing business.

Attic in the house 6x6 m

An attic space is a good choice for increasing living space in smaller homes. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the living rooms are located in the attic space, which is made exclusively of. Since such a room has a high level of heat exchange with the environment, it must be insulated with high quality using a special material.

To work with the attic, you need to know the basics of aerodynamics and thermal physics, which will help you correctly build such a complex, but practical project for small buildings.

Scheme of construction and arrangement of the roof of the attic

Almost all roofs, including the attic ceiling, have a strong wooden beam, called a rafter, of which the entire structure consists. The entire coating is attached to the rafters, as well as the crate of this room. What does the attic consist of:

In order to be as comfortable as possible, you need to think about what materials should be taken as a basis, as well as choose the right shape for this room. The rafter beam, which should be used in the construction of the attic floor, should have a size of 150 mm. Such material is widely used, and it can be bought on any construction market. The space between the boards must be filled with insulation. In our case, it is mineral wool.

Before the direct contact of the wool and the top floor of the attic, there should be another film fixed on the beam, the purpose of which is different from that which was used after the crate. It should, on the contrary, allow all possible moisture to pass from the insulation to the outside of the building. Roof tiles can be mounted on this film. Using the frame room, you will get additional living space, which will be maximally insulated and will allow you to place one or more rooms.

What you need to work on the project

All people who studied in high school have the skills to work with a ruler and a pencil. All that remains is to assemble the rest of the tools needed to work on drawing up drawings of the future structure.

In the work, the master will need:

  • drawing pencil;
  • thin marker;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • graph paper;
  • eraser rubber.

The first stage of any design is drawing up a working sketch. On an ordinary sheet of paper, the master sketches by hand all possible options for the layout of the upper and lower floors. The more there are, the better the end result will be.

Project and layout of a country house with an attic 6 by 6

For drawing, you can use both a regular drawing pencil and a ballpoint pen, and even a thin marker. The main thing is that all the details on the plan are clearly visible and not blurred. Otherwise, the builders will misread the drawing and make mistakes in its implementation. And this, at best, will lead to unforeseen expenses, and at worst, to the destruction of the facility.

Experienced draftsmen first draw the main contours using thin lines. And then draw them with a soft graphite pencil or ink. An ordinary master does not need to observe such subtleties; in the final design stage, you can get by with an ordinary black gel pen. best on graph paper, which can be bought at any office supply store. It is pre-drawn on perpendicular lines, it remains only to select the scale and draw the contours of the house along the guides.

Drawing of the facade of the house with an attic

Having decided on the scale, that is, with the ratio of the details drawn on the plan and their actual sizes, the master proceeds to create the final version of the project. It must be done under the ruler, checking all the angles and observing the proportions in size. This will make it easier for builders to work on the project.

What is more comfortable - an apartment or a country house? Of course, the house! There are ardent supporters of apartments, but most people still prefer to have their own house. After all, this has many advantages:

Building a house with your own hands or hiring a team?

First of all, you should decide who will build the house: you or a hired team. Construction companies have projects for 6x6 houses. If the decision is made in favor of the construction company, then the question rests on the cost and quality of the services provided. It is important to find good professionals from a company that does not sell low-quality material. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such companies that pass off as high-quality, absolutely poorly dried and low-grade building material. If you decide to build a house on your own, then you should consider the simplest technologies that do not require special skills, but allow you to build beautiful housing. Let us dwell on the technology of a frame-panel structure, in which a 6x6 house layout is possible.

What is a frame house

The 6x6 frame house is unpretentious in its requirements. It has a very small weight, which significantly affects the choice of the type of foundation. Here you can use the least massive foundation, for example, some subtypes of the stone type, or a monolithic shallow type. Of course, the features of the site itself will play an important role, namely: is there a height difference on the ground, the type of soil and its bearing capacity, the presence of water and much more. But the main fact is that a frame-panel house does not require a capital foundation, which will reduce the overall construction costs.

Compliance with the built-up and usable area is a plus in a panel-frame house, since the walls of such a house are very thin in width, but, despite this, they have very good thermal insulation. In some ways, frame houses are even warmer than log houses. In houses made of timber, the walls are quite thick and require additional insulation if you plan to live in the winter season.

House layout

The frame house can be of various sizes and formats. More commonly used Usually, with such a markup, a room and a living room can be placed on the ground floor of the house. This option is standard, especially for country houses. The room is quite spacious and bright due to the presence of two windows. The living room is as spacious as the main room. It can easily accommodate, for example, a wardrobe and other furniture. On the second floor there is also a room that will serve as a bedroom; on request, you can equip a bathroom, which can also be located on the second floor. It is logical to equip the territory in the form of an additional light source, placing a window there. This option is easy to find by studying the projects of 6x6 houses.

We should not forget that the height of the first floor of the house, regardless of the layout, is always greater than the second. Usually the rise of the first floor to the lower ceiling is up to 2.8 meters. And the rise of the second floor to the roof space, if there are no additional ceilings, can be up to 2.5 meters.

Terrace extension

The layout of the house 6x6 implies a ground floor area of ​​36 square meters. To increase the usable area and, accordingly, a more comfortable stay, you can use a terrace. It can be made either according to the standard project of a construction company, or be of an individual nature. Usually a terrace is built on the same foundation as the house. But there may be exceptions when the house is placed on a strip foundation, and the terrace is attached using a columnar support.

    What was done

    Project: the Innsbruck project was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, a decision was made to relocate the terrace.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a pile-grillage foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, laying with masonry glue. Windows are made to order, with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tile.
    exterior finish: walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered, finishing elements are made of wood, made on site, based on TK-visualization, painted. The plinth is lined with decorative stone.
    interior decoration: the decoration was carried out according to the design project, where the combination of decorative plaster with stone and wood was taken as the basis. False beams were mounted on the ceilings.
    additionally: a fireplace is installed and finished.

    What was done

    The very case when our Customer and we speak the same language and are inspired by the ECO high-tech style! Designer Ilya came to us with a ready Project of his future home! Our team liked the project - after all, such unusual and stylish solutions are always a professional challenge!
    We prepared estimates for Ilya and developed unique design solutions - all this allowed us to implement this project! The frame house is made in our proven Canadian technology with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour! Outside, the house is sheathed with imitation timber. All windows are custom-made and laminated in colors according to the project. Additional accents are placed thanks to the professional coloring of imitation timber and the selection of colors.

    What was done

    What does it cost us to build a house? Indeed, having a team of professionals and knowledge - building a house from scratch is a matter of time! But sometimes the task is more difficult! We have introductory - an existing foundation, or buildings on the site, extensions to existing buildings and much more! For the Matsuev family, it was precisely such a difficult task. They had a foundation from an old burnt house, and a landscaped area around it! The new house had to be erected in a short time on the existing foundation. Dmitry and his family had a desire to build a new high-tech house. After careful measurements, a project was made that took into account the old layout, but had a new modern form with interesting innovations! The house has an entrance group where you can sit at a table on cozy evenings and a complex but possible exploitable roof in our lane. To implement such a roof, we called on our knowledge and modern building materials LVL beams, built-up roofing and much more to help. Now in the summer on such a roof you can arrange an unusual dinner or watch the stars at night! In the decoration, our architect also emphasized the minimalistic and graphic high-tech style. Smooth stucco walls with painted planken details add personality to the wooden beams at the entrance. Inside, the house is finished with imitation timber, which is painted in different colors depending on the purpose of the room! Large windows in the living room kitchen overlooking the plot - created the desired effect of illumination and airiness of the space! The house of the Matsuev family has graced our photo gallery in the country architecture section in high-tech style, in the style chosen by bold Customers with excellent taste.

    What was done

    Olga and her family have long dreamed of a country house! A reliable, solid home to live in, which will fit perfectly into their difficult narrow lot! With the advent of children, it was decided to realize the dream, children grow up quickly and in their own house in nature there are many opportunities and fresh air. We, in turn, were happy to work on an individual project of a classic red brick house with a bay window! After the first acquaintance with our company in a cozy office, we invited Olga to take a look at our existing construction site: evaluate the order and construction processes, store materials on the site, get acquainted with the construction team, make sure the quality of work. After visiting the facility, Olga decided to work with us! And we were happy to do our favorite work again to make another country dream come true!

    What was done

    Project: changes were made to the San Rafael project and redevelopment was made according to the wishes of the Customer.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete floor slabs; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs
    box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, mortar masonry??? Windows inserted.
    roofing: metal tile
    terrace: rough enclosing elements are made, flooring is done.

    What was done

    Dmitry approached our company with an interesting draft design to calculate the cost. Our experience allows us to perform such calculations according to draft designs with minimal errors, no more than 2%. Having visited our construction sites and received the cost of construction, Dmitry chose us from among many of our colleagues in the shop to complete the project. Our team has embarked on a complex and expressive country project with spacious premises and a garage, large windows and complex architecture. After the project was completed, Dmitry chose us as a contractor, and we, in turn, wanted to do further work at the same high level! Since the object is large, Dmitry proposed a phased cooperation, namely, upon successful completion of the foundation work, we proceeded to the second part of the project - walls + ceilings + roofing. Also, the exact timing of construction was important for Dmitry, in order to speed up the construction processes, the team was reinforced by 2 experienced masons.
    The box on a pile-grillage foundation was handed over right on time! The result pleased us and the Customer. All stages of work were coordinated and worked out for Dmitry and his individual project, from which all participants in the process benefited!

    What was done

    Project: The project of our company Inkerman was changed taking into account the wishes of the Customer's family, the house was planted on the site, taking into account the existing situation on the site and the relief
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a reinforced pile-grillage foundation.
    ceilings: wooden on wooden beams, in places of large spans installation of LVL beams. The basement is insulated with 200mm basalt insulation; interfloor overlap with sound insulation 150mm.
    box: box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, mortar masonry. Windows inserted.
    roofing: installation of metal tiles.
    exterior finish: the facade is insulated with 100 mm basalt facade slabs, the facades are covered with facing bricks; the color scheme was proposed by the architect and agreed with the customer.

    What was done

    The Krutov family decided to build a spacious house for the whole family!
    From the idea to its implementation, Olga and other family members went through several stages! The choice of technology, the long work on the project, the construction of the foundation, the construction of the house with the exterior and then the work on the interior! The frame technology was chosen as energy-saving, prefabricated and high-tech! Why did the Krutovs choose our company? They liked the quality of work at our construction site and the workers who gave a detailed tour! We also worked on the estimate for a long time, combining different finishes, comparing their cost. This made it possible to choose the best option from a wide variety of finishing materials and configurations.
    The project was created by an architect friend, but we had to work out the constructive part of it. After that, the most reliable and effective foundation was erected - UWB. Then work began on the box. A frame house with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour and a unique 300 mm roof insulation technology. For the exterior, siding was chosen in a spectacular combination of colors - coffee and cream. The accents are placed thanks to the powerful roof overhangs, interfloor belt and large windows!

    What was done

    When you decide to become a happy owner of your own home and move to a new home for permanent residence, first of all you think about what the house will be like; what to build it from; how much will it cost and most importantly, WHO will do all this?
    Alexander came to our company with the desire to move to his own country house. He liked the Avignon project and there was already a strip foundation on the site. After the initial visit to the site, measurements and examination of the foundation, we gave our conclusions and recommendations. Strengthen the foundation, change the project and adapt it to the dimensions of the existing foundation! After agreeing on the cost, it was decided to build in the winter. Alexander received as a gift reinforced concrete floors, one of the leading construction teams and a house according to the project he liked, which stood on the site with exterior decoration by spring! Alexander watched every stage of construction, regularly visiting the construction site and was pleased with the result, and we were satisfied with our work. This is an individually designed Avignon project, implemented in stone technology with external insulation and siding!

    What was done

    Each house is a separate story of creation and implementation! Once we built a house for good people and they recommended us to another good person! Rumyantsev Andrey came to our company with the desire to build a one-story spacious country house with a fireplace for warm family evenings on the site of an old country house ... It was decided to build the house from aerated concrete blocks so that the future country handsome man would please the owner for decades! The customer voiced his wishes for finishing - and we, in turn, brought everything to life. Thanks to the detailed visualization of the project, each element of the exterior decoration is a member of a friendly ensemble! Bavarian masonry, as the final stage of exterior decoration, looks noble and thorough. Without a doubt, such a tandem - aerated concrete and brick can be safely called the best solution in the field of stone housing construction - warm, affordable, beautiful, reliable. Modern technologies have stepped forward so much that such unique configurations become available in a short time, because we built this project during the winter months. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and constantly replenish their stock!

    What was done

    Project: the project of a European company was taken as a basis and was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, a terrace and a patio were proposed, taking into account the cardinal directions on the Customer's site.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a pile-grid foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - wooden on beams with a sound insulation device of 150 mm.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, laying with masonry glue. Windows are made to order with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tile.
    exterior finish: the walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered. Based on the visualization, facade panels were added under the Tolento stone. The enclosing elements of the terrace, balcony made of wood, made on site, based on the TK-visualization, painted. Roof overhangs are hemmed with spotlights in the color of the roof.

    Vladimir Murashkin,

    The owner of the house "brought to life according to his idea and sketch!"

    House options:

    What was done

    When Customers come to us with bright, modern ideas for a future home, we light up doubly! After all, working on a new stylish project is always interesting and a challenge, how to implement all the bold ideas from a constructive point of view, what materials to use? Vladimir bought a plot with picturesque views of the Oka River! Such a view could not be ignored, so a dizzying terrace (51.1 m2) and a large balcony, focused on beauty, became an indispensable attribute of the future home! Vladimir wanted to relax in nature in a wooden house, and it was necessary to build a house in a short time, and the frame construction technology became an ideal solution for such tasks! If we are different, then in everything! The house was made even more spectacular by the vertical finish with an imitation of durable larch timber, painted in natural shades with an accentuated wood texture. Complement the modern look of the house - windows with lamination! It turned out to be an excellent country house, with zest and at the same time incredibly functional.

    It all started with an individual project found by the Customer's family on a European website. It was with him that she came to our office for the first time. We made preliminary calculations for the project, conducted a tour of the existing construction site, shook hands and the work began to boil! The architect improved and adapted the project to the site and the Customer's family; the foreman "planted" the house on the site. Based on the fact of geological surveys, it was decided to put the house on bored piles. The frame has grown in a few weeks, then the roof, insulation, exterior finish! During the winter, a house grew on the site. The customer invited a third-party technical supervisor who monitored the process regardless of our multi-stage control. The color scheme for painting the imitation of timber was chosen by our manager and here we have a bright and cozy dream country house of the Pushkov family!

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. Since 2015, a construction equipment fleet has been put into operation. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.
