How to turn on an Ariston gas boiler. Review of Ariston double-circuit gas boilers. What types of Ariston wall-mounted boilers are there?

Every owner of his home tries to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. To achieve this, you should consider installing a double-circuit wall gas boiler Ariston, which will help solve problems with heating a living space. The device is very useful topics, which will provide heat both in an apartment and a private house with an area of ​​up to 500 m².

Also, an Ariston double-circuit gas wall-mounted boiler will allow you to quickly heat water for immediate use. In this case, a person will not have to connect a boiler, which will require additional investments and a separate place for installation.

Descriptions of the Ariston double-circuit boiler

Today you can find many interesting models on the gas boiler market. This is quite convenient, since everyone can choose the device that is most suitable in terms of price, type, characteristics and installation method. Ariston double-circuit wall-mounted boilers gained their popularity due to rare situations with their malfunction, as well as silence during operation, which is very important for maintaining a calm environment in the house.

One of the most important components in all gas boilers is the burner, in in this case it can be modulated or regular. The first option is more popular than the second. When using it, the entire system will be adjusted automatically, without human intervention. In this case, the power of the installed heating equipment depends on temperature indicators.

The burner is also divided into 2 types:

  • open;

The safest is, since it does not involve combustion products entering the room when in case of emergency. Also in this case, the owner does not have to worry about building a chimney. A special connection must be connected to the closed burner. coaxial pipe, it can always be taken outside in any accessible place.

Ariston boiler open type, in any case, requires a chimney to remove combustion products to the street. Also, do not forget about natural cravings. Air will enter the system from the living space, so it will have to be constantly ventilated.

The coaxial pipe used in a closed combustion system has the advantage of being made of 2 layers. One is necessary to remove combustion products, and the other will ensure fresh air enters the boiler. Thus, the owner of the equipment does not have to constantly ventilate the room and worry about natural draft. The room will always have a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Distinctive abilities

According to reviews of Ariston gas wall-mounted double-circuit boilers, they have 4 distinctive features, useful for their owners:

  1. All models of this company are equipped with automatic protection systems.
  2. The presence of a water pump, which is necessary for constant circulation of water through the pipes.
  3. Possibility to select a model with an expansion tank. With its help, pressure will be automatically adjusted inside the heating system.
  4. Ariston equips its equipment with various types of ignition. It can be automatic, which will make life much easier for the owner of a particular boiler. Otherwise, every time the unit starts, the person will need to press a special button.

What are the advantages of Ariston gas boilers

Behind Lately The popularity of the Ariston brand has increased significantly due to high-quality gas boilers, and this is not in vain. operates silently and consumes fuel in the smallest quantities possible. This will allow the owners of the unit to save on utility bills and, at the same time, provide comfort and warmth to the home.

The client will receive a high-quality device that provides round-the-clock water supply and heating of the house, even with large area up to 500 square meters. Also, do not forget about the longevity of each boiler. The periods specified in the guarantee are much more modest than they actually turn out to be. The dimensions of the equipment are much more compact than those of other brands, which means that it can be installed absolutely anywhere, even in a small apartment with limited space.


Almost everything gas boilers from the Ariston brand have a power of 15 to 30 kW. Thus, each client will be able to select the necessary indicators for the size of their apartment or house. It is also worth noting other distinctive characteristics of such gas equipment:

  • at maximum efficiency, boilers have high level efficiency factor;
  • all wall-mounted boilers have Russian instructions and symbols on the equipment itself, so citizens do not have problems with operating the unit;
  • most models from this manufacturer are able to cope perfectly with water in the system and low pressure;
  • Special attention This equipment should be given to those people in whose homes voltage surges often occur. Ariston boilers cope with such network surges without any problems;
  • All models are very easy to operate. To start using the boiler, you don’t need to study the instructions for a long time; all operating features are intuitive and accessible even to those who are installing such a unit for the first time.

In some cases, the boiler cannot simultaneously heat water and provide sufficient heating of the room; this applies to budget models. In this case, a person needs to think about installing an additional boiler.

Note! If we talk about expensive units, they have a special display that shows different characteristics, including the temperature inside and outside the boiler. This is very convenient in terms of entering the necessary characteristics for the correct operation of the equipment.

Operating instructions for Ariston gas boilers

Before purchasing an Ariston gas boiler, you need to understand that if the buyer does not understand its installation, it is better to contact experienced specialists and entrust all the work to them. After all, even with maximum detailed instructions it is not a fact that the matter will end successfully. In this case, there is every chance of damaging the equipment, after which you will have to call repairmen, and this will result in additional costs.

It is very important to keep children away from the equipment. To do this, after, you need to have a conversation with them and explain in an accessible language that you cannot twist or place anything on the unit, this should only be done by an adult. If the family leaves, for example, on vacation, after the boiler is turned off, it is also necessary to shut off all gas and water supply pipes. Only after this is the equipment disconnected from the network.

If any model has a display, all indicators that it displays must be strictly monitored. It may display any problems or deviations from normal operation that occurred during the heating process.

One of the most important points in the instructions for gas equipment is safety precautions. Before connecting the boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with it first.

What types of Ariston wall-mounted boilers are there?

All Ariston boilers are divided into 3 series. They have different technical indicators and functions, namely:

  1. Clas - this series refers to more bulky and powerful devices for heating residential premises. They are equipped exclusively with special regulators that automatically regulate the gas supply. This is necessary to save fuel, which is very convenient in terms of costs public utilities and during frequent business trips of the home owner.
  2. Genus. These are the most innovative and multifunctional models Ariston gas units. They have more features than other boilers from this manufacturer. Along with the equipment itself, the buyer will receive additional accessories such as a fan necessary for smooth speed control, as well as heat exchangers, primary and secondary. All devices from the Genus line are distinguished by the presence of a large liquid crystal display. It will display all the characteristics that correspond to the operation of the boiler at the moment.
  3. Egis. Units from this series have small sizes and attractive appearance, which is why they have earned great popularity among owners small apartments. The device will fit well into any interior. Important Feature of these boilers is that, given their size, they have a fairly high level of efficiency and low fuel consumption, which is controlled by an intelligent control system.

Why a wall-mounted boiler may be faulty

The main reasons for the malfunction of Ariston gas boilers include the following:

  • When servicing the burner adjustment or control units, the specialists made mistakes.
  • Installation failed.
  • Buying a fake product with low-quality components.
  • Lack of sufficient air supply.


When purchasing one of the Ariston wall-mounted gas boilers from the seller, you must check the availability of all necessary documentation, which

will confirm that the equipment corresponds to the manufacturer. Only in this case, problems with the device will not arise soon.

Nowadays, everyone is trying to make their life more comfortable. And the first thing you need to start with is installing an Ariston double-circuit gas wall-mounted boiler. This is very practical equipment, since it can be used to heat your own a private house, or an apartment, or huge premises with an area of ​​up to 500 m².

These boilers can not only heat the room in the cold season, but also heat water for household use. This is very convenient, since you don’t have to additionally connect the boiler for which you need to select separate place. Wall boilers Ariston are extremely easy to use and easy to install. Therefore, both a professional and a beginner in this matter can cope with such work - you just need to first read the instructions for the Ariston boiler.

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It is also very good that Ariston manufactures gas boilers for almost any operating conditions. After all, in our country, natural gas pressure drops are not news, but rather a common thing. There may also be sudden temperature changes - and the Ariston wall-mounted heating boiler can withstand all this.

Features of Ariston gas boilers

What is the most important part in a double-circuit gas boiler? Yes, this is his burner, which burns fuel (in our case gas) and also releases it into the system thermal energy, which heats the room.

The burner is:

  • Regular.
  • Modulation.

The second option is more common and convenient, since thanks to it, the Ariston gas wall-mounted boiler system is automatically regulated. That is, the power of heating equipment depends on its temperature. There is also such a mandatory system as the removal of combustion products.

Therefore, the boiler burner is:

  • Closed.
  • Open.

Ariston gas boilers with a closed burner are safer heating equipment, since combustion products will never enter the room. They also do not require a chimney. All you need to do is connect a coaxial pipe to the boiler, which can easily be taken outside. Ariston double-circuit gas boilers with an open burner require a chimney, since combustion products must be removed. And for this you need natural traction. Air will also be taken from the room, so it must be constantly ventilated.

The good thing about a coaxial pipe (for a closed combustion chamber) is that it is made of so-called two layers. This design of a coaxial chimney is good because combustion products escape through the pipe, but at the same time fresh air enters the burner of the Ariston boiler. This means that oxygen will not be taken from the room.

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What else are good about Ariston double-circuit boilers? And the fact that they are not one heat exchanger, as in single-circuit ones, but two. One is intended for heating the room, and the other is for heating water. Ariston company produces various options boilers They can contain separate heat exchangers, duothermic, and also have a built-in water heater tank.

What other features are there in Ariston gas boilers:

  • They have a water pump to circulate water through the pipes. Availability expansion tank also available in many models. Thanks to it, the pressure in the heating system is normalized without outside help.
  • This heating equipment may have Various types ignition Ignition can be either fully automatic, which makes working with the boiler much easier, or piezo-ignition. In the second option, to operate the heating system, you need to press a button to start the unit.
  • Any model of Ariston automation and protection systems.

Advantages of Ariston boilers

There is a wide variety of different heating units on the market for this technology. Therefore, each person will be able to choose a model that suits their wallet. But why Ariston? But because people, when they come home, want to be alone with themselves and enjoy the silence. And the gas units of this company are able to satisfy this desire.

Compatriots began to trust these products more and more. And for good reason. After all, the Ariston double-circuit gas unit operates almost silently. Thanks to it, utility bills will be minimal, since this boiler is a fairly economical unit. Fuel is used in minimal quantities.

You will receive a system that supplies you hot water around the clock, and also heats your apartment or house for a minimal fee. Also, the units of the Italian brand last longer than what is written on the warranty. By purchasing such a device, you will forget about exchanging the boiler for many decades. It is also very good that Ariston units are compact in size, so there is a place for it in absolutely any size apartment or private house.

How to choose gas heating equipment

The Ariston product catalog contains many models, which, if you look at them, it’s hard to make right choice. Many people, when they come to a store for this equipment, make mistakes, since they do not have all the necessary information before purchasing a wall-mounted unit. Therefore, recommendations on choosing a boiler from this company will be written below.

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Each model has many technical features, and, of course, because of this, choosing the right heating device becomes increasingly difficult. At first glance, it may seem that gas units are similar to each other, but only a professional can understand the intricacies. So you can contact a specialist by choosing an Ariston boiler, or you can read the information and try to make the right choice yourself.

So, what to consider before choosing quality equipment:

  • Of course, everyone knows the size of their kitchen, or the place where the heating unit will be installed. Therefore, the first thing to do is to consider what sizes of boilers are available, select the most optimal ones, and only then move on to the technical features.
  • Next, you need to take into account what type of water heater is in the gas appliance, because most low-priced models have instantaneous water heater. This means that if you have big family, then such a double-circuit boiler is not suitable for home use.
  • It's better to choose a drive hot water– how many liters it will be, it’s up to you to decide. The storage tank heats a large volume of water, which is then used for quite a long time.
  • There are two types of combustion chambers in Ariston gas units. These are a closed combustion chamber and an open combustion chamber. Of course, it is better to choose a boiler with closed camera combustion. This heating unit does not use room oxygen, so it is safer for health. Plus, you still don’t have to install a chimney. It is enough to purchase a coaxial pipe and lead it through the wall. But since such a boiler is more expensive, not everyone can afford to buy it. Although if you think about your health, it’s better to save up cash and buy a really high-quality product.

In just a few decades, Ariston has leapt ahead thanks to high quality of its products. You can constantly look at new models and be amazed at how quickly technology develops. Choosing a boiler is really difficult, but the right information will help you with this.

Types of heating boilers Ariston

All heating units from this company have three series. They differ from each other in some technical features.

So what are the series? famous brand:

  • Genus- These are the most developed models. They have more features than models in other series. The Genus device kit includes: primary and secondary heat exchangers, as well as a fan that smoothly regulates the speed. All Genus wall-mounted boilers have a fairly large LCD screen. On it you can see all the data on which the gas unit operates.
  • Clas– powerful and large (volume) heating units. They have a built-in regulator that supplies gas. Thanks to it, you can regulate gas flow. This is very convenient especially for those who are often away from home.
  • Egis. All heating models from this series are small (compact) in size and very attractive in appearance. Their design will decorate any interior. They also have a high level of efficiency, which helps reduce utility costs. There is also an intelligent control system gas apparatus Ariston Egis series.

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Technical characteristics of Ariston gas boilers

All boilers of this brand have a power of 15 to 30 kW. You can choose exactly the power that is suitable for the size of your house or apartment.

So, technical features wall-mounted heating units:

  • It’s very good that the menu of wall-mounted boilers for Russian citizens is also in Russian. Therefore, you can easily set the temperature that should be;
  • in places where power surges often occur, these Ariston heating devices are best suited. They can withstand them without problems;
  • Gas units also cope well with reduced gas and water in systems.
  • gas double-circuit units are easy to operate. They are also easy to install, so even a beginner can handle it.
  • they have a high level of efficiency and are quite economical.

Of course, there is the possibility that the boiler will not be able to heat the heating system and water at the same time, but this is not a big problem. Since, if necessary, you can install a boiler in parallel to heat water.

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Some models of gas wall-mounted equipment may even have sensors that detect indoor and outdoor air temperatures, so they work even more efficiently. The built-in display will show all the parameters by which the unit operates, so you can correct everything in time.

For what reasons does an Ariston gas boiler fail?

There are options when all connection and operation parameters have been met, but the heating boiler is still faulty? Like all equipment, gas units can also fail.

There are reasons for this:

  • a malfunction may occur due to the fact that some rules in maintenance, or the installation was unsuccessful;
  • Malfunctions of the Ariston gas double-circuit boiler also occur when there is insufficient air supply. The combustion chamber must constantly receive air in order for it to operate at full capacity. If there is not enough of it, then, accordingly, various problems with the operation of the boiler will appear;
  • Malfunctions may also appear due to incorrect work carried out by specialists when servicing the control units or adjusting the burner;
  • The market is full of low-quality products, so spare parts are also often found to be of low quality. Even if the installation or replacement of something went well, a malfunction can still appear precisely because of imperfect spare parts.

This is not the entire list of breakdowns that can occur with a gas unit. But one condition for repairing all models of Ariston boilers must be fulfilled - calling a specialist who understands such issues to your home. Working with gas equipment is far from a safe task, which is why it must be carried out by experienced employees who have permits for repairs and all the necessary spare parts.

Instructions for using Ariston gas boilers

If you are not a professional in the field of installing gas heating units and do not understand anything about their installation, then you should definitely contact experienced specialists who will help you solve these problems. First of all, they have everything necessary permissions, and secondly, they will give you instructions, thanks to which you will “find mutual language» with boilers for heating.

Children or those who have not been instructed in the use of the units should not be allowed to access gas equipment. Because this is fraught with various consequences. If you are going to go somewhere for for a long time, then it is necessary to turn off all the taps on the pipes after turning off the boiler (gas shut-off valve and water supply shut-off valve). Then you need to turn it off gas equipment for heating from the network.

During operation of wall-mounted units, it is necessary to monitor all readings that are displayed on the display. The display of wall-mounted heating devices shows all the problems and errors that occurred during the operation of the boiler. The safety precautions that are written in the instructions must be observed not only with a double-circuit gas boiler, but also with other gas equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ariston gas boilers

Wall-mounted heating units, like any other equipment, have their pros and cons. But, of course, there are more advantages. And if you also follow all the operating rules, then there will be much fewer disadvantages. The models of this company are both wall-mounted and floor-mounted. Wall-mounted boilers are more popular equipment, since they are intended mainly for heating private houses, apartments, cottages, etc.

Wall-mounted heating units are:

  • with a closed combustion chamber (without chimney design);
  • With open camera combustion (you must also install a chimney).

Wall-mounted units with a closed combustion chamber are safer equipment for heating, since oxygen will not be taken from the living space. But for them, it will also be necessary to make a forced removal of combustion products. The easiest way is to install a coaxial pipe. It is made in such a way that it can simultaneously remove combustion products and deliver oxygen to the combustion chamber.

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Also, gas wall-mounted units must have a built-in fan. They are considered the most safe option for use, but, unfortunately, they are more expensive than boilers with an open combustion chamber.

The disadvantage is that Ariston double-circuit gas heating units, when heating water, stop heating the living space for some time.

Floor models are made specifically for industrial buildings, but they cannot heat water at the same time. Therefore, if, after all, heating water is a prerequisite, then you will also have to acquire a boiler that can be connected to a gas heating unit.

All wall and floor equipment meets all safety regulations. Wall-mounted gas boilers are fully adapted to the conditions of the gas distribution system of Russia, as well as the CIS countries. And, despite the fact that there is often reduced gas in Russia, wall-mounted units will still continue to work perfectly.

Before purchasing a wall or floor unit You must first familiarize yourself with the necessary information, and only then proceed directly to the purchase.

It is impossible to name at least one property owner who would not dream of cozy home. In order to keep the rooms warm, today there is no need to install stoves that consume huge amounts of wood and coal. Such equipment is a thing of the past. They are replacing him heating devices, which are accessible to almost all segments of the population.

Solution of the problem

These technical innovations are distinguished by their compact size and high efficiency. The advantages are complemented by the absence of the need for constant human presence and ease of operation. Almost all processes of such devices can be automated. Therefore, when designing a home and reconstructing an existing house, experts recommend paying special attention to the heating system.

It is most often based on heating boilers, the correct selection and proper installation of which will determine the heating efficiency. Among other things, it is important to study the issues of minimizing heat loss and efficiency. On the market today, among others, are Ariston boilers, reviews of which you can read below.

Review of the most popular models: EGIS PLUS 24 CF

This equipment costs consumers 48,300 rubles. This boiler is a unit that is equipped with an open combustion chamber. "Ariston 24" is a design that has a stainless steel burner, protected from frequent switching on. This device belongs to the X4D enclosure protection class.

There is a display on the external panel that makes it easier to control and change operating parameters. This Ariston boiler, which has only the most positive reviews, has the option of frost protection and blocking of the circulation pump. You don't have to worry about scale forming inside. The Ariston double-circuit boiler can be used to equip a heating system and supply hot water.

Reviews about the model

According to buyers, the boiler has many advantages, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • simple controls;
  • efficiency;
  • easy installation;
  • adaptability to Russian conditions;
  • presence of a built-in condensate collector.

Ariston 24 is economical, which attracts consumers. It has low fuel consumption. Installing it is quite simple. This is facilitated by the compact dimensions of the case. The equipment can be placed on the wall in a limited space. According to buyers, the unit can operate at reduced gas pressure. Operation of the device is possible even at low external temperatures down to -52 °C. Buyers like that the boiler has a self-diagnosis function. The design is equipped with a stainless steel heat exchanger.

Review of the Genus Premium 45 HP boiler

If you are interested in Ariston boilers, we recommend reading reviews about them. You can purchase the equipment for RUB 144,200. This wall model used for heating houses and premises. The equipment is equipped with a closed combustion chamber. The spiral heat exchanger is made of stainless steel.

The external panel of the Ariston wall-mounted boiler has a display that simplifies operation and control. Efficiency is increased through the use of condensing technology. Energy costs are reduced, especially when compared with traditional boilers.

Reviews about the model

Quite often lately, consumers have been interested in Ariston boilers; you can read reviews about them in the article; perhaps they will allow you to make the right choice. As for the above-described equipment model, it, according to buyers, has outstanding features, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • simple controls;
  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • comfort;
  • silent operation.

During operation, a minimal amount of harmful impurities is released into the atmosphere. This indicates safety. Many consumers, in their words, pay attention to ease of use when purchasing such equipment. In this case, the operating time and heating temperature in heating mode can be set according to the user's needs.

The unit is silent. It saves fuel up to 35%. With reduced gas pressure, the equipment will be able to maintain stable operation. The body has compact dimensions, so the boiler can be installed even in small spaces. Consumers also like the fact that they have the opportunity to additionally connect storage boiler for hot water.

Model operating instructions

As heating equipment You can also choose the Ariston boiler; the operating instructions are included in the kit and must be studied by you before you start using the equipment. In it, the manufacturer discloses safety issues. For example, it is important to prevent leakage of liquid gas, as this can pose a danger to human life. If this does happen, then the heating system must be turned off. The premises should be checked by closing all doors that lead into living rooms. It is prohibited to use electrical switches.

If you smell gas, a leak could cause an explosion. Smoking is prohibited under such conditions. It is important to eliminate the possibility of sparks forming and causing open fire. You need to immediately open the windows and turn off the gas supply. The heating system must be turned off. People should not be allowed into the danger zone.

The Ariston boiler, the operating instructions for which you must read if you have purchased such equipment, is installed taking into account the manufacturer’s recommendations. After reading them, you can find out that the device is mounted on a vertical flat surface. For ease of maintenance, minimum clearances should be ensured. No special ventilation is required in the room where the device is installed.

When connecting gas, make sure that the connections are tight. Electrical wiring must be connected in such a way as to facilitate electrical insulation equipment. Before applying water, flush the system without disconnecting the device. In order to remove contaminants and prevent damage to the heat exchanger, you should make sure that there are no contaminants, as they can cause build-up and corrosion.

Possible faults

Using the error code of Ariston boilers, you can find out about malfunctions. Overheating will be indicated by “1 01” on the display. The sensor will trigger if the temperature is 102 °C. As soon as cooling occurs, the error will be reset. This problem can be caused by insufficient coolant flow, as a result of which the heating circuit filter becomes clogged.

Sometimes there are problems with circulation pump. This error can be caused by an excessively large flame on the burner. Sometimes a method that requires turning off the gas tap helps. Having familiarized yourself with the errors of Ariston boilers, you will be able to understand what went wrong during the work process. For example, code “1 02” indicates that the pressure sensor in the circuit is faulty. Low pressure can lead to this error. You won’t be able to reset it; you will need to eliminate the cause.

Insufficient circulation is indicated by codes “1 03” to “1 07”. Sometimes this is caused by insufficient coolant volume. In order to troubleshoot the Ariston boiler, you need to remove the air by pressing the ESC button for a few seconds. The pump will operate without igniting the flame. Next, check the pressure and add if necessary.

If problems arise with the circulation pump, the control relay may be the cause. When equipment encounters slagging in the heat exchanger, it can prevent good circulation. This is sometimes also caused by a clogged filter installed in the heating circuit.


The Ariston double-circuit boiler, one of which was discussed above, will allow you not only to install a heating system, but also to use hot water. Modern equipment is equipped with many functions that will make living in the house comfortable. You can also choose boilers from the manufacturer Ariston. They are offered for sale in a wide range.

Systems are experiencing a rebirth today autonomous heating. This is due to the fact that a boom began in the country not so long ago individual construction. Vacation home It is quite difficult to connect to central communications. If this is done, then the coziness and comfort in such a home will depend on a number of unreliable factors, including the condition of the pipes, the operation of the boiler room, etc. This can also include centralized energy transmission.

If you also decide to follow the experience of the majority and choose for heating country building gas boiler, it is definitely recommended to read the operating instructions, from which you can also learn how a gas boiler works, how to turn it on this equipment, as well as how to avoid its premature failure. For example, in order to prevent entry into the system foreign bodies, a hard cleaning filter should be installed at the inlets of running water, gas, and the heating circuit. It is also important to ensure that the system contains a voltage stabilizer, which is located at the input of the system. This will protect the control board from voltage surges in the network.

If you are wondering how to turn on a Baxi brand floor-standing gas boiler, you need to follow a certain technology. In the first step you must open gas tap, it is usually located under the equipment itself. It is important to make sure that the system has the required pressure, only then can power be supplied to the device. Then you should press the “Start” button and set the device to “Winter” or “Summer” mode.

There are special buttons on the panel with which you can set required values temperatures in the boiler and hot water supply circuits. This will allow the main burner to turn on. If you purchased a gas boiler, you need to ask how to turn it on before unpacking the product. After you have completed all the above steps, you need to make sure that the boiler is working, this will be indicated by a special burning flame symbol on the display.

Connection nuances

After you have figured out how to turn on the heating gas boiler, you can set it to the “Summer” mode, and the device will work, producing only hot domestic water. When starting is completed, plugs may form inside the fuel supply pipe. In this case, the burner will not turn on and the boiler will be blocked. In this situation, it is necessary to repeat the steps mentioned above again. Ultimately, you must ensure that gas begins to flow into the burner. Then the "R" button is pressed and held for approximately 2 seconds.

When conducting overhaul in cottages and private houses, residents are often faced with the need to replace current system heating system to a new, more modern and energy efficient one. These days the market offers big choice various options for gas equipment, which differ in power, as well as the fuel used, manufacturer brand, design features and so on.

For many years, double-circuit boilers from Ariston have been in consistently high demand, which are characterized by exceptional operational parameters and affordability.


Gas boilers made in Italy by Ariston are presented in a wide variety of models, however, regardless of the modification, the equipment of this brand is aimed at installing heating systems on an area of ​​no more than 500 m2. Some boiler options only work for heating, while others are used not only to supply heat to the house, but also to supply hot water.

Speaking about the essential options for gas boilers from this manufacturer, we can highlight the following characteristics.

  • The presence of a multilingual menu - this allows users to choose a language familiar to them to effectively control the operation of the boiler.
  • “Auto” function – makes it possible to configure the required power parameters in offline mode based on monitoring the actual temperature in the room, as well as inside the boiler.
  • Heat and noise insulation - ensures silent operation of the equipment, and in addition helps to maintain the coolant at a given temperature for a long time even after stopping work.
  • The warranty on all of our equipment is 2 years for standard boilers, and longer for condensing models - for 3 years.
  • Ease and ease of use - the menu is thought out very competently, thanks to which even beginners who have not yet dealt with gas installations can effectively operate the boiler.
  • A safety system that prevents breakdowns caused by power outages.
  • Built-in electrified elements that maintain the operation and performance of the unit even in conditions of low water or fuel pressure.

Characteristic feature All Ariston models feature a well-thought-out and highly technological protection system, which ensures long-term and uninterrupted operation of the gas installation.

It includes:

  • mechanisms for replenishing the boiler with water;
  • built-in system for timely pumping out accumulated air;
  • blocking the circulation pump;
  • anti-scale and anti-freeze protection mechanism.

Common parameters of all Ariston models include small dimensions and the ability to supply hot water. IN basic equipment includes: a double-type heat exchanger, a burner control module, a carbon monoxide control system, a mechanism for maintaining a normal microclimate in the room, a device responsible for controlling the freezing of water inside the heating system.


Ariston gas equipment is produced in two basic versions - floor-mounted and wall-mounted. In private homes, as a rule, wall-mounted models are used.

Depending on the model parameters, the unit may have an open or closed combustion chamber. In the first case, combustion products are removed from the boiler naturally, in the second it works coercive system gas outlet Typically closed chamber installations are connected to coaxial chimney. A coaxial pipeline implies the presence of two structural layers, due to which it is possible to simultaneously output carbon monoxide and ensure a flow of fresh air into the firebox.

In addition, the chamber has a built-in fan, which is responsible for the timely removal of burnt gas and hot air. These models are more secure than devices with an open camera.

In addition, they take the air necessary to maintain combustion from outside the living space, this is another advantage of them compared to chambers closed type, since they take oxygen from inside the house, thereby worsening the microclimate in the building.

Floor standing boilers have quite high power, therefore they are used for industrial purposes or in residential buildings with a large area. Usually they are designed only to supply heat to radiators and radiators, so if you need to heat water, you should additionally purchase boilers.

The main element of any boiler equipment is the burner, which is responsible for burning fuel and supplying heat to the heating system. Burners can be conventional or modulating. Modulation is more modern and technologically advanced, since it allows you to automatically adjust the power of the device depending on the results internal control beyond the temperature level.

Double-circuit boilers Ariston have 2 heat exchangers: the first is necessary to provide hot water supply, and the second is directly for heating the main coolant. Their production can be carried out in three versions: they are separate, bithermic or with a boiler.

Two autonomous circuits are simultaneously placed in the common boiler body:

  • heating - it is responsible for supplying radiators with heated water;
  • water - this mechanism is connected to water pipes.

Water can be heated in several ways:

  • flow-through - this option only works when using hot water: after passing through the burner, it reaches the end consumer in heated form;
  • boiler - such a device implies the presence of an additional tank in which water heated to a given temperature accumulates and from there it flows into the tap.

A double-circuit boiler operating in boiler mode is more economical.

Based on the location of the circuits, boilers are divided into 2 types.

  • Bithermal - in such installations the water pipe is located inside the heating system. In this case, the heating circuit heats up more actively and transfers part of its heat to the water supply.
  • Duothermal - include two tubular heat exchangers that evenly transfer heat to both systems. In this case, energy is used most efficiently, however, the heating rate is significantly reduced. In addition, this operating principle creates the prerequisites for the emergence lime deposits Therefore, such devices require regular cleaning.

Depending on the combustion method, Ariston boilers are conventionally divided into those operating on the principle of turbocharging and natural draft. A turbocharged boiler has a fairly high heating rate, however, gas is also consumed in large volume. The second type of model heats water rather slowly, but fuel consumption is also more economical.

Gas boilers from this manufacturer are most often produced with a power of 15, 18, as well as 24 and 28 kW; the most purchased modification is a 24 kW unit; it can provide heat to a living space of up to 230 m2.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gas boiler houses Ariston installations popular all over the world, this is due to their exceptional performance characteristics:

  • effective built-in protection system against power surges in the network - devices can operate in the voltage range from 150 to 260 V;
  • the ability to effectively regulate the rate of water heating: in the case when the flow rate does not go beyond 6 l/minute, the temperature can reach up to 37 degrees; in order for the water to heat up faster, you simply need to increase the boiler power;
  • simultaneous operation in the mode of a water heater and an efficient heating device;
  • the ability to automatically shut off the gas in the event of flame extinguishing, regardless of its causes;
  • automatic shutdown of the heater if the water pressure in the system drops to a critical level;
  • the presence of two heat exchangers;
  • wide range of models;
  • excellent adaptation to use in Russian conditions;
  • Italian assembly;
  • European quality control system.

However, there are also disadvantages, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • very high cost in comparison with analogues;
  • use of components produced in China.

Russian users highlight boilers of this brand as high-quality, reliable and practical. Reviews from owners of private houses indicate such advantages of Ariston as compact dimensions, energy-efficient gas consumption and ease of control of the mechanism. Among the disadvantages is the dependence of its operation on the power supply, but this feature concerns not only Ariston - almost no gas equipment operates without being connected to an alternating current network.

The boilers have an aesthetic appearance, thanks to which they fit into any interior.

User manual

The first thing to remember before proceeding with the installation of a gas boiler is that installation and connection of the device should only be carried out certified specialists. Self-installation is not recognized by gas services as legal; in this situation, the inspection company has the right to shut off the gas supply to the house and impose a fine on the owner of the premises. And this is at best, and at worst, the boiler can fail or even explode and cause harm to life, health and property.

Ventilation levels should be checked before use.– the room where gas equipment is installed must be well ventilated. Throughout the entire period of operation of the boiler, it is necessary to constantly monitor the water pressure in the heating system. Normally it is 1.5-2 bar; if the pressure drops, the boiler turns off and the control display shows an error. In this case, you should make sure that there are no leaks and “feed” the installation.

Even if the installation and connection were carried out by professionals, and the boiler was used strictly according to the instructions, there is always a possibility of the device breaking down.
