How to glue non-woven wallpaper: a step-by-step description of the process with photos and videos. How to glue non-woven wallpaper: a detailed instruction for a novice master How to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly

Today's market offers a huge selection of a wide variety of wallpapers - bamboo, vinyl, non-woven. And the question arises, which of them are most suitable for the interior of the home, how to glue non-woven wallpaper or any other kind of them? After all, each of them has its own characteristics and sticker technology. But non-woven is better for any design. In addition, they are easy to glue. They have a number of advantages, unlike other types, and therefore are universally popular.

What is non-woven wallpaper?

Such a wall covering is made of non-woven raw materials - these are textile fibers linked using a special polymer material. This is what gives them special strength and durability. In addition, vinyl is sprayed onto this material, which makes it even better. Non-woven fabrics are quite light, which simplifies the pasting process.

Main advantages:

  1. Light weight.
  2. They don't dry out.
  3. Do not stretch.
  4. Not subject to deformation.
  5. Easy to stick.
  6. Easily removed for repairs.

This type of coating can be painted with acrylic or dispersion paint. They are easy to care for and can be washed. The texture can be very diverse, there are types with three-dimensional drawings. If you use a multilayer version, this will increase the sound insulation of the room, they are completely environmentally friendly and fireproof. Sticking non-woven wallpaper does not require special skills, and this is also important.

More often this species wallpaper has no paint on its surface. Therefore, with their help it is easy to make any design and achieve unique interior decorating them with paint. But how to glue non-woven wallpaper?

Preparing for pasting

In principle, the preparation is not much different from the preparation for pasting other types of wallpaper. Simply put, the walls must be cleaned, puttied and coated with a primer so that they are as even as possible. The last layer of primer is best applied with a tinted composition, which will allow you not to make many layers of paint when painting non-woven wallpaper. To work, you need a set of tools:

  1. Level, better laser.
  2. Roller with long pile.
  3. Roulette and ruler.
  4. Plastic spatula.
  5. Brush (used to smooth the wallpaper).
  6. Knife for cutting.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Metal spatula, narrow.
  9. Sponge.
  10. Buckets for water and glue.

Tip: To work at height, you can use a stepladder, this will simplify the whole process. You can also use a regular stool, but with high walls it will make pasting difficult.

In addition to the specified set, you will need putty, primer, glue. At a distance of 1 meter from the corner, you need to make a vertical marking, here you will need a level. It should be as even as possible. It is better to make a plumb line from the cord along the entire height of the wall, at the lower end you will need a weighting agent, for example, a bolt, so that the mark is even. This is necessary so that the non-woven wallpaper does not stick crookedly. The walls should be smooth, without tubercles, cracks and other defects.

The technology of pasting the walls of a room with wallpaper involves the removal of the old coating. To do this, the old wallpaper is abundantly moistened with water using a damp cloth, for example. Then the material is removed from the work surface with a spatula. Puttying and priming walls are usually done if the walls are not even and require repair. The surface must be dry before gluing. Drafts should be avoided when pasting in the room, so all windows should be closed. When the walls are leveled and fully prepared, it is necessary to prepare non-woven wallpaper.

How to prepare wallpaper?

It is advisable to immediately cut all the rolls with the expectation that they are enough for all the walls. The more complex the pattern on the material, the more difficult it is to work with it, so you need to be as careful as possible when cutting. When the drawing is simple and does not require docking, all the work will go much easier. The walls must first be measured, and this must be done at different points. If they are the same everywhere, you can start harvesting canvases.

If you need to adjust the pattern, it is recommended to use the icon located on the label with non-woven wallpaper. The main thing is to pick up all the joints evenly, so that later you do not have to glue the pieces on top or bottom. In extreme cases, you can cut the rolls into pieces with a margin of 10-15 cm. You can glue the wallpaper on the wall yourself, or you can entrust this matter to an experienced specialist.

Cutting can be done as clean floor, and on the table, having previously laid polyethylene on it. The required length is noted, an incision is made with a knife. Then non-woven wallpaper is bent, and sheets of the required length are cut. Finished material spread out on the floor inside, all subsequent sheets are spread in the same way. Now you need to prepare the glue, and then you can glue wide and any other wallpapers.

Working with glue

It is necessary to use only high-quality glue, which is intended exclusively for non-woven wallpaper. It is easy to prepare, you just need to follow the instructions. The glue should settle, then it is re-mixed and all lumps that appear are removed. After that, it can be applied to the walls. This must be done with great care. There is no need to smear wallpaper with glue.

Tip: The sticker should start from top to bottom, from the corner with the markup. It is necessary to smooth the pasted non-woven wallpaper vertically using a special brush or roller. This does not require much effort. And most importantly - correctly adjust the material in height.

Any specialist knows how to glue non-woven wallpaper. This technology is quite simple, if you follow a number of rules.

pasting technology

The rules for sticking are quite simple. After applying glue to the walls, the first strip is laid on it strictly according to the markings. lower part wallpaper should be tucked out and lowered only after a complete fit. The protrusions from the bottom and top of the wall do not need to be cut immediately: this should be done when adhesive base completely dry, and the material will become durable. Each sheet should be smoothed so that all the air comes out of it, and there are no bubbles left inside. Excess wallpaper must be cut off carefully, using a wide spatula and a knife. A spatula is needed to guide the knife in a straight line. It should be applied butt the upper corner. If some places move away after drying, they must be glued.

It is better to glue end-to-end, especially when it is necessary to glue meter-long wallpapers: this will not be difficult if the walls have been previously aligned. Each new layer must be adjusted in height, taking into account the pattern, if any. During pasting, it is not necessary to stretch the sheets in order to get an even joint, after drying they will restore their previous shape, as a result of which cracks will appear. It is easier to make an overlap of 2 cm, and then make a through cut at the intersection of the canvases. After removing the remnants of non-woven sheets, you will get a perfectly even joint.

Taping hard to reach places

On hard-to-reach places, such as sockets and switches, it is not easy to paste wallpaper. It is important that the adhesive does not get on outside material. All work must be done with the utmost care and precision. Be sure to turn off the electricity and take measurements, cut the strips of the desired length. After sticking, you must wait until the adhesive base dries, after which you can cut holes for the switch or socket.

Before gluing the wallpaper begins, all sockets must be unscrewed so that the wallpaper does not turn out too big holes. At the end of all work, they must be installed in place, hiding the holes on the non-woven fabrics. The corners are glued with an overlap of 2 cm on the adjacent wall. Wide sheets are cut. Do not stick a whole sheet on the corner, it is better to use one piece on each half.

Tip: Non-woven wallpaper is quite thin, so do not stretch it or smooth it too much. This can damage them, and then you have to change the entire sheet.

Before sticking interlining with your own hands, it is recommended that you read the instructions that come with them. This will help you avoid a lot of problems. Some types of such wallpapers require smearing not only the walls, but also the material itself. In order for them to better adhere to the wall, or rather their edges, it is necessary to coat an area larger than the width of the canvas. The adhesive must be applied evenly to avoid the formation of lumps and irregularities on the coating.

When working with this type of wallpaper, the mixture is best applied with a roller. This will simplify the whole task and help to avoid the accumulation of air and glue under the material. You only need to use new glue remaining from previous repairs is not recommended. Remember, the final result depends on the quality of work. Glue non-woven wallpaper on paper basis even easier. This process is no different from the usual paper wallpaper. IN this case may need to be applied adhesive solution and on the material itself. Usually such nuances are indicated by the manufacturer on the roll label.

The main thing when pasting is to correctly fix the first sheet, strictly vertically. Then there will be no problems with other canvases. All excess glue should be squeezed out in the direction where there is no wallpaper. For smoothing bulk material a wallpaper roller works well. When cutting off the remains from below, it must be remembered that the plinth will not cover more than 4 cm of the void, so do not cut too much. The same applies to the ceiling.

Tip: So that there are no traces of glue left on the ceiling, they must be immediately removed with a damp cloth or sponge.

Painting non-woven wallpaper

This type differs from the usual ones in that it can be painted. Paints with water base. They are highly resistant to cleaning and abrasion. These types of paints include:

  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • dispersed.

A day after the glue dries, you can apply the first coat of paint. It is recommended to do this with a roller, but a lot depends on the chosen paint and the manufacturer's recommendations. The second layer is applied after a few hours. If necessary, you can apply a 3rd layer. The main thing is not to add water to the paint. If properly glued, such material, the interior of the room will acquire a new unique look.

Non-woven wallpaper is no longer a novelty on construction market and have long occupied their niche in the list of high-quality finishing materials. These rolled products have a number of positive and negative qualities.

  • a dense base allows you to level small surface errors (pits, cracks);
  • the textured surface for painting makes it possible to experiment with color inside the same room;
  • this material has increased fire resistance;
  • the technology for pasting surfaces with non-woven wallpaper is simpler than the technology used for paper products;
  • almost all types of these products can be washed, including using special solutions;
  • the material is not subject to fading in the sun;
  • dismantling this material is easier than removing paper wallpaper.
  • the top layer of these products does not withstand gross damage;
  • there are many cheap materials of this type that do not meet high requirements environmental safety;
  • high price.

Surface preparation

Before gluing non-woven meter-long wallpaper with your own hands, you need to pay sufficient attention to preparing the base. This material can be glued to any surface (wooden, concrete, plastered), but only on a perfectly smooth wall is it possible to achieve an even coating.

To prepare the surface for pasting, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  1. the old coating should be removed;
  2. cracks, pits, delaminations - removed by leveling the surface with putty;
  3. it is desirable to carry out a general alignment of the wall with putty, and then wipe the irregularities sandpaper;
  4. the leveled surface is covered with soil.

Thus, the walls are sequentially prepared for pasting in living rooms, kitchen and hallway.

Is it possible to glue on old wallpaper

Methods for pasting surfaces with rolled materials vary. What is acceptable for paper products is unacceptable for non-woven material. So, gluing on old wallpaper is not recommended for non-woven products.

Usually, denser non-woven fabrics have a decent weight, which is why a weak base with paper may simply not withstand the load and fall off the wall. In addition, the darker colors of the old pasting, which are under light wallpaper, will shine through, changing the appearance of the material.

Tools and materials

To work with non-woven wallpaper, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • the wallpaper itself;
  • glue for sticking non-woven material;
  • laser level;
  • yardstick;
  • spatula 30-40 cm wide;
  • pencil;
  • pure matter;
  • container for diluting glue and for working with a roller;
  • roller with fur skin;
  • rubber roller or plastic spatula for straightening the web;
  • water container.

Wallpaper preparation

To prepare the working strip, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling and increase it by 3-5 cm for a corrective margin. If you need to adjust the pattern, you can try on the second strip, placing it next to the first on the floor, and cut it to fit the height.

The canvas should be cut off with a sharp knife or spatula, after bending the sheet, combining side surfaces bottom and overlay sheet.

Quantity calculation

If the wallpaper is monochromatic and does not require adjustment according to the pattern, the found value will be correct; if the wallpaper is to be adjusted, it is recommended to increase the calculated value by 5% to purchase an insurance stock.

Glue preparation

To properly prepare the adhesive solution, you must carefully study the instructions on the package and do not change the recommended dosage. From general rules the following points can be summarized briefly:

  • water should have a temperature of 20-25 ° C;
  • before pouring the powder into water, it is recommended to stir it in a container in such a way that a funnel is obtained, on the edge of which the dry contents of the package are gradually poured - this is how mixing occurs better;
  • a homogeneous solution is left for the time specified in the instructions for complete dissolution, after which the glue can be used.

Which to choose

The main condition for selecting a suitable brand of glue is the marking on the package, which confirms that this glue can be used to work with non-woven products.

In addition, it is desirable to take into account the characteristics roll material(density and structure), since for different types wallpaper used different kinds glue. The most famous trademarks are: Metylan, Quelyd, Kleo, PUFAS.

Pasting instructions

For non-professional finishers who want to decide how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, it is recommended to use the following step by step algorithm actions:

  • To paste over the room start from the window. To glue the first sheet, which will serve as a vertical reference for all subsequent canvases, you need to mark up. To draw a vertical line at a distance of 1000 mm from the corner, it is advisable to use a laser level, which will allow you to maintain a strict perpendicular to the floor.

  • The prepared adhesive solution is applied with a roller to the wall, processing the surface required to place the canvas, with a small allowance to the large side.
  • The canvas is glued to the wall, focusing on the vertical mark. If everything is done correctly, subsequent sheets will fit perfectly.
  • Then you can apply glue to the wall with the expectation of two or three strips at once.
  • Each sheet must be carefully smoothed with a rubber roller or plastic rule, getting rid of bubbles, removing excess glue and adjusting the joints.

  • When marking the wallpaper along the length, leave a small allowance to align the top edge. The edge of the canvas at the junction with the ceiling or ceiling plinth, carefully fold and cut with a knife, using a wide spatula as a guide base.

  • The lower edge is cut with scissors or a knife, leaving a small distance to the floor, which will be covered with a fillet or baseboard.
  • If it is necessary to adjust the pattern, the marking of the wallpaper is performed with a large allowance for height.
  • It is advisable not to allow glue to get on the surface of the web, as low-quality and cheap solutions can leave yellowish spots.
  • Gluing corners is best done using overlapping technology.

How to glue corners

It is not easy to qualitatively stick non-woven wallpaper in the corner, without some experience. The success of this procedure depends on pre-training grounds.

If, before pasting the room, the corner was leveled, there will be no special problems when sticking wallpaper end-to-end or when covering the corner with a whole canvas, in this place. Can be used as a corner aligner plastic corners, which are installed at the time of preparation of the base and then plastered.

It is more difficult to perform an even angle on a poorly prepared base. In this case, it is recommended to glue the corner with an overlap.

First, one strip is glued with the corner overlapping by two to three centimeters, then the strip is glued along the second wall, also with an overlap, after which it is necessary to make a vertical cut, pressing a ruler or a long spatula close to the corner. Excess strips are removed, and the seam is even.

What to do if the wallpaper bubbles

How to glue non-woven wallpaper with your own hands in such a way as to avoid the appearance of bubbles? Common mistake novice finishers - violation of the recommended dosage of glue. It is the improper preparation of the adhesive composition, as well as the high (more than 25 ° C) temperature in the room and the draft, that are the causes of the peeling of the wallpaper from the wall.

It is also important when gluing canvases to gently straighten and extrude air locks, avoid curved joints. Compliance with these rules will avoid an unfortunate marriage at work.

When can I open windows after pasting

To avoid problems with the quality of gluing, you need to understand how much you can not ventilate the room after the work is completed. It takes at least a day to ensure a reliable adhesion of the adhesive and material, but for some types of wallpaper it may take up to 72 hours.

Premature ventilation will lead to uneven drying, which will lead to lagging of non-woven wallpaper, divergence of the joints of the strips and the formation of uneven edges at the ceiling and in the corners.

Doorway sticker.

At what temperature to glue the wallpaper

Modern materials retain their quality characteristics at temperatures from 10 to 25°С, which allows you to perform work both in summer and in winter period when the maintenance function optimum temperature The apartment has central heating.

Stick wallpaper at lower or higher high temperatures not recommended, as the production technology will be violated, and the quality of gluing will not be guaranteed.

How long does it take for wallpaper to dry

How long non-woven wallpaper dries after gluing can be read in the instructions on the glue package. Usually this period is from 12 to 20 hours, but experienced finishers recommend keeping the room closed for a day. Only after this period it is permissible to ventilate the room.

By touching the palm of your hand, you can determine the state of the wallpaper. If humidity is felt, ventilation cannot be carried out, if the surface is dry and a day has passed after pasting, you can proceed to the following work.

What to do if the wallpaper shines through

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper on your own, it is recommended to check them by applying them to already prepared walls. In this way, it is possible to prevent translucence of a blemish on the wall, but it is better to carefully prepare the surface before starting work.

The base must be leveled with putty and cleaned with sandpaper, and for pasting choose denser wallpaper - in this case there will be no problems.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Non-woven wallpaper is becoming more and more popular and is gradually replacing its paper counterparts. This is due to the presence of a number of positive properties: resistance to deformation, durability, the ability to hide minor defects in the base, the possibility of subsequent painting. How home master, and a professional finisher needs to know how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper.

Features of gluing non-woven wallpaper

At the heart of this finishing material interlining is used - a non-woven fabric made of cellulose fibers.

Before starting work, you need to get acquainted with a few important features these wallpapers:

  • canvases do not stretch and retain their original size;
  • the width of the rolls is often 700-1400 mm, due to which fewer strips are required to finish the room than when using standard half-meter-width wallpapers;
  • glue non-woven fabrics end-to-end, without overlaps. An exception is the gluing of corners (but more often the masters make the joint with a double cut);
  • glue is smeared only on walls or ceilings, the canvases themselves are applied dry.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper with your own hands is easier than paper-based canvases.

Tools and materials for work

Necessary tools and materials include:

  • roller for applying glue (preferably with a long pile);
  • brush or brush for processing corners and hard-to-reach places;
  • a bucket for diluting glue;
  • tape measure 5–8 meters;
  • laser level or building plumb line (the simplest device can be made independently);
  • plastic spatula for smoothing stripes;
  • sponge to remove excess glue;
  • dry rag;
  • pencil.

Special attention should be given to the preparation of glue: it should be designed specifically for non-woven wallpaper. The universal composition recommended by some consultants in stores has, as a rule, much less adhesion to interlining. With its use in the future, the canvases may begin to move away.

Wall preparation

For high-quality wallpapering, the walls must be prepared. Main stages:

  • Removal of old canvases or paint. How to take off old finish with minimal effort, written. All methods for removing paint are set out in. If layer paintwork very durable, the surface should be treated with medium grit sandpaper.
  • Plastering - carried out with significant irregularities.
  • Priming with a deep penetration compound.
  • Leveling surfaces with putty.
  • Re-priming. Masters recommend that instead of the usual primer, apply a thin layer of wallpaper paste to the walls.

In more detail, all the stages of preparing walls for wallpapering are described in. The rules for preparing drywall will be different, step by step instructions in relation to GKL can be found.

Surfaces must be completely dry before sticking canvases on non-woven fabric.


Work begins from any corner of the room. It is allowed to glue the first sheet with an indent, for example, if the calculation of the number of blanks with a pattern around the entire perimeter of the room showed that it is better to do the finishing joint not in the corner, but the corners themselves are quite even. In any case, you need to glue the first blank as evenly as possible: all subsequent work depends on this.

  • A distance equal to the width of the wallpaper minus 2 cm retreats from the corner.
  • By using laser level or a plumb line on the wall with a pencil, a vertical line is applied.
  • If the wallpaper is light, then they do not draw a solid line, but make notes at the top, bottom and in the middle.

Similarly, they pass the entire room. Even if overlaps are made somewhere in the corners, these lines will help you navigate the correct gluing, especially if canvases with a pattern are selected.

Material cutting

This process looks like this:

  • A roll of non-woven wallpaper is rolled out and the height of one sheet is measured.
  • Draw a line with a pencil using a ruler. The canvas is folded along it, laying the roll on top, and carefully smoothing it.
  • Next, cut off the first blank with a knife or scissors.
  • They measure the height of the room at different points and, taking into account a small margin, cut the required number of sheets.

If non-woven wallpaper has a pattern that requires docking, you need to find out the size of the rapport - the height of the repeating image. The length of the strip to be cut must be a multiple of this number, but it must be greater than the height of the room.

  • The necessary margin in height will allow you to shift each sheet for an accurate selection of the pattern. To simplify the work, you can periodically apply two sheets together in order to check the conformity of the image.
  • Wallpaper cutting is always performed sequentially on one side of the roll.

At this stage, the main thing is not to make a mistake in size, so that you do not have to glue the missing pieces.

The technology of gluing non-woven wallpaper on the walls

Step by step instructions for gluing:

  • Diluted glue is applied with a roller on the surface between two lines. You need to capture a width slightly larger than the size of the wallpaper. This will help the joints stick well.
  • The top, bottom edge and corner are smeared with a brush, since there is always less glue here.
  • The finished sheet of non-woven wallpaper is held by the upper corners, gently applied to the wall and, starting from the top, smoothed with a plastic spatula, but strong pressure is not needed. Particular attention is paid to the exact correspondence to the previously made vertical marks on the wall.

If the wallpaper has a deep texture, then it is better to use a wallpaper roller to avoid damaging it.

  • Remaining air and excess glue are removed with a spatula from the middle to the sides.
  • The adhesive that has come out must be immediately removed with a damp sponge or cloth, and then wipe these areas with a dry cloth.
  • The second sheet is glued end-to-end to the first.

Do not be afraid that gaps will appear at the joints: non-woven wallpaper does not change its size after drying.

The rest of the sheets are glued in the same way.

It is necessary to ensure that the glue on the wall does not dry out, especially in places where the edges of the blanks are glued, otherwise the canvases may move away.

For this reason, it is desirable to work with non-woven wallpaper quickly. When it is clear that little glue has been applied, it is better to immediately smear this place by bending the sheet.

Trimming "tails"

It is more convenient to trim the wallpaper when it is already dry. The cutting technique is as follows:

  • a wide metal spatula is held almost vertically and pressed against the top or bottom of the wall;
  • the knife is driven strictly parallel to the spatula, without tearing it off, only the spatula moves.

The nuances of pasting corners

With perfectly even wall joints in the room, non-woven wallpaper can be glued to the adjacent surface. But this rarely happens. More often in the corners, the double cut technique is used:

  • The sheet is glued with an overlap (2-5 cm is enough).
  • A metal spatula is applied to the junction of the blanks.
  • Both sheets are cut with a clerical knife.
  • After that, the cut off upper strip is removed. The joint will be smooth and almost invisible.

It is important to press the knife not too hard so as not to cut the putty on the wall, which can crumble, but not too weak, otherwise only the top sheet will cut through.

Wallpapering is milestone decoration of any interior. But every wallpaper is glued differently. After all, they differ not only visually, but also in key material from which they are made. Gluing is one thing. textile wallpaper, and the other, for example, non-woven.

A professional master from a construction company works with wallpaper

But what exactly are the differences? How to glue non-woven wallpaper so that it comes out without problems with your own hands? In fact, everything is not so difficult, the main thing is just to understand general principle. So let's figure out exactly how to proceed if you prefer this type of wallpaper for yourself.

What is this wallpaper

In general, there are many types of wallpaper, for example, paper or fabric, but it is non-woven wallpaper that is now one of the most popular. They have excellent characteristics, they are easy to stick with your own hands, they look very interesting and are suitable for most rooms.

It is worth distinguishing between two types of such wallpaper. Some are purely non-woven, others have a purely non-woven base, and they have a vinyl coating. The second type is popular, as it copes better with moisture, so you can wash these wallpapers with your own hands. But purely non-woven wallpapers are more breathable, which means there is less chance that under them is formed a large number of mold. However, it is necessary to choose, based on specific needs.

Silver glitter wallpaper in the living room

Classic non-woven wallpapers are usually called, they often have some kind of texture without a color print, so you can paint them with your own hands in a convenient way, and the paint will fall on them much better than, for example, on textile ones. However, variations with prints are also available. In general, the choice of non-woven wallpaper is huge, so you can safely choose their variations for yourself. But no matter what you choose, it is very, very important to glue the wallpaper correctly.


Before sticking non-woven wallpaper recently purchased from the store, it is necessary to carry out competent preparation. Without it, the effectiveness of gluing will not be as high, the wallpaper simply will not stick so well. So do not treat this negligently, do everything as it should, especially since it is quite easy to do it all with your own hands, but the result will please you for many years.

We begin preparations for repairs, dismantling of old canvases

First, accurately measure the height and width on each side of the room. Estimate how many rolls you will need, but be sure to leave a few centimeters in reserve on each side. After that, you need to purchase the required amount of non-woven wallpaper. Please note that you need to pay attention to the specific lot number that is written on the roll. Even if the wallpaper is visually similar, if they have a different batch number, then the pattern may differ, as a result, there will be a slight imbalance in the room.

Alignment of walls with plaster on lighthouses

Next, you need to align the walls with your own hands. This is especially important if the wallpaper is wide and does not respond well to bumps. You also need to unscrew all the sockets, they will greatly interfere. It is critically important to insulate the wires, otherwise liquid can get inside the boxes. All walls are primed and thoroughly dried. Moisture can not only create conditions for mold, but also simply prevent the wallpaper from sticking well. So it should be avoided.

Glue selection

Not any type of glue is suitable for non-woven wallpaper. However, textile and vinyl also require their mixture. So different adhesives for different wallpapers are different. Be sure to consult a qualified seller in a specialized store, or at least carefully study the instructions for what this or that is intended.

The peculiarity of non-woven wallpaper is that they are saturated quickly, so you do not need to allocate some time for this, as is often the case when you take textile or vinyl wallpaper.

In general, individual mixtures may have various features and methods of application, so be sure to read the instructions after purchase, although it is clear that you do not want to do this at all.

Good french wallpaper glue

Before directly sticking non-woven wallpaper, you need to understand what is the basic principle of applying glue when sticking them, and only then start gluing. The peculiarity here is that ordinary wallpaper smear the reverse side of the material, and for non-woven ones it is necessary to smear only the wall. You need to smear lightly, evenly, you also need to press the material. The material is glued from the corner, from top to bottom. It is smoothed vertically with a wallpaper brush or roller.

Sticking sequence

In order for such wallpapers to be glued correctly, it is necessary to adhere to a clear sequence of actions.

Non-woven wallpaper ready for gluing
  1. First you apply an adhesive solution to the wall, then take the first strip of wallpaper and adjust it in height. Using the method convenient for you, measure the verticality of the sticker. If the wallpaper does not match a little from above or below, then it's okay, this happens when you glue the wallpaper with your own hands. They can then just be trimmed a little.
  2. Next, the material is very carefully smoothed out so that there is no air left under it. You need to try to get rid of all the bubbles that can only form under the coating.
  3. Then take a wide spatula and sharp knife. Using a spatula as a guide, it is necessary to cut off the excess wallpaper, and then glue them in those specific places where they are not glued well enough.

With high-quality work done, the joints of the canvases are not visible

During the implementation of all this, do not forget that it is impossible to create excessive draft or heat in the room. The room should be slightly ventilated, but not so much that it could negatively affect how the wallpaper sticks to the wall. Before directly gluing non-woven wallpaper, deal with the temperature regime.

A few tips on how to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly so that the gluing is done at the highest possible level.

Use of light wallpaper in the room
  • Don't forget to read the manufacturer's instructions for the specific wallpaper before installing the non-woven wallpaper. Although the non-woven solutions are quite similar, in some cases the gluing may differ slightly. For example, although it was previously written that it was enough to smear only the wall, some manufacturers recommend also smearing the wallpaper, as when you glue textile or vinyl options with your own hands.
  • Coat not only the surface of the wall where the wallpaper is directly glued, but also a slightly larger area. This will allow the edges to adhere better to the wall surface.
  • Wallpapers with a deep texture should be glued more carefully, it is best to press them with a wallpaper roller, which, moreover, should not be pressed too hard, otherwise the surface of the wallpaper can be deformed, then the roll will have to be changed.
  • When sticking wallpaper on the wall, excess glue may remain. You should not leave it, when it dries, it will not become 100% transparent, but leave unpleasant streaks. Take a damp sponge, and then gently wipe the place where the glue was applied. Try not to touch the wallpaper unnecessarily, do not moisten them. Although interlining does not wrinkle from a slight ingress of moisture, it is still better to protect it from water.

Just finished wallpapering

It is not so difficult to figure out how to glue non-woven wallpaper. The main thing is to clearly understand whether these wallpapers are really optimal in your situation, and not, say, textile or paper ones. After all, if you make an incorrect decision, then in the future it will be much more difficult to change something.

Re-pasting wallpaper, cleaning the surface with your own hands and spending money again is something that would be good to avoid. So what do you do right choice immediately - and there will be no problems in the future, non-woven wallpaper is very resistant and durable, therefore it will delight you for an extremely long time.

The guide will save you from many common mistakes and tell you how to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly: about gluing corners, marking walls, cutting wallpaper and gluing technology.

Non-woven wallpaper can be with or without a pattern. The second type will require additional coloring. Such wallpapers mask the imperfections of the walls well, are the most simple material for finishing.

Preliminary preparation of the room before pasting

At the preliminary stage, it is important to correctly calculate the required number of rolls. To do this, on each side of the room, you need to measure the width and height. When counting required amount rolls, it is important to add several centimeters to the length of the required web.

Note! You should buy wallpaper from only one batch number. This number is usually found on the roll label. Only rolls from the same batch number will definitely have the same shade and pattern texture.

Before wallpapering, the walls must be leveled, wallpapers wider than 50 cm are very sensitive to unevenness

Preliminary preparation of the room before wallpapering is. This fact is especially important for wide wallpapers, which are extremely intolerant of irregularities, especially at the joints.

Sockets and switches must be dismantled, wires isolated. Treat the walls with primer and be sure to dry. Protect the remaining furniture in the room, the floor and unused areas of space with plastic wrap.

Preparing corners for pasting

In the corners, the panels are glued with an overlap, so their irregularities are hidden

This process should be done at the stage of filling the walls. In the corners, you need to put special plastic corners that will be attached to the walls with putty. After the design is dry, you can start pasting. When pasting a corner, the wall is treated with glue, including the corner. The panel is glued with an overlap, experts do not recommend gluing the whole canvas into a corner. Because the corners are usually far from ideal and the formation of defects is possible. The overlap on the next wall should be small.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • you will need a roller to roll the edge
  • polyethylene film
  • plastic spatula
  • for glue bucket and roller
  • soft bristled brush
  • pencil and tape measure
  • plumb line
  • building level
  • glue designed specifically for non-woven wallpaper

The process of pasting the walls with your own hands

Stage number 1. Wall marking

When working with non-woven wallpaper, marking is necessary because the sticker is butt

Markup is recommended to start from scratch. Wallpaper on this basis has an excellent edge, the butt pasting method is used. Overlapped panels are glued in the corners. This is done in order to enable good further processing. If the width of the roll is 1.06 meters, then a meter must be set aside on both sides of the corner.

Initially, a vertical line is drawn with a pencil using a level or plumb line. From the drawn line with a tape measure, 1.06 meters are marked. So it is necessary to draw all the walls that are being prepared for pasting.

Stage number 2. Preparing the site and cutting the wallpaper

Make sure that the pattern fits together, flaws will be very noticeable with large ornaments

After marking the walls on the floor, you need to spread a clean polyethylene film. It will be needed as a place for rolling rolls. This is done by laying the wallpaper face down. When trimming the panel, it is important to take into account the pattern on the wallpaper.

If there is no drawing, then the place where the first piece will be glued is measured with a tape measure. Another ten centimeters are added. The roll is folded over the rolled part so that the edges match. First, the bend is carried out by hand, and then it is cut with a knife. Prepare wallpaper for pasting the entire room.

Prepared panels are folded into loose rolls front part down. Non-woven wallpaper is tolerant of such manipulations.

Stage number 3. Glue preparation

When diluting the glue, lumps should not be allowed to appear, they negatively affect the quality of the sticker

Wallpaper glue should be bought specifically for non-woven wallpaper. It should be diluted according to the instructions that are indicated on the package. Usually, glue is diluted according to this technology: water is poured into a bucket, glue is poured into it in a thin stream, it is constantly stirred. There should be no lumps, otherwise they will interfere with high-quality gluing. In order for the glue to become suitable, you need to let it stand for a while. It will be useful to insert a special plastic mesh into the bucket, which will help remove excess glue.

If you already had non-woven wallpaper,

Stage number 4. Applying glue and wallpapering the walls

Dip the roller in a bucket of glue, run along the grid, and then apply glue to the wall. Apply glue only at the rate of pasting one panel. The cloth should be glued on top. The canvas is taken by the edge and applied to the wall. Gradually lower the roll down, smoothing the wallpaper from the middle to the edges with a special brush or roller. You can also use a plastic spatula, but be careful not to damage the wallpaper.

Note! Wallpaper should be firmly pressed against the wall, there should be no bubbles inside or wrinkles.

Wallpaper always starts to glue from above, moving down, from the middle to the edges of the panel

When several canvases have already been pasted, then each subsequent seam of the wallpaper will have to be additionally rolled with a roller. The piece of wallpaper that remains below should be carefully cut off. It is recommended to do this after the wallpaper has dried. By the way, estimate that the plinth completely covers the place where the wallpaper is cut.

It is important! In many construction stores today wallpaper is sold in a meter width, which is non-standard for us. But the meter width has its advantages, because it simplifies the pasting process.
