Installation of plastic windows according to GOST - instructions. What are the rules for installing plastic windows? Guests for the installation of plastic windows

When buying a window, we plan that it will be able to serve properly for many decades. However, this is only possible if the window is properly installed. Almost all specialists have their own methods and secrets, but there are also special fixed norms - GOST and SNiP. It is the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST that can give the highest quality result.


Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST will guarantee its long and trouble-free service. Today, all types of work related to this area are regulated by four main standards:

  • GOST 30674-99. It contains general information on the issue and basic requirements for windows. The installation process itself is practically not mentioned in this GOST.
  • GOST R52749-2007. This standard focuses on the process of installing windows using vapor-permeable self-expanding sealing tape.
  • GOST 30971-2012. This document contains the most detailed information on the subject. It also contains exact requirements for window size, device parameters and joint filling materials, methods of fastening structures and similar information. It also describes the requirements for regulatory documentation, some warranty obligations of the contractor and general requirements for the performance of work. This standard was introduced at the beginning of 2014 and replaced the outdated GOST 30971-2002 for window installation.
  • SNiP 23-02-2003. The standard establishes the parameters of thermal protection of premises. Suffice it to mention that it requires the installation of a 3-chamber double-glazed window for most of the climatic zones of Russia and a 5-chamber one for Siberia.
The standards take into account the climate zone in which the plastic window will be installed.

All of the above regulations are valid, but not binding. The only exception was the various requirements, one way or another related to security.. Compliance with GOSTs only helps to achieve the highest quality of window installation.

Preparing for installation

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST is not much different in general terms from the usual installation of a PVC window. The main differences lie in the nuances and compliance with a number of requirements. The technology for installing plastic windows is as follows:


Before starting work, a number of measurements should be taken. The dimensions of the window are set as follows: the width of the window is the width of the window opening, from which twice the width of the mounting gap is subtracted (which will be on both sides), the height is similar. According to GOST, the minimum width of such a gap is 2 cm, and in calculations, an indicator of 2.5-3 cm is most often used.

When installing a window with a quarter, measurements are taken from the outside

If we are talking about installing a window in an opening with an outer quarter, then all measurements should be made from the outside. The width will be the distance between the quarters, increased by the size of the frame plant per quarter, which is from 2.5 to 4 cm. The height is determined in the same way.

Preparatory work

After the windows are manufactured and delivered to the customer, you should not immediately start work. It is recommended that you first prepare the room: clear the space by the window for convenient work, remove unnecessary things and furniture, close the walls and remaining objects with a film or thick cloth. The sashes are dismantled from the frame, the cavity of the support profile is filled with heat-insulating foam. The latter is recommended to be done a day before installation.

Particular attention should be paid to the opening itself - it must be cleaned of dirt and dust in advance. If there are noticeable irregularities, they are leveled with putty..


GOST stipulates two main types of window fastening. The first is made in the mounting plane - self-tapping screws are fixed directly through the frame. This option is used most often, but requires that the door leaves and double-glazed windows be removed from the frame in advance. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation in the opening.

Most often, self-tapping screws are used for fixing

The second option is based on the use of fittings built into the frame during production. You can mount the whole structure. It should be noted that its weight will be quite large, so the process will require some effort and skills.

Installation work

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST provides for one important point: the frame is not installed on a bare brick or similar base. Instead, small wooden blocks impregnated with mortars are placed. They will help in aligning the window.

After that, either a separate frame is placed on them, or the entire structure, which depends on the preferred type of fastening. For greater stability and reliability, the supports are left as part of the structure, and wedges are knocked out from above for fixing between the window and the wall. After that, similarly, the frame is attached from the sides. By controlling the process with a level, the frame is leveled, the adjustment is carried out by adding substrates.

Frame fastening, according to GOST, can be carried out through pre-drilled fasteners. You should start from the bottom, gradually moving up. To top it off, the structure is additionally checked for horizontality and all self-tapping screws and anchors are tightened.

Drain installation and window assembly

Most often, a special groove is provided on the outside of the window, into which a drainage system is mounted. GOST claims that during installation it must be foamed. If you need to create a more durable structure, the drainage is additionally fixed with screws.

Drainage is mounted in a special groove from the outside

Upon completion, it is required to conduct another control check of the entire structure: for strength, verticality and horizontality. After that, it remains to assemble the window. The assembly process takes place in the reverse order of disassembly: in the process, limiters, handles and other fittings return to their places.

Gap filling

Particular attention in GOSTs is paid to filling gaps. This procedure is almost always performed with mounting foam based on polyurethane foam. This material has been tested over the years, but still has a number of shortcomings. First of all, its environmental and UV resistance leaves much to be desired. That is why GOST standards prescribe the maximum insulation of all seams from all sides - this will avoid the destruction of the insulation, which can result in loss of tightness, fogging of windows and the penetration of cold from the street into the house.

The insulation procedure is as follows: from the inside, a waterproofing tape for PVC windows is glued around the entire perimeter. The tape must also have a vapor barrier property. A strip of foil is glued in the lower part, which will subsequently be under the window sill board. Similarly, they pass on the outside. Adhesive strip PSUL (moisture-resistant and vapor-tight). This membrane film is able to let steam out.

Installation of windows in accordance with GOST provides for mandatory waterproofing of gaps

Both of these materials are characterized not only by the fact that it is not difficult to find them on the construction market. They also differ in availability, that is, the final price of the work will not increase so much, but the quality will increase significantly. In addition, the structure mounted in this way will last several years longer.

To fill the gap when installing PVC windows according to GOST, the strips are slightly bent, and the surface is wetted from the inside. Apply the composition with a gun. The filler used is foam intended for use all year round. According to GOST, ordinary foam can also be used, but only at temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero. Given the conditions in most regions, such a seam insulation in Russia is of little use.

Window sill installation

At the last stage of work, the window sill is installed. This process is considered quite simple - it will only be necessary to fit and, if necessary, cut the finished window sill so that it fits perfectly under the frame. According to GOST 30971, the window sill is allowed to enter the walls at a distance of 5 to 10 cm. Pegs are used to level, after which the cavity under the board is sealed with mounting foam or mortar. Experts recommend during installation to make a slope of 1-2 degrees towards the room.

When installing the window sill, it is necessary to properly fit it in size

To decorate the window sill, plastic panels are used, which are attached to the initial profile with a clip. The platband, which is wound around the corner, is fixed with self-tapping screws, and covered with a decorative film on top. It remains only to put on the end caps and seal the seams with sealant.

Many construction companies interpret the GOST and SNiP standards as they want and can simply ignore them, and there is no need to say again what the wrong installation is fraught with. There are two ways out: either carefully monitor the installation process and immediately notice violations, or install windows in accordance with GOST on your own.

Mounting according to the standard

Installation of plastic windows involves following the standards in accordance with GOST. Homeowners do not always prefer to install windows according to all the necessary rules and regulations.

Scheme of installation of a plastic window.

Experts strongly recommend that all residents adhere to these rules, especially those who have office space, shops, and various public institutions at their disposal. Most buyers are sure that the quality and reliability of the entire structure depends on the profile. But besides this, assembly and, accordingly, installation play a key role. Sometimes the owners who hire specialists do not think about whether the installation will be carried out in accordance with GOST. The profile manufacturer always indicates that the assembly should be done in this way, but the master installers may not comply with these rules.

Scheme of installation of a plastic window.

Installation according to GOST is not mandatory. It's more of a recommendation. If home owners decide to install windows according to the requirements of the standard, it is necessary to invite qualified employees, preferably from a large construction company. An agreement is concluded with this company, which includes a certain clause, which indicates that the installation will be carried out exactly in accordance with GOST.

When buying, the seller must select a suitable profile that will meet specific conditions. The design must be checked for optimal air exchange and heat transfer, for the level of sound insulation, dust penetration, etc. As a rule, well-known supplier companies have certificates that window structures have passed the necessary checks. Accordingly, it is better to purchase goods from them.

Basic requirements during the installation process

It is important to take into account the fact that most problems with plastic windows occur if the installation is not done correctly. Therefore, if you decide to install plastic windows, you should not save on the installation process. Today in Russia there is GOST 30971-2002. The following rules are for correct installation. First of all, GOST indicates the types of profiles, as well as examples and various mounting options. During the installation process, it is important to follow certain rules: there must be no gaps, openings. This is necessary for insulation from the cold. Three seams are made in the places where the window is attached vertically and horizontally: inner, outer and middle. Moreover, in order to properly mount the window, you need to take into account the expansion of the plastic when heated.

Scheme of installing a window in an opening.

It must also be remembered that when choosing, one should be guided by sanitary standards and tightness standards. The optimum temperature and humidity level will directly depend on this. In order to find out such standards, it is necessary to consider the requirements of SanPin 21.2.1002-00, which spell out the norms for ventilation and heating in a residential area. If you do not follow these rules, there may be a risk of infection with fungus or mold, this may occur due to excessive levels of humidity.

It should be noted that installation in accordance with GOST is a guarantee of your safety and the favorable functioning of the window structure. In addition, installation according to the required standards provides a favorable microclimate in the house.

When mounting, the seams must be arranged in 3 levels. The first is able to protect the room from the penetration of precipitation, water. The second (inner) level must protect against the penetration of vapors. The third level is done using building foam. The standards also specify the types of walls, which also needs to be taken into account. All installation rules must be known. It is convenient to be guided by them both during the purchase and during the installation process. Once again, it is worth repeating that you should buy only high-quality, certified products. The seller must provide you with documents that contain all the technical features of the product.

Installation Requirements

The quality certificate must be awarded not only to the company that sells windows, but also to the one responsible for the installation. It is important that qualified specialists undertake the installation of the structure. The emergence and implementation of a certification system will bring business to a high level. Today, the buyer makes increased demands on the quality of structures and service in general.

Before installation, it is necessary to make all the necessary measurements, comparing them. It is important to know what loads the structure can withstand, the wind load is determined. From this it is concluded whether additional installation of a frame with metal plates is necessary. Some windows may let air through. In this case, frames are installed to normalize thermal insulation.

Window installation diagram.

It is important to carefully prepare the room before installation. It is necessary to remove all extraneous things in advance. Furniture is recommended to be covered with a wide cloth or film. Household appliances in the room must be isolated from dust. First, the sashes are pulled out and the frame is carefully removed. The opening must be free from unnecessary details, all slopes are checked using a level.

After the structure is delivered, it is necessary to separate the frame and double-glazed windows. The frame is inserted into the opening using special wedges. Then you should mark the frame and determine how it will be located in the opening. After the frame is fixed. To do this, use anchor bolts and screws. The double-glazed window is fixed with glazing beads. In order to correctly make all measurements, you will need a laser ruler. It is important that the entire structure is firmly fixed. There are certain rules for this, for example, the distance between fastener points should be about 70 cm. The distance to the fastener from the inner corner should be a maximum of 15 cm.

The structures of the walls are different. The choice of fasteners depends on the characteristics of the wall. Basically, fastenings are made using anchor bolts, anchor plates and self-tapping screws. The most practical way is to use anchor plates. It is important to correctly install the slopes that cover the opening between the profile and the wall. For installation, remove the remnants of the plaster from the old window, smooth out the bumps with putty.


  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • crowbar for pulling out old nails;
  • building level;
  • mounting foam and a construction gun to work with it.

Installation of plastic windows should be carried out only by experienced specialists, it is advisable to carry out installation, following all the requirements and rules of GOST. Companies that install plastic windows have quality control departments that you can contact if you have problems with installation.

Load more

Installing PVC windows in compliance with the rules given in GOST 30971, adopted in 2012, will allow you to significantly extend their service life, avoid glass fogging and protect window openings from moisture. How to install a plastic window according to GOST, and what materials to use for this, you can find out by reading our article.

For high-quality and fast work, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Perforator.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Drill driver.
  • Nailer.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Level.
  • Yardstick.
  • Pencil.
  • "Bulgarian".
  • Silicone gun.
  • Square.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Putty knife.
  • Slick.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • Pliers.
  • Tassel.

Depending on the type of window opening and window model, you may need additional tools not included in the list.

In addition to tools, to install a plastic window, you must have the following consumables:

    • PSUL - pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape. PSUL has a different thickness and width and is intended to hide the outer foam seam.

    • Vapor barrier tapes - needed to hide the foam seam indoors. Ribbons are metallized and fabric-based. Metallized tapes are used for “dry” finishing of a window opening (plastic slopes, drywall or PVC panels). Fabric-based vapor barrier tape designed for water-based finishing materials (plaster, gypsum, etc.).

    • Diffusion Tape- necessary as a lining under the window eaves. This tape has the feature of passing air, but not letting water through.

    • Window sill pad- This is a tape on a metallized basis, with a layer of insulation, it serves as a heat and vapor barrier.

    • Anchor plates- fasteners for the window, connecting the frame with the window opening. Anchor plates allow you to fix the window in the opening without through holes in the frame.

    • Self-tapping screws - fasten the anchor plates to the window.

    • Dowel screws - connect the anchor plates to the window opening.

    • Composition for priming- designed for surface treatment, at the place of gluing vapor barrier tapes.

    • wooden wedges- are needed for intermediate fixing of the window in the opening and setting the level.

    • Stand Profile- fastened from the bottom of the frame and serves as a stand for the window and fastening for the cornice and window sill.

    • Plastic window sill- comes complete with a window, but, if desired, can be replaced with window sills made of other materials.

    • Drain - rarely included in the basic set of plastic windows, usually ordered separately.

  • Polyurethane foam - used to fill the seams and as an additional fastener.

Preparatory work


If you need to dismantle the old window, do the following:

  1. Remove all doors from hinges.
  2. Dismantle the glazing beads and pull out the glass from the fixed sections of the window.
  3. Disconnect the trim, drain and window sill from the frame.
  4. Remove the mortar and mounting foam between the frame and the window opening.
  5. Using a grinder, cut off all frame fasteners.
  6. Pull the frame out of the opening.
  7. Remove the remains of mounting foam and mortar at the location of the frame.

Window preparation

Before installing a plastic window in the opening, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  1. Remove the window sashes from the hinges by knocking out the canopy rods with a hammer and screwdriver.
  2. Remove the double-glazed windows from the fixed sections of the window. To do this, you need to knock out the glazing beads from the mounting grooves, this can be done with a rubber mallet and a wide chisel, or a spatula.
  3. Attach the support profile to the bottom rail of the frame. When connecting the profile and frame, use PSUL as a gasket between them.
  4. Install anchor tape around the perimeter of the window. Tapes are screwed to the frame and support profile with screws. For ease of installation, bring the ends of the anchor tapes inside the room. Depending on the size of the window, from 2 to 4 fasteners are installed on each side of the frame.
  5. Glue the PSUL on the top and side posts of the frame so that the tape protects the outer seam after filling it with mounting foam.
  6. Stick the diffusion tape on the support profile on the outside of the window.
  7. To protect the inside of the seams, glue vapor barrier tape to the frame.

Installation of a window in the opening

After all the preparatory work, install the frame in the window opening:

  1. Secure the frame to the opening with wedges.
  2. Check the correct horizontal and vertical position of the frame with a level.
  3. Having set the frame in the correct position, through the holes in the anchor strips, mark the places for the dowel-screws.
  4. Having drilled holes with a puncher, fix the frame in the window opening on the anchor tapes.
  5. Using a brush and a primer, treat the places where vapor barrier tapes and PSULs are glued.
  6. Fill the space between the frame and the window opening with low expansion foam.
  7. After the foam dries, cut off the excess.
  8. Glue PSUL and vapor barrier tape to the window opening.

Installation of drain and window sill

  1. Straighten the diffusion tape and place the drain on it.
  2. Attach the drain to the pedestal profile using self-tapping screws.
  3. Cut the window sill in the shape of the slopes of the window opening.
  4. In the place where the window sill will be located, lay the metallized tape with insulation.
  5. Insert the window sill into the base profile and fix it with screws.
  6. Seal the gaps between the frame, drain and window sill with silicone sealant.

Final works

  1. Insert double-glazed windows into the window sections, securing them with glazing beads.
  2. Install the sashes in their places.
  3. Check the operation of the window handles and mechanisms.

The plastic window is installed, it remains to finish the slopes of the opening and then remove the protective film.

You can also view detailed instructions for installing a plastic window using GOST standards in the video:

Thus, the insulation must be somehow protected from the penetration of direct moisture or water vapor into it, and for moisture that has nevertheless got into the insulation, it must be possible to evaporate outwards so that the installation seam does not threaten any of the described problems. For this, special vapor barrier and waterproof vapor-permeable materials have been created, which we produce. The first ones are installed from inside the room and prevent the penetration of moisture contained in the room air into the installation seam, that is, to the insulation. The second is installed outside. These materials protect the insulation from the penetration of direct moisture (water) from the street. And also, which is very important, being vapor-permeable, they ventilate the inside of the assembly seam, allowing it to breathe. Thus, condensed water is removed from the seam, or water vapor that got there from inside the wall - (from its condensate plane). Stagnant processes inside the insulation are eliminated, figuratively speaking, it "breathes out". Such a mechanism of action of special materials to protect the main element of the assembly seam - insulation from the harmful effects of moisture.

However, moisture is not all that the insulation and the entire assembly seam can suffer from. Let us dwell on two factors that have the most critical effect after humidity.

In second place is ultraviolet solar radiation. This radiation destroys the insulation (polyurethane foam, used in almost 100% of window installations) in a very short period of time. So, in the southern regions of Russia, the process of almost complete destruction of mounting foam can occur in a couple of months. In the middle lane, it will take a year - one and a half, depending on the direction of the world, where the window structure is facing.

Conclusion - the insulation must be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The task is successfully solved by the same vapor-permeable waterproofing tape, which protects the insulation from direct exposure to water from the street.

In third place is the linear expansion (movement) of the window structure due to temperature fluctuations (thermal expansion). And such shifts are significant and can reach from 5 to 10, and in some cases even 15 percent of the width of the assembly seam itself! At the same time, the insulation does not suffer, since it is well resistant to deformation loads and, in addition, is glued to the wall and window frame. It is clear that the means of its protection must also be resistant to such colossal deformations.

Imagine if you apply a plaster mortar or a solid sealant - at what point will it collapse, or come off from the smooth plane of the plastic window frame? (GOST allows the use of certain types of acrylic sealants to protect the outer contour. These must be elastic (not completely drying), vapor-permeable materials with good adhesive properties). Here again, the same vapor-permeable waterproofing tape successfully solves the problem, since it is not afraid of shifts of 15 or even 30 percent.

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to completely free the window opening and the space next to it:

  • remove everything from the windowsill,
  • take down the curtains
  • free the approach to the window by moving the furniture at least 1.5 meters from the window.

Protect the room from dust and dirt by covering the floor and furniture with cloth or thick oilcloth.

For ease of installation, connect the 220V power supply through an extension cord, prepare garbage bags.

Dismantling the old frame

After the room is ready for the appearance of dust and debris, they begin to dismantle the old window frame.

The shutters are removed from the window. Remove window frames. If necessary, dismantle (knock down) slopes.

The old window frame is dismantled, and, as a rule, it is seriously damaged. If you wish to use old windows, for example in a country house, you should specify the option of keeping the old windows when ordering.

The old ebb, the old window sill is being dismantled.

PVC window installation

The sashes are removed from the plastic window, the double-glazed window is removed. A window frame is inserted into the prepared opening and fixed to anchor bolts or mounting plates. At the same time, it should be strictly observed that the frame should be level, and not along the opening (in houses there are often cases when the horizon line of the window opening is far from ideal, the frame should also be set vertically to the level). Otherwise, the window will not function properly.

The gaps between the wall and the frame are foamed with mounting foam. The foam performs both an insulating function and is a fastener. The overall result largely depends on the quality of this stage of installation. The foam must be applied evenly and fill all the recesses and cavities of the opening, and it is necessary to take into account the degree of expansion of the foam.

Installing a plastic window in most cases implies that a new window sill and a new ebb will be installed along with the new window. An exception is the case when repairs are being carried out in the apartment (house, room) and the window sill can be installed on its own.

If the mounted window opens onto a balcony (as in this case), then it is quite expedient and functional to install a window sill instead of a low tide (on the outside of the window).

If you have a good old tide, then you can save it for a new window, but in this case it will require restoration (restoration) - a paid service, the cost of which differs slightly from the cost of a new tide.

The window sill is cut out under the opening and attached to the window (to the stand profile). If the opening under the window sill is small, then it foams. Otherwise, laying or sealing the opening with mortar is necessary. When installing a window sill (window sill), it is controlled that it has a slope from the window within 5 degrees, and the overhang beyond the inner surface of the wall is not more than 60 mm.

When installing a window sill, it should be taken into account that its edges go beyond the finishing of the inner slope to a depth of at least 15-20 mm.

Advice: when choosing the width (depth) of the window sill, it should be borne in mind that the window sill is "recessed" by 2 cm under the window frame, so the width of the installed window sill will be 2 cm less)

All gaps between the window and the opening are filled with foam, and when it dries, they are isolated. The outer layer of insulation is designed to protect the insulation layer (which is the foam layer) from the penetration of moisture into it, as well as from the damaging effects of the sun.

So, the main part of the work is finished. However, there are not enough slopes for finishing the opening (which are both a decorative addition under which you can hide the mounting foam, and a functional element - increasing the thermal insulation and sound insulation of the window opening). Plastic slopes will give the window a finished look, besides, this is the best combination with plastic windows.

Installation of plastic slopes

Plastic slopes are installed on the same day with a window for panel and block houses and on the second day for Stalinist houses.

As slopes, either a Belgian sandwich panel (in the image) or German VEKA plastic slopes with removable casings is used.

The differences between the various plastic slopes are not significant, but you should be aware of them.

The Belgian sandwich panel can be installed at dawn (not at right angles to the window), which visually enlarges the window opening. The choice of VEKA plastic slopes is justified for a more accurate wallpapering with already installed slopes. Thanks to the removable casing, the edges of the wallpaper will be neatly hidden under it.

Advice: if you have a repair in your apartment, then it is better to install the architraves on the slopes from the Belgian sandwich panel after wallpapering yourself - it will turn out neater and prettier).

Installing window accessories

At the final stage, a double-glazed window is installed in the window frame and the sashes are hung. Additional accessories are being installed, additional fittings and components are fastened, such as: a stepped ventilator, a retainer, a mosquito net, blinds, etc.

The window is ready. Upon completion of all work, an act of acceptance and delivery of work is signed. In it, if necessary, the customer indicates his comments on the work performed, if any.

Almost immediately after completing all the work, the PVC window can be used. The exception is windows with large opening sashes, which are not recommended to be opened within 24 hours after installing the PVC window.

Plastic window functionality is much better than old wooden windows. If you follow the simple instructions for its care and operation, it will serve you forever.

Do not forget to remove the protective film from the outside of the PVC window!

According to GOST 30674 "Window blocks made of PVC profiles":
The removal of the protective film from the front surfaces of the profiles should be carried out after the installation of the products and the finishing of the mounting opening, taking into account that the duration of exposure to sunlight on the protective film should not exceed ten days.

If repairs are still underway in the room where the windows were installed, the protective film may remain on the product until they are completed. However, from the outside, the film should not be exposed to sunlight for more than 10 days.

The adhesive base of the protective film loses its properties when exposed to heat and UV and can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the plastic profile.

General requirements for installation according to GOST

GOST 30971-2002 “Mounting seams for adjoining window blocks to wall openings. General technical conditions” was put into effect by the order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation from 01.03.2003.

Due to the need to adjust the project documentation for design and construction organizations, the transition period for the development of GOST is set until 01.07.2003. The republics of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan joined the Russian norms.

What's new? The new norms bring a significant formalization of window installation and require numerous documents. Among them, it should be noted the need for each installation company to have “Instructions for the installation of windows”, approved by local authorities, the need to develop installation window assemblies for each facility under construction and the coordination of assemblies with the customer, it is recommended to analyze thermal fields, and it is also provided for the execution of delivery certificates - acceptance of window openings before installation, acts of hidden work and acts of acceptance of the completed installation of windows.

Of particular interest in the norms are the Applications:

  • Annex A (recommended) is drawings with examples of window installation;
  • Annex B (recommended) puts forward requirements for fastening windows in openings;
  • Annex B (mandatory) represents the actual requirements for the installation of windows as a whole and, in fact, is the main working document;
  • Annex D (recommended) describes the requirements for the method for calculating thermal fields (analysis of isotherms).

In general, Russian installation standards bring us closer to the standards adopted in Europe, and, in particular, in Germany.

GOST requires a large number of formalities from window companies and has more requirements for testing joint designs and materials used for them.

Formalization is justified by the fight against Russian negligence.

Testing of materials and seams as a whole is justified by the fact that until now in Russia there were no detailed standards for installation at all, there is no accumulated scientific experience in determining the properties of installation materials and the quality of seams. Of course, there is no need for the consumer to know all the provisions of this GOST, this is the responsibility of professionals.

Without delving into the subtleties, we can talk about three basic principles for installing windows, which you need to pay close attention to.

Three layers of seam seal

The content of the main part of the norms is devoted to the rules for filling the mounting gap between window blocks and openings according to the principle “tighter from the inside than from the outside”. Each mounting unit must have three layers of sealing: outside - protection from climatic influences, in the middle - insulation, inside - vapor barrier. You can use different materials for the outer layers and different mounting foams, but, in one or another design, these three termination planes must be present.

outer layer It is designed to protect the insulation layer from the penetration of moisture into it, and must have vapor permeability so that there is ventilation of the insulation through it. That is, the outer layer must be waterproof and vapor-permeable.

These requirements are due to the fact that when moisture penetrates into the insulation, its thermal insulation qualities fall. In the best way modern requirements for the outer layer correspond to PSUL (pre-compressed sealing tapes). These are special mounting tapes that are glued to the window frame before it is installed in the opening, and then, expanding, they fill all the gaps in the quarter in the opening.

With serious advantages: optimal building physics and technological simplicity, they also have disadvantages. It is convenient to use these tapes in new construction, when the opening has a good geometry. But when replacing windows in old houses, when the slopes are uneven, and even more so, plaster, their use is difficult. Another drawback is that plaster does not fall on PSUL.

In a limited form, it is possible to use silicone on the outside. In this case, certain rules should be observed: the thickness of the silicone layer should be half the width of the joint being filled, and the silicone should be glued only on both sides and work in tension, the rest of its sides should remain free.

Sealant can be used when insulating a mounting seam. Although it is not clearly spelled out in GOST, there is also no ban on its use, no matter how much supporters of mounting tapes would like. An example of the use of silicone outside and inside the room is shown on node A.14 in GOST 30971-2002. It is unacceptable, of course, as you can sometimes observe on objects, just anointing with silicone over the foam - this is an imitation of the protection of the seam, but not the protection itself.

Central layer- heat-insulating. Currently, polyurethane foams are used for its execution. It is best to use foams designed specifically for installing windows. Such foams evenly fill the seam and do not need to be trimmed after hardening. Other foams, after installation, hang in shreds from the side of the room, and they are cut off, breaking the protective outer crust.

The inner layer- vapor barrier. Its function is to protect the insulation (foam) from the penetration of moisture vapor into it from the side of the room. For these purposes, when plastering slopes, vapor barrier tapes are used, mainly based on butyl, as well as paint vapor barriers for moisture-resistant drywall. It is possible to use silicone according to the rules mentioned above.

No cold bridges

A mounting seam is a node where wall and window structures are docked, which have completely different properties, including in terms of heat engineering. And it is important to execute the nodes in such a way that there are no cold bridges on the window slopes.

Basically, the problem of cold bridges is the problem of single-layer wall structures that were used in houses of the past (solid brick, expanded clay concrete, etc.). In this case, the weak zone is the wall itself around the window frame due to its low resistance to heat transfer. An area with a surface temperature below the dew point appears on the slope. In this area, firstly, high heat losses occur, and secondly, condensate falls on it. If moisture condensation on the slope occurs frequently, then fungus (mold) may subsequently form in these places. The same applies to openings without quarters. In their absence, the danger of cold bridges seriously increases, and here one should carefully consider the heat engineering of the junction points.

An important recommendation - in the absence of quarters, use window frames with a minimum width of 130 mm. With a narrow window frame, high-quality sealing of the seam is difficult and there is a high probability of cold bridges. The options given in GOST with false quarters from the corners or from the casing are possible only if there is external plaster, and still remain problematic from the point of view of heat engineering.

If there is an effective insulation in the wall (mineral wool or non-combustible polystyrene foam), the window should either be in the plane of the insulation, or behind a quarter of the insulation. In walls where aerated concrete is combined with external cladding and brick quarters, as a rule, cold bridges also do not occur due to the good thermal properties of aerated concrete.

Fastening the window block in the opening

The specificity of plastic windows is that they have significant thermal linear expansion. That is, when windows are heated by sunlight, the bars of the box and sashes increase in size. As calculated values ​​of thermal expansion for white windows, 1.5 mm per 1 linear meter should be used, for colored windows - 2.5 mm per 1 running meter (the difference in thermal expansion is due to the fact that white window profiles heat up much less than colored).

In accordance with this factor, the window is fastened to the wall. The corners of plastic windows must remain free, the outer fasteners are placed at a distance of 150 mm from the inner corners of the frames. The remaining fasteners are placed around the entire perimeter with a pitch for white profiles of no more than 70 cm, for colored profiles no more than 60 cm. Fasteners are also placed near imposts at a distance of 150 mm from the corner. The gap between the box and the wall must be at least 15 mm. This is due both to the thermal expansion of the windows and to the fact that it is very difficult to evenly fill a thinner seam with foam insulation.

Bearing pads are placed under the lower corners of the box and under the imposts. The blocks are also placed from the sides as follows: if you look at the window from the inside, then with one rotary sash, the blocks are placed on the opposite side of the hinges at the top and on the same side as the hinges below. With two wings, four blocks are placed, respectively.

Schematic diagrams of the junctions of window frames to the walls

1 - window sill;
2 - foam insulation;
3 - vapor barrier tape;
4 - flexible anchor plate;
5 - support block under the window sill;
6 - plaster mortar;
7 - dowel with a locking screw;
8 - an insert made of antiseptic lumber or a leveling layer of plaster mortar (recommended only for the lower node);
9 - waterproof vapor-permeable tape;
10 - noise-absorbing gasket;
11 - drain;
12 - insulating self-expanding vapor-permeable tape (PSUL);
13 - sealant with a thin layer

1 - foam insulation;
2 - insulating self-expanding vapor-permeable tape (PSUL) or vapor-permeable mastic;
3 - frame dowel;
4 - sealant;
5 - vapor barrier tape;
6 - panel for finishing the inner slope;
7 - plaster leveling layer of the inner slope.

Thermal gaps must be taken into account especially carefully when designing large-sized glazing elements: when making bay windows, shop windows, glazing for the entire floor height. These are the three main principles for installing modern windows, although, of course, there are many nuances and subtleties that depend on different wall designs and on the materials used to seal the seam. And - as we said at the beginning of the article - the human factor is very important - the responsible and high-quality work of the installers.

When can windows be installed?

With the entry into force of Moscow law No. 42 "On silence", disturbing the peace of neighbors is an administrative violation. Carefully read our noisy work instructions in order to comply with the requirements in force in Moscow and the Moscow region in various buildings.

How much does it cost to install windows according to GOST

The cost consists of two components: the cost of work (hours) and materials.

The mounting seam will comply with GOST for the installation of windows, using both expensive and economical materials. The use of one or another will affect the phasing (duration) of work and the final cost of installing windows.

Video instruction for the installation of plastic windows
