Do-it-yourself fountains in the country (69 photos): easy and elegant. How to make an indoor fountain at home with your own hands? How to make a fountain from natural material

What could be the best decoration for your garden than a fountain? It is so nice to relax next to him on hot summer days, forgetting about the heat, worries and bustle of the city. Such a device can be purchased at the store, and specialists will install it. But it is much more interesting to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. In this article, we will tell you about how to make fountains from improvised means, which are sure to be found on your site.

Choosing the right place

In fact, the construction of a country fountain is a simple job, and does not require professional skills and expensive materials from you. But you will be able to realize the most daring design fantasies, and at the same time usefully use things and objects that have become unusable and take up space on your site, but it is a pity to throw them away. When creating such a fountain, you can use:

  • stones;
  • old tires;
  • gas cylinder;
  • bath.

First of all, before you make a fountain in the country, you need to choose a convenient platform for it. For simplicity, it is desirable that there be a source of water near this place. It may be natural, but it is technically more convenient for it to be water supply.

The next choice factor is the place where the fountain will be located, should be visible from anywhere in the summer cottage, and be located next to the recreation area. The building must not be an obstacle to other buildings.

For a fountain, choose a place in the recreation area that is close to a source of water and electricity

It is very important to position the fountain so that it is not in close proximity to plants that are harmful to excess moisture. Carefully calculate, according to the size of your site, the location of buildings, flower beds and fruit and vegetable plantings, and only after that make a decision about the size of the future fountain.

The shape of the reservoir for the fountain is better to choose strictly geometric. This best option for a small area. Please note that the jets must fall into the pond at a distance of more than 50 cm from furniture and nearby plants, otherwise you will lose both.

The direction of the jets will be determined by the type of nozzle, so choose according to your taste, but do not forget to consider the above. Consult with the seller, he will also help you in choosing electrical equipment that ensures the operation of the structure.

What do you need to get started?

First you need to learn a few basic rules and features of the construction process, as well as the nuances of choosing devices, tools and materials. There are two simple types of fountains that are easy to work with and are well suited for a summer cottage.

  1. An open fountain: in it, water is supplied to the nozzle, and the formation of jets is provided by a difference in the liquid level. It needs a container small size, which must be set 0.5-1 meter above the level of the nozzle. Since this type provides low water pressure, constant monitoring of the liquid level will be required. Such a fountain has disadvantages: water is quickly polluted with dust, dirt, etc.
  2. Fountain with a circular pump: the device sinks to the bottom and provides a constant circulation of water. It is not only the most practical option, it looks much more efficient.

Choose the right pump for your fountain

The pump is the heart of the fountain necessary equipment for proper functioning, so its selection requires attention. For the conditions of a summer cottage, it is better to choose among two types of pumps.

  1. Submersible (underwater) pumps. Their installation is carried out under water. Liquid is injected to the nozzle through the filter. It is better to place such a pump on a hill so that you do not have to clean the filters often. This device is inexpensive, easy to install, silent and has a compact size.
  2. Surface pumps are installed on land. The principle of operation is in the suction of water by the device and its supply to the fountain by forcing it through a hose through a filter. Such pumps are expensive, noisy during operation and difficult to install, but they are much more reliable and easier to maintain.

Please note: try to position the fountain so that the power supply is as close as possible: this will save you from unnecessary wires on the site or work to isolate them.

Stone magic: step by step

You can choose any shape and any type of fountain, but its construction will be carried out according to the same sequence of work performed:

  • pit preparation;
  • fixing the trench;
  • tank installation;
  • pump installation;
  • decoration.

If you decide to build a large fountain, you will need a foundation, and for a small structure there will be enough capacity - a cylinder or a bath. But be sure to provide an emergency drain at the edge of the surface to avoid overflowing water.

To make a pipeline, select plastic pipes: they are not subject to corrosion and are easily connected with a soldering iron.

Fountain of stones may require the creation of a foundation

And now let's start building a fountain of stones. To do this, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • flat stones and cobblestones;
  • gravel for drainage;
  • water pump;
  • waterproof bowl;
  • copper tube, coupler, PVC tube;
  • slats, planks to strengthen the fountain;
  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • scissors, pipe cutter;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key;
  • syringe for sealing seams.

First of all, dig a recess that will be 5 cm deeper than the level of the bowl, as well as a groove for the outlet. Pour 5 cm of gravel - it will serve as a drainage layer. Install the bowl, lay the PVC tube, connect them together. Fill the trench with soil.

Place the pump in the bowl, mark and cut out the outlets. Connect the bowl with the tube, pour gravel on the bottom, fix the pump. Lay slats and planks on top of the bowl to reinforce the fountain.

Lay the stones on top of each other and mark the places where the holes will be drilled. After the holes are drilled, string the stones onto the copper tube.

In order to decorate the fountain, fill the gaps with small pebbles, and the cracks with silicone glue. Now fill the bowl with water, connect the pump, adjust the pressure and enjoy the magnificent fountain!

Old bath as a base

Surely, after the repair, you still have an acrylic or cast-iron bathtub, which you decided to take to the country for now, and eventually figure out where to attach it. This time has come - make a fountain with a reservoir out of it.

For such a fountain you will need:

  • stones, cobblestones;
  • priming;
  • pump;
  • bath;
  • sheet of iron;
  • decor to choose from - sculptures, plants, lighting, etc.;
  • scissors for iron;
  • shovel;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • others, depending on the chosen decor.

You can find stones anywhere - in the field, by the river, even on own site; the main thing is that their shape is round or oval. Dig a recess according to the dimensions of the bath, install the bath and close all drain holes.

From iron, cut out wide inserts that will protect the recreation area from splashes. Lay them down and decorate with stones.

An acrylic or cast iron bathtub can be a great base for a fountain.

Cover the bottom with small stones. Set the backlight if you have provided it. After that, you can fill the bowl with water and finish decorating the fountain if necessary.

Please note: anything can act as decorative elements: plants in pots or planted in the soil, old dishes, buckets, figurines and figurines made of ceramics, thick branches of a tree. This a great opportunity show your imagination and practice landscape design.

There are many styles in which you can decorate your fountain: country, ethnic, antique, baroque. Even if your fountain is very small, focus on a figurine or an old vase: this will give the building a unique spirit.

Styles in which you can decorate the fountain

Waste wheels and gas cylinders: how to use them?

Old tires that will never serve their intended purpose again are perfect for making a fountain out of them with a small pond. One wheel is enough, the main thing is that its size matches your recreation area.

  1. Cut off the top edge of the tire with a jigsaw. It is enough to capture the bending area.
  2. Dig a hole so that the tire is halfway into the ground.
  3. Cement the bottom of the future fountain. You can use polyethylene film as a waterproofing. Level it properly along the bottom and fasten it to the outside of the tire.
  4. Run the water supply system and install the pump.
  5. Cover the inner walls of the wheel with paint. If you used cling film, then cover the bottom with a layer of gravel so that the polyethylene is not visible.
  6. Outside, on the wheel, you need to make a decorative coating of stones different sizes. They can be of any shape, but it is easier to close the protruding edges of the tire with large flat stones. Fix them with cement, and when it dries, fill the fountain with water.
  7. Approximately according to the same principle, you can make a fountain based on an old gas cylinder. You need to decide how to cut it into two equal parts - along or across. Dig one of these parts into the ground so that the edges protrude 5-8 cm above the soil level. The main steps are the same - water supply, pump installation and decoration. You do not need to cement the bottom, but the inside of the cylinder should be cleaned of possible rust and painted.

    Such a fountain will look great in a small area due to its size. And decorating elements for it will require less than for other fountains.

    Video about the construction of a fountain in the country with their own hands

    Now you know how you can use a fountain made with my own hands, to give the summer cottage a cozy and original look. Perhaps you know some other options for such structures, or you have experience in building them. Share with us in the comments. Easy work and happy spring days!

Sometimes, I really want to say a huge thank you to technological progress, for the fact that thanks to it on your own, you can turn dull country cottage area to a piece of paradise.

Not so long ago, it was possible to admire the fountain only in city squares or in parks, but today, it is enough to build a fountain in the country with your own hands and enjoy the splash of water at least every day. It is a common misconception that owning a fountain is expensive and difficult, as a rule, people who do not delve into this issue think so.

The most important thing is to cast aside all doubts and boldly take on the construction of a decorative fountain in the country.

But do not immediately grab a shovel and start digging a pit. Most milestone in the construction of the fountain is correct calculations, the choice of form and materials, and for this, first of all, it is necessary to figure out what fountains are and how they differ from each other.


If we talk about the complexity of construction, then a submersible fountain for a summer residence is the easiest option, with minimal cost. Its peculiarity is that the jet hits directly from the water. For that construction, the installation of additional technical devices is not required, it is enough to choose a spray nozzle that will form a jet and fix the hose from the pump.

Water will rise into the air and fall back. By the way, there can be several jets, if the power of the pump allows, which we will talk about below. By experimenting with nozzles, you can create various compositions from rising water that will harmoniously fit into any.


They are most often found in city parks and squares. The word "stationary" implies the presence in the design of the fountain of various decorative elements that act as a source of water.

In a stationary country fountain can be used:

  • statues.
  • sculptural compositions.
  • Any landscaping items.

The device of such a fountain is somewhat more complicated than a submersible one, but it also looks more impressive. Especially if you enter the composition, in general concept landscape design.

Interesting ! Stationary garden fountains made of polyresin are very popular today. This polymer material imitates a natural stone, but products from it are much cheaper.

Polyresin compositions are relatively light in weight and at the same time are completely not subject to deformation and decay.

Compositions of stones over which water flows are very stylish. To do this, a hole is drilled in the middle of the boulder, into which a hose is passed. At the same time, the source of water is not visible, and it seems that stones exude it.

"Falling Water"

This is a combined composition that combines a fountain and a waterfall. In this case, the fountain jet, rising, does not just fall back, but falls on a cascade of stones, along which it returns back to the reservoir.

There are few difficulties in building such a fountain in the country, it is much more difficult to achieve harmony so that the waterfall and fountain look like a single whole.

Of course, the listed species are far from full list what can be created on the site. Much here depends on personal imagination. You can even combine several types, creating an original composition that will become a key element of the country house landscape decor.

We build a fountain in the country

The type of fountain for the dacha has been selected, and you can go directly to work on the site, but it’s too early to take up a shovel again.

Popular wisdom says - measure seven times, cut once, and for the construction of such a structure as a country fountain, it is very relevant.

Choosing a place in the country

The choice of a place, as they say, is a master's business, but if you do not take into account all the nuances, as a result, instead of a beautiful summer cottage, you can get a fetid puddle with very undecorative frogs. To avoid this, several important factors must be taken into account:

  1. There should be no trees near the reservoir. Falling leaves will constantly clog the filter and may even damage the pump. A root system, sooner or later it will feel moisture and destroy the entire structure.
  2. Do not place a country fountain near the house or other buildings. Constant moisture and splashes adversely affect the facade and foundation.
  3. The prevailing wind direction in the summer cottage must also be taken into account. Having placed a reservoir on the leeward side, all kinds of garbage will constantly fly into the reservoir. Eventually most time, you have to do cleaning, and not enjoy the views of falling water.
  4. An open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area on which the sun constantly shines is also not suitable for a country fountain. At the height of summer heat water can disable the pump, and besides, flowering begins faster in it. Light and shadow should alternate evenly throughout the day.

As you can see, pick up in the country perfect place, it’s not so simple, but it’s better to do it now, when conditions can be created artificially, than later to suffer with a failing and rotten reservoir.

Choosing a bowl for a country pond

In this matter, a lot depends on the type of fountain chosen and the size of the reservoir. In order to make a mini fountain in the country with your own hands, the easiest way is to use ready-made bowls made of plastic or composite. IN construction stores you can find many various forms and colours.

Advice ! When choosing a bowl for a reservoir in the country, it is better to give preference composite materials, since they do not have thermal deformation.

In order not to disregard the topic with country mini fountains in a plastic bowl, you can watch the video

But if a pond with a large fountain is planned at the dacha, then the bowl will have to be made by hand. The process, of course, will be much more complicated, but on the other hand, as a result, you can get exactly what was intended, and not what was offered in the store.

Because, independent production bowls, more difficult than installing a finished one, a little later we will dwell on it in more detail. But the choice of elements for the fountain in the country has not yet been completed.

Choosing a pump for a country fountain

Unlike a country waterfall or artificial stream, where you just need to raise the water through the hose to a certain height, the pump for the fountain must also push the jet to the desired height.

People with a technical education may well apply the necessary formulas for the calculation, and for the humanities and just lovers of country landscape design, we will present several tables that will help you make the right choice.

Fountain with cascade nozzle:

Required jet height. cm

300 or more

25 or more

8000 and more

Fountain with a nozzle "bell":

Required bell height. cm

Optimum hose diameter. mm

pump performance. l/h

Meter or more

25 or more

6000 and more

Fountain of "geyser" type:

The required height of the geyser. cm

Optimum hose diameter. mm

pump performance. l/h

80 and over

25 or more

7000 and more

We make a pond in the country

Well, it's time to take up the shovel. According to the previously made markings, a hole of the required size is dug.

Important ! The depth of the pit should be approximately 50 cm more than the depth of the planned summer cottage.

The banks and the bottom are compacted with cotton shovel. Then again there is a choice. A street fountain for a summer residence can be made:

  • In a concrete bowl. Then, a drainage cushion is poured onto the bottom, a flexible formwork is installed and a concrete solution is poured.
  • In a “lightweight” bowl, for a country fountain, it is more optimal, since they will not bathe in it, reinforced walls are optional. To do this, small pebbles mixed with sand are poured onto the bottom, and the entire pit is covered with dense polyethylene. The laid film is fixed along the banks with stones, and the bottom is lined with them. The bowl is ready and must be filled with water and checked for leaks.

Important ! All stones used in the “lightweight bowl” must be river stones, that is, rounded and without sharp edges, so as not to tear the film.

A pump is placed at the bottom of the reservoir. As a rule, they have a decent weight, and there is no need to fix them. A spray nozzle is put on the pump outlet hose, and now it must be firmly installed in the desired position.

Some models of fountain pumps in the country are already sold as a set, with special spacers, but if they are not there, you can simply clamp the hose with several stones, but in such a way that it does not press, and nothing interferes with the free passage of water.

Before proceeding with decorating, the operation of the pump must be checked and the fountain adjusted.

Decorating a country fountain

There are practically no restrictions on this issue. Complete freedom of imagination. And if polystone compositions were chosen for the fountain in the country house, then it does not need additional decoration at all. Such fountains are more concise and less demanding in care.

And when creating a reservoir with a claim to naturalness, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. The stones in the country fountain should be one, maximum two people. There are no places in nature with a heap of stones different colors and forms.
  2. Plants for the fountain should be selected especially carefully. They should not be afraid of being hit by water jets. It is better not to use bright coastal flowers, but to give preference to those for which water is a natural habitat.
  3. If it is decided to settle fish in the fountain in the country house, then they should calmly endure the falling water and its noise. Some fish that live in lakes and rivers get nervous when they hear splashes.


In addition to plants, stones and fish, multi-colored lighting is often used in decorating a country fountain. These can be solar lanterns along the banks, which gain energy during the day and then give it away all night, or special waterproof lamps that can be installed directly on the bottom of the reservoir. This decor looks very impressive.

Can also be used led strip, they are installed along the banks, emphasizing the contours of the fountain. The soft glow of small diode lamps does not look intrusive, but it is enough to illuminate in the dark.


Having examined in detail the question of how to make a fountain in the country with your own hands, it becomes clear that there are not as many difficulties as it might seem at the very beginning. And the presence of such an element of decor on your own site will transform it beyond recognition.

Beautiful is not always a synonym for the words expensive and difficult.

What gardener does not dream of a beautiful fountain on his site? Not everyone decides to build this miracle, because the question immediately arises of expensive equipment, materials and remuneration for installers. It is hard to imagine, but everything is much simpler and any owner can build a fountain in the country with his own hands at minimal cost. Is it so? We can answer this question together.

What is a decorative fountain

Fountains, which we can see in private courtyards, in cottages and in the garden, are arranged according to the same principle. This water structure should consist of:

  • A pump connected to a water supply device and an electrical network or an electric generator;
  • Containers from which water is supplied and where it returns;
  • Waterproofing and decorative materials.

Before buying everything you need and starting work, you need to consider the place, decor and size of your future fountain. For a small stylish fountain, a container and an overflow system are enough, and if you want to arrange a large stationary fountain in the garden, you may even need a foundation.

Ceramic, wooden and stone sculptures are popular today for decorating small home fountains. Figures of children made of ceramics, drawing water in a small well, look cute and cozy.

The fountain looks very interesting, shimmering from clay jugs, in composition with boulders or elements of old wood. Such a fountain can decorate a garden in a vintage or rustic style

Video master class on creating a garden fountain

Where can you build fountains

And the first step after the decision to create in the country decorative fountain there must be a careful choice of location. There are some things to consider here important features your site. Here are some tips from the experts:

Tip #1- you should not build a garden fountain with your own hands under the very trees. The problem of debris and falling leaves will become permanent. Growing roots can also cause trouble, which often destroy artificial reservoirs and decorative buildings.

Tip #2- small open hill - the best place For garden fountain. Here, its beauty will be clearly visible, and care will be much easier.

Tip #3- in windy places there is no place for fountains, otherwise water splashes will cause dampness and all subsequent troubles.

Tip #4- the constant sun in the summer can ruin your decorative fountain. Overheating for the pump and other parts is not desirable. In addition to this problem, constant heating of water causes it to bloom and evaporate.

You can build a Chinese-style fountain yourself using this scheme. The jet of the fountain flows down a bamboo tube into a smooth bowl on a stone. The water of such a fountain is protected from pollution, since the pool itself is hidden underground, sealed and masked with a galvanized mesh and small decorative stones.

Shapes and sizes of decorative fountains

The most simple design- a shallow fountain with an overflow system or a small pump. It is these water attractions that are being built in summer cottages. Optimal choice for giving - a bowl of a fountain from a plastic basin. The form here can be any. On request, you can even purchase oval, square or curved plastic bowls.

A miniature fountain in the style of an old well looks original and unique. The fountain itself is made with an imitation of an old tap, and the bowl is presented in the form of an old wooden trough

Decorative elements of homemade fountains

More and more fresh ideas arise from the owners of garden plots to decorate their possessions. As fountain decorations, decorative stones and tiles, glass, garden sculptures and many hand tools. So, you can decorate the fountain plastic bottles and glass containers, old dishes, decorated bicycles and car tires. Consider the most popular decorative elements:

  • Fountain stone. With wild stone, sea pebbles, marble and gravel, you can lay out the walls and bottom of the fountain bowl, decorate the place around it and create various stone figures. A fountain built from a pyramid has become popular today flat stones or pebbles.
  • garden sculptures. Fountain pottery has always been in demand. There are ready-made decorative fountains made of sculptures, but you can adapt the fountain to such works of art on your own. garden figures you can just decorate the place next to the fountain.
  • Evening illumination. The multi-colored lighting for the fountain looks spectacular in the evening. You can run some waterproofing light bulbs or buy a ready-made illuminated fountain.

A very simple and beautiful fountain with a dissecting nozzle can be built in conjunction with a wild stone waterfall. This composition looks stylish and natural.

Secrets of the correct installation of equipment

The main detail in the country fountain is a high-quality water circulation system. It includes a pump, filter and hoses for suction and discharge of water.

When choosing a pump for a garden fountain, you need to take into account its power, which directly depends on the volume of pumped water. The desired strength of the fountain jet is also important. If you are planning a small fountain in the country, then you just need to choose a pump that will pump up to 1000 liters. at one o'clock.

The power of the pump and its ability to pass a certain amount of water must be selected depending on the volume of the fountain bowl, the height and the desired jet strength. For small fountains in the country and in the garden, medium power units are suitable

The filter is an indispensable thing for home fountains. The water from the fountain bowl gets back into the system already with some impurities. If you buy a system without a filter, the pump and other elements will quickly fail.

Pumps are submersible (in water) and surface (above the water level). The principle of their operation is not too different, there are only slight differences in the design of the system. Submersible pumps are more often used for arranging small fountains, and above level units can also be used to create waterfalls.

Modern European design the fountain at the entrance can be provided with wide tiles in coffee tones. To give water jets a spherical shape, special decorative nozzles for fountains are used.

It is important to clean and winterize garden fountains in time. To do this, the water is drained, all elements are cleaned and they are hermetically covered during frosts.

Step by Step Guide to Building a Garden Fountain

In an original and simple way, you can create a decorative fountain in the country with your own hands between the flower beds in the garden in the form of a small spring. Need for such a structure: some sand, zinc mesh, a few stainless steel rods, waterproofing material, decorative rock, plastic container, shovel, level and the fountain system itself.

Having chosen a suitable place, you need to dig a round hole 40-50 cm deep, with a side gutter around. The total diameter of the pit is approximately 130 cm. The inner recess should correspond to the size of the container for the fountain bowl

The bottom of the dug hole is well compacted with sand. As a bowl for the fountain pool we use plastic container. We fill it with water and set it on the bottom of the pit. Be sure to level the position of the bowl of water at the bottom of the dug recess

We fall asleep and tamp the wet sand around the installed font. The edges of the water container should be 5-8 cm above the sand level, and the container itself should be filled with water so that 3-6 cm remain to the edge

For a fountain, you need to dig a round hole, put a container with water and a fountain inside in the center. Fill around and compact the sand well, cover the device waterproofing film, rebar and mesh top. Now you can decorate the fountain, not forgetting about the preliminary check of the pump. For decoration, choose stones or sea pebbles of different sizes and colors.

Now you can install our fountain in the water and check working condition pump. Electrical cable must be taken to the side and connected to the electrical system or generator

So that debris and sand do not begin to penetrate into the bowl over time and render the system unusable, the edges of the container can be laid out with wooden scraps of a flat board

We cut out a circle from sealed fabric, the size of which should be equal to the diameter of the pit. We cut strips from the center of the circle to form an inner circle for the fountain bowl. The resulting edges of the film are lowered into the font

Such a fountain-spring will effectively decorate a small area. It is easy to clean, put away for the winter and quickly fix damage.

For shape and balance, we lay out several reinforcement bars and cover them on top with a fine galvanized mesh. The smaller you get the grid, the smaller stones can be used for decoration

And the most enjoyable stage of this exciting business is decorating a homemade fountain. You can use smooth boulders, wild stone or sea pebbles. Lay small stones on the grid, and mark the fountain itself and its circumference with large boulders

A country fountain is an opportunity to enjoy the light noise and breeze of water on a hot day or get a portion of romance while sitting on a small bench by the water in the evening. Are large waterfalls and fountains too troublesome for you? Then be sure to build a miniature fountain in the country with your own hands, the device of which will take only a couple of hours. We wish you new unique ideas and successful implementation!

Having made indoor fountain with your own hands at home, you can not only save a fairly large amount of money, but also purchase useful decoration interior. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the symbol of Water, placed in the northwestern part of the dwelling, provides prosperity to the family. A babbling brook, a cascade of waterfalls or another form of a fountain can become an excellent personification of the moving elements in the house.

Small decorative cascades for decorating the interior should be made taking into account the fact that there is nowhere to drain the constantly arriving water at home. This means that the amount of liquid that is in the system must be constant. To comply with this requirement, the fountain installed in the room must be made working in a closed cycle. In this case, water will be collected in storage capacity. The pump installed in the system must lift it up to top point structures, from where the liquid will pour out, again falling into the tank.

In order for a thin stream to flow down, drip or beat up beautifully, decorative obstacles should be made of shells, stone, shards or other objects on its way. In ancient China and Japan, specially trained craftsmen built a channel for a stream so that it murmured beautifully. The tuners of the "music of water" created real masterpieces from ordinary pebbles, laying them in such a way that cascades with depressions formed into which drops and streams fell, producing the noise characteristic of a stream or waterfall.

What to prepare for work?

To create a mini fountain, you need to choose the right pump. Its power depends on the height to which you need to lift the liquid. This value is dictated by the dimensions of the structure and is determined individually. If you want to make a fountain with your own hands so that the jet of water shoots up, it is better to buy a pump with more power and a regulator. To assemble a small tabletop cascade, an aquarium water filter pump is enough.

Before you make a fountain with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a tank into which water will flow;
  • silicone tubes;
  • waterproof glue;
  • materials for decorating the product.

The bowl of the reservoir must be capacious. In addition to its direct function - collecting the liquid circulating in the system - it will also serve as the basis for a composition made of stone or other materials. Some of them can be placed directly in the container.

What if there is no pump?

A low-power pump that can raise water to a height of about 20 cm can be made independently. For this you need:

  • a motor from a children's toy, camera or other, protected from water;
  • batteries (from the phone or finger);
  • charging connector if using a mobile phone battery;
  • LEDs - optional;
  • switch of any type;
  • electrical wires;
  • plastic gear;
  • small round container (aerosol cap, plastic bottle);
  • waterproof adhesive.

From a gear from an unnecessary mechanism, make an impeller for water supply: fit the wheel to the diameter of a round container, glue 4 pieces of plastic crosswise on the shaft: fig. eleven). Drill a hole in the bottom of the tank for the motor shaft, and in the side for water. Drive the motor shaft inside the tank, glue the motor housing to the bottom of the pump tank from the outside, and fix the impeller on the shaft inside (2). Cut off a piece of plastic, make in it small hole, seal the open part of the pump housing. Attach a tube to the hole in the side and seal the connection (3). Lead the wires to the motor and carefully insulate the connection, protecting it from water. Any sealant will work for this.

To install the connection of the motor to the power supply, use the diagram (4). It is important to remember that the batteries must be inaccessible to moisture. You can attach them to outside pool, glue the switch here.

You can include a resistor in the circuit to adjust the speed of rotation of the motor or LEDs for decorative lighting.

Assembly Method

A homemade or purchased pump must be attached to the bottom of the tank (storage tank). Its depth should be such that the pump is completely submerged in water. You can hide the pump in different ways: place a mesh cover on top of it, on which pebbles or shells representing the bottom of the reservoir will be laid, or hide it inside a large decorative element. One of the design options - a dry fountain - provides for a completely hidden surface of the water in the reservoir. To do this, you need to lay a grate on top of it and fix the stones. The water will pass through the stones into the container without forming a visible pool. Rice. 2.

How to make a mini fountain in an apartment with your own hands from ceramic pots (Fig. 3), a small master class will tell:

  1. 1 Prepare 2 ceramic pot and 5 pallets (2 large and 3 small). Cover them with waterproof varnish, drill a hole for the tube in the center of 1 larger and 1 smaller pallet. Make cuts on the edges of the pallets to drain water.
  2. 2 Install the pump at the bottom of the tank, following the diagram in the figure. Close it with a large pot, and bring the tube through its drainage hole and drilled holes in the pallets to the very top of the structure.
  3. 3 Place a smaller pot next to it and attach the tray to it. The next tier consists of 2 small pallets (one is upside down and serves as the base for a bowl from the other). Pallets should be placed so that the holes sawn into their sides allow water to overflow from one to another, forming a cascade.
  4. 4 Decorate a fountain, assembled with your own hands from the most simple materials, beautiful pebbles, plants and shells, figurines of aquatic animals or birds.

Such a miniature reservoir can be put on the table or given a special corner among indoor plants. Overflowing water will not only enliven and decorate the composition, but also allow you to slightly moisten the air.

Waterfalls in the room

Stylish and fashion decoration interior - a vertical waterfall (Fig. 4). Making this kind of indoor fountain with your own hands is not much more difficult to make than a desktop mini fountain. The only difference is the power of the pump for such a large structure. When looking for a pump, you need to pay attention to the fact that the height of the rise of the water column is at least 1.8-2 m. This will make it possible to arrange water wall or a stream originating under the ceiling of a room.

Before you make a home waterfall, you need to waterproof the floor in case the tank leaks. For this it can be used polyethylene film. It is advisable to close with it a section of the floor 15-20 cm larger than the perimeter of the future structure.

For the panel on which the water will flow, you will need:

  • thick glass or mirror;
  • bars 5x5 cm for support posts;
  • boards for the base of the top cover;
  • plastic pipe with a diameter of 2 cm for distributing water over glass;
  • a bar or thick board for the latch step.

The device of the fountain supply system is the same as discussed above.

On top of the fountain tray, you need to install and fix a board with an emphasis to fix the glass in a vertical position. Knock down the frame from the support bars and the crossbar from above. The horizontal bar of the top cover can play the role of the crossbar.

A piece of plastic water pipe, the length of which is equal to the width of the glass panel, is drilled in one line along the axis. The holes should not be spaced too far apart to give the impression of separate trickles. Plug one end of the sprinkler tube, fasten it to the top cover bar. Set backlight if needed.

Place the glass panel vertically, resting the lower edge against the step of the latch. Attach the side parts to the support bars with liquid nails. In order to prevent water from spreading outside the panel, it is necessary to glue sides made of strips of glass, wood, and plastic on its edges.

Install the pump in the pan, run the water supply tube up to the open end of the distribution pipe. Connect, seal the connection. Attach the front part of the top cover. Make a decorative finish for a home fountain with your own hands to your own taste. Through the many holes in the sprinkler pipe, water jets will fall on the glass and flow down it into the pan, creating the illusion of a falling stream.

Materials for decorative finishing of indoor fountains, made by hand in a desktop or floor options, can be found in pet stores (colored soil, castles, shells, ships in the aquarium department). Flower shops sell bamboo plant supports and beautiful containers. In the souvenir departments you can find artificial bonsai, figurines of birds and animals.

There is nothing more pleasant than to relax after a hard day under the quiet splash of water in a man-made stream. The decorative functions of the fountain are perfectly combined with its main purpose - to humidify the air in the room. In addition to the jets of pouring water, you can make live indoor plants.

The fountain decorating the summer cottage is very bright design solution, which will help increase the level of moisture in the air and improve the climate on the site. Anyone who values ​​​​rest in the country, but cannot afford significant costs for ennobling the territory, may well build an interesting element of decor with his own hands, while spending a minimum of money.

This reservoir can be absolutely arbitrary in shape, appearance, and created from various improvised means. Do-it-yourself construction can be built from wooden blanks, buckets, clay products, old vases that are unnecessary in everyday life. For creating water device stones arranged in the form of an exotic dome shape are suitable.

Helpful information

In order to create a fountain in the garden with your own hands, it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Moreover, the design can be created from improvised, often unnecessary elements in everyday life. The only thing you need to spend money on is a quality pump.

A beautiful fountain, which will amaze with its splendor, can become a rare masterpiece if you get a special configuration and have a kind of decoration. The photo shows a variant of the country fountain.

Where to begin?

Pond in the country - a design to create, which you need to know a few simple rules, take into account some of the nuances of materials and mechanisms. Those who have never encountered the creation of a fountain are required to build one of the types of water structures tested in practice:

  • Open pond. Water is transferred to the nozzle element, and jets are formed using different levels through which the liquid passes. To build this design, you need a container that is mounted one meter higher than the level of the nozzles. Giving preference to such a structure, it is required to constantly monitor the water level, because the water pressure can be very weak.
  • Fountain with water circulation. For the construction of such a design, a pump is required, which is placed on the bottom to provide permanent job water circulation. Such systems impress with their appearance and are more practical because the water is not polluted by dust. The photo shows a version of the circulating fountain.

Selection of pumping equipment

For a spectacular presentation of the fountain to others, the structure is equipped with a pump. This equipment selected depending on the desired height of the water structure. The power and performance of the pump depends on this indicator.

The first factor is selected depending on the size of the bowl. The larger the capacity, the more powerful the pump must be so that it has time to remove excess moisture from the drainage. The distance from the pump to the sprayer also plays an important role: the larger this indicator, the higher the power of the pumping equipment.

To connect pumping station use special waterproof connections that operate through a step-down transformer or recharge from a conventional power supply.

Water consumption

This important characteristic, since the correct functioning of the reservoir in the country depends on this. These figures range from one to one hundred and fifty liters per minute. It is very important that desired system water intake was formed by one of the following methods:

  • From central system with further ejection of water into the bowl of the water structure.
  • From the central artery with the discharge of fluid into the collector.
  • From a natural pond with a further release of water back to the source.
  • Using a pump, water is circulated through the water structure.
  • Using a pump that takes water from a separate bowl and then discharges it back into the tank.

Making your own fountain design

After selecting and installing all necessary elements reservoir proceed to decorate the structure. Of course, the design of the structure must be determined initially. After all, this affects the choice of location for the structure, its type, the purchase of a pump and the method of supplying water. The classic view of the fountain is represented by a small sculpture, which is located on the side or in the center of the structure. This option is shown in the photo. Such a design in the country will decorate a large area, immersed in shady alleys.
