A garden scarecrow is a useful garden decoration. Master class "Scarecrow Garden Scarecrow to the cottage in the form of death

In anticipation of the harvest, after planting, the owners of household plots should take care of its safety. Quite often, in the absence of legal owners, gardens and gardens are visited by feathered "pests", who immediately arrange a feast. Therefore, many resort to the help of a "garden protector" - a garden scarecrow.

Why put a scarecrow in the garden?

There are many methods of dealing with feathered guests, but the safest and most environmentally friendly- is to install a scarecrow in the garden.

Now it is difficult to say who was the first to put a frame in the garden, and then put unnecessary clothes on it. It is believed that this tradition has a connection with paganism, when people needed to scare away or appease evil spirits.

Over time, the appearance of the scarecrow has undergone significant changes. At present, the garden "guardian" serves not only to scare away feathered guests, animals, but also is the subject of decor for the backyard.

Making the perfect garden scarecrow

It will not be difficult to make a garden "guard" on your own, even a child can do it. It is only necessary to show a little ingenuity and imagination to create a "defender".

How to make a scary garden scarecrow with your own hands:

Before you start making a scarecrow, you need to know what birds are afraid of:

  • Of blue color. In nature, this color is quite rare, birds do not have time to get used to it and bypass those places where it is present;
  • Noise, cod, loud sounds;
  • Shiny and moving objects.

Scarecrow Kuzya fabric


  • Unnecessary shirt and trousers (preferably blue);
  • Headdress;
  • Gloves or mittens;
  • Fabric bag to create the head;
  • Straw for stuffing;
  • Needle and thread;
  • markers;
  • Leg-split;

REFERENCE: If you put a bird on the shoulder or head of a stuffed animal, this will become an additional protection from a flock of birds.

  • Two CDs;
  • Stuffed bird or balloon.


  1. Creating a framework. To the pole at around 1.7 meters, nail the crossbar across. It will become the basis for the shoulders and arms;
  2. Head making. Stuff a cloth bag with straw to shape the head;
  3. Put your head on a pole and tighten the edges of the bag;
  4. Face shaping. Using a marker, draw eyes, nose and mouth;
  5. From the straw, form a hair and fix it on the top of the head with pins;
  6. Put a shirt on the crossbar and stab it;
  7. Fill the sleeves and the rest of the space with straw;
  8. Sew up the edges of the sleeves and shirt so that the stuffing does not come out;
  9. Sew stuffed gloves to the sleeves;
  10. Pass a rope through the discs and tie it to gloves so that they scare away feathered guests with their brilliance;
  11. Fill trousers with straw;
  12. Tighten the edges of the trousers with twine, sew the top to the shirt;
  13. It is not necessary to fasten the bottom of the trousers, they should easily develop in the wind and give the impression of movement;
  14. Attach a hat with a stuffed bird or a balloon on your head.

The ideal garden scarecrow with your own hands:

Scarecrow Dusya from plastic bags


  • Flesh-colored tights or stockings;
  • polyethylene bags;
  • Drink cans;
  • Twine, pins, thread with a needle;
  • Nitron;
  • Black tow;
  • Color markers;
  • Scotch;
  • A two-meter pole and a meter crossbar;

REFERENCE: To create a costume, you need to choose voluminous packages so that they make a lot of noise.


  1. Creating a framework. To the pole at around 1.7 meters, nail the crossbar across. It will become the basis for the shoulders and arms;
  2. Head making. Stuff a nylon stocking with threads, nitron, rags made of fabric. Do not use straw as stuffing, as it can break through the nylon;
  3. Put your head on a pole and secure the bottom with twine;
  4. Face framing. Draw eyes, nose, mouth with colored markers. Make eyebrows from black tow;
  5. Make hair from tow and fasten it on the top of the head with threads or pins;
  6. Make a bow out of the blue bag and fix it on the crown;
  7. Sleeve manufacturing. Put polyethylene bags on the crossbar with the open edge to the sides glued to the middle. Wrap the edge with tape to fix the bag on the frame. The second edge should develop and scare away feathered "pests";
  8. Put on a T-shirt or a blouse with short sleeves on Dusya;
  9. Stuff a T-shirt with nitron;
  10. As a skirt, use bags of multi-colored polyethylene. First, tape a long petticoat to the pole. Fix the short second skirt on top of the first;
  11. Attach tin cans to Dusi's hand by tying them with twine.

Video master class how to sew a scarecrow:

Scarecrow "Karkusha"


  • Black polyester fabric;
  • Children's black shorts / breeches;
  • Knee-highs in black and yellow;
  • Nylon stocking black;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Black tow or linen;
  • Black nitron;
  • Glue, twine, thread, pins;
  • Black market;
  • branches;
  • Pole - 1.5 m and crossbar - 0.5 m.

Creative flying scarecrow cry:


  • Cut a square from the fabric with sides of 50 centimeters;
  • Cut a hole in the center so that it is convenient to put on a pole;
  • Cut the edges of the fabric into ribbons five centimeters long;
  • Put the fabric on the crossbar to make triangles in front and behind;
  • To give the silhouette volume, fill with nitron, and sew the edges (up to the cut ribbons) with threads or fix with pins;
  • Tie tow or linen to the edges of the crossbar, they will serve as an imitation of bird wings .;
  • The head will be a nylon stocking stuffed with black nitron;

REFERENCE: Long tow develops better.

  • Put your head on a pole and fix with twine;
  • Cut out eyes for Karkusha from foam, glue them;
  • Cut out the nose from the foam and glue it with quick-setting glue;
  • Draw pupils with a black marker;
  • Make a forelock from tow and glue it to the top of the head;
  • At the meter mark, fasten a bunch of branches on a pole, Karkusha will be located on them;
  • Stuff shorts and stockings with nitron, sew stockings to shorts;
  • Sew shorts to the body and branches so that the bird sits;
  • Cut out the legs from the foam and glue them to the golfs;
  • Tie tin cans to the branches with long threads.

Making a garden scarecrow is not only useful, but also a rather entertaining pastime that will allow you to discover creative possibilities in yourself. Even if the goal pursued is to save the crop from winged guests, the created scarecrow can become a real decoration of the garden plot. Each house will have the necessary materials that will be required for the production of a protector of gardens and orchards.

DIY garden scarecrow:

It would seem a garden scarecrow, such a familiar way of decorating a garden. And how to make a stylish garden scarecrow out of a shaggy scarecrow. So we make a garden scarecrow with our own hands.
The scarecrow can be conditionally divided into two parts - the head and the body. Consider how to make a scarecrow with your own hands step by step.

DIY scarecrow

Making the head of a garden scarecrow

The classic version is a head made from a bag stuffed with straw. We take a plastic bag, stuff it with straw, synthetic winterizer, pull knitwear (tights, T-shirt) on top, form a ball - and now the head is ready. And now we give free rein to imagination and decorate our garden scarecrow.

More labor-intensive in manufacturing, but stylish in execution, the head of a garden scarecrow from two circles of fabric. We take a fabric, circle on it any round object that suits you in size, cut it out, sew the resulting circles, fill them in and start creating.

The mouth of this handsome man is embroidered with threads, eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes are painted with acrylic paints (you can use a marker, better waterproof). For greater realism, a garden scarecrow was made with a nose (sew a small circle of fabric along the edge with a “needle forward” seam, put a piece of padding polyester in the center, pull it off - it turned out to be a ball) and ears (cloth circles folded in half). Well, what is a scarecrow without hair and a hat?

Less traditional scarecrow head options:
plastic bottle head

Or from a flower pot, and you can immediately make an original hairstyle. Well, you understand, it's just falling asleep in a pot.

You can use an old kitchen pot.

Well, a very creative version of the head of a garden scarecrow - a bucket

Yes, and do not forget about the pumpkin, because this is a classic version of the head of a garden scarecrow

Making a stuffed body

To make the body of a garden scarecrow with our own hands, we need

  • two sticks,
  • rope,
  • old clothes,
  • filler.

Two sticks (you can take cuttings from shovels), one is longer - the body, the second is shorter - the arms, we tie it with a cross or fasten it with a self-tapping screw.

We make the body: we put on an old shirt, sweater, dress on a cross stick, a little imagination when decorating, and here you have a stylish beauty, along with which any fashionista can envy.

Or no less stylish handsome - garden Scarecrow

Or maybe the whole company "flash mob Scarecrow Ogorodnoye"

To give the body of a garden scarecrow volume, you can stuff it with straw, or wrap sticks with old T-shirts.

Since ancient times, to protect the crop from feathered raiders, gardeners placed scarecrows on the site. In the 21st century, this tradition not only did not disappear, but also developed: scarecrows became more fashionable and attractive.

Making a garden scarecrow

Settled to protect the ripening crop in the garden or in the garden, a garden scarecrow can be made, as in the famous song, "from what was." But it is very important that it not only cope with the task of scaring away birds, but also decorate the place on the site where it registered for residence.

A scarecrow should be not only functional, but also attractive.

Preparation of materials and tools

There are many options for creating a garden scarecrow, but the principle of operation is the same: clothes are put on a wooden frame of intersecting poles and the head is attached. The rest is the details that make each scarecrow unique.

The principle of creating a scarecrow is very simple.


The frame can be made from two slats of suitable size, boards and even sticks, which are crossed at any desired angle and fastened with screws.

A simple version of the frame for a scarecrow: wooden coat hangers mounted on a rail


For the head of a scarecrow, any more or less spherical object is suitable:

Beautiful curls on the head of a scarecrow can be created from an old magnetic tape. Such a hairstyle, in addition to everything else, will also sparkle in the sun and rustle in the wind.

Magnetic tape curls have additional deterrent properties: rustle and shine

Hands, feet and clothes

To create a scarecrow of the hand, you can fill the gloves with voluminous material (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, straw) and fix them on a transverse pole. To create legs on a vertical pole, trousers, shorts, etc. filled with suitable voluminous material are also attached under the clothes and suitable old shoes are fixed on them.

To make your stuffed animal pleasing to the eye, you should not dress it casually and pick up some torn clothes that no one needs. Dress it brightly, with charm, then it will not only scare away birds, but also decorate your site and please the eye.

Dressed up cute scarecrow can decorate the site

Adding accessories to your look will depend on your overall design. The scarecrow can be decorated:

It is believed that birds are especially suspicious of the blue color, so it makes sense to add a scarecrow to the costume that was made in blue.

A scarecrow dressed in a blue suit will scare away birds more reliably

So that in the future you can quickly protect a new garden resident from the rain, you should immediately prepare a large plastic bag or even an umbrella.

To protect from the rain, you need to prepare an umbrella or immediately dress up the scarecrow in a raincoat

If it suddenly turns out that your scarecrow, instead of scaring away the birds, began to play the role of a convenient airfield, you will have to change the design and move it to another place. Therefore, it is better to have more than one scarecrow, but at least a couple, in order to periodically change their places.

Master class on creating a straw man

To get started, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • two handles for a rake or two even sticks (from hazel or aspen);
  • a couple of screws and a screwdriver;
  • bag of dry straw or hay;
  • synthetic twine;
  • scissors;
  • headdress (preferably a hat);
  • black marker;
  • thick wire for attaching a hat;
  • wide shirt, trousers or breeches.

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Let's tackle the frame first. To do this, connect the two prepared rails with screws. It is better to immediately sharpen the lower end of the vertical rail so that later it enters the ground more easily.

    Reiki for the future scarecrow fastened with screws

  2. We create the volume of the body with the help of straw. To do this, we twist the straw bundle, twisting it with twine, and fix it on a vertical rail. We also form the volume for future hands on the transverse rail.

    Two straw bundles will add volume to the future scarecrow

  3. We form the head of the scarecrow. To do this, we fill a white bag with straw and synthetic filler, fix the resulting head on a vertical rail.

    The head can be made from a white bag or pillowcase.

  4. Create a scarecrow face. Eyes, nose, mouth can be made from pieces of skin or fabric of the appropriate color, glue eyebrows, eyelashes.

    A scarecrow's face doesn't have to be intimidating.

  5. We put a wide-brimmed hat on the head of the scarecrow and fix it with a wire.

    A straw hat will add a human resemblance to the scarecrow

  6. We dress up the scarecrow in a shirt and pants. Preference should be given to blue.

    We also fill the pants with straw and attach them with twine to the shirt.

  7. We decorate the scarecrow by adding scary accessories. To prevent the scarecrow from being static, you can attach fluttering and rustling elements to the hat, sleeves, belt:
    • beads from bottle caps;
    • canned food cans fastened in pairs;
    • CD belt.

    A belt made of CDs will add charm and shine to the scarecrow.

Video: creating a scarecrow

Master class on creating a scarecrow crow Karkusha

Often, to scare away jackdaws in the garden, a dead bird is hung on a pole. We will not do this, but we will try to create a scarecrow in the form of Karkusha's crow. Perhaps she will cope with scaring away the feathered robbers.

Scarecrow in the form of a crow will help expel other birds

To craft Karkusha, you will need the following set of materials:

  • pole with crossbar;
  • black fabric (polyester);
  • nitron (synthetic fiber);
  • Styrofoam;
  • children's shorts / breeches in black;
  • black and yellow knee socks;
  • black nylon stocking;
  • black tow or linen;
  • glue, twine, thread;
  • black marker;
  • willow rods.

Sequence of operations:

  1. For the frame, we take two poles 1.5 and 0.5 m long, connect them together.
  2. We cut out a square with a side of 50 cm from black fabric, in the middle we make a hole for the head, and cut the edges into strips 5 cm long.
  3. We bend the resulting part in half so that both the front and the back of the fabric look like a triangle, and put it on the frame.
  4. We sew the torso, and then to add volume we fill it with nitron.
  5. We attach bunches of flax or tow to the “wings” hanging along the edges of the transverse crossbar. They will imitate feathers.
  6. We also fill the black stocking with nitron to make Karkusha's head.
  7. We cut out the eyes and beak from the foam, glue them on the head, which we fix on a vertical rail.
  8. At a height of one and a half meters, we fix willow rods horizontally, Karkusha will comfortably “sit down” on them.
  9. We put the stockings and panties stuffed with nitron together and sew them to the rods.
  10. We cut out paws for Karkusha from foam plastic and glue them to the golfs.
  11. On the rods you can hang tin cans fixed on twine, which will ring in the wind.

Variants of garden scarecrows

Ideas for creating exclusive options for a garden scarecrow are endless. You can choose to create your scarecrow some of these options, but it is better to use them for inspiration and come up with something of your own.

Photo gallery: defenders of orchards and orchards

A straw man can help protect an entire field You can create a scarecrow and without much effort A scarecrow can be given a national flavor Bright details of clothing will give a scarecrow elegance When creating a garden dweller, you can show imagination A scarecrow head can even be made from a pumpkin Scarecrow can perform some kind of agricultural work Special resemblance to a person will have a scarecrow made from a mannequin

Video: ideas for creating creative "guards" of a ripening crop

Creating a scarecrow for your garden is very simple, so you can show your imagination and make it unique by working on your own "patterns". And let it be as it is said in these lines: "... our scarecrow with you is no longer a stuffed animal, not a doll and not a mummer, but a faithful, kind friend!".

In order to protect their crops from the encroachment of birds, people have used garden scarecrows since ancient times. It was also believed that stuffed animals are able to ward off the evil eye and damage from the owners of the land. The effectiveness of the use of straw men has not been proven, and over time this element of the garden has lost its popularity. Despite this, some gardeners still install scarecrows on their lands for both practical and purely decorative purposes.

Today's subject of attention will be various ways to create garden scarecrows. Based on our advice, you can make a scarecrow for giving a classic look that will scare away uninvited birds from your site. In addition, this article will tell you how to install an original and unusual figure in the garden as a design element.

Basic requirements for a scarecrow

  1. In order for the doll to scare away birds, it must be made as close as possible to a real person.
  2. The large growth of the figure and the bright, colorful colors in its design will become an additional frightening factor.
  3. The scarecrow in the garden should be located in the right place. The closer it will be to the protected object, the better. For greater efficiency, you can make several dolls and place them in different parts of the garden.

classic scarecrow

Creating an ordinary scarecrow with your own hands is quite simple and cheap. You do not need to buy a lot of special tools and materials, most of the necessary elements can be found in household bins, and some painting tools can be purchased separately.

What will you need?

  • two wooden planks approximately 1.5 and 2 meters long;
  • rough bag;
  • unnecessary old clothes, preferably bright colors;
  • straw for stuffing;
  • felt-tip pens or waterproof paints;
  • ribbons, beads, buttons, bells, shreds and any other accessories.

The process of creating a garden doll is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to make a frame. To do this, wooden planks are fastened together like a cross. Remember that for maximum realism of the figure, the proportions of the human body must be observed, while taking into account the fact that a longer pole will partially dig into the ground. Based on these considerations, nail the short plank at the correct height.
  2. The next step is to make the head of the scarecrow. To do this, fill the bag with straw and give it the shape of a ball. Tie the edges as carefully as possible so that the insides do not spill out.
  3. Draw a face. It is best to use indelible paints for this purpose - so your doll will perfectly endure any rain.
  4. After giving the scarecrow human features, make him hair. They can be made from thin ropes, multi-colored ribbons, or you can put an old hat on an artificial head.
  5. Making a scarecrow in the country with your own hands, you need to dress it up. First of all, put the shirt on the cross so that the horizontal cane is threaded into the sleeves. Try to choose a bright shirt, although any unnecessary item will do.
  6. Fasten the clothes with all buttons, tightly tie the lower part with a rope around the pole.
  7. To make the hands, stuff large gardening gloves with straw and put them on both ends of the horizontal bar. Tuck the edges of the gloves into the sleeves and tie tightly to the frame.
  8. After that, stuff as much straw, hay, grass or rags as possible inside the shirt. You can use any convenient material, except paper, which will not endure even one rain. The more stuffing you spend, the denser the figure of your stuffed animal will be.
  9. After shaping the torso, you can fix the head. To do this, use a wire to tie the bag tightly to the upper end of the pole.
  10. Next, make the doll's legs out of old pants, also filled with stuffing. Sew them all over and attach the top to the scarecrow. The legs themselves should sway freely in the wind, creating the appearance of movement. When shaping the arms and legs of the stuffed animal, also remember to respect human proportions.
  11. Feet can be made from boots or socks stuffed with straw, tied tightly to the legs.
  12. Find a suitable place for the scarecrow in the garden and dig it into the ground by 30-40 cm, check the stability of the figure.

Before you make a scarecrow for the garden, pay attention to a few tips:

  • it is best to fill the insides of a garden scarecrow with light materials - this way it will be more stable;
  • cellophane or plastic bags are ideal for stuffing, since only they do not absorb water at all and, moreover, are lightweight;
  • in the absence of old things at home, purchase them at any secondhand store.
  • you can fasten the details of the figure with the help of pins, fishing line, wire, hot glue, thread with a needle. The main rule is to do it firmly and conscientiously;
  • give the facial features of the scarecrow any expression: scary, sad, funny, surprised, etc .;
  • various objects can be attached to the hands of a straw man: an umbrella, a broom, a broom, a rake, an old garden watering can;
  • For the best intimidation of birds, tie bells, metal cans or any light jingling objects to the scarecrow.

Scarecrow made of plastic containers

Empty plastic bottles are poorly recyclable and useless garbage. But even they can be useful, serving as free material for creating a scarecrow. So, for the cheapest garden scarecrow you will need:

  • plastic containers of different sizes and colors;
  • bottle caps;
  • elastic band, rope or lace;
  • wire;
  • knife, scissors, awl and stapler.

Assemble the doll using the following steps:

  1. The torso of the figure can be made from an empty plastic canister or tank. Using wire or bolts, attach buttons from multi-colored caps in the center of the torso.
  2. Make a head from a five-liter container for water. First cut off the bottom, then use a stapler to pin the ears, mouth and eyes to it. Fit an old hat on top.
  3. Pass the string through the headpiece and the neck of the container, leaving a long end at the bottom for further attaching the head to the torso.
  4. Make limbs from bottles of the same size. You will need 2 containers for the hands, 4 for the legs and 2 for the feet.
  5. In the caps and bottoms of the bottles, pierce holes with an awl and string the container through the elastic bands through them.
  6. The next step is to assemble the scarecrow together with the free ends of the lace and elastic bands. In order to make it convenient for you to thread them inside the tank, you need to cut holes for your hands on its bottom.
  7. To intimidate birds, you can equip the scarecrow with a belt and a necklace made of bottle caps or other materials.

Unusual garden scarecrow options

The straw man can be used not only as a tool to scare birds, but also as an original element of landscape design. When thinking about how to make a scarecrow, show imagination and originality, and in this article we will look at several unusual and creative options for a scarecrow.

scarecrow beauty

Such a figure in your garden will surprise others and delight the owners and guests. From the materials you will need:

  • bag or old pillowcase;
  • dense light fabric for the head;
  • children's tights;
  • gloves;
  • synthetic winterizer or straw;
  • old unwanted women's clothing.

Such a scarecrow is assembled according to the same principle as the classic version, only the clothes for it are selected from the women's wardrobe. Such a doll should have a waist, which can be emphasized with a strap or belt. As additional accessories, you can put ribbons, bows, beads, necklaces on the figure, and give an openwork umbrella from the sun or a handbag in your hands.

"Alive" scarecrow

If you are ready to spend enough time and effort on creating a garden doll, you can make an original “live” scarecrow. To do this, you will have to purchase some parts in an electronics store: LEDs, motion sensors, rotary mechanisms, control panels, various sound devices.

Armed with the necessary materials and your own imagination, you can make a very unusual scarecrow. It will be able to turn its head and move its arm, react to a person or animal passing by with various sounds or movements. The doll's eyes can also be brought to life with built-in LEDs that will turn on from the mains or by touching the figure.

Various examples of garden scarecrows can be seen in the video:
