Laurel - care at home. Bay leaf on the windowsill. How to grow your own seasoning

Laurel is a subtropical tree or shrub. There are several types of this plant. IN natural conditions they grow in the Mediterranean and in the south Krasnodar Territory.

Laurel tree: description, types

Laurel belongs to the Lavrov family of the same name. Types of laurel:

  • Azores is distinguished by large decorative leaves ovoid shape. Blooms in May with light yellow flowers.
  • Camphor, so named because of the high content of camphor in the leaves and stems. The crown of the plant is wide, branched. The leaves emit a spicy scent. The leaves are lanceolate, with small dots throughout the field. The flowers are yellow-green.
  • Noble, the leaves of which are used for food. It is a perennial evergreen tree or shrub. Under natural conditions, he lives up to 100 years. During this time, its height reaches 10 m. In an apartment, it grows up to 3 m. Its stems are covered with leathery leaves about 8 cm long. In spring, noble laurel blooms with small yellow flowers. When grown at home, flowering is rare, after reaching 5 years of age. Laurel fruits are small.

Laurel can be propagated by layering, cuttings and:

  • The easiest way to get a new plant is from cuttings. They may appear on their own. If this does not happen, in the spring they add a branch of laurel, water the place where rooting takes place. next spring plant a new plant in a separate pot, after cutting off the layering from the main tree.
  • Laurel should be propagated by seeds in the fall. To do this, take a pot, lay drainage on the bottom, then sprinkle with soil. Watered. Cover the pot with plastic wrap. Waiting for shoots to appear.
  • It is faster to get a young plant from a cutting of a young plant. To do this, take non-lignified cuttings with 2-3 buds or leaves. The soil is prepared in the same way as for growing from seeds, but the soil is covered with a layer of sand from above. The length of the cutting is up to 8 cm. The cuttings are immersed so that the lower edge is immersed in the sand by 1 cm. The soil for the laurel is prepared by mixing humus, turf, and old foliage. Add peat and sand. If there are no such components, you can plant laurel in a universal soil purchased at a flower shop.

Good neighbors for the laurel in the room will be,. They will create a beautiful corner, in addition, they will positively affect the well-being of the owners. After all, phytoncides, which secrete laurel leaves, contribute to this.

Although laurel belongs to subtropical plants, it can withstand even a drop to 5 degrees below zero. But this applies only to old sheets. Young, spring ones can freeze even with slight frosts. Therefore, do not rush to take the tree to fresh air. It hibernates best at a temperature of 12-15°C. He needs warmth in the summer. Optimal will be 25-28 degrees. Laurel does not like sudden changes in temperature.

When choosing a place for a laurel, they take into account that it feels best in a well-lit place. But direct sunlight on the leaves should be avoided. It also grows in the shade, but in this case the branches will stretch out and lose their decorative effect.

In an apartment or office, in no case should you put a laurel near a radiator or other heating devices.

Laurel noble loves fresh air. Therefore, the room where it grows must be regularly ventilated. And in summer, it is better to take the plant out onto the balcony or into the garden, setting it in partial shade. Laurel is not afraid of drafts. It tolerates heat well, but grows worse at the same time.

Like all subtropical plants, laurel grows well with high humidity air. To provide the tree comfortable conditions, regularly spray the leaves with water. It should be soft and not cold. Once a month, you can shower by covering the soil in the pot with plastic wrap.

How to water the plant:

  • In summer, you can provide suitable humidity by placing a pot with a tree in a large pallet, at the bottom of which pebbles and moss are laid. Some water is poured into it. If possible, you can spray the plant from the sprayer several times a day.
  • Watered abundantly in the warm season, but do not fill in, so as not to get stagnation of water in the pot. In hot weather, it is better to water in the morning and evening. Do not water during the day, so as not to get water on the leaves. This can cause sunburn on them.
  • Water for irrigation can be taken tap, then only after it has settled well. Its temperature should be higher than in the room.
  • In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced, and the interval between them should be increased. But it is also impossible to overdry the soil, the plant may die. At this time, the laurel is not watered. Periodically, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In order for the laurel to be strong and beautiful, it needs to be fed. During the period of active growth, this is done once a month. It is easier to use complex fertilizers. You can alternate organic and.

The root system of laurel does not like to be disturbed. But the tree is growing and needs to be replanted. Therefore, it is better to do this by transshipment. So the root system moves from one flowerpot to another, along with a clod of earth, with little or no damage.

Young laurel trees are transplanted approximately once every 2 years.

If it does not grow very actively, and there is enough space in the pot for the roots, you can do this even less often. Five-year-old plants and older are transplanted after 4 years. A new pot is taken 3 cm wider than the previous one. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. It will ensure a timely outflow of water and protect the root system from stagnant water.

The soil can be taken almost any, even the usual garden. Add some humus. If the soil is clayey, add sand to increase moisture permeability. If it is sandy, add a little clay. It will help you keep required amount moisture. Plentifully water the laurel, wait until the water is absorbed, and the soil lags behind the walls of the pot. Carefully take out the tree, laying it on its side on a matting or oilcloth. Examine the root system. If there are damaged roots, they are carefully cut off, powdered with crushed charcoal. If possible, take out drainage stones braided with roots.

Laurel crown lends itself well to shaping and pruning:

  • It is carried out in early spring, so that young shoots have time to grow. Lignified branches are shortened by 20 cm. New shoots will appear from the buds located below the cut point, the bush will become curly and voluminous.
  • Pruning can give laurel desired shape: ball, cone, pyramid or other figured.
  • To form a crown unusual shape you need to start at a young age, cut more often, but little by little.
  • Some flower growers advise cutting laurel at the end of summer. Leave young shoots that will grow in the spring.

To remove scale insects manually, remove them with a damp cotton swab. This is a longer process. Processing must be carried out until the scale insects become. But then you need to control for some more time, because juveniles may appear. Laurel at home is susceptible to some diseases, fungal or viral. A sign of damage can be a black sooty coating on the underside of the leaves. To combat them, biological preparations are used, for example, Gamair.

If the conditions for growing laurel are violated, it reacts by changing its appearance:

  • If the air in the room is too dry, the leaves begin to curl.
  • If they dry, you need to lower the air temperature in the room.

These same symptoms may indicate high density air. Lower the temperature or transfer the plant to a cool place. Cover with a plastic bag. This will help increase the humidity. Soon, young leaves will begin to grow.

If the indoor temperature is too high in winter, the laurel can completely shed its leaves.

In this case, you need to move it to a cooler room. If you put a plastic bag on it, the leaves will recover very quickly. Laurel leaves are almost the same as those sold in the store. But experts do not advise using it for food. It may happen that when grown in a greenhouse or in a flower shop, it was treated with chemicals that are harmful to the human body. And in modern apartments and offices, it can absorb hazardous substances. In addition, as a result of drying at home, the leaves may lose their aroma.

More information can be found in the video:


To grow a bay leaf at home, you will need to know its needs and growing conditions - all of which you will find in this guide. It is one of the most commonly used and well-known spices and you can get fresh leaves at any time of the year if you plant this plant. Learn all about how to grow a bay leaf in a pot on your windowsill and see for yourself all its benefits.

General information

The leaves of the bay tree give off an intense flavor that complements most Mediterranean dishes.

Bay leaves have a variety of uses, from decorative to culinary and medicinal.

Although this plant in its native Mediterranean - evergreen shrub or a tree, its growth is easily restrained by pruning or planting in a container.

Laurel grows very slowly, which makes it even more suitable for growing in a pot at home.

Propagated by seeds and cuttings (twigs).

soil and pot

Laurel doesn't have special requirements to the soil: it grows in any, with the exception of heavy and clay, which causes waterlogging. Like many other plants, it prefers well-drained soil.

Drainage is very important, so choose a pot with large drain holes.

Start growing bay leaves in a small pot and transplant into a larger container when you see roots coming out of the pot's drainage holes. Do not rush to plant this plant immediately in a large container. laurel tree thrives well when a little cramped.

Species and varieties

If you are planning to use bay leaf for cooking, it is very important that you grow a plant called Laurus nobilis. Other species of this plant, which are also called "laurel", are not all edible.

There are a few ornamental varieties noble laurel:

  • Angustifolia - narrow green leaves.
  • Aurea - yellow foliage.
  • Sweet Bay, also called Bay Laurel, is a bright green coloration.
  • Undulata - the edges of the leaves are wavy.

How to grow bay leaves from seeds

Laurel seeds are very difficult and slow to germinate, so many prefer to purchase a ready-made plant in a pot. If you want to grow bay leaves from seeds, here's what you need to do:

  1. Fill a small, flat container with moist loose soil.
  2. Sow the seeds and cover with a layer of earth 1-2 cm.
  3. Cover the container with plastic wrap, leaving an air hole on the side.
  4. The required temperature for germination is 20 C. Be prepared to wait 5-12 months before the seeds hatch.

This is the most hard way, since germination takes a long time, and attempts to grow bay trees from seeds sometimes end in failure.

How to grow a bay leaf from cuttings (twigs)

Ideal if you have the opportunity to get twigs of at least 15 cm from an adult healthy plant and plant them. The cuttings should be slightly firm, flexible and green. Such material is well suited for growing a new bay leaf at home.

The more cuttings you take, the greater your chances of successfully rooting a new plant.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix equal parts earth, sand and vermiculite and fill a small container with this mixture.
  2. Remove the leaves from the cuttings, except for the top two. Cut the top leaves in half horizontally.
  3. Dip a bay leaf in liquid root growth stimulator and, according to the directions on the package, hold in it. right amount time.
  4. Plug in lower part cuttings of bay laurel soil mixture to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  5. Firm the soil around the cuttings and water to loosen the soil near the stems.
  6. Cover the container with a clear plastic bag to create humid environment for rooting cuttings.
  7. Place the cuttings in a warm, well-lit area, but out of direct sunlight. The air temperature should be up to 22 C.
  8. Monitor plantings daily, discard rotten or wilted cuttings. Water when the soil layer is 1-2 cm dry.
  9. Check the roots once a month to see if they are growing. Gently pull the branches up to feel if there is resistance.
  10. As soon as the roots reach 2-3 cm, transplant the new plants into separate pots.

Propagation of laurel by cuttings can take several months. This time is necessary for the development of normal root system fit for landing. Yet sometimes the branches never take root.

If you are not a fan of problems and experiments, then it is best to just buy a small bay tree from a garden store. Thus, you will be able to enjoy it without frustration or effort.

How to care

To keep fresh seasoning available at any time of the year, here are a few tips on how to care for a bay tree at home.


Bay leaf is drought tolerant but appreciates regular watering. Always let the soil dry out between waterings so the roots don't rot, but don't let the plant go long without water.

Laurel responds well to room temperature showers. At the same time, the pot with soil is covered with a plastic bag.


Laurel prefers a bright location, but can grow in shade. Not afraid of drafts.

In spring and summer, sun protection is required on the windowsills of the southern sides.


Bay tree needs to be fed with universal fertilizer twice a year: in spring and summer. Suitable liquid fertilizer for cacti or palm trees.

Diseases and pests

Bay leaves are rarely exposed to diseases and insects. In fact, it itself is often used to control pests of other plants.

  • Laurel can be damaged by scale insects, scale insects, on the secretions of which a sooty fungus settles. Well-visible clusters of worms are removed with cotton swabs dipped in soapy water.
  • If the leaves of the laurel turn yellow and fall off, then it can be caused by excessive or insufficient watering of the plants.
  • Leaf spots are often caused by waterlogged roots and excess moisture.
  • Yellowing leaves can also be caused by nutrient deficiencies in the soil. To eliminate this problem, transplant your plant into fresh, well-drained soil.


Bay tree does not develop very quickly in pots, so repot it no more than every two to three years.

Transplantation is best done in the spring. Use fertile soil and good drainage, as the plant does not like stagnant water.


Pruning is an important part of caring for a bay tree to keep it from growing too much and give it a decorative shape.

It is usually carried out in the spring, when the growth of new shoots begins.

Remove dried, damaged, or diseased leaves regularly if they appear.

How to plant, propagate and care for a bay tree at home - video


If you grew your plant yourself, from cuttings or seeds, then start harvesting from the second or third year of its life.

To use as a condiment, collect the most big leaves: The older the leaf, the stronger the flavor will be.

The collected leaves must be dried, as fresh bay leaves are quite bitter. From the moment of cutting, 48 to 72 hours should pass. Of course, the store sells bay leaves that have dried much longer, but freshly dried ones have a more pleasant aroma.

There are many reasons to plant a bay tree on your windowsill. This is an attractive, shiny foliage that stays green indoors. all year round. It is a sweet aroma with a touch of spicy nutmeg. Be sure to grow bay leaves and become the owner of an evergreen, glossy decoration for your home, the leaves of which are used in a lot of recipes.

Bay leaves grow in warm Mediterranean climates, but it is very interesting to talk about whether bay leaves are suitable for growing at home? For today there is a large number of opportunities to create such a microclimate on your windowsill that will completely suit this plant. Moreover, it is widely known that laurel is not considered a very whimsical plant. It easily tolerates temperature changes, is not very picky about moisture. Therefore, growing a delicious, odorous seasoning at home is quite simple. And when the shoots grow enough, you can delight your family and guests with rich borscht, spreading the delicious aromas of home-grown lavrushka!

The subtropical Mediterranean climate is ideal for good growth laurel tree. In our country, the plant feels good in the natural environment of the Krasnodar Territory. However, there are many cases where own plots gardeners grow good bushes and in middle lane. The leaves are quite fragrant, great for seasoning homemade broths.

Laurel trees belong to the laurel family. Today, three species of these plants are known. They are evergreen, home growing best suited laurel noble.

Growing homemade bay leaves

In general, we can say that laurel is not a picky plant, therefore, with proper care, moisturizing and feeding, not even the most experienced gardener can grow a big tree Houses. Not only can its leaves be used in the kitchen for all kinds of dishes: both first and second, the incredible fragrant aromas of a growing tree will soar in all rooms.

It is known that growing laurel releases phytoncides, which are very effective in fighting bacteria and fungi. So it can be said with certainty that house tree will protect the family from frequent illnesses and colds.

Location and lighting

Laurel - rightfully refers to unpretentious types of vegetation. It easily tolerates even difficult conditions. But, nevertheless, if you want to see a fragrant, healthy and beautiful tree at home, then it is better to create the most favorable conditions.

So, many gardeners note that a flower pot can be placed in any part of the room: be it the south or even the north side. The plant will grow both with a limited amount of light and with excessive sun exposure. The only thing is that the size of the pet depends on the conditions. On the south side, you will become the owner of a large and stately bush, which can easily overcome even a two-meter height. In a different light, your bush is unlikely to please the eye with violent growth.

Watering and fertilizing

Lavrushka is good for frequent moisturizing. In general, you should try to shed the soil well in the pot about once every 5 days in winter and at least once every 3 days during hot days. So that the soil does not become too moist, it is better to organize good drainage at the bottom of the pot, passing excess liquid in the saucer. However, it will not be superfluous to water the plant even every day in a particularly hot time. It is necessary to follow the need to moisten the soil according to the degree of drying of the upper layers of the soil.

It is advisable to defend the water in advance, because most often in our country the liquid contains a lot of iron. Hard water is unlikely to please any representative of the flora, especially those grown at home.

Keep in mind that bay bushes will be very happy if you spray a small drop over them warm water. Let it fall on the leaves, trunk, upper layer soil. It’s not worth it to part with this, but in the warm season it is better to spray water at least once a month.

Very good decision a container of water placed next to the pot will serve. The liquid in the warm season will evaporate and humidify the surrounding air, creating pleasant conditions for the normal growth of the bush.


Laurel grows slowly, but can grow to quite impressive sizes. In wildlife, trees easily reach six or more meters. Of course, a home sample is unlikely to boast such growth. But this does not mean that over time your compact bush will not outgrow the possibilities of the room.

The first pruning procedure is best done on a grown plant. Upon reaching two years, the upper shoot of the crown is carefully cut off at the bush. Then, when the top acquires side shoots, they are also carefully thinned out.
Pruning is best done at the end of summer, when the growth of the plant ends. It’s not worth it to not engage in the formation of a flower at all. Otherwise, you will become the owner of an untidy tree.

Temperature and humidity

Laurel is extremely unpretentious to temperature regime. Few pets can boast resistance to fairly low temperatures in winter, and this tree will happily overwinter at 10 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a regime is not typical for a living room, but, anyway, try not to keep the parsley in winter at a high temperature.

Advice. As soon as the cold passes, and at night the average temperature stops dropping below zero, you can safely send the tree to fresh air. For example, a balcony or a summer garden is well suited.

In summer, try not to overheat the bush. 20-25 degrees will be enough. Laurel does not like dry air. Therefore, artificially increase the humidity by spraying. Place a saucer of water near the flower.

The soil

Soil for your bay leaf is suitable for absolutely any. The main thing is to ensure good drainage of the pot and try to feed the flower so that it grows beautiful, with the correct shape.

Reproduction methods

Many gardeners advise using one of three simple species dilution of bay leaf:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • taps.


The most reliable method of growing laurel is using seeds. Many stores offer lavrushka seeds. Today it is not a problem to place an order via the Internet. the right time for sowing is January. This is due to the fact that the seed can lie in the ground for quite a long time. The first shoots appear no earlier than a month later, but may not germinate until six months. Therefore, planting in winter will lead to the fact that the plant will grow in spring and summer: the most successful time in terms of temperature and humidity.

Attention! Many gardeners advise propagating laurel with the help of seeds. This is explained by the fact that from the very beginning the bush will grow and form in the same conditions and will not be stressed by changes in temperature or humidity. environment. In addition, you can purchase the required number of seeds at affordable price and almost every store.

Store the seeds until the sowing time in a cool place. For example, a refrigerator or a shaded cupboard. Before planting seeds, they must be soaked, because they have a thick peel. So you will noticeably speed up the process of the appearance of new shoots.

There are no special soil requirements for seed germination. Any will do fertile soil, which you can cook yourself or buy in a flower shop. The only very important condition: the top layer should be laid out 2-3 centimeters with calcined sand. This is very important for the seeds to start.

By the way, many advise before planting seeds in the ground, thoroughly ignite the entire soil to kill bacteria and pests. It is believed that this recommendation is useful not only for propagation by seeds, but also for cuttings and layering.

The seed is sunk by about 1 cm. A mini-greenhouse is arranged above the pot. For this, a plastic bag or even glass jar. Periodically, the greenhouse must be ventilated.

Ripening takes place in different ways and depends on temperature. But when the shoot throws out the first two leaves, the new plant can be transplanted separately. It is not necessary to use purchased pots. First time perfect home for the baby, a glass of yogurt will serve.


Growing a bay leaf from a cutting is more difficult than from a seed. For the cutting, the middle or lower part of the branch is usually chosen. It is best to take a young bush, the stem of which has not yet been covered with wooden bark. The most important condition is that the new shoot should have three free areas between the bases of the leaves (the so-called internodes).

The bottom cut must be made oblique. The leaves at the base of the cutting are removed, and the upper ones are cut to about half so as not to evaporate too much moisture.

The soil can be enriched with special additives that will contribute to the rapid development of the roots. Of course, a greenhouse is being built over the escape. You need to water the new laurel often. Spray 4-5 times every day. After the appearance of the root system (usually after a month), the shoot is transplanted to a permanent place.


It is quite easy to get a shoot of a young plant using a method that is very often used for propagating grapes. For this, a layer is made from a young shoot. The lower branch is lowered and buried in a prepared small groove. There, the stem is securely fastened so that it remains in the ground for a long time. In the place where the branch will be sprinkled with earth, an incision is made on the bark.

It is important to provide a sprinkled groove with very good watering. After a while, a young shoot will hatch from the ground. It is dug up, carefully separated from the lower branch at the base and transplanted into its own pot.
Further, as with cuttings: the first time good watering and greenhouse conditions.

How and when to transplant laurel?

The bay tree does not grow quickly. At good conditions maintenance, bushes are transplanted every two years. New dishes are taken from the calculation so that the width exceeds the previous one by several centimeters. Older plants are transplanted every 3-4 years, as they grow. It is important to try to use the same soil for the same shoot.

In order for the bush to form as healthy and beautiful as possible, it is customary to generously fertilize the soil already for annual plants. Manure is good for this purpose. The main thing is not to burn the roots, dilute it with water. You can enrich the soil no more than once a month. But rarely fertilize, less than twice a year will also not benefit the formation of a noble appearance of a pet.
Laurel also prefers mineral fertilizers, which can be picked up in flower shops. Well, if you make it a rule to alternate different types fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Laurel has a very bad attitude to dry air, as it historically grows near sea coasts. Therefore, with low humidity, the bush begins to dry and shed foliage.

The unpretentiousness of the plant allows you to grow a full-fledged bush for almost any owner. In fact, the bay tree does not require anything other than good hydration. And few flowers do not require watering. You also need to at least occasionally feed the soil, since the bay bush is transplanted quite infrequently.


Growing bay leaves at home is very good idea. There are no special difficulties in care or reproduction. Laurel most often develops well on its own. And if you monitor the growth of the pet especially carefully, then you can safely talk about the mass of advantages that the owner of this wonderful bush will receive.

Laurel is beautiful, useful and rather unpretentious. It is not capricious, it develops well in the shade and in partial shade, and on a sunny windowsill. Will grow more or less luxuriantly in any soil. The leaves become more fragrant if the tree receives enough sunlight. Laurel is beautiful, useful and rather unpretentious. It is not capricious, it develops well in the shade and in partial shade, and on a sunny windowsill. Will grow more or less luxuriantly in any soil.

The leaves become more fragrant if the tree receives enough sunlight.
Lavra needs fresh air, while it is not afraid of drafts and sudden changes in temperature. IN summer period plants are put outside.

Indoor bay leaf care
Temperature regime

When kept indoors in winter, plants require fairly cold air. A temperature of 10 degrees is unacceptable for human habitation, but it is comfortable for laurel plants to winter in such conditions. If there is a cool place in the house for hibernation, at least 15 degrees, then with the onset of heat, the laurel will thank with violent growth. And in the coolness, the plant rests, gaining strength.
In the spring season, laurels are ready to migrate to the street already at the first positive temperatures, especially at night. In the spring season, they will like temperatures of 18-20 degrees.
But in summer - a little below 30 degrees, optimally 20-25. Closer to autumn, the temperature of the content is gradually reduced and the plant is prepared for a painless wintering.

Bay leaf care at home

Laurel is steadfastly not afraid of direct sunlight at all and blissfully thrives on brightly lit southern windowsills. In the summer, of course, he will like it more outdoors- in the garden or at least on the balcony, veranda. However, you should not abuse the sun's rays immediately after buying a seedling, as well as after a cool winter. Out of habit, laurel can get sunburn. Therefore, bright sunlight should be added gradually.


Lavra needs watering with soft water at room temperature. It should be watered every time the topsoil dries up - about once every three days. But if it is very hot and the earth dries, then you can water it several times a day.
Closer to autumn, when the air temperature drops, watering is reduced. In winter, once every few days is enough. You still need to focus on the drying of the soil surface.

Laurel home care

Laurel just loves moist air. You can provide him with constant comfort by the following conditions:
warm shower;
tray or stand with wet drainage material.

The pot itself should be above the surface of the water. The roots of the plant should not be blocked. It is necessary to spray in good faith so that moisture gets not only outside, but also inside the crown.

How to care for laurel
Feeding and transplanting

In the first year of life, a laurel seedling will feel good without additional food. But already in the second year it will need to be fed. A little will be enough to provide the plant mineral fertilizers. They are paid monthly.

Laurel does not particularly suffer from the scarcity of the soil. The only thing he does not tolerate is excess moisture in the ground.

The bay tree grows slowly. When kept in containers, trees need to be replanted periodically. Young growth is transplanted often - every couple of years. When transplanting, take a pot 2 cm wider than the old one. For older trees, the pot is changed after 3-4 years.

Laurel will respond gratefully not only to mineral, but also to organic top dressing. You can use diluted with water and infused pigeon droppings. Sometimes diluted slurry is also taken. Mineral and organic top dressings need to be alternated. Before fertilizing, the soil must be well wetted so as not to burn the roots.
After the transplantation of nutrients, the plant will last for a long time, for 4-5 months. Ideal for transplanting the same soil composition, as before.
For planting and transplanting laurel plants, containers and pots made of natural materials.

Laurel at home care
Pest protection

In an apartment or inside a house, laurel develops beautifully if you provide it with moist soil (but without waterlogging!) And a regular shower. If the air is too dry, the plant begins to shed its leaves. Under normal conditions, some leaves fall off naturally, mostly old ones that are at least three years old.

Laurel care

Laurel can accelerate in growth and grow up to six meters. But uncontrolled growth will lead to a chaotic formation of the crown. The bay tree will look untidy and indoors can even create inconvenience. Timely pruning crowns are needed not only to give the plant an aesthetic appearance, but also for better ventilation - as a prevention against diseases and pests.

They begin to deal with the crown when the tree reaches the age of two. The top of the main shoot is cut off, leaving 10-15 cm above the ground. When they grow from the remaining stem side shoots and reach 15-20 cm, they need to be pinched. Thus, the laurel will branch magnificently.
Laurel easily tolerates a haircut, so it can be given any, even the most fantasy, shape: a ball, a pyramid, a bole, an interesting sculpture, a composition, or even a whole hedge. If pruning is done after mid-August, when the growth of the plant stops, then the remaining growth buds will form well before the onset of winter and will grow in the spring.
Haircut does not contribute to the fruiting of the laurel. Domestic laurel trees that grow in tubs or in the garden do not bloom.
Growing laurel, due to its unpretentiousness and versatility, can become an exciting activity.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.

When using bay leaf, you should consult with a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications when using bay leaf: pregnancy and lactation in women, an acute form of kidney, liver and heart disease, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, an allergic reaction to bay leaf, severe diabetes mellitus, etc.

Figs, figs, fig trees - these are all the names of the same plant, which we strongly associate with mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious it is. But, in addition to a delicate sweet taste, they are also very healthy. And here is an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle lane or in a house - in a container.

Quite often, even experienced summer residents face difficulties in growing tomato seedlings. For some, all seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain in an apartment ideal conditions for growing seedlings. Seedlings of any plants need to provide a lot of light, sufficient moisture and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut - a vegetarian salad of boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from a French vinegar sauce, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century, perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for the Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily touch bright seed bags in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously sure that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for him in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why the seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of heat, changes in the garden are happening rapidly. Buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still sleeping yesterday, everything literally comes to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this can not but rejoice. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiasis, maniliasis, scab, powdery mildew- the list can be very long.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great start to the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone's favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. The day should start with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman at least once received a gift blooming orchid. It is not surprising, because such a lively bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids cannot be called very difficult indoor crops to grow, but not fulfilling the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of a flower. If you are just getting started with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions on growing these beautiful plants in the house.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins, prepared according to this recipe, are eaten in my family in the blink of an eye. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, just like mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then granulated sugar can not be added at all, without sugar, cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Anyone who has never tasted such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article, I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but one wonders how different petunias of the past are from today's many-sided hybrids! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods, combined with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack that is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a spark, use hot chili.

The question of how to grow healthy seedlings is a concern for all summer residents in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven way of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The variety of tomato "Sanka" is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even faded yet. Of course, if you follow the recommendations for growing and make an effort, even a novice grower will get a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM "Agrosuccess".

Task indoor plants in the house - decorate your home with your appearance, create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only watering on time, although this is also important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, make the correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers, there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender chicken breast cutlets with champignons are easy to prepare according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, this is not so! Chicken meat contains practically no fat, which is why it is dry. But, if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, you get awesome tasty cutlets that both children and adults will like. In the mushroom season, try adding forest mushrooms to the minced meat.
