How to make a greenhouse for a summer residence with your own hands - step by step instructions, tips and photos. Greenhouse with their own hands. Drawings, photos, step by step instructions Homemade greenhouse in the country

In this article, we will talk about what is greenhouse, what are its types and, most importantly, how to build it with your own hands. What materials can it be created from, how to do it correctly, where to mount it and how to heat it? More about this.

Greenhouse in the country: how to choose a place?

When choosing a place for a greenhouse, you should take into account many factors. The main one is the light mode. So, greenhouses provided for summer cottages should be placed in areas well lit by the sun. Light is necessary for fruit crops, especially in winter. If you neglect the lighting, then the cultivation of light-loving crops in the winter will become impossible. If you do not have a well-lit area in your country house, then greenhouses can be equipped with additional sources of artificial lighting, although this will entail additional energy costs. That is, the cost of fruits of cultivated crops will increase.

It should be mentioned that other worries may appear in the spring and summer periods, since the sun will constantly illuminate the greenhouse, and because of this, the temperature in it will only rise, which will lead to the plants withering. And again, there are extra costs for ventilating the greenhouse in order to maintain the optimum temperature. Therefore, as soon as you have decided to make a greenhouse with your own hands, you must first decide on the place of installation. In particular, you also need to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, because this factor is especially important when installing a permanent winter greenhouse.

Did you know? The first prototypes of modern greenhouses appeared in the days of Ancient Rome. Gardeners planted plants in small carts, which were rolled out into the sunlight during the day, and removed to a warm room at night.

Types of greenhouses in the country

Having decided to get your own greenhouse, do not forget to answer yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you need a greenhouse and what are you going to grow in it?
  • Will it be used in winter or only in the warm season?
  • Will you mount heaters in a greenhouse that you made yourself?
  • What is the goal - to grow plants for sale or for yourself? Do you expect the costs to pay off quickly?
  • What size greenhouse do you need?

Answered? And now let's look at the types of greenhouses that the modern market offers, so that you can choose the design that best suits all requirements.

What are greenhouses by design?

The simplest and most economical in terms of design is a deepened greenhouse. Perhaps the only drawback of such a structure is that when installed on clay and loamy soils, it will be necessary to equip drainage and drainage systems. To create such a greenhouse in the garden with your own hands, you first need to dig a trench of arbitrary size. It should run in the direction from east to west. The walls of the trench should be reinforced with spacers made of slab or boards cut off on both sides (make the side of direct sunlight a little higher). On the sides of the recess, it is necessary to sow seeds or plant seedlings, and lay fresh manure in the strip in the middle. When it starts to decompose, additional substances for plant nutrition and heat will be released. Upon completion of all work, the walls from the outer sides must be covered with earth to the upper level and pulled over with polyethylene film or covered with glass.

The simple design of a buried greenhouse forces you to choose a dry place that is well lit and protected from the winds. Take into account the shadows cast by buildings and trees standing nearby. A ground greenhouse looks like an ordinary film cover of the soil in which seeds are sown or seedlings are planted. To ensure optimal temperature conditions, it is necessary to stretch the film as close as possible to the seedlings, but at the same time so as not to interfere with their free growth. There are several types of ground-based greenhouses, which differ only in the method of installation, height and performance.

Let's consider the main ones:

Did you know? In Iceland, the arrangement of greenhouses takes place on geysers.

Types of materials for a greenhouse

Both glass and various polymeric materials can be used as a translucent material for covering greenhouses. Glass is a fairly durable material, so glazed greenhouses last for years, but the main drawback due to which it is not often used to create greenhouses is that it does not transmit the entire spectrum of sunlight that is so necessary for growing vegetables. As a result, their taste quality deteriorates, as the content of vitamin C is reduced. In addition, the glass is heavy and quite fragile.
Of the materials of the lamellar polymer group, the most widely used polyethylene film, for the most part because of its cheapness. In addition, it is easy to install and allows the required amount of light to pass through. Also, such material can be easily removed from any part of the frame, if you need to ventilate the greenhouse or harden the seedlings. The main disadvantage is the fragility, which is explained by the weak strength of the material.

Other advantages of polyethylene film include:

  • elasticity;
  • frost resistance;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • good possibility of penetration of oxygen and carbon dioxide;
  • transmission of the entire spectrum of sunlight;
  • good light scattering ability.

Polyvinyl chloride film is endowed with all the advantages of a polyethylene film, besides it has a longer service life, and among the shortcomings, one can distinguish only a low penetration of ultraviolet rays (about 20%). But, alas, this film did not gain popularity. Polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride materials reinforced with fiberglass last up to 8 years and have a light transmission capacity of 75%.
The most common rigid polymer material is cellular polycarbonate. It, perhaps, can be called the golden mean, because it has all the advantages of glass and plastic film and is almost completely devoid of their shortcomings. At a price, cellular polycarbonate is more expensive than film, but cheaper and lighter than glass. At the same time, it is much stronger and therefore more durable.

Advantages of cellular polycarbonate:

  • high sunlight transmission capacity up to 86%, which over time can drop to a maximum of 82%;
  • excellent light-scattering ability, and this eliminates the appearance of sunburn on plants;
  • the operational period is 20 years;
  • high impact resistance of the material;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • good resistance to bad climatic conditions, with the preservation of all properties at extreme temperatures from -40°C to +120°C;
  • facilitated installation process due to low weight;
  • good flexibility (from it you can make different designs for the roof).

There are three types of polycarbonate covering material: budget, standard and premium. Budget-class sheets have a lower density, they are thinner and contain a larger amount of second-class raw materials. They are cheaper, but the service life is shorter. Standard sheets are 25 mm thick. On the one hand, they are covered with a protective material that protects polycarbonate from the harmful effects of the environment. It is this polycarbonate that has all the advantages that were described above. It is manufactured in accordance with international quality standards. Premium class polycarbonate has a thickness of 4 to 30 mm and, unlike the standard class, the protective material on it lies on both sides.

That's just the installation of premium polycarbonate will require certain knowledge and skills from you:

  • stiffeners must be mounted vertically to avoid the accumulation of condensate;
  • polycarbonate cannot be bent along a radius smaller than that specified by the manufacturer;
  • the ends of the panels must be sealed before installation;
  • this material can only be cut with a saw with small teeth or a construction knife;
  • fix polycarbonate with self-tapping screws with thermal washers;
  • the design of a do-it-yourself greenhouse does not involve the installation of polycarbonate material at temperatures below + 10 ° C;
  • installation of polycarbonate should be carried out only with an overlap. It is strictly forbidden to mount it end-to-end.

Did you know? The Crystal Palace was built in London inXIVcentury. In this large greenhouse, for a long period, many festivals and various events were held, including the receptions of the queen.

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands: step by step instructions and the necessary tools

In order for the results of the grown crop to meet your expectations, you need to think about where to put the greenhouse, what material to use during installation and what plan to follow when erecting a structure. All these issues need to be resolved before the start of construction work.

How to make a greenhouse from arcs?

After the arcs and covering material are selected, you can start making a greenhouse with your own hands.

Frame assembly:

  1. Attach the arcs with brackets to the base of the rails or bars, or dig into the ground.
  2. The distance between the arcs should not exceed one meter (optimally - 80 cm). Otherwise, the stability of the frame will be at risk.
  3. The top of the greenhouse must be "tied" with reinforcement to give the structure strength. You can also use PVC pipes of the desired size.

Important! Cover the greenhouse from the arcs with a film in full length so that it reaches the ground from the end. This is necessary so that the wind does not get inside and completely destroy the greenhouse.

If you cover the frame with an inexpensive plastic wrap, then on the sides it can be pressed down to the ground with improvised materials. More expensive types of covering material will need to be attached with special brackets to the ground, or to the base of the arcs.

How to make a greenhouse out of wood?

Wooden greenhouses, which are made by amateur gardeners with their own hands, are the most convenient in mastering the first steps in growing plants. They are made collapsible for ease of reuse next year. Making a wooden greenhouse with minimal financial outlay is much easier than it might seem at first glance.

Even an inexperienced gardener can make a small arched greenhouse of a portable type with his own hands. The small size limits the full care of vegetable crops, if you are inside it, so you have to remove the cover half for watering, weeding and other work. Greenhouse film falls into disrepair very quickly, so it's better to work a little harder and design a greenhouse in the form of a box. Such a greenhouse can also have transparent walls, not only the roof. To do this, you need to collect several wooden frames and fasten them together. For ease of access, it is better to make the roof hinged and equipped with a latch so that it does not open from strong wind gusts.

Important! In order for such a greenhouse to last longer, install it on an impromptu brick foundation. If you use bars, then they will need to be impregnated with a special compound that will prevent rotting.

Stationary greenhouses for summer cottages, which are built with their own hands, require the laying of a capital foundation. It can be built from old bricks with cement mortar, which is a more budget option. You can also use ready-made concrete blocks or pour mortar by setting up the formwork. The next stage is the binding of the structure. Lay a wooden beam with a section of 10x15 cm along the perimeter of the foundation. The beams can be fastened in any way: with a dovetail, half-tree, on an anchor, or by mechanical overlays.

Important! Any greenhouse should be able to ventilate. The hinged fastening of the frames or the easy possibility of removing the shelter material is excellent for this.

A wooden crate is attached to the tied beams, which consists of vertical posts and horizontal bars in increments of one meter maximum. If you organize a film coating, then you can stretch it over the frame, fixing it on the extreme slats, or create modules from old window frames with film instead of glass, which are connected into one continuous structure. The roof can be any, but always with a slope, even if it is minimal, which will ensure the runoff of atmospheric precipitation. Inside the greenhouse, you can dig a shallow trench the length of the entire structure, which is filled with fertilizer, and then sprinkled with a thick layer of soil. A powerful layer of soil will protect the deep roots of the plant from burns (a height of 30 cm will be optimal).

Did you know? In northern countries, greenhouses and greenhouses are often attached to houses. Thus, it is convenient to care for plants and heat the house at the same time.

How to make a greenhouse from old windows?

In order to make a small greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • window frames in the quantity you need;
  • several long boards, not thick logs or bars;
  • old brick or concrete under the foundation;
  • fastening elements for connecting frames to each other.

When the material for creating a greenhouse is selected, you should more accurately determine its size. There is no such thing as the optimal length of a greenhouse, since it will depend on the size of those same window frames and their number.

Important! You should not design too large a greenhouse, because it will not be so convenient in operational terms.

Before starting to assemble the structure, make sure that all frames are matched to the same size. Adjust the boards and beams to the required requirements and coat with bituminous mastic or used machine oil. Lay bricks around the entire perimeter of the future building and put bars on them. From the inside, vertically attach the boards to the beam with self-tapping screws. The distance between them must be made slightly smaller than the width of the frames. From above, on the outside, attach new boards so that the top edge of the first ones completely coincides with the vertical ends. After, you need to attach the rafters to the ends with a “house”. This form is necessary, as we have already discussed, for the normal flow of precipitation. Attach the window frames to the finished frame using the same self-tapping screws.

Important! At least one of the frames of the greenhouse must open, therefore, on the one hand, it must be hinged, and on the other, secured with a latch.

We design a metal greenhouse

A greenhouse frame made of a profile pipe is the most durable and reliable structure of all known types of shelters for growing early vegetable, berry and flower crops. To construct a mini or large summer greenhouse from a metal profile, you need to take a sufficiently powerful pipe. A 40x20 mm profile is ideal. To connect the frame horizontally, a pipe with a cross section of 20x20 mm will suffice. Before purchasing covering materials, in order to create a future frame, it is necessary to plan a drawing of a future greenhouse. This will help you in more accurate calculations of the amount of materials needed. It will also significantly reduce the time and loss of metal during cutting. Next, we will take a closer look at how to make a metal mini greenhouse with your own hands with the simplest gable roof.

First of all, decide how the base of your future greenhouse will look constructively. Here you can choose from several options, ranging from wooden railway sleepers to screw piles. In this example, we will consider a small monolithic foundation, 30-40 cm deep. Before pouring the excavated trench, lay anchors around the entire perimeter for future pipe fastening. As soon as these parts grab, weld a 40x20 mm profile pipe to them, which will serve as a reliable base for attaching all future frame frames of your metal greenhouse.
To avoid any distortion during frame assembly, assembly must be carried out on a flat and firm surface. If there is one, then the contour of the future frame should be marked on it and a profile pipe should be cut along it. To simplify the assembly process, it is not necessary to cut the profile into separate parts, it is better to make small precise cuts with a grinder, and then gradually bend the pipe. Thus, the frame of the desired shape should be obtained. Accurately calculate the angles of the cuts so that the cuts of the pipes when bending are docked tightly and accurately. After that, carefully weld all the joints. Structures that should be approached with the utmost responsibility are end frames. An entrance door will be installed in one of them, and a window in the other.

If you are planning to make a mini greenhouse, then the door can be excluded. Hinge these elements directly on the frame while it is still on the build site, as the extra weight will make installation difficult. The 40x20 mm profile has a sufficiently high rigidity, so frame frames can be installed every meter.
Between themselves, they need to be connected with segments of a square profile 20x20 mm. Install the frame elements from the end frame. So that it does not deviate from the vertical position, it must be fixed with two corner braces, welded to a horizontal foundation pipe. Weld the horizontal connecting elements of the profile 10 cm below the frame inflection point. This is necessary in order to be able to attach the polycarbonate in width and length as conveniently as possible.

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Ecology of consumption. Manor: With the onset of spring, every summer resident faces the task of planting seedlings and their further planting in open ground. A simple and cheap design of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will suit all summer residents and owners of country houses without exception.

Many summer residents strive to provide themselves with self-grown vegetables for the whole year. But due to climatic features, it is not always possible to achieve this goal in those areas that are located in the northern regions of our country. An excellent solution to this problem is the construction of a greenhouse on the garden plot.

True, not all gardeners have the financial ability to buy a ready-made factory greenhouse. For such people, the way out of the situation can be the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes with their own hands.

You can design and build a greenhouse from plastic pipes on your own, without resorting to outside help. And such a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will serve throughout the year, several seasons in a row. The obvious advantage in the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes is the prevalence, long service life and low cost of polypropylene products.


When choosing a future place for building a greenhouse from plastic pipes, a number of factors should be taken into account that affect the quality and quantity of the future crop.

There are the following options for placing a future greenhouse made of plastic pipes in a garden plot:

  1. You need to place a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, created by yourself, in an open space, away from other buildings on the site and large garden trees. This placement option can be combined with the location around the greenhouse of small shrubs and plants. This will add aesthetic appeal to the building.
  2. If, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, it is not possible to use an open space of sufficient area, it is possible to provide for the location of a greenhouse with one side adjacent to the wall of an already erected building, house or barn. With this option, an important condition will be the location of the other sides of the greenhouse on the south side in order to receive the maximum amount of sunlight.


The most common form in the construction of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes is an arched structure. This is due primarily to ease of construction and relative cheapness.

When choosing a form for the construction of a future greenhouse from plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account the features of the garden plot and the place that is chosen for the installation of the structure.

If a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will be located in an open area, then it is better to stop at a gable model. In the case when the greenhouse will be adjacent to the wall of an existing building on one side, it is more expedient to opt for a shed model.

The base of the greenhouse can be made in different geometric shapes, whether it be a square, rectangle, circle, oval or trapezoid. Recently, greenhouses in the form of a tent are gaining popularity.

Attention! Greenhouses of this design have greater light transmission than the classic options.


Building a greenhouse from plastic pipes has several advantages over structures made from other materials:

The main and, apparently, the only drawback in the construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes is its lightness. This can cause the entire structure to sway in strong winds. At the same time, this problem can be solved if additional metal rods are driven into the ground to strengthen the structure.


Before you make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes, you should calculate the necessary materials and tools. This is recommended to be done immediately after determining the location on the site for the future structure. Such measures will help to avoid additional costs already at the construction stage of the structure.

So, for work you will need:

  1. Timber or boards for forming the base of the greenhouse. It is recommended to treat wooden elements with special protective substances before starting construction, which will protect the wood from decay.

    Advice! To save money, it is recommended to use not branded professional woodworking tools, but improvised ones. For example, impregnate wooden beams with resin, smear several times with drying oil, treat with a blowtorch.

  2. Polypropylene pipes. It is necessary to calculate how many linear meters will be needed to build a greenhouse. For a more accurate calculation when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future design. After receiving a certain footage of plastic, you can add 10% of the total length for the stock.
  3. A polyethylene film is used to cover the polypropylene structure. It must be strong enough. High strength will protect it from tearing and allow you to use several seasons.
  4. Several metal rods. The reinforcement must be at least 1 m long.
  5. Nails and screws.
  6. Handles with locks and hinges for arranging doors and windows in the greenhouse.
  7. Additional metal loops for attaching individual plastic structural elements.


If at the stage of calculating the materials used, a detailed drawing of the future structure was drawn up, then you can immediately proceed directly to the construction of the greenhouse. Otherwise, it is recommended to draw up a detailed construction scheme - this will greatly simplify and speed up construction work.


Before you make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes yourself, you need to create a foundation. Under the future foundation of the greenhouse, a flat, flat area with a small depression is needed. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to level the ground and make a small depression of a few centimeters. As a material for the foundation, you can use either boards or a wooden beam.

Attention! Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, wooden boards must be cleaned with a planer or sandpaper, and treated with protective substances.

To strengthen the foundation of the future structure, it is recommended to use additional metal brackets or corners. A metal corner is attached to each internal junction of wooden boards. If timber is used as the material for the base of the greenhouse, it is more advisable to use staples that are driven in at each external junction of structural elements.

The finished foundation should lie tightly on the ground prepared for it. If gaps remain between the foundation and the ground, they must be sprinkled with earth.


After the construction of the foundation, along its outer perimeter, metal reinforcement should be driven into the ground in increments of no more than 100 cm. Pre-prepared and cut pieces of plastic pipe of the required length are mounted on these metal rods.

To fix plastic pipes, self-tapping screws are used, with the help of which the base of the pipe must be pulled to a wooden foundation. As connecting elements in the horizontal plane of the structure, plastic couplings, corners and crosses are used, which must first be drilled inside. This will allow the pipes to pass through the fittings.


When choosing a material for building a greenhouse roof, you should consider the features of some of the most common options:

  1. The optimal and common material for covering the greenhouse is polyethylene film. If financial possibilities allow, you can use a special reinforced PVC film as a cover. This material has good thermal insulation, which will allow you to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse even at night. At the same time, this material has high transparency and transmits up to 95% of sunlight during the daytime.
  2. A polycarbonate roof has the longest lifespan, but is more expensive and can be difficult to build. In addition, such a roof cannot be quickly dismantled, unlike a polyethylene one.
  3. Textile material for covering type "agrotex" has a low thermal insulation. True, the lightness and simplicity of this material make it possible to carry out installation and dismantling work in the shortest possible time.


Summing up, we can say that the option of self-construction in the garden plot of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes seems to be the most acceptable option. Such designs have a number of undeniable advantages. These include lightness and strength of the structure, its durability, ease of installation and dismantling. In addition, such greenhouses are ultimately the cheapest option, and from an aesthetic point of view, they are in no way inferior to expensive factory counterparts.

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A greenhouse is an indispensable element in any summer cottage. Thanks to this relatively small but very necessary structure, you can provide favorable conditions for the rapid growth of seedlings, protect tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as other garden crops from frost, get an early harvest - the greenhouse will always take care of your plantings. It can be of any form, among which you can easily choose the one that suits you and your site best. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy this house for plants - you can make a greenhouse with your own hands quickly and easily if you know how.

Before you go to the barn to assess the availability of materials and tools or to the store to purchase them, you need to inspect the garden plot and choose a place where the greenhouse will be built. Of course, the design can be portable, but most often it is made stationary. In addition, the size of the structure will depend on the choice of location and the availability of free space, and this factor greatly affects the amount of materials needed for construction.

A place for a greenhouse should be chosen according to the following principles.

  1. It must be a flat piece of land. Installation of the structure on steep slopes is unacceptable. If there are snags, stumps on the territory allocated for the greenhouse, then they must be uprooted, and all the pits should be covered with soil.
  2. Growing and fruiting plants need good lighting. That is why a greenhouse is not installed where a shadow from trees, shrubs, greenhouses, houses and other buildings falls on the ground. The lack of light will negatively affect both seedlings and adult crops.
  3. The gardener should be comfortable doing all the work in the greenhouse. Therefore, you need to try to calculate the location in such a way that there is a sufficient passage around the structure, and the greenhouse can be easily opened.

  • It is best to orient the direction of the greenhouse from east to west. In this case, the sun's rays will most effectively illuminate the plants in the building. But if there is a desire to make sure that the plants receive an abundance of sun only in the morning and evening, then the greenhouse is installed from north to south. In this case, the plantations will be protected from the scorching heat at noon.
  • On a note! If the greenhouse is planned to be used for the permanent cultivation of plants, for example, then care should be taken to build a second greenhouse, if space permits. The fact is that it is undesirable to grow the same crops, especially tomatoes and cucumbers, in the same place from year to year. Plantings are usually interchanged. In this case, the second greenhouse would be very useful.

    The best time to build a greenhouse is mid-spring. The snow has already melted, and the plants are not growing much yet. Although if there is nowhere to hurry, then you can build a greenhouse at any time of the year, except for winter. In winter, it is very difficult to carry out any construction, not only because of the cold, but also because of the hard ground.

    Greenhouse dimensions

    In general, the size of any greenhouse depends entirely on the desire and capabilities of the gardener, as well as on the types of crops that will be grown in it. If a greenhouse is needed only for accustoming seedlings to the street, but not for its permanent place of residence, then it can be completely small or hastily assembled without any special material costs. But if this design is meant to be capital, then it is best to make some calculations so that later you do not get upset and do not shrug in case of a lack or excess of space.

    Calculations should begin with the development of a structure diagram (we will consider the types of greenhouses below). Thanks to her, it will be easier to calculate the necessary parameters and the amount of materials.

    On a note! Usually they make greenhouses about 1 m wide and no more than 2-3 long. In this case, the height is approximately 50-60 cm. Such dimensions will be as comfortable as possible both for working inside the structure, and for growing seedlings, as well as undersized crops.

    Also, the number of plants that will live in a greenhouse can be taken as the basis for calculations. For example, no more than 3 bushes of cucumbers or tomatoes can easily coexist per 1 m 2. Based on this, you can calculate the dimensions of the structure you need.

    It is also important to consider the dimensions of the material that will be used to build the structure. Sometimes it's easier to make a couple of small greenhouses than one long one, which can only be obtained by joining the material.

    Greenhouse types

    Greenhouses for cottages come in a wide variety of forms. To decide what type your greenhouse will be, you should get acquainted with the main ones.

    Table. Greenhouse types.

    Type of greenhouseDescription

    A greenhouse that opens on the principle of an ordinary bread box. It happens factory or homemade. It is convenient because the lid does not strive to fall down and does not need props, unlike, for example, a "butterfly".

    One of the simplest options for greenhouses. Several plastic or wire arcs are stuck into the ground along the beds and covered with spunbond or polyethylene. It is quickly disassembled and assembled, moreover, this process can be carried out by almost any gardener.
    The lower part of this structure - the base - is recessed into the ground, only the cover of the greenhouse is on the surface. This way of arranging a house for plants allows you to keep warm longer inside the structure.

    The greenhouse is arched or a house, has two wings that open outward. It can be produced at the factory and made by hand. Provides uniform access to plantings from both sides.

    One of the simplest types of greenhouse is two battens connected in a “ridge” and covered with polyethylene or other material. It is mounted quickly and simply, but is unstable and is used more often as a temporary portable structure.

    Each of the above types has certain variations, supplemented by one or another element. For example, an ordinary greenhouse-bread box can be installed not on the ground, but on the base, thereby making it higher. There are also a lot of greenhouses - for this, ordinary sports hoops, window frames, headboards from beds and much more are used. Sometimes it’s enough to rummage in the shed in the country, where unnecessary things are stored, and find a few items that can easily get a new life in the form of a greenhouse frame. All it takes is a little skill and imagination.

    Greenhouse materials

    It's time to discuss the main types of materials from which it is easy to create a greenhouse with your own hands. The frame itself can be of three types.

    1. Metal. This material is the most long-lived and durable compared to others. He is not afraid of wind or snow. Metal arches can withstand a greater mass than plastic or wooden ones. Metal has two main drawbacks - difficulty in processing (certain tools are needed to work with it) and a tendency to corrosion (this drawback is corrected if the frame is painted). Also, in the event of a greenhouse falling, the metal base will simply crush the plants.

  • Wood. Easy to process and easily accessible material. It is quite simple to build a greenhouse out of it - you only need construction skills, a hammer and nails. Of course, wood will not bend like metal, but in this case, you can consider variations of products in the form of a house or. Disadvantages - the need for treatment with drugs that repel woodworms, a shorter service life than metal. But the wooden frame is definitely stronger than the plastic one.
  • Plastic. The most durable and at the same time the most fragile material that easily bends, falls, breaks. But plastic bends well, arched structures are often made from it. Another plus is that in the event of a collapse of the greenhouse, nothing will happen to the plants, since this is a very light material.
  • After the construction of the frame, it must be covered with a covering material that will retain heat and protect the plants from wind and cold. Consider the possible options.

    1. Glass. Heavy, but high-quality and durable material with increased fragility. It is easily damaged by impacts, breaks when dropped, but does not bend, and therefore can only be used for greenhouses with even walls. Does not retain ultraviolet and retains heat worse, difficult to process.
    2. Polycarbonate. Recognized as one of the best covering materials. It has a certain strength, it is not afraid of moderate wind / snow loads, it bends perfectly, and therefore can be used for the construction of curved structures. The material has a protective layer that prevents ultraviolet rays from penetrating into the building, and due to the honeycomb structure, it retains heat perfectly. The service life is shorter than that of glass, but in some ways the material is even stronger, because it is not so fragile and will not break if dropped from a small height. Polycarbonate is also very easy to process.

  • Polyethylene. The most short-lived, but popular because of the cheapness of the material. It is easily cut with scissors, and it is convenient to fix it on the frame using ordinary plastic clamps. Suitable for creating a greenhouse and in general is often used in horticulture as a covering material, as it does not allow moisture to pass through at all. It is short-lived, torn from the slightest impact with a sharp object, even with a careful attitude, it serves only a couple of seasons.
  • Spunbond. A new word in horticultural technologies. Breathable material that lets in fresh air and some moisture, but does not release heat to the outside and does not get wet. Easy to process and cut with ordinary scissors, easy to wash.
  • Cucumbers are demanding on growing conditions and give a good harvest only at stable air and soil temperatures. Providing cucumbers with the right microclimate is quite simple: you need to install a major or seasonal greenhouse in the garden. We will talk about how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers with our own hands in.

    Also, to connect individual elements, you may need corners, self-tapping screws, washers, corner profiles, clamps. For the convenience of opening greenhouses with doors, handles and canopies are used.

    Prices for cellular polycarbonate

    cellular polycarbonate

    Greenhouse "house"

    A gable portable greenhouse is one of the simplest options that you can build yourself. It is a "roof" with two slopes, placed on the ground and covered with a film. You can make it easily and quickly from a wooden beam of about 5 * 5 cm, metal corners and self-tapping screws or nails.

    Step 1. We create two frames by connecting the bars with each other, equal in length to the length of the greenhouse, and shorter.

    Step 3 We connect the two frames to each other in the upper part with the help of a ridge rail. The approximate angle of connection is 90 degrees.

    Step 4 At the bottom of the frame we connect the elements with longitudinal rails. We've got a frame.

    Step 5 Now the frame must be covered with a film so that it can rise to ventilate the plantings. To do this, we cut off the piece of covering material we need, slightly longer in length than the sum of the two side parts of the greenhouse.

    Step 6 We cut out two pieces of polyethylene triangular in size the same as the sides of the frame. We pin them with small carnations on the sides.

    Step 7 We pin a large piece of polyethylene along the ridge rail.

    Each owner of a summer cottage sooner or later asks the question of how to increase the yield of the garden and optimize financial and physical costs. As a rule, it is after this that they begin to consider affordable greenhouses with their own hands: the best projects and features of their implementation. This article will discuss successful greenhouse designs, materials for construction and coating, as well as a detailed description of the process of building a building.

    Before you start building a greenhouse, you need to decide on several fundamental aspects that will determine the size, type and location of the structure. First of all, you should think about what you plan to grow in it. For example, a greenhouse for tomatoes should match the height of adult plants, while growing seedlings exclusively does not require a large structure.

    Another important point is the material from which the construction will be carried out. The most popular option, which is used in most cases, is wood. But today, wood has given way to lighter and more affordable modern materials, such as plastic pipes and covering material. But this does not mean that wooden frames were abandoned altogether. Wooden and metal greenhouses can still be found quite often.

    In addition, the symmetrical arrangement of all buildings, fences and paths will help to give the site a neat appearance. But the most important thing is that at the same time, the greenhouse should be located correctly and do not close the windows of the house, do not block the passage, etc.

    DIY wooden greenhouses and greenhouses: photos, instructions and material features

    Wood is one of the most affordable and popular materials that is used for various construction. Of course, one cannot deny the fact that it is wood that is more than all other materials subject to the influence of external factors, however, this does not stop many owners of summer cottages who want to build a greenhouse with their own hands.

    Soft wood species are acceptable for the construction of temporary structures. In this case, pine, alder, spruce, aspen or linden are suitable. For more reliable and permanent structures, it is better to use other deciduous trees or swamp cypress, larch.

    In the process of building a greenhouse, the frame of which is made of wood, it is very important to prepare a reliable foundation that will become a solid foundation for the structure.

    Do-it-yourself foundation options for a greenhouse and a greenhouse for a summer residence

    Depending on the design features, one or another version of the foundation can be made, which will be suitable for this type of structure:

    • foundation of railway sleepers or timber. To do this, you need to prepare a trench in which the sleepers or timber are laid. All these elements are connected with metal brackets. Then, a finished greenhouse frame is installed on top;

    • for places where there is often windy weather, it is preferable to mount a columnar foundation. Due to the presence of a concrete base, this design can withstand severe wind loads, and even hurricanes. For this purpose, pipes with a diameter of more than 20 cm are required. They are dug in to a depth of 90 to 120 cm so that they do not freeze during the cold season;
    • a block foundation is another solution to the issue of installing a base for a greenhouse or greenhouse. In this case, sand and gravel are first poured into a previously prepared trench, and then concrete blocks are placed. All this is poured with cement mortar and then a frame of bars is fixed on top;
    • strip foundation is practically not used for greenhouses, as it is designed for more serious loads. A concrete pad 30-50 cm thick is located in a not too deep trench. The main advantage of this option is an extremely long service life, which allows you to change structures by installing them on the same base.

    Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame assembly

    Having figured out what is the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse, and having established the type of foundation that suits you, you can proceed directly to the construction of the frame itself. As mentioned earlier, there are several options that you can implement yourself, such as arched or gable construction. It all depends on your preferences, as well as the features of the area on which the installation will be carried out.

    Most often in summer cottages you can find rectangular greenhouses or greenhouses with a gable roof. Making wooden greenhouses with your own hands is quite simple, and their use will be quite comfortable if you think through all the nuances.

    Features of each stage of construction. How to choose and fix covering material. Advantages of PVC pipe constructions.

    Installation always begins with the support beam, which is attached to the foundation and is usually somewhat thicker than the rest of the wood used for the frame itself. In this case, all elements are necessarily processed with a protective antiseptic.

    All fasteners must be reliable, so reinforcement, anchor or metal bolts can be used for this purpose. Another important aspect is the integrity of the timber, which is used as a base. It must be solid, without cracks and traces of decay, since the stability of the structure depends on this.

    The construction of a greenhouse made of wood with your own hands is carried out according to the drawing you have chosen. But, in general, the scheme of work is as follows: it is necessary to assemble two side and two end walls, which are then fastened together with self-tapping screws, corners, metal profiles or clamps.

    When the "box" is ready, you can proceed to the installation of rafters. Their number depends on your preferences, however, it should be understood that the more there are, the easier it will be to fix the covering material and the stronger the overall structure will be.

    When all the rafters are fixed, you can proceed to the installation of the roof ridge, which is attached to the upper groove of the rafters. At the same stage, it is worth fixing the wind boards, for which the side grooves of the rafters are provided. You can see more details on exactly how to do this in the drawing or diagram. All these elements must be made of solid material.

    The final stage of construction can be called the installation of a doorway, as well as a vent, which is provided for ventilation. After that, it remains only to cover the frame with a covering material, and you can begin operation.

    Helpful advice! One of the most effective ways to protect against rodents is to lay a chain-link mesh with small cells under the greenhouse. This must be done before installing the frame.

    The most comfortable do-it-yourself greenhouses. Photos of models made of polycarbonate and plastic pipes

    One of the modern and inexpensive options for building a greenhouse is the use of plastic pipes. Depending on the manufacturing technology, they are divided into polypropylene, metal-plastic and PVC.

    The last option is slightly cheaper than all the others. But metal-plastic, although the most expensive, are able to provide a much higher level of strength. Therefore, in this case, you should be guided by your preferences and financial capabilities. As an example, you can see photos of greenhouses in the country with your own hands.

    The main advantages of a plastic greenhouse frame over a wooden one are ease of installation and the ability to give the structure any shape. As in the case of wood, you need to start construction with site selection and site preparation. Having decided on the purpose and size of the greenhouse, you can proceed to the drawing of the scheme and the purchase of the appropriate amount of necessary materials.

    Often, plastic pipe structures are made temporary, since they can be easily dismantled and reassembled several times. The type of foundation to be laid depends on whether the greenhouse is stationary or collapsible. In the first case, it is better to use tape or columnar. For a temporary structure, you can not make a foundation at all, but simply dig in metal pins and strengthen the site with boards.

    With the help of pins, the base is made as follows:

    1. Strong metal pins are dug into the ground. They should protrude about 30 cm above the ground.
    2. One end of the pipe is put on the pin.
    3. The pipe is bent in such a way that the second edge can also be put on the pin, which is dug parallel to the first.

    How to economically build a greenhouse with your own hands from plastic pipes

    Everyone can make a simple greenhouse with their own hands without much financial investment and effort. To do this, you only need to purchase all the necessary materials, according to the selected drawing and follow a fairly simple algorithm:

    1. After the base arcs are installed, it is necessary to fasten them together. To do this, you need to use a pipe, the length of which will correspond to the length of the entire greenhouse.
    2. A long pipe (or two short ones fastened together) is located in the center of the arcs standing on the base, and is fixed as tightly as possible with clamps or ropes. On this, the assembly of the frame can be considered certified.
    3. As a coating, it is best to use polycarbonate or polyethylene film. In the first case, the thickness of the polycarbonate must be at least 4 mm, and the size of the sheet can be any, since this material can be easily cut and adjusted to the size of the greenhouse. In the second case, the film is cut into strips and attached to the arcs using double-sided tape, stationery binders or special pipe mounts.
    4. Fastening of polycarbonate or film must be overlapped. To connect the sheets, you can use self-tapping screws with wide caps or thermal washers. The main thing is to pay due attention to the sealing of the joints. To do this, you can use a special tape.

    Small ones for greenery can be built with your own hands from improvised materials

    Greenhouse made of covering material: which is better, polycarbonate or film

    The technical and operational characteristics of polycarbonate have allowed it to take a leading position among the materials that are used to create greenhouses and hotbeds. It is quite simple to cut and fasten, and at the same time it is resistant to external factors. In addition, it has excellent light transmission, providing plants with the necessary amount of sunlight.

    It is worth considering that this durable and reliable material is much more expensive than the usual and affordable polyethylene film, which is still widely used to cover greenhouses.

    Everyone can figure out how to cover a greenhouse with a film. The main thing is to fix it on the frame as securely as possible and fix it below, sprinkling the edges with earth and laying heavy boards or bricks. When deciding which film to choose for a greenhouse, you should first of all be guided by its strength. But in any case, most likely, it will not last more than one season. The price of a film for a greenhouse is affordable, so you can replace it without much effort and investment.

    As for the features of fastening polycarbonate, it is worth noting the presence of several different methods. So, in addition to conventional self-tapping screws, you can use aluminum staples or special plastic earrings.

    Another option involves the use of profiles for this purpose. In this case, you need to drill holes in advance that will allow you to attach the coating to the metal frame.

    Helpful advice! The use of thermal washers in the process of fixing polycarbonate is a mandatory measure, since this is what allows the material to maintain integrity and prevents condensation.

    Greenhouse "Do it yourself" from window frames: how to equip a place for growing seedlings

    In garden plots, you can often find small greenhouses assembled from old window frames. Of course, such a design is hardly suitable for growing tall and large crops, but it is more than useful as a do-it-yourself greenhouse for seedlings.

    The main advantage of this option is financial savings. All you need is old window frames. If they have glasses, then you can leave them and use them instead of the standard coating. If the frames are empty, then after installation they can be covered with plastic wrap or cut polycarbonate sheets can be inserted.

    Even for such a small and light greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the foundation in advance. For this purpose, a wooden frame made of boards or timber is mounted. Best suited for this purpose is a beam of 50x50 mm or a board with a thickness of 40 mm.

    The frame will consist of racks, as well as upper and lower straps, which are made from the same boards. Racks, at the same time, must be installed at such a distance from each other that the window frame can enter between them.

    For the roof, timber is best suited, as it is more durable and minimizes the risk of the greenhouse being destroyed under the weight of snow in winter. Also, gable structures are more durable, which is also worth considering.

    As for attaching the frames themselves to the supports, this can be done using nails and screws. It must be fixed on all four sides, both from the outside and from the inside. All remaining gaps must be sealed with foam.

    Like the walls of the greenhouse, it is best to cover the roof with polycarbonate or wrap it with a film. This will provide the plants with the maximum amount of light.

    Helpful advice! It is best to start the installation of the coating from the roof, gradually moving down. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging already covered areas by hitting them in the process.

    Do-it-yourself greenhouse under a film made of galvanized steel profile

    Profile is another material that has recently been actively used for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses. The main advantage of this method is the ability to give the structure absolutely any shape and size, not limited to any standard sizes.

    Helpful advice! In order to build a beautiful and reliable greenhouse with your own hands from a profile, videos, calculations and step-by-step photo instructions offered on the Internet can serve you well. Do not neglect the advice of experts, as well as the recommendations of users who have already had to work with such buildings before.

    To work, you will need the following tools: a measuring tape, a building level and a plumb line, scissors designed to work with metal and a screwdriver.

    Installation of the frame begins with fixing the guide profile, which is attached to the foundation with self-tapping screws. One upper beam should connect all sections to each other, which should be at such a distance that the structure is sufficiently rigid. As a rule, the step is the third and fourth part of the length of the polycarbonate sheet.

    By the same principle, you can make a galvanized greenhouse under the film. You just need to think in advance how to fix the film on the greenhouse. Otherwise, the technology does not differ from that used for wooden structures and greenhouses made of plastic pipes.

    Very often, a galvanized profile is used for a greenhouse for tomatoes. It is quite simple to build it with your own hands, and at the same time, the design has the proper strength. Moreover, every summer resident, interested in the question of how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, will definitely come across the fact that the temperature in the greenhouse for tomatoes should not fall too low. Therefore, it may be worth thinking about the heating system at the design and construction stage.

    How to care for the structure and how to prepare a greenhouse for planting

    Regardless of whether you prefer a greenhouse under a film or a more fundamental structure using polycarbonate, a number of procedures must be carried out before planting plants. First of all, this concerns the preparation of soil and beds in a greenhouse with your own hands. Photos and diagrams of how to properly arrange everything inside clearly demonstrate that having calculated everything in advance, you can ensure the convenience and ease of working with plants.

    When wondering how to treat a greenhouse in the spring before planting, it is worthwhile to study in detail all possible methods in order to protect the plants and the building. First of all, it should be a high-quality antiseptic that will destroy all dangerous microorganisms living in the soil.

    Considering the question of which is better, a greenhouse or a greenhouse, it is also worth considering that the first option is often installed on open ground, and from year to year the structure can be moved to a new location. And the greenhouse is a stationary structure, and it will not be possible to move it without effort.

    Another important point is how to make beds in a greenhouse. Here you need to build on what kind of crop you plan to grow. For example, if you start building a greenhouse for peppers with your own hands, then the width of the beds should be at least 80 cm. At the same time, the paths should be thought out in such a way as to provide free access to each plant.

    The most convenient do-it-yourself greenhouse: video instructions for making

    After reviewing the video, a do-it-yourself greenhouse will no longer seem like an impossible task to you. Following simple recommendations, you can easily make a greenhouse made of covering material with your own hands, which will meet all your needs, and is perfect for the effective cultivation of vegetable crops.

    Reading time ≈ 14 minutes

    From this article you will learn how to make a greenhouse with your own hands, but don’t be scared - it’s not at all difficult at home and you can choose the most budget option. This is a fairly simple structure and it is within the power of any normal person to build it, and not necessarily an adult - even a high school student can cope with such a task. You just need to decide on the installation site, materials for construction and the method of heating the future structure (below you can watch the video clip).

    Video: greenhouse "for the lazy"

    Greenhouse and greenhouse - what's the difference

    in the greenhouse

    Greenhouses are stationary (the frame is fixed in the ground) and portable - they can be lifted and moved to another place. As a rule, such structures are not large in size and adult plants are usually not grown there, but they are used for seedlings, which are then planted in the garden. The height of such gardening devices is not more than 1.5 m, and these parameters are for a hospital, and if there is the possibility of easy removal, then from 0.5 m or a little more. The greenhouse can be with forced heating or without it.

    The building, called, according to the standard, has at least 2.5 m in height, in any case, a person there can move to his full height. In large farms, such buildings are made so large that agricultural machinery can drive in to work the soil and plants, as well as harvest and export crops. Forced heating in greenhouses is very rarely installed - the main source of heat is sunlight plus the absence of wind.

    Note. It is possible to build a greenhouse on your personal plot, but this is a rather time-consuming process, which also requires serious investments. It is much easier, cheaper and faster to build a greenhouse.

    What materials can a greenhouse be built from?

    Reinforced polyethylene film

    Various materials are used to cover the greenhouse, where the main requirements are lightness, transparency and moisture resistance. For these purposes, usually used:

    • polyethylene - ordinary or reinforced film;
    • lutrasil - non-woven covering material;
    • spunbond - non-woven covering material;
    • cast polycarbonate;
    • cellular polycarbonate;
    • ordinary glass.

    Frame made of metal pipes for a mobile greenhouse

    For the frame, it is also permissible to use different materials or even what can be found at home on the farm. It can be:

    • metal pipes;
    • polypropylene pipes;
    • metal fittings;
    • fiberglass fittings;
    • wooden bars;
    • window frames.

    Different types of greenhouses

    Such structures can take a wide variety of forms. The frame can be made:

    • arched;
    • trapezoidal;
    • square;
    • rectangular;
    • triangular.

    A simple greenhouse with an arched frame

    Mobile greenhouse with arched frame

    It is very convenient to make such a structure from half-inch polypropylene pipes - they are called twentieth by plumbers, since the outer diameter is 20 mm. The frame is simply welded, like a water pipe, and at the same time it can be set to any size. It is quite natural that the arc will unbend, but this is not a problem - you can put screeds around the edges and in several places in the middle. This is done very simply: tees are cut into the lower longitudinal pipes and ties are made with their help.

    A metal frame is also made according to the same principle: if these are steel pipes, then they are bent with a pipe bender, and if reinforcement, then it can be bent around a template. The lower horizontal jumpers in such cases are welded by electric or gas welding.

    If fiberglass rods are used as arches, then lumber cannot be dispensed with. That is, here you will have to make a base on which the arcs will be attached and it is most convenient to build it from the lumber that you have at hand. It can be anything: slats, bars, boards, chipboard, OSB, or plywood.

    Another option for such a structure is when arcs (arches) are driven into the ground, but this already turns out to be a stationary model - you cannot move such a greenhouse from place to place. Everything is very simple here: semi-ovals are bent from the rods of any material and stuck into the ground. After that, the frame is covered with a film, and to care for the plants, this film is simply thrown aside.

    Video: Fedorov's greenhouse - a movable arched structure

    Simple bar construction

    Triangular beam structure

    This is a very simple design that any summer resident who has ever held a hammer or screwdriver in his hands can assemble. Such an assembly is done according to the principle of a gable rafter system: a quadrangle is assembled around the perimeter (like a Mauerlat) and rafter legs are fixed on it, converging at the top point (ridge). To give the structure rigidity, you should screw (nail) a ridge beam - this is the same bar that is fixed at the convergence point. In this case, the optimal cross-section of a wooden profile is 50 × 50 mm.

    It should be noted here that a stationary structure of this type should not be done - the wood in the ground will simply rot. If the bars are dry, then the frame will be light. But if the assembly is done with self-tapping screws, then it can be easily disassembled and stored in any utility room. 5-10 pairs of rafter legs will not take up much space, but at any time you can spread them out, fix them at the top and bottom with longitudinal and transverse bars, and then cover with a film.

    Stationary greenhouse made of lumber

    Stationary mini greenhouse

    And now let's see how to make a stationary type greenhouse with your own hands at home. You will find a video clip on a stationary greenhouse below. In fact, this is within the power of any owner of a country house or a summer resident who knows what a hammer, a hacksaw and a screwdriver are. It should be said right away that the hospital in this case does not imply burying lumber into the ground - the structure simply cannot be removed during operation.

    Base mounting

    To mount such a design, you first need to assemble the frame, as shown in the photo above. Such an assembly will serve as a box for the ground and it is permissible to mount a wooden frame on it, which can be made both quadrangular and triangular. The downside here is that the soil will be in a wooden box and the boards will rot from moisture over time.

    Video: stationary mini greenhouse

    Metal frame for greenhouse

    Today, almost all hard transparent coatings are made from cast or. This is very convenient, since the sheets are easily bent and fixed with self-tapping screws to the frame. But for the construction of such a structure, a number of circumstances must be taken into account, such as:

    • sheets come in two sizes: 2×6 m and 2×12 m and it is better not to cut it, especially if it is a cellular PC;
    • if polycarbonate has a 2R structure and a thickness of 4 mm, then it is cheaper than glass of the same thickness. Its cost can only be compared with agrofilm;
    • equipment (standard fasteners, compensators, edging profile, filters and aluminum tape) are quite expensive. But if you do not use it and simply fix it with self-tapping screws, then in the open air polycarbonate will become unusable in 3-4 years;
    • the installation of the material is carried out by bending, if the structure is not made in the form of a square or quadrangle. But the bend gives the building additional strength, and the frame must be reinforced and, accordingly, it will turn out to be more expensive. This method must be used for greenhouses
    • all this is done from scraps that may remain from any project, for example, assembling a gazebo, but if the sheets are solid, then the frame must be strengthened. If you have never made a greenhouse with your own hands, then it is better to start with a plastic film - this is not only convenient, but also cheap and practical.

    Processes taking place in the greenhouse

    Processes that take place day and night

    The layer of soil in which plants are planted in a greenhouse in a country house or in a suburban area is very thin, so such a biological system is quite fragile. Here, the fact that the biorhythms in it are forced is very important, although they are closer to natural ones, but at the same time they are intesified. This section focuses on greenhouses, not greenhouses - it has all the necessary information.

    What's going on in the world

    Plant life cycles day and night

    The biorhythm in a greenhouse for plants largely follows the natural cycle, as shown in the figure on the right side, although there are small differences that speed up their development:

    • leaves and green stems consume water with carbon dioxide from the soil, as well as minerals that are dissolved there;
    • metabolic oxygen can be isolated here - it is released much more than usual;
    • due to photosynthesis, dissolved plastic and organic substances are formed - they are necessary for the development and growth of plants; part of the plastic substances enters the rhizomes, tubers and bulbs. It can also be stems without chlorophyll, flowers or ripening fruits.

    What happens in the dark

    Night processes:

    • vegetative green parts, together with the roots, absorb oxygen and at the same time emit carbon dioxide;
    • green foliage also gives excess water - this is usually water vapor, although sometimes it can be water drops that are released through hydathodes (water stomata);
    • plastic substances are produced, that is, the daily supply is finally consumed;
    • the roots grow mainly at night due to the intake of plastic substances into them.

    Recommendation. If it is warm outside (at least 10-15⁰C), the greenhouse needs to be ventilated. Airing provides an influx of oxygen for the home device, and although plants consume very little of it, plants must be provided with this gas at night so that rot and various diseases do not start. Airing is best done in the morning to remove CO2 and H2O that have built up overnight.

    Greenhouse effect

    Greenhouse effect process in a greenhouse

    What happens during the day:

    • part of daylight is needed for plant photosynthesis;
    • carbon dioxide and water vapor are absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules, transferring them to the highest level of energy;
    • a small part of daylight is taken away by the soil, converting it into infrared radiation, which warms the air;
    • part of the infrared radiation is converted from the coating (image on the left). In addition, it heats the air and the building itself;
    • soil heating is enough to activate the roots, but outside it can be low.

    Note. CO2 is heavier than air and collects at the bottom of the greenhouse, while H2O collects as condensate droplets at the top.

    • the air temperature inside the greenhouse at night is higher than outside and higher than the sap flow temperature;
    • by convection, the soil gives up its heat to the air;
    • greenhouse gas molecules are emitted in infrared gases, heating the air and promoting sap flow in the trunk and foliage of plants;
    • heat is dissipated through the coating.

    Note. It turns out that conditions for "three-shift work" are created for any vegetation in the greenhouse.

    fertile soil

    fertile soil

    To make a greenhouse on your own in a country house or a suburban area, you need to assemble it from a profile pipe and polycarbonate. It will be a very complex biocenosis, where countless very small living organisms live, which cannot be in another habitat. Some biologists classify such soil as a microorganism along with termite mounds, anthills, and coral reefs. Such a cover can be called the largest living formation on the planet.

    In greenhouses, the soil "works" around the clock, that is, in three shifts, and in spring and autumn, contrary to the natural regime of heating and cooling, so it is very quickly depleted. A greenhouse, unlike a greenhouse, cannot work on the same soil for more than a season. Greenhouses are divided into three types according to the nature of the use of the soil:

    1. Mobile - as the soil is depleted, the greenhouse is transferred to another place.
    2. Ground - suitable for warm edges and made only of a frame and a film. The soil there is stationary and they are used for seedlings.<
    3. Bulk - can be in one place for a long time, but natural soils are not used.

    Note. For a soil or mobile greenhouse, the soil will remain suitable for a long time if it is heated with improvised materials.

    Legumes in the greenhouse

    Mobile and ground greenhouses need to restore fertility. One of the existing methods is the sowing of leguminous plants, for example, or beans, but the restoration in this case will not be complete, but only partial. If you are looking for how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers, then this option will not work - on such soil it is better to do it yourself or berry bushes.

    To fully restore soil fertility, it should be left fallow for a year so that it can rest from stress, and then plant legumes. After complete restoration, the soil can be planted under a variety of root crops and / or. To effectively use the soil, you will need four identical plots:

    1. on which the greenhouse is located.
    2. Under steam;
    3. planted with nitrogen fixers.
    4. under other cultures.

    Warming up the earth in a greenhouse

    Video: heating the earth in a greenhouse in different ways

    A very good method of heating the soil is its warming with horse manure, but here a problem arises: there are practically no horses now and you can only find manure at a stud farm. Other materials do not have this effect and oversaturate the soil with nitrates, which is highly undesirable for the crop, as they are harmful to human health. Now scientific agrochemistry is being used in full swing, but horse manure is still better. The video clip above tells about some methods of heating the soil.

    Use of biofuels for ground heating
