Currant pruning. Pruning currant bushes in autumn. Proper and timely pruning of currants in the fall - tips for beginner gardeners

Currant is a rather picky plant that needs timely, but simple care. True, there is one procedure that she cannot do without - cropping. Twice a year, currant shoots should be cut without fail: this will help the bushes of the plant to yield the maximum possible amount. So, if you rejuvenate the currant bush in a timely manner, you can keep it healthy and fruitful for 20-25 years. Further, in detail about how to properly prune currants in the fall: subtleties, tips for beginners (a detailed photo diagram and video materials are attached).

Why is pruning needed?

Currant is a fast-growing, generous and long-bearing plant, which often renews its branched “cover”. It is for this reason that pruning currant bushes is so actual question. It is noticed that best harvest currant grows on the branches of the last year, but older shoots can also give a good harvest.

In order for fruiting not to be interrupted and to be the maximum possible for one or another currant variety, it is necessary to help the plant form new shoots and stimulate good branching of the bush by pruning. Then you can not be afraid for the currant crop.

Currant pruning rejuvenates the bush

In addition, pruning currant branches brings the plant only benefits in the future. So, the bushes that have been pruned are better blown by the wind, well lit by the sun, which means that the risk of getting sick is much less.

Rules and methods for pruning currants

Before pruning, you need to figure out how to do it correctly. Remember: during the pruning of currant shoots, in no case should the kidneys be damaged. This means that the cut should be approximately 0.5 cm above the kidney, while the angle of inclination must be strictly observed: make sure that it is no more than 50 degrees.

Attention! When pruning young (and not only) shoots, remember that the cut should not touch the bud or be near it, otherwise it may dry out. But at the same time, try not to place it too high, because in this case, the part of the branch located above the kidney with a high degree of probability will also dry out.

Currant bushes are pruned in the autumn-spring period, and annually. But for the first time, this procedure must be carried out at the time of planting a young seedling. So, all shoots of only a planted plant should be shortened by 15-20 cm (no more than 3-4 buds should be left on the surface). Moreover, the weaker the growth of shoots, the stronger they should be cut.

Currant pruning schemes

Autumn annual pruning of currants involves the removal of all diseased and damaged shoots. All branches that are too low to the surface of the earth are also subject to removal. If the plant is not very well developed and the growth at the end of the year is very weak, this is a good reason to cut them almost to the ground. If the shoots turned out to be very strong and healthy, you can shorten them a little, thereby provoking the active growth of second-order shoots.

Advice. Autumn pruning of currants is considered the final one and it must be carried out taking into account the fact that at least 10-15 branches of various ages should remain on an adult currant bush after this procedure.

When pruning currant bushes, one important detail should be considered: the type of currant. For example, red currant has its own characteristics and differences. The structure of her bush is somewhat different than that of blackcurrant: she has fewer drooping branches, which are usually cut off, and she needs a lot of light, so she has to remove all the branches that obscure the fruiting parts of the plant.

In addition, red currants are rejuvenated much less often and only those branches that have already “been out of order” (stopped bearing fruit). Remember: only those barren branches that have already reached the age of 7 should be removed in the autumn.

On a note

Well, and finally a few valuable advice from experienced gardeners to help you grow a strong plant and keep it healthy year after year:

Cut branches need to be treated with garden pitch

  1. AT autumn period mandatory pruning of diseased and damaged tops of the bush is carried out. If the currant shoot needs strong pruning, it is better to remove it altogether.
  2. In order to prune the shoots correctly, it is necessary to accurately determine their age visually. So, the darker the bark on the currant branches, the older they are.
  3. By carrying out autumn pruning, you can provoke active fruiting of the plant if you remove all old shoots (over 3 years old), as well as those that have grown less than 20 cm.
  4. Old branches must be cut very carefully and, most importantly, correctly: their height should be somewhere at the level of the soil (no higher than 3-4 cm above the ground). This is done in order to activate the growth of young shoots.
  5. All sections (regardless of their age) should be carefully treated with garden pitch.

That's all the subtleties that you should know in order for the autumn pruning of currant bushes to be carried out correctly. Good luck!

Blackcurrant pruning: video

A beautiful, well-groomed garden is the dream of every gardener. Doubly pleased if he pleases bountiful harvest. This is not easy to achieve. It is necessary to constantly work, paying attention to every plant, tree and bush.

Each plant in the garden requires a special approach. This also applies to currants. The main thing in caring for this shrub is correct pruning. It not only helps to give the bush correct form, but also helps to increase productivity, increases illumination, helps the plant to ventilate.

Each gardener strives to get a high yield from his site. In order for the currant bush to bear fruit well, it must be cut regularly. Otherwise, it is better not to count on a large harvest. Usually, most of berries are tied on adult branches that were updated last year. In order for new shoots to form, it is necessary to get rid of old, dried and pest-affected branches. Then new branches will grow that will bear fruit well. If the rejuvenation procedure is carried out in time, blackcurrant will bear fruit for 25 years, and red - 15 years.

This currant variety is especially loved because of its excellent taste and medicinal properties. Black currant is a very useful berry, it contains a large number of phosphoric, ascorbic acid, it contains many vitamins and other useful substances. It is used for colds. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. It is especially useful for children.

Blackcurrant is a sprawling bush that consists of a large number of branches. The task of each gardener is to form a bush, which will consist of 15-20 branches of different ages. In this case, it is necessary to leave shoots under the age of 5 years. Branches that are six years old will not bear fruit, they are useless, they must be disposed of.

Pruning currant seedlings when planting

Currant care begins with its planting. In order for the bush to form correctly, pruning should be started immediately. It is best to do this when landing. Before planting a plant, it is necessary to cut off the tops of all shoots. No need to worry that only 2-3 buds will remain on each branch. A year later, 5-6 new shoots will grow.

Pruning currants of the second year

In the second year, pruning is carried out differently. Zero shoots are subject to pruning. The gardener must correctly form the skeletal branches of the bush. To do this, leave 3-5 good shoots. They must be healthy and powerful. Do not leave puny shoots. Shoots that interfere with the development of others will not be useful. To form side shoots, in the middle of summer it is worth shortening young branches. They pinch the top of two kidneys. This will increase the number of small branches that will bear fruit well.

Pruning currants of the third and fourth years

Pruning of currant bushes that have reached 3-4 years of age is carried out according to the same principle as in the second year. All unnecessary shoots are removed, leaving 3-6 of the most developed shoots. Thickening of the bush should be avoided by destroying shoots growing from the middle of the bush. Otherwise, they will block the light of fruit-bearing branches. The lack of light adversely affects the development of the bush. The tops of the branches that were left last year, as always, are shortened. 2-4 buds should remain on each branch. By the end of 3-4 years of life, the bush finishes to form, acquiring the correct shape.

Pruning currants in the fifth or sixth and all subsequent years

Upon reaching 5-6 years of age, old branches form on the currant bush. At this stage, the first anti-aging pruning is carried out. Old branches are cut out along with tops. It is also necessary to get rid of all dry, frozen, broken and drooping branches. Do not leave branches that lie on the ground. Sick and infected shoots will not bear fruit, so they are completely cut off.

After rejuvenation, pruning is carried out according to the scheme that was used before. Branches that have reached the age of 2-4 years are shortened, leaving up to 4 buds. Last year's shoots are shortened. Of the new shoots, up to 5 of the most successful are left, the rest are cut off.

When to prune currants

Regardless of the type currant bushes pruned every year. It is best to start this procedure in late autumn, when the bush sheds leaves. Additional pruning is carried out in early spring before the buds have opened. After winter, frozen and broken branches are cut. Dry branches can be removed every year. Mid-July is a good time to pinch the tops.

Features of pruning red and white currants

Pruning these varieties is significantly different from the bushes black currant. The correct bush of white or red currant consists of 20-25 branches. Most right time for pruning red and white currants - early spring or mid-summer after harvest. I form the bush in the same way as with blackcurrant. However, do not pinch the tops of last year's shoots. There is also no need to shorten shoots of 2-3 years of age. Branches that have reached the age of 7-8 years are considered old.

The pruning of red currants includes the removal of old branches, excess young shoots. Do not leave diseased, broken branches. To stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, old branches are shortened to a lateral branch. Due to this, the life of the bush will increase, the berries will become larger.

If you have launched currant bushes, cut it off gradually. First, lifeless and diseased branches are removed. Then deal with the old shoots. A year later, a bush is formed, leaving 6-8 skeletal branches.

Pruning is part of currant care. To get a harvest of tasty and useful berries, it is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner, loosen the soil, destroy weeds, renew the bushes. To protect the bush from pests, experienced experts recommend planting onions and garlic in the neighborhood to repel insects.

If the currant gave a good harvest for many years, and then abruptly stopped bearing fruit, emergency measures must be taken. Radical pruning will save the bush. In two years, he will bring an excellent harvest.

If nothing is done with a diseased bush, the infection will pass to other plants. Produce radical pruning in spring or autumn. At the same time, absolutely all branches are cut to a height of 3 cm. The places of cuts are treated with var. The remains of the hemp are covered with humus and new soil.

Pruning currants in autumn for beginners is required to get a good harvest, since the fruits appear mainly on young shoots that are no more than two years old. Old shoots have almost no berries, but slow down the growth of young ones. How to prune currant bushes?

What is autumn pruning for?

In the case of currants, the external aesthetic qualities of the plant do not matter, which is how they differ from a large number of other shrubs. Autumn pruning of currants helps to achieve the following:

  1. Significantly increase the level of productivity from one bush.
  2. Increase the quality characteristics of the berries, since old shoots do not create obstacles for the growth of new ones.
  3. Increase the percentage of sun exposure: the blackcurrant crop is larger, the fruits are saturated with vitamins.
  4. Increase the period when the plant blooms and bears fruit by 20 years.
  5. Stimulate the flow of micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins to the stems where the fruits develop.

When deciding how to cut currants, it is worth considering that such a procedure is required not only for the plant itself, but also for the gardener, since the task of harvesting is simplified: the bush has a formed contour and small size.

Another reason for removing old shoots is that they can be infested with glass, the larvae of which begin to eat away the core of the shoot, which significantly weakens the bush. As a result, the appearance of such a dangerous disease as anthracnose is possible.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes in autumn (video)

A simple pruning scheme for beginners: when to start, care after pruning

Regardless of the currant variety, it requires a lot of light to form tasty and large fruits, that is, pruning red currants in the fall, like black ones, has its own rules. The scheme will be as follows:

  1. The fundamental goal is to lighten the bush - to give the plant as much light as possible to the shoots inside the bush, if they are left. An adult bush at the age of 4-5 years consists of 6 large shoots or less that go from the base. However, their age should not be more than 5 years.
  2. Pruning blackcurrant in the fall, like other plants, begins at the base of the bush, that is, from the ground - all old shoots that are more than 5 years old are removed. Although they may have excellent external qualities and well-formed side shoots, over time their fruitfulness will decrease more and more.
  3. Zero shoots (which are obtained in this year) are removed. Such shoots are left only in the case of a large age of the plant, when it is assumed that they will bear fruit for a maximum of a couple of years. However, in this case, it is worth removing the bush completely, and cutting cuttings from good shoots. Another important advantage currant pruning is the preparation of cuttings that can take root perfectly before winter.
  4. Then you need to move higher along the main shoot - all intersecting lateral growths of the current and last year are removed. It is worth remembering the task: clarification of the bush is required. Do not save growths that are in doubt, as sunlight may not penetrate through them, which will eventually lead to poor yields.
  5. The shoot tip of the black currant is now removed - buds begin to form on it, which is a prerequisite for a crop in next years. However, there are exceptions here: the shoots have twisted leaves, this is mainly evidence of the presence of anthracnose; there are a large number of thick buds on the shoot - tick infection, in which case it is better to cut off the entire shoot; if the top is thin and green, then the shoot is removed, since it will not survive the winter anyway.

Some Tips

In autumn, after the crop has been harvested, unripe and infected with diseases or pests are removed. The shoot may require heavy pruning, but it is best to remove it completely.

Special attention given to branches with a hollow core. The back door inside them indicates the presence of a glass-box larva, which is a dangerous pest. Such branches should be removed and burned without regret.

Beginning gardeners do not always understand what currant pruning is for. Pruning black and red currants is necessary in order to get large yields every season. After all, it is known that young shoots that are no more than two years old bear fruit more. But the older ones practically do not bear fruit, but they take away some of the nutrients that young stems need for growth and fruiting.

What is the need for pruning black and red currants

Bushes of red and black currants are pruned not in order to give them a beautiful decorative look and in order to increase productivity.

Pruning, which is carried out in the fall, allows you to achieve the following results:

  • significantly increases the number harvested crop from bushes;
  • increase in size and taste qualities fruits, as old shoots are removed that interfere with the growth and yield of young ones;
  • pruned bushes are more sparse, more sunlight penetrates the shoots, the yield of bushes is better, and large quantity vitamins;
  • with the help of pruning, currant bushes are rejuvenated, and their fruiting period can be increased by 15 to 20 years;
  • the influx of minerals and vitamins to the shoots on which the crop ripens is stimulated;
  • timely pruning is the prevention of probable diseases and from the appearance of "harmful" bugs on the shoots;
  • recover strength faster berry bushes;
  • plants develop more actively;
  • the growth of buds in the soil is stimulated, from which young shoots will appear in the new season. They branch faster, fresh shoots grow more intensively on old branches. So the bushes thicken less, and the berries grow larger.

Features of pruning currants by years

For beginner gardeners, you should know that pruning of currant bushes differs over the years. Seedlings of this shrub are planted in a permanent place, usually at the age of one. The shoots of such seedlings are shortened by 2 - 3 buds. And in the next couple of seasons, forming pruning is carried out, during which excess shoots growing from the roots are removed, while leaving a couple of the strongest branches located symmetrically relative to the center of the bush. Such pruning is carried out for the first 5 years.

The greatest fruiting of bushes of red and black currant occurs in 6-7 years. During this period, each bush should have no more than 15 shoots, but different in age. Old branches that still bear fruit well are not cut off completely, but shortened - they cut off the tops that do not give growth and yield. These tops only take away nutrients from fruit-bearing branches. However you can't delete all old branches at the same time, it is necessary to remove them gradually, waiting for the young shoots to grow.

After 6 years, all old branches are removed from the currant, cutting them off at the root. This is how the bushes are rejuvenated. Also removed are shoots coming from the root neck, all stems lying on the ground, dried up, diseased or frozen during the winter.

How to cut currants in spring (video)

How to cut currants in autumn: technology and scheme

Any of the varieties of black or red currant requires good lighting, only then the fruits will be large and sweet. Usually the bushes of this berry culture pruned in autumn. Moreover, this procedure should be carried out at the beginning or middle of autumn, so that the bushes have time to “come to their senses” before the onset of cold weather. Bushes weakened by pruning will not be able to withstand frost and may simply freeze out.

Cut the bushes should be as follows:

  • the main goal of such a procedure is to prevent the thickening of the bush, so that all shoots receive enough light, and they have access to air. A bush older than 5 years should have 5 - 6 adult stems coming from the roots. Their age should be 4 - 5 years;
  • pruning bushes in the autumn should be from ground level - get rid of old branches that are more than 6 years old. Even if their side branches grow well, they will bear less fruit every year. And they will continue to take away nutrients from young shoots;
  • shoots that grow during this season must be removed. They are left only when the shrub is already too old, and it will bear fruit for another year or two. But it is better to remove such a bush completely, and cut cuttings from young shoots for subsequent rooting. Another plus autumn pruning- this is getting good cuttings, which will take root perfectly during the autumn period;
  • then cut off the side shoots that have grown over the last two seasons. The purpose of this pruning is to lighten the bush. Those young shoots that are not powerful enough are also best removed so as not to thicken the bush;
  • the tops of the shoots of these berry bushes are not removed so that buds form on them - the basis for the future harvest. The ends of the shoots are removed if they show signs of disease or infection with "harmful" bugs, or the tops are too thin and may not survive the winter.

When pruning currant bushes, you can press 2-3 young shoots to the ground, sprinkle with soil and water regularly. In the next season, at the ends of such branches there will be well-rooted seedlings, which are carefully separated from the mother shoot and transplanted to a permanent place.

How to prune currant bushes in spring

In the spring, they usually do not do planned pruning so as not to weaken them. Otherwise, this berry crop will grow poorly and will not give a good harvest. The formation of currant bushes in the spring is done only if such a procedure could not be done during the autumn.

However, in the spring, currant pruning is carried out. The purpose of this procedure is to remove old, dried or frost-damaged branches. Such pruning is carried out in early spring, when the buds on the shrub have just begun to swell, but young leaves have not yet appeared.

How to cut currants in autumn (video)

The main reasons for holding spring pruning shrub:

  • this procedure provides right conditions to get a good harvest;
  • removing excess shoots allows the bushes to be updated regularly. After all, a good harvest of berries appears on shoots no older than 5 years, and then the number of fruits decreases;
  • removal of old branches stimulates the growth of new shoots;
  • this procedure is performed so that the shrub does not weaken. On old, frozen branches, pests multiply faster, such branches are a favorable environment for the development of diseases. If the extra shoots are not removed in the spring, then by mid-summer the bushes will be very thickened, and sunlight will not penetrate into the center of the bush. The shade inside the bush is unfavorable for the ripening of the crop.

In the spring, shoots that are no more than a year old are usually removed, leaving only 3-4 such shoots. Also cut upper part young branches for 2 - 3 buds to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots on older branches.

Cut point processing

If the cut is made at the wrong time and not at the base of the shoot, then it rarely overgrows without consequences, if the appropriate processing measures are not taken:

  • wounds on apparently healthy berry bushes after pruning are recommended to be covered with ordinary garden pitch;
  • any lubricant used after trimming must be sterile and waterproof, and also have sufficient viscosity;
  • very good efficiency has a standard growth paste based on lanolin, with the addition of 0.01-0.1% heteroauxin;
  • you can use Bordeaux ointment, which has a high-quality fungicidal property, and is made on the basis of a Bordeaux mixture of equal parts blue vitriol, quicklime and sunflower oil.

It is very important to remember that a correctly made cut must necessarily be located above a well-developed and absolutely healthy vegetative bud, which guarantees a high-quality cut shoot.

Consequences of incorrect pruning

Indicators of planting density of berry bushes, as well as the literacy of the pruning of chokeberry in the spring or autumn, have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of fruiting.

As a result of competent pruning, no more than twenty branches should remain on the plant, the age of which does not exceed six years. Only thoughtful and timely pruning of shoots can give a positive and noticeable result.

Plant care after pruning

You can process shrubs not only with chemicals, but also use folk methods. The main task of such treatment is the prevention of diseases and the destruction of pests.

Currants can be exposed to the following diseases:

  • spots may appear on the foliage;
  • shoots may dry out;
  • anthracnose;
  • powdery mildew.

In addition, these shrubs can be attacked by aphids or mites. These pests not only spoil foliage and shoots, but can also be carriers of various diseases. In order to prevent infection of this berry crop with diseases and prevent the appearance of pests, pruning is mandatory in the fall, during which damaged branches and foliage, as well as weak or diseased shoots, are necessarily removed. All infected parts of the bush are subject to immediate burning.

If signs of disease or pest damage are found on these berry bushes, the bushes should be treated with chemicals (karbofos, phosphamide, sulfur or other similar preparations).

For preventive purposes, shrubs should be sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%) and 2% karbofos. Such procedures should be carried out only when the weather is dry and calm. It is better to spray the shrub either in the early morning or in the evening after sunset, so that the sun's rays do not fall on the foliage with drops of drugs.

Similar processing in the autumn helps the plant avoid infection, and also repels "harmful" bugs. But experienced gardeners are not limited only to autumn spraying of berry bushes. Usually they carry out a similar procedure in the spring to exclude the possibility of disease. And if necessary, repeat this procedure in the summer.

Currant pruning basics (video)

Pruning currants is not a very complicated process. Its main goal is to take care of the bush in order to obtain good harvests annually.

Beginning gardeners do not always understand what currant pruning is for. Pruning black and red currants is necessary in order to get large yields every season. After all, it is known that young shoots that are no more than two years old bear fruit more. But the older ones practically do not bear fruit, but they take away some of the nutrients that young stems need for growth and fruiting.

What is the need for pruning black and red currants

Bushes of red and black currants are pruned not in order to give them a beautiful decorative look, but in order to increase yields.

Pruning, which is carried out in the fall, allows you to achieve the following results:

  • significantly increases the amount of harvested from the bushes;
  • the size and taste of fruits increase, as old shoots are removed that interfere with the growth and yield of young ones;
  • pruned bushes are more sparse, more sunlight penetrates the shoots, the yield of bushes is better, and more vitamins are supplied to the fruits;
  • with the help of pruning, currant bushes are rejuvenated, and their fruiting period can be increased by 15 to 20 years;
  • the influx of minerals and vitamins to the shoots on which the crop ripens is stimulated;
  • timely pruning is the prevention of probable diseases and from the appearance of "harmful" bugs on the shoots;
  • berry bushes recover faster;
  • plants develop more actively;
  • the growth of buds in the soil is stimulated, from which young shoots will appear in the new season. They branch faster, fresh shoots grow more intensively on old branches. So the bushes thicken less, and the berries grow larger.

Features of pruning currants by years

For beginner gardeners, you should know that pruning of currant bushes differs over the years. Seedlings of this shrub are planted in a permanent place, usually at the age of one. The shoots of such seedlings are shortened by 2 - 3 buds. And in the next couple of seasons, forming pruning is carried out, during which excess shoots growing from the roots are removed, while leaving a couple of the strongest branches located symmetrically relative to the center of the bush. Such pruning is carried out for the first 5 years.

The greatest fruiting of bushes of red and black currant occurs in 6-7 years. During this period, each bush should have no more than 15 shoots, but different in age. Old branches that still bear fruit well are not cut off completely, but shortened - they cut off the tops that do not give growth and yield. These tops only take away nutrients from fruit-bearing branches. However you can't delete all old branches at the same time, it is necessary to remove them gradually, waiting for the young shoots to grow.

After 6 years, all old branches are removed from the currant, cutting them off at the root. This is how the bushes are rejuvenated. Also removed are shoots coming from the root neck, all stems lying on the ground, dried up, diseased or frozen during the winter.

How to cut currants in autumn: technology and scheme

Any of the varieties of black or red currant requires good lighting, only then the fruits will be large and sweet. Usually the bushes of this berry crop are pruned in the fall.

Moreover, this procedure should be carried out at the beginning or middle of autumn, so that the bushes have time to “come to their senses” before the onset of cold weather. Bushes weakened by pruning will not be able to withstand frost and may simply freeze out.

Cut the bushes should be as follows:

  • the main goal of such a procedure is to prevent the thickening of the bush, so that all shoots receive enough light, and they have access to air. A bush older than 5 years should have 5 - 6 adult stems coming from the roots. Their age should be 4 - 5 years;
  • pruning bushes in the autumn should be from ground level - get rid of old branches that are more than 6 years old. Even if their side branches grow well, they will bear less fruit every year. And they will continue to take away nutrients from young shoots;
  • shoots that grow during this season must be removed. They are left only when the shrub is already too old, and it will bear fruit for another year or two. But it is better to remove such a bush completely, and cut cuttings from young shoots for subsequent rooting. Another plus of autumn pruning is getting good cuttings, which will take root perfectly during the autumn period;
  • then cut off the side shoots that have grown over the last two seasons. The purpose of this pruning is to lighten the bush. Those young shoots that are not powerful enough are also best removed so as not to thicken the bush;
  • the tops of the shoots of these berry bushes are not removed so that buds form on them - the basis for the future harvest. The ends of the shoots are removed if they show signs of disease or infection with "harmful" bugs, or the tops are too thin and may not survive the winter.

When pruning currant bushes, you can press 2-3 young shoots to the ground, sprinkle with soil and water regularly. In the next season, at the ends of such branches there will be well-rooted seedlings, which are carefully separated from the mother shoot and transplanted to a permanent place.

How to prune currant bushes in spring

In the spring, they usually do not do planned pruning so as not to weaken them. Otherwise, this berry crop will grow poorly and will not give a good harvest. The formation of currant bushes in the spring is done only if such a procedure could not be done during the autumn.

However, in the spring, currant pruning is carried out. The purpose of this procedure is to remove old, dried or frost-damaged branches. Such pruning is carried out in early spring, when the buds on the shrub have just begun to swell, but young leaves have not yet appeared.

The main reasons for spring pruning of shrubs:

  • such a procedure provides the necessary conditions to get a good harvest;
  • removing excess shoots allows the bushes to be updated regularly. After all, a good harvest of berries appears on shoots no older than 5 years, and then the number of fruits decreases;
  • removal of old branches stimulates the growth of new shoots;
  • this procedure is performed so that the shrub does not weaken. On old, frozen branches, pests multiply faster, such branches are a favorable environment for the development of diseases. If the extra shoots are not removed in the spring, then by mid-summer the bushes will be very thickened, and sunlight will not penetrate into the center of the bush. The shade inside the bush is unfavorable for the ripening of the crop.

In the spring, shoots that are no more than a year old are usually removed, leaving only 3-4 such shoots. Also cut off the upper part of young branches into 2 - 3 buds to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots on older branches.

Plant care after pruning

You can process shrubs not only with chemicals, but also use folk methods. The main task of such treatment is the prevention of diseases and the destruction of pests.

Currants can be exposed to the following diseases:

  • spots may appear on the foliage;
  • shoots may dry out;
  • anthracnose;
  • powdery mildew.

In addition, these shrubs can be attacked by aphids or mites. These pests not only spoil foliage and shoots, but can also be carriers of various diseases. In order to prevent infection of this berry crop with diseases and prevent the appearance of pests, pruning is mandatory in the fall, during which damaged branches and foliage, as well as weak or diseased shoots, are necessarily removed. All infected parts of the bush are subject to immediate burning.

If signs of disease or pest damage are found on these berry bushes, the bushes should be treated with chemicals (karbofos, phosphamide, sulfur or other similar preparations).

For preventive purposes, shrubs should be sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%) and 2% karbofos. Such procedures should be carried out only when the weather is dry and calm. It is better to spray the shrub either in the early morning or in the evening after sunset, so that the sun's rays do not fall on the foliage with drops of drugs.

Similar processing in the autumn helps the plant avoid infection, and also repels "harmful" bugs. But experienced gardeners are not limited to autumn spraying of berry bushes. Usually they carry out a similar procedure in the spring to exclude the possibility of disease. And if necessary, repeat this procedure in the summer.

Pruning currants is not a very complicated process. His main goal is to take care of the bush for good yields every year.
