Making an attic ladder with your own hands - drawings. Do-it-yourself folding ladder to the attic: step-by-step instructions for making a folding attic ladder with a hatch yourself. What do they say about the advantages and disadvantages of such designs?

In most private houses there is an attic or other room under the roof, so a staircase to the attic is necessary. The structure for going upstairs must not only be safe, but also aesthetically pleasing, matching the design and type of frame with other staircases. The exception is a hidden or folding design, which is used periodically so as not to clutter the living space. How to do this yourself - we suggest using examples and tips from the article.

What type of stairs should I choose?

Thrifty owners try to use every meter of their personal space rationally. With a small living space in the building, a massive wooden staircase to the attic with your own hands is inappropriate; it is better to give preference lightweight design, regardless of the material. Climbing attic floor everyone arranges it to their own taste. Even a lightweight rope ladder, folded into a net or on a shelf next to the hatch, is possible. But this option is only suitable as a temporary one, and even then for a single adult. For children and the elderly, something more reliable is needed, for example, a ladder to the attic - photo:

Also on sale are ready-made telescopic and folding ladders and high stepladders, but not all of them are suitable for permanent use. And it is important to properly secure the finished staircase or make a device for it so that it can be removed when not needed, for example, in winter. And when large area in houses where there are several stairs, it is advisable to make all the flights in the same style. All parts of the structure must be reliable so that you can walk on the floors without risk.

The construction of a private house involves stairs of different functionality:

  • internal and external (inside the house);
  • attached and fixed;
  • auxiliary (working) and design (aesthetic part of the interior).

When choosing the type of staircase, it is important to be guided not only by your own preferences, but also by considerations of expediency. Operational requirements are higher for stationary ladders, and the folding structure must be compact and reliable so as not to be injured during the next descent or ascent.

Tip: Make the attic ladder as lightweight as possible to save materials and space. It should support no more than 1 person with a small load, since furniture and heavy objects are not lifted into the attic. household appliances. Before you make a ladder to the attic, think about how it will be attached at the top and what it will rest against below.

Hanging and folding stairs are more suitable for small country house building, and massive stationary stairs - for large country house. The type of staircase depends on the location attic hatch. If the entrance to the room under the roof is located on narrow space, then install spiral staircase. It's not very comfortable, and you can't lift bulky things on it. But that's the only thing that happens Possible Solution where there is nowhere to put a classic flight of stairs. For example, a spiral staircase to the attic, photo:

The most common types of construction are:

  • screw;
  • marching;
  • on pain.

The optimal choice of stairs for attic spaces

Recently, attic and mansard stairs have been allocated into a separate row, and they are classified into subtypes:

  • sliding telescopic;
  • folding scissor ladders;
  • sliding “accordion”;
  • suspended (rope, rope);
  • folding (attached at the top).

There are no difficulties in using or installing each type. The simplest metal staircase to the attic in several folds can be made from 2-3 stepladders. The cost of each design depends on the materials and type of the staircase itself.

Folding models are made from pipes and angles of light alloys, mainly aluminum and stainless steel. But for this you need a tool (metal cutting) and reliable fittings. Working with wood living conditions much simpler, which is why most stairs are made of wood, in a classic design:

  • supports;
  • steps (tread);
  • stringers;
  • risers;
  • railings;
  • handrails
  • fillies, etc.

The attic ladder is an auxiliary device for climbing under the roof, so there is no point in making it wide. The optimal width is no more than 60-70 cm, depending on the build of the people using it. But the step between the steps should be classic, about 20 cm, so as not to experience difficulties when going up or down the stairs.

But the most important thing is the angle of inclination if it is a flight of stairs. Any staircase to the attic, folding or spiral, must be inclined so that it is convenient to use - within 75°. A very steep descent is impossible without handrails, otherwise it will be difficult to return from the attic, especially if the steps are narrow. Yes, you can make a vertical ladder (an extension, the old fashioned way), but this is not very convenient, and taking things out of the attic will be problematic.

Attention: Some narrow metal steps are very slippery, especially when condensation forms on them in cold weather. This is counteracted by special rubber pads that minimize the risk of falling and injury.

The maximum weight that a do-it-yourself attic ladder should withstand is in the range of 120-150 kg, unless larger people use it. In the finished product, which can only be fixed to the attic hatch, all parameters must be indicated in technical description. There are models where folding ladder is attached directly to the hatch, which is equipped with a compact transformation method.

Types of attic stairs and their properties

Stairs to the attic or attic are provided both from the outside of the house and from the inside. A street staircase, not an attic, is most often made of a permanent staircase - metal with handrails. The internal product should take up little space, be light and compact. They prefer screw-type, stationary structures that are removed from the room after use:

  • portable;
  • retractable;
  • folding

1. A stationary attic ladder of one-piece construction is the most convenient and safe, but requires a lot of space. The most compact are screw models, which are much more difficult to make due to the calculations of wedge-shaped degrees fixed at equal intervals on a pole support. In addition, they must be equipped with spiral handrails or made in the form of a glass capsule. Direct or marching staircase should also be equipped with some kind of supports - railings or handrails. The width of the rectangular steps is made, if not to suit the full width of the foot, then at least 3/4, so that it is convenient to step on, especially when descending.

2. Mobile or portable ladders and stepladders, despite their compactness, create more opportunities for falling. Due to the increased danger and instability, they are not so in demand. And it is important to do everything to increase the stability and reliability of the stairs (non-slip, level floor, support stops). Their main advantage is the ability to bring and easily unfold, and then put away. It is not recommended to use such devices for lifting under the roof:

  • sick people with frequent dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • disabled people without any limb;
  • the elderly and infirm;
  • children.

3. Folding. The most compact one is a folding staircase to the attic, which is attached at the top and folds under the ceiling. The main requirement is that it should not literally fall on one’s head, that is, gradual and slow transformation is important when using a structure made of several blocks. If all the joints between the sections of the folding structure are reliable, then it is as reliable as a solid one. If it is made of metal from a hollow steel tube or aluminum profile, then it is very light and comfortable. Among other modern devices for climbing into the attic or attic, they are the most in demand. The best option is if the folding staircase is transformed along the wall, on which there is something like handrails. Many craftsmen make this variety with their own hands.

4. A retractable ladder is a type of folding ladder, only it structural elements They do not recline, but extend along a guide to the stops on both sides. The conversion mechanism is somewhat reminiscent of a telescope. This design is made on hinges, and not only from a profile, but also from wood, but the guides are also made from a metal corner.

5. External staircase it leads to the attic from the street, and the safety of the owners of the house who climb it depends on its design features. Non-slip steps and frost-free handrails are required. Usually they are made of metal from several flights running along the walls of the house.

How to make a folding staircase to the attic on your own?

Making a folding staircase to the attic with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. For example, the easiest way is to construct it from fragments of a finished ladder or stepladder. It is important to make the correct articulation on the bends by choosing suitable fittings. It is advisable to secure it directly to the hatch or under it in a special mount. Rigid fixation at the entrance to the attic is the main requirement.

All fragments of the folding attic ladder fold like an accordion. The remaining parts of the transformation should be attached to the longest segment; there should not be too many of them. Ideally, there should be no more than 3-5 folding modules, depending on the height of the ceiling or the distance to the hatch.

Attention: Watch how the structural elements are fastened so as not to break the “accordion”. But even if an error occurs, do not be upset, just remove the incorrect joint. The modules are assembled on the floor, periodically checking the work.

To minimize the work of assembling the stairs to the attic, the dimensions of each element should be indicated in the drawings, taking into account the inclination - for ease of lifting. When everything is calculated and sketched, and all the necessary accessories are available, the assembly process will not take much time and effort. The most difficult thing is choosing accessories for transformation, which will ensure ease of use of the stairs.

Tip: It is best if the structure is mounted at the top at the entrance, and the first fragment is equal to the length of the hatch. The remaining parts can be equal in size, shorter or longer, but all proportions must be harmoniously combined.

Assembly algorithm:

  • the finished stepladder or long ladder is sawed with an appropriate tool (wood or metal);
  • the first segment is connected to the next one using a hinge mechanism with clamps;
  • a hinge mechanism is attached to the second and subsequent sections, but this is done each time with opposite side to create an accordion layout;
  • a non-slip support on the floor is attached to the lower segment (with rubber or thick leather so as not to scratch the coating);
  • with the help of a partner or assistant, we attach the structure to the hatch or entrance to the attic, once again checking how it should look in working condition;
  • we attach the latch, which should fix the layout at the ceiling;
  • If the folding ladder does not have latches that prevent a sudden fall when the latch is opened, it is advisable to cover the floors with material that softens the sudden fall of the structure.

An improved option is a “clamshell” with a remote control, but not every master can install an electric drive on his own. Typically, such a “smart” function is only available in finished products.

The ease of use of the ladder also depends on the hinge mechanism on springs and stops, which ensures smooth opening of the modules. And it’s better to spend money on a more advanced layout mechanism than to experience inconvenience every time.

Attention: In any variant of the articulation of parts of the ladder, bringing it into working condition, it is important to stand on the side of the trajectory of possible transformation! And periodically check that it is firmly attached to the hatch or ceiling at the exit to the attic, so that the ladder does not accidentally collapse on someone’s head!

The simplest options for attic stairs

For a beginner who is unsure of his abilities, it is better to limit himself to a simple design - fasten an ordinary one-flight staircase made of light metal along the wall.

A great option for the young and energetic is to make a folding rope ladder with wooden steps and holes on the sides at each tread. They should be strung between knots of rope or thick twine. For convenience, the steps are made not rectangular, but triangular with rounded edges.

The wide sides of the triangles are attached to the sides, the narrow ones - alternately towards each other. Then you will get a “duck step” ladder, that is, steps under the right and left legs. The rise involves a wide waddling position of the legs, hence the name. The only inconvenience is going down and going up facing the rope (wall) holding on to its sides.

If there is no room for a full-fledged staircase, then a ready-made spiral staircase is used, which should match the height of the ceiling with the height of the support. Parts (wedge-shaped steps, support and handrails) can be ordered from a carpentry shop. All that remains is to assemble the structure and securely fasten it below and at the entrance to the attic.

When constructing any staircase structure, it is important to provide:

  • free approach to use;
  • the place where it will be removed if the ladder is mobile;
  • handrails or other supports for hands during descent and ascent (they may not be present if the design is reliable);
  • reliable fastening at the top and non-slip bottom stop;
  • stylistic execution or decor.

It is impossible to make an external metal staircase without the help of a professional welder. However, you can do some of the work yourself:

  • choose a design based on ready-made illustrations or drawings;
  • calculate the height and width of the stairs, tread dimensions, number of flights and landings;
  • make a sketch and drawing;
  • make cutting of metal parts.

Entrust the assembly and fastening of the external metal staircase to specialists.

Tip: If the gentle flight of a stationary staircase leading to the attic or attic takes up a lot of space, think about how to use this part of the room. In the niche they make racks and shelves for books, souvenirs and collections. Or a “living corner” with an aquarium, cages for rodents and parrots, they will have to provide additional lighting under the stairs.

The attic in a house can be used for various purposes. Of course, comfortable access to it must be organized, for which a ladder is needed. It can be installed on the outside of the building or inside it. The latter is easy to use and more popular. There are many ways to make an attic ladder with your own hands. Before describing how to make it into an attic or attic floor, you need to choose the one that’s suitable for your home. constructive solution.

Types of attic and attic stairs

Let's look at the most popular options for attic stairs.

The latter type is more often used temporarily or in case of rare use of the attic space. But the most practical and compact will be a folding design with a hatch.

What to pay attention to when making your own stairs?

The first thing that must be ensured when building an attic or attic staircase with your own hands is safety. The staircase system must have adequate strength and reliability.

The dimensions of the staircase are also important: the more inclined it is, the larger the space occupied. The most suitable angle is considered to be 60-70°. Although with constant use, it is recommended to make it 45°. Steps with a height of 20 cm and a depth of 30 cm are considered standard. The width of the staircase should be comfortable, as a rule, it is about 70 cm. It is not recommended to make such stairs more than 3 m in height, since a higher structure will not have the necessary rigidity and reliability.

It is advised to make a structure with a number of steps from 10 to 15, and leave the distance between them 19 cm. The recommended thickness of the steps is 2 cm. They should be positioned strictly parallel to the floor surface. For greater safety, anti-slip pads are glued to the steps.

Important!The ladder for climbing to the attic floor must withstand a load of 150 kg.

The hatch also has its own recommended parameters. Considered standard following sizes: width 70 cm, length 120 cm. Smaller sizes will make the opening not comfortable to use, and large ones will increase heat loss in the room. For an unheated attic, it is recommended to make the hatch thermally insulated and vapor barrier.

Where is the best place to place the stairs?

The staircase structure should be located so as not to interfere with household members. Therefore, you should not install it in the kitchen; it would be more appropriate to use a corridor or hall for this purpose. It is also worth considering the size of the room. Sometimes a ladder can be used as an interior detail, then it is not hidden in a hatch.

Important! It is advised to first draw the future staircase, then it will be easier for you to understand which place will be the most suitable for its installation.

DIY one-section design

The easiest way to lift it to the attic floor will be a single-section structural solution that will be fixed in one place. To build a staircase with one section you need two wooden boards. The length must be suitable to obtain the appropriate angle of inclination, and the thickness must be at least 5 cm.

The steps can be secured with strings or stringers. Bowstrings are grooves made by a router in the end board. A stringer is a horizontal platform cut out on a board, on which a step is then placed. The steps are fixed in place using metal screw pins. A comfortable climb to the floor is provided by handrails. For their manufacture, polished solid timber appropriate length. Depending on the location of your stairs, the railing may be on one side or on both. To make the structure more reliable, it is worth adding vertical connecting beams.

Manufacturing of a single-section attic ladder.

Making a hatch

Installation and manufacture of the hatch is also an important aspect of the work. It will prevent cold air masses from entering the house. This is the main reason for equipping staircase structures with a hatch. To make it you will need 50x50 bars and a sheet of plywood.

Work order:

  1. Determine a suitable location, taking into account a dimensional margin of 0.8 cm, so that the hatch closes normally.
  2. The bars need to be cut into four parts according to the size of the hatch, and holes should be cut along the edges.
  3. You need to apply glue to each resulting groove and fasten the bars with self-tapping screws.
  4. To maintain the diagonals, screw the gussets.
  5. The next step is attaching the plywood.
  6. The finished cover is tried on, and then the latch is installed on the opening.
  7. To ensure that the lid opens without interference, a handle is installed in the opening.

Important!The resulting structure should open easily and unhindered.

An example of a homemade attic hatch with a metal-plastic cover.

A staircase equipped with a hatch and leading to an unheated attic floor or attic has design features. The opening for the construction of such a structure with a hatch must be insulated. When making a hatch, a layer of thermal insulation and vapor barrier is placed on plywood. From above everything is once again strengthened vapor barrier film. After the work is completed, it remains The final stage– decoration. It is made similar to the ceiling finishing. At your request, the color scheme can contrast with the walls. Sometimes, instead of plywood sheets, metal sheets are used, which must be painted with paint that matches the color and performance characteristics.

How to make a folding staircase structure from two sections?

The staircase design of two sections is quite simple to manufacture and does not involve the use complex mechanism. This design will be optimal for execution by a person without special construction skills.

The first thing you need to do is make a simple ladder. After manufacturing, it is carefully adjusted according to the dimensions, and precisely observing the angle of inclination. After which the finished structure is cut into two sections, which need to be attached to each other using canopies, and you get a folding staircase. All you have to do is install the folding structure to your hatch cover.

The folding ladder structure can be supplemented with an auxiliary cable mechanism, which will facilitate disassembly and assembly of the system. To prevent the folded structure from opening, install a fixing hook. To secure it, a loop is installed at the junction of the sections, and a hook is mounted on the wall at the required distance from it. The design is ready for use, but it will always be in your sight, which is considered its disadvantage. If this point is important to you, then you can use the following recommendations. Make a three-section ladder, which is made using the above technology. Such a ladder can be easily hidden in a hatch.

Making a folding staircase to the attic.

Manufacturing of the hinge mechanism

When making a folding structure, the mechanism that opens it is important. You can make it yourself using the following materials:

  • metal corner;
  • part of a sheet of metal;
  • two strips of different lengths;
  • bolts;
  • clamps;
  • set of drills;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • Tesks;
  • small

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. First, the staircase is drawn on a sheet of cardboard indicating the future angle of inclination when opened.
  2. Then they cut out a mock-up from cardboard to check all dimensions.
  3. On strips of metal, measure out the places for the holes where the hinge will be attached. The hole must match the size of the bolt.
  4. The parts are assembled and pulled together.
  5. Use a small tool to measure the desired angle. Then open the mechanism to the resulting angle.
  6. Mark on the metal the part that will be covered by the corner during opening. Cut it out with a jigsaw.
  7. Round the corners of the strips and remove unnecessary length so that the strips do not catch, which will allow you to operate the mechanism.
  8. When the excess metal is removed, the corner will rest in the desired place. You have made the first hinge.
  9. The second is made by fastening parts with clamps in pairs, with special tools for better fixation. Drill a hole and place a bolt in it.
  10. Then a second hole is made.
  11. The blanks are twisted using two bolts. After which they can be aligned, giving them the same shape.

This is how all parts of the hinge are performed to obtain the same elements. The completed mechanisms are attached to the hatch and tested to see if it matches the opening. They do it this way: if, when fully opened, it does not touch the edges of the opening, then the dimensions were taken correctly, and the hatch is ready for installation.

Manufacturing of folding staircase structure

The construction of folding stairs has a similar technology to folding ones. At the first stage, an extension ladder is made using the technology described above. Then choose the more suitable of the two options:

Stationary Designs and main components of stairs

Long gone are the days when home owners had to climb a cumbersome ladder to get to the attic. Modern options for the attic they are good because they take up a minimum of space both when folded and unfolded, and it is difficult even for an attentive person to guess the presence of such a structure behind a beautifully finished attic hatch.

And such a wonderful alternative is definitely pleasing to the eye. screw structures and stepladders, like a folding attic ladder - you can make it with your own hands with correct fastenings, with a strong spring mechanism and no worse than modern expensive market products. And even better!

Advantages and disadvantages of folding stairs

A folding attic ladder should be easy to hide and fold under the ceiling, and therefore it is customary to make it shorter, with a small number of sections. After all, every extra step in this regard means additional weight and volume.

Such stairs are good primarily because they allow you to significantly save space. At the same time, they do not spoil the ceiling of the living space at all. After all, the entrance to the attic is often located in one of the habitable rooms of the house. At the same time, such stairs are quite functional, durable and compact. And using them is as easy as shelling pears: just pick up a special rod with a hook at the end and hook onto the ring.

Next, with your left hand, you easily reach the bottom step of the outermost section, reach the floor and straighten all the other components of the ladder. In the same way, having done everything in reverse order, you can easily fold the ladder back and put it into the ceiling. Moreover, many modern attic ladders also fold and unfold using an electric drive, which is generally incredibly convenient:

Another advantage is safety. Going up and down such a ladder is much safer than using an extension ladder: it will not break under your feet and your legs will not unexpectedly “leave away.”

And finally, lightness. The lightest folding attic ladders are made of stainless steel and aluminum, so there are no serious loads on the attic floor. As you understand, due to the design features, such a staircase can only be made of metal.

Why is it better to make the stairs yourself?

Ready-made industrial stairs, which the market is actively offering today, are quite convenient, as far as can be judged from the available reviews on them. But we do not recommend placing them in attics that you often have to climb into (for example, our workshop or mini-library is located there).

Why? Because such stairs often turn out to be quite flimsy in practice - this is not hand-made production, but mass production, and no manufacturer needs to make them too strong. For any product, the maximum limit load is always calculated, which often does not take into account many factors and force majeure. And this is the same case when you, in a calm state and with almost no additional weight in your hands, carefully descend or ascend. If you slip, fall, or a fairly overweight relative decides to lift a heavy box into the attic, expect trouble.

And such stairs are often quite steep, and it is inconvenient to go down them with something in your hands - you need to stick to one. And go down only backwards. Therefore, it is quite natural that many home craftsmen who built their own house or bathhouse do not see any point in buying fragile and expensive folding stairs to the attic. Why, if you can make them yourself, and of excellent quality and much greater reliability?

Moreover, in this case, you have much more choice both in terms of the material for making the stairs and the fasteners themselves. The main thing is to calculate the dimensions correctly future design so that later it can be easily and compactly folded over the hatch, nothing will touch the opening and create a problem.

Another one common reason The reason that many people undertake to build such stairs on their own is that most industrial options usually have very thin and fragile steps - they literally creak underfoot.

So, in order to make such a ladder for the roof with your own hands, you will need wooden scraps. First decide on the dimensions of the future attic opening, and the second step is to make the hatch cover and frame. You will then attach the ladder to it. It is advisable to leave gaps of 7-8 millimeters on each side. Technical specifications here they are:

So, now let’s figure out what types of attic folding stairs there are.

Design #1 – sliding stairs

Sliding ladders usually consist of two sections, one of which is attached directly to the hatch cover, and the second is extended vertically using special guides. When you fold such a ladder, one section seems to creep onto the other, which is quite convenient. The only negative is the bulkiness of the entire structure, which requires a wide opening in the attic floor.

Design #2 – folding with a spring mechanism

The most popular today are folding stairs, otherwise called sectional ones. These consist of three or four sections that can easily be straightened into a flight of stairs. They are connected to each other by a special spring mechanism.

Folding structures are considered the most complex in their design, since they have many fasteners and must be correctly attached to the hatch opening. Such stairs are made of both wood and metal.

Design #3 – telescopic ladders

The next type is a telescopic design. It performs remarkably well in cases where the attic is visited quite often. For example, when it was specially insulated to make it residential, although it had not yet reached a full-fledged attic. That is, we are talking about a technical attic, like a dressing room or a workshop, but in this case, a residential attic is better to install a spiral staircase made of wood or metal and always with railings.

In a telescopic design, the blocks are pulled out one by one, taking up as much space as possible. less space. And such stairs are especially good because they can be extended to almost any length, which is especially valuable for high ceilings. But such devices are not suitable for children and the older generation in the house, for whom it is quite difficult to reach the lower section and generally cope with the entire structure.

Design #4 – simplified folding stairs

These types of folding ladders do not hide behind an attic hatch, but they can easily be tucked into a corner or behind interior decoration. For example, this rarer species, which is usually made independently, also has the right to life:

And these options for folding stairs are quite popular abroad:

But both of these options have considerable disadvantages, some of which can bring discomfort to the interior of the living space, from where there is access to the attic, and after a month or two, such designs already bore the owners with their stupidity to the point of setting their teeth on edge. And therefore, we still suggest that you take a closer look at the more practical folding ladders, which can be easily folded and hidden behind a hatch cover.

How to determine the parameters of the future staircase?

So, we will give you some tips on choosing an attic ladder.

  • Tip #1.
  • When you choose the parameters for a future staircase, consider the mechanism of the hatch: when it is opened and closed, it can move slightly forward and backward.
  • Tip #2.
  • If the ceiling in the room is high enough and exceeds 3.5 meters, it is better to install a marching or attached structure, or a spiral staircase, which will be safer in this case. Tip #3. When making a hatch, keep in mind that the larger the opening, the more heat will escape into the attic. Tip #4. Today it is not difficult to buy.
  • Tip #5. The steepness of a staircase is always determined only by its angle. The larger the step protrusion, the more quantity

these steps and the lower their height. But this does not mean at all that it will be convenient for you to climb and descend such stairs. Therefore, we will call the most convenient step height 20 centimeters, which is most suitable for a standard human foot.

Here is a very useful video that will help you avoid many mistakes when installing such a staircase:

What fasteners and materials are needed?

As for the main material, a wooden staircase will be the most affordable, but here it is important to pay special attention to the strength of the fasteners. To make such a ladder, you will need two long and two short bars, as well as a piece of plywood 10 millimeters thick.

Let's take a closer look at this point. All designs that help open a staircase with a hatch at the bottom differ only in the presence of additional mechanisms and shock absorption. The shock absorption, in turn, makes it easier to close and open the stairs. And you can buy all the necessary hinge elements at any store. But simple metal strips drilled in several places are quite suitable for constructing such a staircase, and the most expensive thing for arranging a staircase is an aluminum sliding system.

Simple and practical fastening:

More complex system:

But what are the requirements for fastening the entire staircase? The first is the ability to withstand the weight of the entire structure, as well as the weight of the person who will climb and descend along it. And not only the static loads of a person standing on it with his certain weight, but also dynamic ones, which are much greater than static ones. For example, a person stumbled and suddenly stood on a lower step, or staggered and leaned on the stairs with all his weight, but abruptly and suddenly.

And finally, we note the ability to easily control the structure. As you understand, such a ladder weighs a fair amount and it is important that you then make sure it is easy to open. And when closing, you will have to lift all the weight at once, so provide special springs that will make the whole process easier for you over time - you will be grateful for this trick.

Instructions for making a folding ladder

The process itself can be divided into several steps:

  • Step 1. Secure the upper beam to the opening using hinges, and the lower beam using self-tapping screws. The fastener itself should be on the back side of the stairs.
  • Step 2. Now we connect everything using the most ordinary bolts, with a diameter of 6 or 8 millimeters. A smaller diameter may not withstand the load, a larger one is simply not needed. Remember that self-tapping screws cannot be used here at all - they will not withstand the load and on a certain day they will simply tear out the entire fastening of the system.
  • Step 3. Now we divide the stairs into three parts, measure 2/3 and make a cut, just between the steps.
  • Step 4. We connect the sawn parts again, but with loops.
  • Step 5. Nail longer bars on the back side so that they turn out diagonally for strength.
  • Step 6. Now the ladder itself is delivered under the hatch and is pressed against the wall with the top bar. Secure this block with bolts.
  • Believe me, in practice everything will be much easier!

Having started building their own cottage, not everyone understands that such a small thing as a hatch to the attic with a ladder is a mandatory element for installation in any home. A small door will make life in the house safer, even if the attic is not in use. In addition, it is important to make the approach to the attic hatch as comfortable and safe as possible.

The space under the roof of a residential building can be used for various purposes. Even if the attic is not residential, it serves the function of a technical room. But more often, cottage owners still use the space under the roof to their advantage by placing living rooms or space for relaxation.

Regardless of the purpose for which the attic or attic is used, this space must meet certain safety requirements:

  1. It is necessary to have free passage into the space under the roof to extinguish the fire. Most often, a hatch is installed for this purpose. The materials from which the door is made must comply with fire safety standards and have a fire resistance of at least EI30.
  2. Roof construction and attic finishing materials must be treated with fire retardant compounds.
  3. Large attic spaces are divided into compartments that can block the spread of flame.
  4. It is prohibited to arrange storage facilities under the roof.

If an attic is built, it must have escape routes separate from the living quarters. Despite the seriousness of the requirements, it is not difficult to implement them in private construction. Usually, to do this, it is enough to install a hatch with a ladder in the attic.

Old and new

If you look closely at houses built in the last century, you will notice that they are all equipped with external attic doors. People have always understood that attic access is necessary to make the home safer.

Modern construction technologies and materials make it possible to create a comfortable and beautiful entrance to the attic from the house. At the same time, the installation of this structure should be approached with the utmost seriousness and pedantry. Despite its apparent insignificance, the reliability of this door will quite possibly one day save a building or a life.

On a note! Negligence in installing an attic door will, at a minimum, lead to drafts.

If you add to the incorrect design the absence of a vapor barrier layer in the roof, you will end up with high humidity under the roof and, as a result, the proliferation of mold and mildew on the floor materials.

Manhole size

There are no regulatory restrictions on the size of the hatch. Here you should be guided by economy, comfort and common sense. First of all, the door to the attic must provide free passage into the space under the roof. Some optimal criteria have been empirically identified:

  • door width depends on size flight of stairs and usually exceeds the dimensions of the steps by 10-15 cm;
  • if the staircase is mounted with railings, then the opening must exceed the width of the flight by 20 cm, least;
  • the length of the doorway is usually made 1.2m, this size allows you to move freely along the stairs;
  • the height of the ceilings at the location where the hatch is installed must be at least 2m, it is important to take into account the disassembled size of the staircase;
  • the most convenient opening will be internal: the doors open towards themselves in the direction of the living space.

Important! A mechanism for fixing the valves in the open and closed positions should be provided.

Types of hatches

A door to the attic can be implemented different ways. The choice of opening mechanism and type of hatch depends on the type of staircase, as well as on the frequency of the required passage into the attic. The most common implementation options:

  • Inspection hatch arranged in a situation where the attic is not used as a living space. Optimal for roofs with acute slope angles. Usually used in conjunction with an extension ladder.

  • Attic entrance Very nice solution and, as a rule, is combined with a door to the roof. This method It is not recommended for self-installation, as it requires certain construction skills. In addition, it is necessary to correctly calculate the possible loads on such a door.

  • Vertical hatch built in buildings with different levels of premises. In essence, this is a low door from the living room to the space under the roof. A simple method, but used extremely rarely, since it is created in buildings with a specific layout.

  • Horizontal entrance to the attic- the most common method for private construction. It is quite possible to construct the device on your own.

Let's look at the design of horizontal hatches in more detail.

Prices for roof windows

Dormer window

Requirements for attic stairs

Carrying out independent design and the construction of attic stairs, you should know what requirements apply to such structures. Limitations on the angle of inclination and width of the tread were identified experimentally and confirmed by calculations by engineers. These criteria are specified in SNiPakh and in the case of mass development are mandatory. This was done in order to make the operation process as safe as possible in conditions of rare use.

Before designing a staircase to the attic or attic, you should familiarize yourself with the basic safety criteria:

  • the length of the ladder when disassembled should not exceed 3m;
  • the span width must be within 0.6-0.7 m;
  • the height of the step is selected based on the height of the residents, but usually fluctuates around 0.2m;
  • the number of steps, that is, steps to climb, must be odd and no more 19;
  • optimal angle of inclination of attic stairs 60-70 0 ;
  • tread width 24 -30 cm.

On a note! The tread material must be resistant to fracture and at the same time have some play in bending. Comfortable tread thickness of the step material 18 - 20 mm.

Types of structures

Depending on what kind of room will be under the roof and how much the area of ​​the building allows, home owners can arrange a different passage to the attic.

All types of stairs can be divided into 3 methods of construction and operation:

  • Stationary.

These are marching, screw, cantilever structures. That is, the staircase, which is built together with the building, is connected to it by one reinforcement system, distributing the load on the load-bearing parts of the building. These stairs have the following characteristics:

  • thoroughness;
  • significant weight;
  • long service life;
  • high strength.

In addition, such a construction always takes usable area lower floor. Even when installing helical steps, the most economical in terms of volume, you will have to sacrifice square meters.

On a note! It is worth giving preference to a stationary staircase if the attic space is residential and it is planned to be used daily.

  • Portable (attached).

The use of portable ladders to visit the attic is quite common in cases where the space under the roof is technical and does not require frequent visits. At the same time, this is the most budgetary method of installation and the most inconvenient and traumatic. It is not recommended to use a ladder alone without a safety net from below. In addition, a stepladder or ladder must be stored somewhere and, if necessary, brought to the attic hatch area.

  • Foldable.

If the attic has a functional purpose and is used frequently, but not daily, in the best possible way passage devices become folding stairs. These structures are retracted into a hatch or wall and for this reason have obvious advantages:

  • do not take up space on the ground floor area;
  • when unfolded, they are a durable and stable structure;
  • do not require organization of storage space.

Folding stairs, as a rule, do not have risers, so the width of the tread is often reduced, rightly assuming that 2/3 of the foot is sufficient. But when designing, it should be taken into account that too narrow a tread will make the staircase an object of increased risk, so the steps should still be about 20 cm in width.

Types of folding stairs

A folding ladder, even complete with an attic hatch, can be purchased ready-made, or you can assemble it yourself. Let us describe the possible most common types of mobile stages:

  • Telescopic. The guides for the steps are laid out according to the matryoshka system, that is, one into one. The steps are installed on the guides using locking mechanisms. Not the best reliable look stairs, problems, as a rule, arise with the clamps.

  • Scissor. Another name for such steps is accordion. It is on the principle of bellows that the ladder stretches with a simple downward movement. When assembled, it is quite compact. This design can be purchased in an automatic sliding version.

  • Sectional folding. The ladder segments fold, as in the scissor version, but quite large sections, and not gradually. For this reason, the assembled ladder is quite bulky, but it does not take up space on the lower floor, since it is retracted into the hatch. The absolute advantage of this design is the price; it is the most economical option.

  • Folding. Stairs that are fixed into the nearest wall and retracted into it when assembled. In working condition, this design is very similar to a conventional marching design. The advantage of such a march is normal angle tilt, usually 45 0 . But for use you will need free space on the lower floor. In addition, an assembled staircase on the wall will not decorate the interior.

Find out with your own hands, and also check out the drawings and videos in a special article on our portal.

Prices for different types of attic folding stairs

Folding attic ladders

Do-it-yourself wooden attic three-section ladder

The first thing to do is cut an opening in the ceiling in the chosen location. All further calculations will depend on the dimensions of this opening. Please note that the hatch will be attached to the body of the floor, so if necessary, it should be strengthened.

After the opening is ready, they begin to draw up a project for an attic hatch with a ladder. The drawing should indicate the following dimensions:

  • thickness of the ceiling;
  • hatch length and width;
  • angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • width of the flight of stairs;
  • length and number of sections;
  • number of steps and distance between them;
  • tread width.

The most difficult thing from the point of view of calculations is the moment of determining the length of the staircase in disassembled form. For such a calculation, you will need to remember school mathematics and find the Bradis tables, you will need the value of the sine of the angle:

  • determine the location of the stairs on the drawing;
  • measure the angle of inclination (remembering that it should not be steeper than 70 0);
  • calculate the length of the stairs using the formula L=H/sin where L is the length of the stairs, H is the height from the floor to the attic hatch, sin is the value of the sine of the angle of inclination.

On a note! A simpler, but less accurate method of calculation is to determine the size of the hypotenuse, in a triangle, where the legs are the height to the hatch and the estimated length from the edge of the hatch to the place where the stairs are fixed on the floor of the lower floor.

Section sizes are calculated as follows:

  • the first is the longest, the hatch size is reduced by 10% ;
  • the second one is less than the first one 10%;
  • the third is the remaining length until the entire march size is set.

The project has been calculated, materials have been purchased required quantity, you can start producing a hatch with a folding ladder.

On a note! Once the project is ready, count all the fasteners, including connecting hinges, hinges, locks and an external handle for easy opening of the hatch.

Prices for timber

Hatch door manufacturing technology - step-by-step instructions

Any door consists of a frame (frame) and a door (leaf). The box is attached to the opening, and the canvas is fixed to the frame.

The size of the box should be slightly smaller than the size of the hole for the hatch. On each side there should be 2 - 3 cm to form the assembly seam.

The manufacturing process step by step is as follows:

Step 1. The frame is made of timber or boards. Corner connections are carried out according to 45 0 . All parts are fastened with glue or self-tapping screws. For greater strength, the corners of the box can be secured with furniture corners.

Step 2. The frame for the deck is also assembled from timber. The structure can be strengthened with a crossbar.

Step 3. From the attic side, wind protection material (waterproofing) is laid into the canvas. Insulation is placed inside the canvas, for example, mineral wool. The inside of the door is lined with a vapor barrier membrane.

Step 4. The door is sealed on both outer sides with plywood, at least 8 mm thick.

The canvas should fit tightly but freely into the frame. Before starting work, all wood should be treated with a fire protection compound.

On a note! The hatch box is mounted flush with the lower plane of the ceiling; this should be taken into account when choosing the size of the beam for the frame.

Prices for construction boards

Construction boards

Assembling the stairs

First of all, it is necessary to cut the timber into the string of the flight of stairs. The result should be three pairs of bars of different lengths. It is better to cut out the lowest pair with a small margin, so that after installation, you can cut off the corner at the end of the block for a strong fixation on the floor.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • cut boards for treads in the required quantity;
  • Make markings on the string beams for attaching the steps;
  • fasten the beams in pairs using tape and drill holes in the places where the steps are attached;
  • drill places to install the hinge mechanism at the ends of the bar to connect the sections to each other;
  • assemble the entire structure with self-tapping screws.

Video - Self-assembly of an attic ladder with metal fastenings

When marking the fastenings of the treads to the string, it is better to focus on one edge and make one hole only. After the staircase is installed at the desired angle, one step is set and a second hole is made so that the tread is strictly horizontal. To repeat the required angle, make a template from cardboard and drill the attachment points for the remaining treads. The ladder should be attached to the door after fitting.

Installation process

If the work is carried out by two or more people, you can install the hatch together with the attic ladder assembly. The design is quite heavy, so it is almost impossible to carry out such an operation alone.

If everything is assembled and measured correctly, the installation process will not be difficult:

  1. A box is mounted into the thickness of the ceiling. Everything is secured with anchor screws. The frame is fixed in several places: at a distance 10-15 cm from the top of each corner and in increments 40-50 cm along the length of each side.
  2. The door is suspended from the frame on hinges. A hinge for attaching the ladder and all locking mechanisms are installed on it in advance.
  3. The upper section of the ladder is mounted to the fixed door.
  4. The entire march structure is assembled using hinge mechanisms.

The installation seam is foamed. Then inner side the seam should be taped with metallized tape, and top part cover with PSUL waterproofing tape. After such insulation, the seam can be closed with a strip of flashing or any other decorative material.

Important! The seam on the side of the PSUL tape does not require additional protection. It is absolutely forbidden to plaster according to PSUL.

Video - Technology for installing attic stairs into a finished ceiling


A staircase with a hatch to the attic is a mandatory element for installation in any building. Types of stairs and hatches, as well as methods of their installation, must comply with the requirements fire safety. At the same time, you can assemble the entire structure with your own hands or purchase ready product and order installation from a specialized company. The modern construction market offers big choice ready-made structures, as well as various materials for self-made.

Any room in the house can and should be equipped in an optimal way for the people living there. This also applies to the attic. A do-it-yourself attic staircase is an excellent example. correct use space and forces for organizing space indoors.

The ascent to the attic includes the ladder itself, a special hatch for penetration and a system of levers for fixing the installed span. A do-it-yourself attic staircase allows you to save money and provide excellent quality construction.

Classic look of a retractable staircase to the attic

There are plenty of options on how to make a staircase to the attic. Therefore, it is up to you to choose the optimal solution and implement it.

Staircase manufacturing, installation and testing are the main stages of work. But without design and calculation of the future structure, construction will be complicated, and the quality may not meet expectations.

The beginning of work is the creation of a hatch leading to the top. A DIY attic ladder is a great approach if you have sufficient knowledge and skills. The correct choice of hatch location, its precise creation and staircase equipment serve as the basis for the entire project.

You have 2 options: use a ready-made hatch or make it yourself. The size of the hole should be comfortable for climbing, so as not to touch the ceiling and slings with your head. The location should not be crossed by beams or load-bearing elements. The hatch must be additionally insulated, because the integrity of the structure is compromised and this can lead to heat loss.

If you decide to make an attic staircase with your own hands, then you should understand that this is not just a classic path to the upper floor. The attic staircase has its own characteristics and requires a special approach.

Manufacturing a hatch for an attic staircase includes the following work:

  1. Development of drawings
  2. Accounting and detailed analysis of the thickness of all structural elements and hatch dimensions.
  3. Selection necessary materials and tools.
  4. Forming an opening where there will be a folding ladder or other option for climbing into the attic.
  5. Assembling the hatch frame and securely fixing all elements.
  6. Making a cover from leftover floor coverings.
  7. Decorative design and complex of insulation works.

As a result, you get an equipped hatch that can be easily closed for a while.

The hatch in the closed position practically does not stand out against the background of the ceiling

DIY folding ladder to the attic

In most cases, the design of the stairs to the attic appears this way. An attic ladder that can be folded freely looks convenient and practical, saving space without sacrificing functionality.

Making this type of staircase yourself is quite complex and time-consuming, but proper preparation and step-by-step implementation is quite feasible. To make a folding attic ladder, you will need the following tools:

  • Hacksaw
  • Polyurethane foam
  • Screwdriver (preferably electric)
  • Screwdriver
  • Anchor bolts
  • Self-tapping screws of different diameters
  • Loops for fastening
  • Roulette.

Before starting the production of an attic ladder, you should make sure that you have an extension ladder, which will serve as the basis for work. A folding ladder can be made in just 1 day, if you have all the materials and tools.

This design option is objectively the most popular, for which there are reasons:

  1. A folding ladder can significantly save space.
  2. The element folds easily and is extremely simple to use.
  3. Harmonious fit into any interior.
  4. Fast production speed.
  5. High strength and long service life.

If you manage to make a folding staircase exactly with the planned dimensions, you will get a spectacular and effective element in home improvement.

Standard sizes

Although the attic ladder is made by hand, there are certain established dimensions that are recommended to be followed. They are selected and laid out at the design stage, and during the manufacturing process they serve as the starting point for all actions. Below is a list of sizes that can be used:

  1. With a staircase height of 290 cm: 60x90, 60x120 or 70x120 cm.
  2. Height 280 cm: 60x120 and 70x120 cm.
  3. Height up to 280 cm: 60x120, 70x120 and 70x130 cm.

This is the accepted order of numbers. In any case, you choose the final parameters yourself, solely based on personal preferences and understanding of the ease of use of the design.


Here is a set of diverse ladders with detailed drawings for work.

The manufacturing process step by step with photo illustrations and detailed descriptions

When making stairs for the attic, it is important to follow the stages of the work in order to get the optimal result. To do this, we offer you universal instructions (attention: some changes and adjustments are allowed for a specific case).

  1. Drawing development. Not required here high accuracy and correctness of design. The main thing is that your document is understandable to you personally and contains precisely calculated and verified parameters.
  2. Preparatory work. This important and extensive stage includes the selection complete set tools and materials that will be required to complete the work. Already at this stage, a drawing will help you a lot, because you will clearly imagine what the staircase will look like, which means you can easily make a complete list of everything you need.
  3. Manufacturing of the support frame. Based on the standard and selected size of the hatch, you form the frames, carefully adjusting all the corners and cleaning individual areas.

Installed frame and mounted hatch in open position

  1. The frame is installed in the working position and secured with bolts and inserts. The opening fits exactly.
  2. After mounting the frame, the hatch cover is inserted into the body.
  3. Grooves for stairs are made on the guides.
  4. ends support beams should be cut at an angle that will optimally match the floor when opening the stairs.
  5. The sawn and polished steps are carefully installed in the groove and secured with self-tapping screws.

Installation of steps on bases

  1. All elements (staircase segments) are assembled into single design. Metal hinges are used to secure all parts.

Metal loops for connecting structural elements

  1. The ladder assembled on the floor is installed in its working position and attached to the hatch frame.
  2. Be sure to carefully check how the design you created works. To do this, perform the full set of opening/closing movements several times.

Staircase of several sections in assembled condition

See how you can make a staircase to the attic with a visual example

Attic ladder mechanism with hatch - hinged without spring

The design of the hatch opening mechanism is one of the key elements when designing a staircase. You can purchase a ready-to-install mechanism at any department store. If you do not want to purchase such parts, you can make it yourself.

To make a simple version of the opening system, you will need the following set of parts and tools: a corner, a metal sheet (small piece), 2 strips with different lengths blades, bolts for fastening, drills, jigsaws, jigsaws, cleats and clamps.

The manufacture of the mechanism for the stairs is as follows:

  1. Drawing up a drawing with detailed description elements. Be sure to calculate the angle of contact and the angle of inclination of the lid when opening.
  2. Make a design of the mechanism from cardboard in order to accurately calculate the size of the hinge.
  3. Take metal strips and mark holes on them. The hinges will be installed here. The size of the hole is determined by the size of the M10 bolt.
  4. The strips are assembled together into a single structure and tightened, but not too much.
  5. The exact angle is determined using a small marker.
  6. Extend the mechanism being created to the set angle.
  7. On the metal sheet, mark the part that will overlap when the hatch is open.
  8. Using a jigsaw, cut this section.
  9. Stripes must be presentable appearance, for which they are carefully cleaned and rounded. The processing of all elements is very important, because it is this that ensures that all elements match exactly and fit optimally. No friction between parts should be allowed.
  10. To make the second part of the mechanism, we recommend using clamps. To ensure accurate dimensions, it is enough to securely fasten the finished element and the source.
  11. You can also use clamps to achieve precise hole placement.
  12. Once the bolt holes are created, the bolt is placed into the finished hole.
  13. The blanks are twisted with two bolts and aligned along their length.

Your task is to make 2 identical mechanisms. Completely finished opening mechanisms are installed on the hatch. Be sure to re-fit the hatch with the mechanisms to the opening - make sure there are no gaps or areas where the elements come into contact.

Adjusting the structure in this area is possible and is not difficult, so pay attention to this.

The hinge is easy to use and allows you to use the ladder comfortably.

Stair options

Attic stairs can have several types. The ability to choose allows you to optimally equip any room depending on your personal wishes and needs.

— folding ladder on hinges

A fairly common format for making stairs. The project consists of 3 sections that are connected into a single structure. This format is suitable for equipping stairs in any room. Hinges for an opening hatch can be purchased ready-made and installed in the shortest possible time.

Folding ladder on hinges

- simple wooden staircase

This option is more attractive and is a definite upgrade of the previous design. To make it, it is enough to cut a standard ladder into 3 sections. The smallest one should be the size of the hatch, the second one should be larger, and the third one should completely cover the remaining distance to the floor. Make grooves on and install steps into them. Be sure to finish all corners and surfaces accurately.

- two-piece folding ladder

An attic staircase option that is suitable for low room heights or a type of simplified design.

Folding ladder

- sliding attic ladder - retractable flights to the attic

A ladder with large retractable sections that can be pulled out and simultaneously cover the distance to the hatch. Requires precise fitting of elements and sufficient space.

Sliding staircase

- do-it-yourself staircase to the attic from the street

An attic staircase can have an unlimited number of design options - below you can admire the completed projects.

Stairs from the street

Photo gallery of attic stairs

Today you can find it online a large number of designs of stairs for the attic. Anyone can make them with their own hands, so you shouldn’t be afraid - you just need to prepare well and do it.

A DIY attic staircase is a great way to make your home more comfortable, and making trips to the attic a real pleasure. The design has a small set of technical difficulties - therefore the product is often made by hand. Basic rules for those who decided to make an attic staircase themselves:

  • Carefully draw up a drawing based on the obtained dimensions and personal wishes.
  • Choose the best quality tools and materials.
  • Inspect everything carefully connecting elements and connecting parts.
  • Check the staircase elements more often to prevent defects and eliminate them in a timely manner.

The staircase for climbing to the attic is easy to decorate and fits perfectly into the style of any room. Comfortable handles and reliable fixation form an ideal option for climbing to the top, which is an excellent alternative to a standard fixed ladder.
