What kind of internal insulation is suitable for finishing walls and ceilings from the inside of an apartment, and how to do the work yourself? How to insulate walls from the inside of a house: choosing the best insulation How to insulate walls in an apartment from the inside

In buildings where they are installed panel walls, it is often necessary to carry out insulation. The thickness of such walls is simply insufficient. The following is observed: the room cools down quickly, but the heating system does not cope with the assigned tasks in all cases. As a result, the temperature in the rooms drops and residents feel uncomfortable. The problem needs to be solved. This is what we will talk about - how to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside on your own. What materials should be used for this work, how to use them correctly.

Walls in the apartment and their insulation

External thermal insulation of walls - this method can be called one of the most effective if you need to keep heat in your apartment.

But this option is expensive - the complexity of implementation is too high, it is necessary to use special equipment and hire professional workers. The higher the number of floors, the more difficult and expensive it is.

Thermal insulation of walls in the apartment from the inside is completely justified in different cases. For example:

  1. If there is a government ban, the façade of the building cannot be changed. This happens if the building is of cultural value, or if the front part of the house has access to the main street;
  2. If behind the wall there is expansion joint between a pair of buildings;
  3. When the elevator shaft is behind a wall, or there is any other room that is not heated. Accordingly, it is impossible to install external insulation in such a situation.

There is an exit! Optimal choice– insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside. Yes, it will cut a little usable area indoors. But warm rooms of a slightly smaller area are better than spacious, cold rooms. Moreover, if you work inside, you can do the work yourself, without hiring specialists. The main thing is to act correctly: prepare the necessary tools and materials for the job.

When equipment is installed in the apartment autonomous heating, insulated walls are a great way to save energy resources - this is exactly what any owner wants to achieve.

Read more about the pros and cons of internal insulation if you can’t make a decision:

Positive sides:

  1. The cost of the work will be affordable for almost any family;
  2. Installation can be carried out regardless of weather conditions;
  3. During the process, it will be possible to level the walls.


  • Condensation may appear, and the formation of mold colonies should not be ruled out. To prevent this from happening, you will have to think about high-quality ventilation - then these problems will not arise;
  • The wall does not accumulate heat or retain it. It is not uncommon for losses to be 15%;
  • If you insulate a wall incorrectly, it will definitely freeze. Over time, this will cause the material to deteriorate;
  • The volume of the room will decrease;
  • The interior decoration of the rooms will be damaged;
  • Residents often experience inconvenience when renovation work is being carried out in their apartment.

Insulation from the inside - how to do it right

It is worth noting that the thermal insulation of the walls of the apartment from the inside, which in the future will prevent the appearance of condensation due to temperature fluctuations in winter, as well as the appearance of mold spots on the walls, must be carried out correctly - all technological recommendations must be followed.

When a thermal insulation “pie” is formed, its structure is created, a high-quality vapor barrier is required. It should protect the insulation from moisture getting into it.

Before you start insulating the walls in the apartment inside, It is worth studying a number of recommendations on how the work is performed:

  • You need to buy a vapor barrier film High Quality- it is necessary. Also, your shopping list should include waterproof tape so that you can seal all the joints between the sheets without any problems;
  • A material is prepared that has low vapor permeability - this indicator should be lower than that of the walls. This approach is a guarantee that moisture will evaporate correctly towards the street, and there will be no evaporation into the apartment;
  • It is important to glue the insulation as tightly as possible to the wall surface - any experienced craftsman will confirm this;
  • Ventilation must be arranged inside the room - it can be either forced or natural. Due to this, there will be no excess moisture. For example, today special valves are often installed on window frames - it is through them that fresh air will enter the room, which is very convenient;
  • Before insulating the walls in an apartment from the inside, you need to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation, which will be optimal.
This value completely depends on the average daily temperature in the winter in your region. What happens if the thermal insulation material turns out to be less than the calculated parameters? There will be a violation of the steam-heat balance.
  1. The wall insulation system is installed after special primer solutions have been applied to the surface. This will help protect against mold, and will also increase adhesion, which is important if thermal insulation is being installed;
  2. Installation of insulation should be carried out strictly on the wall that has been thoroughly dried;
  3. When installing insulation, “cold bridges” are considered unacceptable. Especially where there are butt seams. It is these “bridges” that can ruin the entire process and significantly complicate the work.

What materials to use for insulation

Each owner decides for himself how to insulate walls in an apartment from the inside.

You just need pay attention to a number of materials and their features in order to make the right decision.

Penofol - in detail

Advantages of the material:

  • Is environmentally friendly;
  • Compared to other materials, it has a small thickness;
  • The level of vapor permeability is low;
  • Noise insulation is high;
  • Installation is easy;
  • Fire safety level is high;
  • Transportation is carried out without any difficulties;
  • Rodents do not like the material.


  1. This material is soft, so light pressure is enough – dents will form instantly;
  2. To perform high-quality fixation, use special glue;
  3. If the wall insulation is external, foil penofol is used as an additional thermal insulation layer. It's because of him thermal energy is reflected, creating reliable protection from moisture - you need to know about this.


Positive sides:

  • The material is non-flammable;
  • Has low thermal conductivity;
  • Sound insulation is high;
  • There is good air permeability and vapor permeability;
  • Mineral wool is of no interest to rodents; the same can be said about insects. Even the structures are a fact.

Negative sides:

  • Absorbs moisture strongly;
  • You cannot do without additional vapor barrier;
  • If mineral wool is used long time, shrinkage may occur;
  • The area of ​​the rooms will decrease, since the material is thicker.

Ecowool as insulation


  1. The material does not burn;
  2. Is environmentally friendly;
  3. Has low thermal conductivity;
  4. The level of sound insulation is high;
  5. It can be used for a very long time.


  • It costs too much.

Expanded polystyrene for insulating an apartment from the inside

Positive sides:

  • The slabs do not weigh much;
  • Strength characteristics are high;
  • The price is much lower when compared with mineral slabs;
  • Easy to process;
  • Not hygroscopic.

Negative sides:

  • Sound insulation leaves much to be desired;
  • The vapor permeability coefficient is low;
  • Partial destruction cannot be ruled out if the temperature rises above 80 degrees;
  • Low resistance to various organic solvents is observed;
  • Limited in use. If the height of the house is more than 25 meters, it is not recommended to use it;
  • The stoves are flammable. Expanded polystyrene is a self-extinguishing material; it does not support combustion.
An interesting point: if it turns out that the expanded polystyrene slabs do not extinguish on their own, this indicates one thing - the material does not meet the standard requirements. It is prohibited to use it in an apartment.

Polyurethane foam


  • The insulation is manufactured right where the work is being done, which is very convenient. The set of required components is minimal. Accordingly, delivery costs are reduced;
  • Weighs little;
  • In addition to insulation, it gives the wall additional strength;
  • Capable of withstanding wide range temperatures - from minus two hundred degrees to plus two hundred;
  • When the installation is completed, the owner will see a solid canvas; there will be no seams.


  • If polyurethane foam gets on sunlight(direct UV rays), wear occurs quickly;
  • It is necessary to protect the additional insulation obtained. Plaster or any panels will help with this. Some people use simple paint. However, this is even good - the surface ultimately becomes as aesthetically pleasing as possible. When - the same thing is done;
  • When the temperature is high, the insulation can smolder. If there is strong heating, a fire cannot be ruled out; this has also happened.

Cork as insulation


  • Weighs very little;
  • The material is durable, hard;
  • It is not subject to rotting; mold does not appear due to exposure to moisture;
  • Cork is an absolute dielectric and does not accumulate static electricity;
  • Not flammable. If it smolders - toxic, harmful substances do not stand out;
  • Not afraid of rodents;
  • When humidity levels fluctuate, cork does not change volume, unlike many other insulation materials;
  • Installation work is carried out easily, so even beginners will not have problems with how to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside;
  • Complete environmental safety.


  • It is expensive and not every family can afford it.



  • Very easy to apply;
  • Excellent adhesion is observed with any type of surface;
  • There is no need for complex preparatory work. Plaster is a plastic material, so it will level the wall itself;
  • Application can be easily done manually, but if you want, there is always the option of using auxiliary technical devices;
  • Irregularities can be eliminated without problems - defects, cracks, all this is not a reason for worry;
  • There are no cold bridges.


  • When the application of plaster is completed, additional priming and painting must be done;
  • If you plan to apply “warm plaster”, the wall must be dried before work;
  • Since the thermal conductivity coefficient of plaster is large, high-quality insulation can be obtained only when the layer of solution is thick - this is not always convenient.

Above we looked at the main materials that are suitable for insulating walls from the inside in an apartment. There are actually a lot of options here..

When insulating the walls of an apartment, you need to remember two things: basic rules: organize a strong vapor barrier so that condensation does not appear between the insulation and the wall. Also, to do good ventilation– all moist air from the room must be removed.

Before insulating the walls in an apartment from the inside, in order to protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, it is better to carefully study this topic. All thermal insulation materials existing today are usually divided into groups, which, in turn, correspond to the material that was used in the construction of the walls of the house - it is important to remember this so that the final result is positive.

Let's look at a few examples:

  • If the wall is made of brick, you do not need to choose the insulation that is designed for concrete walls. IN in this case Expanded polystyrene foam is perfect;
  • When concrete walls are insulated, polystyrene foam is also often used. The main thing is to choose extruded material;
  • For concrete walls Any insulation will do. But here it is also necessary to use a vapor barrier material on any of its surfaces. The ideal solution is foil; this material will provide the necessary protection.

Insulation - features of working inside an apartment

It’s worth talking in detail about how to interact with this or that insulation so that the apartment is warm and the positive effect lasts for years.

How to insulate with penofol

To achieve optimal results, you need to create an air gap on both sides.

Acceptable indicators are 20 mm. In this case, penofol is fixed to a wooden sheathing, which, in turn, is attached to the base - this way the required strength is achieved.

What is being done for this:

Detailed description:

  • Planks of wood, two centimeters thick, are attached to the surface of the wall. This can be done vertically, or horizontally. The pitch is selected depending on the width of the roll;
  • Planks in wooden walls are attached with self-tapping screws, and for brick and concrete surfaces use dowels;
  • They take rolled material and cut strips of the required length from it. Then they are stapled to the planks - a construction stapler will help with this;
  • Penofol sheets are mounted end-to-end, the material is installed inside the room with the foil side;
  • Each joint must be carefully taped with aluminum tape;
  • The slats are installed and attached to the sheathing - they will provide the outer air layer of the required size;
  • The outside walls are sheathed with sheets of plasterboard; clapboard or other materials are also used for this.

Insulation with mineral wool - details

Working with this material is somewhat more difficult - you cannot do without wooden slats. And the installation order looks something like this:

  • Vertical slats are placed on the walls - this is done using building level. It’s just that one plane must be provided for all elements;
  • The waterproofing layer is placed between the slats; you can also fix it directly to the slats;
  • How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside now? It’s very simple - all that remains is to lay the insulation itself.
To avoid cold bridges, the heat-insulating material is placed extremely tightly in the cavities between the slats. Sometimes it has to be cut to size - but only a little more than the distance between the slats. The fact is that there should be no gaps between the canvases, even minimal ones.
  • Afterwards, a vapor barrier material is placed and the fasteners are made with slats;
  • If there is no plaster layer, the ideal approach is to lay mineral wool in two layers, this will be more than enough.

About insulation with polystyrene foam

This solution can be called one of the cheapest and simplest if you need to insulate an apartment. If the walls are built of brick, the first step is to plaster, and only then move on.

What then? Following:

  1. When the coating dries, the wall is leveled - putty is used for this;
  2. They put waterproofing material, which will one hundred percent protect the wall from condensation between the insulation and the main one;
  3. Next, you can install insulation sheets. For fastening, a special glue is usually chosen. In this case, the composition is applied not to the foam plastic, but directly to the surface of the wall - this is correct;
  4. It is recommended to place the foam panels end-to-end; there is no need to make any gaps here;
  5. They put in a vapor barrier material; you can’t do without it here.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

To spray polyurethane foam, you need to use special equipment- no other way.


  • Must be mounted on the wall wooden sheathing– it is this that will serve as guides when the material is sprayed. It will also be the main one on which the decorative finish will be fixed;
  • Then the polyurethane foam is installed;
  • Attach trim panels. In general, nothing complicated.

Plastering and working with it

What should be done before insulating the walls from the inside in an apartment with plaster? It is important to study some of the features of the work ahead. For example, warm plaster is applied to walls in three layers - this is important.

  1. The first step is to spray it with a liquid plaster solution so that the composition can get into all the cracks. The casting of the composition is carried out evenly, with a certain effort. The layer thickness should be at least 1 cm;
  2. Now the primer is applied. If they are thermally insulated with plaster, this will be the main one. A coating thickness of 0.5-0.6 cm is sufficient.
It is best to apply the primer in several layers, and the size of each can be 2-3 cm. Due to this, the coating will not separate from the walls due to its weight. After application, it is important to thoroughly dry each layer.
  • Now the covering. That is, a finishing layer that is up to 0.5 cm thick. To make this layer, fine clean sand is used, which is diluted with water. This composition is easily rubbed into the wall surface, resulting in a completely flat plane.

Cork and insulation

What to do if you need to insulate a wall in an apartment with cork from the inside. In fact, there is nothing complicated here - first the surface is prepared: ideally, the base should be as smooth as possible. This process is controlled by the construction level.

How to achieve the desired result? So:

  • If the surface of the wall is not smooth enough, it must be plastered, then various cracks, protrusions, depressions, and other defects must be removed;
  • When the leveling work is completed, the room must be left so that it can dry thoroughly.
You should not insulate walls inside the room with cork materials if the surface is damp. Because of this, not only can fungus arise, but the panels can also become deformed.
  • When installing insulation, you must strictly follow the instructions for the adhesive - this is very important;
  • During operation, the strength of the coating will be worthy only when all technological aspects of the work are performed correctly;
  • The cork, on which glue has been applied, is simply applied to the wall. Then the material is strengthened. It is important to act precisely and carefully. Many adhesive bases they grab under the cork very quickly, almost instantly. That is, it will no longer be possible to somehow change the location of the product after placing it on the wall.

The video “how to insulate walls in an apartment from the inside” will tell you in detail about the process of insulating walls inside an apartment - the lesson will be useful to everyone: how to an experienced master, and for a beginner.

  • When installing the plug, it is important to ensure that the room is well ventilated. The glue can easily turn out to be toxic, in addition, the compositions usually have bad smell(very sharp).

All the recommendations discussed above will help to reliably insulate the walls in the apartment from the inside. How to do this in the end is up to the owner to decide; only he knows the answer to the question of what insulation materials will be used. The cold should not get into the apartment. If this is observed, the problem must be solved as quickly as possible, then life in the room will be comfortable.

The question of whether it is worth insulating the walls of a house from the inside still does not have a clear answer. Some experts are ardent opponents of this option. Others, on the contrary, believe that such a solution will create the most comfortable conditions for people’s lives. It is worth noting that both are right. It all depends on specific situation, according to which this or that decision should be made. But even before starting work on insulating the walls of a house from the inside, it is important to study the features of the process and select a safe material.

Main advantages

Insulating the walls of a house from the inside is especially important in apartment buildings. Sometimes it is the only option for creating comfortable conditions in those rooms adjacent to unheated, cold technical rooms or staircase. You can also insulate walls from the inside in a private house. Such a solution will preserve the original appearance of the facade or increase the amount of heat that will be stored in the building.

Such work refers to non-traditional technologies. Most often, they are recommended in cases where it is simply impossible to arrange external insulation. These are, for example, the same high-rise buildings. After all, sometimes it is very often necessary to keep the rooms warm panel house. Insulating the walls in an apartment from the inside will be the only option when the work can be carried out independently, in the shortest possible time and without obtaining the appropriate permits that are necessary when arranging the facade. As a result, the comfort of housing will increase, and the owners will forget about such troubles as fungus and mold.

Possible problems

Despite certain advantages, insulating the walls of a house from the inside also has a number of disadvantages. It was they who caused the appearance of opponents this decision. Thus, the presence of insulation on the internal walls of a building contributes to the emergence of such problems as:

-Walls exposed to cold. After all, the supporting structure of the house does not get rid of contact with outside air. This leads to its rapid destruction. Cracks begin to appear on the surface of the walls, because their insulation from the inside takes away a certain part of the heat. And if before the activities the external structures of the building were heated from the inside, then upon completion of the work this process stops.

-Condensation. As you know, droplets of moisture form on a cold surface in contact with warm air. This phenomenon is called the “dew point”. The main goal of thermal insulation of a house is to move such a point beyond the outer structure. Insulating walls from the inside in a private house or in a high-rise apartment leads to the formation of condensation at the boundary between the insulation and its surface. In this regard, the process turns out to be hidden from the owners, and they simply do not notice it. The walls are high humidity become great place for the growth of mold and fungi.

-Reducing the area of ​​rooms. To date construction industry produces various types of the most modern materials with enough high efficiency. However, she has not yet come up with one that, while maintaining high technical characteristics would be quite small in thickness. Insulating a house from the inside will take away from the premises 5 to 10 cm of their space, which will significantly reduce the usable area. At first glance this is not too noticeable. But if you calculate it over the entire building, the figure will be quite impressive.

Based on all of the above, before starting work on insulating the walls of a house from the inside, it is advisable to carefully consider the negative aspects of such a decision. Get rid of possible problems necessary already at initial stage, because otherwise the negative result will become noticeable already in the first years of such operation.


What allows you to use technology that involves insulating the surface of walls from inside the building? These may be the most various materials, having their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. As a rule, the most popular insulation options for such work are mineral wool and foam plastic, penoplex, as well as slabs made from wood fiber. Let's take a closer look at their advantages and disadvantages.


Very often, owners who decide to insulate a house from the inside opt for this material. After all, it is quite effective and, importantly, has a low cost. As a rule, 5 cm of such a protective layer is sufficient to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the premises.

Foam plastic is most often used to insulate walls in apartments in multi-storey buildings. The use of this material allows installation quickly, without additional tool and complex processing.

Among the disadvantages of polystyrene foam are the following:

Low strength;


Poor vapor permeability.

The latest forecast helps turn the house into a real greenhouse. In order to avoid this problem, you will need to install forced ventilation, which will require additional labor and financial costs.


The closest relative of foam plastic is extruded polystyrene foam, also known as penoplex. Externally, these two materials are very similar to each other. However, foam boards have Orange color, not white. In addition, it is more durable, which determines its durability.

However, the disadvantages of polystyrene foam in the form of flammability and poor vapor permeability of this material still remain. Insulating the internal surfaces of the walls when using it will not allow the house to “breathe”, which will require the installation of forced ventilation.

Is it possible to use polystyrene foam to create comfortable indoor conditions? Yes, but you will need to prepare in advance for possible problems and eliminate them in time.

This option is more acceptable for a house, as well as one built from lightweight concrete. As for wood, it is usually chosen for the construction of buildings for its ability to “breathe”. But polystyrene foam and penoplex block air flows. This negates all the benefits of wood.

Mineral wool

These insulation materials are also widely used for internal lining. What is attractive about this material is its inexpensive price. Experts recommend using mineral wool in hard slabs to insulate the inside of a house wall. This material is easy to install, non-flammable and highly durable.

Rolled products are produced under such brands as Rockwool, Knauf, and Izover. She has good:

1. Thermal conductivity. This allows the use of a thin layer of insulation.
2. Soundproofing. The use of glass wool provides excellent protection against street noise. Such properties of the material are facilitated by the presence between its fibers. air gap.
3. Vapor permeability.
4. Tensile strength.
5. Resistant to biological influences, for example, to rodents.

This insulation is also supported by its high service life. It has been successfully performing its functions for fifty years. In addition, mineral wool has low density and light weight.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that this material perfectly absorbs water, after which it ceases to function according to its intended purpose. To prevent this from happening, provide a vapor barrier and waterproofing in the form of a film or membrane. The first protects the insulation from the side of the incoming warm air, and the second - from the cold air.


Insulation from the inside can be carried out using They have:

Good noise absorption and thermal insulation;

Unattractive to rodents and insects;

Good resistance to moisture and temperature changes;

Easy to process using any tools;

Easy installation;

Convenient for wiring.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that fiberboard slabs subject to processing toxic substances. This poses a danger to humans. That is why this material is most often used for exterior decoration.

Insulation of frame houses

Anyone who has decided to improve the comfort of their home will need to check its condition. If any defects are detected, they will need to be eliminated before work begins. Wall insulation frame house from the inside will require cleaning them and removing foreign objects. An important point It will also get rid of the gaps in the structural elements. To do this you will need to use polyurethane foam. If the wood of the walls is damp, then it is dried using a hair dryer.

When insulating the walls of a house from the inside with your own hands, you will need to go through two stages. The first of these is the installation of waterproofing. The second stage involves laying a layer of thermal insulation.

The waterproofing is pre-cut into strips corresponding to the size of the walls and attached to them. Next, the insulation is laid, placing it between the racks of the pre-arranged sheathing. The material selected to create a comfortable temperature in the room is pre-cut into strips corresponding to the area of ​​the walls. At the same time, their size may exceed the required by 5 cm. This nuance allows you to lay the insulation more tightly. This will increase the effectiveness of its use.

Insulation of wooden houses

Work in such buildings begins with the installation of sheathing, which is installed on load-bearing walls. In this case, it is recommended to use timber. Wall insulation wooden house from the inside using metal profile It makes sense in cases where in the future they will be covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard.

To create even and correct corners, corner posts are prepared from timber with a section of 50 x 100 mm. Their height should be equal to the height of the room. Along the edge of such a beam, a second one with a smaller cross-section (50 x 50 mm) is reinforced with self-tapping screws. Such a solution will allow you to secure the selected material inside the created structure.

Insulating the walls of a wooden house from the inside will require their pre-treatment with a special liquid. This will protect the surface from rotting and burning.

The next stage of insulating the walls of a wooden house from the inside with your own hands is the installation of bars, which are attached in increments of 50 cm. After completing the arrangement of the sheathing, you can begin the process of attaching the material, which is most often mineral wool. The insulation is pre-cut to the height of the walls with a width exceeding the distance between vertical parts structures by 2 cm.

Mineral wool is secured inside the sheathing with anchor bolts. It can be laid in 2 layers, between which the film should be placed.

After fixing the heat insulator, bars measuring 30x40 mm are mounted. Next, the sheathing is carried out using the one chosen by the owners decorative material, which could be, for example, lining. By the way, it will allow you to additionally insulate the house. At the same time, the interior will look very attractive.

Insulation of panel houses

In order to create a comfortable temperature in such a building, mineral wool is usually used. In addition, insulation of walls in a panel house from the inside can be done with penofol and fiberboard, polyurethane foam and balsa wood.

How is such work carried out? Insulating walls in a panel house from the inside will require cleaning them of old coatings. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt. The surface should be treated with a primer and antiseptic. After applying the next layer, the wall should be allowed to dry thoroughly. On next stage the surface is leveled with plaster, with all joints covered with mastic, sealant or moisture-resistant solution. Only after this they begin to arrange the heat insulator. The work is completed by installing the facing material, onto which the final finish is applied.

Insulation of brick houses

Buildings made from this material are distinguished by durability and strength. However, brick retains heat much worse than, for example, wood. In order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms, you will need to protect the walls from the cold.

Very often, owners insulate walls with isover from the inside in a brick house. is on the list of one of the most popular materials for performing such work. However, it is worth keeping in mind that you cannot leave it open. After all, over time, mineral wool will begin to emit dust, which negatively affects the health of residents. If a brick house using of this material If it is insulated correctly, then no problems will arise in the future. In this case, you will only need to waterproof the insulating layers, since they easily absorb moisture, get wet, and as a result lose their properties.

To install the insulating layer mineral wool You will need to prepare the following materials and tools with your own hands:

Wooden slats;

Mineral wool;

Film for waterproofing;

Vapor barrier film;



Putty knife;

Plywood or drywall.

Installation of mineral wool is carried out after thorough preparation of the walls, which are plastered and primed. There is no need to level such a surface, because later the sheathing will be mounted on it.

After the walls have dried, a layer of waterproofing is attached to them. Next, they begin to form the sheathing, which is made from wooden slats, fastening them together with screws. At the next stage, insulation is installed. The sheathing is placed on top of it and the slats vapor barrier film. This structure is covered with sheets of plasterboard or plywood. The joints of the facing material are sealed with putty.

The issue of internal insulation causes a lot of controversy and has its ardent opponents. But there are those who believe that this option will help make the building more comfortable for living. Both sides are right. In every situation there are reasons for taking one position or another. But before choosing this method for interior decoration private home, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, study the features, and choose safe insulation.

In what cases is this relevant?

Insulating walls from the inside certainly improves the thermal performance of a house. But this is an unconventional technology, because they usually try to do . However, there are situations when there is no other choice.

This option is also relevant for apartment buildings. It helps not only to increase the comfort of your home, but also to prevent the occurrence of troubles such as mold or mildew.


This method has a number of disadvantages. It is for this reason that the method has many opponents. Insulating walls from the inside can cause the following problems:

  • The walls are not protected from the cold. The supporting structure of the building continues to be in contact with the outside air. This can lead to its gradual destruction. Cracks will begin to appear on the surface. This measure not only does not protect the outer wall from the cold, but also takes away some of the heat from it, because before insulation, part of the heat from the room heated the wall, but now this flow is blocked.
  • Condensation. It forms on a cold surface upon contact with warm air. Heating engineers call the place where condensation forms the dew point. The main task of thermal insulation is to move the dew point outside the wall. Insulation “from the inside” ensures that the dew point shifts to the boundary between the wall and the insulation. This process is hidden, so home owners do not notice it. But humidity will be an excellent condition for the proliferation of various microorganisms.
  • Reducing the area of ​​premises. Modern types of insulation have good efficiency. But science hasn't figured it out yet good stuff so that its thickness is minimal. To insulate a house from the room side, you will need 5 to 10 cm of insulation. This eats up the area quite a lot. This is not so noticeable to the eye, but if you calculate the losses for the entire building, the figure turns out to be significant.

With internal insulation, the dew point shifts to the boundary between the wall and the insulation

Therefore, before you decide to internal insulation walls of the house, we recommend that you carefully consider the listed problems. In this case, ignorance does not exempt from responsibility, since the result of inattention will make itself felt in the first years of operation.

Material selection

Technology allows you to use different types insulation materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used options for insulating walls from the inside are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex type);
  • mineral wool;


Polystyrene foam is inexpensive and has good performance. In most cases, 5 cm will be enough to ensure a comfortable microclimate. It allows you to complete work quickly, without complex processing and additional tools.

Foam plastic is an inexpensive and effective heat insulator

But this material has significant disadvantages:

  • low strength;
  • flammability;
  • poor vapor permeability - polystyrene foam can turn a house into a real greenhouse.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The closest relative of polystyrene foam is extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex type). It is very similar in appearance, but is orange in color instead of white. It is also worth noting that it has greater strength and durability. But such disadvantages as flammability and poor vapor permeability have not gone away. Such insulation of the wall will not allow it to breathe and will require a device additional ventilation.

Penoplex is stronger than polystyrene foam and lasts longer

Is it possible to carry out internal insulation using polystyrene foam? Yes, you can. But you need to prepare for negative consequences and eliminate them in time. This option is more suitable for brick or lightweight concrete. Wood for walls is usually chosen precisely for its ability to breathe. Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam will easily block air flow and negate all the benefits of wood.

Mineral wool

This type of insulation has become widespread. It costs a little more, but has high vapor permeability. It is recommended to choose basalt mineral wool, which is produced in rigid slabs. It is easy to install, does not burn, and has fairly high strength.

But you should be careful when placing the insulating layer inside the room. This material has low moisture resistance. Vata absorbs water perfectly, after which it practically ceases to perform its direct functions. For reliable protection from moisture, a vapor barrier should be provided on the warm air side and waterproofing on the cold air side.


The walls of the house can be insulated with inside. The option does not guarantee that the difficulties listed earlier will not appear in the future, but it has the following advantages:

  • good thermal insulation and noise absorption;
  • unattractive to insects and rodents;
  • good resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • ease of processing, you can use any tools;
  • easy installation;
  • Convenient for wiring.

Fibreboard is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity

Material selection criteria

Insulation of the walls of a house from the inside must meet the following criteria:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • fire resistance (for materials not resistant to high temperatures, select the appropriate finish);
  • durability;
  • efficiency, low thermal conductivity;
  • good resistance to moisture (or the presence of additional protection against it).

Material for internal thermal insulation must have good vapor permeability

It is also worth checking the vapor permeability. How to insulate a house for many years? Good ventilation needs to be considered. Without this, the building will suffer from high humidity and microclimate disturbances. The problem can be solved, but you need to think about it at the initial stage.


For a private home, two methods of securing the material are used. Both of them are relevant:

  • on glue;
  • according to the frame.

The second option allows you not to carefully level the insulated surface. In addition, it allows you to attach finishing materials without any problems. For example, for plasterboard cladding, you will in any case need to build a frame. You can insulate the wall under plywood or under plaster. Then there is no need to use a frame. The choice of installation method for insulation largely depends on the method of further finishing. It is definitely worth considering what kind of foundation is required.

Glue mount

The surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease and dust, otherwise this can significantly reduce the quality of adhesion of the heat-insulating material to the base. Further work is performed in the following order:

  • level the surface, knock down protrusions, cover up cracks and depressions;
  • treat the surface with an antiseptic composition;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • glue the sheet, adhesive composition applied with a roller to the wall and material;
  • allow the glue to dry;
  • fix the material to the wall with dowels.

Expanded polystyrene sheets and mineral wool slabs are fixed in a checkerboard pattern. After fixing the insulation, you can begin finishing.

Frame mounting

This option can be called more labor-intensive, but also more reliable. It allows you to protect the insulation from mechanical influences. This is especially true when using fragile foam.

Before starting work, the wall is cleaned of dirt and treated with an antiseptic. After this, you need to build a good frame from wooden blocks or metal aluminum profile. The racks are fastened to the wall using self-tapping screws. The pitch of the elements is selected depending on the width of the insulation. For mineral wool, you will need such a step that there is 58 cm in the light. For foam plastic and penoplex, the distance in the light should be exactly 60 cm.

After installing the frame, the insulation is laid between the racks. The joints between polystyrene foam and the frame are filled with polyurethane foam. After this, you can begin finishing.

When performing work using any of these technologies using mineral wool, it is important not to forget about insulation from moisture. The waterproofing is attached directly to the wall before installing the wool, and the vapor barrier covers the material and protects it from internal steam. Fastening the layers is usually done with a construction stapler. The length of the material overlap must be at least 10 cm.

Pay increases every year utilities, especially for heating and electricity, and the rooms are still cold, even when the radiators are hot. The best and effective solution The problem of heat preservation is the insulation of the walls of apartments from the outside or from the inside of the room.

Insulation from the outside can be difficult to implement in practice if:

Helpful information:

  • the façade of the building has expensive finishing;
  • the apartment is adjacent to unheated technical rooms;
  • the building you live in is an architectural monument and it is not possible to obtain a work permit;
  • the house is multi-storey, insulation of the wall of one apartment spoils the design of the facade of the entire building;
  • insulation must be carried out on the entire riser, but this is not always realistic due to financial opportunities individual residents;
  • attraction construction organizations requires significant cash injections.

To preserve heat, it is necessary to take care of the tightness of the doorway and. A simple way to create a comfortable microclimate in an apartment: the desired coolness in the summer heat, and warmth in the cold winter - is to insulate the walls of the apartment rooms from the inside. Let's find out how to choose the right insulation from the wide range of products offered.

Choosing insulation for an apartment

The work of thermal insulation of apartments from the inside is complex and time-consuming. Experts do not have a common opinion and recommendations on wall insulation, although there are many developments and proposals, but they are united in one thing - for good result must be purchased quality material and properly prepare the wall surface.

  • Preparing the wall surface. The walls need to be leveled. If the building is new and the wall is brick, it is necessary; if it is concrete, it is enough to level it with putty. If we decide to insulate the walls of the apartment in which we live, we need to clean them of wallpaper, paint, remove nails and dowels from the surface, and cover chips and recesses with alabaster, if there are protruding irregularities, remove them. If there is fungus or mold, we clean it with emery cloth, wash and dry the walls, putty the surface, and if there are significant unevennesses, plaster it.
  • Preparing the work site. When preparing the wall, we remove the plinth and floor covering, baguette, so that nothing interferes with the installation foam boards. We prime the dry wall with a brush or spray; you can use an antifungal primer. Experts recommend laying a waterproofing material between the PPS slabs and the wall, then moisture will not get on the insulation.
  • Laying foam. After completely leveling and drying the wall surface, we begin to lay the foam, starting from the corner, from the floor. We press the insulation tightly to the surface and drill a hole exactly in the center with a 5 cm recess into the wall, drive in fasteners - an umbrella, and then a dowel so that the cap does not protrude on the surface of the sheet. Carefully secure the foam board in 5-6 places. And so we carefully press each sheet against the wall and against each other, ensuring a tight and monolithic fastening. If gaps have formed, they can be removed with polyurethane foam.
    Nowadays, glue is increasingly used to attach foam plastic, which is applied to the wall with a comb.
  • We seal the seams between the foam sheets tightly. We apply glue to all seams, and put it on top reinforced tape, so that it becomes one with the surface of the foam and does not protrude in the form of irregularities and folds. For getting desired effect we stretch it and press it against the foam with a spatula and press it into the adhesive mixture. We also coat the caps of the fastening elements with glue. Gaps cannot be left; they become “cold bridges” and negate all the work.
  • We lay vapor barrier material. After the surface at the seams becomes dry, it is necessary to cover the insulation with a special material. To do this, we apply a mesh (film) over the foam, which protects it from moisture coming from inside the room. Top along the seams covered reinforced mesh, apply glue along its width and apply a vapor barrier material, use a spatula to embed it in the glue and so on, each row with a slight overlap. After the wall is covered with a mesh, we smooth out the unevenness using sandpaper or a special grinding tool.
  • Bottom line. Before us is a flat wall that can be decorated at your discretion.

Insulation of apartment walls with heated floor mats

This method of insulation is used extremely rarely and can easily be called experimental. If the walls freeze very much, this is an excellent option to preserve and increase the heat in the room, although the energy consumption increases.
The work is carried out in several stages:

  • We attach a ready-to-use mat to the wall and turn it on in extreme cold;
  • we warm up the wall until the condensation formed due to the temperature difference disappears;
  • insulate thermal insulation material to the required thickness.
  • The wall is dry, you can start finishing.

Application of warm plaster

Modern construction is developing at lightning speed. It is difficult to follow new creative innovations in the technology of insulating rooms from the inside. What was progressive yesterday seems labor-intensive, complex and of lower quality today. This applies to insulating apartments using the method warm plaster, relatively recently this method was very popular. It is worth mentioning this option, maybe someone, due to certain circumstances, will be interested in it. The whole point is to apply a 100 mm layer so that it sticks, we do the work in three stages:

  1. Liquid plaster is “sprayed” onto the wall in a layer 10 mm thick, filling all the cracks, recesses, and surface cracks.
  2. After the first layer has dried, apply the main 60 mm and also dry thoroughly.
  3. The finishing layer is a 5 mm thick grout.

The process is labor-intensive; it takes a lot of effort and time to dry each layer; professional skills are required to complete the job.

We provide effective ventilation of the room insulated from the inside

Proper ventilation is essential for the health of both the home and its occupants. Insulating an apartment often leads to a violation of certain ventilation conditions in the apartment. That is, it is important to ensure temperature, humidity, and air flow speed. If the balance is disturbed, then on the walls, and due to lack of oxygen, residents will suffer from headaches and weakness.

Natural ventilation has a number of disadvantages: heat loss in winter time, in summer it is impossible to carry out normal air conditioning, noise, dust. To create an optimal microclimate, forced ventilation using duct fans. Their launch can be blocked when the lights are turned on. Everything needs to be opened ventilation grates for better air exchange.

Ventilating the rooms daily won't hurt either.

Insulation of apartments is carried out in combination with insulation of the floor (especially the first floor), ceiling or roof (important if the room is located on top floor), doors, windows.



